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2005-04-07 06:36:16 UTC

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DEMONbushdid911withAHMAD-­killthe twistedevil nazi fuk!
2005-09-28 09:55:17 UTC
Guilty of Innocence (the antichrist song)




The Final Straw


/ / Someone was asking me, why is that the godly people
of Creation, take such enjoyment out of killing the bushite
enemies? And, I'll tell you what it is... \ \

/ / They have no concern for the neighbor's children,
who have sacrificed their lives in a needless war.,
that only serves the interests of the neocon God haters. \ \

/ / Look at that. You can't even get a single American man,
out of the entire country, to phone Art Bell and have Art
Bell hang up on them. \ \

/ / See? \ \


/ / The legal case for military resistance needs to be understood.
In essence, the military is violating the law. It's the war
resisters who are upholding it. \ \

/ / "We are short of everything," she says, raising her voice to be
heard over the constant crying of children. "We've had nothing
from the new Iraqi Government, except some simple antibiotics; and
nothing from the occupying countries." \ \

/ / It revealed that the Prime Minister persistently lied to
Parliament and the public about the legal basis for the war.

The revelation came minutes after Mr Blair declared on TV: "I
have never told a lie." \ \


/ / `The worst thing is to shoot one of them, then go help him,' as
regulations require. `Shit, I didn't help any of them. I wouldn't
help the fuckers. There were some you let die. And there were
some you double-tapped. Once you'd reached the objective, and once
you'd shot them and you're moving through, anything there, you
shoot again. You didn't want any prisoners of war.' \ \


The True Fight for Freedom

(Quotes from http://radio.indymedia.org/uploads/true_fight.mp3)

/ / Sattler, as a result of ignoring reason and understanding,
went out and sacrificed all these marines that are now dead. \ \

/ / I see really great things in store, if we can find it within
ourselves to defend the innocent, despite the lies of the bush
cabal. Killing innocent people is wrong. There is no
justification for bombing Iraq, there just isn't. \ \

/ / Demon bush says he's against torture, and the Oregon Military
soldiers tell us, hey, they're torturing children, the bushite
forces in Iraq are. \ \

/ / If you knew your neighbor did that crime, and the police said
that they couldn't arrest him because he was a disciple of the
antichrist, so therefor, WE can't hold him to account as WE do to
the regular civilians... what would you think? \ \


It's the simplest idea. All you gotta do, is get a couple large
buoys, that let's say take maybe a twenty foot square space, maybe
a foot or two thick, and they contain air, made of some strong
plastics. You just take that, anchor it stationary to the ocean
floor, and have it situated on a gear system where, even though the
buoy moves up and down slightly, there is such a tremendous amount
of force on it, through the rising of the tides, that through gear
ratios, you could easily get some turbines going for a thousand
bucks or something. Not a big investment to give you free energy

/ / Do not put any effort into thinking out your own opinions.
Create doubt on anything any true liberator, would try to convey to
you as important for your life. Never mind. Watch your son or
daughter be sacrificed, and just lie to yourself, and tell us all
how your so proud of your dead son or daughter, "because they were
fighting for liberty." And we just got to just keep bullshiting you
because you're an enemy to God. An enemy to true freedom, when you
demand truth not be spoken for the innocent being persecuted, as
Christ was. Where is Christianity in America? Call your Church
now! \ \

Canadian radio broadcast interview with the Wizard



commentary from Johnny




/ / For Americans to remain silent as Bush hands down death
sentences for their children and their unborn grandchildren is a
war crime in itself. \ \


/ / The biggest story of the Iraq war is about the torture of Iraqi
children. \ \


/ / The UN's top human rights investigator in Afghanistan has been
forced out under American pressure just days after he presented a
report criticizing the US military for detaining suspects without
trial and holding them in secret prisons. \ \


/ / As George H. W. Bush mentioned in his famous unpublished
quote to Sarah McLendon more than a decade ago: "[I]f the American
people ever knew the whole story about Iran Contra, we Bushes would
be chased down in the streets and lynched." \ \


/ / The British government formally protested to Israel after the
army officer who opened fire when the film-maker James Miller was
shot dead in Gaza two years ago was acquitted of disciplinary
charges. \ \


/ / CityBeat and Pointblank in the light of the latter's searing
expose of the Gosch-as-Gannon situation printed on the same day as
Gannett's Des Moines Register whitewash of the story. \ \


/ / Many Americans already suspect that those sworn to their
defense actually conspired in the murder of their wives, husbands,
children, parents, friends and fellow citizens on 9/11. And - so
what? The bitter knowledge has simply become part of the great
tapestry of American dissonance. It's joined the cottage industry
of conspiracy infotainment, because High Crimes in the United
States are simply fodder for dark amusement, not for solving. And
certainly not for justice. \ \

Guilty of Innocence (the antichrist song)


/ / Similarly, with bush and rumsfeld. Their kind of treason is so
blasphemous, people can't recognize that any real human being would
willingly try to actually do such a thing for the windfalls of big
corporate profit, and as such, a many god person, (as often the
good natured and kind hearted), desperately look for any doubt,
than to face such a human fear of real demon behavior in our World
of worlds of every character. \ \


/ / "When I told the translator with the soldier that I was a
member of the National Assembly, he answered: To hell with you and
the National Assembly," al-Shaikh told his colleagues. Al-Shaikh
said the US soldier continued to beat him even after he told them
that he was an elected MP. \ \


/ / The reality that the President of the United States spent more
than 18 months resisting an official investigation into the most
devastating tragedy in our history is in itself an outrage. But
the reality that there is no official body still seeking answers to
vital questions is an even greater outrage. \ \


/ / "A list of names on a piece of paper is not evidence, but an
autopsy by a pathologist, is. I undertook by FOIA request, to
obtain that autopsy list and you are invited to view it below
(here). Guess what? Still no Arabs on the list," said Navy
veteran, Thomas Olmstead. "Now, being the trusting sort, I figured
that the government would want to quickly dispel any rumors...It
seemed simple to me. . produce the names of all the bodies
identified by the AFIP and compare it with the publicized list of
passengers. So, I sent a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request
to the AFIP and asked for an expedited response...Fourteen months
later...and I finally get the list. No Arabs wound up on the
morgue slab; however, three ADDITIONAL people not listed by
American Airline sneaked in. I have seen no explanation for these
extras." \ \


/ / But I don't hear a whisper of that opinion on television, in
major newspapers, or from the lips of most Americans, no matter how
they classify themselves politically. It's all still mysterious
Arabs to a majority, who have not bothered to notice there was no
evidence presented, that the investigation into that tragic day was
never conducted, and that the people who profited from this demonic
charade are exactly the ones who claim to be its principal victims. \


/ / The decision by the head of Israel's Southern Command to clear
the officer overturned a recommendation by the military advocate
general that he should be severely disciplined. Mr Miller was
killed in Rafah in 2003 while walking back to his lodgings
displaying a white flag and clearly identifying himself to troops
as a journalist. \ \


The Son of Man rocks!


Guilty of Innocence (the antichrist song)


lyrics to,

Guilty of Innocence

you don't need to know your rights, with
bush not going [yet] left denied

he'll state no evidence is required, against
the guilty of, innocence in dire

no need to voice your cries,
bushite would rather market war crimes
with your time

your needs need no loving for, you'll
play a mute dumb bushite slave dying
to score,

The antichrist our enemy, depriving us all of liberty

Forsaken you, forsaken me. Can't you see?








Johnny Wizard's "Time.mp3"


/ / Like Americans do. They don't care about their brothers, as
long as they can make it through themselves. Right?? Bush has got
them turned against the interests in protecting the rights of their
neighbor, and their neighbor thinks the same of themselves. And
this is where bush comes in and kills them both. Kills them all.
Let's God sort them out. Well, I've sorted them out now. We need
a rule of law. Look at the effects of these soldiers. Who would
think you could get a military force to commit heinous crimes
against our beings? How do they live with themselves and their
wicked evil lies? Who are they lying to I ask? Are they lying to
you, the listener? CBC sells their lies, but who's buying? Peace
comes through Justice, and that's what freedom's all about. The
bushites go "We can torture innocent people to death maybe, and
we'll be freedom fighters" because the bushite has no commitment to
true freedom, because it take a brave courageous man, a True
Patriot, to hold those virtues as his own. So, you get a warring
faction of cowards, betrayers to the AMERICAN FLAG, that is what
TRULY, a bushite is, and we all know it to be the case. Who is the
bushite I ask? These are not men. They take command from Saudi
wahhabists. This is who's commanding the third infantry, buford
blount, a Saudi wahhabist.


And that of course gives the bushites and CBC and CNN their
implausible deniability, where they can say their remaining
neutral, by not providing us the facts to allow us to decide for
ourselves. Because otherwise, we wouldn't kill ourselves to profit
the bushmob cabal of God haters. Who victimize innocent Christians
for no other reason but for to profit off our suffering.


Think of all those people in that situation as God. And these, the
bushite nazi grunts, have positions that are completely irrational,
they're making no sense, your fuking up. It's like a cancer that
God of that whole situation, is inflicted with. They're lying to
themselves. If your there to fight on behalf of Iraqis, you take a
position to demand all the money that has been taken through this
Iraq Development Fund, be returned. \ \



/ / Worse yet, the commission concluded in a 600-page report that
intelligence wasn't politicized. Uh-huh. Frankly, only a
politicized commission could possibly have concluded that "no one
from the White House or Pentagon contributed to the mistaken
intelligence." \ \

Hmmm. Is it that they would have us believe, that the neo-con
faith initiatives are solely based on lies?, for none of the facts
trumpeted by the bushites, were established in their own minds by
critical thinking?


/ / "The analysts who worked Iraqi weapons issues universally
agreed that in no instance did political pressure cause them to
skew or alter any of their analytical judgments. \ \

Yeah but, the American analysts concurred that bush was
misrepresenting their facts.

/ / 26. "I'm also not very analytical. You know I don't spend a
lot of time thinking about myself, about why I do things." --aboard
Air Force One, June 4, 2003 \ \



/ / The U.N. scandal did not cost the taxpayers any money, but
this one is coming right out of our pockets. And, if we can't even
sue the bastards to get it back, we are in big trouble. \ \

The crime is now funneled through the made victim American tax
payers pocket as left unaccounted to through frauds blatant, and
still no cries for Justice, Freedom, REPRESENTATION?


/ / Citizens may be held indefinitely, with or without charges
being made, upon the direction of government officials. \ \

SATIRE? Hardly..

Infinite Injustice In The Global Gulag


/ / There he languished for more than two years until he was hauled
before one of Bush's "military tribunals" last fall. The khaki
kangaroo court duly ruled that Kurnaz was a heinous terrorist who
should be locked up forever -- despite the fact that both U.S.
military intelligence and German police had cleared him of any
connection whatsoever to terrorist activity anywhere in the world.
Completely ignoring almost 100 pages of exculpatory evidence
offered by these experts, the kangaroos relied instead on a brief,
uncorroborated memo submitted by an unidentified Bush official just
before the proceedings began.


The judge ruled that Kurnaz's imprisonment, indeed, Bush's whole
kangaroo pen, was illegal and unconstitutional. To which Bush -- a
staunch defender of law, liberty and civilization -- answered: Who
cares? So Kurnaz, 23, remains in captivity: year after year of
hellish limbo, his youth sacrificed to the caprice of the prissy
autocrat in the White House.


But last week, the Pentagon declined to prosecute 17 soldiers for
brutal murders of prisoners in Afghanistan and Iraq, despite the
recommendation of Army prosecutors. Army investigators also
released 1,200 pages of new evidence last week detailing widespread
"systematic and intentional" abuse of prisoners throughout Iraq,
especially in Mosul; again, the Pentagon declined to prosecute. \ \


The Scandal Behind the Scandal


/ / ``In the EO, Bush is handing U.S. firms `a blank check for
corporate anarchy' in an `outlandish cancellation of the rule of
law,' said legal director Tom Devine with the Government
Accountability Project. \ \

The antiChrist in action, while quasi-Christians go, "Oh, I don't



/ / US aircraft dropped leaflets on Iraqi Resistance forces
fortified behind high hills warning them of the consequences if
they did not withdraw. The punishment, it said, would be painful
for them. The Americans carried out their threat when they bombed
11 civilian houses. The American air raids killed and wounded
dozens of women, children, and elderly persons Mafkarat al-Islam
reported. For their part the puppet governor and mayor of the city
of Tall `Afar both tendered their resignations in protest against
the American bombing of civilian houses in the city. \ \


/ / However, Shyam Sunder, who led NIST's fire and safety
investigation, said there are now better ways to ensure
fireproofing adheres to steel.\ \

Yeah, we sure don't want steel becoming any more of a fire hazzard
than it already is.
Look you might not care for me personally, okay, but this George W.
Bush's treason of nine-eleven is an evil we together, will never,
be too weak to stand against as. As indecisive humans without a
leader, we will never be too few from demanding Justice be served
in respect of Humanity's interest.


Seriously Folks

Napoleon Bonaparte wrote forming governments are forged
only through the public witness of shared mutual
experiences, simple, yet, the bushite strategy
implemented continually on behalf of the enemy forces in
Iraq have been to divide the nation's people with
different "legal" definitions, while speaking for
typical bushite bigotry, by then offering distinctions
of human value between US some from "others". Not
freedom, nor democracy. [Remember: Evil is dumb]

Example: Allawi forbade surviving Iraqi doctors and
nurses from medically treating any of the estimated
200,000+ innocent victims from Falluja [IRAQI vicinity].

Example 2: DYING two-bit bushite war with "foreign"
soldiers paid especially more than a thousand dollars a
day as self confessed RACISTS, and THEREFOR, left
"officially" too weak as, "pissing post illiterates" to
go after real terrorists who torture the innocent, or
real thieves, that have stolen BILLIONS from the Iraqi
Development Fund. Done all to sacrifice life's purpose
for no better good to the ANTI-CHRIST EVIL bush "cabal"
of lying neo-con Christ haters. Allthewhile stating the
objective worth dying young America as bushite for is
"Democracy" in Iraq. But, isn't a founding principle of
any democracy to outlaw thefts, sexual assault, murder?
Again, bushite kills bushite for a stolen nickel that
they just as soon, stole from anybody. If you can
believe it. We need YOU to make some effort to engage
American talk mediae. Perhaps it's only YOU, who hasn't
yet heard a responsibility to this once greatly revered
world of wisdom, of the enchanted, and mystical, or of
the tyrannical as hell bound for suffering and sorrow.
,in which you share allegiance too my friend.

Being caring and compassionate for the victimized
innocent not only feels good, but it is a choice we
would make at being alive to help US survive. To not
speak against the bushite war crimes against YOUR
Humanity, is to not speak in defense of our ancient
dying God no longer found worthy of you Peoples humble
respect. Currently corrupted bushite want my voice of
truth silenced by censorship with false imprisonment,
and those who advocate such hatred for myself and our
humanity, speak no public word or disagreement on my
allegations of high treason by Our Mr. bush Jr.. While
I want to openly debate the, "censorship for tyranny",
corporate talk radio bushite bitches on their furthering
commitment to not allow objections regarding their
contempt for true justice and freedom in America. But
if you singly decide not to support my cause, like
corporate news control encourages, We will be left
forsaken, again. God is Just to the core, like Johnny
Wizard tries to be, while bushite liars lie, cheat, and
steal from America as ourselves measured unworthy for
deliberation to gain true understanding. The Coast to
Coast radio network in America disallows America learn
for why American soldiers are currently sacrificing
their LIVES irrationally. Why? Because there is no
legitimate reason, while bushite pretend in YOUR name,
that there must be another reason but for to rob our
humanity in George Bush Jr.'s name. For if there truly
wasn't another reason, not so then blind, stupid, and
cowardly American soldiers wouldn't be too happy about
the wealthy corporatist bushite commentators silencing
America's dying cries by bushite enemy command. Now
would they? Remember: wealthy blind and stupid bushite
kills/gets killed, poor blind and stupid bushite for a
stolen nickel - a nickel in all likelihood, they rifled
as thieves from some pensioner, that just as soon, would
be their own "grand" parents. Or Yours as someone elses
beside. \ \


"Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave." -- Frederick Douglass



/ / You have no rights. He'll tell you who is guilty without
any evidence to form your own conclusions, and if you disagree
with him, he'll call you the enemy, the terrorists who aren't
with him on his blanket assertions against God as the innocent.
he blames for crimes while shutting down criminal investigations.
that would normally peruse the actual evil doers. \ \



The Benderman Cause

I felt compelled to support the Benderman's cause in
any way I could, so I am providing America some
arguments that I would use in a court of law to
defend your freedoms. If America would so desire,
I would also be prepared to make a recorded
statement from here in Canada. (I have been
denied access into the U.S..) My positions of
rational argument are naturally based upon our
established facts, and as such, are something few
Americans are afforded the luxury of through
corporate channels. I hope my forcefulness on these
issues does not fear you to doubt I have the best of
intentions when it comes to serving the interests
indivisibly inherent within the American
Constitution. God, I believe is just, and as such, the
ungodly war actions of George W. Bush dictate are
criminal in the worst degree, being a harbinger of
suffering and misery against all of Humanity as
US being the innocent. The innocent in our entirety,
is my "God" that I love with all I can will. I am
compelled as a living human being to defend America
to the last bush supporter praised if need be. I fight
the enemy of God and Humanity with reason,
understanding, Akeido, and a conviction that our
justice system must prevail for me to be truly myself

"He explained to "60 Minutes," "I was told in basic
training that, if I'm given an illegal or immoral order,
it is my duty to disobey it. And I feel that invading
and occupying Iraq is an illegal and immoral thing to

The war was declared "illegal" by the U.N..
Why? Because Saddam wasn't found in breach
of the internationally agreed upon resolution 1441,
(Saddam did EVERYTHING POSSIBLE that was
asked of Iraq by the bush administration, and then
some Mr. Bush refused to even take him up on.
Like national Iraqi television broadcasts.) despite
the lies quoted by corporate news America. There
was no need for the conflict to begin with as was
so reported internationally on march 7th, 2003. U.N.
inspectors had complete unrestricted access to go
anywhere without delay, and known stock piles of WMD
were burned, so could not possibly be
completely accounted for by evidential findings
due to the fact that they were destroyed beyond
recognition. American soldiers were put in harms
way to be sacrificed for no better good, but for to
allow as has happened, the misappropriation, or as
some have alleged, the criminal theft of Iraqi
resources, including monies of the Iraqi Development
Funds through Presidential decree 13303. Which
include the unappropriated, desperately needed,
humanitarian aid provisions still denied innocent
Iraqis, such as potable drinking water and food
stuffs. Democratic principles are DENIED the
Iraqis by the neo-con military forces, such as holding
all individuals equally accountable to a rule of law.
The outlawing of torture, or the outlawing of false
imprisonment has not been professed as the action of
the neo-con "liberating" force. Mercenaries are not
obliged to obey any laws for example. And, "Dr.
Germ", and "Dr. Anthrax" are held solely for the
fact that they know of the scientific hazards of
depleted uranium, and may have warned the
uninformed sacrificing American GI, if not held
illegally against their wills by the enemy.
Commanders such as irrational war criminal
Sattler, forbade all men and boys between 15 to 50
from leaving the city of Fallujah, while refusing to
negotiate with anyone, (because as so was openly
confessed, Sattler had no evidence that Zaqari was
in Fallujah) then leveled the city to kill all it's
inhabitants, estimated at that time near 300,000
people. Using a napalm type WMD, cluster dud
land mine munitions, and as reported, nine two
thousand pound bombs in a city 3 1/2 km by 4 km.
Serving for a military not strong enough collectively
to prosecute such lawless criminal barbarity, is
serving for a military not principled in the American
virtues of freedom and democracy. In truth,
serving for such ungodly criminal command is a
cowardly act of treason. George W. Bush is an
enemy of our Humanity.


From the "anti-government" Johnny essay, "Stand Together or Don't"

/ / How does anyone buy this? On credit? Things are changing
from bad to worse, and everybody appears, from one or two
media accounts, to think, so what or, whatever. Don't drink the
water! A part of the problem is the journalists who are in fact
just trained reporters, who take all the perks and none of the
responsibilities. Selling off themselves to something they have
written, for them to read. Told what is cover, where is
resources, drawing our pictures with their color crayolas.
Telling themselves there must be a good reason why no one is
doing the story! Or they'll take any of a 1000, why think if you
don't have work to? They know the scores, much more money
in advertising. The odds would also dictate a small tiny
informed few who have their minds made closed, polluted by
greed, and lack of power, looking at another side, pleading
ignorance, they didn't see anything at all, and say you won't
either. Exercising power the only way they can, draining from
all, including themselves. Can you believe it? \ \


Protestor's sign: "killing innocent people is the problem
not the solution."





/ / "why should we afford the same liberties and privileges of
justice to the Taliban. Like why should we give them the same
rights we afford ourselves. They're the bad guys. Why do we want
to do any favors for the bad guys." And really that's an
irrationalism. And yet, it was there. You know, people go "you
don't need any evidence, what do you need evidence for, they're
guilty." And the rational, TRUE AMERICAN PATIOTS, would go, "no,
no, no, that's wrong. We want to actually follow the crimes scene
leads at the real murder scene to arrest the true evil doers." \ \


Synopsis: I had been writing critically of the Bush
Administration, when the Secret Service top secretly requested I be
arrested for threatening the life of George W. Bush. They
tentatively planned to have me arrested under the Mental Health Act
to avoid a public criminal proceeding, but however during the
process, I managed to publicly speak on local Manitoba radio for no
less than forty hours regarding Bush in total, and was also well
known throughout my community involvement in live theatrical
productions I've been a part of for more than a decade.


In nabbing those who committed treason against our America's
America on 9/11, needs to be completed by firstly, following the
crime scene leads at the beginning with Bush's prior 9/11 plans
worked with the ring leader's financier, General Ahmad, and how
Condi, rumsfeld, and Cheney with Myers, fits in the picture
together as likewise traitors. The Iraq war is also a crime
against humanity. All stolen monies and property must be sought,
then returned to a legitimized democratic government. Torture is
outlawed, and finally, all innocent people held in prisons by
bushite forces, held without out charge for trial, need to be
released immediately as ourselves being denied liberation truly.
Let common sense prevail.



Forever Hold Your Peace

"I feel depressed," she said after leaving the theatre.
"He (Gibson) went overboard with the cruelty and
violence, and I think Mel Gibson is a bit of a sadist."

It's not the great artist Gibson, but corporate american
cult news who sit back bushiting "It's harmless, now
shut up dummy", knowing sadistic "sexy" rummy dumped
thousands of tons of radio-active toxic waste, along
with land mines to commit senseless, gratuitous mass
murder in residential communities housing the God of

It is bushite america who call themselves Christian, who
fund the Likud with American sweat and labor, to
criminally assault innocent Christians as accused of
nothing but being Christian. They do this as enemies of
Justice and God, to tell US as unbelievers, to
quickening the coming of the Lord, who will in turn,
condemn the individuals responsible, straight to hell
where they rightly belong. (Or prison whichever comes

It is America who sit bushiting "Freedom", while wording
nothing to blindly enslaving whomever, to torture or
murder for whatever by bombing Nations of People
irrationally. No reason., For law. (But to maybe
secretly sell drugs, or steal assets to victimize
Humanity. a.k.a. Jesus forsaken, or WMD bemer's Iraq)

And it is toxic cult corporate america, who let
traitors, bush and rummy murder thousands in New York
City, ("The People") and then escape forever, operation
infinite justice. I don't think so. I as John would
destroy every nazi american bushite happily, to save the
life of one child in any third world country.


Killing people
for no good reasons really sucks. I hate bushites.

Let's get the Patriots together and bag US some Rumsfeld

I just so much hate that demon antiChrist bush, and his
cabal of war mongers, it hurts. Let's just kill George
W. Bush for being qualified to lead but only himself
and Rumsfeld directly up to our NRA's firing squad, for
almost foolishly thinking they would actually escape the
planned murder of US thousands in New York City on 9/11,
then continuing by sacrificing dumdum nazi soldiers on a
cross in a completely unnecessary war against
civilization. What is it that the evil bushites can do
now in Iraq, before murdering untold thousands and
thousands, but for stealing even more of God's good will
towards all Mankind as loved?

[ S I L E N C E ]

No words from the bushites who rule our communications
through corporate news censorship, while Christian
parents call out unheard: why has corporate america
allowed forsaken soldiers to eat plutonium to murder God
for a measly few dollars the bushmob will pocket for the
up coming "unbiased" re-election news campaign? As I
suggested before, (If there are no real men in the
marines) why not just give the unarrested bushmob all
the money they want, so we can forgo all the needless
death and suffering against our friends and family?

[Look, usenet's us.military.army can be the place anyone
in the world can offer any irrational thought on why
bush shouldn't be immediately arrested or executed as
traitor, but guess what? bushite nazi brethren, either
mostly don't exist in our real world, or can't think to
save themselves as bushwhore nazi dumdums. Dumdums who
advocate the senseless murder of innocent People, and
the continuing destruction of America's America.]


W's Reality Gap

” Whenever President Bush is now confronted with an
unacceptable reality, he either changes the subject -
is steroid use really more important than the environment?
- or expresses confidence in his certainty. "I'm absolutely
confident that..." he'll say, as if the issue is his
determination rather than his conclusion. “

It's his faith infinitive as the antiChrist, where he
has hypnotized the dopey with merely the power of
suggestion, that has brought him to US as foolishly not
conceiving, or most importantly, truly understanding.
So, do we feel sorry for his ignorance as fallibility we
are all prone to own as the human rendition? No. But
for stupidity thinking he could murder US as the
innocent to steal our free values, and just get away
with it by lying to no one continually, is where the
Lord makes our stand for God unseen as miraculous.

The demon bush dictate is not exceptable for my just
little man universe. I knows too much about freedom to
go on dying in bush's forsaken place as innocent
sacrifice. With corporate america's unarrested demon
bush forcing my hand, I would decide to defend by
concluding, he is truly, the enemy of all America.
America: weak without leadership, yes, but not as dumb
as some would have us believe. When is it that we feel
sorry for the thousands of lives bush's deliberate
actions of mass murder have taken for no good reasons?
Their ain't nobody to defend america's overlord, but
through corporate censorship of the reality of who's
really dying for the demon bush liar. I'm the one
anyone would ever have a legitimate fear of getting on
the wrong side of, and if your not in the process of
attempting to get away with murdering some defenseless
family for nothing but to rob from, to each, his or her
own, mostly, right?


U.S. pays millions to discredited Iraqis

” The letter appeared to contradict denials made last year
by top Pentagon officials that they were receiving
intelligence on Iraq that bypassed established channels
and vetting procedures. “

Bypassing America as undefended freedom,, sacrificed to
die for slavery under the unconstitutional as blatant
evil, bushite decrees. Demon bush tells America, and
indeed the World, since 9/11, evidence will no longer be
a requirement to convince US who is a mass murderer, and
corporate news america sells on without the human
opinion present evaluating his true asking price. Man,
that demon bush is sure one true evil bastard when you
think of what he, rummy, and Ashcroft is stealing in our
names censored through nazi fascism. [Granted, I am

God or no God, I don't like that demon antiChrist, Our
Mr. bush Jr. very much.


New Moon

To steal public utility services paid already as owned
completely by IRAQI, (America dying for the bushite
American pension thieves at WorldCom or Britain's
"Dutch"-Shell,) ain't gonna change the business
locations. The evil unAmerican cop killing bushites
think they're gonna party in Manhattan on our dime in
apartments for around $15,000 a month, while sneering at
a homeless beggar on the streets, who thought he was
still in Vietnam.

An oil-for-Iraq program needs to be reestablished, but
transparent to all as addressing the immediate emergency
needs of Iraqis. Private, in the secret back room with
the bushmob nazi bankers, and their private inept
collaborators flustering as international fraudulent
behaviors, just wont do., try as bush might to murder
perhaps millions of Americans uncovered by his
criminally enforced, reduction in health care coverage


The evil bushites think they're gonna party
in Manhattan on our dime in apartments for around
$15,000 a month, while sneering at a homeless beggar on
the streets, who thought he was still in Vietnam.

Perhaps, he is.

Another American soldier owes me a beer, or will be
dying to steal life from themselves as sacrificed for
the evil criminal dictate of Their Mr. bush Jr.. Don't
go silent as the unknown dying enemy to God and
humanity, stand with Justice and freedom in America for
Americans, and I swear, we won't kill ya as the good
guys in the epilogue.

By the bushmob attempting to create unrest, so
Halliburton at al, can continue in the tommy franks
chaos to rob America blind with false billing, instead
of cash paying, is costing the lives of American teen
soldiers. Who god love'em or hate'em, don't have the
intellect to strategize their way out of an open paper
bag, never mind evil bush's false creeds without real
leadership present as living for. Instead of bruising
our egos, the bushites are dropping bombs illegally on
the family.


Ask a dying soldier how it sits to know commi
Halliburton pocketed Humanitarian Aid? Go ahead,
ask'em?! Then ask'em why they die as cowards by rummy
cluster dud for the bushmob to rob their own direct
families left unprotected? Ask'em! You know what
they'll tell you? They're not happy about these bushmob
war crimes truly destroying America in America,
"freedom", "democracy", Johnny Wizard or otherwise., Or
instead they'll mumble something incoherently while
jaunting away to murder some one found defenseless, or
innocent to pay further while dying to slave under the
criminal dictate of the really evil demon bush Jr..

A proud bushite is a toxic bushite halting from warring
the innocent by stealing your human values truly.

We need to see an apology to come from America, an
apology to Humanity for this carnage waged unnecessary,
but for these contemptible war profiteering practices as
direct assaults to all as God is. Assaults that we have
been unable to remedy by openly communicating to bush's
secret White House, rumsfeld's secret Pentagon, or
Ashcroft's secret Justice Department.

Just who's running this show anyway, I wanna know.

A - g - a - i - n

Will Americans save themselves with help from the rest
of US, by arresting bush and rumsfeld immediately for
high treason?, or will they cower and DIE as the
innocent, in false gratitude to the lying traitors
bushmob? To with their dying breath proclaim
unattested, to be ridding the Universe of their
continuing criminal behavior.. a.k.a. evil?

Evidence is a must to establish a crime scene
provocateur, to deny such privilege is to deny freedom
be served as consented through any government.

Hint: Demon bush, rumsfeld and Ashcroft, they ain't no
struggling democracy entirely.

Look, the thing about God coming down, and having it out
with humanity on some various critical issues, isn't
like going to happen, it is doing.

We had complete unrestricted access throughout Iraq
prior to murdering any innocent child in america's name.

These verbs will strike that antiChrist demon down for
ever and a day, and if I've gone, faded away, these
words will still remain,

till now we meet again,

as you were,

Johnny Wizard


Look at this will ya? DU killing American Patriot
Soldiers, while bush revises our continuing history,
like this ain't really happening. I can only again, beg
you as the reader, to wake up to this bush madness, and
support ME, the mythological Son of Man God King
because: my facts I bring to our table, do not change
from your summation of my unbridled character. (I don't
need votes, but a trust in the good times coming through
for trying something better.) As I have said before, you
don't have to support Johnny by donating a few dollars
for Christ sake, but, to have a care for your own
humanity. Or, will doubting me, unfortunately, change
the truly toxic composition of measured radioactive, and
gaseously microscopic, depleted uranium. For we both as
ALL suffer from the demon bush fumbles of corrupt
ineptitude, disguised as heinous war crimes against
everyone. Crimes of murder, that there is no rational
justification for., then, or now. No good reason to
have bombed, then stole from the billed Iraq as
Dutch-Shell victims. Only irrationalisms. Examples:
What can we do now in Iraq, that we couldn't have under
Saddam? Spend tens of billions in investments on
universal health care, or education perhaps? Why bomb
anyone, when we had complete, unrestricted access? What
could bush have demanded for Iraq justly, when his
un-elected entourage is responsible for outrages 9/11,
the Patriot Act, and Guantanamo? So see, now, we have a
really big ego problem. By god, You humans are truly
blind without ourselves to be seen as.

Well, not quite.

Don't forget, Our Mr. bush Jr. also participated
directly with the 9/11 strategy's, top secret
Presidential Directive, of offering no evidence against
Bin regarding some crime that wasn't galvanizing the
world like the lucky, World Trade Center incidents did
in time sensibly. Without 9/11, what would Powell look
like from when in August he gave the Taliban 43 million,
to then in September, going after those that funded the
Justice supporters? How? And, where is the Saddam
money gone for the food shipments?! Our Mr. bush Jr.
has it secretly he writes. He also writes he will not
be accountable to any rules of Law in this Universe
regarding the ownership of said monies he has stolen
through the UN not chirping. I told you, no leadership.
(Good thing we showed up to raise the dead eh? Nudge

Justice and Freedom, like God as Nature, be not feared
as of.

A friend and myself were discussing political
deceptions, and he asked me if I knew what the secret to
the universe was, and I said no, what?, he replied,
there is no secret.

The politics of living is Humanity's survival, and is
what should be as our interests recognized, to be
representative. However, there is often dismal public
failure to characterize hugely heinous criminal attempts
to harm our universal freedoms through unbiased
corporate conduct. Justice must be prime, and maybe You
as the forever unknown still. It's just, that we don't
have customers at National Newscast Central to invest in
ourselves as interested benefactor. Why can not the
widely publicized, and FREEDOMly available, central
questions on 9/11 be asked without answer by Blitzer, or
Aaron? Do they actually have US believing it is in not
our interests to say as much for Justice? For America?
For God as victim? How far would CNN go to discrediting
American soldier after American soldier, blindly
sacrificed for WorldCom bush and Dutch-Shell bremer,
before CNN finally reports on bush's other partners in
crime, like Ahmad, the funder of the 'mastermind', Atta.
Why continue? For as the bushmob, to murder cowardly
Americans while stealing pensions and selling heroin, is
just stupidly dumb, evil and wrong man. So wrote the
holy god guy from beyond his own comprehension as a
timeless wonder, demon slayer. The dumbass bush crimes
against US as God, I will remind you, are very real, and
toll many innocent souls. The criminal sabotage bush
inflicts in his public responsibilities as America,
yearns eternally for accountability to our suffering
World, God included.

I will not go silently.

No, it wasn't Iraqi planning, or of Afghanistan's
students, it was bush, rumsfeld, Condoleezza,, Ahmad,
and likely Mueller as traitors, who decided your wager
as American to be devalued into official, unrepresented
criminality as bound tyrannical. (Tenant and
checheCheney, maybe also..) See, this is why the Patriot
Act rears it's direct onslaught against every American,
barely too, unchallenged by Blitzer, or Aaron. No
Justice for terrorists, is no freedom for bush's america
TRULY. As a result, the fascist sympathizing bigots,
racists, and war crime advocates, will argue they're
inept to comprehend what they know not of, and as we
witness, gain easy unchallenged corporate access by
ignoring our public sentiment. You don't have to look
far for major problems with the, "but bremer said they
were freed Iraqis", or the official 9/11 story line, but
as a CNN news caster, Your dismissed without care for.
I say it doesn't have to be so, oh godless bushite
victims censored.


Turning Logic on Its Head

Bush's preemptive war policy is a war without just
cause. Under international law and centuries of common
legal usage, a preemptive war may be justified as an act
of self defense only where there exists a genuine and
imminent threat of physical attack.

We are all in agreement, in truth we rise, evil is just
the deceived disguised. Boo!

The case is wrapped up, and bush and rumsfeld need to be
immediately arrested for 9/11, for murdering countless
thousands for stolen gain, at the losses to our
humanity, that show through every putrid utterance of
scum bucket bush, as contempt for our living as humanity
through Law. Where a person accused of a criminal
offence without any evidence is clearly innocent. For
why I ask you reader, would any unjustified leader of US
people blame someone for a crime who wasn't linked to
the offense, while working to close investigations, and
not follow through with the ample clues to capture the
true evil doers? Just how cowardly stupid can soldier
families be taken without conviction as themselves worth
fighting for?

Justice for all, and glory be to godly.


Bush's preemptive war against Iraq doesn't even purport
to preempt a physical attack. It purports to preempt a
threat that is neither issued nor posed. Iraq is not
issuing threats of attack against the United States. It
is only the United States which threatens war.

By publicly encouraging attacks against the American
People, bush works to do death, on hopes to then maybe?,
get what he's purposing we are publicly pushing for as?
Blind, dumb, and criminally neglegent; we all are then
agreed? To have no publicly known reason to perpetrate
war crimes against everyone to steal and murder for Our
Mr.bush Jr.?... America's false deity super evil
anti-Christ? The terrorist of terrorists?

The demon who marked evil on the map with an "Oh", for
Ohpression by slaying everyone as the innoncet and God

loving in Our names?

It isn't Our position as humanity, to grant bush free
criminal reign over our rights to judge plainly still
living. Americans do learn a great deal from Sitcoms
thank you very much, and God damn it, we can count too.
2 infinity with everything minumn, and too, where
indivisable Justice is of truly being Human to reason as
the Living Universe.

Oh, but no, here comes Our Mr. bush Jr. who publicly
only confesses as pure evil, nazi vermin, to want to
kill our party by actually, factually, robbing from,
then murdering everybody as his enemy illegally,
irrationally!, and alas, God is truly alone, for CNN, as
most others, have no cause to make on Our cult
mentality. We are all together as One God, despite
corporate news censorship ignoring our calls for
Justice, because, WE are living as agreed, whole
heartedly, to be worthy of fairness officially. As a
democractic political lobby of too, yourself dummy. God
hater nazi sharon really publicly supports the murder of
ourselves being, he states over and over again to rob
and murder from your family to be only a jewish thing.
The Universe, could be, something amazing at a real
world level of sustainability, as there is space to
consider so factually as Existence is believing!
Curently however, the corporate break up is not watching
US performing live as recorded, because they victimize
US always. War is the breakdown of communications, but,
bush, the unelected American cop killer, he isn't
listening to any questions not being stated absent your
appeals to be heard as silently victimized, because...
CNN doesn't want to embarres US maybe? All the robbing
and killing bush and sharon does continually then?,
mistakenly? Dead people don't say much for your world,
eh american niebour? Eh?




Wow! what a great riff!


A gem of a Johnny..

A Repeat Broadcast

It is God's fault, that is of yourself also, that we,
leaderlessly, allow bush to further escape rightful
public trial then life term imprisonment. This world
could be so magnificent, if that demon bushmob wasn't
criminally getting sacrificed so many dying leaderless
American People left undefended.


You, yes, You,, If you would help yourself to try
questing to preserve freedom as your being stolen peace
of pie, you'd be practically sky writing across the
world. Can't sell it, can't buy it, but Being alive is
what living is all about. Take it from me partner.
God's practically wiped out, and the world is falling
apart because of George W. Bush's treasonous war action
against all of US as the forsaken, Humanity, (Jesus You
are.) but, I still see a glimmer of hope. A real
possibility that you'll be getting on to spend some
quality time doing what we all should be doing,
demanding real justice for (Johnn err...) freedom's
bounty. Sure, I'm broke, near homeless, hungry, and
left forsaken by all you little Jesuses too, but golly,
I'm still holding out the dream that you gained
something from your boo-da catholic Jewish Muslim Moslem
Atheist upbringings. Why must we allow rumsfeld to
escape accountability for blindly attacking Iraq to kill
US as the innocent? The demon antiChrist Iraqi conflict
has no basis for just cause. It can never be what it is
not. We had complete unrestricted access, to do
anything bush pleased, prior to sacrificing a single
person for Halliburton and Worldcom, disappearing
billions as the American tax payer, robbing the central
bank, stealing the nation's public resources including
humanitarian aid, dropping cluster duds on American
soldiers along with tons of toxic waste corporately
mandated as completely safe to eat by the poundful. No
joking. Murdering thousands. Demon bush is really evil
to US all man. It gives me as Creator a bad name the
great Johnster can't disguise as only one big dreaming
little g. I consider the conduct of George W. Bush an
insult to my intelligence, and, I don't like it, nor
wish bush's criminal folly to continue stealing the
lives of good people treated unjustly in anyone's name.
Let the US destroy George W. Bush instead of ourselves
as countless my friend, and be thanked in love as a
person who cared for all that is good about America.
Live god damn you People, live!

Johnny Wizard,
Again as the stupid one,


A Better Way
Like the bushmob
partner's theft of billions through Enron, of which in
Congressional hearings, nobody wanted to know the
pension money is still sitting in the Cayman Islands,
ready to be returned to the helpless victims, like an
American soldier's family being deemed by Congress, as
unimportant to their standard of living. No care right
nazi soldier? Just murder innocent third worlders to
tell your mother how much you care so for her? While
the war criminals, working for Dutch shell, heroin
dealers, and the monsters from Iran-contra, rumsfeld and
tommy, the nazi fucks, search the third world for people
who speak outrage against corporate America funding our
deaths by murder through censorship. While I sit here
writing as Johnny, waiting for a corporate professional
to deem me worth topicing on as unstoppable sweet
goodness. Look, read of our no counter opinion critics
in google 'groups', who publicly call themselves morons
or traitors willingly. Spooky dumb I'll tell ya.
We are all the Palestinians being counted
without value by corporate dictates ignoring the human


Johnny Wizard Reveals
Bush did 9/11

A war plan to kill the people of Afghanistan for Enron's power
plant in India was on the White House desk on the ninth of September.
A plan to blame bin Laden for a crime without providing any evidence.
Then 9/11. None of the ample evidence implicated Laden, like none of
the suspects were from Afghanistan, so why not seek the true
culprits responsible? FBI officers have claimed publicly that
warrant requests were sabotaged by someone at headquarters just prior
to 9/11. The CIA has publicly claimed stock options were played on
the loss of the two airline companies as insider trading. FBI
officers claim Mr. Atta received $100,000 in terrorist funding by
General Amed, who was meeting with the Bush administration a week
prior and after 9/11. Then rumsfeld and bush stood against our
humanity without reason to steal our lives, playing out an evil never
before shown to sway their capture as traitors to the American dream.
I demand my voice be heard through our corporate news services, to
accept any debate from those who fight to keep us ignorant on our
ability to freely communicate.

(from Google groups tab, us.military.army)
And this one is a shortened version, three paragraphs with Jeff, on
How can one argue against what is documented as proven fact?
Do fascists fear intelligence?
Again, we witness no counter argument for bush and rumsfeld's treason
against all the American people. They both have struggled diliberately
to hide the culprits responsible for 9/11, blamed a nation of millions
without evidence to murder for Enron, have attacked the American
Constitution, stolen billions from cowardly Americans silenced by the
corporate agenda through frauds blatant...

And, they both need to immediately be tried for war crimes, or taken
out by loyal American Patriots who will stand up for freedom to be

"Peace Now" <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:***@posting.google.com



/ / "The fear is necessary for two reasons. And the
principle reason has nothing to do with Iraq. it has to do
with the government itself. The bush government is criminal.
[...] The problem is: how do you keep people from paying
attention to this? You keep them focused on an external enemy.
[..] so they forment this fascistic hatred of a definable group
of people. So, the war on terrorism so called, is not much a
way for the United States to protect itself against it's enemy,
it is a way for it to create enemies, to justify the kind of
repressive measures that would otherwise be intolerable in
peace time." \ \


Me, Art Bell, and 9-11


From the Johnny essay, "Justice for God"

/ / The rabbi, Dov Lior, said a "thousand non-Jewish
lives are not worth a Jew's fingernail". \ \

So, decieved American taxed payers give him a big fat
welfare payment to tell US that robbed as cheated GODLY
Christians don't deserve fair treatment? What would
Hillel say? Buddah? Or Christ? Well, the Torra of
Moses speaks of God himself! coming down here and
explaining the best way to destroy the evil likes of an
anti-Jew enemy of G-d's love, Dov Lior, however, I'm
really hoping, you'll figure out how to stand up for
yourself as just as soon, a Christian, Muslim, Jew or
Atheist, whom the label pirate Dov Lior beleives so
little of, and demand some equal time to demand Justice
for God, as would be Justice for any, to therefor,
include US all as truly worthy.

God bless America by killing un-arrested George W. Bush


/ / All for our ability to communicate freely

There is one thing that is strangely absent from our
news coverage as unbiased bushwhores who are actually
devaluing under the tyranny of the evil antiChrist, Our
Mr. Bush Jr., and that is... \ \

Liberty and Justice for All

We need a national call on our national airwaves to have
General Ahmad arrested for being an accessory to the
crimes of mass murder on 9/11.

George W. Bush, Condi, and Rumsfeld, need to be
immediately arrested or executed for near escaping the
crime scenes of 9/11. Warnings came, they, (during
bush's vacation), "TOP SECRETLY" tweaked a, ready to go
planned world war strategy that would start off in
Afghanistan, premised, on not following the crime scene
leads of terrorist offenses that had yet to materialize,
while closing judicial investigations through the lead
up, the follow through, now... they're cooked. The
bushmob didn't want to get arrested those, who in his
name would soon, murder thousands of Americans in New
York City, for that event was saved to put into action
his "top secret" planned invasion. A world war plan
kept secret from those in American government until the
dated documents showed up at MSNBC. Confessed without
choice to MSNBC as "fully implemented" by the White
House, the bushite war crimes plan went underway almost
without hitch. By offering no rational reason that
factually establishes bin Laden's guilt, would GUARANTEE
the invasion of Afghanistan. Again, a planned false
allegation for a terrorist crime that had yet to be
committed. But See?, for, without evidence bush's
america would not be following the crimes scene leads
from the actual real murder scene, and the real culprits
are left to continue un-abated as the un-arrested
enemies of The People in God's trust.

The last thing the demon liar bush secretly wanted, was
to have halted Laden with evidence for the countless
crimes he's left his fingerprints at. For in this
history, we remember, the Taliban ended surrendering
Laden freely without any further answers. BUSH k-n-e-w
BEFORE HAND, if he were to offer any shred of evidence
to the World implicating Laden, the Taliban would
fundamentally fight for Allah like they were going to do
freely under Clinton, and rightly send the suspect away
for trial and sentencing on the commission of crimes
against God in America. But, hell, offering Laden up to
the world stage for a crime he wasn't committed to,
would sure ruin evil bush's war against our freedoms as
justice in this world. For, after following the
evidence, George W. Bush and his partners in crime
would now be behind bars for treason, or publicly
executed after a fair public trial regarding the facts
as they stand uncontended. MSNBC reported that bush had
actually signed the top secret Presidential plans in
their possession to rob and kill God's Great America.
For Bush, Rumsfeld, and Condi, garnered no insight from
"out of the loop" Richard Clarke on the subject of
Laden's terrorist behavior, (last minute not
withstanding) nor conversed the details on waging world
wars on intelligence with Tenet. Nor even,
surprisingly, talked with Armitage.


/ / We can assume, that Armitage received the same
warning reports about an attack as many other persons
did: George Tenet (CIA), Richard Clarke (CSG), Thomas
Pickard (FBI), Dale Watson (FBIHQ) or Henry H. Shelton
(DOD). \ \

Hammurabi tells History to wake up and kill the ungodly
false accuser, George W. Bush for the highest crime of
treason against our entire Universe, and I too, have to
admit, it's a pretty damn good idea to protect ourselves
from needless sacrifice, but for to make the bushmob
even more wealthier than they are as corporate
successes. Killing bush to save the countless innocent
lives of those the bushite liars confess publicly to
target, would be a gift to God un-paralleled in
gratitude for the love of life in which we all truly
share. Think this God asks: What real man of any
nationality, or religion, wouldn't kill a cowardly
bushite who wars defenseless innocent children with
cluster bombs and depleted uranium?, all so the bushmob
can further get away from stealing from their very own
grand parents they leave back home as cowards



Nick Berg was murdered in a large building with yellow
walls and a cement floor, by overweight white bigots who
of none, don't know the first thing about wearing a
turban, nor, the wise teachings of the Koran. We need
to do an investigation to conclude how many buildings in
Iraq fit those same sized projections witnessed in the
film that match up like Abu Ghraib does, before the evil
bushites go ahead and try destroying the 'sound'
evidence like only the super dummies would, to
ultimately win our favor. George, Son of Mankind here,
look, maybe if you'd just confess to making some bad
judgement calls in our names to devalue the human
species for plunder, while pleading mercy on this Court,
we'll let you live in purgatory for a few thousands



/ / Michigan's Senator Carl Levin asked the CIA
director: "Did the CIA agree with the contents of the
Feith document?" "Senator, we did not clear the
document. We did not agree with the way the data was
characterized in that document." \ \

Wow! The American CIA wasn't buying the bushite lies to
sacrifice the American Gi so to rob further from the
innocent censored either. All told, the death/cost
ratio really sucks for all concerned. Therefor, why
don't all nations of Earth call a temporary truce,
acknowledge our misgivings about each other, but then
openly realize, all people, good and bad, like the
forests and the sky lines, hate the evil war mongering
demon anti-Christ, George Walker Bush more than anything

The bushites, as thoughtless degenerates, are warring
our humanity's great achievements in universal law,
pretending like, we're not even present as interested
party. Great achievements like freedom through
representation, or demanding evidence to establish
someone's guilt, have been around since the dawn of
civilization; however, today, we instead under the
supreme command of the lawless evil bushite, are
willingly ignoring the actual criminals attempting
escape from the murder scene of 9/11, to greater parts
unknown without ourselves left still falling murdered
from Your inaction. By bush and cheney order, unfinished
criminal investigations were halted regarding the murder
of thousands in America.

Through fear of the awesome intelligence enshrined
within the Declaration of Independence, or the awestruck
genius in the simple blurb, "A Freeman shall not be
imprisoned", our demand as the civilized, is deemed not
relevant or profitable to corporate news America. What
does it profit an American to stand up for a stranger,
the neighbors, a distant cousin, or even sworn blood
brother? To know rotten Rumsfeld is feeding American
troops plutonium, while telling next of kin families
it's harmlessly done for a few thou', is like the dummy
rummy cluster dud killing today, yet another American
soldier paid through by collateral, so, don't worry, go
to sleep, nothings happening here but the death of

/ / Bush, immersed in his own world of plummeting poll
numbers, said, "Would the terrorists who beheaded an
American on camera just be quiet, peaceful citizens if
America had not liberated Iraq?" \ \

Who wouldn't kill the thieving evil bushite to save the
lives of the innocent they victimize for stolen profit I
ask everyone to think for yourself?

Look, I'm a pranking wordsmith of fiction sometimes, but
trust me when I tell you, this life death karma
business?, is truly a serious endeavor bush is taking
you for as innocent sacrifice. Willingly murdering good
People for the evil bushites to profit off, is a
sickness we must remedy, like, now. Every moment that
unjust demon celebrates his contempt for the American
Constitution, is another insult to all the soldiers whom
have died giving their lives in honor for freedom from
the tyranny a bushite professes proudly as the enemy,
America's enemy, Humanity's enemy, and God's duty as
ourselves to bring a more timely demise.

I am, King and lord of Creation.

Johnny Wizard

P.S. Can you e-mail this to an American talk radio
program, and witness first hand for Yourself, how far
some will rightly go in disguising their continuing
dishonor of all American soldiers; and in so, of all
which the great American nation was truly founded upon.
Liberty and Justice for All. Especially, you. Oh yeah,
and, could you find it in your heart to support my rise
to world acclaim, as a down and out dreamer, looking for
an easy break into the big time? Imagine: me, the guy
nobody has ever heard of before, knowing everybody!



/ / Do you have a Citibank account? How about a JP
Morgan Chase credit card? Who do you think were the
banks that moved the $3.3 trillion "missing" from the
treasury? Who escaped serious accountability on pump
and dump stock market fraud and gold market
manipulation? Do you subscribe to the New York Times or
the Wall Street Journal? Who do you think are the media
organizations that have failed to ask or try to answer
the UnAnswered Questions of 9-11? Why are you "voting"
for these companies with your money and your attention?
Why are you sending them the signal that despite their
abrogation of their obligations to you and your family,
you will continue to support them with your hard earned
resources? If some of your neighbors are earning 2% on
their bank certificates of deposits, while other
neighbors are paying 18% or more to the IRS or
multinational financial companies, why do we not realize
that this is both a political and profit making
opportunity to cut out a parasitic financial middleman? \ \

I'm with you buddy!!!


/ / ``By their fruits you will recognize them. Do people
pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?
Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad
tree bears bad fruit.''-- Matthew 7:16-17 (NIV)

I don't see any ``good fruits'' in George W. Bush's
first term as President. I don't even see the
much-touted ``growth'' that Bush supposedly underwent
after 9/11. All I see is a cruel person who has
progressed from blowing up frogs to blowing up people. \ \


/ / As villager Mohammed stated, "While still in the
village, men were gathered together and beaten severely.
A 70-year-old man suffocated and died when they put a
black plastic hood on him." Of those detained, there
were three boys (ages 14, 15 and 16), 10 school
teachers, three human rights lawyers and 67 farmers, 14
of whom were 60 to 80 years old. All of the men were
taken to Abu Ghraib. \ \


/ / Sutton reported, ``Plans were already afoot for the
Americans to disengage from the city. But before their
exit strategy became public the Americans launched one
final blitz on the besieged town. As the world watched
live on television it was, American generals admit, the
most intense aerial bombardment of Iraq since major
combat ended a year ago.'' What did any of them ever do
to us? There's a word for needless killing: it's
murder, and that's what Bush plunged us into. \ \



/ / Let's be clear about what this means: Gonzales was urging--and the
President adopted as
policy--an end run around federal laws. The War Crimes Act, passed by
Congress in 1996, allows
criminal prosecution of Americans for actions that violate the rights
granted prisoners and
civilians by the Geneva Conventions and for "outrages upon personal
dignity." It is backed by the
full range of federal penalties, up to and including the death
penalty. And all treaties, including the
Geneva Conventions and the Torture Convention, are likewise the
binding law of the land. \ \


I Need Funding

/ / The report, dated May 5, said interrogators from a
National Guard unit attached to the 3rd Infantry
Division had "forced into asphyxiation numerous
detainees in an attempt to obtain information" during
one 10-week period last year, the newspaper said. \ \

Nazi bushite enemies ruled under the traitor to America,
lawless war criminal buford "bush bitch" blount.
America has got to double up the effort to preserve your
rights denied under the tyranny of the evil anti-Christ,
corporate america's George W. Bush, if they want to
survive truly as "The People". Freedom without Justice
is like living without being. Demon bush demands by
threat, that evidence no longer be a requirement to
convince us who is evil, or a criminal, and I, John, am
calling his number up. Reality as a property, is of
which to all we share equally. Substantiated
understanding through rational conclusion, formed by our
evidentiary findings, is all we got to go on when
deciding, whom shall be murdered for the crimes of 9/11.
Mr. bush and cheney, they don't want those whom were
accomplices, found out by AMERICAN JUSTICE, and gee,
...I wonder why that might be.. (They both as reported
[MSNBC], urgently struggled to close FBI and CIA
investigations into the matter of thousands [AFFLUENT]
American mass murder victims). If we like the idea of
"Freedom", then we're going for sure need to find those
responsible for transgressing our boundaries quantified
through law conducted so as measured. Top Priority:
Mass Murder. Only barbaric savages, as enemies of
mankind war the Humanity of which is ourselves. The
bushite soldier is ordered to murder indiscriminately
ourselves as innocent victims, and instead of manly
killing their evil bushite commandeer(s), they weakly
target the innocent by cluster bombs, killing their own
brothers and sisters too they praise, completely without
reason as is their unrecognized self betrayal to
America. That they naturally can't see, because they
have no human character. "Growing up" in some southern
bastion of make believe hell, that votes yet again they
claim, to further dismantle the public works system; for
reading is all for the stupid people. The Constitution?
Declaration of Independence? comic books? All trash a
bush supporter once told me of everything under the sun
in public Usenet discussions, or the entire Internet for
that matter. One out a seven in America is a functional
illiterate, which is just about bush's entire
constabulary, that if knew better, would be the first
ones to vote for impeachment, trial, then,..dream on.
The bushite is led as enemies of America, against the
Constitution once held rightly dear. Held dear to the
American soldier of old, not like the thieving sadistic
coward and bushite betrayer of today, absent the Army
Code, or as in present throughout, the Marine's Handbook
on Leadership. Today, American Chivalry is blindly led
through Donald "how dare they ask for evidence to
substantiate my allegations for killing whomever"
Rumsfeld, Kimmit, and the never forgotten bomb wherever
killer of women and children, Sir Franks. A performing
"Knight" [not real] he proclaims publicly to all,
including the wise wealthy spindlers of "magic" some
said, but were the art at living to bring Justice for
the innocent as victimized. The victimized impoverished
from a savage land chained by the tyranny of fools,
through the veils of a.... George W. Bush!! Evil
incarnate! The most despicable excuse for humans
suffering ever surmised by real understanding.

Wow! Why don't you just take a bow for US already!


/ / Add it all up, and the bill comes to nearly $4,000
per household, not including interest. "I wonder how
people would react if they got a bill from Washington
for that amount," he said. \ \

A bill based on murdering US innocent folks, so the
bushmob's bushite slaves, as traitors to America, can
steal even further from our distant Iraqi brothers and
sisters left destitute by our forsaken name. Demon bush
has no rights to any stolen assets, none whatsoever.

Enemies of Humanity shall lose to themselves by us
winning for just ordered chaos. The intelligence of
believing to surmiss, by golly good god we exist as
truly a miracle. Wow!, we could be simply something
fantastic if we had the will to make life something
greater for everyone included. Doing God a favor. What
pleasure could be greater giving back what you so most
treasure? Think of me doing this as King for investment
on continuing towards a better fortune. I don't ask for
your faith as bush demands you for himself, but ask you
to only find faith in youself as an equal unto Heaven,
and try to form your conclusions by not concluding so
much without any understanding at all. Sugestion:
don't be so suggestable., and think about supporting the
re-start of the American 9/11 police investigations by
firstly, arresting bush and rumsfeld immediately, for
the evilest of high treasons in America., America, the
native home land of a freedom plan never lost to the
tide of political indifference through tech-know
corporate media bias. The driving will for me to
succeed towards a better future, is the freedom as being
committed to Justice indivisable. Ultimately, Justice
for You, means Justice for me, even if you don't
understand as much.

Johnny Wizard



/ / These are only some of the reasons bush must be
convicted for murdering innocent people, or executed by
a real American soldier, dedicated to freedom, Liberty,
and Justice indivisible, for all as US equals. \ \



/ / 5) Was there a coordinated effort with the U.S. intelligence
community and/or British officials to "fix" the intelligence and facts
around the policy as the leaked document states? \ \

Forbidden Knowledge



The most powerful broadcast ever recorded in the history of Humanity.
DEMONbushdid911withAHMAD-­killthe twistedevil nazi fuk!
2005-09-29 10:09:20 UTC
A bushite killer speaks freely


Guilty of Innocence (the antichrist song)





Falluja Repeat in Al Qa'im


/ / Iraqi civilians and doctors in the area say no foreign
fighters were present in the town. Al Qa'im and surrounding
areas have suffered great destruction, and many in the town
population of 110,000 were killed, they say. \ \


/ / Another soldier told investigators that Sergeant Loring
lightheartedly referred to Specialist Corsetti, then 23, as
"the King of Torture." \ \


/ / Senator, in everything I said about Iraq, I turned out to
be right and you turned out to be wrong and 100,000 people
paid with their lives; 1600 of them American soldiers sent
to their deaths on a pack of lies; 15,000 of them wounded,
many of them disabled forever on a pack of lies. \ \


/ / We have reported here in great detail on the voluminous
evidence establishing that the endemic, systematic torture
in Bush's gulag was instigated by the White House, sanctioned
by Bush's appointed "legal experts" who ruled that as commander
in chief, he is not constrained by laws against torture -- or,
indeed, by any law whatsoever. \ \

/ / The 2,200 documents obtained by the ACLU have been put online at:

Interrogators in Tikrit, working for the Fourth Infantry Division,
sent back an email on August 17, 2003, recommending ``open hand
strikes, closed-fist strikes, using claustrophobic techniques and a
number of `coercive' techniques such as striking with telephone
books, low-voltage electrocution and inducing muscle fatigue''. \ \


/ / noted the U.S. government's claim that its forces do their
utmost to minimise civilian casualties. ''How can we know whether
we're making any progress when a conscious decision is made to keep
that from the public?'' he told IPS. \ \

/ / Remember, these are the people who named a big giveaway to
logging interests "Healthy Forests." \ \


/ / The many organizations that have the ability to mobilize millions
of people have wasted their energies by organizing marches to empty
buildings where there is no corporate media coverage. I tried to tell



/ / Under the terms of the deal, Bechtel got $515 million to rebuild
Iraq's power generating stations; $33 million for rebuilding roads
and railroads; $44 million to dredge the seaport at Umm Qasr; $45
million to rehab the Iraqi telephone network, covering 240,000 phone
lines; $52 million for repair of the Baghdad airport; $208 million
to rebuild sewage and water treatment plants; and $53 million for the
reconstruction of Iraqi schools. \ \
The Final Straw


/ / Someone was asking me, why is that the godly people
of Creation, take such enjoyment out of killing the bushite
enemies? And, I'll tell you what it is... \ \

/ / They have no concern for the neighbor's children,
who have sacrificed their lives in a needless war.,
that only serves the interests of the neocon God haters. \ \

/ / Look at that. You can't even get a single American man,
out of the entire country, to phone Art Bell and have Art
Bell hang up on them. \ \

/ / See? \ \


/ / The legal case for military resistance needs to be understood.
In essence, the military is violating the law. It's the war
resisters who are upholding it. \ \

/ / "We are short of everything," she says, raising her voice to be
heard over the constant crying of children. "We've had nothing
from the new Iraqi Government, except some simple antibiotics; and
nothing from the occupying countries." \ \

/ / It revealed that the Prime Minister persistently lied to
Parliament and the public about the legal basis for the war.

The revelation came minutes after Mr Blair declared on TV: "I
have never told a lie." \ \


/ / `The worst thing is to shoot one of them, then go help him,' as
regulations require. `Shit, I didn't help any of them. I wouldn't
help the fuckers. There were some you let die. And there were
some you double-tapped. Once you'd reached the objective, and once
you'd shot them and you're moving through, anything there, you
shoot again. You didn't want any prisoners of war.' \ \


The True Fight for Freedom

(Quotes from http://radio.indymedia.org/uploads/true_fight.mp3)

/ / Sattler, as a result of ignoring reason and understanding,
went out and sacrificed all these marines that are now dead. \ \

/ / I see really great things in store, if we can find it within
ourselves to defend the innocent, despite the lies of the bush
cabal. Killing innocent people is wrong. There is no
justification for bombing Iraq, there just isn't. \ \

/ / Demon bush says he's against torture, and the Oregon Military
soldiers tell us, hey, they're torturing children, the bushite
forces in Iraq are. \ \

/ / If you knew your neighbor did that crime, and the police said
that they couldn't arrest him because he was a disciple of the
antichrist, so therefor, WE can't hold him to account as WE do to
the regular civilians... what would you think? \ \


It's the simplest idea. All you gotta do, is get a couple large
buoys, that let's say take maybe a twenty foot square space, maybe
a foot or two thick, and they contain air, made of some strong
plastics. You just take that, anchor it stationary to the ocean
floor, and have it situated on a gear system where, even though the
buoy moves up and down slightly, there is such a tremendous amount
of force on it, through the rising of the tides, that through gear
ratios, you could easily get some turbines going for a thousand
bucks or something. Not a big investment to give you free energy

/ / Do not put any effort into thinking out your own opinions.
Create doubt on anything any true liberator, would try to convey to
you as important for your life. Never mind. Watch your son or
daughter be sacrificed, and just lie to yourself, and tell us all
how your so proud of your dead son or daughter, "because they were
fighting for liberty." And we just got to just keep bullshiting you
because you're an enemy to God. An enemy to true freedom, when you
demand truth not be spoken for the innocent being persecuted, as
Christ was. Where is Christianity in America? Call your Church
now! \ \

Canadian radio broadcast interview with the Wizard



commentary from Johnny




/ / For Americans to remain silent as Bush hands down death
sentences for their children and their unborn grandchildren is a
war crime in itself. \ \


/ / The biggest story of the Iraq war is about the torture of Iraqi
children. \ \


/ / The UN's top human rights investigator in Afghanistan has been
forced out under American pressure just days after he presented a
report criticizing the US military for detaining suspects without
trial and holding them in secret prisons. \ \


/ / As George H. W. Bush mentioned in his famous unpublished
quote to Sarah McLendon more than a decade ago: "[I]f the American
people ever knew the whole story about Iran Contra, we Bushes would
be chased down in the streets and lynched." \ \


/ / The British government formally protested to Israel after the
army officer who opened fire when the film-maker James Miller was
shot dead in Gaza two years ago was acquitted of disciplinary
charges. \ \


/ / CityBeat and Pointblank in the light of the latter's searing
expose of the Gosch-as-Gannon situation printed on the same day as
Gannett's Des Moines Register whitewash of the story. \ \


/ / Many Americans already suspect that those sworn to their
defense actually conspired in the murder of their wives, husbands,
children, parents, friends and fellow citizens on 9/11. And - so
what? The bitter knowledge has simply become part of the great
tapestry of American dissonance. It's joined the cottage industry
of conspiracy infotainment, because High Crimes in the United
States are simply fodder for dark amusement, not for solving. And
certainly not for justice. \ \

Guilty of Innocence (the antichrist song)


/ / Similarly, with bush and rumsfeld. Their kind of treason is so
blasphemous, people can't recognize that any real human being would
willingly try to actually do such a thing for the windfalls of big
corporate profit, and as such, a many god person, (as often the
good natured and kind hearted), desperately look for any doubt,
than to face such a human fear of real demon behavior in our World
of worlds of every character. \ \


/ / "When I told the translator with the soldier that I was a
member of the National Assembly, he answered: To hell with you and
the National Assembly," al-Shaikh told his colleagues. Al-Shaikh
said the US soldier continued to beat him even after he told them
that he was an elected MP. \ \


/ / The reality that the President of the United States spent more
than 18 months resisting an official investigation into the most
devastating tragedy in our history is in itself an outrage. But
the reality that there is no official body still seeking answers to
vital questions is an even greater outrage. \ \


/ / "A list of names on a piece of paper is not evidence, but an
autopsy by a pathologist, is. I undertook by FOIA request, to
obtain that autopsy list and you are invited to view it below
(here). Guess what? Still no Arabs on the list," said Navy
veteran, Thomas Olmstead. "Now, being the trusting sort, I figured
that the government would want to quickly dispel any rumors...It
seemed simple to me. . produce the names of all the bodies
identified by the AFIP and compare it with the publicized list of
passengers. So, I sent a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request
to the AFIP and asked for an expedited response...Fourteen months
later...and I finally get the list. No Arabs wound up on the
morgue slab; however, three ADDITIONAL people not listed by
American Airline sneaked in. I have seen no explanation for these
extras." \ \


/ / But I don't hear a whisper of that opinion on television, in
major newspapers, or from the lips of most Americans, no matter how
they classify themselves politically. It's all still mysterious
Arabs to a majority, who have not bothered to notice there was no
evidence presented, that the investigation into that tragic day was
never conducted, and that the people who profited from this demonic
charade are exactly the ones who claim to be its principal victims. \


/ / The decision by the head of Israel's Southern Command to clear
the officer overturned a recommendation by the military advocate
general that he should be severely disciplined. Mr Miller was
killed in Rafah in 2003 while walking back to his lodgings
displaying a white flag and clearly identifying himself to troops
as a journalist. \ \


The Son of Man rocks!


Guilty of Innocence (the antichrist song)


lyrics to,

Guilty of Innocence

you don't need to know your rights, with
bush not going [yet] left denied

he'll state no evidence is required, against
the guilty of, innocence in dire

no need to voice your cries,
bushite would rather market war crimes
with your time

your needs need no loving for, you'll
play a mute dumb bushite slave dying
to score,

The antichrist our enemy, depriving us all of liberty

Forsaken you, forsaken me. Can't you see?








Johnny Wizard's "Time.mp3"


/ / Like Americans do. They don't care about their brothers, as
long as they can make it through themselves. Right?? Bush has got
them turned against the interests in protecting the rights of their
neighbor, and their neighbor thinks the same of themselves. And
this is where bush comes in and kills them both. Kills them all.
Let's God sort them out. Well, I've sorted them out now. We need
a rule of law. Look at the effects of these soldiers. Who would
think you could get a military force to commit heinous crimes
against our beings? How do they live with themselves and their
wicked evil lies? Who are they lying to I ask? Are they lying to
you, the listener? CBC sells their lies, but who's buying? Peace
comes through Justice, and that's what freedom's all about. The
bushites go "We can torture innocent people to death maybe, and
we'll be freedom fighters" because the bushite has no commitment to
true freedom, because it take a brave courageous man, a True
Patriot, to hold those virtues as his own. So, you get a warring
faction of cowards, betrayers to the AMERICAN FLAG, that is what
TRULY, a bushite is, and we all know it to be the case. Who is the
bushite I ask? These are not men. They take command from Saudi
wahhabists. This is who's commanding the third infantry, buford
blount, a Saudi wahhabist.


And that of course gives the bushites and CBC and CNN their
implausible deniability, where they can say their remaining
neutral, by not providing us the facts to allow us to decide for
ourselves. Because otherwise, we wouldn't kill ourselves to profit
the bushmob cabal of God haters. Who victimize innocent Christians
for no other reason but for to profit off our suffering.


Think of all those people in that situation as God. And these, the
bushite nazi grunts, have positions that are completely irrational,
they're making no sense, your fuking up. It's like a cancer that
God of that whole situation, is inflicted with. They're lying to
themselves. If your there to fight on behalf of Iraqis, you take a
position to demand all the money that has been taken through this
Iraq Development Fund, be returned. \ \



/ / Worse yet, the commission concluded in a 600-page report that
intelligence wasn't politicized. Uh-huh. Frankly, only a
politicized commission could possibly have concluded that "no one
from the White House or Pentagon contributed to the mistaken
intelligence." \ \

Hmmm. Is it that they would have us believe, that the neo-con
faith initiatives are solely based on lies?, for none of the facts
trumpeted by the bushites, were established in their own minds by
critical thinking?


/ / "The analysts who worked Iraqi weapons issues universally
agreed that in no instance did political pressure cause them to
skew or alter any of their analytical judgments. \ \

Yeah but, the American analysts concurred that bush was
misrepresenting their facts.

/ / 26. "I'm also not very analytical. You know I don't spend a
lot of time thinking about myself, about why I do things." --aboard
Air Force One, June 4, 2003 \ \



/ / The U.N. scandal did not cost the taxpayers any money, but
this one is coming right out of our pockets. And, if we can't even
sue the bastards to get it back, we are in big trouble. \ \

The crime is now funneled through the made victim American tax
payers pocket as left unaccounted to through frauds blatant, and
still no cries for Justice, Freedom, REPRESENTATION?


/ / Citizens may be held indefinitely, with or without charges
being made, upon the direction of government officials. \ \

SATIRE? Hardly..

Infinite Injustice In The Global Gulag


/ / There he languished for more than two years until he was hauled
before one of Bush's "military tribunals" last fall. The khaki
kangaroo court duly ruled that Kurnaz was a heinous terrorist who
should be locked up forever -- despite the fact that both U.S.
military intelligence and German police had cleared him of any
connection whatsoever to terrorist activity anywhere in the world.
Completely ignoring almost 100 pages of exculpatory evidence
offered by these experts, the kangaroos relied instead on a brief,
uncorroborated memo submitted by an unidentified Bush official just
before the proceedings began.


The judge ruled that Kurnaz's imprisonment, indeed, Bush's whole
kangaroo pen, was illegal and unconstitutional. To which Bush -- a
staunch defender of law, liberty and civilization -- answered: Who
cares? So Kurnaz, 23, remains in captivity: year after year of
hellish limbo, his youth sacrificed to the caprice of the prissy
autocrat in the White House.


But last week, the Pentagon declined to prosecute 17 soldiers for
brutal murders of prisoners in Afghanistan and Iraq, despite the
recommendation of Army prosecutors. Army investigators also
released 1,200 pages of new evidence last week detailing widespread
"systematic and intentional" abuse of prisoners throughout Iraq,
especially in Mosul; again, the Pentagon declined to prosecute. \ \


The Scandal Behind the Scandal


/ / ``In the EO, Bush is handing U.S. firms `a blank check for
corporate anarchy' in an `outlandish cancellation of the rule of
law,' said legal director Tom Devine with the Government
Accountability Project. \ \

The antiChrist in action, while quasi-Christians go, "Oh, I don't



/ / US aircraft dropped leaflets on Iraqi Resistance forces
fortified behind high hills warning them of the consequences if
they did not withdraw. The punishment, it said, would be painful
for them. The Americans carried out their threat when they bombed
11 civilian houses. The American air raids killed and wounded
dozens of women, children, and elderly persons Mafkarat al-Islam
reported. For their part the puppet governor and mayor of the city
of Tall `Afar both tendered their resignations in protest against
the American bombing of civilian houses in the city. \ \


/ / However, Shyam Sunder, who led NIST's fire and safety
investigation, said there are now better ways to ensure
fireproofing adheres to steel.\ \

Yeah, we sure don't want steel becoming any more of a fire hazzard
than it already is.
Look you might not care for me personally, okay, but this George W.
Bush's treason of nine-eleven is an evil we together, will never,
be too weak to stand against as. As indecisive humans without a
leader, we will never be too few from demanding Justice be served
in respect of Humanity's interest.


Seriously Folks

Napoleon Bonaparte wrote forming governments are forged
only through the public witness of shared mutual
experiences, simple, yet, the bushite strategy
implemented continually on behalf of the enemy forces in
Iraq have been to divide the nation's people with
different "legal" definitions, while speaking for
typical bushite bigotry, by then offering distinctions
of human value between US some from "others". Not
freedom, nor democracy. [Remember: Evil is dumb]

Example: Allawi forbade surviving Iraqi doctors and
nurses from medically treating any of the estimated
200,000+ innocent victims from Falluja [IRAQI vicinity].

Example 2: DYING two-bit bushite war with "foreign"
soldiers paid especially more than a thousand dollars a
day as self confessed RACISTS, and THEREFOR, left
"officially" too weak as, "pissing post illiterates" to
go after real terrorists who torture the innocent, or
real thieves, that have stolen BILLIONS from the Iraqi
Development Fund. Done all to sacrifice life's purpose
for no better good to the ANTI-CHRIST EVIL bush "cabal"
of lying neo-con Christ haters. Allthewhile stating the
objective worth dying young America as bushite for is
"Democracy" in Iraq. But, isn't a founding principle of
any democracy to outlaw thefts, sexual assault, murder?
Again, bushite kills bushite for a stolen nickel that
they just as soon, stole from anybody. If you can
believe it. We need YOU to make some effort to engage
American talk mediae. Perhaps it's only YOU, who hasn't
yet heard a responsibility to this once greatly revered
world of wisdom, of the enchanted, and mystical, or of
the tyrannical as hell bound for suffering and sorrow.
,in which you share allegiance too my friend.

Being caring and compassionate for the victimized
innocent not only feels good, but it is a choice we
would make at being alive to help US survive. To not
speak against the bushite war crimes against YOUR
Humanity, is to not speak in defense of our ancient
dying God no longer found worthy of you Peoples humble
respect. Currently corrupted bushite want my voice of
truth silenced by censorship with false imprisonment,
and those who advocate such hatred for myself and our
humanity, speak no public word or disagreement on my
allegations of high treason by Our Mr. bush Jr.. While
I want to openly debate the, "censorship for tyranny",
corporate talk radio bushite bitches on their furthering
commitment to not allow objections regarding their
contempt for true justice and freedom in America. But
if you singly decide not to support my cause, like
corporate news control encourages, We will be left
forsaken, again. God is Just to the core, like Johnny
Wizard tries to be, while bushite liars lie, cheat, and
steal from America as ourselves measured unworthy for
deliberation to gain true understanding. The Coast to
Coast radio network in America disallows America learn
for why American soldiers are currently sacrificing
their LIVES irrationally. Why? Because there is no
legitimate reason, while bushite pretend in YOUR name,
that there must be another reason but for to rob our
humanity in George Bush Jr.'s name. For if there truly
wasn't another reason, not so then blind, stupid, and
cowardly American soldiers wouldn't be too happy about
the wealthy corporatist bushite commentators silencing
America's dying cries by bushite enemy command. Now
would they? Remember: wealthy blind and stupid bushite
kills/gets killed, poor blind and stupid bushite for a
stolen nickel - a nickel in all likelihood, they rifled
as thieves from some pensioner, that just as soon, would
be their own "grand" parents. Or Yours as someone elses
beside. \ \


"Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave." -- Frederick Douglass



/ / You have no rights. He'll tell you who is guilty without
any evidence to form your own conclusions, and if you disagree
with him, he'll call you the enemy, the terrorists who aren't
with him on his blanket assertions against God as the innocent.
he blames for crimes while shutting down criminal investigations.
that would normally peruse the actual evil doers. \ \



The Benderman Cause

I felt compelled to support the Benderman's cause in
any way I could, so I am providing America some
arguments that I would use in a court of law to
defend your freedoms. If America would so desire,
I would also be prepared to make a recorded
statement from here in Canada. (I have been
denied access into the U.S..) My positions of
rational argument are naturally based upon our
established facts, and as such, are something few
Americans are afforded the luxury of through
corporate channels. I hope my forcefulness on these
issues does not fear you to doubt I have the best of
intentions when it comes to serving the interests
indivisibly inherent within the American
Constitution. God, I believe is just, and as such, the
ungodly war actions of George W. Bush dictate are
criminal in the worst degree, being a harbinger of
suffering and misery against all of Humanity as
US being the innocent. The innocent in our entirety,
is my "God" that I love with all I can will. I am
compelled as a living human being to defend America
to the last bush supporter praised if need be. I fight
the enemy of God and Humanity with reason,
understanding, Akeido, and a conviction that our
justice system must prevail for me to be truly myself

"He explained to "60 Minutes," "I was told in basic
training that, if I'm given an illegal or immoral order,
it is my duty to disobey it. And I feel that invading
and occupying Iraq is an illegal and immoral thing to

The war was declared "illegal" by the U.N..
Why? Because Saddam wasn't found in breach
of the internationally agreed upon resolution 1441,
(Saddam did EVERYTHING POSSIBLE that was
asked of Iraq by the bush administration, and then
some Mr. Bush refused to even take him up on.
Like national Iraqi television broadcasts.) despite
the lies quoted by corporate news America. There
was no need for the conflict to begin with as was
so reported internationally on march 7th, 2003. U.N.
inspectors had complete unrestricted access to go
anywhere without delay, and known stock piles of WMD
were burned, so could not possibly be
completely accounted for by evidential findings
due to the fact that they were destroyed beyond
recognition. American soldiers were put in harms
way to be sacrificed for no better good, but for to
allow as has happened, the misappropriation, or as
some have alleged, the criminal theft of Iraqi
resources, including monies of the Iraqi Development
Funds through Presidential decree 13303. Which
include the unappropriated, desperately needed,
humanitarian aid provisions still denied innocent
Iraqis, such as potable drinking water and food
stuffs. Democratic principles are DENIED the
Iraqis by the neo-con military forces, such as holding
all individuals equally accountable to a rule of law.
The outlawing of torture, or the outlawing of false
imprisonment has not been professed as the action of
the neo-con "liberating" force. Mercenaries are not
obliged to obey any laws for example. And, "Dr.
Germ", and "Dr. Anthrax" are held solely for the
fact that they know of the scientific hazards of
depleted uranium, and may have warned the
uninformed sacrificing American GI, if not held
illegally against their wills by the enemy.
Commanders such as irrational war criminal
Sattler, forbade all men and boys between 15 to 50
from leaving the city of Fallujah, while refusing to
negotiate with anyone, (because as so was openly
confessed, Sattler had no evidence that Zaqari was
in Fallujah) then leveled the city to kill all it's
inhabitants, estimated at that time near 300,000
people. Using a napalm type WMD, cluster dud
land mine munitions, and as reported, nine two
thousand pound bombs in a city 3 1/2 km by 4 km.
Serving for a military not strong enough collectively
to prosecute such lawless criminal barbarity, is
serving for a military not principled in the American
virtues of freedom and democracy. In truth,
serving for such ungodly criminal command is a
cowardly act of treason. George W. Bush is an
enemy of our Humanity.


From the "anti-government" Johnny essay, "Stand Together or Don't"

/ / How does anyone buy this? On credit? Things are changing
from bad to worse, and everybody appears, from one or two
media accounts, to think, so what or, whatever. Don't drink the
water! A part of the problem is the journalists who are in fact
just trained reporters, who take all the perks and none of the
responsibilities. Selling off themselves to something they have
written, for them to read. Told what is cover, where is
resources, drawing our pictures with their color crayolas.
Telling themselves there must be a good reason why no one is
doing the story! Or they'll take any of a 1000, why think if you
don't have work to? They know the scores, much more money
in advertising. The odds would also dictate a small tiny
informed few who have their minds made closed, polluted by
greed, and lack of power, looking at another side, pleading
ignorance, they didn't see anything at all, and say you won't
either. Exercising power the only way they can, draining from
all, including themselves. Can you believe it? \ \


Protestor's sign: "killing innocent people is the problem
not the solution."





/ / "why should we afford the same liberties and privileges of
justice to the Taliban. Like why should we give them the same
rights we afford ourselves. They're the bad guys. Why do we want
to do any favors for the bad guys." And really that's an
irrationalism. And yet, it was there. You know, people go "you
don't need any evidence, what do you need evidence for, they're
guilty." And the rational, TRUE AMERICAN PATIOTS, would go, "no,
no, no, that's wrong. We want to actually follow the crimes scene
leads at the real murder scene to arrest the true evil doers." \ \


Synopsis: I had been writing critically of the Bush
Administration, when the Secret Service top secretly requested I be
arrested for threatening the life of George W. Bush. They
tentatively planned to have me arrested under the Mental Health Act
to avoid a public criminal proceeding, but however during the
process, I managed to publicly speak on local Manitoba radio for no
less than forty hours regarding Bush in total, and was also well
known throughout my community involvement in live theatrical
productions I've been a part of for more than a decade.


In nabbing those who committed treason against our America's
America on 9/11, needs to be completed by firstly, following the
crime scene leads at the beginning with Bush's prior 9/11 plans
worked with the ring leader's financier, General Ahmad, and how
Condi, rumsfeld, and Cheney with Myers, fits in the picture
together as likewise traitors. The Iraq war is also a crime
against humanity. All stolen monies and property must be sought,
then returned to a legitimized democratic government. Torture is
outlawed, and finally, all innocent people held in prisons by
bushite forces, held without out charge for trial, need to be
released immediately as ourselves being denied liberation truly.
Let common sense prevail.



Forever Hold Your Peace

"I feel depressed," she said after leaving the theatre.
"He (Gibson) went overboard with the cruelty and
violence, and I think Mel Gibson is a bit of a sadist."

It's not the great artist Gibson, but corporate american
cult news who sit back bushiting "It's harmless, now
shut up dummy", knowing sadistic "sexy" rummy dumped
thousands of tons of radio-active toxic waste, along
with land mines to commit senseless, gratuitous mass
murder in residential communities housing the God of

It is bushite america who call themselves Christian, who
fund the Likud with American sweat and labor, to
criminally assault innocent Christians as accused of
nothing but being Christian. They do this as enemies of
Justice and God, to tell US as unbelievers, to
quickening the coming of the Lord, who will in turn,
condemn the individuals responsible, straight to hell
where they rightly belong. (Or prison whichever comes

It is America who sit bushiting "Freedom", while wording
nothing to blindly enslaving whomever, to torture or
murder for whatever by bombing Nations of People
irrationally. No reason., For law. (But to maybe
secretly sell drugs, or steal assets to victimize
Humanity. a.k.a. Jesus forsaken, or WMD bemer's Iraq)

And it is toxic cult corporate america, who let
traitors, bush and rummy murder thousands in New York
City, ("The People") and then escape forever, operation
infinite justice. I don't think so. I as John would
destroy every nazi american bushite happily, to save the
life of one child in any third world country.


Killing people
for no good reasons really sucks. I hate bushites.

Let's get the Patriots together and bag US some Rumsfeld

I just so much hate that demon antiChrist bush, and his
cabal of war mongers, it hurts. Let's just kill George
W. Bush for being qualified to lead but only himself
and Rumsfeld directly up to our NRA's firing squad, for
almost foolishly thinking they would actually escape the
planned murder of US thousands in New York City on 9/11,
then continuing by sacrificing dumdum nazi soldiers on a
cross in a completely unnecessary war against
civilization. What is it that the evil bushites can do
now in Iraq, before murdering untold thousands and
thousands, but for stealing even more of God's good will
towards all Mankind as loved?

[ S I L E N C E ]

No words from the bushites who rule our communications
through corporate news censorship, while Christian
parents call out unheard: why has corporate america
allowed forsaken soldiers to eat plutonium to murder God
for a measly few dollars the bushmob will pocket for the
up coming "unbiased" re-election news campaign? As I
suggested before, (If there are no real men in the
marines) why not just give the unarrested bushmob all
the money they want, so we can forgo all the needless
death and suffering against our friends and family?

[Look, usenet's us.military.army can be the place anyone
in the world can offer any irrational thought on why
bush shouldn't be immediately arrested or executed as
traitor, but guess what? bushite nazi brethren, either
mostly don't exist in our real world, or can't think to
save themselves as bushwhore nazi dumdums. Dumdums who
advocate the senseless murder of innocent People, and
the continuing destruction of America's America.]


W's Reality Gap

” Whenever President Bush is now confronted with an
unacceptable reality, he either changes the subject -
is steroid use really more important than the environment?
- or expresses confidence in his certainty. "I'm absolutely
confident that..." he'll say, as if the issue is his
determination rather than his conclusion. “

It's his faith infinitive as the antiChrist, where he
has hypnotized the dopey with merely the power of
suggestion, that has brought him to US as foolishly not
conceiving, or most importantly, truly understanding.
So, do we feel sorry for his ignorance as fallibility we
are all prone to own as the human rendition? No. But
for stupidity thinking he could murder US as the
innocent to steal our free values, and just get away
with it by lying to no one continually, is where the
Lord makes our stand for God unseen as miraculous.

The demon bush dictate is not exceptable for my just
little man universe. I knows too much about freedom to
go on dying in bush's forsaken place as innocent
sacrifice. With corporate america's unarrested demon
bush forcing my hand, I would decide to defend by
concluding, he is truly, the enemy of all America.
America: weak without leadership, yes, but not as dumb
as some would have us believe. When is it that we feel
sorry for the thousands of lives bush's deliberate
actions of mass murder have taken for no good reasons?
Their ain't nobody to defend america's overlord, but
through corporate censorship of the reality of who's
really dying for the demon bush liar. I'm the one
anyone would ever have a legitimate fear of getting on
the wrong side of, and if your not in the process of
attempting to get away with murdering some defenseless
family for nothing but to rob from, to each, his or her
own, mostly, right?


U.S. pays millions to discredited Iraqis

” The letter appeared to contradict denials made last year
by top Pentagon officials that they were receiving
intelligence on Iraq that bypassed established channels
and vetting procedures. “

Bypassing America as undefended freedom,, sacrificed to
die for slavery under the unconstitutional as blatant
evil, bushite decrees. Demon bush tells America, and
indeed the World, since 9/11, evidence will no longer be
a requirement to convince US who is a mass murderer, and
corporate news america sells on without the human
opinion present evaluating his true asking price. Man,
that demon bush is sure one true evil bastard when you
think of what he, rummy, and Ashcroft is stealing in our
names censored through nazi fascism. [Granted, I am

God or no God, I don't like that demon antiChrist, Our
Mr. bush Jr. very much.


New Moon

To steal public utility services paid already as owned
completely by IRAQI, (America dying for the bushite
American pension thieves at WorldCom or Britain's
"Dutch"-Shell,) ain't gonna change the business
locations. The evil unAmerican cop killing bushites
think they're gonna party in Manhattan on our dime in
apartments for around $15,000 a month, while sneering at
a homeless beggar on the streets, who thought he was
still in Vietnam.

An oil-for-Iraq program needs to be reestablished, but
transparent to all as addressing the immediate emergency
needs of Iraqis. Private, in the secret back room with
the bushmob nazi bankers, and their private inept
collaborators flustering as international fraudulent
behaviors, just wont do., try as bush might to murder
perhaps millions of Americans uncovered by his
criminally enforced, reduction in health care coverage


The evil bushites think they're gonna party
in Manhattan on our dime in apartments for around
$15,000 a month, while sneering at a homeless beggar on
the streets, who thought he was still in Vietnam.

Perhaps, he is.

Another American soldier owes me a beer, or will be
dying to steal life from themselves as sacrificed for
the evil criminal dictate of Their Mr. bush Jr.. Don't
go silent as the unknown dying enemy to God and
humanity, stand with Justice and freedom in America for
Americans, and I swear, we won't kill ya as the good
guys in the epilogue.

By the bushmob attempting to create unrest, so
Halliburton at al, can continue in the tommy franks
chaos to rob America blind with false billing, instead
of cash paying, is costing the lives of American teen
soldiers. Who god love'em or hate'em, don't have the
intellect to strategize their way out of an open paper
bag, never mind evil bush's false creeds without real
leadership present as living for. Instead of bruising
our egos, the bushites are dropping bombs illegally on
the family.


Ask a dying soldier how it sits to know commi
Halliburton pocketed Humanitarian Aid? Go ahead,
ask'em?! Then ask'em why they die as cowards by rummy
cluster dud for the bushmob to rob their own direct
families left unprotected? Ask'em! You know what
they'll tell you? They're not happy about these bushmob
war crimes truly destroying America in America,
"freedom", "democracy", Johnny Wizard or otherwise., Or
instead they'll mumble something incoherently while
jaunting away to murder some one found defenseless, or
innocent to pay further while dying to slave under the
criminal dictate of the really evil demon bush Jr..

A proud bushite is a toxic bushite halting from warring
the innocent by stealing your human values truly.

We need to see an apology to come from America, an
apology to Humanity for this carnage waged unnecessary,
but for these contemptible war profiteering practices as
direct assaults to all as God is. Assaults that we have
been unable to remedy by openly communicating to bush's
secret White House, rumsfeld's secret Pentagon, or
Ashcroft's secret Justice Department.

Just who's running this show anyway, I wanna know.

A - g - a - i - n

Will Americans save themselves with help from the rest
of US, by arresting bush and rumsfeld immediately for
high treason?, or will they cower and DIE as the
innocent, in false gratitude to the lying traitors
bushmob? To with their dying breath proclaim
unattested, to be ridding the Universe of their
continuing criminal behavior.. a.k.a. evil?

Evidence is a must to establish a crime scene
provocateur, to deny such privilege is to deny freedom
be served as consented through any government.

Hint: Demon bush, rumsfeld and Ashcroft, they ain't no
struggling democracy entirely.

Look, the thing about God coming down, and having it out
with humanity on some various critical issues, isn't
like going to happen, it is doing.

We had complete unrestricted access throughout Iraq
prior to murdering any innocent child in america's name.

These verbs will strike that antiChrist demon down for
ever and a day, and if I've gone, faded away, these
words will still remain,

till now we meet again,

as you were,

Johnny Wizard


Look at this will ya? DU killing American Patriot
Soldiers, while bush revises our continuing history,
like this ain't really happening. I can only again, beg
you as the reader, to wake up to this bush madness, and
support ME, the mythological Son of Man God King
because: my facts I bring to our table, do not change
from your summation of my unbridled character. (I don't
need votes, but a trust in the good times coming through
for trying something better.) As I have said before, you
don't have to support Johnny by donating a few dollars
for Christ sake, but, to have a care for your own
humanity. Or, will doubting me, unfortunately, change
the truly toxic composition of measured radioactive, and
gaseously microscopic, depleted uranium. For we both as
ALL suffer from the demon bush fumbles of corrupt
ineptitude, disguised as heinous war crimes against
everyone. Crimes of murder, that there is no rational
justification for., then, or now. No good reason to
have bombed, then stole from the billed Iraq as
Dutch-Shell victims. Only irrationalisms. Examples:
What can we do now in Iraq, that we couldn't have under
Saddam? Spend tens of billions in investments on
universal health care, or education perhaps? Why bomb
anyone, when we had complete, unrestricted access? What
could bush have demanded for Iraq justly, when his
un-elected entourage is responsible for outrages 9/11,
the Patriot Act, and Guantanamo? So see, now, we have a
really big ego problem. By god, You humans are truly
blind without ourselves to be seen as.

Well, not quite.

Don't forget, Our Mr. bush Jr. also participated
directly with the 9/11 strategy's, top secret
Presidential Directive, of offering no evidence against
Bin regarding some crime that wasn't galvanizing the
world like the lucky, World Trade Center incidents did
in time sensibly. Without 9/11, what would Powell look
like from when in August he gave the Taliban 43 million,
to then in September, going after those that funded the
Justice supporters? How? And, where is the Saddam
money gone for the food shipments?! Our Mr. bush Jr.
has it secretly he writes. He also writes he will not
be accountable to any rules of Law in this Universe
regarding the ownership of said monies he has stolen
through the UN not chirping. I told you, no leadership.
(Good thing we showed up to raise the dead eh? Nudge

Justice and Freedom, like God as Nature, be not feared
as of.

A friend and myself were discussing political
deceptions, and he asked me if I knew what the secret to
the universe was, and I said no, what?, he replied,
there is no secret.

The politics of living is Humanity's survival, and is
what should be as our interests recognized, to be
representative. However, there is often dismal public
failure to characterize hugely heinous criminal attempts
to harm our universal freedoms through unbiased
corporate conduct. Justice must be prime, and maybe You
as the forever unknown still. It's just, that we don't
have customers at National Newscast Central to invest in
ourselves as interested benefactor. Why can not the
widely publicized, and FREEDOMly available, central
questions on 9/11 be asked without answer by Blitzer, or
Aaron? Do they actually have US believing it is in not
our interests to say as much for Justice? For America?
For God as victim? How far would CNN go to discrediting
American soldier after American soldier, blindly
sacrificed for WorldCom bush and Dutch-Shell bremer,
before CNN finally reports on bush's other partners in
crime, like Ahmad, the funder of the 'mastermind', Atta.
Why continue? For as the bushmob, to murder cowardly
Americans while stealing pensions and selling heroin, is
just stupidly dumb, evil and wrong man. So wrote the
holy god guy from beyond his own comprehension as a
timeless wonder, demon slayer. The dumbass bush crimes
against US as God, I will remind you, are very real, and
toll many innocent souls. The criminal sabotage bush
inflicts in his public responsibilities as America,
yearns eternally for accountability to our suffering
World, God included.

I will not go silently.

No, it wasn't Iraqi planning, or of Afghanistan's
students, it was bush, rumsfeld, Condoleezza,, Ahmad,
and likely Mueller as traitors, who decided your wager
as American to be devalued into official, unrepresented
criminality as bound tyrannical. (Tenant and
checheCheney, maybe also..) See, this is why the Patriot
Act rears it's direct onslaught against every American,
barely too, unchallenged by Blitzer, or Aaron. No
Justice for terrorists, is no freedom for bush's america
TRULY. As a result, the fascist sympathizing bigots,
racists, and war crime advocates, will argue they're
inept to comprehend what they know not of, and as we
witness, gain easy unchallenged corporate access by
ignoring our public sentiment. You don't have to look
far for major problems with the, "but bremer said they
were freed Iraqis", or the official 9/11 story line, but
as a CNN news caster, Your dismissed without care for.
I say it doesn't have to be so, oh godless bushite
victims censored.


Turning Logic on Its Head

Bush's preemptive war policy is a war without just
cause. Under international law and centuries of common
legal usage, a preemptive war may be justified as an act
of self defense only where there exists a genuine and
imminent threat of physical attack.

We are all in agreement, in truth we rise, evil is just
the deceived disguised. Boo!

The case is wrapped up, and bush and rumsfeld need to be
immediately arrested for 9/11, for murdering countless
thousands for stolen gain, at the losses to our
humanity, that show through every putrid utterance of
scum bucket bush, as contempt for our living as humanity
through Law. Where a person accused of a criminal
offence without any evidence is clearly innocent. For
why I ask you reader, would any unjustified leader of US
people blame someone for a crime who wasn't linked to
the offense, while working to close investigations, and
not follow through with the ample clues to capture the
true evil doers? Just how cowardly stupid can soldier
families be taken without conviction as themselves worth
fighting for?

Justice for all, and glory be to godly.


Bush's preemptive war against Iraq doesn't even purport
to preempt a physical attack. It purports to preempt a
threat that is neither issued nor posed. Iraq is not
issuing threats of attack against the United States. It
is only the United States which threatens war.

By publicly encouraging attacks against the American
People, bush works to do death, on hopes to then maybe?,
get what he's purposing we are publicly pushing for as?
Blind, dumb, and criminally neglegent; we all are then
agreed? To have no publicly known reason to perpetrate
war crimes against everyone to steal and murder for Our
Mr.bush Jr.?... America's false deity super evil
anti-Christ? The terrorist of terrorists?

The demon who marked evil on the map with an "Oh", for
Ohpression by slaying everyone as the innoncet and God

loving in Our names?

It isn't Our position as humanity, to grant bush free
criminal reign over our rights to judge plainly still
living. Americans do learn a great deal from Sitcoms
thank you very much, and God damn it, we can count too.
2 infinity with everything minumn, and too, where
indivisable Justice is of truly being Human to reason as
the Living Universe.

Oh, but no, here comes Our Mr. bush Jr. who publicly
only confesses as pure evil, nazi vermin, to want to
kill our party by actually, factually, robbing from,
then murdering everybody as his enemy illegally,
irrationally!, and alas, God is truly alone, for CNN, as
most others, have no cause to make on Our cult
mentality. We are all together as One God, despite
corporate news censorship ignoring our calls for
Justice, because, WE are living as agreed, whole
heartedly, to be worthy of fairness officially. As a
democractic political lobby of too, yourself dummy. God
hater nazi sharon really publicly supports the murder of
ourselves being, he states over and over again to rob
and murder from your family to be only a jewish thing.
The Universe, could be, something amazing at a real
world level of sustainability, as there is space to
consider so factually as Existence is believing!
Curently however, the corporate break up is not watching
US performing live as recorded, because they victimize
US always. War is the breakdown of communications, but,
bush, the unelected American cop killer, he isn't
listening to any questions not being stated absent your
appeals to be heard as silently victimized, because...
CNN doesn't want to embarres US maybe? All the robbing
and killing bush and sharon does continually then?,
mistakenly? Dead people don't say much for your world,
eh american niebour? Eh?




Wow! what a great riff!


A gem of a Johnny..

A Repeat Broadcast

It is God's fault, that is of yourself also, that we,
leaderlessly, allow bush to further escape rightful
public trial then life term imprisonment. This world
could be so magnificent, if that demon bushmob wasn't
criminally getting sacrificed so many dying leaderless
American People left undefended.


You, yes, You,, If you would help yourself to try
questing to preserve freedom as your being stolen peace
of pie, you'd be practically sky writing across the
world. Can't sell it, can't buy it, but Being alive is
what living is all about. Take it from me partner.
God's practically wiped out, and the world is falling
apart because of George W. Bush's treasonous war action
against all of US as the forsaken, Humanity, (Jesus You
are.) but, I still see a glimmer of hope. A real
possibility that you'll be getting on to spend some
quality time doing what we all should be doing,
demanding real justice for (Johnn err...) freedom's
bounty. Sure, I'm broke, near homeless, hungry, and
left forsaken by all you little Jesuses too, but golly,
I'm still holding out the dream that you gained
something from your boo-da catholic Jewish Muslim Moslem
Atheist upbringings. Why must we allow rumsfeld to
escape accountability for blindly attacking Iraq to kill
US as the innocent? The demon antiChrist Iraqi conflict
has no basis for just cause. It can never be what it is
not. We had complete unrestricted access, to do
anything bush pleased, prior to sacrificing a single
person for Halliburton and Worldcom, disappearing
billions as the American tax payer, robbing the central
bank, stealing the nation's public resources including
humanitarian aid, dropping cluster duds on American
soldiers along with tons of toxic waste corporately
mandated as completely safe to eat by the poundful. No
joking. Murdering thousands. Demon bush is really evil
to US all man. It gives me as Creator a bad name the
great Johnster can't disguise as only one big dreaming
little g. I consider the conduct of George W. Bush an
insult to my intelligence, and, I don't like it, nor
wish bush's criminal folly to continue stealing the
lives of good people treated unjustly in anyone's name.
Let the US destroy George W. Bush instead of ourselves
as countless my friend, and be thanked in love as a
person who cared for all that is good about America.
Live god damn you People, live!

Johnny Wizard,
Again as the stupid one,


A Better Way
Like the bushmob
partner's theft of billions through Enron, of which in
Congressional hearings, nobody wanted to know the
pension money is still sitting in the Cayman Islands,
ready to be returned to the helpless victims, like an
American soldier's family being deemed by Congress, as
unimportant to their standard of living. No care right
nazi soldier? Just murder innocent third worlders to
tell your mother how much you care so for her? While
the war criminals, working for Dutch shell, heroin
dealers, and the monsters from Iran-contra, rumsfeld and
tommy, the nazi fucks, search the third world for people
who speak outrage against corporate America funding our
deaths by murder through censorship. While I sit here
writing as Johnny, waiting for a corporate professional
to deem me worth topicing on as unstoppable sweet
goodness. Look, read of our no counter opinion critics
in google 'groups', who publicly call themselves morons
or traitors willingly. Spooky dumb I'll tell ya.
We are all the Palestinians being counted
without value by corporate dictates ignoring the human


Johnny Wizard Reveals
Bush did 9/11

A war plan to kill the people of Afghanistan for Enron's power
plant in India was on the White House desk on the ninth of September.
A plan to blame bin Laden for a crime without providing any evidence.
Then 9/11. None of the ample evidence implicated Laden, like none of
the suspects were from Afghanistan, so why not seek the true
culprits responsible? FBI officers have claimed publicly that
warrant requests were sabotaged by someone at headquarters just prior
to 9/11. The CIA has publicly claimed stock options were played on
the loss of the two airline companies as insider trading. FBI
officers claim Mr. Atta received $100,000 in terrorist funding by
General Amed, who was meeting with the Bush administration a week
prior and after 9/11. Then rumsfeld and bush stood against our
humanity without reason to steal our lives, playing out an evil never
before shown to sway their capture as traitors to the American dream.
I demand my voice be heard through our corporate news services, to
accept any debate from those who fight to keep us ignorant on our
ability to freely communicate.

(from Google groups tab, us.military.army)
And this one is a shortened version, three paragraphs with Jeff, on
How can one argue against what is documented as proven fact?
Do fascists fear intelligence?
Again, we witness no counter argument for bush and rumsfeld's treason
against all the American people. They both have struggled diliberately
to hide the culprits responsible for 9/11, blamed a nation of millions
without evidence to murder for Enron, have attacked the American
Constitution, stolen billions from cowardly Americans silenced by the
corporate agenda through frauds blatant...

And, they both need to immediately be tried for war crimes, or taken
out by loyal American Patriots who will stand up for freedom to be

"Peace Now" <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:***@posting.google.com



/ / "The fear is necessary for two reasons. And the
principle reason has nothing to do with Iraq. it has to do
with the government itself. The bush government is criminal.
[...] The problem is: how do you keep people from paying
attention to this? You keep them focused on an external enemy.
[..] so they forment this fascistic hatred of a definable group
of people. So, the war on terrorism so called, is not much a
way for the United States to protect itself against it's enemy,
it is a way for it to create enemies, to justify the kind of
repressive measures that would otherwise be intolerable in
peace time." \ \


Me, Art Bell, and 9-11


From the Johnny essay, "Justice for God"

/ / The rabbi, Dov Lior, said a "thousand non-Jewish
lives are not worth a Jew's fingernail". \ \

So, decieved American taxed payers give him a big fat
welfare payment to tell US that robbed as cheated GODLY
Christians don't deserve fair treatment? What would
Hillel say? Buddah? Or Christ? Well, the Torra of
Moses speaks of God himself! coming down here and
explaining the best way to destroy the evil likes of an
anti-Jew enemy of G-d's love, Dov Lior, however, I'm
really hoping, you'll figure out how to stand up for
yourself as just as soon, a Christian, Muslim, Jew or
Atheist, whom the label pirate Dov Lior beleives so
little of, and demand some equal time to demand Justice
for God, as would be Justice for any, to therefor,
include US all as truly worthy.

God bless America by killing un-arrested George W. Bush


/ / All for our ability to communicate freely

There is one thing that is strangely absent from our
news coverage as unbiased bushwhores who are actually
devaluing under the tyranny of the evil antiChrist, Our
Mr. Bush Jr., and that is... \ \

Liberty and Justice for All

We need a national call on our national airwaves to have
General Ahmad arrested for being an accessory to the
crimes of mass murder on 9/11.

George W. Bush, Condi, and Rumsfeld, need to be
immediately arrested or executed for near escaping the
crime scenes of 9/11. Warnings came, they, (during
bush's vacation), "TOP SECRETLY" tweaked a, ready to go
planned world war strategy that would start off in
Afghanistan, premised, on not following the crime scene
leads of terrorist offenses that had yet to materialize,
while closing judicial investigations through the lead
up, the follow through, now... they're cooked. The
bushmob didn't want to get arrested those, who in his
name would soon, murder thousands of Americans in New
York City, for that event was saved to put into action
his "top secret" planned invasion. A world war plan
kept secret from those in American government until the
dated documents showed up at MSNBC. Confessed without
choice to MSNBC as "fully implemented" by the White
House, the bushite war crimes plan went underway almost
without hitch. By offering no rational reason that
factually establishes bin Laden's guilt, would GUARANTEE
the invasion of Afghanistan. Again, a planned false
allegation for a terrorist crime that had yet to be
committed. But See?, for, without evidence bush's
america would not be following the crimes scene leads
from the actual real murder scene, and the real culprits
are left to continue un-abated as the un-arrested
enemies of The People in God's trust.

The last thing the demon liar bush secretly wanted, was
to have halted Laden with evidence for the countless
crimes he's left his fingerprints at. For in this
history, we remember, the Taliban ended surrendering
Laden freely without any further answers. BUSH k-n-e-w
BEFORE HAND, if he were to offer any shred of evidence
to the World implicating Laden, the Taliban would
fundamentally fight for Allah like they were going to do
freely under Clinton, and rightly send the suspect away
for trial and sentencing on the commission of crimes
against God in America. But, hell, offering Laden up to
the world stage for a crime he wasn't committed to,
would sure ruin evil bush's war against our freedoms as
justice in this world. For, after following the
evidence, George W. Bush and his partners in crime
would now be behind bars for treason, or publicly
executed after a fair public trial regarding the facts
as they stand uncontended. MSNBC reported that bush had
actually signed the top secret Presidential plans in
their possession to rob and kill God's Great America.
For Bush, Rumsfeld, and Condi, garnered no insight from
"out of the loop" Richard Clarke on the subject of
Laden's terrorist behavior, (last minute not
withstanding) nor conversed the details on waging world
wars on intelligence with Tenet. Nor even,
surprisingly, talked with Armitage.


/ / We can assume, that Armitage received the same
warning reports about an attack as many other persons
did: George Tenet (CIA), Richard Clarke (CSG), Thomas
Pickard (FBI), Dale Watson (FBIHQ) or Henry H. Shelton
(DOD). \ \

Hammurabi tells History to wake up and kill the ungodly
false accuser, George W. Bush for the highest crime of
treason against our entire Universe, and I too, have to
admit, it's a pretty damn good idea to protect ourselves
from needless sacrifice, but for to make the bushmob
even more wealthier than they are as corporate
successes. Killing bush to save the countless innocent
lives of those the bushite liars confess publicly to
target, would be a gift to God un-paralleled in
gratitude for the love of life in which we all truly
share. Think this God asks: What real man of any
nationality, or religion, wouldn't kill a cowardly
bushite who wars defenseless innocent children with
cluster bombs and depleted uranium?, all so the bushmob
can further get away from stealing from their very own
grand parents they leave back home as cowards



Nick Berg was murdered in a large building with yellow
walls and a cement floor, by overweight white bigots who
of none, don't know the first thing about wearing a
turban, nor, the wise teachings of the Koran. We need
to do an investigation to conclude how many buildings in
Iraq fit those same sized projections witnessed in the
film that match up like Abu Ghraib does, before the evil
bushites go ahead and try destroying the 'sound'
evidence like only the super dummies would, to
ultimately win our favor. George, Son of Mankind here,
look, maybe if you'd just confess to making some bad
judgement calls in our names to devalue the human
species for plunder, while pleading mercy on this Court,
we'll let you live in purgatory for a few thousands



/ / Michigan's Senator Carl Levin asked the CIA
director: "Did the CIA agree with the contents of the
Feith document?" "Senator, we did not clear the
document. We did not agree with the way the data was
characterized in that document." \ \

Wow! The American CIA wasn't buying the bushite lies to
sacrifice the American Gi so to rob further from the
innocent censored either. All told, the death/cost
ratio really sucks for all concerned. Therefor, why
don't all nations of Earth call a temporary truce,
acknowledge our misgivings about each other, but then
openly realize, all people, good and bad, like the
forests and the sky lines, hate the evil war mongering
demon anti-Christ, George Walker Bush more than anything

The bushites, as thoughtless degenerates, are warring
our humanity's great achievements in universal law,
pretending like, we're not even present as interested
party. Great achievements like freedom through
representation, or demanding evidence to establish
someone's guilt, have been around since the dawn of
civilization; however, today, we instead under the
supreme command of the lawless evil bushite, are
willingly ignoring the actual criminals attempting
escape from the murder scene of 9/11, to greater parts
unknown without ourselves left still falling murdered
from Your inaction. By bush and cheney order, unfinished
criminal investigations were halted regarding the murder
of thousands in America.

Through fear of the awesome intelligence enshrined
within the Declaration of Independence, or the awestruck
genius in the simple blurb, "A Freeman shall not be
imprisoned", our demand as the civilized, is deemed not
relevant or profitable to corporate news America. What
does it profit an American to stand up for a stranger,
the neighbors, a distant cousin, or even sworn blood
brother? To know rotten Rumsfeld is feeding American
troops plutonium, while telling next of kin families
it's harmlessly done for a few thou', is like the dummy
rummy cluster dud killing today, yet another American
soldier paid through by collateral, so, don't worry, go
to sleep, nothings happening here but the death of

/ / Bush, immersed in his own world of plummeting poll
numbers, said, "Would the terrorists who beheaded an
American on camera just be quiet, peaceful citizens if
America had not liberated Iraq?" \ \

Who wouldn't kill the thieving evil bushite to save the
lives of the innocent they victimize for stolen profit I
ask everyone to think for yourself?

Look, I'm a pranking wordsmith of fiction sometimes, but
trust me when I tell you, this life death karma
business?, is truly a serious endeavor bush is taking
you for as innocent sacrifice. Willingly murdering good
People for the evil bushites to profit off, is a
sickness we must remedy, like, now. Every moment that
unjust demon celebrates his contempt for the American
Constitution, is another insult to all the soldiers whom
have died giving their lives in honor for freedom from
the tyranny a bushite professes proudly as the enemy,
America's enemy, Humanity's enemy, and God's duty as
ourselves to bring a more timely demise.

I am, King and lord of Creation.

Johnny Wizard

P.S. Can you e-mail this to an American talk radio
program, and witness first hand for Yourself, how far
some will rightly go in disguising their continuing
dishonor of all American soldiers; and in so, of all
which the great American nation was truly founded upon.
Liberty and Justice for All. Especially, you. Oh yeah,
and, could you find it in your heart to support my rise
to world acclaim, as a down and out dreamer, looking for
an easy break into the big time? Imagine: me, the guy
nobody has ever heard of before, knowing everybody!



/ / Do you have a Citibank account? How about a JP
Morgan Chase credit card? Who do you think were the
banks that moved the $3.3 trillion "missing" from the
treasury? Who escaped serious accountability on pump
and dump stock market fraud and gold market
manipulation? Do you subscribe to the New York Times or
the Wall Street Journal? Who do you think are the media
organizations that have failed to ask or try to answer
the UnAnswered Questions of 9-11? Why are you "voting"
for these companies with your money and your attention?
Why are you sending them the signal that despite their
abrogation of their obligations to you and your family,
you will continue to support them with your hard earned
resources? If some of your neighbors are earning 2% on
their bank certificates of deposits, while other
neighbors are paying 18% or more to the IRS or
multinational financial companies, why do we not realize
that this is both a political and profit making
opportunity to cut out a parasitic financial middleman? \ \

I'm with you buddy!!!


/ / ``By their fruits you will recognize them. Do people
pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?
Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad
tree bears bad fruit.''-- Matthew 7:16-17 (NIV)

I don't see any ``good fruits'' in George W. Bush's
first term as President. I don't even see the
much-touted ``growth'' that Bush supposedly underwent
after 9/11. All I see is a cruel person who has
progressed from blowing up frogs to blowing up people. \ \


/ / As villager Mohammed stated, "While still in the
village, men were gathered together and beaten severely.
A 70-year-old man suffocated and died when they put a
black plastic hood on him." Of those detained, there
were three boys (ages 14, 15 and 16), 10 school
teachers, three human rights lawyers and 67 farmers, 14
of whom were 60 to 80 years old. All of the men were
taken to Abu Ghraib. \ \


/ / Sutton reported, ``Plans were already afoot for the
Americans to disengage from the city. But before their
exit strategy became public the Americans launched one
final blitz on the besieged town. As the world watched
live on television it was, American generals admit, the
most intense aerial bombardment of Iraq since major
combat ended a year ago.'' What did any of them ever do
to us? There's a word for needless killing: it's
murder, and that's what Bush plunged us into. \ \



/ / Let's be clear about what this means: Gonzales was urging--and the
President adopted as
policy--an end run around federal laws. The War Crimes Act, passed by
Congress in 1996, allows
criminal prosecution of Americans for actions that violate the rights
granted prisoners and
civilians by the Geneva Conventions and for "outrages upon personal
dignity." It is backed by the
full range of federal penalties, up to and including the death
penalty. And all treaties, including the
Geneva Conventions and the Torture Convention, are likewise the
binding law of the land. \ \


I Need Funding

/ / The report, dated May 5, said interrogators from a
National Guard unit attached to the 3rd Infantry
Division had "forced into asphyxiation numerous
detainees in an attempt to obtain information" during
one 10-week period last year, the newspaper said. \ \

Nazi bushite enemies ruled under the traitor to America,
lawless war criminal buford "bush bitch" blount.
America has got to double up the effort to preserve your
rights denied under the tyranny of the evil anti-Christ,
corporate america's George W. Bush, if they want to
survive truly as "The People". Freedom without Justice
is like living without being. Demon bush demands by
threat, that evidence no longer be a requirement to
convince us who is evil, or a criminal, and I, John, am
calling his number up. Reality as a property, is of
which to all we share equally. Substantiated
understanding through rational conclusion, formed by our
evidentiary findings, is all we got to go on when
deciding, whom shall be murdered for the crimes of 9/11.
Mr. bush and cheney, they don't want those whom were
accomplices, found out by AMERICAN JUSTICE, and gee,
...I wonder why that might be.. (They both as reported
[MSNBC], urgently struggled to close FBI and CIA
investigations into the matter of thousands [AFFLUENT]
American mass murder victims). If we like the idea of
"Freedom", then we're going for sure need to find those
responsible for transgressing our boundaries quantified
through law conducted so as measured. Top Priority:
Mass Murder. Only barbaric savages, as enemies of
mankind war the Humanity of which is ourselves. The
bushite soldier is ordered to murder indiscriminately
ourselves as innocent victims, and instead of manly
killing their evil bushite commandeer(s), they weakly
target the innocent by cluster bombs, killing their own
brothers and sisters too they praise, completely without
reason as is their unrecognized self betrayal to
America. That they naturally can't see, because they
have no human character. "Growing up" in some southern
bastion of make believe hell, that votes yet again they
claim, to further dismantle the public works system; for
reading is all for the stupid people. The Constitution?
Declaration of Independence? comic books? All trash a
bush supporter once told me of everything under the sun
in public Usenet discussions, or the entire Internet for
that matter. One out a seven in America is a functional
illiterate, which is just about bush's entire
constabulary, that if knew better, would be the first
ones to vote for impeachment, trial, then,..dream on.
The bushite is led as enemies of America, against the
Constitution once held rightly dear. Held dear to the
American soldier of old, not like the thieving sadistic
coward and bushite betrayer of today, absent the Army
Code, or as in present throughout, the Marine's Handbook
on Leadership. Today, American Chivalry is blindly led
through Donald "how dare they ask for evidence to
substantiate my allegations for killing whomever"
Rumsfeld, Kimmit, and the never forgotten bomb wherever
killer of women and children, Sir Franks. A performing
"Knight" [not real] he proclaims publicly to all,
including the wise wealthy spindlers of "magic" some
said, but were the art at living to bring Justice for
the innocent as victimized. The victimized impoverished
from a savage land chained by the tyranny of fools,
through the veils of a.... George W. Bush!! Evil
incarnate! The most despicable excuse for humans
suffering ever surmised by real understanding.

Wow! Why don't you just take a bow for US already!


/ / Add it all up, and the bill comes to nearly $4,000
per household, not including interest. "I wonder how
people would react if they got a bill from Washington
for that amount," he said. \ \

A bill based on murdering US innocent folks, so the
bushmob's bushite slaves, as traitors to America, can
steal even further from our distant Iraqi brothers and
sisters left destitute by our forsaken name. Demon bush
has no rights to any stolen assets, none whatsoever.

Enemies of Humanity shall lose to themselves by us
winning for just ordered chaos. The intelligence of
believing to surmiss, by golly good god we exist as
truly a miracle. Wow!, we could be simply something
fantastic if we had the will to make life something
greater for everyone included. Doing God a favor. What
pleasure could be greater giving back what you so most
treasure? Think of me doing this as King for investment
on continuing towards a better fortune. I don't ask for
your faith as bush demands you for himself, but ask you
to only find faith in youself as an equal unto Heaven,
and try to form your conclusions by not concluding so
much without any understanding at all. Sugestion:
don't be so suggestable., and think about supporting the
re-start of the American 9/11 police investigations by
firstly, arresting bush and rumsfeld immediately, for
the evilest of high treasons in America., America, the
native home land of a freedom plan never lost to the
tide of political indifference through tech-know
corporate media bias. The driving will for me to
succeed towards a better future, is the freedom as being
committed to Justice indivisable. Ultimately, Justice
for You, means Justice for me, even if you don't
understand as much.

Johnny Wizard



/ / These are only some of the reasons bush must be
convicted for murdering innocent people, or executed by
a real American soldier, dedicated to freedom, Liberty,
and Justice indivisible, for all as US equals. \ \



/ / 5) Was there a coordinated effort with the U.S. intelligence
community and/or British officials to "fix" the intelligence and facts
around the policy as the leaked document states? \ \

Forbidden Knowledge



The most powerful broadcast ever recorded in the history of Humanity.

2006-07-19 00:29:09 UTC
This post is way to long to read...Will someone sumerize?
Israel is saying that Hitler was right in Gassing the Jews.
Thousands of people are held kidnapped in prison in Israel,
without any trial, no evidence is brought against them. They
the Zionists, encourage you to follow their mode of reasoning.
You can slaughter everybody in Israel, and they'd say, "Well
yah, that's what likudniks do too. We totally agree with you.
That is the proper course of action to do, indiscriminate
murder campaigns, against our family and friends, for we do
not believe in a just cause, or a loving God."
They say they're justified in slaughtering the Jews in
Lebanon, because they say a soldier has been kidnapped and
moved on to Iran immediately, it's all Syria's fault, but they
can kill Jews and Christians in Lebanon endlessly. And yet,
the Lebanese government in power apposes the victimization of
innocent people. While Nazi Israeli accusation after
accusation is given to G-d without a shred of evidence. Nadda.
Enemies of God in anti-Semitic zionist Israel say, it's
appropriate to kill innocent people in Lebanon because they
hold thousands in prison without trial or evidence. Oops, no,
that's nazi Israel,.. I mean because some outside faction
kidnapped a nazi soldier and ferreted him immediately to Iran.
An action Syria is completely responsible for. So, what do
they do? Nazi Israel murders innocent Christians and Jews.
So, as the nazis did, these enemies of Creation believe
mankind does not have the will or the power to speak in
defense of the innocent like Christ is, for our corporate
media masters forbids our truth to be spoken freely.
REMEMBER: ZIONIST CBC, CNN, and FOXNews managements know as
Creation's ENEMIES, according to the FBI, demon antichrist
George Walker Bush's business partner, General Mahmoud Ahmad
funded 911's terrorist network - that murdered thousands of
Innocent Americans held worthless to their bottom lines.
Two seriously dishonorable cops are refusing to defend
Canada's interests, and are threatening the freedoms of me and
my friends. Likely, as cowards who refuse to support the FBI,
side with TRUE TERRORIST fascist enemy forces. I am told,
soon, they are going to attempt fraudulently arresting me,
PIRATING WINNIPEG'S JUSTICE SYSTEM, in support of demon bush's
mass murdering rapist traitors. Now, likely, Winnipeg's local
papers, who criminally cash in on stolen revenues taken from
elderly lottery players, will refuse to inform our Winnipeg
citizenry, soldiers included, that I have been arrested here
in CANADA at the top secret fascist nazi police state request
of George W. Bush and Rumsfeld, because of my public
statements in support of REAL FBI officers, and those two
demons direct culpability for the terrorist crimes of 911.
Please, help yourself, by helping me gain true Justice for our
World community. The ONLY way that they can deprive me my
freedom, is to deny YOURSELF justice on this matter. Please
suport the right cause, and defend myself from those who
insist on aiding and abetting the terrorist crimes of the Bush
Pakistani ISI Director General Ahmad orders an aide to wire
transfer about $100,000 to hijacker Atta. Ahmad later resigns
after the transfer is disclosed in India and confirmed by the
FBI. [Dawn, 10/8/01, Times of India, 10/9/01, Wall Street
Journal, 10/10/01, AFP, 10/10/01]
Please, help yourself by forwarding this, my last post to
everyone everywhere, to defend America, to defend FBI officers
who do their job to the best of their ability, and to defend
myself, the Innocent left forsaken.
Look who's been kidnapped!
/ / To this very day, there are hundreds of prisoners rotting
in Shin Bet prisons and dungeons, people who have never been
- and never will be - tried. And Israelis are silently resolved
to this phenomenon. \ \
A cotush rocket doesn't go more than 37 miles. [20 is MAX]
The nation who harbored the attack in Hi-the, is Israel. Nazi
Israel's reason for killing INNOCENT Christians and Jews in
Northern Lebanon is wrong, and rightly, the likudniks should
be bombing THIEF likudniks, who as alleged by their own words
and actions, have failed to reign in terrorism within their
own borders. [The "craters" in Hi-the measured to be near about
12 inches in diameter.]
The King of the Jews
Hello Humanity, how are you doing?, Johnny Wizard here. I
guess as good as can be expected, considering Israel is still
bombing People indiscriminately. Targeting primarily
Christian and Jews who live in Northern Lebanon. They're
going to punish the government too, when they told US the
soldier prisoner was ferreted over to Iran, and it's all
Syria's fault that this is taking place. So they can kill
near half a billion, not involved innocent People and be
'justified'. Cause the demon antichrist, George Walker Bush
said, Israel has a right to defend herself, all nations do,
against terrorist activities. So Israel can bomb whoever,
doesn't matter. Cause Iran said, their allegations they have
are totally baseless. But, corporate bushite america doesn't
go by facts. [Ahmad funded 911's Atta]. The reason Israel
can not broker a honorable settlement for Peace, is because
they're dishonorable. They STEAL innocent peoples homes.
Corporate America will never show Americans that. Why?
Because as soon as you learn it, the arguments are over. You
know, well, that's a CRIME.
Under American Law, these demon bushites would be gloriously
executed. Like the TERRORISTS Tim Spicer and Cofer Black
would be also, along with the neocons responsible for 911.
But American corporate media masters is going down the way of
lawless bushite nazi grunt contusions, a satanic demon force
that American People refuse to defend themselves over with
just causes.
American tax payers are paying for the indiscriminate mass
murder of the innocent people of our Earth, while bushite
corporate american newscasters continue to tell US, the bad
guys responsible have done nothing wrong with bushite
weaponry. For, the pro-lawless bushite enemies of God's once
great Creation allege the only terrorist destruction taking
place is in ignorant American tax paid for anti-Semitic
Israel. BUSHITES know the neocons did 911, and as TRAITORS
feel American men are not MAN enough to hunt them down and
kill them to defend our falling murdered loving innocent
families. Please help our forsaken God.
/ / Don't care about the innocent Iraqi men that PANTANO
murdered, confessed already as done by PANTANO, completely.
All the evidence is in. Read his own statements. He can not
be a better friend, to someone he is opening thieving from as
bushite enemy. That's the best friendship he can extend to
ANYONE on this planet. And that's what his America is all
about. Don't take my word for it, listen to PANTANO! \ \
60 Afghan civilians dead in US air strikes
/ / "No, there was no civilian injured, and we have no report
to support the claim," said Tamara Lawrence, spokesperson of
the coalition. The US military in a press release issued
Monday said that the coalition attacks had left more than 40
extremists dead in villages 10 km away from Trinkot. \ \
Almost in the same sentence. Tamara Lawrence claims those
that wish to support the FBI to protect America though
Justice, are up for murder by the ungodly criminal "lawless"
antiChrist forces, claiming YOU and your innocent children,
will be just uncivilized extremists, not worthy of life, but
only their ungodly hatred for Freedom in America.
/ / In May, the coalition dropped bombs in Afghanistan on no
fewer than 750 occasions, more than the ordnance dropped in
Iraq. \ \
/ / When Is a 14-Year-Old Girl a 'Woman'? \ \
/ / Hail the [lawless bushite anti-}American heroes... \ \
Make It So
Look, my friends, bushite are the real enemy. They refuse to
allow open discussions in our newspapers and radio TV
broadcasts. I know a producer at the CBC, Canadian's
Broadcast Corporation, a producer that was promptly 'let go'
for starting on a informative depleted uranium program to
attempt educating Our DYING teen Soldiers. Cancelled DEAD.
Trust me please. CNN, CBC, and FOXNews corporate managements
know, bush and the neocons did 911, but as the contemptibly
ungodly, it's only YOUR LIFE they are willing to sadistically
sacrifice for more criminal ill gotten gains as the TRULY
Satanic. They rarely have any true power, but for to know
they secretly work to have you murdered for the Antichrist.
While, I, as Creator, am Life and Death. So, needless to say,
I know what I speak to be so really. I am willing to do
public presentations through our media against any or all
bushites, for we are Self created as the Earth's Supreme
bushite educator/executioner, but the worthless millionaire
media masters, don't want US to win by freely communicating
truly see? Why? They, in a free market place of ideas, would
have nothing we would willingly buy from them as our
sell-outs. We'd have not to pay for free energy, free water,
or, free love.
Look, bushites are consciously aware that they are, enemies of
all Human beings as the TRULY ungodly. Bush bitch E-N-E-M-Y
George Norry KNOWS Ahmad funded Atta, but forbids DYING
America to know so as TRAITORS to themself. It's like when
Cheney lobbed Publicly for torturing innocent people as a
bushite enemy's pleasure. A crime that Reagan DID MAKE LAW
that STANDS STILL in Johnny's America, to now have demanded
life term prison sentences against ALL bushites who would
treasonously fight as such, and death to those who directly
participate in the murder of an innocent other.
Make it so.
'Joke' song about Iraqi [innocent child] killings to be recorded
/ / A [satanic bushite] radio talk-show host is to record and
release a song written by a [thieving] US Marine corporal about
killing [innocent childhood] members of an Iraqi family. \ \
A song celebrating the murder of innocent children sung by
proud to be enemies of God.. a big smash hit or bomb perhaps
inside the dying new Antichrist demon "lawless" America? Fuck,
do I HATE BUSHITE with everything I am as me. DIE BUSHITE DIE.
...INNOCENT Prisoners being interrogated by BUSHITE at Guantánamo have
· sexually harassed and raped or threatened with rape;
· beaten [likely to death, for 'escapes' 'later' get found dead];
· tortured at bases abroad before transfer to Guantánamo;
· threatened with transfer to a foreign country, for torture;
· held in solitary confinement for periods exceeding a year;
· deprived of medical treatment for serious conditions, or allowed
treatment only on the condition that they "cooperate" with
· deprived of sleep for days and weeks and, in at least one case,
· exposed to prolonged temperature EXTREMES;
· routinely "short-shackled" for hours and even days during
Loading Image...
Johnny on CPAC
little sister and put her in front of me . . as the bullets
began to fly, the blood sprayed from between her eyes, and
then I laughed maniacally." [, then were heard the cheers of
godless bushite dumfuk traitors obscening to God and Man as
the unholy enemy.]
What ever happened to butterfly kisses after evening prayers?
Are you telling me, an American Father, wouldn't gloriously
kill this lawless bushite enemy and his demonic ilk, for our
love of girls everywhere? Or, how about the UNARRESTED
soldiers we witnessed on video beat shoeless children
practically to death while laughing and cheering? Or like
those that speak zero defenses for Haditha's confessed MASS
MURDERING irrational women and child killers? The REAL demons
CONFESS to going into a house, WITHOUT reasoned approach, and
slaughtering an entire INNOCENT family.. for nothing but
their lifeless SATANIC pleasures. The 'cause'? "The [mass
murdered unarmed innocent neighbor's] back door was open.."
To, for God, gloriously, with love, kill these un-arrested
murderous continuing ungodly bushite nazis, is to war the TRUE
enemies of Humanity to save the lives of our precious loved
ones. Please help US, please help God, and bag a demon LIAR
bushite to defeat the 911 "escaping" terrorists, the enemies
of America, the enemies of Johnny, the enemies of Life.
Again, these very same thieving bushites of Haditha, admit
Publicly also to targeting for indiscriminate MURDER, the
innocent Peoples of Fallujah, and insist, that's what all
bushite soldiers do most normally in combat for the antiChrist
EVIL George Walker Bush - the thieving traitor forces siding
against our great God's Creation, being led lowly as fascist
nazi cowards, too weak and afraid to defend US innocent in war
time. A "lawless" bushite soldier wars in contempt of all
logic and reason as EVERYONE'S ENEMY.
/ / She was afraid, she told her mother. Her unspeakable
tragedy illustrates a basic fact of [bushite enemy]
occupation: Iraqi civilians are at the mercy of immature
young Americans [truly soulless bushite rapists, the "lawless"
disciples of the for real demon antichrist, 911's Mr. bush
Jr.] with guns. They have no rights. \ \
See, the bushite enemies, claim they can not be found
accountable to a RULE of Law. "Lawless" the demon enemies
claim to armed freedom fighting American Patriots. ANYONE in
America's America, who claims bushite grunts can not be found
accountable, such as the likes of a Tim Spicer at Aegis, Cofer
Black at Blackwater, or South African death squad goons, shoot
dead as our sworn enemies my brother. PANTANO claims he can
not be judged publicly by God or America, as a war criminal
who freely admits he murdered AT LEAST two unarmed innocent
Iraqis for no justified reason. He, as bushite enemy, states
instead, he has been "acquitted" for the first degree murders,
without any criminal American judge judging so. Just him and
his nazi lover, his bush bitch bum buddy whore everyone is
gunning for, Maj. Gen. Richard Huck, enemy commander of the
2nd Marine Division based at CAMP LEJEUNE. These two enemies
of Freedom feel that America must be denied Justice for
Humanity under the tyrannies of their treasonous bushite
CRIMINAL decree. Why not just execute the lowly traitors
instead my friends, and in that process, potentially free
millions of lives, as something truly flag waving
Pro-American? Death to the bushites, death to our enemies who
claim Justice un-attainable by our standards not there
presently commanding our moral courage as outrage.
Johnny Wizard
p.s. The crimes of bushite, are the crimes CNN claims are
crimes of the terrorist enemies in Iraq. Corporate america sucks.
Pope Paul IV, "If you want peace, work for justice"
/ / See the bushite liar enemy of Liberty and freedom who
denies this Justice, then feel glad to kill it for your love
of a real God suffering. \ \
They go, "Yah, but we were elected.", yah, but you didn't tell
us you were going to be a traitor when you took office.
George Bush did 911 with General Ahmad, according to the FBI
Know, that all the emails that foxnews take from the Public,
all the emails that cbc takes from the Public, and all the
emails that cnn takes from the Public, have received my posts.
Stating, George Walker Bush did 911 with General Ahmad,
according to the FBI, and our corporate news professionals,
don't want our soldiers to know that. They'd rather see them
die as cowards, as enemies of Freedom, assisting the
terrorists who committed mass murder in our names back in New
York City on 911.
FBI says, 'No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11'
"The FBI gathers evidence. Once evidence is gathered, it
is turned over to the Department of Justice. The Department
of Justice than decides whether it has enough evidence to
present to a federal grand jury. In the case of the 1998
United States Embassies being bombed, bin Laden has been
formally indicted and charged by a grand jury. He has not
been formally indicted and charged in connection with 9/11
because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting bin Laden to
CNN's Anderson Cooper broadcast on July 3rd, 2006
"bin Laden's got company, and it isn't pretty. Terrorists,
polygamists, and just plain thugs. Inside the FBI's 10 Most
Wanted. How they track down and capture some the worst
criminals in the world. Tonight, on 360."
Bring it On! - A Vet Speaks Out
" Before you start on the Taliban supported Bin Laden drivel
though, show me ANYWHERE on the FBI most wanted terrorist
page ANY information linking OBL specifically with the events
of 911."
Neocon bush bitches, who work at our private news corporate
headquarters, are traitors to Christ as TRUE enemies to the
American flag, freedom as Justice for US all. The fair minded
Son of a God included.
In August 2001, a month before 911, Collin Powell gave the
Taliban 43 million dollars. So, why don't you arrest Collin
Powell?, why shouldn't Collin Powell be bombed? With a
thousand pound bomb, and kill, you know, everybody else who
lives in his village too, because he's a "Taliban". WHY? You
see? you go, "Well, yah, that's true, it's completely
documented correct 100 percent, but, it doesn't fit in with
our bullshit demon lies - that serve the demon antichrist who
kills our kids for cash! Undefended kids for the continuing
big cash withdrawals regarding Your personal inaction to
support ourselves on this Justice for our Humanity subject.
The windfalls of tyranny can be quite staggering when you
don't think about it actually costing you something.
We had to call the Chief News director at Al-jezzerah.
/ / In an even more bizarre twist, just hours before the tape
was found and aired by AlJazeera, Colin Powell announced in
the US Senate that a "Bin Laden tape is coming proving Iraq's
links with Al-Qaeda. \ \
Strangely, this uruknet.com writer, was not aware that the
Chief News Director at aljazeerah or aljazira or aljazeera or
aljazeerah or.., didn't have the Mr. Powell tape in their
possession, until hours after he, Mr. Powell, pronounced they
had already received the tape clandestinely, through the same
single top secret channel they always have. And, second,
where did this quote "Bin Laden tape is COMING proving Iraq's
links with Al-Qaeda." come from as recorded before the Laden
tape showed up late? I'd wager that quote didn't show up
until after the prime event in question, because I had no
recollection. For, it wasn't believed by Powell, that they
hadn't the tape already from "Al-Qaida", he had previously
heard of.. mistakenly. Specifically. From somebody. Whom?
Unless, perhaps, Powell speaks a poor Arabic..
/ / Powell claimed to have an audio tape proving that Saddam was
supporting Osama Bin Laden. But independent translation of
the tape revealed Osama's wish for Saddam's death. \ \
According to whom?
/ / Although no where in the tape, so-called ``Bin Laden''
referred to his alliance with Saddam Hussein of Iraq, the US
media and government are DESCRIBING IT AS A PROOF
[nonetheless] to their allegations that Saddam has links with
Al-Qaeda. \ \
Just before the ending to neocon Zarqawi, Zarqawi released a
four hour tape. FOUR HOURS! And in it, he as per-usual
advocates the INDISCRIMINATE murder of innocent Iraqis, but
then he did something else. He advocated "Al-Qaida" to not
even bother targeting American forces for now. No lie.
[Think of all those that co-operated with Rumsfeld for 911, or
Spector for JFK, and how certainly, they could not be trusted
for blabbing as dishonorable thieves,.. right? Work for a
zionist neocon enemy of Life, and they'll steal from
themselves behind your back, when nobody is looking, every
Then, the new and improved Laden series came out, praising
Zarqawi's wise words! While, 'without reason' correcting the
Zarqawi parlance - by killing three American Soldiers right
off, just to make it look good for the zionist neocon
traitors. Pfc. Kristian Menchaca, 23, of Houston, and Pfc.
Thomas L. Tucker, 25, of Madras, Ore., "killed in a barbaric
way.", and Spc. David J. Babineau, 25, of Springfield,
Mass., all were from the 101st Airborne Division out of Fort
Campbell, Kentucky. Left alone on the most dangerous
intersection in the entire Middle East. Who was the proud to
be front line decision maker worrying for bush's thiefdum of
demon liars I say? Doesn't want to talk freely eh...
Was he just like this bushite illusioning escapist, rapist and
murderer? http://www.cair-net.org/images/lcpl11.jpg
New laws to punish whistle blowers
/ / He wants longer jail sentences and the removal of a key
legal defence of "necessity" for whistleblowers. \ \
Look, the government has to live up to obeying the law. So,
to disclose a government official's criminal wrong doing, is
to uphold the Constitution or the Flag, and certainly not as
FoxNews or the American Supreme Court would proclaim,
treasonous to their ungodly criminal kind.
Did you know that a bushite liar will victimize anybody,
including a fellow bushite liar for a stolen nickel as our
Humanity's dumfuk nazi enemies? A good bushite, is a lifeless
dead bushite WAR CRIMINAL, halted from further victimizing our
innocent Humanity. Death to the murderous bushite, death to
America's true terrorist enemies.
Ariel Sharon, before he died, was caught personally involved
in the criminal attempt to blow up the Mexican Congress with
dynamite - as a bonifide war mongering terrorist leader of
america's Holocaust denying, cowardly nazi lying Israeli
racist military don't you know. What?, too many worlds?
Can I help everyone single handedly take over the news word
with good old reasons, namely, our own presently?.. Measure
is good to me. Evidence is the formulation of ANYONE'S guilt,
EVIL bushite demon liars spew otherwise as our criminally
benefacting ungodly enemies. Traitors. WE, THE PEOPLE,
instead, want to nab the true, evil doing terrorists from the
criminal acts committed in our names in New York City on 911.
Starting with everyone of the criminally malfeasant - War
Criming Bush Administration. Held without sails until we can
together, talk politically this thing through internationally
with powerful words on Justice. All stolen Iraqi assets will
be tracked down religiously, then returned with interest,
while emergency food, water, and health care provisions will
be trucked in by the cargo holds, paid for additionally, by
the stolen funds that will be returned through treasonous
price-fixing Halliburton. Har har.
By the way, Joe, how are the funds? can you front me a couple
a'grand, so I can attempt to hire some constitutional lawyers
for my legal defense up here in, we love Canada? Then, as a
plus, we can go on to save the world? With a detailed, let's
just wing it, Justice for All including Johnny strategy?
Have I told you it's a-l-m-o-s-t becoming acceptable to go to
prison here in corporately censored North America for simply
being a truth telling Human, as real Justice is?, Godly?
Chris Mathews, Olberman, and the rest of you lot from the
comedy channels, make way, here comes Johnny Jesus! Holy Fff!
5 GIs probed in Iraq rape, killings
Chicago Sun-Times
" The official said the rape and killings appear to have
been a ''crime of opportunity,'' noting that the [lawless
pro-bushite] soldiers had not been attacked by insurgents but
had noticed the woman. [undefended by a real man]"
"Support Our Troops"
" "That phrase [Support Our Troops] has become associated
with the uncritical, unthinking, blind support of the American
position in Afghanistan and Iraq," he said. "It isn't just a
folksy saying any more. If they wanted us to be thinking of
the troops, perhaps that's what the T-shirts should say.""
US-led offensive in southern Afghanistan kills hundreds
" The Pentagon routinely describes all victims of military
operations as Taliban, even if they turn out to be women
and children."
/ / Interior Minister Roni Bar-On told Israel Radio: "Hamas
well understands ... that the sky will fall on them if they
harm Gilad Shalit." \ \
No demon enemy. Nazi Israel will murder, TERRORIZE, as they
have for decades, like nazis do, completely innocent people,
in no way connected to any alleged crime. Like the gas
chambers of the Holocaust, Likudniks murder helpless people on
the brink of starvation to thieve from as the ungodly. More
than 8000 missiles had been fired indiscriminately into Gaza
Since January 2006, and the request to release 1000
Palestinian prisoners, is of prisoners held without trial, or
evidence of any indictable offenses. Enemies of the Innocent,
enemies of Christ is what an anti-Semitic neocon thieving
likudnik TERRORIST is. Just read the Old Testament about
these LIAR demon G-d betrayers. No love for People anywhere,
especially Jews.
Besides, it is well documented, Hammas, was financially backed
by the Likudniks to destabilize a freeing people in the region
for criminal profits stolen from ignorant "Christian" American
tax payers.
" You see? you go, "Well, yah, that's true, it's completely
documented correct 100 percent, but, it doesn't fit in with
our bullshit demon lies - that serve the demon antichrist who
kills our kids for cash!"
Protecting Israel, Intimidating Congress, Lying to the
American People
"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in
Where is enslaved by the demon antiChrist America really truly going?
""A recent DOD investigation...identified a number of abuses, some of
them considered widespread, committed by DOD contractors or
subcontractors of third country national (TCN) workers in Iraq. Some
these abuses are indicative of trafficking in persons....""
Thank You Lt. Ehren Watada
June 27 "Stand Up with Lt. Watada" National Day of Action PDF leaflet
"There's no plan!" Murtha said on Meet the Press. "You open up this
for victory. There's no plan there. It's just, 'Stay the course.' That
doesn't solve the problem. It's worse today than it was six months ago
when I spoke out initially. When I spoke out, the garbage wasn't being
collected, oil production below pre-War level -- all those things
indicated to me we weren't winning this, and it's the same today, if
"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in
Terror Expert: London Bomber Was Working For MI5
dying for lies no longer in disguise
Again, realize, FOX, CNN, and CBC will all in the thousands,
receive this information about 9/11's Ahmad, but will refuse
to support honorable Police officers, our Humanity's cause for
Freedom through Justice, or our beliefs in any religion.
They, as murderous sadists, fascists, obstruct Justice for
ourselves by refusing to report on the facts of why America
continues to fight, dying sacrificed, while censoring your
cries for understanding. FOXNews decisions don't formulate
our interests by relying upon documented TRUTHS as protections
about this silently dying as unfairly victimized world. Left
forsaken, in Your name..
""Al-Qaida in Iraq claimed responsibility for killing the
soldiers, " [..] i.e., World War Four, as plotted by the
neocons." Three soldiers left alone on the most dangerous
check point in Iraq? All of what any soldier singly
strategizes, thrown completely out the door without the
simplest considerations? Soldiers are dumb, true, but
generally, not that. Goes to show. Follow this..
See, it is now officially acknowledged worldwide, "Al-Qaida",
is just General Mahmoud Ahmad, bushite liar Kimmit, task force
626, and beheader Blackwater mercenaries who dress up as Arabs
for the easy money in getting Marines killed as the leaderless
bad guy dumfuks. How dumfuked? They, "The Marines", broke
out of prison two bushites that were dressed up as Arabs, who
were caught shooting at Iraqi police officers, in a car laced
with explosives to keep the war going for the neocon's P2OG.
TO GET MARINES KILLED. See?, total dumfuks. Or TRUE cowards.
"Lt Col Tim Spicer [the Aegis anti-Iraqi terrorist] asserts
that the soldiers who shot an unarmed teenager in the back,
having searched him, did no wrong. In our view this is a
totally unsuitable individual to be awarded such a
potentially controversial contract in Iraq."
"[COWARDLY] US troops take over mosque, turn it into a
headquarters for themselves in ar-Ramadi Saturday." See?
How stupid is that?
Why can they not stand up as real men, to war those truly
responsible for the cowardly terrorist acts of nine-eleven, or
the bombing of Samara? No, as cowardly demonic enemies of
America, brag about murdering innocent women and children,
like, I'd kill him easy, Gunnery Sergeant John Merriman, "At
first I froze on seeing the civilian woman. She then crossed
back again with the child ["no older than 10"] and went behind
a wall. Within less than a minute a guy with an RPG came out
and fired at us from behind the same wall. This happened a
second time so I thought, 'Okay, I get it. Let her come out
again'. She did and this time I took her out with my M-16."
See? I'd joyously kill this dumfuk bushite in praise to God.
"Let her come out again". Think about it. Death to the
bushite, death to our enemies. To kill a bushite thief, is to
save the lives of the godly innocent they murder in our names.
Here's another, that any real man from any country, likewise
would kill instantly in defense of Freedom and Liberty.
"Mike Brooks was one of the commanders who had given the
order to shoot at civilian vehicles. It weighed on his mind,
even though he felt he had no choice but to do everything to
protect his marines from another ambush."
Weighed on his mind to indiscriminately commit mass murder?
Fuck you. See the bushite, you kill it for Christ, you kill
it for America, you kill it for the Love God has for children
everywhere. Die bushite die.
Who would have thought a soulless bushite slave would kill
another bushite slave for a stolen nickel that they likely
spooked from an undefended American grand parent, left still,
in the repuglicon clutches of the lawless demon anti-Christ?
I did. As does many others.
"Marine Airhart who quit in disgust of witnessing the truly
demonic behaviors of the bushite enemy forces "I was there
four months," he says of Guantanamo, "and there wasn't a day
that there wasn't some sort of prisoner-beating festivity
going on." "
Oh, and by the way, bushites are currently wishing to pirate
our public justice system here in Canada, and I might actually
go to prison fraudulently, for pro-totalitarian interests, as
the TRUE Leader of the Free World, all because You apparently
refuse to defend yourself by helping me out some. Private
interest media maestros don't want to tell our dying for bush
soldiers, our kids, that Ahmad funded 9/11's Atta. You dumb
bastards.. don't do this to yourself quietly. Knock knock.
Is it "Al-Qaida", or is it America? Nobody puts Baby in the
So, please, consider forwarding this post to church groups,
police stations, NRA members, biker gangs, and youth out-reaches.
For, our corporate news agencies refuse to defend ourselves
from the neocon terrorists responsible for 9/11. Do let them
escape my friends, don't let them escape.
Pentagon Details Abuse of Iraq Detainees
"Specific names and locations, including the identities of
the [bushite] military unit(s) [who criminally commit torture
against the innocent as traitors], were blacked out. "
People of Earth
The Son to God Speaks
"If the 2004 Battle of Fallujah is a precursor for an
attack against Ramadi, the U.S. military MAY cordon off an
escape route for women and children [to be murdered further up
the road], but forbid the men and older boys [older equals
older than nine, or in around nine] to leave. [TO WHERE?] "
Death to the demon anti-Christ thieving forces, with their
soulless minions of evil betrayers. Enemies to America, and
enemies to God. DIE BUSHITE DIE, so says the TRUE Son of Man.
There is no greater purpose served in killing a bushite, who
wars Freedom for Humanity, all to cowardly help assist the
escape of the enemy neocons for 9/11. Death to the thieving
ungodly anti-American bushite, instead of the innocent they
openly target for murder in Your names.
J. Wizard
The Case of the Missing $21 Billion Who's Following the Iraq Money?
"What better way to follow that money than an
impeachment hearing into why the president unconstitutionally
subverted the intent of Congress in establishing an office of
special inspector general for corruption in Iraq? "
"..American citizens have actually been interrogated at the
military base Mihail Kogalniceanu close to the [Romanian] city
of Constanza at the Black Sea. "DON'T GO SILENT
Innocent Falling in Your Name
I BEG America to hunt down and Prosecute George W. Bush in
the names of the innocent falling in your name. If a bushite
claims objection in support of the demon anti-Christ,
Prosecute it too as traitor. Anyone who vocally supports the
escape of Rumsfeld, bush, or Cheney for 9/11, to torture, or
more Guantanamo, please Prosecute for God's mercy, in defense
of all Life I plead, please help the Innocent, please help me.
America's corporate NAZI propagandists, who deny truths to be
spoken in Humanity's defenses, are enemies of US all. The FBI
states General Ahmad funded 9/11's Atta, and news
professionals would rather have Your children suffer and die
as terror victims, than allow Justice be spoken for my
defense. American Patriot Warriors, hunt bushite as the
ENEMIES TO EVERYONE. Iran has not stated "The Holocaust never
happened", and the Son of Man states, a free man shall not be
imprisoned through decisions made privately by FOX NEWS
enemies, the bushite conspirators. Propaganding traitors to
God and country.
"It was a betrayal of the trust of the American people. And
these lies were a betrayal of the trust of the military and
the soldiers."
Please, do not leave my calls for Justice go unheard from your
fear of LIAR demon Bush being done in by his treasonous evil
wickedness as betrayals to our American flag. Rise up to find
the will as courage to destroy the freedom flag burning George
Walker Bush instead, as our living struggle to preserve the
dying freedoms of US all, the truly innocent, and in so doing,
you'll be using God's heart as your own.
"The Holcaust never happened."
[Implying what?, that the Bush family and Hitler weren't in on
together, killing US either?]
"Why then should the Palestinians pay the price of what the
Europeans did against the Jews?"
Ahmadinejad's ignorance of the Bush\Nazi alliance as
documented World War II history, [Charles Higham], or the
Bush\Shah of Iran plan, doesn't automatically
condemn our Humanity to suffer once more, unprovoked Nazi
atrocities at the criminal actions of our sworn enemies, if we
can help it.
"..it wasn't the Arabs who did it [THE HOLOCAUST]; it was the
Europeans. Why then should the Palestinians pay the price of
what the Europeans did against the Jews?" (Musayeb Naimi
quoting in English, his version of Ahmadinejad's Arabic
remarks, editor of Al Wefaq, New York Times, December 20,
To better understand, someone should translate German to
English VERBATIM contextualized in content to cultural
background, or as reading a sentence of French Canadian,
without changes in whereto for syntax. [multi-grained CANADA
knows this like anyone, and, by the way, have you guys ever
heard of Folkaramma?.] People of different lands, can form
together ideas, with unfamiliar statements, to those who
understand, learning to communicate as complete strangers in a
vast Universe of Universes, sure can make you think, god eh?
By seeking appreciation for another's differing view, opens
one up to experiences from new perspectives, along with a
greater love for Justice as freedom is godly. And did I tell
you, I'm the King of all Creation, the actual, for real Son of
Man, seriously on my way UNJUSTLY to prison, left forsaken as
unappreciated by the impartial to Bush rule private news
industry, and the Queen's "Crown" office?, near broke from
starving for attention from the promises America refuses to
live up to in my name? Please, help me gain the recognition
that you deserve. Please, if you can, borrow me some money,
so I can afford to pay Constitutional lawyers to make the
necessary Motions for my defense in the Court of Queen's
Bench, here in, who cares to listen as corporate news vertigo.
This could be really good beyond magnificent, or deadly dreary
as the ending to our disenfranchised Humanity. The clock is
ticking, a real life is on the line here; freedom or tyranny,
hope or despair, heaven or hell, YOU DECIDE., you'd better, or
somebody else will for you.
Guilty of Innocence (the antichrist song)
GI Special 4F4: "That's Not A Terrorist" - June 6, 2006
"The heads laying over here and the bodies over here and
U.S. troops in between them. I'm thinking, 'Oh my God, what
in the hell happened here? What's caused this? Why in the
hell did this happen?'
Joshua says he was ordered to look around for evidence of a
firefight, for something to rationalize the beheaded Iraqis.
"I look around just for a few seconds and I don't see anything."
But then he noticed the sight that now triggers his nightmares.
"I see two [BUSHITE] soldiers kicking the heads around like
a soccer ball. I just shut my mouth, walked back, got inside
the tank, shut the door, and it was like, I can't be no part
of this."
UK 'Undercover Soldiers' Driving Booby-Trapped Car
"Why were undercover British [BUSHITE] soldiers wearing
traditional Arab headscarves firing at Iraqi police? "
"Many of the American Special Operations soldiers
[Task Force 6-26] wore civilian clothes and were allowed
to grow beards and long hair, setting them apart from their
uniformed colleagues. "
"But the following account of Task Force 6-26,
based on documents and interviews with more than a dozen
people, offers the first detailed description of how the
military's most highly trained counterterrorism unit
committed serious abuses. [AGAINST THE INNOCENT!]"
"I became ashamed of wearing the uniform. How can we wear
something with such a time-honored tradition, knowing we waged
war based on a misrepresentation and lies? It was a betrayal
of the trust of the American people. And these lies were a
betrayal of the trust of the military and the soldiers. "
The True Red White and Blue - American Patriot Answers the Call to
- A recording on the reality of George W. Bush's treason to US.
"In other words -- and let's say this plainly, clearly and
soberly, so that no one can mistake the intention of
Rumsfeld's plan -- the United States government is planning to
use "cover and deception" and secret military operations to
provoke murderous terrorist attacks on innocent people. "
PANTANO "Let the courts decide if these Marines are guilty.
They haven't even been charged with a crime yet, so it is
premature to presume their guilt -- unless that presumption is
tied to a political motive."
[All Arabs are second class citizens bombed indiscriminately
with "guesswork" in the entire middle east you see, as are
falsely arresting the innocent to be tortured for truly
satanic sadistic enemies found as just regular fair - in a
bushite's demon enemy lair.] More on PANTANO later...
The Pirates of Israel
"Included in the deal is a chance for Iran to prove the
U.S. accusations false, a preposterous notion of justice
which amounts to nothing less than extortion. As Lincoln once
remarked, "A highwayman holds a pistol to my ear and cries,
'Stand and deliver, or I will be forced to kill you and you
will be a murderer." "
Look, it's the translations that corporate America refuses to
do accurately.
The Non-Proliferation Treaty stipulates SPECIFICALLY that Iran
has the right to nuclear power, co-signed by all standing
active members including AMERICA! America gave Iran the
technology in the first place! Bushite amerka has no evidence
that Iran is enriching weapons grade uranium, nor the evidence
that they have the VERY difficult ability of a VERY different
thing. Where is Our United Nations on this knowledge? IAEA?
Absent as per-usual? Again, almost 50 billions dollars was
mis-appropriated as stolen through the 661 committee's
oil-for-food program, with Kofi and the gang's un-willingness
to speak out for your lost funs, leaves us still broke and
dethroned. Where is the United Nations or the IAEA when FOX
NEWS reports Iran claims the Holocaust never happened? FOX
NEWS reporters who translate such insane lies should be
prosecuted for war bating propaganda as serious to the core
NAZI TREASON against the good old red, white, and blue, no?
They do have a responsibility to not purposefully mislead
America for more bountiful bushite deaths and suffering, no?
What do you think?
Anyway, Iran has no need to obtain nukes. They have thousands
upon thousands of long range missile systems, capable of
striking bushite wrule in the falsely imprisoned dumfuk
Amerka, by speaking doubtless truths as a population exceeding
an easy 80 million, and extending out further to more than a
billion more concerned as god loving honorable family People,
US Still Living Women Men Girls Boys. We don't wanna lose
advancement power in China, lest not forget playing Russian
Roulette with much planned to lose considering crazy stupid
Cheney siding openly against reforming a nation with
influencing oppression instead, for his personal private
profit scheming. Then don't forget, they're better than
everyone else including Christ, the "un-accountable" lawless
100,000 plus mercenary disciples of the real demon
anti-Christ, the thieving bushites, indiscriminate child
killing women haters who advocate not arresting torture,
hidden in the safety of the hugely fortified "Green Zone" set
up perfectly for a chicken shoot surrounded by what would be
then near a hundred million angry Christian Arabs in five
separate countries told they're all second class citizens
without legal rights, soon to be left more typical irrational
bushite victims. That's only if they decide to do nothing to
protect our collected interests on freedom's defense.
It is only America's welfare state, the masked bigot
Likudniks, the pirates of Israel, and the lawless bushite
zionist neocon enemies that want to nuke our Humanity to
poison our dying Earth for their personal private cash profits
at the sacrifice of censored corporate "no politics" pro-war
talk radio Amerka, but truly know, if they even seriously
contemplated attempting to mini-nuke our Earth, LET THEM KNOW,
we all from every race, nationality, and religion, would rise
up as nature's survivors, and rip them to pieces for our solid
core blood brothers, Mohammad/Christ\Hillel simply guaranteed,
without question. Any barely standing still prissing proud as
godless dumfuk bushite soldier obscening, would be rightly
"Lighten up", destroyed lovingly by it's Patriotic brother,
Sensitive father, Caring mother, Smarter sister, Braver son or
Dear daughter, Friendly neighbor, Old School Chum, Complete
Stranger, or just the risen from the grave eternal defender,
the ever great, poor boy J. Wizard.
"Presenting ourselves to meet the challenge of gaining
our own Humanity we are trying. Have faith that as the
Universe revolves around all things to be known of, so
too, is Life's true magnificence an honor to honor for.
Wow. You are a living dream, so, wake up and help out."
"Captured fighters don't deserve these [Geneva] rights
because this isn't a war between countries, says [CANADA'S]
Lieutenant-General Michel Gauthier [..]
Gen. Gauthier said there is no risk that ordinary soldiers or
junior officers could face war-crimes charges, even if
detainees handed over to the [pro-enron pro-heroin pro-bush
pro-fixed elections, pro-lawlessness] Afghans were TORTURED or
killed. [..]
"We are on firm legal ground we have no worries about the
possibility of prosecution or allegations of criminal
wrongdoing for having transferred detainees." [To lawless
Christian killers?] "Huh? Gauthier CAN NOT be conscious?
Terrorism: warranting the return of talks against this
Canadian wannabe bushite enemy. Know Canada, our cowardly,
pro-bush nazi commander encourages US to hand prisoners to
dumfuk pro-amerkans for false incarceration or sadistic
satanic torture. I want Harper tried by CANADA for treason on
this. Harper knows personally that his close bum buddy, demon
enemy Bush committed 9/11, as would have to, Hillier, but
instead as standing proud for Canadian freedom as peace
keepers, they lie to war our kids to have them die for
phantoms in Afghanistan, all for the benefiting private pocket
of weapons dealer O'Conner. [WHO? CBC Canada doesn't tell.]
Taliban was just a loose group of barely literate mixed tribe
wannabe Muslims, fighting for women's rights, and opening
girls school programs, who like Laden have so far, absolutely
nothing to do directly with the crime scene of 9/11. If the
Taliban as portrayed exist as individuals, they'd only need to
step "up" to join the currently protected by Canada as a
muslim fundamentalist regime of enron loving heroin pushers
who execute CHRISTIANS without trial. Down with Harper's
bullshit "C.R.A.P." party, and up with the Son's Command. All
in favor. I.
For freedom and America, God and Humanity.
"First we blow up YOUR house [inhabited], then we pay you [or
somebody else who may have survived] to rebuild it. [much
later. Maybe, if Sattler hasn't already stolen all the cash
like typical neo-con bushite enemy liars do, much identical to
Saudi Wahhabi commander of the Third Infantry, 170 ton plastic
explosive expert, Buford "bush bitch" Blount, who gets more
cowardly dumfuk Marines killed by IED for money through rotten
rumsfeld's P2OG than anyone.]"
No, not true. Sattler stole the cash once it was realized
that of the estimated 250,000 innocent men women and 10 year
old children forbidden to leave the city before the
indiscriminate bombing campaigns began, (which included many
2000 pound radio-active wmd bombs, sexy rummy's cluster dud
land mines, napalm, and deadly white phosphorous gas,) found
later in a city that originally had a population estimated at
near 350,000, only 300 [THREE HUNDRED] left!, willing to
thankfully take the FREEBEE 50 dollars to bury their rotting
dead, find near impossible emergency food and water stolen by
enemy bushite earlier, repair bombed health car clinics [the
FIRST strike targets], buy flowers for the troops, then,
lastly, rebuild their totaled home, and ancient mosques.
Mountains of dead bodies of ourselves as the innocent never
seen since these demon nazis last attacked Our Humanity. Kill
nazi bushite enemy with pleasure in serving for America and
freedom everywhere, as any propagandist holocaust denier who
lies to US otherwise to state a bushite fights for Jesus or
freedom. A good bushite is a dead bushite halted from
victimizing our loving humanity with their treasonous lies and
betrayals to the tele-viewing Audience.
Die bushite die.
"U.S. forces had urged [more than 200,000 INNOCENT PEOPLE]
Fallujans [forcibly] trapped in the city to stay in their
homes, but "troops using thermal sights often assumed that if
there was a 'hot spot' inside a house - indicating body heat
the people inside were insurgents.""
Then of course before entering a house, they would super
grenade it, or just blow the whole thing down, just to stay on
the side of enemy to all living things as the truly ungodly
enemies of EVERYONE. Especially when repeatedly announcing
all those unable to leave, including infants and elderlies in
wheel chairs, were all just evil terrorists worthy of first
degree murder with George W. Bush as their demonic lying
unjust Denier in/as Thief.
Death to every corporate nazi bushite whore who demands we, as
Humanity, have no rights to return every last stolen penny
from our friends through the Iraq Development Fund, and the
oil-for-food program. See the bushite liar enemy of Liberty
and freedom who denies this Justice, then feel glad to kill it
for your love of a real God suffering. Then if so, comes your
trial of self defense, this'll be here to assist Your TRUE
freedom's cause, Liberty for ALL, including me, the Son to Man
and God.
"US military had blocked any assistance from reaching
Fallujah's beleaguered residents."
"American military has already disposed of much of the
evidence in mass graves. [Just like the nazis before them.
Give glory to God by hunting down the enemy bushite and
killing it for a real love never lost to the indifference of
god hating bushite nazi media managers."
"``[T]he head of every household will be asked to wear an
identification badge, Colonel [NAZI NAZI! NAZI NAZI!! John
Ballard, the commander of Marine Fourth Civil Affairs Group]
said, and American and Iraqi troops will be given special
rules of engagement to deal with theft." While the colonel did
not spell out these "rules of engagement," NBC News has
reported that the [lawless pro-bush] military will arrogate to
itself the right to shoot anyone on sight."
Death by God's America to the lawless bushite enemy liar, John
Ballard, and anybody else who demonically supports with
flagrant lies of the ungodly Sattler's well documented to be
confessed, absolute war crimes. THEFTS.
PANTANO "Let the courts decide if these Marines are guilty.
They haven't even been charged with a crime yet, so it is
premature to presume their guilt -- unless that presumption is
tied to a political motive."
[All Arabs are second class citizens bombed indiscriminately
with "guesswork" in the entire middle east you see, as are
falsely arresting the innocent to be tortured found as just
regular fair - in a bushite's demon enemy lair.]
PANTANO admits killing the Iraqis after stopping their car,
but says it was in self-defense. The prosecution, [who
witnessed the evidence, including several eye witness
testimonies] contends Pantano clearly shot them in the back
while they were kneeling, firing at least 50 bullets into them
at a distance of no more than 4 feet.
Supporters of Pantano said troops should not be second-guessed
for decisions made in fleeting seconds of combat. [, with
unarmed innocent Iraqis on their knees shot in the back?]
[Remember: the prosecution's case was established by more
than one witness, including among more, a witnessing American
Sergeant and American Arabic translator, [who to make up such
an allegation seems highly unlikely, for to falsely allege
such the then therefore, hateful charges bringing about life
term prison sentence or public execution, would more easily be
granted by just killing the therefore seriously HATED Pantano
when nobody was looking. Second: Pantano's defense used the
fact that the BRAVE American Patriot, a Sergeant who testified
against him, was demoted and therefore, that gave him the
motive to lie, but the demotion appears to come after the
allegation, and before the "trial".] Now, the could be
suspicious lack of publicly documented evidence like autopsy
reports of confirmed by all to be UNARMED murder victims with
possibly a hundred plus bullet holes through their bodies
seems seriously lacking. Two full bullet magazines at a four
feet away range were used by pro-bush Pantano against
confessed to be UNARMED innocent Iraqis shot outside[?] their
car. Yet, his lawyer, Charles Gittins, claimed the existing
unseen autopsies produced "no evidence" that the UNARMED men
had been shot in the back while kneeling. [Admittingly by the
defense, four feet away from a gun nuzzle, shooting a
conservative 50 times with high caliber uranium bullets that
would have hugely torn through the bodies of corpses and
implanted within the road. So, who's got these miracle
Anyway, certainly not a Marine worth of example with blind
bushite public praise over America's improved bushite Judicial
system on CNN of all places? Oh.. but so it is! Not only
that but he has his own, In love with the treason neocons info
site: defendthedefenders.org]
Pantano placed a cardboard sign over the unarmed bodies in
front of witnesses: "No better friend, no worse enemy," the
motto of the 1st Marine Division commander, the retardly naive
war criminal Maj. Gen. James [cowardly women hating child
killer traitor,] Mattis. Mattis, the ENEMY who was directly
caught murdering a wedding party consisting mostly of women
and children by FAILING to make it appear by propaganda
through Kimmit, they were actually all bin Laden 2nd
lieutenants, or some such bullshit. For, it was shortly later
when the VIDEO evidence became available, that exposed their
treasonous typical bushite Zionist contrivances against our
Lord and saviour.
The prosecution said the cardboard sign alone, desecrated the
bodies, in violation of the rules of war.
Charles Gittins, Pantano's lawyer, insisted it's irrelevant,
pointing out the officer did not use the slogan or make up the
sign until after the men were dead.
It did indicate the demon enemy's bushite mind however,
believing such conduct would support Rumsfeld's treasonous
P2OG plan. Displaying publicly "Marine" conduct and judgment,
as enemies of the innocent, the for real demonic terrorists.
Pantano responded something like. 'Again, I believed that by
firing the number of rounds that I did, I was sending a
message to People everywhere. I was dishonorably 'no better
friend to someone I was openly robbing from, as innocent
unarmed People, but being truly in disguise to myself, cause
God's worse enemies are the proud bushite lying nazi
Pantano, 33, contended he contemptuously placed the sign as
bushite, but he swears though, he shot them in self-defense
after the men disobeyed his instructions and made a menacing
move toward him unarmed, while he held a machine gun pointed
directly at them from four feet away. CONFESSED to be
UNARMED, so what was the instructions all together they
finally disobeyed? Get out of the car! [okay] On your knees?
[okay] Hands behind your head [okay] for handcuffing.. [okay]
Pantanmo apparently claims he then removed the handcuffs so
the suspects could search the car for him at four feet away!
which wouldn't be done if the innocent unarmed Iraqis were
suspected of Zarqawi ties, without seen weapons, right?
Pantano's story doesn't jive.. was he hoping they were
suicide bombers, or had guns hidden in the car? Besides,
Corpsman Gobles claimed he had already completed a search of
the car for weapons under Lt. Pantano's order.
Pantano said he told them to be quiet again, then "they
quickly pivoted their bodies toward each other. They did this
simultaneously, while speaking in muffled Arabic. I thought
they were attacking me and I decided to fire my M-16A4 service
rifle in self-defense. [Simultaneously attacking speaking
muffled while pivoting towards each other without weapons from
inside the already checked car is he saying?]
You'd figure if he shot one twenty or thirty times from behind
where he couldn't charade, the other UNARMED innocent prisoner
at their knees would second think ignoring his commands from
behind their backs spoken in perfect Arabic? [For why
wouldn't he speak through the present American translator who
saw it all, as several others did being, cold blooded murder
committed by a true enemy propagandist, a bushite liar and
enemy thief?] Or was it, all simultaneously were moving
secretly undetected to rush the bushite in petrified fear of
it's non-sensible monosyllabic grunting as lying evil nazi
Pantano "They were talking the whole time ... I told them
several times to be quiet by saying `stop' in Arabic."
Iraqis "Stop what bushite dumfuk?"
Winn wrote in his recommendation that Pantano should at least
face serious punishment for just desecrating the bodies by
reloading his weapon and repeatedly shooting them as corpses.
[while likely stating if asked why it was laughing, blandly
replying it was fun to get away with murdering US innocent
Christ like folks, the Humans, for the treasonous enemy
ungodly neocon thieves, who of all, not a single one was
democratically elected - is who he supports with his
commanding stance.]
The generalized by all under the tyrannies of Bush, to be
pro-theft, pro-murder and pro-torture judicial judgment stood
that Pantano should face no punishment at all from our
Humanity for any of his totally psychotic actions against the
godly as innocent among US, while remaining on the amerkan
force working directly for Rumsfeld's treasonous P2OG to
murder more innocent civilians as a bonafide terrorist to
profit the unjust criminal Zionist "cabal". He apparently
decided 'on his own' to step out of the lime light, and put
his nightmare all behind us now, retiring in the good life,
with all his stolen goodies.
"The best interests of 2nd Lt. Pantano and the [pro-murder
bushite enemy anti-American] government have been served by
this process," the Marine Corps said in a statement.
Marine Corps? - PANTANO "Let the courts decide.."
[Who is the "Marine Corps" person(s) that needed to look over
the crime scene evidence of "no evidence" for more than a
month behind closed "courts" doors? Who? Oh.. here we go..]
The decision to drop the charges against Lt. Ilario Pantano
was made by Maj. Gen. Richard Huck, commander of the 2nd
Marine Division based at CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. [CAMP LEJEUNE!!!]
[Not a legal student, let alone a Judge? As bushite, probably
can't read let alone think Hmmm.... What's up with this
'officially closed' demonic bushite decree that Pantano
shouldn't be found executed as traitor in the first degree?
WE, as AMERICA, demand the autopsy reports Pantano claims
contain "no evidence" he, as liar bushite, shot the UNARMED
gentlemen in the backs, to be made public immediately, and a
real criminal Judge to preside for deliberation, otherwise,
death to still escaping mass murderer Pantano, and his proud
to be bush bitches, enemy to all criminal accomplis(es).]
said Sgt. Marcio Vargas Estrada, 32, of Kearny, N.J. out of
the same CAMP LEJEUNE "And then we will take death and
destruction to Hadithah. Hopefully, we'll stay until December
so we can bring death and destruction to half of Iraq."
Trent is at Camp Lejeune, N.C. being treated like a criminal;
being publicly embarrassed by those in "command and control;
being "hazed" by what is supposed to be "fellow" Marines to
the point he has had to have stitches in his face
Garibay, from Camp Lejeune, moved to the United States when he
was a baby. He joined the marines three years ago, and was
awarded US citizenship after his death.
"A vise is closing and the days of a brutal regime are coming
to an end," President Bush told 12,000 camouflage-clad
"Marines", on a parade ground at Camp Lejeune in North
The sign left atop the car was removed by bushite LIAR Lt.
Pantano, according to his lawyer, Charles Gittins. But
photographs of the bodies with the sign above them were taken
at the scene by real Marines, [after LIAR Pantano was long
gone war criming someplace else]
Taken two days before Lt. Pantano's, the corpsman's written
statement describes the men as running away from Lt. Pantano
when they were shot. [unless the corpsman
was refering to some other innocent people he tried to cover
up the murder of as typical bushite dumfuk - 'we spotted
someone out of nowhere running from a bang without any
reason, so we kil't him leegaulee... BUSH RULZE!']
What matters most to Lt. Pantano he claims, is that he kept
his promise to mothers of his platoon that he would bring
their sons back alive.
Pantamo put soldiers in harms way for no better good, or
reason understood. The war has no articulable justification,
for bushite fire power had complete one hundred percent
unrestricted access throughout Iraq to go wherever they
pleased without delay prior to a single bomb being dropped,
or child being shot. Instead of protecting America from
the 9/11 perpetrators, the demonic evil anti-Christ and
his minnions - murderer Pantamo - tried to blame the
innocent for terrorist offenses, denying Justice for
God's Humanity, as true coward and lowly traitor.
"In other words, he put about 40-48 rounds into two men,
after ordering them to put their hands where he couldn't see
them, in gross violations of long-established orders for
handling prisoners.
Mr. Kareem and Mr. Hanjil were moving for a while after he
started to fire, Lt. Pantano said, but he was not sure if
that was because of muscle contractions or bullet impact.
That's why you're supposed to let off the trigger! "Don't
forget the time Pantamo took to race re-loading after
shooting 48.
""And if the decision has to be made whether it is them [as
unarmed innocent prisoners] or me [proud bushite nazi vermin],
I will come down on "me" every time... and did! That's why I
[as dying bushite] am here today and the [innocent] enemy
[GOD] isn't!" Semper Fi, Kelly "Say who dumfuk bushwhore?
Johnny Jesus "A good bushite, is a dead bushite I always say."
Take joy in killing the untried escaping bushite PANTANO for
committing first degree mass murders of my innocent brothers
and sisters, while politically supporting the destruction of
God's Great America as neocon zionist traitors.
"BBC: What kind of abuses were going on that you experienced?
"I seen innocent people being killed, IEDs goes off and you just zap
farmer who's close to you, hit him with the 50 or Mark 19"
Not everybody. We hunt every bushite commander down, try it, and
then execute it for the glory Christ in a Just America.
"If the troops were on a mission of mercy to bring
democracy to Iraq, wouldn't keeping children away from such
[contaminated radio-active] dangers be the top priority?"
"Example: General Ahmad funded Atta, and corporate news
finds no interest in informing the bushite grunt, that
yes indeed depleted uranium is radioactive and toxic as
a microscopic heavy metal, and will kill you easily for
the ignorance "they" sell impartially as the "unbiased".
See?, enemy bushite kills enemy bushite for a stolen
nickel., that they likely stole from an American grand
parent. I HATE bushite. "
"However, in a tape released on December 27, 2001, the
authenticity of which is not in doubt, Osama denied having had
anything to do with 9/11. "Moreover," Fetzer added, "some of
the 19 hijackers he 'personally assigned' have turned up alive
and well." "
"Mark Bingham, a passenger on Flight 93, is supposed to have
called his mother and said, 'Hi, Mom, this is Mark Bingham!'
His mother confirmed it was his voice, but does anyone
seriously believe that Mark Bingham would have used his last
name in identifying himself to his mother?" "
A now declassified document with Rumsfeld's signature calls
for keeping prisoners in [extremely] painful positions..
President Reagan officially finds Rumsfeld executed publicly
Bag one for the Gipper!
Wait a Moment
The so called as costing, still found Iraqi resistance,
are individuals fighting the same cause as American
soldiers are taught to mumble as illiterate cowards.
"Saddam was terrible to the Iraqi people, depriving
ourselves of food and medicine for no known good reason,
and gave all US people losses for stolen profits.", then
off they go, murdering innocent people indiscriminately
with depleted uranium to pay the smirking bushmobsters,
again. Dying.
Air America Interviews The God Loving Bushite Killer J. Wizard!
Near Impossible to believe!
""similar themes go through all our streams. And it all
comes back as Confucius says, "Do unto others, as you would
have them do unto you." And Christ said that, Hillel said
that, Buddha said that, everybody says that, cause that's all
it is. But bushite, he wants to accuse People of criminal
offenses without any evidence, and indiscriminately slaughter
everybody in countries, for no good reason but to be OUR
documented war crimes of the enemy bushite
reality in Israel
"If he didn't answer the way we liked, we would shoot his
youngest kid in the head. We would keep going, this was our
"They were obviously no military threat to anyone. And yet
American forces gleefully massacred them all, joking that it
was as easy as "shooting in a sheep pen.""
""I heard Younis speaking to the Americans, saying: 'I am
a friend. I am good,' '' said Fahmi. ``But they killed him,
and his wife and daughters." "
"Mr. Delgado said he had witnessed incidents in which an
Army sergeant lashed a group of children with a steel Humvee
antenna, and a Marine corporal planted a vicious kick in the
chest of a kid about 6 years old. There were many occasions,
he said, when soldiers or marines would yell and curse and
point their guns at Iraqis who had done nothing wrong." "
"The new figure translates to roughly 400,000 Iraqi
children suffering from "wasting," a condition characterized
by chronic diarrhea and dangerous deficiencies of protein." "
"In contrast to Iraqi Resistance attacks, which have clear
and defined targets - occupation troops or armed forces,
officials, or collaborators with the US-installed puppet
regime - these attacks on Friday appeared targeted exclusively
on civilians."
Again, it only serves the interests of the enemy neo-con.
No warring faction is going to exclusively, indiscriminately
murder whomever, repeatedly, but for only the dying bushite
dumfuk, as Creation's justly sworn enemies. Bag a bushite, and
all day long you'll have good love! God Bless.
"Where are the free American media and their kind hearted
patrons when their G.I. Joes are pumping up Iraq with
depleted uranium, napalm bombs, cluster munitions and
poisonous gases even as these lines are being written? Is
death less camera-friendly in Iraq or is it less worthy of the
Americans' attention? Are Iraqis children of a lesser god?"
""It boggles the mind that any regime on the face of the
Earth would want to do anything that could remind people of
Nazi Germany." According to Republican Congressman Curt Weldon "
"Why hasn't Governor Pataki and Senator Clinton demanded to
know who financed these attacks, a question the 9/11
Commission dismissed as unimportant?"
The Right Honorable Michelle Jean - Governor General of
Canada speaking at the Canadian Press Annual Dinner on the
pro-lawless bushite "hero" nazi savage propagandists, locked
down in our private profit corporate news media fascist
Talking personally to many professional news producers will
get you realizing though, some hold contempt by no accident.
Why risk losing market share? Potential advertisers? It's only
your poor kids, not their own. Many have millions, some billions.
Inside Out
" How can those who want accountability be termed
anti-Iraqi? only through cowardly liars, is an American
told America's not going to hunt down those who stole in
their names for dying."
"Their statement discloses that the Yeshiva heads
have intentionally falsified the Talmud passages
"quoted" by them. The actual text forbids a Jew to kill
innocents even to save his own life. After all, God
created all human beings "in his own image"
(Genesis 1:27). "
The problem is that those that support the Likudniks are
not Jewish, but little fascist nazis who hold G in
contempt. Just ask them! Oops.. No, CNN or CBC won't
allow free comments made by those that openly victimize
the innocent like Jesus was, is, and shall be. Don't
forget, sharon was caught directly implicated in the
attempted murder of Mexican Jews. See? Likudniks would
kill innocent Jews too, if it means they can steal
another dollar from America. America, where something
like 90 percent of Jews say, repuglicons suck, and
conclude, killing Jews to steal their gold fillings for
the anti-Semitic Likudnik, is just simply evil to the
max dude. Translated: Evil to everyone,
including the Creator,
J. Wizard
51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis
You be the judge: Shouldn't this be OUR BIG NEWS STORY?
And, who's interest is it, that it is yet to be made so
by Your entertaining national news programming? Whos?
The People's? Freedom's? Or the forces of bushite
tyranny to keep the US unaware of Freedom's true glory?
""I will name Richard Cheney as prime suspect in the
mass murders of 9/11 and will establish that, not only
was he a planner in the attacks, but also that on the
day of the attacks he was running a completely separate
Command, Control and Communications system which was
superceding any orders being issued by the NMCC
(National Military Command Center), or the White House
Situation Room.""
"``People trying to help us were wounded or ran away.
After a minute, the helicopters came back and fired
again. They came three or four times.''"
This action is typical for the enemies of Life bushite.
Nazi bushite bomber forces have repeatedly, after
indiscriminately bombing innocent people, waited five or
ten minutes, then struck again to kill those who would
dare try to save the lives of god loving innocent men
women or children, that they admittedly target by
"guesswork". All to get killed more GI grunts for bush,
who don't have the courage or mental agility to defend
their fellow Americans by freely destroying the
anti-American Saudi wahhabi buford blount, child killer
mattis, bomb whoever russell, Baathist WMD bremer, women
hater kimmit, Iraqi People killer Allawi, or of course
bush and rumsfeld for 9/11. 9/11, in New York City?,
where thousands were murdered, and cheney immediately
called a halt on all police investigations pertaining to
the terrorist offense, for forbid, Americans might find
out for themselves what really happened.
"PATRICK COCKBURN: You could see that from the video
of the television correspondent who was killed that
nothing much was happening, and then suddenly out of the
blue rockets started raining down. Hello?
but it's pretty amazing to wait and then attack your own
vehicle from the air when there are crowds around it.
And in this case, you don't even hit the vehicle. You
fire your rockets 150 yards away. "
Done "for the safety of the people around it." the demon
bush disciple child killer Phil Smith quipped. Likely
while eating cheap candy.
US Snipers Said Killing Iraqi Women, Kids, Medical Teams
"A freed detainee told the Arabic-language Al-Wasat, a
weekly supplement of the respectable London-based
Al-Hayat newspaper, about her ordeal inside a US prison
and how she had been gang-raped by US forces. "
"The daily pointed out then that Iraqi female
prisoners were kept in solitary confinement up to 23
hours a day, adding it saw pictures of US soldiers
raping Iraqi women or photographing them naked in
prison. "
George W. Bush is a coward
"What is taking place in Iraq on a daily basis
constitutes a terrible war crime. One has to go back to
the Vietnam War or to the atrocities carried out by Nazi
armies in Europe to find a parallel for such a
systematic slaughter of civilians. "
They're mostly lifeless cowards the bushite disciples
that drop bombs on the innocent and freedom loving. Do
US a favor, when you see a bushite, kill the evil nazi
fascist why don't you? Think of the lives of women and
children you would save by doing our great God such a
favor for Humanity's true liberation from the evils of
tyranny professed by the godless bushite, as a force we
must continue to suffer with for not putting up a fight
to save ourselves. Think of Yourself as Jesus, but with
the potential to do even greater deeds by not lying down
silently to die for nothing. Worship and protect life,
by killing the evil bushite who fights to not allow
Justice for all to happen. Or, phone Art Bell yourself,
and when he asks you what you wanted to talk about
before putting you on air, ask him, "just what the hell
do you think your doing Mr. Art Bell?, do you think
we're so stupid we can not ever communicate with
ourselves without your approval?!" We all know, it's a
given, Bill and Rush openly as enemy fascists, forbid
any relevant discussions on America's current political
developments, but Art Bell, does something far more
heinous, he advertises he doesn't censor America's
voice, while doing exactly that as a liar to America,
Humanity, God, and Johnny. An open line inter-national
call in radio program running daily for several hours on
top priority issues is exactly what Americans need as
the civilized, but Art Bell will only allow American's
to pretend the bushite holds respect within our police
agencies, for if the truth got out, bush, rummy, and
their accomplices would be arrested, or rightly dead
for high treason in Our America.
Of Our Own
I guess we'll soon see how many enemy of freedom
thieving rapist bushite vermins can be killed by a
single prayer. All People, of every faith, including
the Atheists, hate bushite rapists who foolishly think
their going to escape ALL accountability because their
in with the lawless demon anti-Christ, the Satanically
evil Mr. bush Jr.. Think again.
""The helicopter fired on the Bradley to destroy it
after it had been hit earlier and it was on fire," said
Major Phil Smith of the 1st Cavalry Division. "It was
for the safety of the people around it.""
Oops.. er.. the bushite mean
"Helicopters that flew in to protect the Bradley were
then fired on from the ground and fired back, the
military said in a statement."
But the firing didn't come from the Bradley vicinity..
so, who cares how many Americans are lead to die then
right? Traitors to Freedom, Justice, and Liberty are
the enemy bushite liars who war God to steal from our
Humanity with their blatant cowardice and betrayals.
"Sattler, as a result of ignoring reason and understanding,
went out and sacrificed all these marines that are now dead."
"One of the students hiding behind our taxi screamed to me,
"Who are the terrorists here now? You have seen this
yourself! We are school kids!""
"According to a 2006 report from Amnesty International,
many Palestinian prisoners 'face medical negligence, routine
beatings, position torture and strip searches by Israeli
prison authorities'. According to recent figures the
Palestinian prison population includes 400 children and 100
women detainees."
"U.S. Army Lt. Col. Paul Fitzpatrick, a spokesman for
Combined Joint Task Force 76, said. "Enemy leadership will
continue to be targeted so long as they pose a threat to the
security and stability of Afghanistan." "
"The report states that 25% of Iraqi children between the
ages of six months and five years old suffer from either acute
or chronic malnutrition."
"Federal, state and local governments have added nearly $10
trillion to taxpayer liabilities in the past two years,
bringing the total of government's unfunded obligations to an
unprecedented $57.8 trillion."
"Politician Morris Motamed, one of about 25,000 Jews who
live in Iran, called the report a slap in the face to his
minority community. "
"Rabbi Marvin Hier, the dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre
in Los Angeles, acknowledged that he did not have independent
confirmation of the requirement for Jews to wear badges, but
said he still believes it was passed."
"Unfortunately we've seen enough already from the Iranian
regime to suggest that it is very capable of this kind of
action, Mr. Harper said."
"Remember "The Matrix" where human minds were forced to
dwell in an imaginary la-la land although in reality they were
imprisoned and their energy used to feed predatory machines?"
""Can one be a follower of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him)
the great Messenger of God . . . and at the same time have
countries attacked? The lives, reputations and possessions of
people destroyed and on the slight chance of the presence of a
few criminals in a village, city or convoy, for example, the
entire village, city or convoy set ablaze?" he writes.
Indeed, I've been wondering the same thing myself."
"Supporters of the 'HIV causes AIDS' hypothesis cannot back
up their claims with scientific evidence, yet they continue to
reject alternative explanations and promote life-threatening
drug treatments."
"The worst genocidal leader in the history of humanity is the
President of the United States. Hitler would be like a
suckling baby next to George W Bush. He is a terrorist, a
drunkard, and a donkey".
Truth to Power - Death to George W Bush - The J. Wizard Conundrum
"Johnny out does himself again with yet another record breaking
"The Greatest Show of History, and he REALLY means it this time!
Oh my God I can't believe it even!"
Sweet Jesus, The J. Wizard Comic Book!
Sweet Jesus, The J. Wizard Comic Book!
Godsmack - Awake - "Hear the silence about to break."
"Bush's refusal to talk to the Iranians, except in terms
of threats and ultimatums, seems reckless. "
That demon enemy of Christ even refused to read the 18 page
letter, and excepted only a brief brief on the matter..
Contempt for every American soldier that has ever served,
but, well, who really truly cares right? [his handlers have
recently informed the demon enemy to pretend to all he
could read it instead.]
"Kucinich's April 5 letter to Rumsfeld began, "I am
writing to request a copy of all records pertaining to
Pentagon plans to use U.S. Special Forces to advise,
support and train Iraqi assassination and kidnapping
teams." "
"Last October, the Army's Criminal Investigation
Command concluded that there was probable cause to charge
27 officers"
"Now that's a problem. I own the company that hosts
Capitol Hill Blue. So, in effect, the feds want me to
turn over information on myself and not tell myself that
I'm doing it. You'd think they'd know better.
I turned the letter over to my lawyer and told him to
send the following message to the feds: Fuck you.
Strong letter to follow. "
"2.5 terabytes of data about Mohammed Atta [...] a
three-hour briefing for the chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff is historically insignificant? A briefing that
included Richard Schiefren (ph), with Steve Cambone, in
March of 2001, five months before 9/11, is historically
insignificant? I don't think so."
"Problem is, everything that worked at the CIA-that it
warned about 9/11 and said the Iraq war was a bad
idea-was on the hit list. The Bushies wanted to
eliminate the people who were right and promote those who
were wrong. "
I'm telling you, the demon anti-Christ of Creation is
like, really evil man.
"Once known for flying around VIPs such as Arnold
Schwarzenegger and Kofi Annan, the plane has been used by
the CIA to fly around renditioned prisoners and their CIA
captors. "
Now, all somebody has to do is ask Arnold about it, and
watch the ungodly enemy bushites fall so fast, they won't
know what hit'em, especially once the WWF joins in the
maylay grudge match.
"N368CE also had an interesting itinerary just prior
to the U.S.-backed coup against Venezuela's President
Hugo Chavez in April 2002: Mar.-Apr. 2002 - Los
Angeles to Toluca, Mexico; Caracas, Venezuela to New York
City; New York to Managua, Nicaragua; Brownsville, Texas
to Managua; Washington, DC to Shannon, Ireland; Gander,
Newfoundland to Washington, DC; Washington to Houston;
Houston to Washington. "
Crimes against America, crimes against God.
Iran has respect for God, while the bushmob terrorists
torture and steal openly in God's presence with total
contempt for logic as reason, and freedom through Justice.
"David quotes the now indicted and disgraced former
Republican House Majority Leader Tom Delay saying on the
eve of the Iraq war in 2003 that "Nothing is more
important in the face of a war than cutting taxes." "
"So, here I will offer you something I created, a Johnny
Wizard pencil drawing in jpg format. Enjoy!"
"Instead of murdering our own families as war criminals for bush
to pilfer the undefended wallets of our grandparents, why don't we
all smarten up, and just kill the unarrested demon bush instead as
something truly Patriotic? "
Christ Wars Bushite Enemies for the Love of our Living God
Don't miss it!
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and
the Word was God."
"We carved a line in the rugged hills of Afghanistan, not with
our words but with our legendary courage, the blood and the
sweat of our men and women of the Canadian Forces"
To die for heroin pushing while making Christianity "illegal?"
While helping to let Bush escape 911 with a new enron pipe line?
Cowards led without courage, who have died for no better good
or, even reason spoken. Remember: Canadian forces are fighting to
protect a muslim fundamentalist regime, who doesn't want free
speech protected. My armed and ready friends, why not fight
with words to allow J. Wizard to politely respond to our
deadly enemies who fight to keep our Humanity in darkness with
deliberate bushite enemy ignorance.
Hillary Clinton recently talking about how great Bush, the
"Charming" "Charismatic" and "Good Company"
"By 2002, on the eve of the US-led invasion, Baghdad was
full of booming businesses, restaurants were full, and
families walked freely along well-lit parks. Compare and
contrast that image with the reality of Baghdad today, and the
ultimate corruption that was the oil-for-food programme
becomes self-evident."
"We don't know why they bomb our house and our fields. We
have never resisted the Americans."
Because they, the bushite are enemies of all Creation.
Killing a demonic liar bushite, is to fight for our real God
protecting the lives of the innocent the bushite thieves
target for murder. Killing a demonic liar bushite is to war
those who speak in no defense against the innocent Porter Goss
and company have tortured for satanic pleasures. Feel no
remorse in killing demonic liar bushite, for they hold all
American values in true contempt.
Probable Cause for Alarm
Press ignores Ex-NSA chief's ignorance of Constitution
"But when Gen. Michael Hayden, principal deputy director of
National Intelligence and former director of the National
Security Agency, displayed an equally astounding lack of
knowledge about a matter just as basic to his job, media as a
whole let it pass without comment. "
It should be known why. The reason America murders their own
children in NYC is because they, the demonic repuglicons, need
to protect the lie that children born to HIV positive mothers,
are not likely to die of immune disorders, unless they are force
fed expensive pharma. AZT producers know that they lie to
American mothers to murder their undefended children for
money. In Canada, children of HIV mothers are actually kidnapped
by the government, for fear the public might learn that without
pharma, an easy 78% of the children would grow up healthy, without
"HIV" present. That's right. It is actually provable acts of first
degree mass murder. But, who cares really? I do, but apparently,
the media tells us you refuse to help US.
Remember swine flu shots? You should
"The CPA didn't properly check out the courier before handing
over the cash, [1.5 BILLION] and, as a result, according to an audit
report by the CPA's inspector general, 'there was an increased risk
of the loss or theft of the cash. "
"US troops [bushite enemy of true freedoms] raid all Internet
cafes in city cutting off communications with outside world. "
"When the auditors in the New York City office learned well in
advance which files a review team would check, they spent the
equivalent of more than 47 days doctoring the papers and
updating records from several audits, the Defense Department's
inspector general concluded. Administrative staff, audit
supervisors and other employees also participated in the
scheme. "
These are acts of high TREASON.
"So we've never made the case, or argued the case that somehow
Osama bin Laden [sic] was directly involved in 9/11. That
evidence has never been forthcoming."
To those who argue maybe George W. Bush isn't evil personified.
"While families in the capital suffer electricity cuts, queue
all day to fuel their cars and wait for water pipes to be
connected, the US mission due to open in June next year will
have its own power and water plants to cater for a population
the size of a small town. The heavily guarded 42-hectare
(104-acre) site - which will have a 15ft thick perimeter wall
- has hundreds of workers swarming on scaffolding. Local
residents are bitter that the Kuwaiti contractor has employed
only foreign staff and is busing them in from a temporary camp
nearby. "
Don't forget the bonus slave labour from India!
"Since uranium used in the weapons have a half-life of 4.5
billion years, the US forces ensured that generations of
Afghans suffer from cancers and deformities. This is
certainly not development. In fact, it is the biggest crime
ever committed by anyone in the history of humanity. "
""Unfortunately, the book and the play is more relevant now
than it ever has been," he said. "(It) talks about continuous
warfare as a means to control the Western economy, and as a
way to control rebel elements within society through the use
of fear, constant fear." "
"This is madness. And, why hasn't ElBaradei condemned Bush's
"dirty bombs" in Iraq which have poisoned the land and
groundwater with toxic depleted uranium (DU) creating an
enduring legacy of thyroid cancer, birth defects and other
malignant sarcoma? Nuclear weapons are being used in Iraq.
It is ElBaradei's job to stop it. "
"Imagine a similar situation where Iran provided $75 million
(as congress has) to build political organizations within the
US with the stated goal of toppling the government; such
meddling is tantamount to an act of war and yet the American
people shrug it off as "business as usual". "
Justice for Johnny
Notes to Lawyers who wish to contribute to J. Wizard's
defense on a quid pro quo - maybe I can pay you back later
Okay, we have a number of serious challenges as they pertain
to my particular circumstance, so, I'm going to need to get
your feedback on these following three issues as a starter.
Firstly, the original arrest warrant was bogus. My essays
were not "emails", but public postings to a board that carried
all my written work up to that point regarding the documented
truths of 9/11. UNCONTENDED truths such as who was
responsible for carrying out the planning and execution of the
terrorist event, even including the money man, Mr. Bush's
business partner, the un-arrested General Ahmad. The
arresting National Security officers recorded my comments at
the police station, and could find no honorable position to
find disagreement. - That they were refusing to do their jobs
to serve the interests of Justice in seeking the culprits for
mass murder on nine-eleven, is at least what one officer from
section "D" is prepared to testify in court.
If all that isn't dictatorship, what is? "
"The heaviest sentence imposed on anyone to date for a torture-related
death while in U.S. custody is five months,"
Know Thy Enemy - Christs Comedy of Error - Truly amazing audio
"2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but
thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which
say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue
of Satan. "
"1. Is Scottie getting worse at lying, or are
we just getting better at seeing the truth? "
"It has denied that there were any civilian casualties,
despite television footage showing dead and wounded
women and children being pulled from the rubble of
flattened homes. "While sadistic satanic enemies cheer at
God's suffering - proudly kill a bushite for the love of Jesus
Battle Plan of Christ
"Sept. 30, 2003: "There are too many leaks of
classified information in Washington. "And if there's a
leak out of the administration, I want to know who it
is. And if a person violated the law, the person will
be taken care of." "
"Really, W. should fire himself. He swore to look high
and low for the scurrilous leaker and, lo and behold, he
has himself in custody. "
"The U.S. government has been running up bills -
notably the promises of pensions and health-care
benefits for military veterans and millions of other
retirees - without putting the obligations on the
books. "
""The Zarqawi PSYOP program is the most successful
information campaign to date." - Brig. Gen. Mark
Kimmitt, in an internal 2004 memo praising the
propaganda campaign to hype the threat of Iraq's
"terrorist mastermind" Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. "
"According to all three intelligence sources, military
and intelligence officials alike were alarmed that
instead of securing a known terrorist organization,
which has been responsible for acts of terror against
Iranian targets and individuals all over the world -
including US civilian and military casualties - Rumsfeld
under instructions from Cheney, began using the group on
special ops missions into Iran to pave the way for a
potential Iran strike. "
"[TRUE anti-Christ] Bush wrote "we do not rule out the use
of force before attacks occur - even if uncertainty
remains as to the time and place of the enemy's attack." "
What threat of distant looming attack was lowered, by criminally
murdering and thieving to be enemies of everyone, friendly?
A good bushite is a dead enemy halted from victimizing US,
the innocent.
"But if you listen to Cheney, people are just picking on
Halliburton because they don't like him. Not so. I
would be mad at any company that billed me for driving
empty trucks across the desert, but it just so happens
that Halliburton is the company at the wheel. "
"Rep Tom Davis, Chairman of the House Committee on
Government Reform stated: "It's incomprehensible that
the [Demonic] Administration could give Halliburton another
billion-dollar contract without fully investigating such
serious criminal wrongdoing." "
Isahaqi, - Children of Abraham: Death in the Desert
"Why would [subhuman bushite] guards torture a man they
considered innocent? "Because they are openly enemies to
Christ. I say, kill it for America when you can, God bless.
"When Specialist Corey E. Jones struck the knees of the
Dilawar, he cried out painfully to Allah (God). Jones said,
"Everybody heard him cry out and thought it was funny."
Hundreds of blows later, Dilawar died in custody."
I, as the Son of Man would PROUDLY kill this twisted nazi fuk
in defense of the innocent among US as the Human race,
wouldn't you brother? Let's do an American SpikeTV, Johnny
Jesus kills ungodly enemy bushite nazi vermin all for the love
of God - in the Octagon - Super Special - with invites/hunting
parties for all the rest in America who war our Humanity for
the demon antiChrist. Death to the enemy bushite, instead of
the godly as innocent, I as a true Christ Son of God proclaim
to all.
You too are an Eternal God Warrior of the Universe engaging
enemy bushite one by one, to learn and live, or foolishly fall
they do to cry, maybe die, so.. well.. don't get cocky, you
just might spook me.
"Crucially, among the worst cases in this list-those of
detainees tortured to death-only half have resulted in
punishment; the steepest sentence for anyone involved in a
torture-related death: five months in jail."
I say we hunt them down, and get'em good for God and America,
what say you potential innocent victim?
"The evil of this deliberate policy is great in itself; but
the broader implications are perhaps even worse. For consider
this: if American troops can be propagandized to believe such
a transparent lie about Iraq's non-existent connection to 9/11
- what can't they be manipulated into believing?"
They, the bushite enemy, have no soul as disciples of the
demon antiChrist.
"That is already averaging this year about 6 times the normal
incidence of new lung cancer cases in a year. "
All thanks to the liar bushite enemy who claim for our
Humanity that WE can eat depleted uranium "by the poundful",
and suffer no ill effects while they cash in as corporate
media successes. - Are You willing to join the rank now?
"* A clear majority of the troops oppose torture and
aggressive interrogation techniques and four out of five
polled oppose the use of such banned weapons as napalm and
phosphorus bombs, such as US forces employed in the assault on
Fallujah in November 2004."
"Just to let you know, the US Marines have blocked access
to "Wonkette" along with numerous other sites such as personal
email (i.e. Yahoo, AT&T, Hotmail, etc), blogs that don't
agree with the government point of view, personal websites,
and some news organizatons.
"Added Wood, "The American people are entitled to know the
truth about their own history. If the government has nothing
to hide, it should have no objections to releasing all this
evidence for experts and scholars to study.""
An actual audio recording of the Son of Man outlining the very
real war scenario of Christ vs. Antichrist.
Enemies of America
"REALIZE, FOX, and amerka's demon lair hosts at Coast to
Coast, have received this post, yet, continue to TREASONOUSLY
mislead US to criminally sacrifice more soldier families for
the richly pleasures of the ungodly demon anti-Christ."
Well, not entirely true. A nazi soldier's parents can be
promised they'll receive 400,000 dollars in 'sure, we'll pay
you later..' 'life' insurance, if their held worthless son or
daughter dies sacrificed for more ungodly bushite bounties, as
J. Wizard's most publicly sworn enemy, the demon liar
neocon war mongers - who hide behind my pirated American flag
as traitors to God and country. Realize, these THIEVING
dumfuk soldiers are commanded by LIAR enemies whom refuse to
honorably support the arrest of those personally responsible
for 9/11. Death to the ungodly terrorist bushite enemies by
demanding true Justice for my Humanity.
General Ahmad, bush's business partner, funded 9/11's
mastermind ringleader, Atta. Arrest, public trial, and Death
by execution to Bush Jr., Rumsfeld, Cheney and Rice for
committing the DOCUMENTED treasons of 9/11.
The awesome and amazing J. Wizard speaking nationally in America!
"The primary "evidence" against another was that he was
captured wearing a particular Casio watch, "which many
terrorists wear." "
Now, wouldn't you as godly Christian, hunt to kill any bushite
enemy who argued such evidence warranted torture, or life
imprisonment of an innocent person?
"Instead of rebuilding several steam-turbine power
stations- as Iraqi engineers and managers recommended-the
CPA's crony contractors chose to build new natural gas and
diesel-powered combustion-turbine stations, despite the fact
that Iraq doesn't have adequate supplies of either. "
Speak for Yourself
"Deborah Johns blames "al Qaeda" for our military deaths
(including Casey Sheehan's) in Iraq! http://www.tjslGOP.org
Please, trust me, if I did speak for Ms. Johns her opinions
would be more informed. "
Sept. 11's Smoking Gun: The Many Faces of Saeed Sheikh
"The ungodly crazycon is a formidable opponent, but I think
my America will triumph over the enemy demon liars if I am granted
the opportunity to say something about it."
- King J. Wizard
"That is a high act of treason. And it's not, "oh well, but
maybe it's not true.." No, we have the two documents of question."
US Church Alliance: Washington is 'Raining Down Terror' with Iraq War,
""We lament with special anguish the war in Iraq, launched
in deception and violating global norms of justice and human
rights," said the statement from representatives of the 34
U.S. members of World Council of Churches. "We mourn all who
have died or been injured in this war. We acknowledge with
shame abuses carried out in our name.""
""As the national intelligence officer for the Middle East,
I was in charge of coordinating all of the intelligence community's
assessments regarding Iraq," Pillar writes. "The first request I
received from any administration policy-maker for any such
assessment was not until a year into the war." "
One Thousand A Month Tortured To Death In Iraq
Enemy bushites are all the same ignorant evil
"Yes, war is ugly, brutal and violent. And British
soldiers [guilty of sadistically murdering young children that
were not established by the videos as throwing grenades,
stones, or even bad mouth rioting] are tough, professional and
well trained. We should be thankful they are on our side.
Vincent J. Curtis of Hamilton, Ont., is a freelance writer
who was embedded with the British forces in Iraq last year."
HEy, I got an idea! Lets all kill bush bitch enemies instead,
and see how they likes dying as innocent victim,
eh? Enemy bushites are all the same ignorant evil. They
advocate the murder, torture, or robbery of the innocent as
our "helpless" Humanity for the ungodly thieving billionaire
bushite neo-con traitors, and figure "we" can't ever defend
getting around to defend ourselves as the godly and virtuously
Patriotic to the fighting core - actual TRUE god Warriors.
Death to the non-negotiable enemy bushite "I" say, and Love to
Life as real Freedom is Heavenly.
"One Yemeni prisoner was interrogated so roughly that,
according to the National Journal, he finally said in
exasperation, "OK, I saw Bin Laden five times: three times on
Al Jazeera and twice on Yemeni news." His "admission" was duly
recorded in a case file: "Detainee admitted to knowing Osama
bin Laden." "
"But when a Jew, Ezra Levant, publishes cartoons that
incense Canada's 600,000 Muslims and touch off demonstrations,
well that's "free speech." "
Er.. Yah but... Ezra Levant ISN'T Jewish! So, then, it
isn't about a culture clash, it's about the bush bitch
anti-Jew G-D desecrater Ezra Levant, a true anti-Semite if you
wish, and his corporate contempt for the still beating
teachings - forever enshrined/locked in the Holy Torah
"Levant illustrates how the Zionist movement (a.k.a. Neo
Conservatives) co-opts conservatives by paying lip service to
their social issues while roping them into the NWO's
geopolitical agenda."
Same thing. Zionist Neo Conservatives often likewise co-opt
the Jew label too. There is more to being Jewish than
covering a bald spot with a funny hat, or being related to one
of the more than fifty million people that tragically died
fifty so years ago at the hands of the same Bush family Empire
of nazi demon liars.
"In typical disingenuous neocon fashion, Pipes alleges
a "conspiracy theory" but refuses to cite or quote Bollyn's
article. "
"The cameraman, a soldier, filming these violent scenes laughs
and says: "No crying kids, no crying!" "
"All the while the callous cameraman delivers a
stomach-churning commentary urging his mates on, cackling with
laughter and screaming: "Oh yes! Oh yes! You're gonna get
it. Yes, naughty little boys! You little f***ers, you little
f***ers. DIE! Ha, ha!""
Have you seen this video? the children, of at least one was
murdered, look to be about twelve. Reported nation wide as
"civilians" maybe "youths", but not children by corporate
fascist news content controls. In fact, I don't believe CNN
or CBC even aired more than two or three seconds of concern.
Those are my kids, and I'll kill without question any wannabe
bushite enemy who demands I have no RGIHt! to act in their
I beg you on behalf of Jesus, join me in hunting these enemies
of Life down to death. I will give anything to anyone to have
these evil nazi bushite savages destroyed - death to the
thieving bushite that Bush and Blair leave walking our streets
as free to further commit crimes in our names. Who was
arrested? Who is investigating? See the bushite, you kill it
for America, you kill it for Christ, you kill it for the love
you have of freedom, life, and God.
"In other words, as one analyst phrased it, "Congress would
never have granted Bush permission to do something that,
according to Gonzales, it had already granted him permission
to do.""
Propagandized stupider than the fates will allow
Let it be known, that the senior management national news
reducers of CBC and CNN, know full well, they would rather
watch American Soldiers die as the thieving bad guys, than to
defend God's America by reporting that the demon enemy George
W. Bush, and his business partner General Ahmad, committed
the terrorist acts of 9/11, along with Rumsfeld, Rice, Cheney,
and Myers.
We shall, start there, and continue on until we've nabbed
every last treasonous culprit found at the ends of the ample
crimes scene leads. Propagandized stupider than the fates
will allow, an American is universally recognizing itself as
an enemy to their own cowardly dying selves. For, my friend,
America's America will not stand undefended with these beliefs
of mine I give freely. Soldiers along with honorable Police
officers I would ask, to bravely/politely demand our time
on national broadcasts for the spoken defense of Justice for
America. For, Johnny wants to debate the bushite publicly on
the validity of the Iraq war, considering that it has no true
justifiable cause. Meaning: all stolen revenues will be
returned to the Iraqi people, with interest, paid for by those
responsible for stealing it. Justice Johnny has now
officially arrived on the scene to hunt bushite down to the
ends of life - to teach'em with kind words, or the other way
with graver sentences handed down by us believers in freedom
from tyranny. Hint: Don't -- with the real Children of God
who are refusing to take more chances with enemy bushite
neo-con bullshit. An innocent person shall not be imprisoned
in my name, nor shall they be tortured, robbed, or murdered.
Bushite enemies that don't like that arrangement, we arrest,
try, and if convicted on the war crime capital offenses of
first degree mass murder, such as we will find regarding
Mattis, Blount, Russell, and Sattler, Allawi and Doud, then,
and only then, we together will joyously have them publicly
executed for the good of the entire body politic. In the
name of Jesus, Allah has spoken for life in which all are
granted equal privilege to love with everything we are
together alone with the stars. Death to the ungodly bushite,
instead of the innocent they target for plunder with
treasonous lies as a betrayal to our real names.
God, Johnny, You, and the Great America.
Realize, CNN and CBC have received this post, yet, continue to
lie to dying soldiers for the unholy benefit of the enemy
The "Shock and Awe" Gallery©
""The children seem to be the most openly enthused.
They are getting a chance at a future the likes of which
would never have been possible under the oppressive
When we cancel other people's human rights, we cancel our own.
= Highwater =
The Verdict
"In another characteristic incident, Bush asserted, as he
has repeatedly, that any decision on withdrawal of American
troops from Iraq "will be made by military commanders, not by
politicians in Washington DC." Congressional Republicans gave
a standing ovation to this remark, which amounts to a
declaration that, in the war for "freedom" and "democracy" in
Iraq, there is no room for such trifles as control over the
military by the civilian authorities, and subordination of
decisions on war and peace to the democratic will of the
American people. "
Exactly. The demon enemy of life itself, Our Mr. bush Jnr.,
who publicly parades his contempt for freedom and God, must
be stopped for all costs, that include for sure, your own
as reader.
""I think they thought we wouldn't shoot kids, But we
showed them we don't care. I did what I had to do. I
don't have a big problem with it" - U.S. Army Pvt.
Nick Boggs"
One of Rumsfeld's last quotes before he was executed for high treason.
"War has been declared on all of our nations and on our people."
I, J. Wizard, in the city of Winnipeg, Province of Manitoba
Pakistani ISI Director General Ahmad orders an aide to wire
transfer about $100,000 to hijacker Atta. Ahmad later resigns
after the transfer is disclosed in India and confirmed by the
FBI. [Dawn, 10/8/01, Times of India, 10/9/01, Wall Street
Journal, 10/10/01, AFP, 10/10/01] The individual who makes the
wire transfer at Ahmad's direction is Saeed Sheikh, later
convinced for kidnapping and murdering reporter Daniel Pearl
in February 2002. ABC News later reports, "federal
authorities have told ABC News they've now tracked more than
$100,000 from banks in Pakistan to two banks in Florida to
accounts held by suspected hijack ringleader Mohamed Atta."
[ABC News, 9/30/01] CNN also reports the $100,000 transfer,
and the New York Times specifies that it came in 2000. [CNN,
10/1/01, CNN, 10/6/01, New York Times, 7/10/02] Ahmad's order
must have preceded June 2000, since that's when Atta and
others started opening bank accounts and receiving the money
($109,910 is received by Atta and Marwan Alshehhi between June
19 and September 18). [MSNBC, 12/11/01]
On March 3, 2002, MSNBC's Jim Miklaszewski reported that he
had received anonymously, top secret presidential war strategy
documents dated September 9th, 2001, originating from
Condolezza's office, outlining a strategy to invade
Afghanistan premised on blaming bin Laden a terrorist, but
providing no evidence to back up the allegations, thereby
guaranteeing criminal invasion. Only workable if Laden pleads
innocence to a crime that hadn't yet taken place, a crime
serious enough to "justify" sacrificing American GIs truly for
a liquefied natural gas pipe line for pension thieving Enron.
["The Dahbol Working Group" and Bridas] Any evidence for any
offense would have been sufficient to have Muslim
fundamentalists hand Laden immediately over, as they had
offered [as others of other nations had also] repeatedly
during the Clinton years.
CBC and CNN have still, to this day, consciously refused to do
any follow up on the intelligence, deciding instead on behalf
of dying people everywhere, our public devolvement of a just
RT? News - US rejects Taliban bin Laden evidence calls
21 September 2001 17:41
The White House has rejected requests from Afghanistan's
ruling Taliban for proof that Osama bin Laden was responsible
for last week's attacks. According to the US Secretary of
State, Colin Powell, the United States has enough evidence to
try bin Laden in an American court.
The US Government said there would be no negotiations.
[This following document was the official damning account]
Responsibility for the terrorist atrocities in the United States
4 October 2001
[This Internet Domain is Britain's Prime Minister's]
"This document does not purport to provide a prosecutable case
against Usama Bin Laden in a court of law."
The document doesn't hold ANY case, as that was the strategy.... See?
Investigating the Investigation
After playing a tape of Cheney's statement, Russert asked
Daschle, "Did the vice president call you and urge you not to
investigate the events of Sept. 11?" Daschle flatly
contradicted Cheney: "Yes, he did, Tim, on Jan. 24, and then
on Jan. 28 the president himself at one of our breakfast
meetings repeated the request."
...."[T]hat request was made" by Cheney not only on Jan. 24
and by Mr. Bush four days later, but "on other dates
following" as well.
ABCNEWS.com : FBI Called off Terror Investigations
Two veteran FBI investigators say they were ordered to stop
investigations into a suspected terror cell linked to Osama
bin Laden's al Qaeda network and the Sept. 11 attacks...
`You Will Not Open Criminal Investigations'
October 9 2001 - The Times of India
"While the Pakistani Inter Services Public Relations claimed
that former ISI [the "Pakistani CIA"] director-general Lt-Gen
Mahmud Ahmad sought retirement after being superseded on
Monday, the truth is more shocking. Top sources confirmed
here on Tuesday that the general lost his job because of the
"evidence" India produced to show his links to one of the
suicide bombers that wrecked the World Trade Center. The U.S.
authorities sought his removal after confirming the fact that
$100,000 were wired to WTC hijacker Mohammed Atta from
Pakistan by Ahmad Umar Sheikh [Omar Saeed] at the instance of
General Mahmud [Ahmad]. Senior government sources have
confirmed that India contributed significantly to establishing
the link between the money transfer and the role played by the
dismissed ISI chief. While they did not provide details, they
said that Indian inputs, including [Omar Saeed's] mobile phone
number, helped the FBI in tracing and establishing the link."
No evidence was brought against Laden for nine eleven, none.
[So according to Bush's official top secret Presidential
directives] While Laden himself claimed he played no part in
911. Still, to save the lives of third worlders on the brink
of starvation, Laden agreed to hand himself over, but Bush
refused the offer, while CBC and CNN denied to report on that
fact for the behalf of now dying dismembered American GIs.
Once the indiscriminate bombing began, targeting almost every
building in the country of Afghanistan, Laden then claimed he
had no choice but to fight back to defend US innocent from the
ungodly enemies of Creation/Freedom. Then the clear to all
fake video came out with an actor who's face wasn't even close
to looking remotely like Laden, but for almost the facial
hair. [Bridge of the Jamaican actor's nose is HALF as long in
proportion to Laden's for example, and surely frightfully
shocking for some, the actor doesn't even take blame for 911
either!] Photos comparing the two faces never aired on CBC and
CNN available in about twelve seconds with the power of the
former FBI deputy director and murder victim John O'Neill
"the main obstacles to investigating Islamic terrorism were
U.S. oil corporate interests and the role played by Saudi
Alex Jones interviewing Former German Defense Minister Andreas Von
"Bush signed W199I months before 911 ordering the FBI not to
stop Al-Qaeda. They threatened to arrest FBI agent Robert
Wright if he tells us what he knows."
Mr. Bush was quoted somewhere regarding Mr. Laden's guilt of
complete innocence with "We don't need any evidence, we know
he's guilty."
" [FBI's] Edmonds concluded that documents clearly showed that
the Sept. 11 hijackers were in the country and plotting to
use airplanes as missiles. She said documents also included
information relating to their financial activities. "
The honorable Argentinean oil company Bridas' relationship can
not be understated as the Bush Administration's primary motive
on criminal invasion of Afghanistan to save his biggest
corporate backers, the American pension thieving Enron.
From "Fresh Memories of War" by Kandea Mosley, The Ithaca Journal (New
"We were told there were no friendly forces," said [Army
Private Matt] Guckenheimer, an assistant gunner with the 10th
Mountain Division at Fort Drum. "If there was anybody there,
they were the enemy. We were told specifically that if there
were women and children to kill them."
When U.S warplanes strafed [with AC-130 gunships] the farming
village of Chowkar- Karez, 25 miles north of Kandahar on
October 22-23rd,killing at least 93 civilians, a Pentagon
official said, "the people there are dead because we wanted
them dead." The reason? They sympathized with the Taliban.1
When asked about the Chowkar incident, Rumsfeld replied, "I
cannot deal with that particular village."
"American troops today admitted they routinely gun down Iraqi
civilians - some of whom are entirely innocent.
And in an admission that directly contrasts with the line
coming out from the Pentagon's spin doctors Specialist
Corporal Michael Richardson added: "There was no dilemma when
it came to shooting people who were not in uniform, I just
pulled the trigger."
The Crown would argue this issue isn't in her jurisdiction,
however, it is in mine as a expressive communicator fighting
for freedom from real tyranny. An irrational tyranny that
only stands exercised by corporate "news bite" censorship, and
false imprisonments. An American Prosecutor put Sergeant
Benderman in prison for refusing to kill God's children. Now,
what do you really think America would do, if "they" knew that
Bush demands total impunity on the war crimes he is personally
responsible for
"Marines said the men fired on them. A senior officer said
they had no weapons, but that with shots coming in the men
were legitimate targets because they ran."
(Link to photo: http://www.cair-net.org/images/lcpl11.jpg)
Guardian Wednesday 7, 2001 - "FBI claims bin Laden inquiry was
[this story was on Bush's top secret W199i directive]
This information would take a well paid intelligence officer,
or CBC reporter no more that thirty seconds to look for follow
ups. For, I know, the BBC did also a national news report on
INTERVIEWER: Are you aware that this tank is contaminated with
SOLDIER: No, it isn't radioactive.
INTERVIEWER: But we have measured it.
SOLDIER: No, it isn't radioactive, not this tank.
Justice Department lawyer John Yoo, "In the exercise of his
plenary power to use military force," Yoo insisted, "the
President's decisions are for him alone and are unreviewable."
Yoo was also quoted recently on CBC national news report
regarding the torturing of innocent people to death, to state
something like "President Bush doesn't have to justify his
opinions to Canada or even to the United States for that
The incriminating FBI email dated 22 May 2004, indicates that
president Bush
signed off on certain interrogation techniques in an executive order."
(See original at
U.S. deserter 'didn't want to have to kill babies'
"Mr. House will argue that American soldiers are guilty of
war crimes and that forcing Mr. Hinzman to fight in Iraq
would have made him a war criminal.
He will call as a witness former U.S. Marine Staff Sergeant
Jimmy Massey, who is expected to testify that he and other
soldiers shot more than 30 unarmed Iraqis, including women and
a six-year-old child, at a U.S. military checkpoint."
that a clandestine military task force in Iraq was beating
detainees, ordering Defense Intelligence Agency debriefers out
of the room during questioning, confiscating evidence of the
abuse and intimidating the debriefers when they complained."
A sacked CIA official is reportedly suing the agency for
allegedly retaliating against him for refusing to falsify his
reports on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction to support the
White House's pre-war position.
``I was faced with being deployed to Iraq to do what the
infantry does, kill people, and I had no justification for
doing so,'' he testified. ``This was a criminal war. Any act
of violence in an unjustified conflict is an atrocity.''
Williams's squad stopped a dump truck, and an Iraqi climbed
out. "Light him up!" the sergeant ordered, according to
testimony, and the squad opened fire, killing the unarmed man.
Williams and a squadmate reportedly got into an argument over
which of them had scored Company C's first kill.
It gets worse. We already knew about the Franklin County,
Ohio, precinct that tallied 4,258 votes for Bush when only 638
people had actually voted.
Israeli Soldiers Going In For The Kill: A 13 year old
Palestinian [JEWISH] school girl is about to die
"It's a little girl. She's running defensively eastwards, a
girl of about 10. She's behind the embankment, scared to
"Anyone who's mobile, moving in the zone, even if it's a
three-year-old, needs to be killed."
[destructive radius of a 900-kilogram bomb is half a
kilometer, and all TRUE accounts of death rates for Fallujah
alone, a city where the population was forbidden to leave,
exceed two hundred thousand innocent souls.]
The Bush Administration
In rush to defend White House, Rice trips over own words
By Walter Pincus and Dana Milbank, San Francisco Chronicle
"Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage contradicted
Rice's claim that the White House had a strategy before Sept.
11 for military operations against al Qaeda and the Taliban.
The CIA contradicted Rice's earlier assertion that Bush had
requested a CIA briefing in the summer of 2001 because of
elevated terrorist threats. And Rice's assertion this week
that Bush had told her on Sept. 16, 2001, that "Iraq is to
the side" appeared to be contradicted by an order signed by
Bush on Sept. 17 directing the Pentagon to begin planning
military options for an invasion of Iraq."
[ And...]
"Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage contradicted
Rice's claim that the White House had a strategy before Sept.
11 for military operations against al Qaeda and the Taliban."
This indicates that with the foreknowledge gained through
prior experiences of Muslim fundamentalists, such as the
Taliban, being forbidden by their religion [Jihad] to
persecute the innocent, left the Bush Administration with only
needing to do, and had officially done, was to use no evidence
to back up allegations to insure invasion plans, and as a
result, a deliberate treasonous criminal strategy to not
follow the crime scene leads at the real murder scene to nab
to true evil doers. For otherwise - spoil the top secret
Blix nor Elbaradei, nor Kofi, suggested, implied, or stated,
that Iraq had failed to comply with the newest U.N.
resolution: 1441.
HANS BLIX: "And at this juncture, we are able to perform
professional no-notice inspections all over Iraq and to
increase aerial surveillance..."
With complete, one hundred percent access to go where ever the
Bush Administration pleased without delay, left a situation of
an unjust war only detrimental to an ability to bring about
any good or better thing. American soldiers are being
sacrificed for no better good or reason understood, for if
progress will ever be made, it will be when they work to bring
about a political situation that was there in Iraq before the
Bush Administration starting murdering innocent people for
nothing . Well, not completely, for Bremer shipped 19 billion
to Greenspan early on, then, hundreds of millions were sent
Professor Steven E. Jones, a tenured BYU professor,
"To be truthful about it, there was no way we could have got
the public consent to have suddenly launched a campaign on
Afghanistan but for what happened on September 11..."
Tony Blair Speaking To House of Commons Liaison Committee
The Washington Post, 23 September 2001.
At American urging, Ahmed traveled ... to Kandahar,
Afghanistan. There he delivered the bluntest of demands.
Turn over bin Laden without conditions, he told Taliban leader
Mohammad Omar, or face certain war with the United States and
its allies.
Mahmoud's meetings on two separate missions with the Taliban
were reported as a "failure." Yet this "failure" to extradite
Osama without providing a shred of eidence was part of
Washington's documented design, providing a pretext for a
military intervention which was already in the pipeline. If
Osama had been extradited, the main justification for waging a
war "against international terrorism" would no longer hold.
Nor would the ready to go Patriot Act. Incidentally, when
MSNBC contacted the Whitehouse regarding the top secret
invasion of Afghanistan plan, it was confessed that the plan
had been "fully implemented"
The Crown's interpretations of my possessions are not my expressions!!
The Judge through this whole thing out for the defense
without any consideration offered to OUR COURT!
Since I am representing myself on these particular criminal
matters, Legal Aid is not required to lend assistance on the
grounds that I'm not co-operating with the system as it
operates through professional Barred representations. [I am
eligible for walk in consultations but nothing of the sort of
assistance I am requesting] Considering the complexity of my
judicial matter, I would request legal assistance from the
Court in these following areas.
1. National Security Issues
I need assistance in understanding the legal statutes that our
national security services are obligated to practice under, to
insure our national security matters are being truly defended
in my respect. No change in summation of my character was
altered, after they were granted a search warrant to verify it
was me who publicly spoke out for honorable FBI officers
denied their rights to speak freely, then as the Court knows,
instead of doing what they argued to grant such privilege to
infringe on my personal liberty, enforced a less than perfect
law that most others would buckle under, even if they harbored
no criminal intent, and would never do anything to infringe on
the rights of any child. For I challenge; it does not serve
Canada's interest (in particular our teen soldiers) to
knowingly have Canada propagandized under the serious failures
of CBC and the National Security Services to lend no wanting
cry to hear REAL FBI officers who factually allege, with
evidence and everything, President Bush's business partner,
(who was at the Whitehouse Sept. 9th working on the top
secret invasion of Afghanistan strategy to heavily arm heroin
pushers who war to keep women as slaves while weaponizing
children - done all for a liquefied gas pipe line to profit
his darling dear Enron) funded 9/11's "mastermind"
"ringleader" Mohammad Atta. Inside sources from the RCMP have
notified me, that in the last four years, Section D's salaried
employees, have done practically nothing to serve Canada's
interest in this respect. While Canada's CSIS does not have
the legal ability to speak out publicly regarding the criminal
transgressions of President Bush, and because of this nature
of CSIS's position, they have almost only fears to live with
by trying. A CSIS officer told me, many were completely aware
of President Bush's criminality regarding his hugely
treasonous actions of mass murder on 9/11, but could do
practically nothing about it outside of filing the reports
with the federal government, or maybe anonymously sending
something to CBC, with no promises that anyone would actually
read it. All the while, the senior CSIS boss brags
contemptuously in public about his ties and commitment to his
friends in the ISI. Perceived easily/mistakenly I'd imagine
as a threat to all of Canada's Honorable police officers and
Judges. [General Ahmad was the Bush junta's appointed head of
the ISI.] I think Canada's Prime Minister Paul Martin is
genuinely a good man, but it is hard to see him publicly take
a stand on this issue, [if he even received said reports] on
behalf of honorable police officers and soldiers everywhere,
in defense of the human race, risking everything, considering
he already does bring about a great deal of good for Canadians
where he stands. [Compared to you know, a let's send the kids
to war for whatever Harper, or nobody in Winnipeg
("officially" 86%) wants us to give away the public assets so
let's do it anyway for ourselves privately Filmon] But to know
the RCMP's Section D, sides that they can't tell us the top
secret reason they have not perused Justice for the sake of
Canadian soldiers who bravely put their lives on the line, of
which some have already died, is a situation no Canadian would
tolerate if they knew these freely available facts to decide
for themselves. Sure we can be counted lucky that only so few
Canadians have died thus far, but when will the sacrifice of
Americans, Afghanis, Iraqis, and soon to be Iranians with the
Syrians, along with more than fifty other countries officially
marked for death by the lawlessly irrational bushite
terrorists, be more than YOUR willing to bare? As publicly
reported repeatedly in European press, Mr. Sattler ordered
the bombing of health care clinics in Fallujah as first strike
targets because he didn't want doctors or nurses to "falsely"
report that his forces target primarily the innocent to steal
more from America in blood and treasure. Then under Sattler's
command, they proceeded to monstrously murder more than two
hundred thousand innocent souls, while covering the region in
radio-active toxic waste that will continue to kill for a
scientifically estimated billion or two years. Hell on Earth
is what un- arrested Sattler represents as an enemy to all
living things. God included. An aside: Did you know the
commander of the Third Infantry, Maj. Gen. Buford 'buff'
Blount III, is truly a Saudi Wahhabist in disguise, who took
up the job at the request of the Bush junta, and subsequently
left near 170 tons of plastic explosives unprotected for
looting in Qaqaa? Why? Well when asked why he commanded to
leave the weapons unattended to instead, go carnage Baghdad,
with, I'm serious, sanctioned thieving expeditions, he
replied, he just wanted to let us know he was there. "We just
wanted to let them know that we're here.'' In Basra, the
coalition is still leaving as of last week, more than 30 known
weapons storage facilities unprotected. See, the neo-con
peenacker gang can't steal everything without a stupid man war
going. Left continuing unattended without national
discussions, leaves further in it's wake, more innocent
victims of war crimes fallen undefended. I would ask that
instead of me seeking to find where it is written, that the
RCMP must be committed to getting the man for nine eleven,
perhaps I can just request we work together, for a national
CBC radio forum kicked off by some kinda joint, international
press release acknowledging briefly our failures to
communicate in the past, and politely request where Canada
could go through open line discussions on these very serious
matters. We must not allow our soldiers to be made
misinformed by CBC's unwillingness to bravely with honor,
defend our great Nation. Or, perhaps, Canada might want to
consider hiring me on as, we'll see how it goes honorary RCMP
spokesperson?, a paid consultant for my expertise in
recognizing the real bad guys, and then I'll go out there, and
win the good fight by using praise with fewer insults. If we
stay committed to defending freedom by defeating war
criminals, we all will be the better for it. Now, take me to
your leader.
2. Local Police Issues
White House keeps dossiers on more than 10,000 'political enemies'
"Specialist Damien "Monster" Corsetti-known
affectionately as the "King of Torture" among his Bagram
colleagues-was later fined and demoted for forcing an
Iraqi woman to strip during an interrogation at Abu
Ghraib. Yet Corsetti remains a free man. "
Will America hunt to kill the un-arrested bushite cancer
that knows thyself as the "King of Torture"? Who's
blasphemous open contempt for all that is God doesn't even
earn him a spot on America's Most Wanted?
""Suggestions that U.S. forces targeted civilians with
these weapons are simply wrong," U.S. Marine Major Tim
Keefe said in an e-mail to Reuters. "Had the producers of
the documentary bothered to ask us for comment, we would
have certainly told them that the premise of the program
was erroneous." "
"an epic study that documents the systematic nature of
torture by the Americans, and how casual it is, even
enjoyable. [...] as the head of Reuters said recently,
it is out of control. It is destroying lives in industrial
quantities when compared with the violence of the
Godless bushite enemy thieves, are enemies of innocent men
women and children as they live and die in undefended America
measured worthless to the neocon traitor's bottom line.
"Mr Cheney told several Republican senators that
President Bush would veto the annual defense spending
bill if it contained language prohibiting the use of
cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment by any U.S.
personnel. "
"Col. Robert Bowman: As other speakers have said,
they knew the American people wouldn't stand for it, and
they said so in their documents, and they said, unless
there's that new Pearl Harbor.
[...] and it is treason. [...]
1. We give up all rights to Iraqi oil 2. We give up
all rights to the rebuilding contracts- if Halliburton
wants a contract from you, they have to bid on it like
anybody else, and they have to hire Iraqis to do the work
for a change. 3. We give up all rights to those 14
permanent military bases we're building in Iraq at this
time. And the people in the Whitehouse are not going to
make those committments and so they have to go and all
the puppeteers with them. "
"Rove told Cooper that further information
discrediting Wilson and his findings would soon be
declassified and ended the phone conversation by saying
"I've already said too much. "
". less than one per cent of the population believes
coalition forces are responsible for any improvement in
security; "
(Don't miss "J. Wizard Vs. the bushmob")
From the J. Wizard work - "Wait a Moment"
"Who cares about yourself if you won't listen as reason
to? What can you lose when you have granted to be
blindly stolen from? "
"The War Crimes Act of 1996, a federal statute set
forth at 18 U.S.C. § 2441, makes it a federal crime for
any U.S. national, whether military or civilian, to
violate the Geneva Convention by engaging in murder,
torture, or inhuman treatment. "
"Making a potential prosecutor's job easier, U.S.
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales wrote a memo in January
2002 to President Bush saying that America should opt out
of the Geneva Convention because top officials have to
worry about prosecutions under 18 U.S.C. § 2441. By
attempting to sidestep the Geneva Convention, Gonzales
created a document trail that can be used to prove that
top administration officials knowingly created a policy
of torturing prisoners "
"Entitled ``The Torture Question,'' the report makes
clear that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld bears direct
responsibility for the brutal methods of interrogation
used against US prisoners. "
"What is happening is that Ms. Davidson and Lawyers
Against the War have laid charges against George Bush Jr;
accusing him of aiding, abetting, and counseling the
commission of torture."
"o Where the HELL is YOUR proof that Porter Goss knew nothing
about $100,000 that was wired to Mohammed Atta?"
"One soldier raised his concerns within the Army chain of
command for seventeen months before the Army agreed to
undertake an investigation, but only after he had contacted
members of Congress and considered going public with the
"These soldiers' accounts show how the administration's
refusal to insist on adherence to a lawful, long-recognized,
and well-defined standard of treatment contributed to the
torture of prisoners. They also show how that policy betrayed
the soldiers in the field-sowing confusion in the ranks,
exposing them to legal sanction when abuses occurred, and
placing in an impossible position all those who wished to
behave honorably."
"The Nazis in the 1930s were forced to waste precious time
and money on the inoculation of the German citizenry, too
well-educated for its own good, against the infections of
impermissible thought. We can count it as a blessing that we
don't bear the burden of an educated citizenry."
From "Epiphany"
"What can bush or rumsfeld do now in Iraq, outside of
criminally stealing our assets, that they couldn't do before a
single innocent Iraqi person was murdered by heinous traitor
buford blount?"
From "Time to tell"
"Mr. bush you nazi vermin, you attack my America, you attack
US all. American soldiers will not sit back as cowards
entirely, and watch you sacrifice our lives as worthless
without meaning.""
"5) Was there a coordinated effort with the U.S.
intelligence community and/or British officials to "fix" the
intelligence and facts around the policy as the leaked
document states?"
"CNN reporter David Ensor said (11/2/05), "U.S.
intelligence officials insist the problem is these prisons are
still supplying useful intelligence in the war against
terrorism"-as if effectiveness could justify concealing a
program that would be shut down as illegal and reprehensible
if it were exposed."
"In fact, as they made clear on page one, the authors had
stripped out Falluja; their estimate of 98,000 deaths would
otherwise have been much higher. "
Interesting the United Methodist Church felt it necessary
to REPEAT it's statement that the push for war was
"without any justification according to the teachings of
Christ." "
"Patriotism demands that I speak out and call it by
it's name. It is treason.
I joined the Air Force a long time ago to protect our
borders and our people, not the financial interests of
Folgers, Chiquita-Banana, Exxon and Halliburton. We've
had enough corporate wars. "
"Countless civilians-including women and
children-were cruelly burned to death (whether
incidentally or in a deliberate attempt to terrorize
scarcely matters) in the most agonizing of ways. Enemy
fighters were killed through the use of weapons that have
been outlawed by the civilized world-a world that America
can not claim to be a part of.
American troops even have a term for the barbaric
technique - "Shake and Bake"-clear evidence that this
was no one-off affair. "
"Iraqi detainee, Thahee Sabbar, who has brought a
lawsuit against Rumsfeld and top US military commanders,
said he was also beaten, deprived of food and sleep, given
electric shocks, shot with rubber bullets and subjected to
mock executions after being detained by US soldiers in
July 2003, [...]
"They put me in a small cell at first where there were
bloody clothes from another prisoner. Then I was in a
room with about 100 others. Sometimes they used drills on
people." "
"Hitler would have trouble understanding what the fuss
over using white phosphorus in a city is all about. "
"Roberts said that the CIA was aware that the vast
majority of detainees are not terrorists, proven by the
fact that Pakistani gangsters admitted to rounding up
innocent people in street sweeps and selling them to the
US government as terrorists for anything up to $25,000.
These people are now at Guantanamo Bay. "
"However, Hadi al-Amery, who heads the Badr
Organisation, a militia group tightly allied to SCIRI, a
powerful Shiah Muslim political party in government,
denied any link to the bunker. He said: "This bunker is
run by the interior ministry. The Americans are there
every day. If there was torture, we ask for an
investigation." "
"The tactic used by the Bush regime is to repeat that
the Iraq policy was a resounding success because the
people are now free. Free? To do what? They can't even
go down the road for bread these days without fearing for
their lives. Women can't walk around freely. They aren't
even free to wear what they like. "
"Bush administration Labor Dept. economist, Dr.
Morgan Reynolds, and Eric Hufschmid, author of "Painful
Questions", spell out clearly the evidence proving 9-11
was done by our government and agents from Israel. "
"Senator Lindsey Graham, a Republican former air force
lawyer who had co-sponsored McCain's bill, promptly caved
in and slipped an amendment into a $445bn military
spending bill that removed the right of US courts to
decide whether the government could hold foreign prisoners
at camps such as Guantanamo. "
"Describing the United States' intention to target
civilians in Falluja, Englehart states that he was told by
military superiors going into Falluja that "every single
person that was walking, talking, breathing was [an] enemy
combatant. As such every single person that was walking
down the street or in a house was a target." Englehart
confirms that soldiers had orders to shoot children as
young as 10 years old. "
"would go ahead this
month, despite an announcement by the Supreme Court that
it is to rule on whether the president has the power to
create such tribunals in the first place. "
""they're not working undercover. They've abandoned all
pretense of morality. They're in our faces - in every
critical position in this government - put in place to create
the madness, cruelty, torture, and massive genocide that will
form the foundation of their World. And destroy ours.""
"By trapping as many as 100,000 men and boys in the city
before invading it, the U.S., acting for all the world more
like a group of Bosnian Serb thugs than like the army of the
Free World, has assured that it will be killing many, many
civilians, but we won't be hearing much about that. As far
as the Pentagon and Centcom in Iraq go, the dead in Fallujah
are and will be all rebels. If they die, they must have died
"Wilkerson said, "I can only assume that, when the vice
president of the United States lobbies the Congress on behalf
of cruel and unusual punishment and the need to be able to do
that in order to get information out of potential
terrorists... that it's still going on.""
Abramoff "asked for $9 million in 2003 from the president of a
West African nation to arrange a meeting with President Bush
and directed his fees to a Maryland company now under federal
scrutiny, according to newly disclosed documents."
"One contractor received more than $100,000 to completely
refurbish an Olympic pool but only polished the pumps. "
"He [the demon anti-Christ] also said that he will block
White House aides from testifying [...] and that he will not
release official White House photos of himself with former
Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff. "
"Why does any American think that spying without a warrant
has any more effect in reducing the threat of terrorism than
spying with a warrant?"
Yet, FOX, CNN and CBC silently plead ignorance when
broadcasting for bushite favor on this rights issue.
"Cuba's president Fidel Castro outlined the disastrous
effects of this recently:"
God or no God, I hate the demon antiChrist, corporate
america's false-deity, Your unelected Mr. bush Jr., as
much as any real Creator of this world, or any other
"The article reveals for the first time that one of the
elected officials that bin Laden-connected Turkish nationals
claimed to have on their payroll was none other than
Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert.."
"Q: Does the president think he should obey the law? He
put his hand on the Bible twice to uphold the Constitution.
Wiretapping is not legal under the circumstances without a
"Throughout the article, which is more than a thousand
words long, there is not one word to indicate that enriched
uranium is used in nuclear power plants; it is simply assumed
that "Tehran's insistence on enriching uranium" is due to an
intent to build a bomb. Iran's denial that it has any such
intent? Never mentioned in the article."
"See the above mentioned Film: Iraq's Missing Billions "
"The most important point to make is that access has been
provided to all sites we have wanted to inspect and with one
exception it has been prompt. "
"Surveillance of American citizens without PROBABLE CAUSE,
which is actual EVIDENCE that specific individuals are engaged
in illegal activity, is a blatant disregard of the fourth
admendment of the Constitution of the United States. "
"The U.S. War Crimes Act of 1996 makes such conduct by a
member of the U.S. armed forces a "war crime" punishable by
fine, imprisonment or, in cases resulting in death to the
victim, the death penalty. "
"When we first approached the Marines with this evidence, they
responded in quite a hostile fashion. They accused us of
buying into enemy propaganda. "
"They instituted a constitution so that people would not be
jailed without "probable cause", or be lied to about taking
this country and its soldiers to war, or have shoved aside the
checks and balances represented by American courts and the
Congress. All these are being done by two pro-Vietnam war
draft dodgers! "
"The soldiers raided the town and "brutally assaulted a number
of unarmed Iraqi civilians, causing serious injuries from
which one died", Martin Heslop QC told the court.
"During the course of the incident, two women who tried to
intervene were assaulted, one being pregnant at the time and
the other having given birth two weeks before," he added. "
``There is indeed a big JSOTF8 compound at Balad.
If they do have a detention room, I presume it would be
inside that compound. I wasn't allowed inside it, and nor
were the Army and Air Force officers I was with.''
"We'd better take it seriously when the founder member of
one of the most elite military forces in the world says
Bush has fomented a third world war for personal gain. "
"Fake bin Laden tapes, "verified" by the CIA, are nothing
new. Every supposed bin Laden statement since 2001 has been
blatantly bogus. The last we heard from the real bin Laden
"I stress that I have not carried out this act, which appears
to have been carried out by individuals with their own
motivation. ... I have already said that I am not involved
in the 11 September attacks in the United States. ... I had
no knowledge of these attacks.""
The Benderman Cause
A Canadian Soldier's Life Held in Contempt - The Verdict
LET IT BE KNOWN - Propagandized stupider than the fates will allow
Realize, CNN and CBC have received this post, yet, continue to
treasonously lie to dying soldier families.
Raymond J. Henry
2006-07-19 02:18:23 UTC
Post by Josh
This post is way to long to read...Will someone sumerize?
Translation as requested:

"I am a complete net-loon".
Irrelevant Elephant
2006-07-31 19:27:20 UTC
Nazi Israel


"It might have been Hezbollah." Olmert, the anti-Jew spew.

They'll say, "Well.. it could have been a Hezbollah hide-out.
We know they'll put themselves among civilians, they're so
terrible. Willing to kill innocent Lebanese people." And
then, they'll bomb bomb shelters, or apartment buildings.
They won't warn anybody, but just say they did and corporate
news America will refuse to confirm or deny the made routinely
baseless allegations THROUGH their/OUR "unbiased", we don't
need any evidence, bin Laden did it, broadcasts.

Firstly, most of the 'towns' in Israel are military bases.
That is why your never shown who these people are. Second,
you have to already acknowledge, as a person who lives is
Israel being a so named "Jewish" person, that your victimizing
innocent People. You are stealing an innocent person's home,
as a political function of your criminal body. That's
accepted by everyone, all Jews concur, even the nazi jews say,
"Well, we deserve it, cause G-D says we could steal an
in-ocent per-on's hom- and make 'them' suf-er by pu-ting
'them' in a concentrati-n camp, depriv-ng 'them' their food
and water. We're the goo- guys from 'The Book' don't you
know" Then, when you look at The Book, The Book says, God
comes down and chastises those who steal the Jewish name, by
victimizing the innocent to steal Our values, to steal Our
worths. Israel won't speak reason, right? They can't
negotiate honorably across an open table, because they are
thieving an innocent person's property. They put people in
prison without trial, without EVIDENCE. Then we'll ask,
"What's the guy's crime?" and they'll say "He's a Lebanese
guy, or Afghan, or Iraqi, or, he's a Palestinian Christian who
tried to eek out a living in this world honorably, and we just
kidnap 'them' and put 'them' in prison, and no, he doesn't get
a lawyer, don't be silly, heavens, we might even torture his
children if they should throw a rock at an invading nazi tank
bulldozing 'their' once happy Home." That is why they can't
negotiate an honorable settlement, THEY'RE CRIMINALS.
Victimizing our G-D, victimizing Ourselves, by pirating Your
authority. Where is the Messiah when we need him on CNN, CBC,
FOXNews, and the Coast to Coast radio network?

Look, CNN, CBC, and FOXNews KNOWS the bushmob did 911, [VIDEO
of WTC7 is forbidden on all OUR corporate news broadcasts] and
will smile to us ALL while lying to American Soldiers who die
cowardly as teenage dumfuks for the satanic neocon LIAR
enemies of God.


/ / Did the American people see on CNN the child whose face
was burnt by Israeli phosphorous bombs in Lebanon? Did they
hear him screaming in pain at Sidon Hospital, with his mother
falling to pieces in agony beside him because of the injury he
sustained from the terrible bombs? How can the American
people accept their elected President George W. Bush's
rejection of a ceasefire? \ \

Dan Gillerman, enemy of the Jew, tells US, the demon
antichrist forces warned the dirt poor citizens of Qana to
leave the town somehow, but at the same time, nazi Israeli
forces would target us people in trucks, buses, cars and red
cross ambulances fleeing the town. Two, the demon enemy of
Christ, Dan Gillerman on Meet the Press, has officially
admitted, they, the liar zionist enemies of Creation, true
terrorists, have NO EVIDENCE, that any missiles had come from
anywhere near the vicinity, where the enemies murdered almost
entirely, more than fifty innocent children of God. Yet, the
demon enemy of Humanity Gillerman has suggested boldly, that
it was all just Hezbollah's fault anyway, for letting these
People get in the way of their ten's of thousands of
indiscriminate bombing campaigns they've waged against God.
War crimes trials must be demanded, and the rightful execution
of those responsible for such indiscriminate targeting must
meet their fate as the other similar nazis did during
Nuremberg. As so does, Bush, Rumsfeld, Rice, Cheney, Sattler,
Blount, Russell, Mattis, and Bering like torturing enemies of
the United States of America.

Peres the DEVIL: 'why do they shoot at us?, and please, no wisdoms of
(the Hezbollah missiles were only sent after the Israeli attack was
well under way).


/ / The captured Israeli soldiers were captured inside Lebanon
(summarized here; see also here and here and here). That
means the self-defense pretext is a lie, and the concept that
Israel has a right to defend itself, spouted by all its
apologists, is irrelevant (the Hezbollah missiles were only
sent after the Israeli attack was well under way). In fact,
Hezbollah only poses a military threat inside Lebanon
defending it from Israel, and is absolutely no military
'existential' threat to Israel itself, meaning that all the
discussions by the disgusting apologists for war crimes, fine
considerations of when you can murder citizens under the
pretext of 'self-defense', is immoral bullshit. \ \


Colmes "Ambassador Ginsberg, I keep hearing about 1559, why
don't I hear as often about 242, which deals with 1967
borders, which is also is in contention here. I don't hear
the same people talking about that particular violated U.N.
resolution." [One of almost every other that's been violated
as routinely criminal by nature, ungodly Israel.]

Ginsberg "Oh Alan, come on now. Alan.. Alan look.. you know,
If you want. to start that game.." Hah!

Colmes, you don't have to play in the zionists ungodly world
of trying desperately to mislead Americans into killing their
undefended kids for cash. I feel, you put to much faith into
the bushite's honesty on being trusting fair gamers. They
there at FOXNews want to cheat America as the disenfranchised.
Why? On a level playing field, with open line communications,
we would win as the virtuous. Colmes you talk a mean game,
but the bushite cheat. Venture out on your own, like millions
of others do, and though it may seem so, truly you wont be
alone in your concerns. Example: 'Hannity, did you know that
the FBI contend that General Ahmad funded 911's Atta?'



/ / They use the anti-Semitic slur whenever any criticism
surfaces, even though they are not Semitic, they are
ashka-Nazis. They are warlike Khazars with absolutely no
connection to ancient Israel. \ \

If we HAVE to delineate a race of people to the Jewish
faith, they'd be all black guys from Ethiopia. Zionists are
openly, knowingly evil to our poorer, more intellectually
challenged. They leverage the intellect of the sacrificing
bushite grunt, the coward, the traitor. The bushite wants to
believe in treachery for America, because IT knows it doesn't
have the courage, honor or virtue to for example, arrest ANY
Aegis employee for murder. Who as all do openly operate,
taxing by America's expense, (as a wise pro-bush business
investment tool,) to get killed just ANY AMERICAN teen
soldier/dumfuk whore for the pleasure of taking further more
in Rumsfeld favors - of still leaving Freedom as Justice TRULY



They say of Saddam, he might be executed because he okayed a
judicial judgment be enforced to put down a criminal group
fighting for sole control of oil, a group that were trying to
overthrow Iraq's entire government, to leave everyone else
without. And when innocent people's lives were jeopardized,
Saddam called a halt to firing. ('Kurds' war 'Kurds' because
both sides tell each other their fighting for the same
Homeland, when in truth, it's just war mongers trying to grab
up more oil for themselves privately with mercenary forces.
While children die in Iraq, they to this day, drown in money
horded.) While America and Israel Generals are committing the
worst war crimes known of in History, against the Innocent as
ourselves unfairly represented. Like bushite Sattler ordering
the murder of more than 250,000 innocent people in Fallujah as
just one example of many.


/ / IOF chief of staff Dan Halutz "has given the order to the
air force to destroy 10 multi-storey buildings in the Dahaya
district (of Beirut) in response to every rocket fired on
Haifa," reports Khaleej Times, citing IOF radio. \ \

Look, whoever you are, a policeman perhaps or a janitor, maybe
a truck driver, JUSTLY kill with pleasure this war criminal of
OUR Humanity, the ungodly mass murdering nazi TERRORIST Dan
Halutz. After confiming this allegation as verified correct.


The Bohemian Grove antichrist death Cult is a REAL top secret
Morningstar scheme captured on video tape for all the World to

George Walker Bush, proud card carrying member of the
"secret", lets kill American kids for cash cult, would quote
the Grove's motto thus: "weaving spiders come not here" and I
would respond "Err.. okay, I'll ask them know you said so if
they should spell tomorrow, (however, I really don't believe
they'll listen, for flies alone can be trying somedays), but,
why I ask pray tell?, and speak better, for I'm hard of
hearing you coherently." Like, tell US again, what's with the
Cult's lodge-room 322, and the silly little pentagram on the
wall you mock life's prayers to? Or, what is the curious
story line function of the player who gets dressed up as the,
heads or tails Reaper deceiver to pretend you bad guys get it
all back in the end? I was just wondering what the hell you
people think your really doing over there worshipping oh..
nothing in particular, while openly stealing America's blood
and treasure from freedom fighting liberators - The unjustly
dying "Army of One" fellows?

/ / In other words, the Israeli generals sent their young
conscripts over the Lebanese border with the intention that
they be captured or die, all in order to create the excuse for
the pre-planned attack on Lebanon. I'm sure the relatives of
the soldiers are proud of them, on the assumption that their
sacrifice was made to protect [anti-Jew Zionist] Israel. \ \

/ / We're told another soldier was kidnapped by Hamas and that
the kidnappers dug a tunnel 650 meters under sand in order to
accomplish this. This is bullshit. \ \

/ / And on-going spiteful acts of destruction are reported.
"Most commonly, Israeli tanks are driving over and flattening
cars whether on the streets or parked on pavements in front of
residences. Personal property inside houses is being
destroyed in house-to-house searches." \ \

/ / Israel is a big military base established on stolen land,
any "right" the world has given it to exist is in violation
of, not in compliance with, universal standards of justice.\ \


What is a war crime good for anyway?

/ / The kidnapping of the Israeli corporal is a well known
fact. This "news" has been around the world more times than a
keyhole satellite. It was used as a pretext for Israeli
troops and equipment to move back into Gaza. What most DON'T
know is the very day before, the Israelis kidnapped a
physician and another member of his family. Their whereabouts
and status remain unknown. \ \

It has been widely suggested by the available evidence, that
the Zionists originally sent the anti-Semitic soldiers on a
suicide mission into Lebanon, to lie American Christians into
giving even more to them to victimize further US. Zionists
would kill confused stupid Jews for the easy cash too, see?


Nobody puts me up on a cross without a fight to your finish.

Condi, demon witch, NEVER ELECTED, demands Israel be allowed
to continue indiscriminately MURDER US. Has she not seen ANY
footage recently of the bombing in Beirut? Or the targeting
of the Red Cross? Schools? Of course she has. DEMONIC
ISRAEL states they, as Humanity's enemy, would never target
the UN, but will indiscriminately murder whomever should live
in this region of ours as the godly and innocent BETRAYED.

They suggested that Hezzbollah was secretly near there, solely
on the testimony discovered after the event, from a guy that
is now dead. Additionally, this group of observers would be
likely, truly counting terrorist strikes from their vantage
point impartially, if they hadn't been murdered deliberately.

Start acting honorably with the hunting to arrest or kill
escaping zionist neocon terrorist enemies, my American Patriot
warring to die for Idiots:

Giving Birth to Monster


/ / The Palestinians are not my enemies, nor are the Lebanese.
You, have become my enemy. And I will fight you, and so will
many other sane people around the world. But let's look again
at what Rice said: a "New Middle East." What could she have
meant by that? Just what kind of Middle East can you have
when Israel is systematically ethnically cleansing the region
of - well... anybody but Israelis. And there's your answer.
That is, after all, the vision of Israel. And so we see just
what kind of "New Middle East" Condoleezza Rice is talking
about: she is pregnant and giving birth to a Monster. \ \


Condi's position to forbid any cease-fire, is to say Peace is
NEVER possible with HER in charge. See, a stop to
hostilities, is no way to end a war against You as the
INNOCENT EVER. Death after trial to Condi for 911.

Israel, the Nazi State

Look, Israel states that because they kidnap innocent persons,
while thieving as demon enemies to Christ, Hitler was right in
gassing the Jews. Why? Because they bomb Lebanon to punish
US, the godly as innocent, stating that would be the correct
thing to do by god. But they are wrong. Why? Being Jewish
is antithetical to the demonic zionist CRIMINAL cause. Israel
is not a "Jewish" state, but that of an ungodly regime that
treats ALL People as G-d unfairly. See?, Israel states
Lebanon has two democratically elected Hezbollah members, "The
Liberators", therefore all the other millions or so people are
up for murder as freedom fighters under their Zionist war
criminal nazi dictate, doing Hitler's banker proud. What is
the crime in wanting to liberate your nation from a bunch of
thieves that plan to treat all others as second class
citizens? With no rights to scream for war crime trials
against the true Nazis? One more time: Okay - so Israel is
saying killing Jews would be the thing to do, because Israel
tells US, all religious Hezbollah relationships deserve
executions, while all “Jews”, support blindly without room for
question, the "Jewish" State’s FUNDAMENATALIST dictate always.
So, since the “Jewish” State supports firing rockets, or
dropping bombs on the innocent in hospitals, schools,
churches, and cars, therefore, like Israel says, all religious
Jews in relationship should be found executed without trial,
like Israel has determined for the determinate value of the
Human population in Lebanon. See, Israel would say, - all
People who fight for fairness through freedom by Justice, are
just guilty because they’re not blindly “Jewish” - UNEQUAL in
Rights -, and as such, would fight back for fairness as the
innocent being robbed if Israel didn’t try to murder more of
them as WE keep coming. See?, Zionist Israel would say for
all of US, all Jews hate all of God, therefore we’re all
worthy of indiscriminate bombing, for what if WE, all people
being of Love, stood up for our rights, as the Human
bloodline? US all, the godly innocent by scriptures, will
defeat the criminal values of the Zionist. A zionist LIAR
profiting off our God as the Innocent suffering, must not be
allowed to remain victimizing. Where is the care for the
murder victims that Israeli soldiers have caused? The
zionists being ungodly war criminals who congratulate such
wicked viciousness against the innocent families in Lebanon or
Gaza?, I thought we left these Nazis defeated after WWII, but
look as Zionist Israel expressing itself reminiscently of the
uncaring deeds Hitler’s regime did, with concentration campers
victimized for theft. Israel is being pure nazi EVIL as enemy
of the Jew, the TRUE Jew. Zionism isn’t tenable. Jews don’t
murder Jews just because they’re Jews, for, that would be
suicide. (Did I tell you Peres is the actually for real,
genuine Devil dealer playing US all wrong super duper stupidly
now?) Why should Lebanon’s democracy be punished by those who
call such ungodly criminal action as justified? Peres, the
DEVIL, just says Israeli terrorist actions are 'justified',
with no need to explain to un-biased zionist newscasters not
interested in defending ourselves from indiscriminate
carnage. No, the bushmob gives them more bombs to assist in
further war crimes. See? the antichrist and Donald "Sexy
cluster dud dropper" Rumsfeld get killed undefended American
kids for the easy cash. And let me tell you, it is easy!
These so called American Patriot Soldiers are total dumfuks,
dying for nothing but their personal cowardice and betrayal.
Just look at what corporate America is doing in support of
democracy in Mexico, or Haiti, or Uzbekistan. Do you think
FOXNews disregard for their freedoms, aren't attitudes they
would have with them when they forbid to report the demon
antichrist, the American Cop killer George Walker Bush wasn't
even verifibly elected in Johnny's America?

America: Death to the bushites, death to Our enemies. Or,
more innocent people will fall dead as murder victims because
of Your apparent confusion on this freedom from bushite enemy
tyranny, they murder US issue. These bushite zionists are
LYING to your American child through our magic tvs, while the
zionist company, Aegis is OFFICIALLY getting the MARINES
killed FOR SURE, in your Name, for a fast bushite buck. Now,
WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT??! Jesus would suggest talk
radio, or perhaps is it as true American, you can't be
bothered to try Yourself either. Whatever, later.

Your Freedom Loving Bushite Jailer,

Johnny Wizard - The Son of Man, King to Jews



/ / Those messages say: "from the children of Israel to the
children of Lebanon". Can any one explain this... What is
this madness? \ \

The zionist enemy tries to steal the soul of Jewish children,
but WE ain't buying. All children are God's children, and
zionists, we see, would kill not only Our children, but even
their 'own' for a fast bushite buck. Well, and, sadly, I
suppose, many Americans would do so also. [you probably
missed the video of bushite soldier families cheering at the
prospect of never ending war to sacrifice their kids for.. [on
hopes of course they'll get that big fat life insurance
pay check. [That never comes. [.]]]]

The Son of God HATES evil soulless enemy bushite vermins.

/ / Israel orders the people in the south to evacuate their
villages: when the people try to leave their villages Israel
targets them with Apache helicopters and kills them \ \

/ / Was it wrong for Hezbollah to defend their country and
chase Israel from Lebanese soil? Is that terrorism? \ \

Nazi Israel bans reporting of use of "unique" weapons in Lebanon


While enemy FOXNews compLIES.


Death to Our Enemies

Again, soldiers everywhere, my friends, CBC, CNN, and FOXNews
Zionist demon liar broadcasters KNOW the bushmob did 911, but
forbid US to communicate freely for Justice. Instead, they
wish US to war against each other for their demonic pleasures.
Instead of US needlessly slaughtering ignorant ungodly bushite
dumfuks, let's support the FBI's conclusion, on who TRULY
funded the terrorist operations of 911 to nab the REAL EVIL
doers. Or, suffer more from the tyrannies of YOUR cowardice
to stand up for yourself as worth something. With FOXNews
broadcasting about the terrible evils of tin can rockets,
while forbidding US to witness the TERRORIST carnage in
Lebanon, is an insult to every Child loving Human Being.

FOXNews enemy David Hunt 'Do as many Hezbollah like killing as you
Nazi Israel 'Lebanese Christians and Jews are indistinguishable from
The actual DEVIL! (Peres) 'no civilians or infrastructure is being

Justice for God

"Demon enemies to God are committing acts of terrorism, hunt
to kill the zionist enemy liars of the Jew" - King of the Jews


War criminals need to be found executed as enemies to Humanity.

911 war criminal Condoleezza Rice 'no cease-fire against the innocent'

911 war criminal antichrist bush snickering 'it's Syria's fault we're
giving nazis more bombs'

Peres the !DEVIL! 'no civilians or infrastructure is targeted'

Enemy FOXNews hannity 'ALL civilians are legitimate targets for
MURDER because they might be hiding weapons in their basements'

Remember: Hezbollah liberated Lebanon from nazi thieving savages.
Lebanon, a nation who then, after becoming liberated, became a

Nazi Israel, enemy of God and the Jew, has nazi soldiers
targeting all truck drivers in Lebanon for murder, apartment
buildings and Public infrastructure, and therefore, MY
Humanity, God’s Humanity, will not stop until every last nazi
Israeli responsible for such terrorist targeting will be
executed as REAL war criminals. Those who support the
continuing censorship of the clearly documented, ungodly
criminality of the thieving Zionist will be hunted down by US
all, and pay with their Satanic lives instead of our innocent
own held forsaken in God’s name. Death to the bushite, death
to our enemies.

FBI: Zionist antichrist Bush's buddy, General Ahmad funded
911's hijacker Atta. And bush had immediately closed, all
outstanding criminal investigations regarding the terrorist
event of 911. A TRAITOR to ALL American 'dumfuk' Soldiers.

Nazi Israel, the thieving enemies to God, has thousands in
prison as the kidnapped, and regularly, as Zionist enemy of
the Christians, shoots indiscriminately into Palestine for
their TRUE demonic pleasure. Where is their love for any God
when they murder as they have done in Lebanon? Where is their
love for any God when they steal as they have done in Gaza?

From Iran's Ahmadinejad:

/ / "Can one be a follower of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him)
the great Messenger of God . . . and at the same time have
countries attacked? The lives, reputations and possessions of
people destroyed and on the slight chance of the presence of a
few criminals in a village, city or convoy, for example, the
entire village, city or convoy set ablaze?" he writes.
Indeed, I've been wondering the same thing myself. \ \


/ / It is time America understood Hezbollah for what it really
is, not what the Israelis and their Zionist friends say it is.
Unfortunately, our President, Bush, and Conde Rice,
misunderstand, or prefer to remain ignorant of, the truth
about Hezbollah. \ \

Kevin Barrett responds to Bill O'Reilly's Nazi-like attack:

/ / 9/11 was an act of high treason and mass murder, and media
figures complicit in the cover-up will be viewed, a few years
hence, the way we now view Dr. Goebbels. The last time a
bunch of empire-builders tried to trample on our rights, we
had a little uprising called the American Revolution. It’s
time for another one. Let’s kick it off with another Boston
Tea Party—a little red-white-and-blue version of
V-for-Vendetta—and throw the whole Fox News crew[...] \ \


/ / July 20, 2006 -- WMR reported that the Israeli military
was using poison gas on villages in south Lebanon. According
to a former U.S. weapons expert who served in Iraq, the
artillery shell in a photo taken in Lebanon (below) is a
chemical weapon delivery device. \ \

An American nation without a disciplined belief in Justice or
God, is a nation that will fall to terror under it’s own will

What Israel is doing in Lebanon is what bushite term "Terrorism".



/ / But where are the Christians? Why is Pope Benedict
virtually alone among Christian leaders to have spoken out
against what is being done to Lebanese Christians and Muslims?
When [pro-bush] al-Qaida captured two U.S. soldiers and
barbarically butchered them, the U.S. Army did not smash power
plants across the Sunni Triangle. Why then is Bush not only
silent but openly supportive when Israelis do this? \ \

Why? Because as the most heinous criminal enemy of Humanity
in history, personally responsible for the escape of himself
with the 911 terrorists, he gets off on having innocent people
murdered for our stolen values. [Did you see the enemy
grinning like a filthy pig with Blair while the bombs were
dropping EVERYWHERE in Lebanon?] An enemy of Christ and
America, he counts that the corporate professional news
sleuthers will refuse to support Justice for ourselves, or the
God of any religion. All for the war mongering neocon
zionists to sacrifice America to HIS brainwashed soulless nazi
bush bitch punks as further glorious satanic bounties by
LYING. For there is no true God, nor true Son who begs
America to support ourselves. Support Justice, support
Humanity, support the trial and execution of FOXNews
propagandists for stating Iran is continuing with it's nuclear
bomb program, the Holocaust never happened, or stating a great
number of other diliberate LIES, as REAL TREASON punishable by
LAW never absent Here. If only you could believe -

1. Pakistani ISI Director General Ahmad funded 911's hijacker Atta.
2. Laden didn't put explosives into WTC building seven, so who did?

Please, I beg, hunt down pro-bush war criming rapists and
torturers in America's name to the ends of this earth to save
Yourselves from the dying hells of tyranny:

Aegis, who self confessed commits terrorist offences as a
profitable zionist corporation, documented by video to murder
PRO-IRAQI People is an ENEMY who gets American Marines killed
indiscriminately. KILL IT PROUDLY. TODAY. NOW. Thanks.
Then, if need be, me and you will fight together later.


/ /.... Why is a US defense contractor hosting a known
terrorist website? Here is the evidence showing United
Defense's Al-Hejailan Projects Co. hosting the Hizballah
website. \ \

Realize, why wouldn't any just political military faction,
just call for the hunting of zionist bushite enemies to Christ
or Allah? Against the TRUE 911 TERRORISTS? The actual, FOR
REAL antichrist enemies of God in my beloved America? Why
not?... See? CNN, CBC, and FOXNews KNOWS bush did 911, but
forbids dying as dumfuked teen soldiers to know so. Why? So
the UNGODLY zionists can kill more Innocent American kids for


Iraq: Understanding Why They Raped

/ / How can I condemn any soldiers for wartime rape-murder if
I can't answer for myself? What kind of savagery might I
inflict on a [INNOCENT GOD LOVING] woman or child if [MY
UNAMERICAN lawless pro-bushite] war pushed me [as disciple of
the REAL demon antichrist] far enough? \ \

An American nation without a disciplined belief in Justice or
God, is a nation that will fall to terror under it’s own will

These pictures from Sabbah

/ / AP Photo caption: Israeli girls write messages [love &
peace] on a shell [to murder innocent Lebanese kids] at a
heavy artillery position near Kiryat Shmona, in northern
[DEVIL] Israel \ \

/ / Six days ago there were four buildings with 8 to 10
stories high and a little garden in front of them. My parents
home used to be on the second floor in the building in the
middle. They did not harm anybody their entire life. Neither
did their neighbors. \ \

Demon enemy liars, Zionist anti-Semites, don't need a sliver
of evidence, so the bushite 'just' needs to say, all the
Christians and Jews murdered in Lebanon were hiding among
terrorists, and FOXNews, CNN, and CBC would report US as such
without question. Eight Canadians who were murdered by an
Israeli precision strike were at an emergency health service
center. Is DEVIL Peres to tell US it was secretly not?
Without a shred of evidence to suggests as much. Again, Nazi
Israel is saying if someone victimizes innocent People, like
they have, you would be justified in gassing all the Jews like
Hitler did. And touché, the Zionist neocon best bud bush,
had the grand dad who was Hitler's banker. But, well, who
cares really for the FACTS right lawless "American" citizen?


I told you, pro-antichrist Zionist Peres - is the actual DEVIL!

"It all started on July 12 when Israel troops were ambushed on
Lebanon's side of the border with Israel."





"In a deliberated way, Tsahal sent a commando in the Lebanese
back-country to Aïta Al Chaab. It was attacked by Hezbollah,
making two prisoners."



"If they want to hit Hezbollah, let them hit Hezbollah, but not
the civilians. But civilians are all that they are hitting."

That's because as the ungodly enemy of Jews, [see Old
Testament], feel they can escape murdering innocent god loving
people to thieve from as zionists, for CNN, CBC, and FOXNews
forbids the truth from being reported. The CRIMINAL Israeli
zionist government THEIVES innocent peoples homes. Period.
Bush closed outstanding CRIMINAL investigations immediately
after the terrorist events of 911. Period.

In Mexico, 2.5 Million Missing Votes Reappear:

/ / If they are so sure they “won,” why do they oppose a full
recount? \ \



Israel is saying that Hitler was right in Gassing the Jews.

Thousands of people are held kidnapped in prison in Israel,
without any trial, no evidence is brought against them. They
the Zionists, encourage you to follow their mode of reasoning.
You can slaughter everybody in Israel, and they'd say, "Well
yah, that's what likudniks do too. We totally agree with you.
That is the proper course of action to do, indiscriminate
murder campaigns, against our family and friends, for we do
not believe in a just cause, or a loving God."

They say they're justified in slaughtering the Jews in
Lebanon, because they say a soldier has been kidnapped and
moved on to Iran immediately, it's all Syria’s fault, but they
can kill Jews and Christians in Lebanon endlessly. And yet,
the Lebanese government in power apposes the victimization of
innocent people. While Nazi Israeli accusation after
accusation is given to G-d without a shred of evidence. Nadda.

Enemies of God in anti-Semitic zionist Israel say, it's
appropriate to kill innocent people in Lebanon because they
hold thousands in prison without trial or evidence. Oops, no,
that's nazi Israel,.. I mean because some outside faction
kidnapped a nazi soldier and ferreted him immediately to Iran.
An action Syria is completely responsible for. So, what do
they do? Nazi Israel murders innocent Christians and Jews.

So, as the nazis did, these enemies of Creation believe
mankind does not have the will or the power to speak in
defense of the innocent like Christ is, for our corporate
media masters forbids our truths to be spack freed.

REMEMBER: ZIONIST CBC, CNN, and FOXNews managements know as
Creation’s ENEMIES, according to the FBI, demon antichrist
George Walker Bush’s business partner, General Mahmoud Ahmad
funded 911’s terrorist network - that murdered thousands of
Innocent Americans held worthless to their bottom lines.



Two seriously dishonorable cops are refusing to defend
Canada's interests, and are threatening the freedoms of me and
my friends. Likely, as cowards who refuse to support the FBI,
side with TRUE TERRORIST fascist enemy forces. I am told,
soon, they are going to attempt fraudulently arresting me,
PIRATING WINNIPEG'S JUSTICE SYSTEM, in support of demon bush's
mass murdering rapist traitors. Now, likely, Winnipeg's local
papers, who criminally cash in on stolen revenues taken from
elderly lottery players, will refuse to inform our Winnipeg
citizenry, soldiers included, that I have been arrested here
in CANADA at the top secret fascist nazi police state request
of George W. Bush and Rumsfeld, because of my public
statements in support of REAL FBI officers, and those two
demons direct culpability for the terrorist crimes of 911.
Please, help yourself, by helping me gain true Justice for our
World community. The ONLY way that they can deprive me my
freedom, is to deny YOURSELF justice on this matter. Please
suport the right cause, and defend myself from those who
insist on aiding and abetting the terrorist crimes of the Bush

Pakistani ISI Director General Ahmad orders an aide to wire
transfer about $100,000 to hijacker Atta. Ahmad later resigns
after the transfer is disclosed in India and confirmed by the
FBI. [Dawn, 10/8/01, Times of India, 10/9/01, Wall Street
Journal, 10/10/01, AFP, 10/10/01]

Please, help yourself by forwarding this, my last post to
everyone everywhere, to defend America, to defend FBI officers
who do their job to the best of their ability, and to defend
myself, the Innocent left forsaken.



An IDF soldier speaks out:

Look who's been kidnapped!


/ / To this very day, there are hundreds of prisoners rotting
in Shin Bet prisons and dungeons, people who have never been
- and never will be - tried. And Israelis are silently resolved
to this phenomenon. \ \


A cotush rocket doesn't go more than 37 miles. [20 is MAX 12 is norm]
The nation who harbored the attack in Hi-the, is Israel. Nazi
Israel's reason for killing INNOCENT Christians and Jews in
Northern Lebanon is wrong, and rightly, the likudniks should
be bombing THIEF likudniks, who as alleged by their own words
and actions, have failed to reign in terrorism within their
own borders. [The "craters" in Hi-the measured to be near about
12 inches in diameter.]


The King of the Jews

Hello Humanity, how are you doing?, Johnny Wizard here. I
guess as good as can be expected, considering Israel is still
bombing People indiscriminately. Targeting primarily
Christian and Jews who live in Northern Lebanon. They're
going to punish the government too, when they told US the
soldier prisoner was ferreted over to Iran, and it's all
Syria's fault that this is taking place. So they can kill
near half a billion, not involved innocent People and be
'justified'. Cause the demon antichrist, George Walker Bush
said, Israel has a right to defend herself, all nations do,
against terrorist activities. So Israel can bomb whoever,
doesn't matter. Cause Iran said, their allegations they have
are totally baseless. But, corporate bushite america doesn't
go by facts. [Ahmad funded 911's Atta]. The reason Israel
can not broker a honorable settlement for Peace, is because
they're dishonorable. They STEAL innocent peoples homes.
Corporate America will never show Americans that. Why?
Because as soon as you learn it, the arguments are over. You
know, well, that's a CRIME.

Under American Law, these demon bushites would be gloriously
executed. Like the TERRORISTS Tim Spicer and Cofer Black
would be also, along with the neocons responsible for 911.
But American corporate media masters is going down the way of
lawless bushite nazi grunt contusions, a satanic demon force
that American People refuse to defend themselves over with
just causes.

American tax payers are paying for the indiscriminate mass
murder of the innocent people of our Earth, while bushite
corporate american newscasters continue to tell US, the bad
guys responsible have done nothing wrong with bushite
weaponry. For, the pro-lawless bushite enemies of God's once
great Creation allege the only terrorist destruction taking
place is in ignorant American tax paid for anti-Semitic
Israel. BUSHITES know the neocons did 911, and as TRAITORS
feel American men are not MAN enough to hunt them down and
kill them to defend our falling murdered loving innocent
families. Please help our forsaken God.


/ / Don't care about the innocent Iraqi men that PANTANO
murdered, confessed already as done by PANTANO, completely.
All the evidence is in. Read his own statements. He can not
be a better friend, to someone he is opening thieving from as
bushite enemy. That's the best friendship he can extend to
ANYONE on this planet. And that's what his America is all
about. Don't take my word for it, listen to PANTANO! \ \


60 Afghan civilians dead in US air strikes

/ / "No, there was no civilian injured, and we have no report
to support the claim," said Tamara Lawrence, spokesperson of
the coalition. The US military in a press release issued
Monday said that the coalition attacks had left more than 40
extremists dead in villages 10 km away from Trinkot. \ \

Almost in the same sentence. Tamara Lawrence claims those
that wish to support the FBI to protect America though
Justice, are up for murder by the ungodly criminal "lawless"
antiChrist forces, claiming YOU and your innocent children,
will be just uncivilized extremists, not worthy of life, but
only their ungodly hatred for Freedom in America.

/ / In May, the coalition dropped bombs in Afghanistan on no
fewer than 750 occasions, more than the ordnance dropped in
Iraq. \ \

/ / When Is a 14-Year-Old Girl a 'Woman'? \ \

/ / Hail the [lawless bushite anti-}American heroes... \ \


Make It So


Look, my friends, bushite are the real enemy. They refuse to
allow open discussions in our newspapers and radio TV
broadcasts. I know a producer at the CBC, Canadian's
Broadcast Corporation, a producer that was promptly 'let go'
for starting on a informative depleted uranium program to
attempt educating Our DYING teen Soldiers. Cancelled DEAD.

Trust me please. CNN, CBC, and FOXNews corporate managements
know, bush and the neocons did 911, but as the contemptibly
ungodly, it's only YOUR LIFE they are willing to sadistically
sacrifice for more criminal ill gotten gains as the TRULY
Satanic. They rarely have any true power, but for to know
they secretly work to have you murdered for the Antichrist.
While, I, as Creator, am Life and Death. So, needless to say,
I know what I speak to be so really. I am willing to do
public presentations through our media against any or all
bushites, for we are Self created as the Earth's Supreme
bushite educator/executioner, but the worthless millionaire
media masters, don't want US to win by freely communicating
truly see? Why? They, in a free market place of ideas, would
have nothing we would willingly buy from them as our
sell-outs. We'd have not to pay for free energy, free water,
or, free love.

Look, bushites are consciously aware that they are, enemies of
all Human beings as the TRULY ungodly. Bush bitch E-N-E-M-Y
George Norry KNOWS Ahmad funded Atta, but forbids DYING
America to know so as TRAITORS to themself. It's like when
Cheney lobbed Publicly for torturing innocent people as a
bushite enemy's pleasure. A crime that Reagan DID MAKE LAW
that STANDS STILL in Johnny's America, to now have demanded
life term prison sentences against ALL bushites who would
treasonously fight as such, and death to those who directly
participate in the murder of an innocent other.

Make it so.


'Joke' song about Iraqi [innocent child] killings to be recorded


/ / A [satanic bushite] radio talk-show host is to record and
release a song written by a [thieving] US Marine corporal about
killing [innocent childhood] members of an Iraqi family. \ \

A song celebrating the murder of innocent children sung by
proud to be enemies of God.. a big smash hit or bomb perhaps
inside the dying new Antichrist demon "lawless" America? Fuck,
do I HATE BUSHITE with everything I am as me. DIE BUSHITE DIE.



...INNOCENT Prisoners being interrogated by BUSHITE at Guantánamo have

· sexually harassed and raped or threatened with rape;
· beaten [likely to death, for 'escapes' 'later' get found dead];
· tortured at bases abroad before transfer to Guantánamo;
· threatened with transfer to a foreign country, for torture;
· held in solitary confinement for periods exceeding a year;
· deprived of medical treatment for serious conditions, or allowed
treatment only on the condition that they "cooperate" with
· deprived of sleep for days and weeks and, in at least one case,
· exposed to prolonged temperature EXTREMES;
· routinely "short-shackled" for hours and even days during




Johnny on CPAC


little sister and put her in front of me . . as the bullets
began to fly, the blood sprayed from between her eyes, and
then I laughed maniacally." [, then were heard the cheers of
godless bushite dumfuk traitors obscening to God and Man as
the unholy enemy.]

What ever happened to butterfly kisses after evening prayers?

Are you telling me, an American Father, wouldn't gloriously
kill this lawless bushite enemy and his demonic ilk, for our
love of girls everywhere? Or, how about the UNARRESTED
soldiers we witnessed on video beat shoeless children
practically to death while laughing and cheering? Or like
those that speak zero defenses for Haditha's confessed MASS
MURDERING irrational women and child killers? The REAL demons
CONFESS to going into a house, WITHOUT reasoned approach, and
slaughtering an entire INNOCENT family.. for nothing but
their lifeless SATANIC pleasures. The 'cause'? "The [mass
murdered unarmed innocent neighbor's] back door was open.."
To, for God, gloriously, with love, kill these un-arrested
murderous continuing ungodly bushite nazi savages, is to war the
TRUE enemies of Humanity to save the lives of our precious loved
ones. Please help US, please help God, and bag a demon LIAR
bushite to defeat the 911 "escaping" terrorists, the enemies
of America, the enemies of Johnny, the enemies of Life.
Again, these very same thieving bushites of Haditha, admit
Publicly also to targeting for indiscriminate MURDER, the
innocent Peoples of Fallujah, and insist, that's what all
bushite soldiers do most normally in combat for the antiChrist
EVIL George Walker Bush - the thieving traitor forces siding
against our great God's Creation, being led lowly as fascist
nazi cowards, too weak and afraid to defend US innocent in war
time. A "lawless" bushite soldier wars in contempt of all
logic and reason as EVERYONE'S ENEMY.


/ / She was afraid, she told her mother. Her unspeakable
tragedy illustrates a basic fact of [bushite enemy]
occupation: Iraqi civilians are at the mercy of immature
young Americans [truly soulless bushite rapists, the "lawless"
disciples of the for real demon antichrist, 911's Mr. bush
Jr.] with guns. They have no rights. \ \

See, the bushite enemies, claim they can not be found
accountable to a RULE of Law. "Lawless" the demon enemies
claim to armed freedom fighting American Patriots. ANYONE in
America's America, who claims bushite grunts can not be found
accountable, such as the likes of a Tim Spicer at Aegis, Cofer
Black at Blackwater, or South African death squad goons, shoot
dead as our sworn enemies my brother. PANTANO claims he can
not be judged publicly by God or America, as a war criminal
who freely admits he murdered AT LEAST two unarmed innocent
Iraqis for no justified reason. He, as bushite enemy, states
instead, he has been "acquitted" for the first degree murders,
without any criminal American judge judging so. Just him and
his nazi lover, his bush bitch bum buddy whore everyone is
gunning for, Maj. Gen. Richard Huck, enemy commander of the
2nd Marine Division based at CAMP LEJEUNE. These two enemies
of Freedom feel that America must be denied Justice for
Humanity under the tyrannies of their treasonous bushite
CRIMINAL decree. Why not just execute the lowly traitors
instead my friends, and in that process, potentially free
millions of lives, as something truly flag waving
Pro-American? Death to the bushites, death to our enemies who
claim Justice un-attainable by our standards not there
presently commanding our moral courage as outrage.


Johnny Wizard

p.s. The crimes of bushite, are the crimes CNN claims are
crimes of the terrorist enemies in Iraq. Corporate america sucks.


Pope Paul IV, "If you want peace, work for justice"

/ / See the bushite liar enemy of Liberty and freedom who
denies this Justice, then feel glad to kill it for your love
of a real God suffering. \ \


They go, "Yah, but we were elected.", yah, but you didn't tell
us you were going to be a traitor when you took office.




George Bush did 911 with General Ahmad, according to the FBI

Know, that all the emails that foxnews take from the Public,
all the emails that cbc takes from the Public, and all the
emails that cnn takes from the Public, have received my posts.
Stating, George Walker Bush did 911 with General Ahmad,
according to the FBI, and our corporate news professionals,
don't want our soldiers to know that. They’d rather see them
die as cowards, as enemies of Freedom, assisting the
terrorists who committed mass murder in our names back in New
York City on 911.

FBI says, ‘No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11'

“The FBI gathers evidence. Once evidence is gathered, it
is turned over to the Department of Justice. The Department
of Justice than decides whether it has enough evidence to
present to a federal grand jury. In the case of the 1998
United States Embassies being bombed, bin Laden has been
formally indicted and charged by a grand jury. He has not
been formally indicted and charged in connection with 9/11
because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting bin Laden to

CNN's Anderson Cooper broadcast on July 3rd, 2006

"bin Laden's got company, and it isn't pretty. Terrorists,
polygamists, and just plain thugs. Inside the FBI's 10 Most
Wanted. How they track down and capture some the worst
criminals in the world. Tonight, on 360."

Bring it On! - A Vet Speaks Out

” Before you start on the Taliban supported Bin Laden drivel
though, show me ANYWHERE on the FBI most wanted terrorist
page ANY information linking OBL specifically with the events
of 911.“

Neocon bush bitches, who work at our private news corporate
headquarters, are traitors to Christ as TRUE enemies to the
American flag, freedom as Justice for US all. The fair minded
Son of a God included.

In August 2001, a month before 911, Collin Powell gave the
Taliban 43 million dollars. So, why don't you arrest Collin
Powell?, why shouldn't Collin Powell be bombed? With a
thousand pound bomb, and kill, you know, everybody else who
lives in his village too, because he's a "Taliban". WHY? You
see? you go, "Well, yah, that's true, it's completely
documented correct 100 percent, but, it doesn't fit in with
our bullshit demon lies – that serve the demon antichrist who
kills our kids for cash! Undefended kids for the continuing
big cash withdrawals regarding Your personal inaction to
support ourselves on this Justice for our Humanity subject.

The windfalls of tyranny can be quite staggering when you
don’t think about it actually costing you something.

We had to call the Chief News director at Al-jezzerah.

/ / In an even more bizarre twist, just hours before the tape
was found and aired by AlJazeera, Colin Powell announced in
the US Senate that a “Bin Laden tape is coming proving Iraq’s
links with Al-Qaeda. \ \

Strangely, this uruknet.com writer, was not aware that the
Chief News Director at aljazeerah or aljazira or aljazeera or
aljazeerah or.., didn't have the Mr. Powell tape in their
possession, until hours after he, Mr. Powell, pronounced they
had already received the tape clandestinely, through the same
single top secret channel they always have. And, second,
where did this quote “Bin Laden tape is COMING proving Iraq’s
links with Al-Qaeda.” come from as recorded before the Laden
tape showed up late? I'd wager that quote didn't show up
until after the prime event in question, because I had no
recollection. For, it wasn't believed by Powell, that they
hadn't the tape already from "Al-Qaida", he had previously
heard of.. mistakenly. Specifically. From somebody. Whom?
Unless, perhaps, Powell speaks a poor Arabic..

/ / Powell claimed to have an audio tape proving that Saddam was
supporting Osama Bin Laden. But independent translation of
the tape revealed Osama's wish for Saddam's death. \ \

According to whom?

Example 1:

/ / Although no where in the tape, so-called ``Bin Laden''
referred to his alliance with Saddam Hussein of Iraq, the US
media and government are DESCRIBING IT AS A PROOF
[nonetheless] to their allegations that Saddam has links with
Al-Qaeda. \ \

Example 2:

Just before the ending to neocon Zarqawi, Zarqawi released a
four hour tape. FOUR HOURS! And in it, he as per-usual
advocates the INDISCRIMINATE murder of innocent Iraqis, but
then he did something else. He advocated "Al-Qaida" to not
even bother targeting American forces for now. No lie.
[Think of all those that co-operated with Rumsfeld for 911, or
Spector for JFK, and how certainly, they could not be trusted
for blabbing as dishonorable thieves,.. right? Work for a
zionist neocon enemy of Life, and they'll steal from
themselves behind your back, when nobody is looking, every

Then, the new and improved Laden series came out, praising
Zarqawi's wise words! While, 'without reason' correcting the
Zarqawi parlance - by killing three American Soldiers right
off, just to make it look good for the zionist neocon
traitors. Pfc. Kristian Menchaca, 23, of Houston, and Pfc.
Thomas L. Tucker, 25, of Madras, Ore., “killed in a barbaric
way.”, and Spc. David J. Babineau, 25, of Springfield,
Mass., all were from the 101st Airborne Division out of Fort
Campbell, Kentucky. Left alone on the most dangerous
intersection in the entire Middle East. Who was the proud to
be front line decision maker worrying for bush's thiefdum of
demon liars I say? Doesn't want to talk freely eh...

Was he just like this bushite illusioning escapist, rapist and
murderer? http://www.cair-net.org/images/lcpl11.jpg


New laws to punish whistle blowers

/ / He wants longer jail sentences and the removal of a key
legal defence of "necessity" for whistleblowers. \ \

Look, the government has to live up to obeying the law. So,
to disclose a government official's criminal wrong doing, is
to uphold the Constitution or the Flag, and certainly not as
FoxNews or the American Supreme Court would proclaim,
treasonous to their ungodly criminal kind.

Did you know that a bushite liar will victimize anybody,
including a fellow bushite liar for a stolen nickel as our
Humanity's dumfuk nazi enemies? A good bushite, is a lifeless
dead bushite WAR CRIMINAL, halted from further victimizing our
innocent Humanity. Death to the murderous bushite, death to
America's true terrorist enemies.

Ariel Sharon, before he died, was caught personally involved
in the criminal attempt to blow up the Mexican Congress with
dynamite - as a bonifide war mongering terrorist leader of
america’s Holocaust denying, cowardly nazi lying Israeli
racist military don't you know. What?, too many worlds?

Can I help everyone single handedly take over the news word
with good old reasons, namely, our own presently?.. Measure
is good to me. Evidence is the formulation of ANYONE’S guilt,
EVIL bushite demon liars spew otherwise as our criminally
benefacting ungodly enemies. Traitors. WE, THE PEOPLE,
instead, want to nab the true, evil doing terrorists from the
criminal acts committed in our names in New York City on 911.
Starting with everyone of the criminally malfeasant – War
Criming Bush Administration. Held without sails until we can
together, talk politically this thing through internationally
with powerful words on Justice. All stolen Iraqi assets will
be tracked down religiously, then returned with interest,
while emergency food, water, and health care provisions will
be trucked in by the cargo holds, paid for additionally, by
the stolen funds that will be returned through treasonous
price-fixing Halliburton. Har har.

By the way, Joe, how are the funds? can you front me a couple
a'grand, so I can attempt to hire some constitutional lawyers
for my legal defense up here in, we love Canada? Then, as a
plus, we can go on to save the world? With a detailed, let's
just wing it, Justice for All including Johnny strategy?

Have I told you it’s a-l-m-o-s-t becoming acceptable to go to
prison here in corporately censored North America for simply
being a truth telling Human, as real Justice is?, Godly?

Chris Mathews, Olberman, and the rest of you lot from the
comedy channels, make way, here comes Johnny Jesus! Holy Fff!


5 GIs probed in Iraq rape, killings
Chicago Sun-Times

” The official said the rape and killings appear to have
been a ''crime of opportunity,'' noting that the [lawless
pro-bushite] soldiers had not been attacked by insurgents but
had noticed the woman. [undefended by a real man]“


"Support Our Troops"

” "That phrase [Support Our Troops] has become associated
with the uncritical, unthinking, blind support of the American
position in Afghanistan and Iraq," he said. "It isn't just a
folksy saying any more. If they wanted us to be thinking of
the troops, perhaps that's what the T-shirts should say."“


US-led offensive in southern Afghanistan kills hundreds


” The Pentagon routinely describes all victims of military
operations as Taliban, even if they turn out to be women
and children.“


/ / Interior Minister Roni Bar-On told Israel Radio: "Hamas
well understands ... that the sky will fall on them if they
harm Gilad Shalit." \ \

No demon enemy. Nazi Israel will murder, TERRORIZE, as they
have for decades, like nazis do, completely innocent people,
in no way connected to any alleged crime. Like the gas
chambers of the Holocaust, Likudniks murder helpless people on
the brink of starvation to thieve from as the ungodly. More
than 8000 missiles had been fired indiscriminately into Gaza
Since January 2006, and the request to release 1000
Palestinian prisoners, is of prisoners held without trial, or
evidence of any indictable offenses. Enemies of the Innocent,
enemies of Christ is what an anti-Semitic neocon thieving
likudnik TERRORIST is. Just read the Old Testament about
these LIAR demon G-d betrayers. No love for People anywhere,
especially Jews.

Besides, it is well documented, Hammas, was financially backed
by the Likudniks to destabilize a freeing people in the region
for criminal profits stolen from ignorant "Christian" American
tax payers.

” You see? you go, "Well, yah, that's true, it's completely
documented correct 100 percent, but, it doesn't fit in with
our bullshit demon lies - that serve the demon antichrist who
kills our kids for cash!“


The Cruelest "Apartheid Wall" of All:
Protecting Israel, Intimidating Congress, Lying to the
American People




"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in



Where is enslaved by the demon antiChrist America really truly going?


”"A recent DOD investigation...identified a number of abuses, some of
them considered widespread, committed by DOD contractors or
subcontractors of third country national (TCN) workers in Iraq. Some
these abuses are indicative of trafficking in persons...."“

Thank You Lt. Ehren Watada


"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in

Terror Expert: London Bomber Was Working For MI5



dying for lies no longer in disguise

Again, realize, FOX, CNN, and CBC will all in the thousands,
receive this information about 9/11's Ahmad, but will refuse
to support honorable Police officers, our Humanity's cause for
Freedom through Justice, or our beliefs in any religion.
They, as murderous sadists, fascists, obstruct Justice for
ourselves by refusing to report on the facts of why America
continues to fight, dying sacrificed, while censoring your
cries for understanding. FOXNews decisions don't formulate
our interests by relying upon documented TRUTHS as protections
about this silently dying as unfairly victimized world. Left
forsaken, in Your name..

”"Al-Qaida in Iraq claimed responsibility for killing the
soldiers, " [..] i.e., World War Four, as plotted by the
neocons.“ Three soldiers left alone on the most dangerous
check point in Iraq? All of what any soldier singly
strategizes, thrown completely out the door without the
simplest considerations? Soldiers are dumb, true, but
generally, not that. Goes to show. Follow this..

See, it is now officially acknowledged worldwide, "Al-Qaida",
is just General Mahmoud Ahmad, bushite liar Kimmit, task force
626, and beheader Blackwater mercenaries who dress up as Arabs
for the easy money in getting Marines killed as the leaderless
bad guy dumfuks. How dumfuked? They, "The Marines", broke
out of prison two bushites that were dressed up as Arabs, who
were caught shooting at Iraqi police officers, in a car laced
with explosives to keep the war going for the neocon's P2OG.
TO GET MARINES KILLED. See?, total dumfuks. Or TRUE cowards.

”Lt Col Tim Spicer [the Aegis anti-Iraqi terrorist] asserts
that the soldiers who shot an unarmed teenager in the back,
having searched him, did no wrong. In our view this is a
totally unsuitable individual to be awarded such a
potentially controversial contract in Iraq.“

”[COWARDLY] US troops take over mosque, turn it into a
headquarters for themselves in ar-Ramadi Saturday.“ See?
How stupid is that?

Why can they not stand up as real men, to war those truly
responsible for the cowardly terrorist acts of nine-eleven, or
the bombing of Samarra? No, as cowardly demonic enemies of
America, brag about murdering innocent women and children,
like, I'd kill him easy, Gunnery Sergeant John Merriman, "At
first I froze on seeing the civilian woman. She then crossed
back again with the child ["no older than 10"] and went behind
a wall. Within less than a minute a guy with an RPG came out
and fired at us from behind the same wall. This happened a
second time so I thought, 'Okay, I get it. Let her come out
again'. She did and this time I took her out with my M-16."

See? I'd joyously kill this dumfuk bushite in praise to God.
"Let her come out again". Think about it. Death to the
bushite, death to our enemies. To kill a bushite thief, is to
save the lives of the godly innocent they murder in our names.
Here's another, that any real man from any country, likewise
would kill instantly in defense of Freedom and Liberty.

”Mike Brooks was one of the commanders who had given the
order to shoot at civilian vehicles. It weighed on his mind,
even though he felt he had no choice but to do everything to
protect his marines from another ambush.“

Weighed on his mind to indiscriminately commit mass murder?
Fuck you. See the bushite, you kill it for Christ, you kill
it for America, you kill it for the Love God has for children
everywhere. Die bushite die.

Who would have thought a soulless bushite slave would kill
another bushite slave for a stolen nickel that they likely
spooked from an undefended American grand parent, left still,
in the repuglicon clutches of the lawless demon anti-Christ?
I did. As does many others.

”Marine Airhart who quit in disgust of witnessing the truly
demonic behaviors of the bushite enemy forces "I was there
four months," he says of Guantanamo, "and there wasn't a day
that there wasn't some sort of prisoner-beating festivity
going on." “

Oh, and by the way, bushites are currently wishing to pirate
our public justice system here in Canada, and I might actually
go to prison fraudulently, for pro-totalitarian interests, as
the TRUE Leader of the Free World, all because You apparently
refuse to defend yourself by helping me out some. Private
interest media maestros don't want to tell our dying for bush
soldiers, our kids, that Ahmad funded 9/11's Atta. You dumb
bastards.. don't do this to yourself quietly. Knock knock.
Is it "Al-Qaida", or is it America? Nobody puts Baby in the

So, please, consider forwarding this post to church groups,
police stations, NRA members, biker gangs, and youth out-reaches.
For, our corporate news agencies refuse to defend ourselves
from the neocon terrorists responsible for 9/11. Do let them
escape my friends, don't let them escape.


Pentagon Details Abuse of Iraq Detainees

”Specific names and locations, including the identities of
the [bushite] military unit(s) [who criminally commit torture
against the innocent as traitors], were blacked out. “


People of Earth
The Son to God Speaks


”If the 2004 Battle of Fallujah is a precursor for an
attack against Ramadi, the U.S. military MAY cordon off an
escape route for women and children [to be murdered further up
the road], but forbid the men and older boys [older equals
older than nine, or in around nine] to leave. [TO WHERE?] “

Death to the demon anti-Christ thieving forces, with their
soulless minions of evil betrayers. Enemies to America, and
enemies to God. DIE BUSHITE DIE, so says the TRUE Son of Man.

There is no greater purpose served in killing a bushite, who
wars Freedom for Humanity, all to cowardly help assist the
escape of the enemy neocons for 9/11. Death to the thieving
ungodly anti-American bushite, instead of the innocent they
openly target for murder in Your names.


The Case of the Missing $21 Billion Who's Following the Iraq Money?

”What better way to follow that money than an
impeachment hearing into why the president unconstitutionally
subverted the intent of Congress in establishing an office of
special inspector general for corruption in Iraq? “



”..American citizens have actually been interrogated at the
military base Mihail Kogalniceanu close to the [Romanian] city
of Constanza at the Black Sea. “DON'T GO SILENT




Innocent Falling in Your Name

I BEG America to hunt down and Prosecute George W. Bush in
the names of the innocent falling in your name. If a bushite
claims objection in support of the demon anti-Christ,
Prosecute it too as traitor. Anyone who vocally supports the
escape of Rumsfeld, bush, or Cheney for 9/11, to torture, or
more Guantanamo, please Prosecute for God's mercy, in defense
of all Life I plead, please help the Innocent, please help me.

America's corporate NAZI propagandists, who deny truths to be
spoken in Humanity's defenses, are enemies of US all. The FBI
states General Ahmad funded 9/11's Atta, and news
professionals would rather have Your children suffer and die
as terror victims, than allow Justice be spoken for my
defense. American Patriot Warriors, hunt bushite as the
ENEMIES TO EVERYONE. Iran has not stated "The Holocaust never
happened", and the Son of Man states, a free man shall not be
imprisoned through decisions made privately by FOX NEWS
enemies, the bushite conspirators. Propaganding traitors to
God and country.

Lieutenant Ehren Watada:

"It was a betrayal of the trust of the American people. And
these lies were a betrayal of the trust of the military and
the soldiers."

Please, do not leave my calls for Justice go unheard from your
fear of LIAR demon Bush being done in by his treasonous evil
wickedness as betrayals to our American flag. Rise up to find
the will as courage to destroy the freedom flag burning George
Walker Bush instead, as our living struggle to preserve the
dying freedoms of US all, the truly innocent, and in so doing,
you'll be using God's heart as your own.

ENEMY EVIL FOX NEWS quoting Ahmadinejad:

"The Holcaust never happened."

[Implying what?, that the Bush family and Hitler weren't in on
together, killing US either?]

What Ahmadinejad actually said:

"Why then should the Palestinians pay the price of what the
Europeans did against the Jews?"

Ahmadinejad's ignorance of the Bush\Nazi alliance as
documented World War II history, [Charles Higham], or the
Bush\Shah of Iran plan, doesn't automatically
condemn our Humanity to suffer once more, unprovoked Nazi
atrocities at the criminal actions of our sworn enemies, if we
can help it.

"..it wasn't the Arabs who did it [THE HOLOCAUST]; it was the
Europeans. Why then should the Palestinians pay the price of
what the Europeans did against the Jews?" (Musayeb Naimi
quoting in English, his version of Ahmadinejad's Arabic
remarks, editor of Al Wefaq, New York Times, December 20,

To better understand, someone should translate German to
English VERBATIM contextualized in content to cultural
background, or as reading a sentence of French Canadian,
without changes in whereto for syntax. [multi-grained CANADA
knows this like anyone, and, by the way, have you guys ever
heard of Folkloramma?.] People of different lands, can form
together ideas, with unfamiliar statements, to those who
understand, learning to communicate as complete strangers in a
vast Universe of Universes, sure can make you think, god eh?
By seeking appreciation for another's differing view, opens
one up to experiences from new perspectives, along with a
greater love for Justice as freedom is godly. And did I tell
you, I'm the King of all Creation, the actual, for real Son of
Man, seriously on my way UNJUSTLY to prison, left forsaken as
unappreciated by the impartial to Bush rule private news
industry, and the Queen's "Crown" office?, near broke from
starving for attention from the promises America refuses to
live up to in my name? Please, help me gain the recognition
that you deserve. Please, if you can, borrow me some money,
so I can afford to pay Constitutional lawyers to make the
necessary Motions for my defense in the Court of Queen's
Bench, here in, who cares to listen as corporate news vertigo.

This could be really good beyond magnificent, or deadly dreary
as the ending to our disenfranchised Humanity. The clock is
ticking, a real life is on the line here; freedom or tyranny,
hope or despair, heaven or hell, YOU DECIDE., you'd better, or
somebody else will for you.

Guilty of Innocence (the antichrist song)




GI Special 4F4: "That's Not A Terrorist" - June 6, 2006

”"I see two [BUSHITE] soldiers kicking the heads around like
a soccer ball. I just shut my mouth, walked back, got inside
the tank, shut the door, and it was like, I can't be no part
of this.“


UK 'Undercover Soldiers' Driving Booby-Trapped Car

”Why were undercover British [BUSHITE] soldiers wearing
traditional Arab headscarves firing at Iraqi police? “


”Many of the American Special Operations soldiers
[Task Force 6-26] wore civilian clothes and were allowed
to grow beards and long hair, setting them apart from their
uniformed colleagues. “

”But the following account of Task Force 6-26,
based on documents and interviews with more than a dozen
people, offers the first detailed description of how the
military's most highly trained counterterrorism unit
committed serious abuses. [AGAINST THE INNOCENT!]“


The True Red White and Blue - American Patriot Answers the Call to
- A recording on the reality of George W. Bush's treason to US.



”In other words -- and let's say this plainly, clearly and
soberly, so that no one can mistake the intention of
Rumsfeld's plan -- the United States government is planning to
use "cover and deception" and secret military operations to
provoke murderous terrorist attacks on innocent people. “


PANTANO "Let the courts decide if these Marines are guilty.
They haven't even been charged with a crime yet, so it is
premature to presume their guilt -- unless that presumption is
tied to a political motive."

[All Arabs are second class citizens bombed indiscriminately
with "guesswork" in the entire middle east you see, as are
falsely arresting the innocent to be tortured for truly
satanic sadistic enemies found as just regular fair - in a
bushite's demon enemy lair.] More on PANTANO later...


The Pirates of Israel


”Included in the deal is a chance for Iran to prove the
U.S. accusations false, a preposterous notion of justice
which amounts to nothing less than extortion. As Lincoln once
remarked, "A highwayman holds a pistol to my ear and cries,
'Stand and deliver, or I will be forced to kill you and you
will be a murderer." “

Look, it's the translations that corporate America refuses to
do accurately.

The Non-Proliferation Treaty stipulates SPECIFICALLY that Iran
has the right to nuclear power, co-signed by all standing
active members including AMERICA! America gave Iran the
technology in the first place! Bushite amerka has no evidence
that Iran is enriching weapons grade uranium, nor the evidence
that they have the VERY difficult ability of a VERY different
thing. Where is Our United Nations on this knowledge? IAEA?
Absent as per-usual? Again, almost 50 billions dollars was
mis-appropriated as stolen through the 661 committee's
oil-for-food program, with Kofi and the gang's un-willingness
to speak out for your lost funs, leaves us still broke and
dethroned. Where is the United Nations or the IAEA when FOX
NEWS reports Iran claims the Holocaust never happened? FOX
NEWS reporters who translate such insane lies should be
prosecuted for war bating propaganda as serious to the core
NAZI TREASON against the good old red, white, and blue, no?
They do have a responsibility to not purposefully mislead
America for more bountiful bushite deaths and suffering, no?
What do you think?

Anyway, Iran has no need to obtain nukes. They have thousands
upon thousands of long range missile systems, capable of
striking bushite wrule in the falsely imprisoned dumfuk
Amerka, by speaking doubtless truths as a population exceeding
an easy 80 million, and extending out further to more than a
billion more concerned as god loving honorable family People,
US Still Living Women Men Girls Boys. We don't wanna lose
advancement power in China, lest not forget playing Russian
Roulette with much planned to lose considering crazy stupid
Cheney siding openly against reforming a nation with
influencing oppression instead, for his personal private
profit scheming. Then don't forget, they're better than
everyone else including Christ, the "un-accountable" lawless
100,000 plus mercenary disciples of the real demon
anti-Christ, the thieving bushites, indiscriminate child
killing women haters who advocate not arresting torture,
hidden in the safety of the hugely fortified "Green Zone" set
up perfectly for a chicken shoot surrounded by what would be
then near a hundred million angry Christian Arabs in five
separate countries told they're all second class citizens
without legal rights, soon to be left more typical irrational
bushite victims. That's only if they decide to do nothing to
protect our collected interests on freedom's defense.

It is only America's welfare state, the masked bigot
Likudniks, the pirates of Israel, and the lawless bushite
zionist neocon enemies that want to nuke our Humanity to
poison our dying Earth for their personal private cash profits
at the sacrifice of censored corporate "no politics" pro-war
talk radio Amerka, but truly know, if they even seriously
contemplated attempting to mini-nuke our Earth, LET THEM KNOW,
we all from every race, nationality, and religion, would rise
up as nature's survivors, and rip them to pieces for our solid
core blood brothers, Mohammad/Christ\Hillel simply guaranteed,
without question. Any barely standing still prissing proud as
godless dumfuk bushite soldier obscening, would be rightly
"Lighten up", destroyed lovingly by it's Patriotic brother,
Sensitive father, Caring mother, Smarter sister, Braver son or
Dear daughter, Friendly neighbor, Old School Chum, Complete
Stranger, or just the risen from the grave eternal defender,
the ever great, poor boy J. Wizard.



”Presenting ourselves to meet the challenge of gaining
our own Humanity we are trying. Have faith that as the
Universe revolves around all things to be known of, so
too, is Life's true magnificence an honor to honor for.
Wow. You are a living dream, so, wake up and help out.“


”Captured fighters don't deserve these [Geneva] rights
because this isn't a war between countries, says [CANADA'S]
Lieutenant-General Michel Gauthier [..]

Gen. Gauthier said there is no risk that ordinary soldiers or
junior officers could face war-crimes charges, even if
detainees handed over to the [pro-enron pro-heroin pro-bush
pro-fixed elections, pro-lawlessness] Afghans were TORTURED or
killed. [..]

“We are on firm legal ground we have no worries about the
possibility of prosecution or allegations of criminal
wrongdoing for having transferred detainees.” [To lawless
Christian killers?] “Huh? Gauthier CAN NOT be conscious?

Terrorism: warranting the return of talks against this
Canadian wannabe bushite enemy. Know Canada, our cowardly,
pro-bush nazi commander encourages US to hand prisoners to
dumfuk pro-amerkans for false incarceration or sadistic
satanic torture. I want Harper tried by CANADA for treason on
this. Harper knows personally that his close bum buddy, demon
enemy Bush committed 9/11, as would have to, Hillier, but
instead as standing proud for Canadian freedom as peace
keepers, they lie to war our kids to have them die for
phantoms in Afghanistan, all for the benefiting private pocket
of weapons dealer O'Conner. [WHO? CBC Canada doesn't tell.]
Taliban was just a loose group of barely literate mixed tribe
wannabe Muslims, fighting for women's rights, and opening
girls school programs, who like Laden have so far, absolutely
nothing to do directly with the crime scene of 9/11. If the
Taliban as portrayed exist as individuals, they'd only need to
step "up" to join the currently protected by Canada as a
muslim fundamentalist regime of enron loving heroin pushers
who execute CHRISTIANS without trial. Down with Harper's
bullshit "C.R.A.P." party, and up with the Son's Command. All
in favor. I.


For freedom and America, God and Humanity.

Or, as Col. Michael Olivier told Robert Worth of The Times:
"First we blow up YOUR house [inhabited], then we pay you [or
somebody else who may have survived] to rebuild it. [much
later. Maybe, if Sattler hasn't already stolen all the cash
like typical neo-con bushite enemy liars do, much identical to

Saudi Wahhabi commander of the Third Infantry, 170 ton plastic
explosive expert, Buford "bush bitch" Blount, who gets more
cowardly dumfuk Marines killed by IED for money through rotten
rumsfeld's P2OG than anyone.]"

No, not true. Sattler stole the cash once it was realized
that of the estimated 250,000 innocent men women and 10 year
old children forbidden to leave the city before the
indiscriminate bombing campaigns began, (which included many
2000 pound radio-active wmd bombs, sexy rummy's cluster dud
land mines, napalm, and deadly white phosphorous gas,) found
later in a city that originally had a population estimated at
near 350,000, only 300 [THREE HUNDRED] left!, willing to
thankfully take the FREEBEE 50 dollars to bury their rotting
dead, find near impossible emergency food and water stolen by
enemy bushite earlier, repair bombed health car clinics [the
FIRST strike targets], buy flowers for the troops, then,
lastly, rebuild their totaled home, and ancient mosques.
Mountains of dead bodies of ourselves as the innocent never
seen since these demon nazis last attacked Our Humanity. Kill
nazi bushite enemy with pleasure in serving for America and
freedom everywhere, as any propagandist holocaust denier who
lies to US otherwise to state a bushite fights for Jesus or
freedom. A good bushite is a dead bushite halted from
victimizing our loving humanity with their treasonous lies and
betrayals to the tele-viewing Audience.

Die bushite die.

”U.S. forces had urged [more than 200,000 INNOCENT PEOPLE]
Fallujans [forcibly] trapped in the city to stay in their
homes, but "troops using thermal sights often assumed that if
there was a 'hot spot' inside a house — indicating body heat
the people inside were insurgents."“

Then of course before entering a house, they would super
grenade it, or just blow the whole thing down, just to stay on
the side of enemy to all living things as the truly ungodly
enemies of EVERYONE. Especially when repeatedly announcing
all those unable to leave, including infants and elderlies in
wheel chairs, were all just evil terrorists worthy of first
degree murder with George W. Bush as their demonic lying
unjust Denier in/as Thief.

Death to every corporate nazi bushite whore who demands we, as
Humanity, have no rights to return every last stolen penny
from our friends through the Iraq Development Fund, and the
oil-for-food program. See the bushite liar enemy of Liberty
and freedom who denies this Justice, then feel glad to kill it
for your love of a real God suffering. Then if so, comes your
trial of self defense, this'll be here to assist Your TRUE
freedom's cause, Liberty for ALL, including me, the Son to Man
and God.

”US military had blocked any assistance from reaching
Fallujah's beleaguered residents.“

”American military has already disposed of much of the
evidence in mass graves. [Just like the nazis before them.
Give glory to God by hunting down the enemy bushite and
killing it for a real love never lost to the indifference of
god hating bushite nazi media managers.“

”``[T]he head of every household will be asked to wear an
identification badge, Colonel [NAZI NAZI! NAZI NAZI!! John
Ballard, the commander of Marine Fourth Civil Affairs Group]
said, and American and Iraqi troops will be given special
rules of engagement to deal with theft." While the colonel did
not spell out these "rules of engagement," NBC News has
reported that the [lawless pro-bush] military will arrogate to
itself the right to shoot anyone on sight.“

Death by God's America to the lawless bushite enemy liar, John
Ballard, and anybody else who demonically supports with
flagrant lies of the ungodly Sattler's well documented to be
confessed, absolute war crimes. THEFTS.


PANTANO "Let the courts decide if these Marines are guilty.
They haven't even been charged with a crime yet, so it is
premature to presume their guilt -- unless that presumption is
tied to a political motive."

[All Arabs are second class citizens bombed indiscriminately
with "guesswork" in the entire middle east you see, as are
falsely arresting the innocent to be tortured found as just
regular fair - in a bushite's demon enemy lair.]

PANTANO admits killing the Iraqis after stopping their car,
but says it was in self-defense. The prosecution, [who
witnessed the evidence, including several eye witness
testimonies] contends Pantano clearly shot them in the back
while they were kneeling, firing at least 50 bullets into them
at a distance of no more than 4 feet.

Supporters of Pantano said troops should not be second-guessed
for decisions made in fleeting seconds of combat. [, with
unarmed innocent Iraqis on their knees shot in the back?]

[Remember: the prosecution's case was established by more
than one witness, including among more, a witnessing American
Sergeant and American Arabic translator, [who to make up such
an allegation seems highly unlikely, for to falsely allege
such the then therefore, hateful charges bringing about life
term prison sentence or public execution, would more easily be
granted by just killing the therefore seriously HATED Pantano
when nobody was looking. Second: Pantano's defense used the
fact that the BRAVE American Patriot, a Sergeant who testified
against him, was demoted and therefore, that gave him the
motive to lie, but the demotion appears to come after the
allegation, and before the "trial".] Now, the could be
suspicious lack of publicly documented evidence like autopsy
reports of confirmed by all to be UNARMED murder victims with
possibly a hundred plus bullet holes through their bodies
seems seriously lacking. Two full bullet magazines at a four
feet away range were used by pro-bush Pantano against
confessed to be UNARMED innocent Iraqis shot outside[?] their
car. Yet, his lawyer, Charles Gittins, claimed the existing
unseen autopsies produced "no evidence" that the UNARMED men
had been shot in the back while kneeling. [Admittingly by the
defense, four feet away from a gun nuzzle, shooting a
conservative 50 times with high caliber uranium bullets that
would have hugely torn through the bodies of corpses and
implanted within the road. So, who's got these miracle

Anyway, certainly not a Marine worth of example with blind
bushite public praise over America's improved bushite Judicial
system on CNN of all places? Oh.. but so it is! Not only
that but he has his own, In love with the treason neocons info
site: defendthedefenders.org]

Pantano placed a cardboard sign over the unarmed bodies in
front of witnesses: "No better friend, no worse enemy," the
motto of the 1st Marine Division commander, the retardly naive
war criminal Maj. Gen. James [cowardly women hating child
killer traitor,] Mattis. Mattis, the ENEMY who was directly
caught murdering a wedding party consisting mostly of women
and children by FAILING to make it appear by propaganda
through Kimmit, they were actually all bin Laden 2nd
lieutenants, or some such bullshit. For, it was shortly later
when the VIDEO evidence became available, that exposed their
treasonous typical bushite Zionist contrivances against our
Lord and saviour.

The prosecution said the cardboard sign alone, desecrated the
bodies, in violation of the rules of war.

Charles Gittins, Pantano's lawyer, insisted it's irrelevant,
pointing out the officer did not use the slogan or make up the
sign until after the men were dead.

It did indicate the demon enemy's bushite mind however,
believing such conduct would support Rumsfeld's treasonous
P2OG plan. Displaying publicly "Marine" conduct and judgment,
as enemies of the innocent, the for real demonic terrorists.

Pantano responded something like. 'Again, I believed that by
firing the number of rounds that I did, I was sending a
message to People everywhere. I was dishonorably 'no better
friend to someone I was openly robbing from, as innocent
unarmed People, but being truly in disguise to myself, cause
God's worse enemies are the proud bushite lying nazi

Pantano, 33, contended he contemptuously placed the sign as
bushite, but he swears though, he shot them in self-defense
after the men disobeyed his instructions and made a menacing
move toward him unarmed, while he held a machine gun pointed
directly at them from four feet away. CONFESSED to be
UNARMED, so what was the instructions all together they
finally disobeyed? Get out of the car! [okay] On your knees?
[okay] Hands behind your head [okay] for handcuffing.. [okay]
Pantanmo apparently claims he then removed the handcuffs so
the suspects could search the car for him at four feet away!
which wouldn't be done if the innocent unarmed Iraqis were
suspected of Zarqawi ties, without seen weapons, right?
Pantano's story doesn't jive.. was he hoping they were
suicide bombers, or had guns hidden in the car? Besides,
Corpsman Gobles claimed he had already completed a search of
the car for weapons under Lt. Pantano's order.

Pantano said he told them to be quiet again, then "they
quickly pivoted their bodies toward each other. They did this
simultaneously, while speaking in muffled Arabic. I thought
they were attacking me and I decided to fire my M-16A4 service
rifle in self-defense. [Simultaneously attacking speaking
muffled while pivoting towards each other without weapons from
inside the already checked car is he saying?]

You'd figure if he shot one twenty or thirty times from behind
where he couldn't charade, the other UNARMED innocent prisoner
at their knees would second think ignoring his commands from
behind their backs spoken in perfect Arabic? [For why
wouldn't he speak through the present American translator who
saw it all, as several others did being, cold blooded murder
committed by a true enemy propagandist, a bushite liar and
enemy thief?] Or was it, all simultaneously were moving
secretly undetected to rush the bushite in petrified fear of
it's non-sensible monosyllabic grunting as lying evil nazi

Pantano "They were talking the whole time ... I told them
several times to be quiet by saying `stop' in Arabic."

Iraqis "Stop what bushite dumfuk?"

Winn wrote in his recommendation that Pantano should at least
face serious punishment for just desecrating the bodies by
reloading his weapon and repeatedly shooting them as corpses.
[while likely stating if asked why it was laughing, blandly
replying it was fun to get away with murdering US innocent
Christ like folks, the Humans, for the treasonous enemy
ungodly neocon thieves, who of all, not a single one was
democratically elected - is who he supports with his
commanding prance.]

The generalized by all under the tyrannies of Bush, to be
pro-theft, pro-murder and pro-torture judicial judgment stood
that Pantano should face no punishment at all from our
Humanity for any of his totally psychotic actions against the
godly as innocent among US, while remaining on the amerkan
force working directly for Rumsfeld's treasonous P2OG to
murder more innocent civilians as a bonafide terrorist to
profit the unjust criminal Zionist “cabal”. He apparently
decided 'on his own' to step out of the lime light, and put
his nightmare all behind us now, retiring in the good life,
with all his stolen goodies.

"The best interests of 2nd Lt. Pantano and the [pro-murder
bushite enemy anti-American] government have been served by
this process," the Marine Corps said in a statement.

Marine Corps? - PANTANO "Let the courts decide.."

[Who is the "Marine Corps" person(s) that needed to look over
the crime scene evidence of "no evidence" for more than a
month behind closed "courts" doors? Who? Oh.. here we go..]

The decision to drop the charges against Lt. Ilario Pantano
was made by Maj. Gen. Richard Huck, commander of the 2nd
Marine Division based at CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. [CAMP LEJEUNE!!!]

[Not a legal student, let alone a Judge? As bushite, probably
can't read let alone think Hmmm.... What's up with this
'officially closed' demonic bushite decree that Pantano
shouldn't be found executed as traitor in the first degree?
WE, as AMERICA, demand the autopsy reports Pantano claims
contain "no evidence" he, as liar bushite, shot the UNARMED
gentlemen in the backs, to be made public immediately, and a
real criminal Judge to preside for deliberation, otherwise,
death to still escaping mass murderer Pantano, and his proud
to be bush bitches, enemy to all criminal accomplis(es).]

said Sgt. Marcio Vargas Estrada, 32, of Kearny, N.J. out of
the same CAMP LEJEUNE "And then we will take death and
destruction to Hadithah. Hopefully, we'll stay until December
so we can bring death and destruction to half of Iraq."

Trent is at Camp Lejeune, N.C. being treated like a criminal;
being publicly embarrassed by those in “command and control;
being “hazed” by what is supposed to be “fellow” Marines to
the point he has had to have stitches in his face

Garibay, from Camp Lejeune, moved to the United States when he
was a baby. He joined the marines three years ago, and was
awarded US citizenship after his death.

"A vise is closing and the days of a brutal regime are coming
to an end," President Bush told 12,000 camouflage-clad
"Marines", on a parade ground at Camp Lejeune in North

Here is a few more tidbits:

The sign left atop the car was removed by bushite LIAR Lt.
Pantano, according to his lawyer, Charles Gittins. But
photographs of the bodies with the sign above them were taken
at the scene by real Marines, [after LIAR Pantano was long
gone war criming someplace else]

Taken two days before Lt. Pantano's, the corpsman's written
statement describes the men as running away from Lt. Pantano
when they were shot. [unless the corpsman
was refering to some other innocent people he tried to cover
up the murder of as typical bushite dumfuk - 'we spotted
someone out of nowhere running from a bang without any
reason, so we kil't him leegaulee... BUSH RULZE!']

What matters most to Lt. Pantano he claims, is that he kept
his promise to mothers of his platoon that he would bring
their sons back alive.

Pantamo put soldiers in harms way for no better good, or
reason understood. The war has no articulable justification,
for bushite fire power had complete one hundred percent
unrestricted access throughout Iraq to go wherever they
pleased without delay prior to a single bomb being dropped,
or child being shot. Instead of protecting America from
the 9/11 perpetrators, the demonic evil anti-Christ and
his minnions - murderer Pantamo - tried to blame the
innocent for terrorist offenses, denying Justice for
God's Humanity, as true coward and lowly traitor.

”In other words, he put about 40-48 rounds into two men,
after ordering them to put their hands where he couldn't see
them, in gross violations of long-established orders for
handling prisoners.

Mr. Kareem and Mr. Hanjil were moving for a while after he
started to fire, Lt. Pantano said, but he was not sure if
that was because of muscle contractions or bullet impact.

That's why you're supposed to let off the trigger! “Don't
forget the time Pantamo took to race re-loading after
shooting 48.


”BBC: What kind of abuses were going on that you experienced?

"I seen innocent people being killed, IEDs goes off and you just zap
farmer who's close to you, hit him with the 50 or Mark 19“

Not everybody. We hunt every bushite commander down, try it, and
then execute it for the glory Christ in a Just America.

”If the troops were on a mission of mercy to bring
democracy to Iraq, wouldn’t keeping children away from such
[contaminated radio-active] dangers be the top priority?“



”However, in a tape released on December 27, 2001, the
authenticity of which is not in doubt, Osama denied having had
anything to do with 9/11. "Moreover," Fetzer added, "some of
the 19 hijackers he 'personally assigned' have turned up alive
and well." “

”Mark Bingham, a passenger on Flight 93, is supposed to have
called his mother and said, 'Hi, Mom, this is Mark Bingham!'
His mother confirmed it was his voice, but does anyone
seriously believe that Mark Bingham would have used his last
name in identifying himself to his mother?" “


A now declassified document with Rumsfeld's signature calls
for keeping prisoners in [extremely] painful positions..

President Reagan officially finds Rumsfeld executed publicly

Bag one for the Gipper!


Wait a Moment


The so called as costing, still found Iraqi resistance,
are individuals fighting the same cause as American
soldiers are taught to mumble as illiterate cowards.
"Saddam was terrible to the Iraqi people, depriving
ourselves of food and medicine for no known good reason,
and gave all US people losses for stolen profits.", then
off they go, murdering innocent people indiscriminately
with depleted uranium to pay the smirking bushmobsters,
again. Dying.



Air America Interviews The God Loving Bushite Killer J. Wizard!


Near Impossible to believe!

”"similar themes go through all our streams. And it all
comes back as Confucius says, "Do unto others, as you would
have them do unto you." And Christ said that, Hillel said
that, Buddha said that, everybody says that, cause that's all
it is. But bushite, he wants to accuse People of criminal
offenses without any evidence, and indiscriminately slaughter
everybody in countries, for no good reason but to be OUR

documented war crimes of the enemy bushite

reality in Israel




”If he didn't answer the way we liked, we would shoot his
youngest kid in the head. We would keep going, this was our



”They were obviously no military threat to anyone. And yet
American forces gleefully massacred them all, joking that it
was as easy as "shooting in a sheep pen."“

”"I heard Younis speaking to the Americans, saying: 'I am
a friend. I am good,' '' said Fahmi. ``But they killed him,
and his wife and daughters." “

”Mr. Delgado said he had witnessed incidents in which an
Army sergeant lashed a group of children with a steel Humvee
antenna, and a Marine corporal planted a vicious kick in the
chest of a kid about 6 years old. There were many occasions,
he said, when soldiers or marines would yell and curse and
point their guns at Iraqis who had done nothing wrong.” “

”The new figure translates to roughly 400,000 Iraqi
children suffering from "wasting," a condition characterized
by chronic diarrhea and dangerous deficiencies of protein." “

”In contrast to Iraqi Resistance attacks, which have clear
and defined targets - occupation troops or armed forces,
officials, or collaborators with the US-installed puppet
regime - these attacks on Friday appeared targeted exclusively
on civilians.“

Again, it only serves the interests of the enemy neo-con.
No warring faction is going to exclusively, indiscriminately
murder whomever, repeatedly, but for only the dying bushite
dumfuk, as Creation's justly sworn enemies. Bag a bushite, and
all day long you'll have good love! God Bless.

”Where are the free American media and their kind hearted
patrons when their G.I. Joes are pumping up Iraq with
depleted uranium, napalm bombs, cluster munitions and
poisonous gases even as these lines are being written? Is
death less camera-friendly in Iraq or is it less worthy of the
Americans' attention? Are Iraqis children of a lesser god?“

”"It boggles the mind that any regime on the face of the
Earth would want to do anything that could remind people of
Nazi Germany." According to Republican Congressman Curt Weldon “

”Why hasn't Governor Pataki and Senator Clinton demanded to
know who financed these attacks, a question the 9/11
Commission dismissed as unimportant?“


Talking personally to many professional news producers will
get you realizing though, some hold contempt by no accident.

Why risk losing market share? Potential advertisers? It’s only
your poor kids, not their own. Many have millions, some billions.


Inside Out

” How can those who want accountability be termed
anti-Iraqi? only through cowardly liars, is an American
told America's not going to hunt down those who stole in
their names for dying.“



”Their statement discloses that the Yeshiva heads
have intentionally falsified the Talmud passages
"quoted" by them. The actual text forbids a Jew to kill
innocents even to save his own life. After all, God
created all human beings "in his own image"
(Genesis 1:27). “

The problem is that those that support the Likudniks are
not Jewish, but little fascist nazis who hold G in
contempt. Just ask them! Oops.. No, CNN or CBC won't
allow free comments made by those that openly victimize
the innocent like Jesus was, is, and shall be. Don't
forget, sharon was caught directly implicated in the
attempted murder of Mexican Jews. See? Likudniks would
kill innocent Jews too, if it means they can steal
another dollar from America. America, where something
like 90 percent of Jews say, repuglicons suck, and
conclude, killing Jews to steal their gold fillings for
the anti-Semitic Likudnik, is just simply evil to the

max dude. Translated: Evil to everyone,

including the Creator,

J. Wizard


51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis


You be the judge: Shouldn't this be OUR BIG NEWS STORY?
And, who's interest is it, that it is yet to be made so
by Your entertaining national news programming? Whos?
The People's? Freedom's? Or the forces of bushite
tyranny to keep the US unaware of Freedom's true glory?


”"I will name Richard Cheney as prime suspect in the
mass murders of 9/11 “



”``People trying to help us were wounded or ran away.
After a minute, the helicopters came back and fired
again. They came three or four times.''“

This action is typical for the enemies of Life bushite.
Nazi bushite bomber forces have repeatedly, after
indiscriminately bombing innocent people, waited five or
ten minutes, then struck again to kill those who would
dare try to save the lives of god loving innocent men
women or children, that they admittedly target by
"guesswork". All to get killed more GI grunts for bush,
who don't have the courage or mental agility to defend
their fellow Americans by freely destroying the
anti-American Saudi wahhabi buford blount, child killer
mattis, bomb whoever russell, Baathist WMD bremer, women
hater kimmit, Iraqi People killer Allawi, or of course
bush and rumsfeld for 9/11. 9/11, in New York City?,

where thousands were murdered, and cheney immediately
called a halt on all police investigations pertaining to
the terrorist offense, for forbid, Americans might find
out for themselves what really happened.



”PATRICK COCKBURN: You could see that from the video
of the television correspondent who was killed that
nothing much was happening, and then suddenly out of the
blue rockets started raining down. Hello?


but it's pretty amazing to wait and then attack your own
vehicle from the air when there are crowds around it.
And in this case, you don't even hit the vehicle. You
fire your rockets 150 yards away. “

Done "for the safety of the people around it." the demon
bush disciple child killer Phil Smith quipped. Likely
while eating cheap candy.

Just like this bushite illusionist, rapist and murderer:



US Snipers Said Killing Iraqi Women, Kids, Medical Teams



”A freed detainee told the Arabic-language Al-Wasat, a
weekly supplement of the respectable London-based
Al-Hayat newspaper, about her ordeal inside a US prison
and how she had been gang-raped by US forces. “

”The daily pointed out then that Iraqi female
prisoners were kept in solitary confinement up to 23
hours a day, adding it saw pictures of US soldiers
raping Iraqi women or photographing them naked in
prison. “


Of Our Own

I guess we'll soon see how many enemy of freedom
thieving rapist bushite vermins can be killed by a
single prayer. All People, of every faith, including
the Atheists, hate bushite rapists who foolishly think
their going to escape ALL accountability because their
in with the lawless demon anti-Christ, the Satanically
evil Mr. bush Jr.. Think again.

”"The helicopter fired on the Bradley to destroy it
after it had been hit earlier and it was on fire," said
Major Phil Smith of the 1st Cavalry Division. "It was
for the safety of the people around it."“

Oops.. er.. the bushite mean

”Helicopters that flew in to protect the Bradley were
then fired on from the ground and fired back, the
military said in a statement.“

But the firing didn't come from the Bradley vicinity..
so, who cares how many Americans are lead to die then
right? Traitors to Freedom, Justice, and Liberty are
the enemy bushite liars who war God to steal from our
Humanity with their blatant cowardice and betrayals.



”Sattler, as a result of ignoring reason and understanding,
went out and sacrificed all these marines that are now dead.“



”One of the students hiding behind our taxi screamed to me,
"Who are the terrorists here now? You have seen this
yourself! We are school kids!"“

”According to a 2006 report from Amnesty International,
many Palestinian prisoners 'face medical negligence, routine
beatings, position torture and strip searches by Israeli
prison authorities'. According to recent figures the
Palestinian prison population includes 400 children and 100
women detainees.“

”U.S. Army Lt. Col. Paul Fitzpatrick, a spokesman for
Combined Joint Task Force 76, said. "Enemy leadership will
continue to be targeted so long as they pose a threat to the
security and stability of Afghanistan." “

”The report states that 25% of Iraqi children between the
ages of six months and five years old suffer from either acute
or chronic malnutrition.“

”Federal, state and local governments have added nearly $10
trillion to taxpayer liabilities in the past two years,
bringing the total of government's unfunded obligations to an
unprecedented $57.8 trillion.“


Truth to Power - Death to George W Bush - The J. Wizard Conundrum


"Johnny out does himself again with yet another record breaking

"The Greatest Show of History, and he REALLY means it this time!
Oh my God I can't believe it even!"


Sweet Jesus, The J. Wizard Comic Book!



Godsmack - Awake - "Hear the silence about to break."



”Bush's refusal to talk to the Iranians, except in terms
of threats and ultimatums, seems reckless. “

That demon enemy of Christ even refused to read the 18 page
letter, and excepted only a brief brief on the matter..
Contempt for every American soldier that has ever served,
but, well, who really truly cares right? [his handlers have
recently informed the demon enemy to pretend to all he
could read it instead.]



”Last October, the Army's Criminal Investigation
Command concluded that there was probable cause to charge
27 officers“



”Now that's a problem. I own the company that hosts
Capitol Hill Blue. So, in effect, the feds want me to
turn over information on myself and not tell myself that
I'm doing it. You'd think they'd know better.

I turned the letter over to my lawyer and told him to
send the following message to the feds: Fuck you.
Strong letter to follow. “


”2.5 terabytes of data about Mohammed Atta [...] a
three-hour briefing for the chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff is historically insignificant? A briefing that
included Richard Schiefren (ph), with Steve Cambone, in
March of 2001, five months before 9/11, is historically
insignificant? I don't think so.“


”Problem is, everything that worked at the CIA—that it
warned about 9/11 and said the Iraq war was a bad
idea—was on the hit list. The Bushies wanted to
eliminate the people who were right and promote those who
were wrong. “

I'm telling you, the demon anti-Christ of Creation is
like, really evil man.



”Once known for flying around VIPs such as Arnold
Schwarzenegger and Kofi Annan, the plane has been used by
the CIA to fly around renditioned prisoners and their CIA
captors. “

”N368CE also had an interesting itinerary just prior
to the U.S.-backed coup against Venezuela's President
Hugo Chavez in April 2002: Mar.-Apr. 2002 - Los
Angeles to Toluca, Mexico; Caracas, Venezuela to New York
City; New York to Managua, Nicaragua; Brownsville, Texas
to Managua; Washington, DC to Shannon, Ireland; Gander,
Newfoundland to Washington, DC; Washington to Houston;
Houston to Washington. “

Crimes against America, crimes against God.


”David quotes the now indicted and disgraced former
Republican House Majority Leader Tom Delay saying on the
eve of the Iraq war in 2003 that "Nothing is more
important in the face of a war than cutting taxes." “

”So, here I will offer you something I created, a Johnny
Wizard pencil drawing in jpg format. Enjoy!“



”Instead of murdering our own families as war criminals for bush
to pilfer the undefended wallets of our grandparents, why don't we
all smarten up, and just kill the unarrested demon bush instead as
something truly Patriotic? “

Christ Wars Bushite Enemies for the Love of our Living God


Don't miss it!


Book of John:

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and
the Word was God."

Liberal Defence "critic" Ujjal Dosanjh:

"We carved a line in the rugged hills of Afghanistan, not with
our words but with our legendary courage, the blood and the
sweat of our men and women of the Canadian Forces"

To die for heroin pushing while making Christianity "illegal?"
While helping to let Bush escape 911 with a new enron pipe line?
Cowards led without courage, who have died for no better good
or, even reason spoken. Remember: Canadian forces are fighting to
protect a muslim fundamentalist regime, who doesn't want free
speech protected. My armed and ready friends, why not fight
with words to allow J. Wizard to politely respond to our
deadly enemies who fight to keep our Humanity in darkness with
deliberate bushite enemy ignorance.

Hillary Clinton recently talking about how great Bush, the
un-elected demon anti-Christ is:

"Charming" "Charismatic" and "Good Company"



”By 2002, on the eve of the US-led invasion, Baghdad was
full of booming businesses, restaurants were full, and
families walked freely along well-lit parks.“


"We don't know why they bomb our house and our fields. We
have never resisted the Americans."

Because they, the bushite are enemies of all Creation.
Killing a demonic liar bushite, is to fight for our real God
protecting the lives of the innocent the bushite thieves
target for murder. Killing a demonic liar bushite is to war
those who speak in no defense against the innocent Porter Goss
and company have tortured for satanic pleasures. Feel no
remorse in killing demonic liar bushite, for they hold all
American values in true contempt.


Probable Cause for Alarm
Press ignores Ex-NSA chief's ignorance of Constitution




It should be known why. The reason America murders their own
children in NYC is because they, the demonic repuglicons, need
to protect the lie that children born to HIV positive mothers,
are not likely to die of immune disorders, unless they are force
fed expensive pharma. snpd


Remember swine flu shots? You should



”The CPA didn’t properly check out the courier before handing
over the cash, [1.5 BILLION] and, as a result, according to an audit
report by the CPA’s inspector general, ‘there was an increased risk
of the loss or theft of the cash. “



”US troops [bushite enemy of true freedoms] raid all Internet
cafes in city cutting off communications with outside world. “


”When the auditors in the New York City office learned well in
advance which files a review team would check, they spent the
equivalent of more than 47 days doctoring the papers and
updating records from several audits, the Defense Department's
inspector general concluded. Administrative staff, audit
supervisors and other employees also participated in the
scheme. “

These are acts of high TREASON.


”So we've never made the case, or argued the case that somehow
Osama bin Laden [sic] was directly involved in 9/11. That
evidence has never been forthcoming.“


”This is madness. And, why hasn't ElBaradei condemned Bush's
"dirty bombs" in Iraq which have poisoned the land and
groundwater with toxic depleted uranium (DU) creating an
enduring legacy of thyroid cancer, birth defects and other
malignant sarcoma? Nuclear weapons are being used in Iraq.
It is ElBaradei's job to stop it. “

Justice for Johnny

Notes to Lawyers who wish to contribute to J. Wizard's
defense on a quid pro quo - maybe I can pay you back later



If all that isn't dictatorship, what is? “


”The heaviest sentence imposed on anyone to date for a torture-related
death while in U.S. custody is five months,“



Know Thy Enemy - Christs Comedy of Error - Truly amazing audio





”2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but
thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which
say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue
of Satan. “

”1. Is Scottie getting worse at lying, or are
we just getting better at seeing the truth? “

”It has denied that there were any civilian casualties,
despite television footage showing dead and wounded
women and children being pulled from the rubble of
flattened homes. “While sadistic satanic enemies cheer at
God's suffering - proudly kill a bushite for the love of Jesus

Battle Plan of Christ


”"The Zarqawi PSYOP program is the most successful
information campaign to date." - Brig. Gen. Mark
Kimmitt, in an internal 2004 memo praising the
propaganda campaign to hype the threat of Iraq's
"terrorist mastermind" Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. “

”[TRUE anti-Christ] Bush wrote "we do not rule out the use
of force before attacks occur - even if uncertainty
remains as to the time and place of the enemy's attack." “

What threat of distant looming attack was lowered, by criminally
murdering and thieving to be enemies of everyone, friendly?
A good bushite is a dead enemy halted from victimizing US,
the innocent.

”But if you listen to Cheney, people are just picking on
Halliburton because they don't like him. Not so. I
would be mad at any company that billed me for driving
empty trucks across the desert, but it just so happens
that Halliburton is the company at the wheel. “


Isahaqi, - Children of Abraham: Death in the Desert




”Why would [subhuman bushite] guards torture a man they
considered innocent? “Because they are openly enemies to
Christ. I say, kill it for America when you can, God bless.


”When Specialist Corey E. Jones struck the knees of the
Dilawar, he cried out painfully to Allah (God). Jones said,
"Everybody heard him cry out and thought it was funny."
Hundreds of blows later, Dilawar died in custody.“

I, as the Son of Man would PROUDLY kill this twisted nazi fuk
in defense of the innocent among US as the Human race,
wouldn't you brother? Let's do an American SpikeTV, Johnny
Jesus kills ungodly enemy bushite nazi vermin all for the love
of God - in the Octagon - Super Special - with invites/hunting
parties for all the rest in America who war our Humanity for
the demon antiChrist. Death to the enemy bushite, instead of
the godly as innocent, I as a true Christ Son of God proclaim
to all.

You too are an Eternal God Warrior of the Universe engaging
enemy bushite one by one, to learn and live, or foolishly fall
they do to cry, maybe die, so.. well.. don't get cocky, you
just might spook me.

”Crucially, among the worst cases in this list-those of
detainees tortured to death-only half have resulted in
punishment; the steepest sentence for anyone involved in a
torture-related death: five months in jail.“

I say we hunt them down, and get'em good for God and America,
what say you potential innocent victim?


”The evil of this deliberate policy is great in itself; but
the broader implications are perhaps even worse. For consider
this: if American troops can be propagandized to believe such
a transparent lie about Iraq's non-existent connection to 9/11
- what can't they be manipulated into believing?“

They, the bushite enemy, have no soul as disciples of the
demon antiChrist.

”That is already averaging this year about 6 times the normal
incidence of new lung cancer cases in a year. “

All thanks to the liar bushite enemy who claim for our
Humanity that WE can eat depleted uranium "by the poundful",
and suffer no ill effects while they cash in as corporate
media successes. - Are You willing to join the rank now?



”* A clear majority of the troops oppose torture and
aggressive interrogation techniques and four out of five
polled oppose the use of such banned weapons as napalm and
phosphorus bombs, such as US forces employed in the assault on
Fallujah in November 2004.“



An actual audio recording of the Son of Man outlining the very
real war scenario of Christ vs. Antichrist.





Enemies of America

"REALIZE, FOX, and amerka's demon lair hosts at Coast to
Coast, have received this post, yet, continue to TREASONOUSLY
mislead US to criminally sacrifice more soldier families for
the richly pleasures of the ungodly demon anti-Christ."



The awesome and amazing J. Wizard speaking nationally in America!




”The primary "evidence" against another was that he was
captured wearing a particular Casio watch, "which many
terrorists wear." “

Now, wouldn't you as godly Christian, hunt to kill any bushite
enemy who argued such evidence warranted torture, or life
imprisonment of an innocent person?

”Instead of rebuilding several steam-turbine power
stations— as Iraqi engineers and managers recommended—the
CPA’s crony contractors chose to build new natural gas and
diesel-powered combustion-turbine stations, despite the fact
that Iraq doesn’t have adequate supplies of either. “

Speak for Yourself

”Deborah Johns blames "al Qaeda" for our military deaths
(including Casey Sheehan's) in Iraq! http://www.tjslGOP.org
Please, trust me, if I did speak for Ms. Johns her opinions
would be more informed. “

Sept. 11's Smoking Gun: The Many Faces of Saeed Sheikh


"The ungodly crazycon is a formidable opponent, but I think

my America will triumph over the enemy demon liars if I am granted
the opportunity to say something about it."

- King J. Wizard


"That is a high act of treason. And it's not, "oh well, but
maybe it's not true.." No, we have the two documents of question."


US Church Alliance: Washington is 'Raining Down Terror' with Iraq War,


”"We lament with special anguish the war in Iraq, launched
in deception and violating global norms of justice and human
rights," said the statement from representatives of the 34
U.S. members of World Council of Churches. "We mourn all who
have died or been injured in this war. We acknowledge with
shame abuses carried out in our name."“

”"As the national intelligence officer for the Middle East,
I was in charge of coordinating all of the intelligence community's
assessments regarding Iraq," Pillar writes. "The first request I

received from any administration policy-maker for any such
assessment was not until a year into the war." “


One Thousand A Month Tortured To Death In Iraq


Enemy bushites are all the same ignorant evil

”Yes, war is ugly, brutal and violent. And British
soldiers [guilty of sadistically murdering young children that
were not established by the videos as throwing grenades,
stones, or even bad mouth rioting] are tough, professional and
well trained. We should be thankful they are on our side.

Vincent J. Curtis of Hamilton, Ont., is a freelance writer
who was embedded with the British forces in Iraq last year.“

HEy, I got an idea! Lets all kill bush bitch enemies instead,
and see how they likes dying as innocent victim,
eh? Enemy bushites are all the same ignorant evil. They
advocate the murder, torture, or robbery of the innocent as
our "helpless" Humanity for the ungodly thieving billionaire
bushite neo-con traitors, and figure "we" can't ever defend
getting around to defend ourselves as the godly and virtuously
Patriotic to the fighting core - actual TRUE god Warriors.
Death to the non-negotiable enemy bushite "I" say, and Love to
Life as real Freedom is Heavenly.

"OK, I saw Bin Laden five times: three times on
Al Jazeera and twice on Yemeni news." His "admission" was duly
recorded in a case file: "Detainee admitted to knowing Osama
bin Laden." “



”But when a Jew, Ezra Levant, publishes cartoons that
incense Canada's 600,000 Muslims and touch off demonstrations,
well that's "free speech." “

Er.. Yah but... Ezra Levant ISN'T Jewish!

Zionist Neo Conservatives often likewise co-opt
the Jew label too. There is more to being Jewish than
covering a bald spot with a funny hat, or being related to one
of the more than fifty million people that tragically died
fifty so years ago at the hands of the same Bush family Empire
of nazi demon liars.


”In typical disingenuous neocon fashion, Pipes alleges
a “conspiracy theory” but refuses to cite or quote Bollyn’s
article. “

”The cameraman, a soldier, filming these violent scenes laughs
and says: “No crying kids, no crying!” “



”All the while the callous cameraman delivers a
stomach-churning commentary urging his mates on, cackling with
laughter and screaming: "Oh yes! Oh yes! You're gonna get
it. Yes, naughty little boys! You little f***ers, you little
f***ers. DIE! Ha, ha!"“

Have you seen this video? the children, of at least one was
murdered, look to be about twelve. Reported nation wide as
"civilians" maybe "youths", but not children by corporate
fascist news content controls. In fact, I don't believe CNN
or CBC even aired more than two or three seconds of concern.
Those are my kids, and I'll kill without question any wannabe
bushite enemy who demands I have no RGIHt! to act in their

I beg you on behalf of Jesus, join me in hunting these enemies
of Life down to death. I will give anything to anyone to have
these evil nazi bushite savages destroyed - death to the
thieving bushite that Bush and Blair leave walking our streets
as free to further commit crimes in our names. Who was
arrested? Who is investigating? See the bushite, you kill it
for America, you kill it for Christ, you kill it for the love
you have of freedom, life, and God.

”In other words, as one analyst phrased it, "Congress would
never have granted Bush permission to do something that,
according to Gonzales, it had already granted him permission
to do."“



Propagandized stupider than the fates will allow

Let it be known, that the senior management national news
reducers of CBC and CNN, know full well, they would rather
watch American Soldiers die as the thieving bad guys, than to
defend God's America by reporting that the demon enemy George
W. Bush, and his business partner General Ahmad, committed
the terrorist acts of 9/11, along with Rumsfeld, Rice, Cheney,
and Myers.


God, Johnny, You, and the Great America.


Realize, CNN and CBC have received this post, yet, continue to
lie to dying soldiers for the unholy benefit of the enemy


The "Shock and Awe" Gallery©

”"The children seem to be the most openly enthused.
They are getting a chance at a future the likes of which
would never have been possible under the oppressive




When we cancel other people's human rights, we cancel our own.

= Highwater =


”In another characteristic incident, Bush asserted, as he
has repeatedly, that any decision on withdrawal of American
troops from Iraq "will be made by military commanders, not by
politicians in Washington DC." Congressional Republicans gave
a standing ovation to this remark, which amounts to a
declaration that, in the war for "freedom" and "democracy" in
Iraq, there is no room for such trifles as control over the
military by the civilian authorities, and subordination of
decisions on war and peace to the democratic will of the
American people. “

Exactly. The demon enemy of life itself, Our Mr. bush Jnr.,
who publicly parades his contempt for freedom and God, must
be stopped for all costs, that include for sure, your own
as reader.



”"I think they thought we wouldn't shoot kids, But we
showed them we don't care. I did what I had to do. I
don't have a big problem with it" - U.S. Army Pvt.
Nick Boggs“

One of Rumsfeld's last quotes before he was executed for high treason.

"War has been declared on all of our nations and on our people."






I, J. Wizard, in the city of Winnipeg, Province of Manitoba


Pakistani ISI Director General Ahmad orders an aide to wire
transfer about $100,000 to hijacker Atta. Ahmad later resigns
after the transfer is disclosed in India and confirmed by the
FBI. [Dawn, 10/8/01, Times of India, 10/9/01, Wall Street
Journal, 10/10/01, AFP, 10/10/01] The individual who makes the
wire transfer at Ahmad's direction is Saeed Sheikh, later
convinced for kidnapping and murdering reporter Daniel Pearl
in February 2002. ABC News later reports, "federal
authorities have told ABC News they've now tracked more than
$100,000 from banks in Pakistan to two banks in Florida to
accounts held by suspected hijack ringleader Mohamed Atta."
[ABC News, 9/30/01] CNN also reports the $100,000 transfer,
and the New York Times specifies that it came in 2000. [CNN,
10/1/01, CNN, 10/6/01, New York Times, 7/10/02] Ahmad's order
must have preceded June 2000, since that's when Atta and
others started opening bank accounts and receiving the money
($109,910 is received by Atta and Marwan Alshehhi between June
19 and September 18). [MSNBC, 12/11/01]


On March 3, 2002, MSNBC's Jim Miklaszewski reported that he
had received anonymously, top secret presidential war strategy
documents dated September 9th, 2001, originating from
Condolezza's office, outlining a strategy to invade
Afghanistan premised on blaming bin Laden a terrorist, but
providing no evidence to back up the allegations, thereby
guaranteeing criminal invasion. Only workable if Laden pleads
innocence to a crime that hadn't yet taken place, a crime
serious enough to "justify" sacrificing American GIs truly for
a liquefied natural gas pipe line for pension thieving Enron.
["The Dahbol Working Group" and Bridas] Any evidence for any
offense would have been sufficient to have Muslim
fundamentalists hand Laden immediately over, as they had
offered [as others of other nations had also] repeatedly
during the Clinton years.

CBC and CNN have still, to this day, consciously refused to do
any follow up on the intelligence, deciding instead on behalf
of dying people everywhere, our public devolvement of a just


RT? News - US rejects Taliban bin Laden evidence calls
21 September 2001 17:41

The White House has rejected requests from Afghanistan's
ruling Taliban for proof that Osama bin Laden was responsible
for last week's attacks. According to the US Secretary of

State, Colin Powell, the United States has enough evidence to
try bin Laden in an American court.

The US Government said there would be no negotiations.


[This following document was the official damning account]

Responsibility for the terrorist atrocities in the United States
4 October 2001

[This Internet Domain is Britain's Prime Minister's]

"This document does not purport to provide a prosecutable case
against Usama Bin Laden in a court of law."

The document doesn’t hold ANY case, as that was the strategy.... See?


Investigating the Investigation

After playing a tape of Cheney's statement, Russert asked
Daschle, "Did the vice president call you and urge you not to
investigate the events of Sept. 11?" Daschle flatly
contradicted Cheney: "Yes, he did, Tim, on Jan. 24, and then
on Jan. 28 the president himself at one of our breakfast
meetings repeated the request."

...."[T]hat request was made" by Cheney not only on Jan. 24
and by Mr. Bush four days later, but "on other dates
following" as well.


ABCNEWS.com : FBI Called off Terror Investigations

Two veteran FBI investigators say they were ordered to stop
investigations into a suspected terror cell linked to Osama
bin Laden's al Qaeda network and the Sept. 11 attacks...

`You Will Not Open Criminal Investigations'


October 9 2001 - The Times of India

"While the Pakistani Inter Services Public Relations claimed
that former ISI [the "Pakistani CIA"] director-general Lt-Gen
Mahmud Ahmad sought retirement after being superseded on
Monday, the truth is more shocking. Top sources confirmed
here on Tuesday that the general lost his job because of the
"evidence" India produced to show his links to one of the
suicide bombers that wrecked the World Trade Center. The U.S.
authorities sought his removal after confirming the fact that
$100,000 were wired to WTC hijacker Mohammed Atta from
Pakistan by Ahmad Umar Sheikh [Omar Saeed] at the instance of
General Mahmud [Ahmad]. Senior government sources have
confirmed that India contributed significantly to establishing
the link between the money transfer and the role played by the
dismissed ISI chief. While they did not provide details, they
said that Indian inputs, including [Omar Saeed's] mobile phone
number, helped the FBI in tracing and establishing the link."


No evidence was brought against Laden for nine eleven, none.
[So according to Bush's official top secret Presidential
directives] While Laden himself claimed he played no part in
911. Still, to save the lives of third worlders on the brink
of starvation, Laden agreed to hand himself over, but Bush
refused the offer, while CBC and CNN denied to report on that
fact for the behalf of now dying dismembered American GIs.
Once the indiscriminate bombing began, targeting almost every
building in the country of Afghanistan, Laden then claimed he
had no choice but to fight back to defend US innocent from the
ungodly enemies of Creation/Freedom. Then the clear to all
fake video came out with an actor who's face wasn't even close
to looking remotely like Laden, but for almost the facial
hair. [Bridge of the Jamaican actor's nose is HALF as long in
proportion to Laden’s for example, and surely frightfully
shocking for some, the actor doesn't even take blame for 911
either!] Photos comparing the two faces never aired on CBC and
CNN available in about twelve seconds with the power of the


former FBI deputy director and murder victim John O'Neill

"the main obstacles to investigating Islamic terrorism were
U.S. oil corporate interests and the role played by Saudi


Alex Jones interviewing Former German Defense Minister Andreas Von

"Bush signed W199I months before 911 ordering the FBI not to
stop Al-Qaeda. They threatened to arrest FBI agent Robert
Wright if he tells us what he knows."


Mr. Bush was quoted somewhere regarding Mr. Laden's guilt of
complete innocence with "We don't need any evidence, we know
he's guilty."



" [FBI's] Edmonds concluded that documents clearly showed that
the Sept. 11 hijackers were in the country and plotting to
use airplanes as missiles. She said documents also included
information relating to their financial activities. "


The honorable Argentinean oil company Bridas' relationship can
not be understated as the Bush Administration's primary motive
on criminal invasion of Afghanistan to save his biggest
corporate backers, the American pension thieving Enron.



From "Fresh Memories of War" by Kandea Mosley, The Ithaca Journal (New
York), 25 May 2002:

"We were told there were no friendly forces," said [Army
Private Matt] Guckenheimer, an assistant gunner with the 10th
Mountain Division at Fort Drum. "If there was anybody there,
they were the enemy. We were told specifically that if there
were women and children to kill them."


"the people there are dead because we wanted
them dead." The reason? They sympathized with the Taliban.1
When asked about the Chowkar incident, Rumsfeld replied, "I
cannot deal with that particular village."



"American troops today admitted they routinely gun down Iraqi
civilians - some of whom are entirely innocent.

And in an admission that directly contrasts with the line
coming out from the Pentagon's spin doctors Specialist
Corporal Michael Richardson added: "There was no dilemma when
it came to shooting people who were not in uniform, I just
pulled the trigger."


Bush demands total impunity on the war crimes he is personally
responsible for




"Marines said the men fired on them. A senior officer said
they had no weapons, but that with shots coming in the men
were legitimate targets because they ran."




(Link to photo: http://www.cair-net.org/images/lcpl11.jpg)


Guardian Wednesday 7, 2001 - "FBI claims bin Laden inquiry was
[this story was on Bush’s top secret W199i directive]

This information would take a well paid intelligence officer,
or CBC reporter no more that thirty seconds to look for follow
ups. For, I know, the BBC did also a national news report on


INTERVIEWER: Are you aware that this tank is contaminated with

SOLDIER: No, it isn't radioactive.

INTERVIEWER: But we have measured it.

SOLDIER: No, it isn't radioactive, not this tank.



Justice Department lawyer John Yoo, "In the exercise of his
plenary power to use military force," Yoo insisted, "the
President's decisions are for him alone and are unreviewable."


The incriminating FBI email dated 22 May 2004, indicates that
president Bush
signed off on certain interrogation techniques in an executive order."
(See original at


U.S. deserter 'didn't want to have to kill babies'

"Mr. House will argue that American soldiers are guilty of
war crimes and that forcing Mr. Hinzman to fight in Iraq
would have made him a war criminal.

He will call as a witness former U.S. Marine Staff Sergeant
Jimmy Massey, who is expected to testify that he and other
soldiers shot more than 30 unarmed Iraqis, including women and
a six-year-old child, at a U.S. military checkpoint."



that a clandestine military task force in Iraq was beating
detainees, ordering Defense Intelligence Agency debriefers out
of the room during questioning, confiscating evidence of the
abuse and intimidating the debriefers when they complained."



A sacked CIA official is reportedly suing the agency for
allegedly retaliating against him for refusing to falsify his
reports on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction to support the
White House's pre-war position.


``I was faced with being deployed to Iraq to do what the
infantry does, kill people, and I had no justification for
doing so,'' he testified. ``This was a criminal war. Any act
of violence in an unjustified conflict is an atrocity.''


Williams's squad stopped a dump truck, and an Iraqi climbed
out. "Light him up!" the sergeant ordered, according to
testimony, and the squad opened fire, killing the unarmed man.
Williams and a squadmate reportedly got into an argument over
which of them had scored Company C's first kill.


It gets worse. We already knew about the Franklin County,
Ohio, precinct that tallied 4,258 votes for Bush when only 638
people had actually voted.



Israeli Soldiers Going In For The Kill: A 13 year old
Palestinian [JEWISH] school girl is about to die

"It's a little girl. She's running defensively eastwards, a
girl of about 10. She's behind the embankment, scared to

"Anyone who's mobile, moving in the zone, even if it's a
three-year-old, needs to be killed."



[destructive radius of a 900-kilogram bomb is half a
kilometer, and all TRUE accounts of death rates for Fallujah
alone, a city where the population was forbidden to leave,
exceed two hundred thousand innocent souls.]




"Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage contradicted
Rice's claim that the White House had a strategy before Sept.
11 for military operations against al Qaeda and the Taliban."

This indicates that with the foreknowledge gained through
prior experiences of Muslim fundamentalists, such as the
Taliban, being forbidden by their religion [Jihad] to
persecute the innocent, left the Bush Administration with only
needing to do, and had officially done, was to use no evidence
to back up allegations to insure invasion plans, and as a
result, a deliberate treasonous criminal strategy to not
follow the crime scene leads at the real murder scene to nab
to true evil doers. For otherwise - spoil the top secret


Blix nor Elbaradei, nor Kofi, suggested, implied, or stated,
that Iraq had failed to comply with the newest U.N.
resolution: 1441.

HANS BLIX: "And at this juncture, we are able to perform
professional no-notice inspections all over Iraq and to
increase aerial surveillance..."

With complete, one hundred percent access to go where ever the
Bush Administration pleased without delay, left a situation of
an unjust war only detrimental to an ability to bring about
any good or better thing. American soldiers are being
sacrificed for no better good or reason understood, for if
progress will ever be made, it will be when they work to bring
about a political situation that was there in Iraq before the
Bush Administration starting murdering innocent people for
nothing . Well, not completely, for Bremer shipped 19 billion
to Greenspan early on, then, hundreds of millions were sent


Professor Steven E. Jones, a tenured BYU professor,


"To be truthful about it, there was no way we could have got
the public consent to have suddenly launched a campaign on
Afghanistan but for what happened on September 11..."

Tony Blair Speaking To House of Commons Liaison Committee


The Washington Post, 23 September 2001.

At American urging, Ahmed traveled ... to Kandahar,
Afghanistan. There he delivered the bluntest of demands.
Turn over bin Laden without conditions, he told Taliban leader
Mohammad Omar, or face certain war with the United States and
its allies.

Mahmoud's meetings on two separate missions with the Taliban
were reported as a "failure." Yet this "failure" to extradite
Osama without providing a shred of eidence was part of
Washington's documented design, providing a pretext for a
military intervention which was already in the pipeline. If
Osama had been extradited, the main justification for waging a
war "against international terrorism" would no longer hold.
Nor would the ready to go Patriot Act. Incidentally, when
MSNBC contacted the Whitehouse regarding the top secret
invasion of Afghanistan plan, it was confessed that the plan
had been "fully implemented"


The Crown's interpretations of my possessions are not my expressions!!


The Judge through this whole thing out for the defense
without any consideration offered to OUR COURT!



Since I am representing myself on these particular criminal
matters, Legal Aid is not required to lend assistance on the
grounds that I'm not co-operating with the system as it
operates through professional Barred representations. [I am
eligible for walk in consultations but nothing of the sort of
assistance I am requesting] Considering the complexity of my
judicial matter, I would request legal assistance from the
Court in these following areas.

1. National Security Issues

I need assistance in understanding the legal statutes that our
national security services are obligated to practice under, to
insure our national security matters are being truly defended
in my respect.



White House keeps dossiers on more than 10,000 'political enemies'



”Specialist Damien “Monster” Corsetti-known
affectionately as the “King of Torture” among his Bagram
colleagues-was later fined and demoted for forcing an
Iraqi woman to strip during an interrogation at Abu
Ghraib. Yet Corsetti remains a free man. “

Will America hunt to kill the un-arrested bushite cancer
that knows thyself as the "King of Torture"? Who's
blasphemous open contempt for all that is God doesn't even
earn him a spot on America's Most Wanted?





”an epic study that documents the systematic nature of
torture by the Americans, and how casual it is, even
enjoyable. [...] as the head of Reuters said recently,
it is out of control. It is destroying lives in industrial
quantities when compared with the violence of the

Godless bushite enemy thieves, are enemies of innocent men
women and children as they live and die in undefended America
measured worthless to the neocon traitor's bottom line.


”Mr Cheney told several Republican senators that
President Bush would veto the annual defense spending
bill if it contained language prohibiting the use of

cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment by any U.S.
personnel. “


”Col. Robert Bowman: As other speakers have said,
they knew the American people wouldn’t stand for it“

”Rove told Cooper that further information
discrediting Wilson and his findings would soon be
declassified and ended the phone conversation by saying
“I’ve already said too much. “

”• less than one per cent of the population believes
coalition forces are responsible for any improvement in
security; “

(Don't miss "J. Wizard Vs. the bushmob")

From the J. Wizard work - "Wait a Moment"

”Who cares about yourself if you won't listen as reason
to? What can you lose when you have granted to be
blindly stolen from? “


”The War Crimes Act of 1996, a federal statute set
forth at 18 U.S.C. § 2441, makes it a federal crime for
any U.S. national, whether military or civilian, to
violate the Geneva Convention by engaging in murder,
torture, or inhuman treatment. “

”Making a potential prosecutor's job easier, U.S.
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales wrote a memo in January
2002 to President Bush saying that America should opt out
of the Geneva Convention because top officials have to
worry about prosecutions under 18 U.S.C. § 2441. By
attempting to sidestep the Geneva Convention, Gonzales
created a document trail that can be used to prove that
top administration officials knowingly created a policy
of torturing prisoners “

”Entitled ``The Torture Question,'' the report makes
clear that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld bears direct
responsibility for the brutal methods of interrogation
used against US prisoners. “



”What is happening is that Ms. Davidson and Lawyers
Against the War have laid charges against George Bush Jr;
accusing him of aiding, abetting, and counseling the
commission of torture.“


”o Where the HELL is YOUR proof that Porter Goss knew nothing
about $100,000 that was wired to Mohammed Atta?“




”One soldier raised his concerns within the Army chain of
command for seventeen months before the Army agreed to
undertake an investigation, but only after he had contacted
members of Congress and considered going public with the

”These soldiers' accounts show how the administration's
refusal to insist on adherence to a lawful, long-recognized,
and well-defined standard of treatment contributed to the
torture of prisoners. They also show how that policy betrayed
the soldiers in the field-sowing confusion in the ranks,
exposing them to legal sanction when abuses occurred, and
placing in an impossible position all those who wished to
behave honorably.“


From "Epiphany"


”What can bush or rumsfeld do now in Iraq, outside of
criminally stealing our assets, that they couldn't do before a
single innocent Iraqi person was murdered by heinous traitor
buford blount?“


From "Time to tell"


quoting from this very document:

"Mr. bush you nazi vermin, you attack my America, you attack
US all. American soldiers will not sit back as cowards
entirely, and watch you sacrifice our lives as worthless
without meaning."“


”In fact, as they made clear on page one, the authors had
stripped out Falluja; their estimate of 98,000 deaths would
otherwise have been much higher. “


Interesting the United Methodist Church felt it necessary
to REPEAT it's statement that the push for war was
"without any justification according to the teachings of
Christ." “

”Patriotism demands that I speak out and call it by
it’s name. It is treason.

I joined the Air Force a long time ago to protect our
borders and our people, not the financial interests of
Folgers, Chiquita-Banana, Exxon and Halliburton. We’ve
had enough corporate wars. “

”American troops even have a term for the barbaric
technique - "Shake and Bake"-clear evidence that this
was no one-off affair. “

”Iraqi detainee, Thahee Sabbar, who has brought a
lawsuit against Rumsfeld and top US military commanders,
said he was also beaten, deprived of food and sleep, given
electric shocks, shot with rubber bullets and subjected to
mock executions after being detained by US soldiers in
July 2003, [...]

"They put me in a small cell at first where there were
bloody clothes from another prisoner. Then I was in a
room with about 100 others. Sometimes they used drills on
people." “



”Hitler would have trouble understanding what the fuss
over using white phosphorus in a city is all about. “

”Roberts said that the CIA was aware that the vast
majority of detainees are not terrorists, proven by the
fact that Pakistani gangsters admitted to rounding up
innocent people in street sweeps and selling them to the
US government as terrorists for anything up to $25,000.
These people are now at Guantanamo Bay. “

”Describing the United States’ intention to target
civilians in Falluja, Englehart states that he was told by
military superiors going into Falluja that “every single
person that was walking, talking, breathing was [an] enemy
combatant. As such every single person that was walking
down the street or in a house was a target.” Englehart
confirms that soldiers had orders to shoot children as
young as 10 years old. “

”would go ahead this
month, despite an announcement by the Supreme Court that
it is to rule on whether the president has the power to
create such tribunals in the first place. “

”"they're not working undercover. They've abandoned all
pretense of morality. They're in our faces - in every
critical position in this government - put in place to create
the madness, cruelty, torture, and massive genocide that will
form the foundation of their World. And destroy ours."“

”By trapping as many as 100,000 men and boys in the city
before invading it, the U.S., acting for all the world more
like a group of Bosnian Serb thugs than like the army of the
Free World, has assured that it will be killing many, many
civilians, but we won't be hearing much about that. As far
as the Pentagon and Centcom in Iraq go, the dead in Fallujah
are and will be all rebels. If they die, they must have died

”One contractor received more than $100,000 to completely
refurbish an Olympic pool but only polished the pumps. “

”He [the demon anti-Christ] also said that he will block
White House aides from testifying [...] and that he will not
release official White House photos of himself with former
Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff. “


”Why does any American think that spying without a warrant
has any more effect in reducing the threat of terrorism than
spying with a warrant?“

Yet, FOX, CNN and CBC silently plead ignorance when
broadcasting for bushite favor on this rights issue.


”Cuba's president Fidel Castro outlined the disastrous
effects of this recently:“


God or no God, I hate the demon antiChrist, corporate
america's false-deity, Your unelected Mr. bush Jr., as
much as any real Creator of this world, or any other



”The article reveals for the first time that one of the
elected officials that bin Laden-connected Turkish nationals
claimed to have on their payroll was none other than
Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert..“


”Q: Does the president think he should obey the law?“

”Throughout the article, which is more than a thousand
words long, there is not one word to indicate that enriched
uranium is used in nuclear power plants; it is simply assumed
that "Tehran's insistence on enriching uranium" is due to an
intent to build a bomb. Iran's denial that it has any such
intent? Never mentioned in the article.“


”See the above mentioned Film: Iraq's Missing Billions “



”The most important point to make is that access has been
provided to all sites we have wanted to inspect and with one
exception it has been prompt. “


”Surveillance of American citizens without PROBABLE CAUSE,
which is actual EVIDENCE that specific individuals are engaged
in illegal activity, is a blatant disregard of the fourth
admendment of the Constitution of the United States. “



”The U.S. War Crimes Act of 1996 makes such conduct by a
member of the U.S. armed forces a "war crime" punishable by
fine, imprisonment or, in cases resulting in death to the
victim, the death penalty. “



”When we first approached the Marines with this evidence, they
responded in quite a hostile fashion. They accused us of
buying into enemy propaganda. “

”They instituted a constitution so that people would not be
jailed without "probable cause", or be lied to about taking
this country and its soldiers to war, or have shoved aside the
checks and balances represented by American courts and the
Congress. All these are being done by two pro-Vietnam war
draft dodgers! “


”The soldiers raided the town and "brutally assaulted a number
of unarmed Iraqi civilians, causing serious injuries from
which one died", Martin Heslop QC told the court.

"During the course of the incident, two women who tried to
intervene were assaulted, one being pregnant at the time and
the other having given birth two weeks before," he added. “

``There is indeed a big JSOTF8 compound at Balad.
If they do have a detention room, I presume it would be
inside that compound. I wasn't allowed inside it, and nor
were the Army and Air Force officers I was with.''

”We'd better take it seriously when the founder member of
one of the most elite military forces in the world says
Bush has fomented a third world war for personal gain. “


”Fake bin Laden tapes, "verified" by the CIA, are nothing
new. Every supposed bin Laden statement since 2001 has been
blatantly bogus. The last we heard from the real bin Laden
came in his post-9/11 statements to Pakistani journalists:


"I stress that I have not carried out this act, which appears
to have been carried out by individuals with their own
motivation. ... I have already said that I am not involved
in the 11 September attacks in the United States. ... I had
no knowledge of these attacks."“


The Benderman Cause

A Canadian Soldier's Life Held in Contempt - The Verdict

LET IT BE KNOWN - Propagandized stupider than the fates will allow

Realize, CNN and CBC have received this post, yet, continue to
treasonously lie to dying soldier families.

Nazi Israel - The Judgment of Jesus
2006-07-31 19:17:17 UTC
the funny thing is...I though god and jesus was suppose to be peaceful, and
no one should kill eachother...Holy WARS...the complete oxymoron. I actually
hate both sides, not racially, but just for fighting so long over something
like god. If I'm wrong, than this war is not about oil.
Nazi Israel
"It might have been Hezbollah." Olmert, the anti-Jew spew.
They'll say, "Well.. it could have been a Hezbollah hide-out.
We know they'll put themselves among civilians, they're so
terrible. Willing to kill innocent Lebanese people." And
then, they'll bomb bomb shelters, or apartment buildings.
They won't warn anybody, but just say they did and corporate
news America will refuse to confirm or deny the made routinely
baseless allegations THROUGH their/OUR "unbiased", we don't
need any evidence, bin Laden did it, broadcasts.
Firstly, most of the 'towns' in Israel are military bases.
That is why your never shown who these people are. Second,
you have to already acknowledge, as a person who lives is
Israel being a so named "Jewish" person, that your victimizing
innocent People. You are stealing an innocent person's home,
as a political function of your criminal body. That's
accepted by everyone, all Jews concur, even the nazi jews say,
"Well, we deserve it, cause G-D says we could steal an
in-ocent per-on's hom- and make 'them' suf-er by pu-ting
'them' in a concentrati-n camp, depriv-ng 'them' their food
and water. We're the goo- guys from 'The Book' don't you
know" Then, when you look at The Book, The Book says, God
comes down and chastises those who steal the Jewish name, by
victimizing the innocent to steal Our values, to steal Our
worths. Israel won't speak reason, right? They can't
negotiate honorably across an open table, because they are
thieving an innocent person's property. They put people in
prison without trial, without EVIDENCE. Then we'll ask,
"What's the guy's crime?" and they'll say "He's a Lebanese
guy, or Afghan, or Iraqi, or, he's a Palestinian Christian who
tried to eek out a living in this world honorably, and we just
kidnap 'them' and put 'them' in prison, and no, he doesn't get
a lawyer, don't be silly, heavens, we might even torture his
children if they should throw a rock at an invading nazi tank
bulldozing 'their' once happy Home." That is why they can't
negotiate an honorable settlement, THEY'RE CRIMINALS.
Victimizing our G-D, victimizing Ourselves, by pirating Your
authority. Where is the Messiah when we need him on CNN, CBC,
FOXNews, and the Coast to Coast radio network?
Look, CNN, CBC, and FOXNews KNOWS the bushmob did 911, [VIDEO
of WTC7 is forbidden on all OUR corporate news broadcasts] and
will smile to us ALL while lying to American Soldiers who die
cowardly as teenage dumfuks for the satanic neocon LIAR
enemies of God.
/ / Did the American people see on CNN the child whose face
was burnt by Israeli phosphorous bombs in Lebanon? Did they
hear him screaming in pain at Sidon Hospital, with his mother
falling to pieces in agony beside him because of the injury he
sustained from the terrible bombs? How can the American
people accept their elected President George W. Bush's
rejection of a ceasefire? \ \
Dan Gillerman, enemy of the Jew, tells US, the demon
antichrist forces warned the dirt poor citizens of Qana to
leave the town somehow, but at the same time, nazi Israeli
forces would target us people in trucks, buses, cars and red
cross ambulances fleeing the town. Two, the demon enemy of
Christ, Dan Gillerman on Meet the Press, has officially
admitted, they, the liar zionist enemies of Creation, true
terrorists, have NO EVIDENCE, that any missiles had come from
anywhere near the vicinity, where the enemies murdered almost
entirely, more than fifty innocent children of God. Yet, the
demon enemy of Humanity Gillerman has suggested boldly, that
it was all just Hezbollah's fault anyway, for letting these
People get in the way of their ten's of thousands of
indiscriminate bombing campaigns they've waged against God.
War crimes trials must be demanded, and the rightful execution
of those responsible for such indiscriminate targeting must
meet their fate as the other similar nazis did during
Nuremberg. As so does, Bush, Rumsfeld, Rice, Cheney, Sattler,
Blount, Russell, Mattis, and Bering like torturing enemies of
the United States of America.
Peres the DEVIL: 'why do they shoot at us?, and please, no wisdoms of
(the Hezbollah missiles were only sent after the Israeli attack was
well under way).
/ / The captured Israeli soldiers were captured inside Lebanon
(summarized here; see also here and here and here). That
means the self-defense pretext is a lie, and the concept that
Israel has a right to defend itself, spouted by all its
apologists, is irrelevant (the Hezbollah missiles were only
sent after the Israeli attack was well under way). In fact,
Hezbollah only poses a military threat inside Lebanon
defending it from Israel, and is absolutely no military
'existential' threat to Israel itself, meaning that all the
discussions by the disgusting apologists for war crimes, fine
considerations of when you can murder citizens under the
pretext of 'self-defense', is immoral bullshit. \ \
Colmes "Ambassador Ginsberg, I keep hearing about 1559, why
don't I hear as often about 242, which deals with 1967
borders, which is also is in contention here. I don't hear
the same people talking about that particular violated U.N.
resolution." [One of almost every other that's been violated
as routinely criminal by nature, ungodly Israel.]
Ginsberg "Oh Alan, come on now. Alan.. Alan look.. you know,
If you want. to start that game.." Hah!
Colmes, you don't have to play in the zionists ungodly world
of trying desperately to mislead Americans into killing their
undefended kids for cash. I feel, you put to much faith into
the bushite's honesty on being trusting fair gamers. They
there at FOXNews want to cheat America as the disenfranchised.
Why? On a level playing field, with open line communications,
we would win as the virtuous. Colmes you talk a mean game,
but the bushite cheat. Venture out on your own, like millions
of others do, and though it may seem so, truly you wont be
alone in your concerns. Example: 'Hannity, did you know that
the FBI contend that General Ahmad funded 911's Atta?'
/ / They use the anti-Semitic slur whenever any criticism
surfaces, even though they are not Semitic, they are
ashka-Nazis. They are warlike Khazars with absolutely no
connection to ancient Israel. \ \
If we HAVE to delineate a race of people to the Jewish
faith, they'd be all black guys from Ethiopia. Zionists are
openly, knowingly evil to our poorer, more intellectually
challenged. They leverage the intellect of the sacrificing
bushite grunt, the coward, the traitor. The bushite wants to
believe in treachery for America, because IT knows it doesn't
have the courage, honor or virtue to for example, arrest ANY
Aegis employee for murder. Who as all do openly operate,
taxing by America's expense, (as a wise pro-bush business
investment tool,) to get killed just ANY AMERICAN teen
soldier/dumfuk whore for the pleasure of taking further more
in Rumsfeld favors - of still leaving Freedom as Justice TRULY
They say of Saddam, he might be executed because he okayed a
judicial judgment be enforced to put down a criminal group
fighting for sole control of oil, a group that were trying to
overthrow Iraq's entire government, to leave everyone else
without. And when innocent people's lives were jeopardized,
Saddam called a halt to firing. ('Kurds' war 'Kurds' because
both sides tell each other their fighting for the same
Homeland, when in truth, it's just war mongers trying to grab
up more oil for themselves privately with mercenary forces.
While children die in Iraq, they to this day, drown in money
horded.) While America and Israel Generals are committing the
worst war crimes known of in History, against the Innocent as
ourselves unfairly represented. Like bushite Sattler ordering
the murder of more than 250,000 innocent people in Fallujah as
just one example of many.
/ / IOF chief of staff Dan Halutz "has given the order to the
air force to destroy 10 multi-storey buildings in the Dahaya
district (of Beirut) in response to every rocket fired on
Haifa," reports Khaleej Times, citing IOF radio. \ \
Look, whoever you are, a policeman perhaps or a janitor, maybe
a truck driver, JUSTLY kill with pleasure this war criminal of
OUR Humanity, the ungodly mass murdering nazi TERRORIST Dan
Halutz. After confiming this allegation as verified correct.
The Bohemian Grove antichrist death Cult is a REAL top secret
Morningstar scheme captured on video tape for all the World to
George Walker Bush, proud card carrying member of the
"secret", lets kill American kids for cash cult, would quote
the Grove's motto thus: "weaving spiders come not here" and I
would respond "Err.. okay, I'll ask them know you said so if
they should spell tomorrow, (however, I really don't believe
they'll listen, for flies alone can be trying somedays), but,
why I ask pray tell?, and speak better, for I'm hard of
hearing you coherently." Like, tell US again, what's with the
Cult's lodge-room 322, and the silly little pentagram on the
wall you mock life's prayers to? Or, what is the curious
story line function of the player who gets dressed up as the,
heads or tails Reaper deceiver to pretend you bad guys get it
all back in the end? I was just wondering what the hell you
people think your really doing over there worshipping oh..
nothing in particular, while openly stealing America's blood
and treasure from freedom fighting liberators - The unjustly
dying "Army of One" fellows?
/ / In other words, the Israeli generals sent their young
conscripts over the Lebanese border with the intention that
they be captured or die, all in order to create the excuse for
the pre-planned attack on Lebanon. I'm sure the relatives of
the soldiers are proud of them, on the assumption that their
sacrifice was made to protect [anti-Jew Zionist] Israel. \ \
/ / We're told another soldier was kidnapped by Hamas and that
the kidnappers dug a tunnel 650 meters under sand in order to
accomplish this. This is bullshit. \ \
/ / And on-going spiteful acts of destruction are reported.
"Most commonly, Israeli tanks are driving over and flattening
cars whether on the streets or parked on pavements in front of
residences. Personal property inside houses is being
destroyed in house-to-house searches." \ \
/ / Israel is a big military base established on stolen land,
any "right" the world has given it to exist is in violation
of, not in compliance with, universal standards of justice.\ \
What is a war crime good for anyway?
/ / The kidnapping of the Israeli corporal is a well known
fact. This "news" has been around the world more times than a
keyhole satellite. It was used as a pretext for Israeli
troops and equipment to move back into Gaza. What most DON'T
know is the very day before, the Israelis kidnapped a
physician and another member of his family. Their whereabouts
and status remain unknown. \ \
It has been widely suggested by the available evidence, that
the Zionists originally sent the anti-Semitic soldiers on a
suicide mission into Lebanon, to lie American Christians into
giving even more to them to victimize further US. Zionists
would kill confused stupid Jews for the easy cash too, see?
Nobody puts me up on a cross without a fight to your finish.
Condi, demon witch, NEVER ELECTED, demands Israel be allowed
to continue indiscriminately MURDER US. Has she not seen ANY
footage recently of the bombing in Beirut? Or the targeting
of the Red Cross? Schools? Of course she has. DEMONIC
ISRAEL states they, as Humanity's enemy, would never target
the UN, but will indiscriminately murder whomever should live
in this region of ours as the godly and innocent BETRAYED.
They suggested that Hezzbollah was secretly near there, solely
on the testimony discovered after the event, from a guy that
is now dead. Additionally, this group of observers would be
likely, truly counting terrorist strikes from their vantage
point impartially, if they hadn't been murdered deliberately.
Start acting honorably with the hunting to arrest or kill
escaping zionist neocon terrorist enemies, my American Patriot
Giving Birth to Monster
/ / The Palestinians are not my enemies, nor are the Lebanese.
You, have become my enemy. And I will fight you, and so will
many other sane people around the world. But let's look again
at what Rice said: a "New Middle East." What could she have
meant by that? Just what kind of Middle East can you have
when Israel is systematically ethnically cleansing the region
of - well... anybody but Israelis. And there's your answer.
That is, after all, the vision of Israel. And so we see just
what kind of "New Middle East" Condoleezza Rice is talking
about: she is pregnant and giving birth to a Monster. \ \
Condi's position to forbid any cease-fire, is to say Peace is
NEVER possible with HER in charge. See, a stop to
hostilities, is no way to end a war against You as the
INNOCENT EVER. Death after trial to Condi for 911.
Israel, the Nazi State
Look, Israel states that because they kidnap innocent persons,
while thieving as demon enemies to Christ, Hitler was right in
gassing the Jews. Why? Because they bomb Lebanon to punish
US, the godly as innocent, stating that would be the correct
thing to do by god. But they are wrong. Why? Being Jewish
is antithetical to the demonic zionist CRIMINAL cause. Israel
is not a "Jewish" state, but that of an ungodly regime that
treats ALL People as G-d unfairly. See?, Israel states
Lebanon has two democratically elected Hezbollah members, "The
Liberators", therefore all the other millions or so people are
up for murder as freedom fighters under their Zionist war
criminal nazi dictate, doing Hitler's banker proud. What is
the crime in wanting to liberate your nation from a bunch of
thieves that plan to treat all others as second class
citizens? With no rights to scream for war crime trials
against the true Nazis? One more time: Okay - so Israel is
saying killing Jews would be the thing to do, because Israel
tells US, all religious Hezbollah relationships deserve
executions, while all "Jews", support blindly without room for
question, the "Jewish" State's FUNDAMENATALIST dictate always.
So, since the "Jewish" State supports firing rockets, or
dropping bombs on the innocent in hospitals, schools,
churches, and cars, therefore, like Israel says, all religious
Jews in relationship should be found executed without trial,
like Israel has determined for the determinate value of the
Human population in Lebanon. See, Israel would say, - all
People who fight for fairness through freedom by Justice, are
just guilty because they're not blindly "Jewish" - UNEQUAL in
Rights -, and as such, would fight back for fairness as the
innocent being robbed if Israel didn't try to murder more of
them as WE keep coming. See?, Zionist Israel would say for
all of US, all Jews hate all of God, therefore we're all
worthy of indiscriminate bombing, for what if WE, all people
being of Love, stood up for our rights, as the Human
bloodline? US all, the godly innocent by scriptures, will
defeat the criminal values of the Zionist. A zionist LIAR
profiting off our God as the Innocent suffering, must not be
allowed to remain victimizing. Where is the care for the
murder victims that Israeli soldiers have caused? The
zionists being ungodly war criminals who congratulate such
wicked viciousness against the innocent families in Lebanon or
Gaza?, I thought we left these Nazis defeated after WWII, but
look as Zionist Israel expressing itself reminiscently of the
uncaring deeds Hitler's regime did, with concentration campers
victimized for theft. Israel is being pure nazi EVIL as enemy
of the Jew, the TRUE Jew. Zionism isn't tenable. Jews don't
murder Jews just because they're Jews, for, that would be
suicide. (Did I tell you Peres is the actually for real,
genuine Devil dealer playing US all wrong super duper stupidly
now?) Why should Lebanon's democracy be punished by those who
call such ungodly criminal action as justified? Peres, the
DEVIL, just says Israeli terrorist actions are 'justified',
with no need to explain to un-biased zionist newscasters not
interested in defending ourselves from indiscriminate
carnage. No, the bushmob gives them more bombs to assist in
further war crimes. See? the antichrist and Donald "Sexy
cluster dud dropper" Rumsfeld get killed undefended American
kids for the easy cash. And let me tell you, it is easy!
These so called American Patriot Soldiers are total dumfuks,
dying for nothing but their personal cowardice and betrayal.
Just look at what corporate America is doing in support of
democracy in Mexico, or Haiti, or Uzbekistan. Do you think
FOXNews disregard for their freedoms, aren't attitudes they
would have with them when they forbid to report the demon
antichrist, the American Cop killer George Walker Bush wasn't
even verifibly elected in Johnny's America?
America: Death to the bushites, death to Our enemies. Or,
more innocent people will fall dead as murder victims because
of Your apparent confusion on this freedom from bushite enemy
tyranny, they murder US issue. These bushite zionists are
LYING to your American child through our magic tvs, while the
zionist company, Aegis is OFFICIALLY getting the MARINES
killed FOR SURE, in your Name, for a fast bushite buck. Now,
WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT??! Jesus would suggest talk
radio, or perhaps is it as true American, you can't be
bothered to try Yourself either. Whatever, later.
Your Freedom Loving Bushite Jailer,
Johnny Wizard - The Son of Man, King to Jews
/ / Those messages say: "from the children of Israel to the
children of Lebanon". Can any one explain this... What is
this madness? \ \
The zionist enemy tries to steal the soul of Jewish children,
but WE ain't buying. All children are God's children, and
zionists, we see, would kill not only Our children, but even
their 'own' for a fast bushite buck. Well, and, sadly, I
suppose, many Americans would do so also. [you probably
missed the video of bushite soldier families cheering at the
prospect of never ending war to sacrifice their kids for.. [on
hopes of course they'll get that big fat life insurance
pay check. [That never comes. [.]]]]
The Son of God HATES evil soulless enemy bushite vermins.
/ / Israel orders the people in the south to evacuate their
villages: when the people try to leave their villages Israel
targets them with Apache helicopters and kills them \ \
/ / Was it wrong for Hezbollah to defend their country and
chase Israel from Lebanese soil? Is that terrorism? \ \
Nazi Israel bans reporting of use of "unique" weapons in Lebanon
While enemy FOXNews compLIES.
Death to Our Enemies
Again, soldiers everywhere, my friends, CBC, CNN, and FOXNews
Zionist demon liar broadcasters KNOW the bushmob did 911, but
forbid US to communicate freely for Justice. Instead, they
wish US to war against each other for their demonic pleasures.
Instead of US needlessly slaughtering ignorant ungodly bushite
dumfuks, let's support the FBI's conclusion, on who TRULY
funded the terrorist operations of 911 to nab the REAL EVIL
doers. Or, suffer more from the tyrannies of YOUR cowardice
to stand up for yourself as worth something. With FOXNews
broadcasting about the terrible evils of tin can rockets,
while forbidding US to witness the TERRORIST carnage in
Lebanon, is an insult to every Child loving Human Being.
FOXNews enemy David Hunt 'Do as many Hezbollah like killing as you
Nazi Israel 'Lebanese Christians and Jews are indistinguishable from
The actual DEVIL! (Peres) 'no civilians or infrastructure is being
Justice for God
"Demon enemies to God are committing acts of terrorism, hunt
to kill the zionist enemy liars of the Jew" - King of the Jews
War criminals need to be found executed as enemies to Humanity.
911 war criminal Condoleezza Rice 'no cease-fire against the innocent'
911 war criminal antichrist bush snickering 'it's Syria's fault we're
giving nazis more bombs'
Peres the !DEVIL! 'no civilians or infrastructure is targeted'
Enemy FOXNews hannity 'ALL civilians are legitimate targets for
MURDER because they might be hiding weapons in their basements'
Remember: Hezbollah liberated Lebanon from nazi thieving savages.
Lebanon, a nation who then, after becoming liberated, became a
Nazi Israel, enemy of God and the Jew, has nazi soldiers
targeting all truck drivers in Lebanon for murder, apartment
buildings and Public infrastructure, and therefore, MY
Humanity, God's Humanity, will not stop until every last nazi
Israeli responsible for such terrorist targeting will be
executed as REAL war criminals. Those who support the
continuing censorship of the clearly documented, ungodly
criminality of the thieving Zionist will be hunted down by US
all, and pay with their Satanic lives instead of our innocent
own held forsaken in God's name. Death to the bushite, death
to our enemies.
FBI: Zionist antichrist Bush's buddy, General Ahmad funded
911's hijacker Atta. And bush had immediately closed, all
outstanding criminal investigations regarding the terrorist
event of 911. A TRAITOR to ALL American 'dumfuk' Soldiers.
Nazi Israel, the thieving enemies to God, has thousands in
prison as the kidnapped, and regularly, as Zionist enemy of
the Christians, shoots indiscriminately into Palestine for
their TRUE demonic pleasure. Where is their love for any God
when they murder as they have done in Lebanon? Where is their
love for any God when they steal as they have done in Gaza?
/ / "Can one be a follower of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him)
the great Messenger of God . . . and at the same time have
countries attacked? The lives, reputations and possessions of
people destroyed and on the slight chance of the presence of a
few criminals in a village, city or convoy, for example, the
entire village, city or convoy set ablaze?" he writes.
Indeed, I've been wondering the same thing myself. \ \
/ / It is time America understood Hezbollah for what it really
is, not what the Israelis and their Zionist friends say it is.
Unfortunately, our President, Bush, and Conde Rice,
misunderstand, or prefer to remain ignorant of, the truth
about Hezbollah. \ \
/ / 9/11 was an act of high treason and mass murder, and media
figures complicit in the cover-up will be viewed, a few years
hence, the way we now view Dr. Goebbels. The last time a
bunch of empire-builders tried to trample on our rights, we
had a little uprising called the American Revolution. It's
time for another one. Let's kick it off with another Boston
Tea Party-a little red-white-and-blue version of
V-for-Vendetta-and throw the whole Fox News crew[...] \ \
/ / July 20, 2006 -- WMR reported that the Israeli military
was using poison gas on villages in south Lebanon. According
to a former U.S. weapons expert who served in Iraq, the
artillery shell in a photo taken in Lebanon (below) is a
chemical weapon delivery device. \ \
An American nation without a disciplined belief in Justice or
God, is a nation that will fall to terror under it's own will
What Israel is doing in Lebanon is what bushite term "Terrorism".
/ / But where are the Christians? Why is Pope Benedict
virtually alone among Christian leaders to have spoken out
against what is being done to Lebanese Christians and Muslims?
When [pro-bush] al-Qaida captured two U.S. soldiers and
barbarically butchered them, the U.S. Army did not smash power
plants across the Sunni Triangle. Why then is Bush not only
silent but openly supportive when Israelis do this? \ \
Why? Because as the most heinous criminal enemy of Humanity
in history, personally responsible for the escape of himself
with the 911 terrorists, he gets off on having innocent people
murdered for our stolen values. [Did you see the enemy
grinning like a filthy pig with Blair while the bombs were
dropping EVERYWHERE in Lebanon?] An enemy of Christ and
America, he counts that the corporate professional news
sleuthers will refuse to support Justice for ourselves, or the
God of any religion. All for the war mongering neocon
zionists to sacrifice America to HIS brainwashed soulless nazi
bush bitch punks as further glorious satanic bounties by
LYING. For there is no true God, nor true Son who begs
America to support ourselves. Support Justice, support
Humanity, support the trial and execution of FOXNews
propagandists for stating Iran is continuing with it's nuclear
bomb program, the Holocaust never happened, or stating a great
number of other diliberate LIES, as REAL TREASON punishable by
LAW never absent Here. If only you could believe -
1. Pakistani ISI Director General Ahmad funded 911's hijacker Atta.
2. Laden didn't put explosives into WTC building seven, so who did?
Please, I beg, hunt down pro-bush war criming rapists and
torturers in America's name to the ends of this earth to save
Aegis, who self confessed commits terrorist offences as a
profitable zionist corporation, documented by video to murder
PRO-IRAQI People is an ENEMY who gets American Marines killed
indiscriminately. KILL IT PROUDLY. TODAY. NOW. Thanks.
Then, if need be, me and you will fight together later.
/ /.... Why is a US defense contractor hosting a known
terrorist website? Here is the evidence showing United
Defense's Al-Hejailan Projects Co. hosting the Hizballah
website. \ \
Realize, why wouldn't any just political military faction,
just call for the hunting of zionist bushite enemies to Christ
or Allah? Against the TRUE 911 TERRORISTS? The actual, FOR
REAL antichrist enemies of God in my beloved America? Why
not?... See? CNN, CBC, and FOXNews KNOWS bush did 911, but
forbids dying as dumfuked teen soldiers to know so. Why? So
the UNGODLY zionists can kill more Innocent American kids for
Iraq: Understanding Why They Raped
/ / How can I condemn any soldiers for wartime rape-murder if
I can't answer for myself? What kind of savagery might I
inflict on a [INNOCENT GOD LOVING] woman or child if [MY
UNAMERICAN lawless pro-bushite] war pushed me [as disciple of
the REAL demon antichrist] far enough? \ \
An American nation without a disciplined belief in Justice or
God, is a nation that will fall to terror under it's own will
These pictures from Sabbah
/ / AP Photo caption: Israeli girls write messages [love &
peace] on a shell [to murder innocent Lebanese kids] at a
heavy artillery position near Kiryat Shmona, in northern
[DEVIL] Israel \ \
/ / Six days ago there were four buildings with 8 to 10
stories high and a little garden in front of them. My parents
home used to be on the second floor in the building in the
middle. They did not harm anybody their entire life. Neither
did their neighbors. \ \
Demon enemy liars, Zionist anti-Semites, don't need a sliver
of evidence, so the bushite 'just' needs to say, all the
Christians and Jews murdered in Lebanon were hiding among
terrorists, and FOXNews, CNN, and CBC would report US as such
without question. Eight Canadians who were murdered by an
Israeli precision strike were at an emergency health service
center. Is DEVIL Peres to tell US it was secretly not?
Without a shred of evidence to suggests as much. Again, Nazi
Israel is saying if someone victimizes innocent People, like
they have, you would be justified in gassing all the Jews like
Hitler did. And touché, the Zionist neocon best bud bush,
had the grand dad who was Hitler's banker. But, well, who
cares really for the FACTS right lawless "American" citizen?
I told you, pro-antichrist Zionist Peres - is the actual DEVIL!
"It all started on July 12 when Israel troops were ambushed on
Lebanon's side of the border with Israel."
"In a deliberated way, Tsahal sent a commando in the Lebanese
back-country to Aïta Al Chaab. It was attacked by Hezbollah,
making two prisoners."
"If they want to hit Hezbollah, let them hit Hezbollah, but not
the civilians. But civilians are all that they are hitting."
That's because as the ungodly enemy of Jews, [see Old
Testament], feel they can escape murdering innocent god loving
people to thieve from as zionists, for CNN, CBC, and FOXNews
forbids the truth from being reported. The CRIMINAL Israeli
zionist government THEIVES innocent peoples homes. Period.
Bush closed outstanding CRIMINAL investigations immediately
after the terrorist events of 911. Period.
/ / If they are so sure they "won," why do they oppose a full
recount? \ \
Israel is saying that Hitler was right in Gassing the Jews.
Thousands of people are held kidnapped in prison in Israel,
without any trial, no evidence is brought against them. They
the Zionists, encourage you to follow their mode of reasoning.
You can slaughter everybody in Israel, and they'd say, "Well
yah, that's what likudniks do too. We totally agree with you.
That is the proper course of action to do, indiscriminate
murder campaigns, against our family and friends, for we do
not believe in a just cause, or a loving God."
They say they're justified in slaughtering the Jews in
Lebanon, because they say a soldier has been kidnapped and
moved on to Iran immediately, it's all Syria's fault, but they
can kill Jews and Christians in Lebanon endlessly. And yet,
the Lebanese government in power apposes the victimization of
innocent people. While Nazi Israeli accusation after
accusation is given to G-d without a shred of evidence. Nadda.
Enemies of God in anti-Semitic zionist Israel say, it's
appropriate to kill innocent people in Lebanon because they
hold thousands in prison without trial or evidence. Oops, no,
that's nazi Israel,.. I mean because some outside faction
kidnapped a nazi soldier and ferreted him immediately to Iran.
An action Syria is completely responsible for. So, what do
they do? Nazi Israel murders innocent Christians and Jews.
So, as the nazis did, these enemies of Creation believe
mankind does not have the will or the power to speak in
defense of the innocent like Christ is, for our corporate
media masters forbids our truths to be spack freed.
REMEMBER: ZIONIST CBC, CNN, and FOXNews managements know as
Creation's ENEMIES, according to the FBI, demon antichrist
George Walker Bush's business partner, General Mahmoud Ahmad
funded 911's terrorist network - that murdered thousands of
Innocent Americans held worthless to their bottom lines.
Two seriously dishonorable cops are refusing to defend
Canada's interests, and are threatening the freedoms of me and
my friends. Likely, as cowards who refuse to support the FBI,
side with TRUE TERRORIST fascist enemy forces. I am told,
soon, they are going to attempt fraudulently arresting me,
PIRATING WINNIPEG'S JUSTICE SYSTEM, in support of demon bush's
mass murdering rapist traitors. Now, likely, Winnipeg's local
papers, who criminally cash in on stolen revenues taken from
elderly lottery players, will refuse to inform our Winnipeg
citizenry, soldiers included, that I have been arrested here
in CANADA at the top secret fascist nazi police state request
of George W. Bush and Rumsfeld, because of my public
statements in support of REAL FBI officers, and those two
demons direct culpability for the terrorist crimes of 911.
Please, help yourself, by helping me gain true Justice for our
World community. The ONLY way that they can deprive me my
freedom, is to deny YOURSELF justice on this matter. Please
suport the right cause, and defend myself from those who
insist on aiding and abetting the terrorist crimes of the Bush
Pakistani ISI Director General Ahmad orders an aide to wire
transfer about $100,000 to hijacker Atta. Ahmad later resigns
after the transfer is disclosed in India and confirmed by the
FBI. [Dawn, 10/8/01, Times of India, 10/9/01, Wall Street
Journal, 10/10/01, AFP, 10/10/01]
Please, help yourself by forwarding this, my last post to
everyone everywhere, to defend America, to defend FBI officers
who do their job to the best of their ability, and to defend
myself, the Innocent left forsaken.
Look who's been kidnapped!
/ / To this very day, there are hundreds of prisoners rotting
in Shin Bet prisons and dungeons, people who have never been
- and never will be - tried. And Israelis are silently resolved
to this phenomenon. \ \
A cotush rocket doesn't go more than 37 miles. [20 is MAX 12 is norm]
The nation who harbored the attack in Hi-the, is Israel. Nazi
Israel's reason for killing INNOCENT Christians and Jews in
Northern Lebanon is wrong, and rightly, the likudniks should
be bombing THIEF likudniks, who as alleged by their own words
and actions, have failed to reign in terrorism within their
own borders. [The "craters" in Hi-the measured to be near about
12 inches in diameter.]
The King of the Jews
Hello Humanity, how are you doing?, Johnny Wizard here. I
guess as good as can be expected, considering Israel is still
bombing People indiscriminately. Targeting primarily
Christian and Jews who live in Northern Lebanon. They're
going to punish the government too, when they told US the
soldier prisoner was ferreted over to Iran, and it's all
Syria's fault that this is taking place. So they can kill
near half a billion, not involved innocent People and be
'justified'. Cause the demon antichrist, George Walker Bush
said, Israel has a right to defend herself, all nations do,
against terrorist activities. So Israel can bomb whoever,
doesn't matter. Cause Iran said, their allegations they have
are totally baseless. But, corporate bushite america doesn't
go by facts. [Ahmad funded 911's Atta]. The reason Israel
can not broker a honorable settlement for Peace, is because
they're dishonorable. They STEAL innocent peoples homes.
Corporate America will never show Americans that. Why?
Because as soon as you learn it, the arguments are over. You
know, well, that's a CRIME.
Under American Law, these demon bushites would be gloriously
executed. Like the TERRORISTS Tim Spicer and Cofer Black
would be also, along with the neocons responsible for 911.
But American corporate media masters is going down the way of
lawless bushite nazi grunt contusions, a satanic demon force
that American People refuse to defend themselves over with
just causes.
American tax payers are paying for the indiscriminate mass
murder of the innocent people of our Earth, while bushite
corporate american newscasters continue to tell US, the bad
guys responsible have done nothing wrong with bushite
weaponry. For, the pro-lawless bushite enemies of God's once
great Creation allege the only terrorist destruction taking
place is in ignorant American tax paid for anti-Semitic
Israel. BUSHITES know the neocons did 911, and as TRAITORS
feel American men are not MAN enough to hunt them down and
kill them to defend our falling murdered loving innocent
families. Please help our forsaken God.
/ / Don't care about the innocent Iraqi men that PANTANO
murdered, confessed already as done by PANTANO, completely.
All the evidence is in. Read his own statements. He can not
be a better friend, to someone he is opening thieving from as
bushite enemy. That's the best friendship he can extend to
ANYONE on this planet. And that's what his America is all
about. Don't take my word for it, listen to PANTANO! \ \
60 Afghan civilians dead in US air strikes
/ / "No, there was no civilian injured, and we have no report
to support the claim," said Tamara Lawrence, spokesperson of
the coalition. The US military in a press release issued
Monday said that the coalition attacks had left more than 40
extremists dead in villages 10 km away from Trinkot. \ \
Almost in the same sentence. Tamara Lawrence claims those
that wish to support the FBI to protect America though
Justice, are up for murder by the ungodly criminal "lawless"
antiChrist forces, claiming YOU and your innocent children,
will be just uncivilized extremists, not worthy of life, but
only their ungodly hatred for Freedom in America.
/ / In May, the coalition dropped bombs in Afghanistan on no
fewer than 750 occasions, more than the ordnance dropped in
Iraq. \ \
/ / When Is a 14-Year-Old Girl a 'Woman'? \ \
/ / Hail the [lawless bushite anti-}American heroes... \ \
Make It So
Look, my friends, bushite are the real enemy. They refuse to
allow open discussions in our newspapers and radio TV
broadcasts. I know a producer at the CBC, Canadian's
Broadcast Corporation, a producer that was promptly 'let go'
for starting on a informative depleted uranium program to
attempt educating Our DYING teen Soldiers. Cancelled DEAD.
Trust me please. CNN, CBC, and FOXNews corporate managements
know, bush and the neocons did 911, but as the contemptibly
ungodly, it's only YOUR LIFE they are willing to sadistically
sacrifice for more criminal ill gotten gains as the TRULY
Satanic. They rarely have any true power, but for to know
they secretly work to have you murdered for the Antichrist.
While, I, as Creator, am Life and Death. So, needless to say,
I know what I speak to be so really. I am willing to do
public presentations through our media against any or all
bushites, for we are Self created as the Earth's Supreme
bushite educator/executioner, but the worthless millionaire
media masters, don't want US to win by freely communicating
truly see? Why? They, in a free market place of ideas, would
have nothing we would willingly buy from them as our
sell-outs. We'd have not to pay for free energy, free water,
or, free love.
Look, bushites are consciously aware that they are, enemies of
all Human beings as the TRULY ungodly. Bush bitch E-N-E-M-Y
George Norry KNOWS Ahmad funded Atta, but forbids DYING
America to know so as TRAITORS to themself. It's like when
Cheney lobbed Publicly for torturing innocent people as a
bushite enemy's pleasure. A crime that Reagan DID MAKE LAW
that STANDS STILL in Johnny's America, to now have demanded
life term prison sentences against ALL bushites who would
treasonously fight as such, and death to those who directly
participate in the murder of an innocent other.
Make it so.
'Joke' song about Iraqi [innocent child] killings to be recorded
/ / A [satanic bushite] radio talk-show host is to record and
release a song written by a [thieving] US Marine corporal about
killing [innocent childhood] members of an Iraqi family. \ \
A song celebrating the murder of innocent children sung by
proud to be enemies of God.. a big smash hit or bomb perhaps
inside the dying new Antichrist demon "lawless" America? Fuck,
do I HATE BUSHITE with everything I am as me. DIE BUSHITE DIE.
...INNOCENT Prisoners being interrogated by BUSHITE at Guantánamo have
· sexually harassed and raped or threatened with rape;
· beaten [likely to death, for 'escapes' 'later' get found dead];
· tortured at bases abroad before transfer to Guantánamo;
· threatened with transfer to a foreign country, for torture;
· held in solitary confinement for periods exceeding a year;
· deprived of medical treatment for serious conditions, or allowed
treatment only on the condition that they "cooperate" with
· deprived of sleep for days and weeks and, in at least one case,
· exposed to prolonged temperature EXTREMES;
· routinely "short-shackled" for hours and even days during
Johnny on CPAC
little sister and put her in front of me . . as the bullets
began to fly, the blood sprayed from between her eyes, and
then I laughed maniacally." [, then were heard the cheers of
godless bushite dumfuk traitors obscening to God and Man as
the unholy enemy.]
What ever happened to butterfly kisses after evening prayers?
Are you telling me, an American Father, wouldn't gloriously
kill this lawless bushite enemy and his demonic ilk, for our
love of girls everywhere? Or, how about the UNARRESTED
soldiers we witnessed on video beat shoeless children
practically to death while laughing and cheering? Or like
those that speak zero defenses for Haditha's confessed MASS
MURDERING irrational women and child killers? The REAL demons
CONFESS to going into a house, WITHOUT reasoned approach, and
slaughtering an entire INNOCENT family.. for nothing but
their lifeless SATANIC pleasures. The 'cause'? "The [mass
murdered unarmed innocent neighbor's] back door was open.."
To, for God, gloriously, with love, kill these un-arrested
murderous continuing ungodly bushite nazi savages, is to war the
TRUE enemies of Humanity to save the lives of our precious loved
ones. Please help US, please help God, and bag a demon LIAR
bushite to defeat the 911 "escaping" terrorists, the enemies
of America, the enemies of Johnny, the enemies of Life.
Again, these very same thieving bushites of Haditha, admit
Publicly also to targeting for indiscriminate MURDER, the
innocent Peoples of Fallujah, and insist, that's what all
bushite soldiers do most normally in combat for the antiChrist
EVIL George Walker Bush - the thieving traitor forces siding
against our great God's Creation, being led lowly as fascist
nazi cowards, too weak and afraid to defend US innocent in war
time. A "lawless" bushite soldier wars in contempt of all
logic and reason as EVERYONE'S ENEMY.
/ / She was afraid, she told her mother. Her unspeakable
tragedy illustrates a basic fact of [bushite enemy]
occupation: Iraqi civilians are at the mercy of immature
young Americans [truly soulless bushite rapists, the "lawless"
disciples of the for real demon antichrist, 911's Mr. bush
Jr.] with guns. They have no rights. \ \
See, the bushite enemies, claim they can not be found
accountable to a RULE of Law. "Lawless" the demon enemies
claim to armed freedom fighting American Patriots. ANYONE in
America's America, who claims bushite grunts can not be found
accountable, such as the likes of a Tim Spicer at Aegis, Cofer
Black at Blackwater, or South African death squad goons, shoot
dead as our sworn enemies my brother. PANTANO claims he can
not be judged publicly by God or America, as a war criminal
who freely admits he murdered AT LEAST two unarmed innocent
Iraqis for no justified reason. He, as bushite enemy, states
instead, he has been "acquitted" for the first degree murders,
without any criminal American judge judging so. Just him and
his nazi lover, his bush bitch bum buddy whore everyone is
gunning for, Maj. Gen. Richard Huck, enemy commander of the
2nd Marine Division based at CAMP LEJEUNE. These two enemies
of Freedom feel that America must be denied Justice for
Humanity under the tyrannies of their treasonous bushite
CRIMINAL decree. Why not just execute the lowly traitors
instead my friends, and in that process, potentially free
millions of lives, as something truly flag waving
Pro-American? Death to the bushites, death to our enemies who
claim Justice un-attainable by our standards not there
presently commanding our moral courage as outrage.
Johnny Wizard
p.s. The crimes of bushite, are the crimes CNN claims are
crimes of the terrorist enemies in Iraq. Corporate america sucks.
Pope Paul IV, "If you want peace, work for justice"
/ / See the bushite liar enemy of Liberty and freedom who
denies this Justice, then feel glad to kill it for your love
of a real God suffering. \ \
They go, "Yah, but we were elected.", yah, but you didn't tell
us you were going to be a traitor when you took office.
George Bush did 911 with General Ahmad, according to the FBI
Know, that all the emails that foxnews take from the Public,
all the emails that cbc takes from the Public, and all the
emails that cnn takes from the Public, have received my posts.
Stating, George Walker Bush did 911 with General Ahmad,
according to the FBI, and our corporate news professionals,
don't want our soldiers to know that. They'd rather see them
die as cowards, as enemies of Freedom, assisting the
terrorists who committed mass murder in our names back in New
York City on 911.
FBI says, 'No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11'
"The FBI gathers evidence. Once evidence is gathered, it
is turned over to the Department of Justice. The Department
of Justice than decides whether it has enough evidence to
present to a federal grand jury. In the case of the 1998
United States Embassies being bombed, bin Laden has been
formally indicted and charged by a grand jury. He has not
been formally indicted and charged in connection with 9/11
because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting bin Laden to
CNN's Anderson Cooper broadcast on July 3rd, 2006
"bin Laden's got company, and it isn't pretty. Terrorists,
polygamists, and just plain thugs. Inside the FBI's 10 Most
Wanted. How they track down and capture some the worst
criminals in the world. Tonight, on 360."
Bring it On! - A Vet Speaks Out
" Before you start on the Taliban supported Bin Laden drivel
though, show me ANYWHERE on the FBI most wanted terrorist
page ANY information linking OBL specifically with the events
of 911."
Neocon bush bitches, who work at our private news corporate
headquarters, are traitors to Christ as TRUE enemies to the
American flag, freedom as Justice for US all. The fair minded
Son of a God included.
In August 2001, a month before 911, Collin Powell gave the
Taliban 43 million dollars. So, why don't you arrest Collin
Powell?, why shouldn't Collin Powell be bombed? With a
thousand pound bomb, and kill, you know, everybody else who
lives in his village too, because he's a "Taliban". WHY? You
see? you go, "Well, yah, that's true, it's completely
documented correct 100 percent, but, it doesn't fit in with
our bullshit demon lies - that serve the demon antichrist who
kills our kids for cash! Undefended kids for the continuing
big cash withdrawals regarding Your personal inaction to
support ourselves on this Justice for our Humanity subject.
The windfalls of tyranny can be quite staggering when you
don't think about it actually costing you something.
We had to call the Chief News director at Al-jezzerah.
/ / In an even more bizarre twist, just hours before the tape
was found and aired by AlJazeera, Colin Powell announced in
the US Senate that a "Bin Laden tape is coming proving Iraq's
links with Al-Qaeda. \ \
Strangely, this uruknet.com writer, was not aware that the
Chief News Director at aljazeerah or aljazira or aljazeera or
aljazeerah or.., didn't have the Mr. Powell tape in their
possession, until hours after he, Mr. Powell, pronounced they
had already received the tape clandestinely, through the same
single top secret channel they always have. And, second,
where did this quote "Bin Laden tape is COMING proving Iraq's
links with Al-Qaeda." come from as recorded before the Laden
tape showed up late? I'd wager that quote didn't show up
until after the prime event in question, because I had no
recollection. For, it wasn't believed by Powell, that they
hadn't the tape already from "Al-Qaida", he had previously
heard of.. mistakenly. Specifically. From somebody. Whom?
Unless, perhaps, Powell speaks a poor Arabic..
/ / Powell claimed to have an audio tape proving that Saddam was
supporting Osama Bin Laden. But independent translation of
the tape revealed Osama's wish for Saddam's death. \ \
According to whom?
/ / Although no where in the tape, so-called ``Bin Laden''
referred to his alliance with Saddam Hussein of Iraq, the US
media and government are DESCRIBING IT AS A PROOF
[nonetheless] to their allegations that Saddam has links with
Al-Qaeda. \ \
Just before the ending to neocon Zarqawi, Zarqawi released a
four hour tape. FOUR HOURS! And in it, he as per-usual
advocates the INDISCRIMINATE murder of innocent Iraqis, but
then he did something else. He advocated "Al-Qaida" to not
even bother targeting American forces for now. No lie.
[Think of all those that co-operated with Rumsfeld for 911, or
Spector for JFK, and how certainly, they could not be trusted
for blabbing as dishonorable thieves,.. right? Work for a
zionist neocon enemy of Life, and they'll steal from
themselves behind your back, when nobody is looking, every
Then, the new and improved Laden series came out, praising
Zarqawi's wise words! While, 'without reason' correcting the
Zarqawi parlance - by killing three American Soldiers right
off, just to make it look good for the zionist neocon
traitors. Pfc. Kristian Menchaca, 23, of Houston, and Pfc.
Thomas L. Tucker, 25, of Madras, Ore., "killed in a barbaric
way.", and Spc. David J. Babineau, 25, of Springfield,
Mass., all were from the 101st Airborne Division out of Fort
Campbell, Kentucky. Left alone on the most dangerous
intersection in the entire Middle East. Who was the proud to
be front line decision maker worrying for bush's thiefdum of
demon liars I say? Doesn't want to talk freely eh...
Was he just like this bushite illusioning escapist, rapist and
murderer? http://www.cair-net.org/images/lcpl11.jpg
New laws to punish whistle blowers
/ / He wants longer jail sentences and the removal of a key
legal defence of "necessity" for whistleblowers. \ \
Look, the government has to live up to obeying the law. So,
to disclose a government official's criminal wrong doing, is
to uphold the Constitution or the Flag, and certainly not as
FoxNews or the American Supreme Court would proclaim,
treasonous to their ungodly criminal kind.
Did you know that a bushite liar will victimize anybody,
including a fellow bushite liar for a stolen nickel as our
Humanity's dumfuk nazi enemies? A good bushite, is a lifeless
dead bushite WAR CRIMINAL, halted from further victimizing our
innocent Humanity. Death to the murderous bushite, death to
America's true terrorist enemies.
Ariel Sharon, before he died, was caught personally involved
in the criminal attempt to blow up the Mexican Congress with
dynamite - as a bonifide war mongering terrorist leader of
america's Holocaust denying, cowardly nazi lying Israeli
racist military don't you know. What?, too many worlds?
Can I help everyone single handedly take over the news word
with good old reasons, namely, our own presently?.. Measure
is good to me. Evidence is the formulation of ANYONE'S guilt,
EVIL bushite demon liars spew otherwise as our criminally
benefacting ungodly enemies. Traitors. WE, THE PEOPLE,
instead, want to nab the true, evil doing terrorists from the
criminal acts committed in our names in New York City on 911.
Starting with everyone of the criminally malfeasant - War
Criming Bush Administration. Held without sails until we can
together, talk politically this thing through internationally
with powerful words on Justice. All stolen Iraqi assets will
be tracked down religiously, then returned with interest,
while emergency food, water, and health care provisions will
be trucked in by the cargo holds, paid for additionally, by
the stolen funds that will be returned through treasonous
price-fixing Halliburton. Har har.
By the way, Joe, how are the funds? can you front me a couple
a'grand, so I can attempt to hire some constitutional lawyers
for my legal defense up here in, we love Canada? Then, as a
plus, we can go on to save the world? With a detailed, let's
just wing it, Justice for All including Johnny strategy?
Have I told you it's a-l-m-o-s-t becoming acceptable to go to
prison here in corporately censored North America for simply
being a truth telling Human, as real Justice is?, Godly?
Chris Mathews, Olberman, and the rest of you lot from the
comedy channels, make way, here comes Johnny Jesus! Holy Fff!
5 GIs probed in Iraq rape, killings
Chicago Sun-Times
" The official said the rape and killings appear to have
been a ''crime of opportunity,'' noting that the [lawless
pro-bushite] soldiers had not been attacked by insurgents but
had noticed the woman. [undefended by a real man]"
"Support Our Troops"
" "That phrase [Support Our Troops] has become associated
with the uncritical, unthinking, blind support of the American
position in Afghanistan and Iraq," he said. "It isn't just a
folksy saying any more. If they wanted us to be thinking of
the troops, perhaps that's what the T-shirts should say.""
US-led offensive in southern Afghanistan kills hundreds
" The Pentagon routinely describes all victims of military
operations as Taliban, even if they turn out to be women
and children."
/ / Interior Minister Roni Bar-On told Israel Radio: "Hamas
well understands ... that the sky will fall on them if they
harm Gilad Shalit." \ \
No demon enemy. Nazi Israel will murder, TERRORIZE, as they
have for decades, like nazis do, completely innocent people,
in no way connected to any alleged crime. Like the gas
chambers of the Holocaust, Likudniks murder helpless people on
the brink of starvation to thieve from as the ungodly. More
than 8000 missiles had been fired indiscriminately into Gaza
Since January 2006, and the request to release 1000
Palestinian prisoners, is of prisoners held without trial, or
evidence of any indictable offenses. Enemies of the Innocent,
enemies of Christ is what an anti-Semitic neocon thieving
likudnik TERRORIST is. Just read the Old Testament about
these LIAR demon G-d betrayers. No love for People anywhere,
especially Jews.
Besides, it is well documented, Hammas, was financially backed
by the Likudniks to destabilize a freeing people in the region
for criminal profits stolen from ignorant "Christian" American
tax payers.
" You see? you go, "Well, yah, that's true, it's completely
documented correct 100 percent, but, it doesn't fit in with
our bullshit demon lies - that serve the demon antichrist who
kills our kids for cash!"
Protecting Israel, Intimidating Congress, Lying to the
American People
"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in
Where is enslaved by the demon antiChrist America really truly going?
""A recent DOD investigation...identified a number of abuses, some of
them considered widespread, committed by DOD contractors or
subcontractors of third country national (TCN) workers in Iraq. Some
these abuses are indicative of trafficking in persons....""
Thank You Lt. Ehren Watada
"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in
Terror Expert: London Bomber Was Working For MI5
dying for lies no longer in disguise
Again, realize, FOX, CNN, and CBC will all in the thousands,
receive this information about 9/11's Ahmad, but will refuse
to support honorable Police officers, our Humanity's cause for
Freedom through Justice, or our beliefs in any religion.
They, as murderous sadists, fascists, obstruct Justice for
ourselves by refusing to report on the facts of why America
continues to fight, dying sacrificed, while censoring your
cries for understanding. FOXNews decisions don't formulate
our interests by relying upon documented TRUTHS as protections
about this silently dying as unfairly victimized world. Left
forsaken, in Your name..
""Al-Qaida in Iraq claimed responsibility for killing the
soldiers, " [..] i.e., World War Four, as plotted by the
neocons." Three soldiers left alone on the most dangerous
check point in Iraq? All of what any soldier singly
strategizes, thrown completely out the door without the
simplest considerations? Soldiers are dumb, true, but
generally, not that. Goes to show. Follow this..
See, it is now officially acknowledged worldwide, "Al-Qaida",
is just General Mahmoud Ahmad, bushite liar Kimmit, task force
626, and beheader Blackwater mercenaries who dress up as Arabs
for the easy money in getting Marines killed as the leaderless
bad guy dumfuks. How dumfuked? They, "The Marines", broke
out of prison two bushites that were dressed up as Arabs, who
were caught shooting at Iraqi police officers, in a car laced
with explosives to keep the war going for the neocon's P2OG.
TO GET MARINES KILLED. See?, total dumfuks. Or TRUE cowards.
"Lt Col Tim Spicer [the Aegis anti-Iraqi terrorist] asserts
that the soldiers who shot an unarmed teenager in the back,
having searched him, did no wrong. In our view this is a
totally unsuitable individual to be awarded such a
potentially controversial contract in Iraq."
"[COWARDLY] US troops take over mosque, turn it into a
headquarters for themselves in ar-Ramadi Saturday." See?
How stupid is that?
Why can they not stand up as real men, to war those truly
responsible for the cowardly terrorist acts of nine-eleven, or
the bombing of Samarra? No, as cowardly demonic enemies of
America, brag about murdering innocent women and children,
like, I'd kill him easy, Gunnery Sergeant John Merriman, "At
first I froze on seeing the civilian woman. She then crossed
back again with the child ["no older than 10"] and went behind
a wall. Within less than a minute a guy with an RPG came out
and fired at us from behind the same wall. This happened a
second time so I thought, 'Okay, I get it. Let her come out
again'. She did and this time I took her out with my M-16."
See? I'd joyously kill this dumfuk bushite in praise to God.
"Let her come out again". Think about it. Death to the
bushite, death to our enemies. To kill a bushite thief, is to
save the lives of the godly innocent they murder in our names.
Here's another, that any real man from any country, likewise
would kill instantly in defense of Freedom and Liberty.
"Mike Brooks was one of the commanders who had given the
order to shoot at civilian vehicles. It weighed on his mind,
even though he felt he had no choice but to do everything to
protect his marines from another ambush."
Weighed on his mind to indiscriminately commit mass murder?
Fuck you. See the bushite, you kill it for Christ, you kill
it for America, you kill it for the Love God has for children
everywhere. Die bushite die.
Who would have thought a soulless bushite slave would kill
another bushite slave for a stolen nickel that they likely
spooked from an undefended American grand parent, left still,
in the repuglicon clutches of the lawless demon anti-Christ?
I did. As does many others.
"Marine Airhart who quit in disgust of witnessing the truly
demonic behaviors of the bushite enemy forces "I was there
four months," he says of Guantanamo, "and there wasn't a day
that there wasn't some sort of prisoner-beating festivity
going on." "
Oh, and by the way, bushites are currently wishing to pirate
our public justice system here in Canada, and I might actually
go to prison fraudulently, for pro-totalitarian interests, as
the TRUE Leader of the Free World, all because You apparently
refuse to defend yourself by helping me out some. Private
interest media maestros don't want to tell our dying for bush
soldiers, our kids, that Ahmad funded 9/11's Atta. You dumb
bastards.. don't do this to yourself quietly. Knock knock.
Is it "Al-Qaida", or is it America? Nobody puts Baby in the
So, please, consider forwarding this post to church groups,
police stations, NRA members, biker gangs, and youth out-reaches.
For, our corporate news agencies refuse to defend ourselves
from the neocon terrorists responsible for 9/11. Do let them
escape my friends, don't let them escape.
Pentagon Details Abuse of Iraq Detainees
"Specific names and locations, including the identities of
the [bushite] military unit(s) [who criminally commit torture
against the innocent as traitors], were blacked out. "
People of Earth
The Son to God Speaks
"If the 2004 Battle of Fallujah is a precursor for an
attack against Ramadi, the U.S. military MAY cordon off an
escape route for women and children [to be murdered further up
the road], but forbid the men and older boys [older equals
older than nine, or in around nine] to leave. [TO WHERE?] "
Death to the demon anti-Christ thieving forces, with their
soulless minions of evil betrayers. Enemies to America, and
enemies to God. DIE BUSHITE DIE, so says the TRUE Son of Man.
There is no greater purpose served in killing a bushite, who
wars Freedom for Humanity, all to cowardly help assist the
escape of the enemy neocons for 9/11. Death to the thieving
ungodly anti-American bushite, instead of the innocent they
openly target for murder in Your names.
The Case of the Missing $21 Billion Who's Following the Iraq Money?
"What better way to follow that money than an
impeachment hearing into why the president unconstitutionally
subverted the intent of Congress in establishing an office of
special inspector general for corruption in Iraq? "
"..American citizens have actually been interrogated at the
military base Mihail Kogalniceanu close to the [Romanian] city
of Constanza at the Black Sea. "DON'T GO SILENT
Innocent Falling in Your Name
I BEG America to hunt down and Prosecute George W. Bush in
the names of the innocent falling in your name. If a bushite
claims objection in support of the demon anti-Christ,
Prosecute it too as traitor. Anyone who vocally supports the
escape of Rumsfeld, bush, or Cheney for 9/11, to torture, or
more Guantanamo, please Prosecute for God's mercy, in defense
of all Life I plead, please help the Innocent, please help me.
America's corporate NAZI propagandists, who deny truths to be
spoken in Humanity's defenses, are enemies of US all. The FBI
states General Ahmad funded 9/11's Atta, and news
professionals would rather have Your children suffer and die
as terror victims, than allow Justice be spoken for my
defense. American Patriot Warriors, hunt bushite as the
ENEMIES TO EVERYONE. Iran has not stated "The Holocaust never
happened", and the Son of Man states, a free man shall not be
imprisoned through decisions made privately by FOX NEWS
enemies, the bushite conspirators. Propaganding traitors to
God and country.
"It was a betrayal of the trust of the American people. And
these lies were a betrayal of the trust of the military and
the soldiers."
Please, do not leave my calls for Justice go unheard from your
fear of LIAR demon Bush being done in by his treasonous evil
wickedness as betrayals to our American flag. Rise up to find
the will as courage to destroy the freedom flag burning George
Walker Bush instead, as our living struggle to preserve the
dying freedoms of US all, the truly innocent, and in so doing,
you'll be using God's heart as your own.
"The Holcaust never happened."
[Implying what?, that the Bush family and Hitler weren't in on
together, killing US either?]
"Why then should the Palestinians pay the price of what the
Europeans did against the Jews?"
Ahmadinejad's ignorance of the Bush\Nazi alliance as
documented World War II history, [Charles Higham], or the
Bush\Shah of Iran plan, doesn't automatically
condemn our Humanity to suffer once more, unprovoked Nazi
atrocities at the criminal actions of our sworn enemies, if we
can help it.
"..it wasn't the Arabs who did it [THE HOLOCAUST]; it was the
Europeans. Why then should the Palestinians pay the price of
what the Europeans did against the Jews?" (Musayeb Naimi
quoting in English, his version of Ahmadinejad's Arabic
remarks, editor of Al Wefaq, New York Times, December 20,
To better understand, someone should translate German to
English VERBATIM contextualized in content to cultural
background, or as reading a sentence of French Canadian,
without changes in whereto for syntax. [multi-grained CANADA
knows this like anyone, and, by the way, have you guys ever
heard of Folkloramma?.] People of different lands, can form
together ideas, with unfamiliar statements, to those who
understand, learning to communicate as complete strangers in a
vast Universe of Universes, sure can make you think, god eh?
By seeking appreciation for another's differing view, opens
one up to experiences from new perspectives, along with a
greater love for Justice as freedom is godly. And did I tell
you, I'm the King of all Creation, the actual, for real Son of
Man, seriously on my way UNJUSTLY to prison, left forsaken as
unappreciated by the impartial to Bush rule private news
industry, and the Queen's "Crown" office?, near broke from
starving for attention from the promises America refuses to
live up to in my name? Please, help me gain the recognition
that you deserve. Please, if you can, borrow me some money,
so I can afford to pay Constitutional lawyers to make the
necessary Motions for my defense in the Court of Queen's
Bench, here in, who cares to listen as corporate news vertigo.
This could be really good beyond magnificent, or deadly dreary
as the ending to our disenfranchised Humanity. The clock is
ticking, a real life is on the line here; freedom or tyranny,
hope or despair, heaven or hell, YOU DECIDE., you'd better, or
somebody else will for you.
Guilty of Innocence (the antichrist song)
GI Special 4F4: "That's Not A Terrorist" - June 6, 2006
""I see two [BUSHITE] soldiers kicking the heads around like
a soccer ball. I just shut my mouth, walked back, got inside
the tank, shut the door, and it was like, I can't be no part
of this."
UK 'Undercover Soldiers' Driving Booby-Trapped Car
"Why were undercover British [BUSHITE] soldiers wearing
traditional Arab headscarves firing at Iraqi police? "
"Many of the American Special Operations soldiers
[Task Force 6-26] wore civilian clothes and were allowed
to grow beards and long hair, setting them apart from their
uniformed colleagues. "
"But the following account of Task Force 6-26,
based on documents and interviews with more than a dozen
people, offers the first detailed description of how the
military's most highly trained counterterrorism unit
committed serious abuses. [AGAINST THE INNOCENT!]"
The True Red White and Blue - American Patriot Answers the Call to
- A recording on the reality of George W. Bush's treason to US.
"In other words -- and let's say this plainly, clearly and
soberly, so that no one can mistake the intention of
Rumsfeld's plan -- the United States government is planning to
use "cover and deception" and secret military operations to
provoke murderous terrorist attacks on innocent people. "
PANTANO "Let the courts decide if these Marines are guilty.
They haven't even been charged with a crime yet, so it is
premature to presume their guilt -- unless that presumption is
tied to a political motive."
[All Arabs are second class citizens bombed indiscriminately
with "guesswork" in the entire middle east you see, as are
falsely arresting the innocent to be tortured for truly
satanic sadistic enemies found as just regular fair - in a
bushite's demon enemy lair.] More on PANTANO later...
The Pirates of Israel
"Included in the deal is a chance for Iran to prove the
U.S. accusations false, a preposterous notion of justice
which amounts to nothing less than extortion. As Lincoln once
remarked, "A highwayman holds a pistol to my ear and cries,
'Stand and deliver, or I will be forced to kill you and you
will be a murderer." "
Look, it's the translations that corporate America refuses to
do accurately.
The Non-Proliferation Treaty stipulates SPECIFICALLY that Iran
has the right to nuclear power, co-signed by all standing
active members including AMERICA! America gave Iran the
technology in the first place! Bushite amerka has no evidence
that Iran is enriching weapons grade uranium, nor the evidence
that they have the VERY difficult ability of a VERY different
thing. Where is Our United Nations on this knowledge? IAEA?
Absent as per-usual? Again, almost 50 billions dollars was
mis-appropriated as stolen through the 661 committee's
oil-for-food program, with Kofi and the gang's un-willingness
to speak out for your lost funs, leaves us still broke and
dethroned. Where is the United Nations or the IAEA when FOX
NEWS reports Iran claims the Holocaust never happened? FOX
NEWS reporters who translate such insane lies should be
prosecuted for war bating propaganda as serious to the core
NAZI TREASON against the good old red, white, and blue, no?
They do have a responsibility to not purposefully mislead
America for more bountiful bushite deaths and suffering, no?
What do you think?
Anyway, Iran has no need to obtain nukes. They have thousands
upon thousands of long range missile systems, capable of
striking bushite wrule in the falsely imprisoned dumfuk
Amerka, by speaking doubtless truths as a population exceeding
an easy 80 million, and extending out further to more than a
billion more concerned as god loving honorable family People,
US Still Living Women Men Girls Boys. We don't wanna lose
advancement power in China, lest not forget playing Russian
Roulette with much planned to lose considering crazy stupid
Cheney siding openly against reforming a nation with
influencing oppression instead, for his personal private
profit scheming. Then don't forget, they're better than
everyone else including Christ, the "un-accountable" lawless
100,000 plus mercenary disciples of the real demon
anti-Christ, the thieving bushites, indiscriminate child
killing women haters who advocate not arresting torture,
hidden in the safety of the hugely fortified "Green Zone" set
up perfectly for a chicken shoot surrounded by what would be
then near a hundred million angry Christian Arabs in five
separate countries told they're all second class citizens
without legal rights, soon to be left more typical irrational
bushite victims. That's only if they decide to do nothing to
protect our collected interests on freedom's defense.
It is only America's welfare state, the masked bigot
Likudniks, the pirates of Israel, and the lawless bushite
zionist neocon enemies that want to nuke our Humanity to
poison our dying Earth for their personal private cash profits
at the sacrifice of censored corporate "no politics" pro-war
talk radio Amerka, but truly know, if they even seriously
contemplated attempting to mini-nuke our Earth, LET THEM KNOW,
we all from every race, nationality, and religion, would rise
up as nature's survivors, and rip them to pieces for our solid
core blood brothers, Mohammad/Christ\Hillel simply guaranteed,
without question. Any barely standing still prissing proud as
godless dumfuk bushite soldier obscening, would be rightly
"Lighten up", destroyed lovingly by it's Patriotic brother,
Sensitive father, Caring mother, Smarter sister, Braver son or
Dear daughter, Friendly neighbor, Old School Chum, Complete
Stranger, or just the risen from the grave eternal defender,
the ever great, poor boy J. Wizard.
"Presenting ourselves to meet the challenge of gaining
our own Humanity we are trying. Have faith that as the
Universe revolves around all things to be known of, so
too, is Life's true magnificence an honor to honor for.
Wow. You are a living dream, so, wake up and help out."
"Captured fighters don't deserve these [Geneva] rights
because this isn't a war between countries, says [CANADA'S]
Lieutenant-General Michel Gauthier [..]
Gen. Gauthier said there is no risk that ordinary soldiers or
junior officers could face war-crimes charges, even if
detainees handed over to the [pro-enron pro-heroin pro-bush
pro-fixed elections, pro-lawlessness] Afghans were TORTURED or
killed. [..]
"We are on firm legal ground we have no worries about the
possibility of prosecution or allegations of criminal
wrongdoing for having transferred detainees." [To lawless
Christian killers?] "Huh? Gauthier CAN NOT be conscious?
Terrorism: warranting the return of talks against this
Canadian wannabe bushite enemy. Know Canada, our cowardly,
pro-bush nazi commander encourages US to hand prisoners to
dumfuk pro-amerkans for false incarceration or sadistic
satanic torture. I want Harper tried by CANADA for treason on
this. Harper knows personally that his close bum buddy, demon
enemy Bush committed 9/11, as would have to, Hillier, but
instead as standing proud for Canadian freedom as peace
keepers, they lie to war our kids to have them die for
phantoms in Afghanistan, all for the benefiting private pocket
of weapons dealer O'Conner. [WHO? CBC Canada doesn't tell.]
Taliban was just a loose group of barely literate mixed tribe
wannabe Muslims, fighting for women's rights, and opening
girls school programs, who like Laden have so far, absolutely
nothing to do directly with the crime scene of 9/11. If the
Taliban as portrayed exist as individuals, they'd only need to
step "up" to join the currently protected by Canada as a
muslim fundamentalist regime of enron loving heroin pushers
who execute CHRISTIANS without trial. Down with Harper's
bullshit "C.R.A.P." party, and up with the Son's Command. All
in favor. I.
For freedom and America, God and Humanity.
"First we blow up YOUR house [inhabited], then we pay you [or
somebody else who may have survived] to rebuild it. [much
later. Maybe, if Sattler hasn't already stolen all the cash
like typical neo-con bushite enemy liars do, much identical to
Saudi Wahhabi commander of the Third Infantry, 170 ton plastic
explosive expert, Buford "bush bitch" Blount, who gets more
cowardly dumfuk Marines killed by IED for money through rotten
rumsfeld's P2OG than anyone.]"
No, not true. Sattler stole the cash once it was realized
that of the estimated 250,000 innocent men women and 10 year
old children forbidden to leave the city before the
indiscriminate bombing campaigns began, (which included many
2000 pound radio-active wmd bombs, sexy rummy's cluster dud
land mines, napalm, and deadly white phosphorous gas,) found
later in a city that originally had a population estimated at
near 350,000, only 300 [THREE HUNDRED] left!, willing to
thankfully take the FREEBEE 50 dollars to bury their rotting
dead, find near impossible emergency food and water stolen by
enemy bushite earlier, repair bombed health car clinics [the
FIRST strike targets], buy flowers for the troops, then,
lastly, rebuild their totaled home, and ancient mosques.
Mountains of dead bodies of ourselves as the innocent never
seen since these demon nazis last attacked Our Humanity. Kill
nazi bushite enemy with pleasure in serving for America and
freedom everywhere, as any propagandist holocaust denier who
lies to US otherwise to state a bushite fights for Jesus or
freedom. A good bushite is a dead bushite halted from
victimizing our loving humanity with their treasonous lies and
betrayals to the tele-viewing Audience.
Die bushite die.
"U.S. forces had urged [more than 200,000 INNOCENT PEOPLE]
Fallujans [forcibly] trapped in the city to stay in their
homes, but "troops using thermal sights often assumed that if
there was a 'hot spot' inside a house - indicating body heat
the people inside were insurgents.""
Then of course before entering a house, they would super
grenade it, or just blow the whole thing down, just to stay on
the side of enemy to all living things as the truly ungodly
enemies of EVERYONE. Especially when repeatedly announcing
all those unable to leave, including infants and elderlies in
wheel chairs, were all just evil terrorists worthy of first
degree murder with George W. Bush as their demonic lying
unjust Denier in/as Thief.
Death to every corporate nazi bushite whore who demands we, as
Humanity, have no rights to return every last stolen penny
from our friends through the Iraq Development Fund, and the
oil-for-food program. See the bushite liar enemy of Liberty
and freedom who denies this Justice, then feel glad to kill it
for your love of a real God suffering. Then if so, comes your
trial of self defense, this'll be here to assist Your TRUE
freedom's cause, Liberty for ALL, including me, the Son to Man
and God.
"US military had blocked any assistance from reaching
Fallujah's beleaguered residents."
"American military has already disposed of much of the
evidence in mass graves. [Just like the nazis before them.
Give glory to God by hunting down the enemy bushite and
killing it for a real love never lost to the indifference of
god hating bushite nazi media managers."
"``[T]he head of every household will be asked to wear an
identification badge, Colonel [NAZI NAZI! NAZI NAZI!! John
Ballard, the commander of Marine Fourth Civil Affairs Group]
said, and American and Iraqi troops will be given special
rules of engagement to deal with theft." While the colonel did
not spell out these "rules of engagement," NBC News has
reported that the [lawless pro-bush] military will arrogate to
itself the right to shoot anyone on sight."
Death by God's America to the lawless bushite enemy liar, John
Ballard, and anybody else who demonically supports with
flagrant lies of the ungodly Sattler's well documented to be
confessed, absolute war crimes. THEFTS.
PANTANO "Let the courts decide if these Marines are guilty.
They haven't even been charged with a crime yet, so it is
premature to presume their guilt -- unless that presumption is
tied to a political motive."
[All Arabs are second class citizens bombed indiscriminately
with "guesswork" in the entire middle east you see, as are
falsely arresting the innocent to be tortured found as just
regular fair - in a bushite's demon enemy lair.]
PANTANO admits killing the Iraqis after stopping their car,
but says it was in self-defense. The prosecution, [who
witnessed the evidence, including several eye witness
testimonies] contends Pantano clearly shot them in the back
while they were kneeling, firing at least 50 bullets into them
at a distance of no more than 4 feet.
Supporters of Pantano said troops should not be second-guessed
for decisions made in fleeting seconds of combat. [, with
unarmed innocent Iraqis on their knees shot in the back?]
[Remember: the prosecution's case was established by more
than one witness, including among more, a witnessing American
Sergeant and American Arabic translator, [who to make up such
an allegation seems highly unlikely, for to falsely allege
such the then therefore, hateful charges bringing about life
term prison sentence or public execution, would more easily be
granted by just killing the therefore seriously HATED Pantano
when nobody was looking. Second: Pantano's defense used the
fact that the BRAVE American Patriot, a Sergeant who testified
against him, was demoted and therefore, that gave him the
motive to lie, but the demotion appears to come after the
allegation, and before the "trial".] Now, the could be
suspicious lack of publicly documented evidence like autopsy
reports of confirmed by all to be UNARMED murder victims with
possibly a hundred plus bullet holes through their bodies
seems seriously lacking. Two full bullet magazines at a four
feet away range were used by pro-bush Pantano against
confessed to be UNARMED innocent Iraqis shot outside[?] their
car. Yet, his lawyer, Charles Gittins, claimed the existing
unseen autopsies produced "no evidence" that the UNARMED men
had been shot in the back while kneeling. [Admittingly by the
defense, four feet away from a gun nuzzle, shooting a
conservative 50 times with high caliber uranium bullets that
would have hugely torn through the bodies of corpses and
implanted within the road. So, who's got these miracle
Anyway, certainly not a Marine worth of example with blind
bushite public praise over America's improved bushite Judicial
system on CNN of all places? Oh.. but so it is! Not only
that but he has his own, In love with the treason neocons info
site: defendthedefenders.org]
Pantano placed a cardboard sign over the unarmed bodies in
front of witnesses: "No better friend, no worse enemy," the
motto of the 1st Marine Division commander, the retardly naive
war criminal Maj. Gen. James [cowardly women hating child
killer traitor,] Mattis. Mattis, the ENEMY who was directly
caught murdering a wedding party consisting mostly of women
and children by FAILING to make it appear by propaganda
through Kimmit, they were actually all bin Laden 2nd
lieutenants, or some such bullshit. For, it was shortly later
when the VIDEO evidence became available, that exposed their
treasonous typical bushite Zionist contrivances against our
Lord and saviour.
The prosecution said the cardboard sign alone, desecrated the
bodies, in violation of the rules of war.
Charles Gittins, Pantano's lawyer, insisted it's irrelevant,
pointing out the officer did not use the slogan or make up the
sign until after the men were dead.
It did indicate the demon enemy's bushite mind however,
believing such conduct would support Rumsfeld's treasonous
P2OG plan. Displaying publicly "Marine" conduct and judgment,
as enemies of the innocent, the for real demonic terrorists.
Pantano responded something like. 'Again, I believed that by
firing the number of rounds that I did, I was sending a
message to People everywhere. I was dishonorably 'no better
friend to someone I was openly robbing from, as innocent
unarmed People, but being truly in disguise to myself, cause
God's worse enemies are the proud bushite lying nazi
Pantano, 33, contended he contemptuously placed the sign as
bushite, but he swears though, he shot them in self-defense
after the men disobeyed his instructions and made a menacing
move toward him unarmed, while he held a machine gun pointed
directly at them from four feet away. CONFESSED to be
UNARMED, so what was the instructions all together they
finally disobeyed? Get out of the car! [okay] On your knees?
[okay] Hands behind your head [okay] for handcuffing.. [okay]
Pantanmo apparently claims he then removed the handcuffs so
the suspects could search the car for him at four feet away!
which wouldn't be done if the innocent unarmed Iraqis were
suspected of Zarqawi ties, without seen weapons, right?
Pantano's story doesn't jive.. was he hoping they were
suicide bombers, or had guns hidden in the car? Besides,
Corpsman Gobles claimed he had already completed a search of
the car for weapons under Lt. Pantano's order.
Pantano said he told them to be quiet again, then "they
quickly pivoted their bodies toward each other. They did this
simultaneously, while speaking in muffled Arabic. I thought
they were attacking me and I decided to fire my M-16A4 service
rifle in self-defense. [Simultaneously attacking speaking
muffled while pivoting towards each other without weapons from
inside the already checked car is he saying?]
You'd figure if he shot one twenty or thirty times from behind
where he couldn't charade, the other UNARMED innocent prisoner
at their knees would second think ignoring his commands from
behind their backs spoken in perfect Arabic? [For why
wouldn't he speak through the present American translator who
saw it all, as several others did being, cold blooded murder
committed by a true enemy propagandist, a bushite liar and
enemy thief?] Or was it, all simultaneously were moving
secretly undetected to rush the bushite in petrified fear of
it's non-sensible monosyllabic grunting as lying evil nazi
Pantano "They were talking the whole time ... I told them
several times to be quiet by saying `stop' in Arabic."
Iraqis "Stop what bushite dumfuk?"
Winn wrote in his recommendation that Pantano should at least
face serious punishment for just desecrating the bodies by
reloading his weapon and repeatedly shooting them as corpses.
[while likely stating if asked why it was laughing, blandly
replying it was fun to get away with murdering US innocent
Christ like folks, the Humans, for the treasonous enemy
ungodly neocon thieves, who of all, not a single one was
democratically elected - is who he supports with his
commanding prance.]
The generalized by all under the tyrannies of Bush, to be
pro-theft, pro-murder and pro-torture judicial judgment stood
that Pantano should face no punishment at all from our
Humanity for any of his totally psychotic actions against the
godly as innocent among US, while remaining on the amerkan
force working directly for Rumsfeld's treasonous P2OG to
murder more innocent civilians as a bonafide terrorist to
profit the unjust criminal Zionist "cabal". He apparently
decided 'on his own' to step out of the lime light, and put
his nightmare all behind us now, retiring in the good life,
with all his stolen goodies.
"The best interests of 2nd Lt. Pantano and the [pro-murder
bushite enemy anti-American] government have been served by
this process," the Marine Corps said in a statement.
Marine Corps? - PANTANO "Let the courts decide.."
[Who is the "Marine Corps" person(s) that needed to look over
the crime scene evidence of "no evidence" for more than a
month behind closed "courts" doors? Who? Oh.. here we go..]
The decision to drop the charges against Lt. Ilario Pantano
was made by Maj. Gen. Richard Huck, commander of the 2nd
Marine Division based at CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. [CAMP LEJEUNE!!!]
[Not a legal student, let alone a Judge? As bushite, probably
can't read let alone think Hmmm.... What's up with this
'officially closed' demonic bushite decree that Pantano
shouldn't be found executed as traitor in the first degree?
WE, as AMERICA, demand the autopsy reports Pantano claims
contain "no evidence" he, as liar bushite, shot the UNARMED
gentlemen in the backs, to be made public immediately, and a
real criminal Judge to preside for deliberation, otherwise,
death to still escaping mass murderer Pantano, and his proud
to be bush bitches, enemy to all criminal accomplis(es).]
said Sgt. Marcio Vargas Estrada, 32, of Kearny, N.J. out of
the same CAMP LEJEUNE "And then we will take death and
destruction to Hadithah. Hopefully, we'll stay until December
so we can bring death and destruction to half of Iraq."
Trent is at Camp Lejeune, N.C. being treated like a criminal;
being publicly embarrassed by those in "command and control;
being "hazed" by what is supposed to be "fellow" Marines to
the point he has had to have stitches in his face
Garibay, from Camp Lejeune, moved to the United States when he
was a baby. He joined the marines three years ago, and was
awarded US citizenship after his death.
"A vise is closing and the days of a brutal regime are coming
to an end," President Bush told 12,000 camouflage-clad
"Marines", on a parade ground at Camp Lejeune in North
The sign left atop the car was removed by bushite LIAR Lt.
Pantano, according to his lawyer, Charles Gittins. But
photographs of the bodies with the sign above them were taken
at the scene by real Marines, [after LIAR Pantano was long
gone war criming someplace else]
Taken two days before Lt. Pantano's, the corpsman's written
statement describes the men as running away from Lt. Pantano
when they were shot. [unless the corpsman
was refering to some other innocent people he tried to cover
up the murder of as typical bushite dumfuk - 'we spotted
someone out of nowhere running from a bang without any
reason, so we kil't him leegaulee... BUSH RULZE!']
What matters most to Lt. Pantano he claims, is that he kept
his promise to mothers of his platoon that he would bring
their sons back alive.
Pantamo put soldiers in harms way for no better good, or
reason understood. The war has no articulable justification,
for bushite fire power had complete one hundred percent
unrestricted access throughout Iraq to go wherever they
pleased without delay prior to a single bomb being dropped,
or child being shot. Instead of protecting America from
the 9/11 perpetrators, the demonic evil anti-Christ and
his minnions - murderer Pantamo - tried to blame the
innocent for terrorist offenses, denying Justice for
God's Humanity, as true coward and lowly traitor.
"In other words, he put about 40-48 rounds into two men,
after ordering them to put their hands where he couldn't see
them, in gross violations of long-established orders for
handling prisoners.
Mr. Kareem and Mr. Hanjil were moving for a while after he
started to fire, Lt. Pantano said, but he was not sure if
that was because of muscle contractions or bullet impact.
That's why you're supposed to let off the trigger! "Don't
forget the time Pantamo took to race re-loading after
shooting 48.
"BBC: What kind of abuses were going on that you experienced?
"I seen innocent people being killed, IEDs goes off and you just zap
farmer who's close to you, hit him with the 50 or Mark 19"
Not everybody. We hunt every bushite commander down, try it, and
then execute it for the glory Christ in a Just America.
"If the troops were on a mission of mercy to bring
democracy to Iraq, wouldn't keeping children away from such
[contaminated radio-active] dangers be the top priority?"
"However, in a tape released on December 27, 2001, the
authenticity of which is not in doubt, Osama denied having had
anything to do with 9/11. "Moreover," Fetzer added, "some of
the 19 hijackers he 'personally assigned' have turned up alive
and well." "
"Mark Bingham, a passenger on Flight 93, is supposed to have
called his mother and said, 'Hi, Mom, this is Mark Bingham!'
His mother confirmed it was his voice, but does anyone
seriously believe that Mark Bingham would have used his last
name in identifying himself to his mother?" "
A now declassified document with Rumsfeld's signature calls
for keeping prisoners in [extremely] painful positions..
President Reagan officially finds Rumsfeld executed publicly
Bag one for the Gipper!
Wait a Moment
The so called as costing, still found Iraqi resistance,
are individuals fighting the same cause as American
soldiers are taught to mumble as illiterate cowards.
"Saddam was terrible to the Iraqi people, depriving
ourselves of food and medicine for no known good reason,
and gave all US people losses for stolen profits.", then
off they go, murdering innocent people indiscriminately
with depleted uranium to pay the smirking bushmobsters,
again. Dying.
Air America Interviews The God Loving Bushite Killer J. Wizard!
Near Impossible to believe!
""similar themes go through all our streams. And it all
comes back as Confucius says, "Do unto others, as you would
have them do unto you." And Christ said that, Hillel said
that, Buddha said that, everybody says that, cause that's all
it is. But bushite, he wants to accuse People of criminal
offenses without any evidence, and indiscriminately slaughter
everybody in countries, for no good reason but to be OUR
documented war crimes of the enemy bushite
reality in Israel
"If he didn't answer the way we liked, we would shoot his
youngest kid in the head. We would keep going, this was our
"They were obviously no military threat to anyone. And yet
American forces gleefully massacred them all, joking that it
was as easy as "shooting in a sheep pen.""
""I heard Younis speaking to the Americans, saying: 'I am
a friend. I am good,' '' said Fahmi. ``But they killed him,
and his wife and daughters." "
"Mr. Delgado said he had witnessed incidents in which an
Army sergeant lashed a group of children with a steel Humvee
antenna, and a Marine corporal planted a vicious kick in the
chest of a kid about 6 years old. There were many occasions,
he said, when soldiers or marines would yell and curse and
point their guns at Iraqis who had done nothing wrong." "
"The new figure translates to roughly 400,000 Iraqi
children suffering from "wasting," a condition characterized
by chronic diarrhea and dangerous deficiencies of protein." "
"In contrast to Iraqi Resistance attacks, which have clear
and defined targets - occupation troops or armed forces,
officials, or collaborators with the US-installed puppet
regime - these attacks on Friday appeared targeted exclusively
on civilians."
Again, it only serves the interests of the enemy neo-con.
No warring faction is going to exclusively, indiscriminately
murder whomever, repeatedly, but for only the dying bushite
dumfuk, as Creation's justly sworn enemies. Bag a bushite, and
all day long you'll have good love! God Bless.
"Where are the free American media and their kind hearted
patrons when their G.I. Joes are pumping up Iraq with
depleted uranium, napalm bombs, cluster munitions and
poisonous gases even as these lines are being written? Is
death less camera-friendly in Iraq or is it less worthy of the
Americans' attention? Are Iraqis children of a lesser god?"
""It boggles the mind that any regime on the face of the
Earth would want to do anything that could remind people of
Nazi Germany." According to Republican Congressman Curt Weldon "
"Why hasn't Governor Pataki and Senator Clinton demanded to
know who financed these attacks, a question the 9/11
Commission dismissed as unimportant?"
Talking personally to many professional news producers will
get you realizing though, some hold contempt by no accident.
Why risk losing market share? Potential advertisers? It's only
your poor kids, not their own. Many have millions, some billions.
Inside Out
" How can those who want accountability be termed
anti-Iraqi? only through cowardly liars, is an American
told America's not going to hunt down those who stole in
their names for dying."
"Their statement discloses that the Yeshiva heads
have intentionally falsified the Talmud passages
"quoted" by them. The actual text forbids a Jew to kill
innocents even to save his own life. After all, God
created all human beings "in his own image"
(Genesis 1:27). "
The problem is that those that support the Likudniks are
not Jewish, but little fascist nazis who hold G in
contempt. Just ask them! Oops.. No, CNN or CBC won't
allow free comments made by those that openly victimize
the innocent like Jesus was, is, and shall be. Don't
forget, sharon was caught directly implicated in the
attempted murder of Mexican Jews. See? Likudniks would
kill innocent Jews too, if it means they can steal
another dollar from America. America, where something
like 90 percent of Jews say, repuglicons suck, and
conclude, killing Jews to steal their gold fillings for
the anti-Semitic Likudnik, is just simply evil to the
max dude. Translated: Evil to everyone,
including the Creator,
J. Wizard
51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis
You be the judge: Shouldn't this be OUR BIG NEWS STORY?
And, who's interest is it, that it is yet to be made so
by Your entertaining national news programming? Whos?
The People's? Freedom's? Or the forces of bushite
tyranny to keep the US unaware of Freedom's true glory?
""I will name Richard Cheney as prime suspect in the
mass murders of 9/11 "
"``People trying to help us were wounded or ran away.
After a minute, the helicopters came back and fired
again. They came three or four times.''"
This action is typical for the enemies of Life bushite.
Nazi bushite bomber forces have repeatedly, after
indiscriminately bombing innocent people, waited five or
ten minutes, then struck again to kill those who would
dare try to save the lives of god loving innocent men
women or children, that they admittedly target by
"guesswork". All to get killed more GI grunts for bush,
who don't have the courage or mental agility to defend
their fellow Americans by freely destroying the
anti-American Saudi wahhabi buford blount, child killer
mattis, bomb whoever russell, Baathist WMD bremer, women
hater kimmit, Iraqi People killer Allawi, or of course
bush and rumsfeld for 9/11. 9/11, in New York City?,
where thousands were murdered, and cheney immediately
called a halt on all police investigations pertaining to
the terrorist offense, for forbid, Americans might find
out for themselves what really happened.
"PATRICK COCKBURN: You could see that from the video
of the television correspondent who was killed that
nothing much was happening, and then suddenly out of the
blue rockets started raining down. Hello?
but it's pretty amazing to wait and then attack your own
vehicle from the air when there are crowds around it.
And in this case, you don't even hit the vehicle. You
fire your rockets 150 yards away. "
Done "for the safety of the people around it." the demon
bush disciple child killer Phil Smith quipped. Likely
while eating cheap candy.
US Snipers Said Killing Iraqi Women, Kids, Medical Teams
"A freed detainee told the Arabic-language Al-Wasat, a
weekly supplement of the respectable London-based
Al-Hayat newspaper, about her ordeal inside a US prison
and how she had been gang-raped by US forces. "
"The daily pointed out then that Iraqi female
prisoners were kept in solitary confinement up to 23
hours a day, adding it saw pictures of US soldiers
raping Iraqi women or photographing them naked in
prison. "
Of Our Own
I guess we'll soon see how many enemy of freedom
thieving rapist bushite vermins can be killed by a
single prayer. All People, of every faith, including
the Atheists, hate bushite rapists who foolishly think
their going to escape ALL accountability because their
in with the lawless demon anti-Christ, the Satanically
evil Mr. bush Jr.. Think again.
""The helicopter fired on the Bradley to destroy it
after it had been hit earlier and it was on fire," said
Major Phil Smith of the 1st Cavalry Division. "It was
for the safety of the people around it.""
Oops.. er.. the bushite mean
"Helicopters that flew in to protect the Bradley were
then fired on from the ground and fired back, the
military said in a statement."
But the firing didn't come from the Bradley vicinity..
so, who cares how many Americans are lead to die then
right? Traitors to Freedom, Justice, and Liberty are
the enemy bushite liars who war God to steal from our
Humanity with their blatant cowardice and betrayals.
"Sattler, as a result of ignoring reason and understanding,
went out and sacrificed all these marines that are now dead."
"One of the students hiding behind our taxi screamed to me,
"Who are the terrorists here now? You have seen this
yourself! We are school kids!""
"According to a 2006 report from Amnesty International,
many Palestinian prisoners 'face medical negligence, routine
beatings, position torture and strip searches by Israeli
prison authorities'. According to recent figures the
Palestinian prison population includes 400 children and 100
women detainees."
"U.S. Army Lt. Col. Paul Fitzpatrick, a spokesman for
Combined Joint Task Force 76, said. "Enemy leadership will
continue to be targeted so long as they pose a threat to the
security and stability of Afghanistan." "
"The report states that 25% of Iraqi children between the
ages of six months and five years old suffer from either acute
or chronic malnutrition."
"Federal, state and local governments have added nearly $10
trillion to taxpayer liabilities in the past two years,
bringing the total of government's unfunded obligations to an
unprecedented $57.8 trillion."
Truth to Power - Death to George W Bush - The J. Wizard Conundrum
"Johnny out does himself again with yet another record breaking
"The Greatest Show of History, and he REALLY means it this time!
Oh my God I can't believe it even!"
Sweet Jesus, The J. Wizard Comic Book!
Godsmack - Awake - "Hear the silence about to break."
"Bush's refusal to talk to the Iranians, except in terms
of threats and ultimatums, seems reckless. "
That demon enemy of Christ even refused to read the 18 page
letter, and excepted only a brief brief on the matter..
Contempt for every American soldier that has ever served,
but, well, who really truly cares right? [his handlers have
recently informed the demon enemy to pretend to all he
could read it instead.]
"Last October, the Army's Criminal Investigation
Command concluded that there was probable cause to charge
27 officers"
"Now that's a problem. I own the company that hosts
Capitol Hill Blue. So, in effect, the feds want me to
turn over information on myself and not tell myself that
I'm doing it. You'd think they'd know better.
I turned the letter over to my lawyer and told him to
send the following message to the feds: Fuck you.
Strong letter to follow. "
"2.5 terabytes of data about Mohammed Atta [...] a
three-hour briefing for the chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff is historically insignificant? A briefing that
included Richard Schiefren (ph), with Steve Cambone, in
March of 2001, five months before 9/11, is historically
insignificant? I don't think so."
"Problem is, everything that worked at the CIA-that it
warned about 9/11 and said the Iraq war was a bad
idea-was on the hit list. The Bushies wanted to
eliminate the people who were right and promote those who
were wrong. "
I'm telling you, the demon anti-Christ of Creation is
like, really evil man.
"Once known for flying around VIPs such as Arnold
Schwarzenegger and Kofi Annan, the plane has been used by
the CIA to fly around renditioned prisoners and their CIA
captors. "
"N368CE also had an interesting itinerary just prior
to the U.S.-backed coup against Venezuela's President
Hugo Chavez in April 2002: Mar.-Apr. 2002 - Los
Angeles to Toluca, Mexico; Caracas, Venezuela to New York
City; New York to Managua, Nicaragua; Brownsville, Texas
to Managua; Washington, DC to Shannon, Ireland; Gander,
Newfoundland to Washington, DC; Washington to Houston;
Houston to Washington. "
Crimes against America, crimes against God.
"David quotes the now indicted and disgraced former
Republican House Majority Leader Tom Delay saying on the
eve of the Iraq war in 2003 that "Nothing is more
important in the face of a war than cutting taxes." "
"So, here I will offer you something I created, a Johnny
Wizard pencil drawing in jpg format. Enjoy!"
"Instead of murdering our own families as war criminals for bush
to pilfer the undefended wallets of our grandparents, why don't we
all smarten up, and just kill the unarrested demon bush instead as
something truly Patriotic? "
Christ Wars Bushite Enemies for the Love of our Living God
Don't miss it!
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and
the Word was God."
"We carved a line in the rugged hills of Afghanistan, not with
our words but with our legendary courage, the blood and the
sweat of our men and women of the Canadian Forces"
To die for heroin pushing while making Christianity "illegal?"
While helping to let Bush escape 911 with a new enron pipe line?
Cowards led without courage, who have died for no better good
or, even reason spoken. Remember: Canadian forces are fighting to
protect a muslim fundamentalist regime, who doesn't want free
speech protected. My armed and ready friends, why not fight
with words to allow J. Wizard to politely respond to our
deadly enemies who fight to keep our Humanity in darkness with
deliberate bushite enemy ignorance.
Hillary Clinton recently talking about how great Bush, the
"Charming" "Charismatic" and "Good Company"
"By 2002, on the eve of the US-led invasion, Baghdad was
full of booming businesses, restaurants were full, and
families walked freely along well-lit parks."
"We don't know why they bomb our house and our fields. We
have never resisted the Americans."
Because they, the bushite are enemies of all Creation.
Killing a demonic liar bushite, is to fight for our real God
protecting the lives of the innocent the bushite thieves
target for murder. Killing a demonic liar bushite is to war
those who speak in no defense against the innocent Porter Goss
and company have tortured for satanic pleasures. Feel no
remorse in killing demonic liar bushite, for they hold all
American values in true contempt.
Probable Cause for Alarm
Press ignores Ex-NSA chief's ignorance of Constitution
It should be known why. The reason America murders their own
children in NYC is because they, the demonic repuglicons, need
to protect the lie that children born to HIV positive mothers,
are not likely to die of immune disorders, unless they are force
fed expensive pharma. snpd
Remember swine flu shots? You should
"The CPA didn't properly check out the courier before handing
over the cash, [1.5 BILLION] and, as a result, according to an audit
report by the CPA's inspector general, 'there was an increased risk
of the loss or theft of the cash. "
"US troops [bushite enemy of true freedoms] raid all Internet
cafes in city cutting off communications with outside world. "
"When the auditors in the New York City office learned well in
advance which files a review team would check, they spent the
equivalent of more than 47 days doctoring the papers and
updating records from several audits, the Defense Department's
inspector general concluded. Administrative staff, audit
supervisors and other employees also participated in the
scheme. "
These are acts of high TREASON.
"So we've never made the case, or argued the case that somehow
Osama bin Laden [sic] was directly involved in 9/11. That
evidence has never been forthcoming."
"This is madness. And, why hasn't ElBaradei condemned Bush's
"dirty bombs" in Iraq which have poisoned the land and
groundwater with toxic depleted uranium (DU) creating an
enduring legacy of thyroid cancer, birth defects and other
malignant sarcoma? Nuclear weapons are being used in Iraq.
It is ElBaradei's job to stop it. "
Justice for Johnny
Notes to Lawyers who wish to contribute to J. Wizard's
defense on a quid pro quo - maybe I can pay you back later
If all that isn't dictatorship, what is? "
"The heaviest sentence imposed on anyone to date for a torture-related
death while in U.S. custody is five months,"
Know Thy Enemy - Christs Comedy of Error - Truly amazing audio
"2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but
thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which
say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue
of Satan. "
"1. Is Scottie getting worse at lying, or are
we just getting better at seeing the truth? "
"It has denied that there were any civilian casualties,
despite television footage showing dead and wounded
women and children being pulled from the rubble of
flattened homes. "While sadistic satanic enemies cheer at
God's suffering - proudly kill a bushite for the love of Jesus
Battle Plan of Christ
""The Zarqawi PSYOP program is the most successful
information campaign to date." - Brig. Gen. Mark
Kimmitt, in an internal 2004 memo praising the
propaganda campaign to hype the threat of Iraq's
"terrorist mastermind" Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. "
"[TRUE anti-Christ] Bush wrote "we do not rule out the use
of force before attacks occur - even if uncertainty
remains as to the time and place of the enemy's attack." "
What threat of distant looming attack was lowered, by criminally
murdering and thieving to be enemies of everyone, friendly?
A good bushite is a dead enemy halted from victimizing US,
the innocent.
"But if you listen to Cheney, people are just picking on
Halliburton because they don't like him. Not so. I
would be mad at any company that billed me for driving
empty trucks across the desert, but it just so happens
that Halliburton is the company at the wheel. "
Isahaqi, - Children of Abraham: Death in the Desert
"Why would [subhuman bushite] guards torture a man they
considered innocent? "Because they are openly enemies to
Christ. I say, kill it for America when you can, God bless.
"When Specialist Corey E. Jones struck the knees of the
Dilawar, he cried out painfully to Allah (God). Jones said,
"Everybody heard him cry out and thought it was funny."
Hundreds of blows later, Dilawar died in custody."
I, as the Son of Man would PROUDLY kill this twisted nazi fuk
in defense of the innocent among US as the Human race,
wouldn't you brother? Let's do an American SpikeTV, Johnny
Jesus kills ungodly enemy bushite nazi vermin all for the love
of God - in the Octagon - Super Special - with invites/hunting
parties for all the rest in America who war our Humanity for
the demon antiChrist. Death to the enemy bushite, instead of
the godly as innocent, I as a true Christ Son of God proclaim
to all.
You too are an Eternal God Warrior of the Universe engaging
enemy bushite one by one, to learn and live, or foolishly fall
they do to cry, maybe die, so.. well.. don't get cocky, you
just might spook me.
"Crucially, among the worst cases in this list-those of
detainees tortured to death-only half have resulted in
punishment; the steepest sentence for anyone involved in a
torture-related death: five months in jail."
I say we hunt them down, and get'em good for God and America,
what say you potential innocent victim?
"The evil of this deliberate policy is great in itself; but
the broader implications are perhaps even worse. For consider
this: if American troops can be propagandized to believe such
a transparent lie about Iraq's non-existent connection to 9/11
- what can't they be manipulated into believing?"
They, the bushite enemy, have no soul as disciples of the
demon antiChrist.
"That is already averaging this year about 6 times the normal
incidence of new lung cancer cases in a year. "
All thanks to the liar bushite enemy who claim for our
Humanity that WE can eat depleted uranium "by the poundful",
and suffer no ill effects while they cash in as corporate
media successes. - Are You willing to join the rank now?
"* A clear majority of the troops oppose torture and
aggressive interrogation techniques and four out of five
polled oppose the use of such banned weapons as napalm and
phosphorus bombs, such as US forces employed in the assault on
Fallujah in November 2004."
An actual audio recording of the Son of Man outlining the very
real war scenario of Christ vs. Antichrist.
Enemies of America
"REALIZE, FOX, and amerka's demon lair hosts at Coast to
Coast, have received this post, yet, continue to TREASONOUSLY
mislead US to criminally sacrifice more soldier families for
the richly pleasures of the ungodly demon anti-Christ."
The awesome and amazing J. Wizard speaking nationally in America!
"The primary "evidence" against another was that he was
captured wearing a particular Casio watch, "which many
terrorists wear." "
Now, wouldn't you as godly Christian, hunt to kill any bushite
enemy who argued such evidence warranted torture, or life
imprisonment of an innocent person?
"Instead of rebuilding several steam-turbine power
stations- as Iraqi engineers and managers recommended-the
CPA's crony contractors chose to build new natural gas and
diesel-powered combustion-turbine stations, despite the fact
that Iraq doesn't have adequate supplies of either. "
Speak for Yourself
"Deborah Johns blames "al Qaeda" for our military deaths
(including Casey Sheehan's) in Iraq! http://www.tjslGOP.org
Please, trust me, if I did speak for Ms. Johns her opinions
would be more informed. "
Sept. 11's Smoking Gun: The Many Faces of Saeed Sheikh
"The ungodly crazycon is a formidable opponent, but I think
my America will triumph over the enemy demon liars if I am granted
the opportunity to say something about it."
- King J. Wizard
"That is a high act of treason. And it's not, "oh well, but
maybe it's not true.." No, we have the two documents of question."
US Church Alliance: Washington is 'Raining Down Terror' with Iraq War,
""We lament with special anguish the war in Iraq, launched
in deception and violating global norms of justice and human
rights," said the statement from representatives of the 34
U.S. members of World Council of Churches. "We mourn all who
have died or been injured in this war. We acknowledge with
shame abuses carried out in our name.""
""As the national intelligence officer for the Middle East,
I was in charge of coordinating all of the intelligence community's
assessments regarding Iraq," Pillar writes. "The first request I
received from any administration policy-maker for any such
assessment was not until a year into the war." "
One Thousand A Month Tortured To Death In Iraq
Enemy bushites are all the same ignorant evil
"Yes, war is ugly, brutal and violent. And British
soldiers [guilty of sadistically murdering young children that
were not established by the videos as throwing grenades,
stones, or even bad mouth rioting] are tough, professional and
well trained. We should be thankful they are on our side.
Vincent J. Curtis of Hamilton, Ont., is a freelance writer
who was embedded with the British forces in Iraq last year."
HEy, I got an idea! Lets all kill bush bitch enemies instead,
and see how they likes dying as innocent victim,
eh? Enemy bushites are all the same ignorant evil. They
advocate the murder, torture, or robbery of the innocent as
our "helpless" Humanity for the ungodly thieving billionaire
bushite neo-con traitors, and figure "we" can't ever defend
getting around to defend ourselves as the godly and virtuously
Patriotic to the fighting core - actual TRUE god Warriors.
Death to the non-negotiable enemy bushite "I" say, and Love to
Life as real Freedom is Heavenly.
"OK, I saw Bin Laden five times: three times on
Al Jazeera and twice on Yemeni news." His "admission" was duly
recorded in a case file: "Detainee admitted to knowing Osama
bin Laden." "
"But when a Jew, Ezra Levant, publishes cartoons that
incense Canada's 600,000 Muslims and touch off demonstrations,
well that's "free speech." "
Er.. Yah but... Ezra Levant ISN'T Jewish!
Zionist Neo Conservatives often likewise co-opt
the Jew label too. There is more to being Jewish than
covering a bald spot with a funny hat, or being related to one
of the more than fifty million people that tragically died
fifty so years ago at the hands of the same Bush family Empire
of nazi demon liars.
"In typical disingenuous neocon fashion, Pipes alleges
a "conspiracy theory" but refuses to cite or quote Bollyn's
article. "
"The cameraman, a soldier, filming these violent scenes laughs
and says: "No crying kids, no crying!" "
"All the while the callous cameraman delivers a
stomach-churning commentary urging his mates on, cackling with
laughter and screaming: "Oh yes! Oh yes! You're gonna get
it. Yes, naughty little boys! You little f***ers, you little
f***ers. DIE! Ha, ha!""
Have you seen this video? the children, of at least one was
murdered, look to be about twelve. Reported nation wide as
"civilians" maybe "youths", but not children by corporate
fascist news content controls. In fact, I don't believe CNN
or CBC even aired more than two or three seconds of concern.
Those are my kids, and I'll kill without question any wannabe
bushite enemy who demands I have no RGIHt! to act in their
I beg you on behalf of Jesus, join me in hunting these enemies
of Life down to death. I will give anything to anyone to have
these evil nazi bushite savages destroyed - death to the
thieving bushite that Bush and Blair leave walking our streets
as free to further commit crimes in our names. Who was
arrested? Who is investigating? See the bushite, you kill it
for America, you kill it for Christ, you kill it for the love
you have of freedom, life, and God.
"In other words, as one analyst phrased it, "Congress would
never have granted Bush permission to do something that,
according to Gonzales, it had already granted him permission
to do.""
Propagandized stupider than the fates will allow
Let it be known, that the senior management national news
reducers of CBC and CNN, know full well, they would rather
watch American Soldiers die as the thieving bad guys, than to
defend God's America by reporting that the demon enemy George
W. Bush, and his business partner General Ahmad, committed
the terrorist acts of 9/11, along with Rumsfeld, Rice, Cheney,
and Myers.
God, Johnny, You, and the Great America.
Realize, CNN and CBC have received this post, yet, continue to
lie to dying soldiers for the unholy benefit of the enemy
The "Shock and Awe" Gallery©
""The children seem to be the most openly enthused.
They are getting a chance at a future the likes of which
would never have been possible under the oppressive
When we cancel other people's human rights, we cancel our own.
= Highwater =
"In another characteristic incident, Bush asserted, as he
has repeatedly, that any decision on withdrawal of American
troops from Iraq "will be made by military commanders, not by
politicians in Washington DC." Congressional Republicans gave
a standing ovation to this remark, which amounts to a
declaration that, in the war for "freedom" and "democracy" in
Iraq, there is no room for such trifles as control over the
military by the civilian authorities, and subordination of
decisions on war and peace to the democratic will of the
American people. "
Exactly. The demon enemy of life itself, Our Mr. bush Jnr.,
who publicly parades his contempt for freedom and God, must
be stopped for all costs, that include for sure, your own
as reader.
""I think they thought we wouldn't shoot kids, But we
showed them we don't care. I did what I had to do. I
don't have a big problem with it" - U.S. Army Pvt.
Nick Boggs"
One of Rumsfeld's last quotes before he was executed for high treason.
"War has been declared on all of our nations and on our people."
I, J. Wizard, in the city of Winnipeg, Province of Manitoba
Pakistani ISI Director General Ahmad orders an aide to wire
transfer about $100,000 to hijacker Atta. Ahmad later resigns
after the transfer is disclosed in India and confirmed by the
FBI. [Dawn, 10/8/01, Times of India, 10/9/01, Wall Street
Journal, 10/10/01, AFP, 10/10/01] The individual who makes the
wire transfer at Ahmad's direction is Saeed Sheikh, later
convinced for kidnapping and murdering reporter Daniel Pearl
in February 2002. ABC News later reports, "federal
authorities have told ABC News they've now tracked more than
$100,000 from banks in Pakistan to two banks in Florida to
accounts held by suspected hijack ringleader Mohamed Atta."
[ABC News, 9/30/01] CNN also reports the $100,000 transfer,
and the New York Times specifies that it came in 2000. [CNN,
10/1/01, CNN, 10/6/01, New York Times, 7/10/02] Ahmad's order
must have preceded June 2000, since that's when Atta and
others started opening bank accounts and receiving the money
($109,910 is received by Atta and Marwan Alshehhi between June
19 and September 18). [MSNBC, 12/11/01]
On March 3, 2002, MSNBC's Jim Miklaszewski reported that he
had received anonymously, top secret presidential war strategy
documents dated September 9th, 2001, originating from
Condolezza's office, outlining a strategy to invade
Afghanistan premised on blaming bin Laden a terrorist, but
providing no evidence to back up the allegations, thereby
guaranteeing criminal invasion. Only workable if Laden pleads
innocence to a crime that hadn't yet taken place, a crime
serious enough to "justify" sacrificing American GIs truly for
a liquefied natural gas pipe line for pension thieving Enron.
["The Dahbol Working Group" and Bridas] Any evidence for any
offense would have been sufficient to have Muslim
fundamentalists hand Laden immediately over, as they had
offered [as others of other nations had also] repeatedly
during the Clinton years.
CBC and CNN have still, to this day, consciously refused to do
any follow up on the intelligence, deciding instead on behalf
of dying people everywhere, our public devolvement of a just
RT? News - US rejects Taliban bin Laden evidence calls
21 September 2001 17:41
The White House has rejected requests from Afghanistan's
ruling Taliban for proof that Osama bin Laden was responsible
for last week's attacks. According to the US Secretary of
State, Colin Powell, the United States has enough evidence to
try bin Laden in an American court.
The US Government said there would be no negotiations.
[This following document was the official damning account]
Responsibility for the terrorist atrocities in the United States
4 October 2001
[This Internet Domain is Britain's Prime Minister's]
"This document does not purport to provide a prosecutable case
against Usama Bin Laden in a court of law."
The document doesn't hold ANY case, as that was the strategy.... See?
Investigating the Investigation
After playing a tape of Cheney's statement, Russert asked
Daschle, "Did the vice president call you and urge you not to
investigate the events of Sept. 11?" Daschle flatly
contradicted Cheney: "Yes, he did, Tim, on Jan. 24, and then
on Jan. 28 the president himself at one of our breakfast
meetings repeated the request."
...."[T]hat request was made" by Cheney not only on Jan. 24
and by Mr. Bush four days later, but "on other dates
following" as well.
ABCNEWS.com : FBI Called off Terror Investigations
Two veteran FBI investigators say they were ordered to stop
investigations into a suspected terror cell linked to Osama
bin Laden's al Qaeda network and the Sept. 11 attacks...
`You Will Not Open Criminal Investigations'
October 9 2001 - The Times of India
"While the Pakistani Inter Services Public Relations claimed
that former ISI [the "Pakistani CIA"] director-general Lt-Gen
Mahmud Ahmad sought retirement after being superseded on
Monday, the truth is more shocking. Top sources confirmed
here on Tuesday that the general lost his job because of the
"evidence" India produced to show his links to one of the
suicide bombers that wrecked the World Trade Center. The U.S.
authorities sought his removal after confirming the fact that
$100,000 were wired to WTC hijacker Mohammed Atta from
Pakistan by Ahmad Umar Sheikh [Omar Saeed] at the instance of
General Mahmud [Ahmad]. Senior government sources have
confirmed that India contributed significantly to establishing
the link between the money transfer and the role played by the
dismissed ISI chief. While they did not provide details, they
said that Indian inputs, including [Omar Saeed's] mobile phone
number, helped the FBI in tracing and establishing the link."
No evidence was brought against Laden for nine eleven, none.
[So according to Bush's official top secret Presidential
directives] While Laden himself claimed he played no part in
911. Still, to save the lives of third worlders on the brink
of starvation, Laden agreed to hand himself over, but Bush
refused the offer, while CBC and CNN denied to report on that
fact for the behalf of now dying dismembered American GIs.
Once the indiscriminate bombing began, targeting almost every
building in the country of Afghanistan, Laden then claimed he
had no choice but to fight back to defend US innocent from the
ungodly enemies of Creation/Freedom. Then the clear to all
fake video came out with an actor who's face wasn't even close
to looking remotely like Laden, but for almost the facial
hair. [Bridge of the Jamaican actor's nose is HALF as long in
proportion to Laden's for example, and surely frightfully
shocking for some, the actor doesn't even take blame for 911
either!] Photos comparing the two faces never aired on CBC and
CNN available in about twelve seconds with the power of the
former FBI deputy director and murder victim John O'Neill
"the main obstacles to investigating Islamic terrorism were
U.S. oil corporate interests and the role played by Saudi
Alex Jones interviewing Former German Defense Minister Andreas Von
"Bush signed W199I months before 911 ordering the FBI not to
stop Al-Qaeda. They threatened to arrest FBI agent Robert
Wright if he tells us what he knows."
Mr. Bush was quoted somewhere regarding Mr. Laden's guilt of
complete innocence with "We don't need any evidence, we know
he's guilty."
" [FBI's] Edmonds concluded that documents clearly showed that
the Sept. 11 hijackers were in the country and plotting to
use airplanes as missiles. She said documents also included
information relating to their financial activities. "
The honorable Argentinean oil company Bridas' relationship can
not be understated as the Bush Administration's primary motive
on criminal invasion of Afghanistan to save his biggest
corporate backers, the American pension thieving Enron.
From "Fresh Memories of War" by Kandea Mosley, The Ithaca Journal (New
"We were told there were no friendly forces," said [Army
Private Matt] Guckenheimer, an assistant gunner with the 10th
Mountain Division at Fort Drum. "If there was anybody there,
they were the enemy. We were told specifically that if there
were women and children to kill them."
"the people there are dead because we wanted
them dead." The reason? They sympathized with the Taliban.1
When asked about the Chowkar incident, Rumsfeld replied, "I
cannot deal with that particular village."
"American troops today admitted they routinely gun down Iraqi
civilians - some of whom are entirely innocent.
And in an admission that directly contrasts with the line
coming out from the Pentagon's spin doctors Specialist
Corporal Michael Richardson added: "There was no dilemma when
it came to shooting people who were not in uniform, I just
pulled the trigger."
Bush demands total impunity on the war crimes he is personally
responsible for
"Marines said the men fired on them. A senior officer said
they had no weapons, but that with shots coming in the men
were legitimate targets because they ran."
(Link to photo: http://www.cair-net.org/images/lcpl11.jpg)
Guardian Wednesday 7, 2001 - "FBI claims bin Laden inquiry was
[this story was on Bush's top secret W199i directive]
This information would take a well paid intelligence officer,
or CBC reporter no more that thirty seconds to look for follow
ups. For, I know, the BBC did also a national news report on
INTERVIEWER: Are you aware that this tank is contaminated with
SOLDIER: No, it isn't radioactive.
INTERVIEWER: But we have measured it.
SOLDIER: No, it isn't radioactive, not this tank.
Justice Department lawyer John Yoo, "In the exercise of his
plenary power to use military force," Yoo insisted, "the
President's decisions are for him alone and are unreviewable."
The incriminating FBI email dated 22 May 2004, indicates that
president Bush
signed off on certain interrogation techniques in an executive order."
(See original at
U.S. deserter 'didn't want to have to kill babies'
"Mr. House will argue that American soldiers are guilty of
war crimes and that forcing Mr. Hinzman to fight in Iraq
would have made him a war criminal.
He will call as a witness former U.S. Marine Staff Sergeant
Jimmy Massey, who is expected to testify that he and other
soldiers shot more than 30 unarmed Iraqis, including women and
a six-year-old child, at a U.S. military checkpoint."
that a clandestine military task force in Iraq was beating
detainees, ordering Defense Intelligence Agency debriefers out
of the room during questioning, confiscating evidence of the
abuse and intimidating the debriefers when they complained."
A sacked CIA official is reportedly suing the agency for
allegedly retaliating against him for refusing to falsify his
reports on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction to support the
White House's pre-war position.
``I was faced with being deployed to Iraq to do what the
infantry does, kill people, and I had no justification for
doing so,'' he testified. ``This was a criminal war. Any act
of violence in an unjustified conflict is an atrocity.''
Williams's squad stopped a dump truck, and an Iraqi climbed
out. "Light him up!" the sergeant ordered, according to
testimony, and the squad opened fire, killing the unarmed man.
Williams and a squadmate reportedly got into an argument over
which of them had scored Company C's first kill.
It gets worse. We already knew about the Franklin County,
Ohio, precinct that tallied 4,258 votes for Bush when only 638
people had actually voted.
Israeli Soldiers Going In For The Kill: A 13 year old
Palestinian [JEWISH] school girl is about to die
"It's a little girl. She's running defensively eastwards, a
girl of about 10. She's behind the embankment, scared to
"Anyone who's mobile, moving in the zone, even if it's a
three-year-old, needs to be killed."
[destructive radius of a 900-kilogram bomb is half a
kilometer, and all TRUE accounts of death rates for Fallujah
alone, a city where the population was forbidden to leave,
exceed two hundred thousand innocent souls.]
"Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage contradicted
Rice's claim that the White House had a strategy before Sept.
11 for military operations against al Qaeda and the Taliban."
This indicates that with the foreknowledge gained through
prior experiences of Muslim fundamentalists, such as the
Taliban, being forbidden by their religion [Jihad] to
persecute the innocent, left the Bush Administration with only
needing to do, and had officially done, was to use no evidence
to back up allegations to insure invasion plans, and as a
result, a deliberate treasonous criminal strategy to not
follow the crime scene leads at the real murder scene to nab
to true evil doers. For otherwise - spoil the top secret
Blix nor Elbaradei, nor Kofi, suggested, implied, or stated,
that Iraq had failed to comply with the newest U.N.
resolution: 1441.
HANS BLIX: "And at this juncture, we are able to perform
professional no-notice inspections all over Iraq and to
increase aerial surveillance..."
With complete, one hundred percent access to go where ever the
Bush Administration pleased without delay, left a situation of
an unjust war only detrimental to an ability to bring about
any good or better thing. American soldiers are being
sacrificed for no better good or reason understood, for if
progress will ever be made, it will be when they work to bring
about a political situation that was there in Iraq before the
Bush Administration starting murdering innocent people for
nothing . Well, not completely, for Bremer shipped 19 billion
to Greenspan early on, then, hundreds of millions were sent
Professor Steven E. Jones, a tenured BYU professor,
"To be truthful about it, there was no way we could have got
the public consent to have suddenly launched a campaign on
Afghanistan but for what happened on September 11..."
Tony Blair Speaking To House of Commons Liaison Committee
The Washington Post, 23 September 2001.
At American urging, Ahmed traveled ... to Kandahar,
Afghanistan. There he delivered the bluntest of demands.
Turn over bin Laden without conditions, he told Taliban leader
Mohammad Omar, or face certain war with the United States and
its allies.
Mahmoud's meetings on two separate missions with the Taliban
were reported as a "failure." Yet this "failure" to extradite
Osama without providing a shred of eidence was part of
Washington's documented design, providing a pretext for a
military intervention which was already in the pipeline. If
Osama had been extradited, the main justification for waging a
war "against international terrorism" would no longer hold.
Nor would the ready to go Patriot Act. Incidentally, when
MSNBC contacted the Whitehouse regarding the top secret
invasion of Afghanistan plan, it was confessed that the plan
had been "fully implemented"
The Crown's interpretations of my possessions are not my expressions!!
The Judge through this whole thing out for the defense
without any consideration offered to OUR COURT!
Since I am representing myself on these particular criminal
matters, Legal Aid is not required to lend assistance on the
grounds that I'm not co-operating with the system as it
operates through professional Barred representations. [I am
eligible for walk in consultations but nothing of the sort of
assistance I am requesting] Considering the complexity of my
judicial matter, I would request legal assistance from the
Court in these following areas.
1. National Security Issues
I need assistance in understanding the legal statutes that our
national security services are obligated to practice under, to
insure our national security matters are being truly defended
in my respect.
White House keeps dossiers on more than 10,000 'political enemies'
"Specialist Damien "Monster" Corsetti-known
affectionately as the "King of Torture" among his Bagram
colleagues-was later fined and demoted for forcing an
Iraqi woman to strip during an interrogation at Abu
Ghraib. Yet Corsetti remains a free man. "
Will America hunt to kill the un-arrested bushite cancer
that knows thyself as the "King of Torture"? Who's
blasphemous open contempt for all that is God doesn't even
earn him a spot on America's Most Wanted?
"an epic study that documents the systematic nature of
torture by the Americans, and how casual it is, even
enjoyable. [...] as the head of Reuters said recently,
it is out of control. It is destroying lives in industrial
quantities when compared with the violence of the
Godless bushite enemy thieves, are enemies of innocent men
women and children as they live and die in undefended America
measured worthless to the neocon traitor's bottom line.
"Mr Cheney told several Republican senators that
President Bush would veto the annual defense spending
bill if it contained language prohibiting the use of
cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment by any U.S.
personnel. "
"Col. Robert Bowman: As other speakers have said,
they knew the American people wouldn't stand for it"
"Rove told Cooper that further information
discrediting Wilson and his findings would soon be
declassified and ended the phone conversation by saying
"I've already said too much. "
". less than one per cent of the population believes
coalition forces are responsible for any improvement in
security; "
(Don't miss "J. Wizard Vs. the bushmob")
From the J. Wizard work - "Wait a Moment"
"Who cares about yourself if you won't listen as reason
to? What can you lose when you have granted to be
blindly stolen from? "
"The War Crimes Act of 1996, a federal statute set
forth at 18 U.S.C. § 2441, makes it a federal crime for
any U.S. national, whether military or civilian, to
violate the Geneva Convention by engaging in murder,
torture, or inhuman treatment. "
"Making a potential prosecutor's job easier, U.S.
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales wrote a memo in January
2002 to President Bush saying that America should opt out
of the Geneva Convention because top officials have to
worry about prosecutions under 18 U.S.C. § 2441. By
attempting to sidestep the Geneva Convention, Gonzales
created a document trail that can be used to prove that
top administration officials knowingly created a policy
of torturing prisoners "
"Entitled ``The Torture Question,'' the report makes
clear that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld bears direct
responsibility for the brutal methods of interrogation
used against US prisoners. "
"What is happening is that Ms. Davidson and Lawyers
Against the War have laid charges against George Bush Jr;
accusing him of aiding, abetting, and counseling the
commission of torture."
"o Where the HELL is YOUR proof that Porter Goss knew nothing
about $100,000 that was wired to Mohammed Atta?"
"One soldier raised his concerns within the Army chain of
command for seventeen months before the Army agreed to
undertake an investigation, but only after he had contacted
members of Congress and considered going public with the
"These soldiers' accounts show how the administration's
refusal to insist on adherence to a lawful, long-recognized,
and well-defined standard of treatment contributed to the
torture of prisoners. They also show how that policy betrayed
the soldiers in the field-sowing confusion in the ranks,
exposing them to legal sanction when abuses occurred, and
placing in an impossible position all those who wished to
behave honorably."
From "Epiphany"
"What can bush or rumsfeld do now in Iraq, outside of
criminally stealing our assets, that they couldn't do before a
single innocent Iraqi person was murdered by heinous traitor
buford blount?"
From "Time to tell"
"Mr. bush you nazi vermin, you attack my America, you attack
US all. American soldiers will not sit back as cowards
entirely, and watch you sacrifice our lives as worthless
without meaning.""
"In fact, as they made clear on page one, the authors had
stripped out Falluja; their estimate of 98,000 deaths would
otherwise have been much higher. "
Interesting the United Methodist Church felt it necessary
to REPEAT it's statement that the push for war was
"without any justification according to the teachings of
Christ." "
"Patriotism demands that I speak out and call it by
it's name. It is treason.
I joined the Air Force a long time ago to protect our
borders and our people, not the financial interests of
Folgers, Chiquita-Banana, Exxon and Halliburton. We've
had enough corporate wars. "
"American troops even have a term for the barbaric
technique - "Shake and Bake"-clear evidence that this
was no one-off affair. "
"Iraqi detainee, Thahee Sabbar, who has brought a
lawsuit against Rumsfeld and top US military commanders,
said he was also beaten, deprived of food and sleep, given
electric shocks, shot with rubber bullets and subjected to
mock executions after being detained by US soldiers in
July 2003, [...]
"They put me in a small cell at first where there were
bloody clothes from another prisoner. Then I was in a
room with about 100 others. Sometimes they used drills on
people." "
"Hitler would have trouble understanding what the fuss
over using white phosphorus in a city is all about. "
"Roberts said that the CIA was aware that the vast
majority of detainees are not terrorists, proven by the
fact that Pakistani gangsters admitted to rounding up
innocent people in street sweeps and selling them to the
US government as terrorists for anything up to $25,000.
These people are now at Guantanamo Bay. "
"Describing the United States' intention to target
civilians in Falluja, Englehart states that he was told by
military superiors going into Falluja that "every single
person that was walking, talking, breathing was [an] enemy
combatant. As such every single person that was walking
down the street or in a house was a target." Englehart
confirms that soldiers had orders to shoot children as
young as 10 years old. "
"would go ahead this
month, despite an announcement by the Supreme Court that
it is to rule on whether the president has the power to
create such tribunals in the first place. "
""they're not working undercover. They've abandoned all
pretense of morality. They're in our faces - in every
critical position in this government - put in place to create
the madness, cruelty, torture, and massive genocide that will
form the foundation of their World. And destroy ours.""
"By trapping as many as 100,000 men and boys in the city
before invading it, the U.S., acting for all the world more
like a group of Bosnian Serb thugs than like the army of the
Free World, has assured that it will be killing many, many
civilians, but we won't be hearing much about that. As far
as the Pentagon and Centcom in Iraq go, the dead in Fallujah
are and will be all rebels. If they die, they must have died
"One contractor received more than $100,000 to completely
refurbish an Olympic pool but only polished the pumps. "
"He [the demon anti-Christ] also said that he will block
White House aides from testifying [...] and that he will not
release official White House photos of himself with former
Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff. "
"Why does any American think that spying without a warrant
has any more effect in reducing the threat of terrorism than
spying with a warrant?"
Yet, FOX, CNN and CBC silently plead ignorance when
broadcasting for bushite favor on this rights issue.
"Cuba's president Fidel Castro outlined the disastrous
effects of this recently:"
God or no God, I hate the demon antiChrist, corporate
america's false-deity, Your unelected Mr. bush Jr., as
much as any real Creator of this world, or any other
"The article reveals for the first time that one of the
elected officials that bin Laden-connected Turkish nationals
claimed to have on their payroll was none other than
Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert.."
"Q: Does the president think he should obey the law?"
"Throughout the article, which is more than a thousand
words long, there is not one word to indicate that enriched
uranium is used in nuclear power plants; it is simply assumed
that "Tehran's insistence on enriching uranium" is due to an
intent to build a bomb. Iran's denial that it has any such
intent? Never mentioned in the article."
"See the above mentioned Film: Iraq's Missing Billions "
"The most important point to make is that access has been
provided to all sites we have wanted to inspect and with one
exception it has been prompt. "
"Surveillance of American citizens without PROBABLE CAUSE,
which is actual EVIDENCE that specific individuals are engaged
in illegal activity, is a blatant disregard of the fourth
admendment of the Constitution of the United States. "
"The U.S. War Crimes Act of 1996 makes such conduct by a
member of the U.S. armed forces a "war crime" punishable by
fine, imprisonment or, in cases resulting in death to the
victim, the death penalty. "
"When we first approached the Marines with this evidence, they
responded in quite a hostile fashion. They accused us of
buying into enemy propaganda. "
"They instituted a constitution so that people would not be
jailed without "probable cause", or be lied to about taking
this country and its soldiers to war, or have shoved aside the
checks and balances represented by American courts and the
Congress. All these are being done by two pro-Vietnam war
draft dodgers! "
"The soldiers raided the town and "brutally assaulted a number
of unarmed Iraqi civilians, causing serious injuries from
which one died", Martin Heslop QC told the court.
"During the course of the incident, two women who tried to
intervene were assaulted, one being pregnant at the time and
the other having given birth two weeks before," he added. "
``There is indeed a big JSOTF8 compound at Balad.
If they do have a detention room, I presume it would be
inside that compound. I wasn't allowed inside it, and nor
were the Army and Air Force officers I was with.''
"We'd better take it seriously when the founder member of
one of the most elite military forces in the world says
Bush has fomented a third world war for personal gain. "
"Fake bin Laden tapes, "verified" by the CIA, are nothing
new. Every supposed bin Laden statement since 2001 has been
blatantly bogus. The last we heard from the real bin Laden
"I stress that I have not carried out this act, which appears
to have been carried out by individuals with their own
motivation. ... I have already said that I am not involved
in the 11 September attacks in the United States. ... I had
no knowledge of these attacks.""
The Benderman Cause
A Canadian Soldier's Life Held in Contempt - The Verdict
LET IT BE KNOWN - Propagandized stupider than the fates will allow
Realize, CNN and CBC have received this post, yet, continue to
treasonously lie to dying soldier families.
Nazi Israel - The Judgment of Jesus
2006-08-23 20:03:00 UTC
O! come on,good war on information field,too bad you forgot to mantion
fanatics that kills few years people in israel,and too bad that you forgot
to mantion how long the hisballa was cheking out patience of israel,killing
and stealing people ,too bad that you forgot to mention that the lend they
get 3 years ago,so why they fight? i tell you ,for the name of got,thats
means they never will stop,thats means that Israel have not chose,o yes,on
the war people die,so stop you war of the name of your god!!!!!!!!
Nazi Israel
"It might have been Hezbollah." Olmert, the anti-Jew spew.
They'll say, "Well.. it could have been a Hezbollah hide-out.
We know they'll put themselves among civilians, they're so
terrible. Willing to kill innocent Lebanese people." And
then, they'll bomb bomb shelters, or apartment buildings.
They won't warn anybody, but just say they did and corporate
news America will refuse to confirm or deny the made routinely
baseless allegations THROUGH their/OUR "unbiased", we don't
need any evidence, bin Laden did it, broadcasts.
Firstly, most of the 'towns' in Israel are military bases.
That is why your never shown who these people are. Second,
you have to already acknowledge, as a person who lives is
Israel being a so named "Jewish" person, that your victimizing
innocent People. You are stealing an innocent person's home,
as a political function of your criminal body. That's
accepted by everyone, all Jews concur, even the nazi jews say,
"Well, we deserve it, cause G-D says we could steal an
in-ocent per-on's hom- and make 'them' suf-er by pu-ting
'them' in a concentrati-n camp, depriv-ng 'them' their food
and water. We're the goo- guys from 'The Book' don't you
know" Then, when you look at The Book, The Book says, God
comes down and chastises those who steal the Jewish name, by
victimizing the innocent to steal Our values, to steal Our
worths. Israel won't speak reason, right? They can't
negotiate honorably across an open table, because they are
thieving an innocent person's property. They put people in
prison without trial, without EVIDENCE. Then we'll ask,
"What's the guy's crime?" and they'll say "He's a Lebanese
guy, or Afghan, or Iraqi, or, he's a Palestinian Christian who
tried to eek out a living in this world honorably, and we just
kidnap 'them' and put 'them' in prison, and no, he doesn't get
a lawyer, don't be silly, heavens, we might even torture his
children if they should throw a rock at an invading nazi tank
bulldozing 'their' once happy Home." That is why they can't
negotiate an honorable settlement, THEY'RE CRIMINALS.
Victimizing our G-D, victimizing Ourselves, by pirating Your
authority. Where is the Messiah when we need him on CNN, CBC,
FOXNews, and the Coast to Coast radio network?
Look, CNN, CBC, and FOXNews KNOWS the bushmob did 911, [VIDEO
of WTC7 is forbidden on all OUR corporate news broadcasts] and
will smile to us ALL while lying to American Soldiers who die
cowardly as teenage dumfuks for the satanic neocon LIAR
enemies of God.
/ / Did the American people see on CNN the child whose face
was burnt by Israeli phosphorous bombs in Lebanon? Did they
hear him screaming in pain at Sidon Hospital, with his mother
falling to pieces in agony beside him because of the injury he
sustained from the terrible bombs? How can the American
people accept their elected President George W. Bush's
rejection of a ceasefire? \ \
Dan Gillerman, enemy of the Jew, tells US, the demon
antichrist forces warned the dirt poor citizens of Qana to
leave the town somehow, but at the same time, nazi Israeli
forces would target us people in trucks, buses, cars and red
cross ambulances fleeing the town. Two, the demon enemy of
Christ, Dan Gillerman on Meet the Press, has officially
admitted, they, the liar zionist enemies of Creation, true
terrorists, have NO EVIDENCE, that any missiles had come from
anywhere near the vicinity, where the enemies murdered almost
entirely, more than fifty innocent children of God. Yet, the
demon enemy of Humanity Gillerman has suggested boldly, that
it was all just Hezbollah's fault anyway, for letting these
People get in the way of their ten's of thousands of
indiscriminate bombing campaigns they've waged against God.
War crimes trials must be demanded, and the rightful execution
of those responsible for such indiscriminate targeting must
meet their fate as the other similar nazis did during
Nuremberg. As so does, Bush, Rumsfeld, Rice, Cheney, Sattler,
Blount, Russell, Mattis, and Bering like torturing enemies of
the United States of America.
Peres the DEVIL: 'why do they shoot at us?, and please, no wisdoms of
(the Hezbollah missiles were only sent after the Israeli attack was
well under way).
/ / The captured Israeli soldiers were captured inside Lebanon
(summarized here; see also here and here and here). That
means the self-defense pretext is a lie, and the concept that
Israel has a right to defend itself, spouted by all its
apologists, is irrelevant (the Hezbollah missiles were only
sent after the Israeli attack was well under way). In fact,
Hezbollah only poses a military threat inside Lebanon
defending it from Israel, and is absolutely no military
'existential' threat to Israel itself, meaning that all the
discussions by the disgusting apologists for war crimes, fine
considerations of when you can murder citizens under the
pretext of 'self-defense', is immoral bullshit. \ \
Colmes "Ambassador Ginsberg, I keep hearing about 1559, why
don't I hear as often about 242, which deals with 1967
borders, which is also is in contention here. I don't hear
the same people talking about that particular violated U.N.
resolution." [One of almost every other that's been violated
as routinely criminal by nature, ungodly Israel.]
Ginsberg "Oh Alan, come on now. Alan.. Alan look.. you know,
If you want. to start that game.." Hah!
Colmes, you don't have to play in the zionists ungodly world
of trying desperately to mislead Americans into killing their
undefended kids for cash. I feel, you put to much faith into
the bushite's honesty on being trusting fair gamers. They
there at FOXNews want to cheat America as the disenfranchised.
Why? On a level playing field, with open line communications,
we would win as the virtuous. Colmes you talk a mean game,
but the bushite cheat. Venture out on your own, like millions
of others do, and though it may seem so, truly you wont be
alone in your concerns. Example: 'Hannity, did you know that
the FBI contend that General Ahmad funded 911's Atta?'
/ / They use the anti-Semitic slur whenever any criticism
surfaces, even though they are not Semitic, they are
ashka-Nazis. They are warlike Khazars with absolutely no
connection to ancient Israel. \ \
If we HAVE to delineate a race of people to the Jewish
faith, they'd be all black guys from Ethiopia. Zionists are
openly, knowingly evil to our poorer, more intellectually
challenged. They leverage the intellect of the sacrificing
bushite grunt, the coward, the traitor. The bushite wants to
believe in treachery for America, because IT knows it doesn't
have the courage, honor or virtue to for example, arrest ANY
Aegis employee for murder. Who as all do openly operate,
taxing by America's expense, (as a wise pro-bush business
investment tool,) to get killed just ANY AMERICAN teen
soldier/dumfuk whore for the pleasure of taking further more
in Rumsfeld favors - of still leaving Freedom as Justice TRULY
They say of Saddam, he might be executed because he okayed a
judicial judgment be enforced to put down a criminal group
fighting for sole control of oil, a group that were trying to
overthrow Iraq's entire government, to leave everyone else
without. And when innocent people's lives were jeopardized,
Saddam called a halt to firing. ('Kurds' war 'Kurds' because
both sides tell each other their fighting for the same
Homeland, when in truth, it's just war mongers trying to grab
up more oil for themselves privately with mercenary forces.
While children die in Iraq, they to this day, drown in money
horded.) While America and Israel Generals are committing the
worst war crimes known of in History, against the Innocent as
ourselves unfairly represented. Like bushite Sattler ordering
the murder of more than 250,000 innocent people in Fallujah as
just one example of many.
/ / IOF chief of staff Dan Halutz "has given the order to the
air force to destroy 10 multi-storey buildings in the Dahaya
district (of Beirut) in response to every rocket fired on
Haifa," reports Khaleej Times, citing IOF radio. \ \
Look, whoever you are, a policeman perhaps or a janitor, maybe
a truck driver, JUSTLY kill with pleasure this war criminal of
OUR Humanity, the ungodly mass murdering nazi TERRORIST Dan
Halutz. After confiming this allegation as verified correct.
The Bohemian Grove antichrist death Cult is a REAL top secret
Morningstar scheme captured on video tape for all the World to
George Walker Bush, proud card carrying member of the
"secret", lets kill American kids for cash cult, would quote
the Grove's motto thus: "weaving spiders come not here" and I
would respond "Err.. okay, I'll ask them know you said so if
they should spell tomorrow, (however, I really don't believe
they'll listen, for flies alone can be trying somedays), but,
why I ask pray tell?, and speak better, for I'm hard of
hearing you coherently." Like, tell US again, what's with the
Cult's lodge-room 322, and the silly little pentagram on the
wall you mock life's prayers to? Or, what is the curious
story line function of the player who gets dressed up as the,
heads or tails Reaper deceiver to pretend you bad guys get it
all back in the end? I was just wondering what the hell you
people think your really doing over there worshipping oh..
nothing in particular, while openly stealing America's blood
and treasure from freedom fighting liberators - The unjustly
dying "Army of One" fellows?
/ / In other words, the Israeli generals sent their young
conscripts over the Lebanese border with the intention that
they be captured or die, all in order to create the excuse for
the pre-planned attack on Lebanon. I'm sure the relatives of
the soldiers are proud of them, on the assumption that their
sacrifice was made to protect [anti-Jew Zionist] Israel. \ \
/ / We're told another soldier was kidnapped by Hamas and that
the kidnappers dug a tunnel 650 meters under sand in order to
accomplish this. This is bullshit. \ \
/ / And on-going spiteful acts of destruction are reported.
"Most commonly, Israeli tanks are driving over and flattening
cars whether on the streets or parked on pavements in front of
residences. Personal property inside houses is being
destroyed in house-to-house searches." \ \
/ / Israel is a big military base established on stolen land,
any "right" the world has given it to exist is in violation
of, not in compliance with, universal standards of justice.\ \
What is a war crime good for anyway?
/ / The kidnapping of the Israeli corporal is a well known
fact. This "news" has been around the world more times than a
keyhole satellite. It was used as a pretext for Israeli
troops and equipment to move back into Gaza. What most DON'T
know is the very day before, the Israelis kidnapped a
physician and another member of his family. Their whereabouts
and status remain unknown. \ \
It has been widely suggested by the available evidence, that
the Zionists originally sent the anti-Semitic soldiers on a
suicide mission into Lebanon, to lie American Christians into
giving even more to them to victimize further US. Zionists
would kill confused stupid Jews for the easy cash too, see?
Nobody puts me up on a cross without a fight to your finish.
Condi, demon witch, NEVER ELECTED, demands Israel be allowed
to continue indiscriminately MURDER US. Has she not seen ANY
footage recently of the bombing in Beirut? Or the targeting
of the Red Cross? Schools? Of course she has. DEMONIC
ISRAEL states they, as Humanity's enemy, would never target
the UN, but will indiscriminately murder whomever should live
in this region of ours as the godly and innocent BETRAYED.
They suggested that Hezzbollah was secretly near there, solely
on the testimony discovered after the event, from a guy that
is now dead. Additionally, this group of observers would be
likely, truly counting terrorist strikes from their vantage
point impartially, if they hadn't been murdered deliberately.
Start acting honorably with the hunting to arrest or kill
escaping zionist neocon terrorist enemies, my American Patriot
Giving Birth to Monster
/ / The Palestinians are not my enemies, nor are the Lebanese.
You, have become my enemy. And I will fight you, and so will
many other sane people around the world. But let's look again
at what Rice said: a "New Middle East." What could she have
meant by that? Just what kind of Middle East can you have
when Israel is systematically ethnically cleansing the region
of - well... anybody but Israelis. And there's your answer.
That is, after all, the vision of Israel. And so we see just
what kind of "New Middle East" Condoleezza Rice is talking
about: she is pregnant and giving birth to a Monster. \ \
Condi's position to forbid any cease-fire, is to say Peace is
NEVER possible with HER in charge. See, a stop to
hostilities, is no way to end a war against You as the
INNOCENT EVER. Death after trial to Condi for 911.
Israel, the Nazi State
Look, Israel states that because they kidnap innocent persons,
while thieving as demon enemies to Christ, Hitler was right in
gassing the Jews. Why? Because they bomb Lebanon to punish
US, the godly as innocent, stating that would be the correct
thing to do by god. But they are wrong. Why? Being Jewish
is antithetical to the demonic zionist CRIMINAL cause. Israel
is not a "Jewish" state, but that of an ungodly regime that
treats ALL People as G-d unfairly. See?, Israel states
Lebanon has two democratically elected Hezbollah members, "The
Liberators", therefore all the other millions or so people are
up for murder as freedom fighters under their Zionist war
criminal nazi dictate, doing Hitler's banker proud. What is
the crime in wanting to liberate your nation from a bunch of
thieves that plan to treat all others as second class
citizens? With no rights to scream for war crime trials
against the true Nazis? One more time: Okay - so Israel is
saying killing Jews would be the thing to do, because Israel
tells US, all religious Hezbollah relationships deserve
executions, while all "Jews", support blindly without room for
question, the "Jewish" State's FUNDAMENATALIST dictate always.
So, since the "Jewish" State supports firing rockets, or
dropping bombs on the innocent in hospitals, schools,
churches, and cars, therefore, like Israel says, all religious
Jews in relationship should be found executed without trial,
like Israel has determined for the determinate value of the
Human population in Lebanon. See, Israel would say, - all
People who fight for fairness through freedom by Justice, are
just guilty because they're not blindly "Jewish" - UNEQUAL in
Rights -, and as such, would fight back for fairness as the
innocent being robbed if Israel didn't try to murder more of
them as WE keep coming. See?, Zionist Israel would say for
all of US, all Jews hate all of God, therefore we're all
worthy of indiscriminate bombing, for what if WE, all people
being of Love, stood up for our rights, as the Human
bloodline? US all, the godly innocent by scriptures, will
defeat the criminal values of the Zionist. A zionist LIAR
profiting off our God as the Innocent suffering, must not be
allowed to remain victimizing. Where is the care for the
murder victims that Israeli soldiers have caused? The
zionists being ungodly war criminals who congratulate such
wicked viciousness against the innocent families in Lebanon or
Gaza?, I thought we left these Nazis defeated after WWII, but
look as Zionist Israel expressing itself reminiscently of the
uncaring deeds Hitler's regime did, with concentration campers
victimized for theft. Israel is being pure nazi EVIL as enemy
of the Jew, the TRUE Jew. Zionism isn't tenable. Jews don't
murder Jews just because they're Jews, for, that would be
suicide. (Did I tell you Peres is the actually for real,
genuine Devil dealer playing US all wrong super duper stupidly
now?) Why should Lebanon's democracy be punished by those who
call such ungodly criminal action as justified? Peres, the
DEVIL, just says Israeli terrorist actions are 'justified',
with no need to explain to un-biased zionist newscasters not
interested in defending ourselves from indiscriminate
carnage. No, the bushmob gives them more bombs to assist in
further war crimes. See? the antichrist and Donald "Sexy
cluster dud dropper" Rumsfeld get killed undefended American
kids for the easy cash. And let me tell you, it is easy!
These so called American Patriot Soldiers are total dumfuks,
dying for nothing but their personal cowardice and betrayal.
Just look at what corporate America is doing in support of
democracy in Mexico, or Haiti, or Uzbekistan. Do you think
FOXNews disregard for their freedoms, aren't attitudes they
would have with them when they forbid to report the demon
antichrist, the American Cop killer George Walker Bush wasn't
even verifibly elected in Johnny's America?
America: Death to the bushites, death to Our enemies. Or,
more innocent people will fall dead as murder victims because
of Your apparent confusion on this freedom from bushite enemy
tyranny, they murder US issue. These bushite zionists are
LYING to your American child through our magic tvs, while the
zionist company, Aegis is OFFICIALLY getting the MARINES
killed FOR SURE, in your Name, for a fast bushite buck. Now,
WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT??! Jesus would suggest talk
radio, or perhaps is it as true American, you can't be
bothered to try Yourself either. Whatever, later.
Your Freedom Loving Bushite Jailer,
Johnny Wizard - The Son of Man, King to Jews
/ / Those messages say: "from the children of Israel to the
children of Lebanon". Can any one explain this... What is
this madness? \ \
The zionist enemy tries to steal the soul of Jewish children,
but WE ain't buying. All children are God's children, and
zionists, we see, would kill not only Our children, but even
their 'own' for a fast bushite buck. Well, and, sadly, I
suppose, many Americans would do so also. [you probably
missed the video of bushite soldier families cheering at the
prospect of never ending war to sacrifice their kids for.. [on
hopes of course they'll get that big fat life insurance
pay check. [That never comes. [.]]]]
The Son of God HATES evil soulless enemy bushite vermins.
/ / Israel orders the people in the south to evacuate their
villages: when the people try to leave their villages Israel
targets them with Apache helicopters and kills them \ \
/ / Was it wrong for Hezbollah to defend their country and
chase Israel from Lebanese soil? Is that terrorism? \ \
Nazi Israel bans reporting of use of "unique" weapons in Lebanon
While enemy FOXNews compLIES.
Death to Our Enemies
Again, soldiers everywhere, my friends, CBC, CNN, and FOXNews
Zionist demon liar broadcasters KNOW the bushmob did 911, but
forbid US to communicate freely for Justice. Instead, they
wish US to war against each other for their demonic pleasures.
Instead of US needlessly slaughtering ignorant ungodly bushite
dumfuks, let's support the FBI's conclusion, on who TRULY
funded the terrorist operations of 911 to nab the REAL EVIL
doers. Or, suffer more from the tyrannies of YOUR cowardice
to stand up for yourself as worth something. With FOXNews
broadcasting about the terrible evils of tin can rockets,
while forbidding US to witness the TERRORIST carnage in
Lebanon, is an insult to every Child loving Human Being.
FOXNews enemy David Hunt 'Do as many Hezbollah like killing as you
Nazi Israel 'Lebanese Christians and Jews are indistinguishable from
The actual DEVIL! (Peres) 'no civilians or infrastructure is being
Justice for God
"Demon enemies to God are committing acts of terrorism, hunt
to kill the zionist enemy liars of the Jew" - King of the Jews
War criminals need to be found executed as enemies to Humanity.
911 war criminal Condoleezza Rice 'no cease-fire against the innocent'
911 war criminal antichrist bush snickering 'it's Syria's fault we're
giving nazis more bombs'
Peres the !DEVIL! 'no civilians or infrastructure is targeted'
Enemy FOXNews hannity 'ALL civilians are legitimate targets for
MURDER because they might be hiding weapons in their basements'
Remember: Hezbollah liberated Lebanon from nazi thieving savages.
Lebanon, a nation who then, after becoming liberated, became a
Nazi Israel, enemy of God and the Jew, has nazi soldiers
targeting all truck drivers in Lebanon for murder, apartment
buildings and Public infrastructure, and therefore, MY
Humanity, God's Humanity, will not stop until every last nazi
Israeli responsible for such terrorist targeting will be
executed as REAL war criminals. Those who support the
continuing censorship of the clearly documented, ungodly
criminality of the thieving Zionist will be hunted down by US
all, and pay with their Satanic lives instead of our innocent
own held forsaken in God's name. Death to the bushite, death
to our enemies.
FBI: Zionist antichrist Bush's buddy, General Ahmad funded
911's hijacker Atta. And bush had immediately closed, all
outstanding criminal investigations regarding the terrorist
event of 911. A TRAITOR to ALL American 'dumfuk' Soldiers.
Nazi Israel, the thieving enemies to God, has thousands in
prison as the kidnapped, and regularly, as Zionist enemy of
the Christians, shoots indiscriminately into Palestine for
their TRUE demonic pleasure. Where is their love for any God
when they murder as they have done in Lebanon? Where is their
love for any God when they steal as they have done in Gaza?
/ / "Can one be a follower of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him)
the great Messenger of God . . . and at the same time have
countries attacked? The lives, reputations and possessions of
people destroyed and on the slight chance of the presence of a
few criminals in a village, city or convoy, for example, the
entire village, city or convoy set ablaze?" he writes.
Indeed, I've been wondering the same thing myself. \ \
/ / It is time America understood Hezbollah for what it really
is, not what the Israelis and their Zionist friends say it is.
Unfortunately, our President, Bush, and Conde Rice,
misunderstand, or prefer to remain ignorant of, the truth
about Hezbollah. \ \
/ / 9/11 was an act of high treason and mass murder, and media
figures complicit in the cover-up will be viewed, a few years
hence, the way we now view Dr. Goebbels. The last time a
bunch of empire-builders tried to trample on our rights, we
had a little uprising called the American Revolution. It's
time for another one. Let's kick it off with another Boston
Tea Party-a little red-white-and-blue version of
V-for-Vendetta-and throw the whole Fox News crew[...] \ \
/ / July 20, 2006 -- WMR reported that the Israeli military
was using poison gas on villages in south Lebanon. According
to a former U.S. weapons expert who served in Iraq, the
artillery shell in a photo taken in Lebanon (below) is a
chemical weapon delivery device. \ \
An American nation without a disciplined belief in Justice or
God, is a nation that will fall to terror under it's own will
What Israel is doing in Lebanon is what bushite term "Terrorism".
/ / But where are the Christians? Why is Pope Benedict
virtually alone among Christian leaders to have spoken out
against what is being done to Lebanese Christians and Muslims?
When [pro-bush] al-Qaida captured two U.S. soldiers and
barbarically butchered them, the U.S. Army did not smash power
plants across the Sunni Triangle. Why then is Bush not only
silent but openly supportive when Israelis do this? \ \
Why? Because as the most heinous criminal enemy of Humanity
in history, personally responsible for the escape of himself
with the 911 terrorists, he gets off on having innocent people
murdered for our stolen values. [Did you see the enemy
grinning like a filthy pig with Blair while the bombs were
dropping EVERYWHERE in Lebanon?] An enemy of Christ and
America, he counts that the corporate professional news
sleuthers will refuse to support Justice for ourselves, or the
God of any religion. All for the war mongering neocon
zionists to sacrifice America to HIS brainwashed soulless nazi
bush bitch punks as further glorious satanic bounties by
LYING. For there is no true God, nor true Son who begs
America to support ourselves. Support Justice, support
Humanity, support the trial and execution of FOXNews
propagandists for stating Iran is continuing with it's nuclear
bomb program, the Holocaust never happened, or stating a great
number of other diliberate LIES, as REAL TREASON punishable by
LAW never absent Here. If only you could believe -
1. Pakistani ISI Director General Ahmad funded 911's hijacker Atta.
2. Laden didn't put explosives into WTC building seven, so who did?
Please, I beg, hunt down pro-bush war criming rapists and
torturers in America's name to the ends of this earth to save
Aegis, who self confessed commits terrorist offences as a
profitable zionist corporation, documented by video to murder
PRO-IRAQI People is an ENEMY who gets American Marines killed
indiscriminately. KILL IT PROUDLY. TODAY. NOW. Thanks.
Then, if need be, me and you will fight together later.
/ /.... Why is a US defense contractor hosting a known
terrorist website? Here is the evidence showing United
Defense's Al-Hejailan Projects Co. hosting the Hizballah
website. \ \
Realize, why wouldn't any just political military faction,
just call for the hunting of zionist bushite enemies to Christ
or Allah? Against the TRUE 911 TERRORISTS? The actual, FOR
REAL antichrist enemies of God in my beloved America? Why
not?... See? CNN, CBC, and FOXNews KNOWS bush did 911, but
forbids dying as dumfuked teen soldiers to know so. Why? So
the UNGODLY zionists can kill more Innocent American kids for
Iraq: Understanding Why They Raped
/ / How can I condemn any soldiers for wartime rape-murder if
I can't answer for myself? What kind of savagery might I
inflict on a [INNOCENT GOD LOVING] woman or child if [MY
UNAMERICAN lawless pro-bushite] war pushed me [as disciple of
the REAL demon antichrist] far enough? \ \
An American nation without a disciplined belief in Justice or
God, is a nation that will fall to terror under it's own will
These pictures from Sabbah
/ / AP Photo caption: Israeli girls write messages [love &
peace] on a shell [to murder innocent Lebanese kids] at a
heavy artillery position near Kiryat Shmona, in northern
[DEVIL] Israel \ \
/ / Six days ago there were four buildings with 8 to 10
stories high and a little garden in front of them. My parents
home used to be on the second floor in the building in the
middle. They did not harm anybody their entire life. Neither
did their neighbors. \ \
Demon enemy liars, Zionist anti-Semites, don't need a sliver
of evidence, so the bushite 'just' needs to say, all the
Christians and Jews murdered in Lebanon were hiding among
terrorists, and FOXNews, CNN, and CBC would report US as such
without question. Eight Canadians who were murdered by an
Israeli precision strike were at an emergency health service
center. Is DEVIL Peres to tell US it was secretly not?
Without a shred of evidence to suggests as much. Again, Nazi
Israel is saying if someone victimizes innocent People, like
they have, you would be justified in gassing all the Jews like
Hitler did. And touché, the Zionist neocon best bud bush,
had the grand dad who was Hitler's banker. But, well, who
cares really for the FACTS right lawless "American" citizen?
I told you, pro-antichrist Zionist Peres - is the actual DEVIL!
"It all started on July 12 when Israel troops were ambushed on
Lebanon's side of the border with Israel."
"In a deliberated way, Tsahal sent a commando in the Lebanese
back-country to Aïta Al Chaab. It was attacked by Hezbollah,
making two prisoners."
"If they want to hit Hezbollah, let them hit Hezbollah, but not
the civilians. But civilians are all that they are hitting."
That's because as the ungodly enemy of Jews, [see Old
Testament], feel they can escape murdering innocent god loving
people to thieve from as zionists, for CNN, CBC, and FOXNews
forbids the truth from being reported. The CRIMINAL Israeli
zionist government THEIVES innocent peoples homes. Period.
Bush closed outstanding CRIMINAL investigations immediately
after the terrorist events of 911. Period.
/ / If they are so sure they "won," why do they oppose a full
recount? \ \
Israel is saying that Hitler was right in Gassing the Jews.
Thousands of people are held kidnapped in prison in Israel,
without any trial, no evidence is brought against them. They
the Zionists, encourage you to follow their mode of reasoning.
You can slaughter everybody in Israel, and they'd say, "Well
yah, that's what likudniks do too. We totally agree with you.
That is the proper course of action to do, indiscriminate
murder campaigns, against our family and friends, for we do
not believe in a just cause, or a loving God."
They say they're justified in slaughtering the Jews in
Lebanon, because they say a soldier has been kidnapped and
moved on to Iran immediately, it's all Syria's fault, but they
can kill Jews and Christians in Lebanon endlessly. And yet,
the Lebanese government in power apposes the victimization of
innocent people. While Nazi Israeli accusation after
accusation is given to G-d without a shred of evidence. Nadda.
Enemies of God in anti-Semitic zionist Israel say, it's
appropriate to kill innocent people in Lebanon because they
hold thousands in prison without trial or evidence. Oops, no,
that's nazi Israel,.. I mean because some outside faction
kidnapped a nazi soldier and ferreted him immediately to Iran.
An action Syria is completely responsible for. So, what do
they do? Nazi Israel murders innocent Christians and Jews.
So, as the nazis did, these enemies of Creation believe
mankind does not have the will or the power to speak in
defense of the innocent like Christ is, for our corporate
media masters forbids our truths to be spack freed.
REMEMBER: ZIONIST CBC, CNN, and FOXNews managements know as
Creation's ENEMIES, according to the FBI, demon antichrist
George Walker Bush's business partner, General Mahmoud Ahmad
funded 911's terrorist network - that murdered thousands of
Innocent Americans held worthless to their bottom lines.
Two seriously dishonorable cops are refusing to defend
Canada's interests, and are threatening the freedoms of me and
my friends. Likely, as cowards who refuse to support the FBI,
side with TRUE TERRORIST fascist enemy forces. I am told,
soon, they are going to attempt fraudulently arresting me,
PIRATING WINNIPEG'S JUSTICE SYSTEM, in support of demon bush's
mass murdering rapist traitors. Now, likely, Winnipeg's local
papers, who criminally cash in on stolen revenues taken from
elderly lottery players, will refuse to inform our Winnipeg
citizenry, soldiers included, that I have been arrested here
in CANADA at the top secret fascist nazi police state request
of George W. Bush and Rumsfeld, because of my public
statements in support of REAL FBI officers, and those two
demons direct culpability for the terrorist crimes of 911.
Please, help yourself, by helping me gain true Justice for our
World community. The ONLY way that they can deprive me my
freedom, is to deny YOURSELF justice on this matter. Please
suport the right cause, and defend myself from those who
insist on aiding and abetting the terrorist crimes of the Bush
Pakistani ISI Director General Ahmad orders an aide to wire
transfer about $100,000 to hijacker Atta. Ahmad later resigns
after the transfer is disclosed in India and confirmed by the
FBI. [Dawn, 10/8/01, Times of India, 10/9/01, Wall Street
Journal, 10/10/01, AFP, 10/10/01]
Please, help yourself by forwarding this, my last post to
everyone everywhere, to defend America, to defend FBI officers
who do their job to the best of their ability, and to defend
myself, the Innocent left forsaken.
Look who's been kidnapped!
/ / To this very day, there are hundreds of prisoners rotting
in Shin Bet prisons and dungeons, people who have never been
- and never will be - tried. And Israelis are silently resolved
to this phenomenon. \ \
A cotush rocket doesn't go more than 37 miles. [20 is MAX 12 is norm]
The nation who harbored the attack in Hi-the, is Israel. Nazi
Israel's reason for killing INNOCENT Christians and Jews in
Northern Lebanon is wrong, and rightly, the likudniks should
be bombing THIEF likudniks, who as alleged by their own words
and actions, have failed to reign in terrorism within their
own borders. [The "craters" in Hi-the measured to be near about
12 inches in diameter.]
The King of the Jews
Hello Humanity, how are you doing?, Johnny Wizard here. I
guess as good as can be expected, considering Israel is still
bombing People indiscriminately. Targeting primarily
Christian and Jews who live in Northern Lebanon. They're
going to punish the government too, when they told US the
soldier prisoner was ferreted over to Iran, and it's all
Syria's fault that this is taking place. So they can kill
near half a billion, not involved innocent People and be
'justified'. Cause the demon antichrist, George Walker Bush
said, Israel has a right to defend herself, all nations do,
against terrorist activities. So Israel can bomb whoever,
doesn't matter. Cause Iran said, their allegations they have
are totally baseless. But, corporate bushite america doesn't
go by facts. [Ahmad funded 911's Atta]. The reason Israel
can not broker a honorable settlement for Peace, is because
they're dishonorable. They STEAL innocent peoples homes.
Corporate America will never show Americans that. Why?
Because as soon as you learn it, the arguments are over. You
know, well, that's a CRIME.
Under American Law, these demon bushites would be gloriously
executed. Like the TERRORISTS Tim Spicer and Cofer Black
would be also, along with the neocons responsible for 911.
But American corporate media masters is going down the way of
lawless bushite nazi grunt contusions, a satanic demon force
that American People refuse to defend themselves over with
just causes.
American tax payers are paying for the indiscriminate mass
murder of the innocent people of our Earth, while bushite
corporate american newscasters continue to tell US, the bad
guys responsible have done nothing wrong with bushite
weaponry. For, the pro-lawless bushite enemies of God's once
great Creation allege the only terrorist destruction taking
place is in ignorant American tax paid for anti-Semitic
Israel. BUSHITES know the neocons did 911, and as TRAITORS
feel American men are not MAN enough to hunt them down and
kill them to defend our falling murdered loving innocent
families. Please help our forsaken God.
/ / Don't care about the innocent Iraqi men that PANTANO
murdered, confessed already as done by PANTANO, completely.
All the evidence is in. Read his own statements. He can not
be a better friend, to someone he is opening thieving from as
bushite enemy. That's the best friendship he can extend to
ANYONE on this planet. And that's what his America is all
about. Don't take my word for it, listen to PANTANO! \ \
60 Afghan civilians dead in US air strikes
/ / "No, there was no civilian injured, and we have no report
to support the claim," said Tamara Lawrence, spokesperson of
the coalition. The US military in a press release issued
Monday said that the coalition attacks had left more than 40
extremists dead in villages 10 km away from Trinkot. \ \
Almost in the same sentence. Tamara Lawrence claims those
that wish to support the FBI to protect America though
Justice, are up for murder by the ungodly criminal "lawless"
antiChrist forces, claiming YOU and your innocent children,
will be just uncivilized extremists, not worthy of life, but
only their ungodly hatred for Freedom in America.
/ / In May, the coalition dropped bombs in Afghanistan on no
fewer than 750 occasions, more than the ordnance dropped in
Iraq. \ \
/ / When Is a 14-Year-Old Girl a 'Woman'? \ \
/ / Hail the [lawless bushite anti-}American heroes... \ \
Make It So
Look, my friends, bushite are the real enemy. They refuse to
allow open discussions in our newspapers and radio TV
broadcasts. I know a producer at the CBC, Canadian's
Broadcast Corporation, a producer that was promptly 'let go'
for starting on a informative depleted uranium program to
attempt educating Our DYING teen Soldiers. Cancelled DEAD.
Trust me please. CNN, CBC, and FOXNews corporate managements
know, bush and the neocons did 911, but as the contemptibly
ungodly, it's only YOUR LIFE they are willing to sadistically
sacrifice for more criminal ill gotten gains as the TRULY
Satanic. They rarely have any true power, but for to know
they secretly work to have you murdered for the Antichrist.
While, I, as Creator, am Life and Death. So, needless to say,
I know what I speak to be so really. I am willing to do
public presentations through our media against any or all
bushites, for we are Self created as the Earth's Supreme
bushite educator/executioner, but the worthless millionaire
media masters, don't want US to win by freely communicating
truly see? Why? They, in a free market place of ideas, would
have nothing we would willingly buy from them as our
sell-outs. We'd have not to pay for free energy, free water,
or, free love.
Look, bushites are consciously aware that they are, enemies of
all Human beings as the TRULY ungodly. Bush bitch E-N-E-M-Y
George Norry KNOWS Ahmad funded Atta, but forbids DYING
America to know so as TRAITORS to themself. It's like when
Cheney lobbed Publicly for torturing innocent people as a
bushite enemy's pleasure. A crime that Reagan DID MAKE LAW
that STANDS STILL in Johnny's America, to now have demanded
life term prison sentences against ALL bushites who would
treasonously fight as such, and death to those who directly
participate in the murder of an innocent other.
Make it so.
'Joke' song about Iraqi [innocent child] killings to be recorded
/ / A [satanic bushite] radio talk-show host is to record and
release a song written by a [thieving] US Marine corporal about
killing [innocent childhood] members of an Iraqi family. \ \
A song celebrating the murder of innocent children sung by
proud to be enemies of God.. a big smash hit or bomb perhaps
inside the dying new Antichrist demon "lawless" America? Fuck,
do I HATE BUSHITE with everything I am as me. DIE BUSHITE DIE.
...INNOCENT Prisoners being interrogated by BUSHITE at Guantánamo have
· sexually harassed and raped or threatened with rape;
· beaten [likely to death, for 'escapes' 'later' get found dead];
· tortured at bases abroad before transfer to Guantánamo;
· threatened with transfer to a foreign country, for torture;
· held in solitary confinement for periods exceeding a year;
· deprived of medical treatment for serious conditions, or allowed
treatment only on the condition that they "cooperate" with
· deprived of sleep for days and weeks and, in at least one case,
· exposed to prolonged temperature EXTREMES;
· routinely "short-shackled" for hours and even days during
Johnny on CPAC
little sister and put her in front of me . . as the bullets
began to fly, the blood sprayed from between her eyes, and
then I laughed maniacally." [, then were heard the cheers of
godless bushite dumfuk traitors obscening to God and Man as
the unholy enemy.]
What ever happened to butterfly kisses after evening prayers?
Are you telling me, an American Father, wouldn't gloriously
kill this lawless bushite enemy and his demonic ilk, for our
love of girls everywhere? Or, how about the UNARRESTED
soldiers we witnessed on video beat shoeless children
practically to death while laughing and cheering? Or like
those that speak zero defenses for Haditha's confessed MASS
MURDERING irrational women and child killers? The REAL demons
CONFESS to going into a house, WITHOUT reasoned approach, and
slaughtering an entire INNOCENT family.. for nothing but
their lifeless SATANIC pleasures. The 'cause'? "The [mass
murdered unarmed innocent neighbor's] back door was open.."
To, for God, gloriously, with love, kill these un-arrested
murderous continuing ungodly bushite nazi savages, is to war the
TRUE enemies of Humanity to save the lives of our precious loved
ones. Please help US, please help God, and bag a demon LIAR
bushite to defeat the 911 "escaping" terrorists, the enemies
of America, the enemies of Johnny, the enemies of Life.
Again, these very same thieving bushites of Haditha, admit
Publicly also to targeting for indiscriminate MURDER, the
innocent Peoples of Fallujah, and insist, that's what all
bushite soldiers do most normally in combat for the antiChrist
EVIL George Walker Bush - the thieving traitor forces siding
against our great God's Creation, being led lowly as fascist
nazi cowards, too weak and afraid to defend US innocent in war
time. A "lawless" bushite soldier wars in contempt of all
logic and reason as EVERYONE'S ENEMY.
/ / She was afraid, she told her mother. Her unspeakable
tragedy illustrates a basic fact of [bushite enemy]
occupation: Iraqi civilians are at the mercy of immature
young Americans [truly soulless bushite rapists, the "lawless"
disciples of the for real demon antichrist, 911's Mr. bush
Jr.] with guns. They have no rights. \ \
See, the bushite enemies, claim they can not be found
accountable to a RULE of Law. "Lawless" the demon enemies
claim to armed freedom fighting American Patriots. ANYONE in
America's America, who claims bushite grunts can not be found
accountable, such as the likes of a Tim Spicer at Aegis, Cofer
Black at Blackwater, or South African death squad goons, shoot
dead as our sworn enemies my brother. PANTANO claims he can
not be judged publicly by God or America, as a war criminal
who freely admits he murdered AT LEAST two unarmed innocent
Iraqis for no justified reason. He, as bushite enemy, states
instead, he has been "acquitted" for the first degree murders,
without any criminal American judge judging so. Just him and
his nazi lover, his bush bitch bum buddy whore everyone is
gunning for, Maj. Gen. Richard Huck, enemy commander of the
2nd Marine Division based at CAMP LEJEUNE. These two enemies
of Freedom feel that America must be denied Justice for
Humanity under the tyrannies of their treasonous bushite
CRIMINAL decree. Why not just execute the lowly traitors
instead my friends, and in that process, potentially free
millions of lives, as something truly flag waving
Pro-American? Death to the bushites, death to our enemies who
claim Justice un-attainable by our standards not there
presently commanding our moral courage as outrage.
Johnny Wizard
p.s. The crimes of bushite, are the crimes CNN claims are
crimes of the terrorist enemies in Iraq. Corporate america sucks.
Pope Paul IV, "If you want peace, work for justice"
/ / See the bushite liar enemy of Liberty and freedom who
denies this Justice, then feel glad to kill it for your love
of a real God suffering. \ \
They go, "Yah, but we were elected.", yah, but you didn't tell
us you were going to be a traitor when you took office.
George Bush did 911 with General Ahmad, according to the FBI
Know, that all the emails that foxnews take from the Public,
all the emails that cbc takes from the Public, and all the
emails that cnn takes from the Public, have received my posts.
Stating, George Walker Bush did 911 with General Ahmad,
according to the FBI, and our corporate news professionals,
don't want our soldiers to know that. They'd rather see them
die as cowards, as enemies of Freedom, assisting the
terrorists who committed mass murder in our names back in New
York City on 911.
FBI says, 'No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11'
"The FBI gathers evidence. Once evidence is gathered, it
is turned over to the Department of Justice. The Department
of Justice than decides whether it has enough evidence to
present to a federal grand jury. In the case of the 1998
United States Embassies being bombed, bin Laden has been
formally indicted and charged by a grand jury. He has not
been formally indicted and charged in connection with 9/11
because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting bin Laden to
CNN's Anderson Cooper broadcast on July 3rd, 2006
"bin Laden's got company, and it isn't pretty. Terrorists,
polygamists, and just plain thugs. Inside the FBI's 10 Most
Wanted. How they track down and capture some the worst
criminals in the world. Tonight, on 360."
Bring it On! - A Vet Speaks Out
" Before you start on the Taliban supported Bin Laden drivel
though, show me ANYWHERE on the FBI most wanted terrorist
page ANY information linking OBL specifically with the events
of 911."
Neocon bush bitches, who work at our private news corporate
headquarters, are traitors to Christ as TRUE enemies to the
American flag, freedom as Justice for US all. The fair minded
Son of a God included.
In August 2001, a month before 911, Collin Powell gave the
Taliban 43 million dollars. So, why don't you arrest Collin
Powell?, why shouldn't Collin Powell be bombed? With a
thousand pound bomb, and kill, you know, everybody else who
lives in his village too, because he's a "Taliban". WHY? You
see? you go, "Well, yah, that's true, it's completely
documented correct 100 percent, but, it doesn't fit in with
our bullshit demon lies - that serve the demon antichrist who
kills our kids for cash! Undefended kids for the continuing
big cash withdrawals regarding Your personal inaction to
support ourselves on this Justice for our Humanity subject.
The windfalls of tyranny can be quite staggering when you
don't think about it actually costing you something.
We had to call the Chief News director at Al-jezzerah.
/ / In an even more bizarre twist, just hours before the tape
was found and aired by AlJazeera, Colin Powell announced in
the US Senate that a "Bin Laden tape is coming proving Iraq's
links with Al-Qaeda. \ \
Strangely, this uruknet.com writer, was not aware that the
Chief News Director at aljazeerah or aljazira or aljazeera or
aljazeerah or.., didn't have the Mr. Powell tape in their
possession, until hours after he, Mr. Powell, pronounced they
had already received the tape clandestinely, through the same
single top secret channel they always have. And, second,
where did this quote "Bin Laden tape is COMING proving Iraq's
links with Al-Qaeda." come from as recorded before the Laden
tape showed up late? I'd wager that quote didn't show up
until after the prime event in question, because I had no
recollection. For, it wasn't believed by Powell, that they
hadn't the tape already from "Al-Qaida", he had previously
heard of.. mistakenly. Specifically. From somebody. Whom?
Unless, perhaps, Powell speaks a poor Arabic..
/ / Powell claimed to have an audio tape proving that Saddam was
supporting Osama Bin Laden. But independent translation of
the tape revealed Osama's wish for Saddam's death. \ \
According to whom?
/ / Although no where in the tape, so-called ``Bin Laden''
referred to his alliance with Saddam Hussein of Iraq, the US
media and government are DESCRIBING IT AS A PROOF
[nonetheless] to their allegations that Saddam has links with
Al-Qaeda. \ \
Just before the ending to neocon Zarqawi, Zarqawi released a
four hour tape. FOUR HOURS! And in it, he as per-usual
advocates the INDISCRIMINATE murder of innocent Iraqis, but
then he did something else. He advocated "Al-Qaida" to not
even bother targeting American forces for now. No lie.
[Think of all those that co-operated with Rumsfeld for 911, or
Spector for JFK, and how certainly, they could not be trusted
for blabbing as dishonorable thieves,.. right? Work for a
zionist neocon enemy of Life, and they'll steal from
themselves behind your back, when nobody is looking, every
Then, the new and improved Laden series came out, praising
Zarqawi's wise words! While, 'without reason' correcting the
Zarqawi parlance - by killing three American Soldiers right
off, just to make it look good for the zionist neocon
traitors. Pfc. Kristian Menchaca, 23, of Houston, and Pfc.
Thomas L. Tucker, 25, of Madras, Ore., "killed in a barbaric
way.", and Spc. David J. Babineau, 25, of Springfield,
Mass., all were from the 101st Airborne Division out of Fort
Campbell, Kentucky. Left alone on the most dangerous
intersection in the entire Middle East. Who was the proud to
be front line decision maker worrying for bush's thiefdum of
demon liars I say? Doesn't want to talk freely eh...
Was he just like this bushite illusioning escapist, rapist and
murderer? http://www.cair-net.org/images/lcpl11.jpg
New laws to punish whistle blowers
/ / He wants longer jail sentences and the removal of a key
legal defence of "necessity" for whistleblowers. \ \
Look, the government has to live up to obeying the law. So,
to disclose a government official's criminal wrong doing, is
to uphold the Constitution or the Flag, and certainly not as
FoxNews or the American Supreme Court would proclaim,
treasonous to their ungodly criminal kind.
Did you know that a bushite liar will victimize anybody,
including a fellow bushite liar for a stolen nickel as our
Humanity's dumfuk nazi enemies? A good bushite, is a lifeless
dead bushite WAR CRIMINAL, halted from further victimizing our
innocent Humanity. Death to the murderous bushite, death to
America's true terrorist enemies.
Ariel Sharon, before he died, was caught personally involved
in the criminal attempt to blow up the Mexican Congress with
dynamite - as a bonifide war mongering terrorist leader of
america's Holocaust denying, cowardly nazi lying Israeli
racist military don't you know. What?, too many worlds?
Can I help everyone single handedly take over the news word
with good old reasons, namely, our own presently?.. Measure
is good to me. Evidence is the formulation of ANYONE'S guilt,
EVIL bushite demon liars spew otherwise as our criminally
benefacting ungodly enemies. Traitors. WE, THE PEOPLE,
instead, want to nab the true, evil doing terrorists from the
criminal acts committed in our names in New York City on 911.
Starting with everyone of the criminally malfeasant - War
Criming Bush Administration. Held without sails until we can
together, talk politically this thing through internationally
with powerful words on Justice. All stolen Iraqi assets will
be tracked down religiously, then returned with interest,
while emergency food, water, and health care provisions will
be trucked in by the cargo holds, paid for additionally, by
the stolen funds that will be returned through treasonous
price-fixing Halliburton. Har har.
By the way, Joe, how are the funds? can you front me a couple
a'grand, so I can attempt to hire some constitutional lawyers
for my legal defense up here in, we love Canada? Then, as a
plus, we can go on to save the world? With a detailed, let's
just wing it, Justice for All including Johnny strategy?
Have I told you it's a-l-m-o-s-t becoming acceptable to go to
prison here in corporately censored North America for simply
being a truth telling Human, as real Justice is?, Godly?
Chris Mathews, Olberman, and the rest of you lot from the
comedy channels, make way, here comes Johnny Jesus! Holy Fff!
5 GIs probed in Iraq rape, killings
Chicago Sun-Times
" The official said the rape and killings appear to have
been a ''crime of opportunity,'' noting that the [lawless
pro-bushite] soldiers had not been attacked by insurgents but
had noticed the woman. [undefended by a real man]"
"Support Our Troops"
" "That phrase [Support Our Troops] has become associated
with the uncritical, unthinking, blind support of the American
position in Afghanistan and Iraq," he said. "It isn't just a
folksy saying any more. If they wanted us to be thinking of
the troops, perhaps that's what the T-shirts should say.""
US-led offensive in southern Afghanistan kills hundreds
" The Pentagon routinely describes all victims of military
operations as Taliban, even if they turn out to be women
and children."
/ / Interior Minister Roni Bar-On told Israel Radio: "Hamas
well understands ... that the sky will fall on them if they
harm Gilad Shalit." \ \
No demon enemy. Nazi Israel will murder, TERRORIZE, as they
have for decades, like nazis do, completely innocent people,
in no way connected to any alleged crime. Like the gas
chambers of the Holocaust, Likudniks murder helpless people on
the brink of starvation to thieve from as the ungodly. More
than 8000 missiles had been fired indiscriminately into Gaza
Since January 2006, and the request to release 1000
Palestinian prisoners, is of prisoners held without trial, or
evidence of any indictable offenses. Enemies of the Innocent,
enemies of Christ is what an anti-Semitic neocon thieving
likudnik TERRORIST is. Just read the Old Testament about
these LIAR demon G-d betrayers. No love for People anywhere,
especially Jews.
Besides, it is well documented, Hammas, was financially backed
by the Likudniks to destabilize a freeing people in the region
for criminal profits stolen from ignorant "Christian" American
tax payers.
" You see? you go, "Well, yah, that's true, it's completely
documented correct 100 percent, but, it doesn't fit in with
our bullshit demon lies - that serve the demon antichrist who
kills our kids for cash!"
Protecting Israel, Intimidating Congress, Lying to the
American People
"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in
Where is enslaved by the demon antiChrist America really truly going?
""A recent DOD investigation...identified a number of abuses, some of
them considered widespread, committed by DOD contractors or
subcontractors of third country national (TCN) workers in Iraq. Some
these abuses are indicative of trafficking in persons....""
Thank You Lt. Ehren Watada
"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in
Terror Expert: London Bomber Was Working For MI5
dying for lies no longer in disguise
Again, realize, FOX, CNN, and CBC will all in the thousands,
receive this information about 9/11's Ahmad, but will refuse
to support honorable Police officers, our Humanity's cause for
Freedom through Justice, or our beliefs in any religion.
They, as murderous sadists, fascists, obstruct Justice for
ourselves by refusing to report on the facts of why America
continues to fight, dying sacrificed, while censoring your
cries for understanding. FOXNews decisions don't formulate
our interests by relying upon documented TRUTHS as protections
about this silently dying as unfairly victimized world. Left
forsaken, in Your name..
""Al-Qaida in Iraq claimed responsibility for killing the
soldiers, " [..] i.e., World War Four, as plotted by the
neocons." Three soldiers left alone on the most dangerous
check point in Iraq? All of what any soldier singly
strategizes, thrown completely out the door without the
simplest considerations? Soldiers are dumb, true, but
generally, not that. Goes to show. Follow this..
See, it is now officially acknowledged worldwide, "Al-Qaida",
is just General Mahmoud Ahmad, bushite liar Kimmit, task force
626, and beheader Blackwater mercenaries who dress up as Arabs
for the easy money in getting Marines killed as the leaderless
bad guy dumfuks. How dumfuked? They, "The Marines", broke
out of prison two bushites that were dressed up as Arabs, who
were caught shooting at Iraqi police officers, in a car laced
with explosives to keep the war going for the neocon's P2OG.
TO GET MARINES KILLED. See?, total dumfuks. Or TRUE cowards.
"Lt Col Tim Spicer [the Aegis anti-Iraqi terrorist] asserts
that the soldiers who shot an unarmed teenager in the back,
having searched him, did no wrong. In our view this is a
totally unsuitable individual to be awarded such a
potentially controversial contract in Iraq."
"[COWARDLY] US troops take over mosque, turn it into a
headquarters for themselves in ar-Ramadi Saturday." See?
How stupid is that?
Why can they not stand up as real men, to war those truly
responsible for the cowardly terrorist acts of nine-eleven, or
the bombing of Samarra? No, as cowardly demonic enemies of
America, brag about murdering innocent women and children,
like, I'd kill him easy, Gunnery Sergeant John Merriman, "At
first I froze on seeing the civilian woman. She then crossed
back again with the child ["no older than 10"] and went behind
a wall. Within less than a minute a guy with an RPG came out
and fired at us from behind the same wall. This happened a
second time so I thought, 'Okay, I get it. Let her come out
again'. She did and this time I took her out with my M-16."
See? I'd joyously kill this dumfuk bushite in praise to God.
"Let her come out again". Think about it. Death to the
bushite, death to our enemies. To kill a bushite thief, is to
save the lives of the godly innocent they murder in our names.
Here's another, that any real man from any country, likewise
would kill instantly in defense of Freedom and Liberty.
"Mike Brooks was one of the commanders who had given the
order to shoot at civilian vehicles. It weighed on his mind,
even though he felt he had no choice but to do everything to
protect his marines from another ambush."
Weighed on his mind to indiscriminately commit mass murder?
Fuck you. See the bushite, you kill it for Christ, you kill
it for America, you kill it for the Love God has for children
everywhere. Die bushite die.
Who would have thought a soulless bushite slave would kill
another bushite slave for a stolen nickel that they likely
spooked from an undefended American grand parent, left still,
in the repuglicon clutches of the lawless demon anti-Christ?
I did. As does many others.
"Marine Airhart who quit in disgust of witnessing the truly
demonic behaviors of the bushite enemy forces "I was there
four months," he says of Guantanamo, "and there wasn't a day
that there wasn't some sort of prisoner-beating festivity
going on." "
Oh, and by the way, bushites are currently wishing to pirate
our public justice system here in Canada, and I might actually
go to prison fraudulently, for pro-totalitarian interests, as
the TRUE Leader of the Free World, all because You apparently
refuse to defend yourself by helping me out some. Private
interest media maestros don't want to tell our dying for bush
soldiers, our kids, that Ahmad funded 9/11's Atta. You dumb
bastards.. don't do this to yourself quietly. Knock knock.
Is it "Al-Qaida", or is it America? Nobody puts Baby in the
So, please, consider forwarding this post to church groups,
police stations, NRA members, biker gangs, and youth out-reaches.
For, our corporate news agencies refuse to defend ourselves
from the neocon terrorists responsible for 9/11. Do let them
escape my friends, don't let them escape.
Pentagon Details Abuse of Iraq Detainees
"Specific names and locations, including the identities of
the [bushite] military unit(s) [who criminally commit torture
against the innocent as traitors], were blacked out. "
People of Earth
The Son to God Speaks
"If the 2004 Battle of Fallujah is a precursor for an
attack against Ramadi, the U.S. military MAY cordon off an
escape route for women and children [to be murdered further up
the road], but forbid the men and older boys [older equals
older than nine, or in around nine] to leave. [TO WHERE?] "
Death to the demon anti-Christ thieving forces, with their
soulless minions of evil betrayers. Enemies to America, and
enemies to God. DIE BUSHITE DIE, so says the TRUE Son of Man.
There is no greater purpose served in killing a bushite, who
wars Freedom for Humanity, all to cowardly help assist the
escape of the enemy neocons for 9/11. Death to the thieving
ungodly anti-American bushite, instead of the innocent they
openly target for murder in Your names.
The Case of the Missing $21 Billion Who's Following the Iraq Money?
"What better way to follow that money than an
impeachment hearing into why the president unconstitutionally
subverted the intent of Congress in establishing an office of
special inspector general for corruption in Iraq? "
"..American citizens have actually been interrogated at the
military base Mihail Kogalniceanu close to the [Romanian] city
of Constanza at the Black Sea. "DON'T GO SILENT
Innocent Falling in Your Name
I BEG America to hunt down and Prosecute George W. Bush in
the names of the innocent falling in your name. If a bushite
claims objection in support of the demon anti-Christ,
Prosecute it too as traitor. Anyone who vocally supports the
escape of Rumsfeld, bush, or Cheney for 9/11, to torture, or
more Guantanamo, please Prosecute for God's mercy, in defense
of all Life I plead, please help the Innocent, please help me.
America's corporate NAZI propagandists, who deny truths to be
spoken in Humanity's defenses, are enemies of US all. The FBI
states General Ahmad funded 9/11's Atta, and news
professionals would rather have Your children suffer and die
as terror victims, than allow Justice be spoken for my
defense. American Patriot Warriors, hunt bushite as the
ENEMIES TO EVERYONE. Iran has not stated "The Holocaust never
happened", and the Son of Man states, a free man shall not be
imprisoned through decisions made privately by FOX NEWS
enemies, the bushite conspirators. Propaganding traitors to
God and country.
"It was a betrayal of the trust of the American people. And
these lies were a betrayal of the trust of the military and
the soldiers."
Please, do not leave my calls for Justice go unheard from your
fear of LIAR demon Bush being done in by his treasonous evil
wickedness as betrayals to our American flag. Rise up to find
the will as courage to destroy the freedom flag burning George
Walker Bush instead, as our living struggle to preserve the
dying freedoms of US all, the truly innocent, and in so doing,
you'll be using God's heart as your own.
"The Holcaust never happened."
[Implying what?, that the Bush family and Hitler weren't in on
together, killing US either?]
"Why then should the Palestinians pay the price of what the
Europeans did against the Jews?"
Ahmadinejad's ignorance of the Bush\Nazi alliance as
documented World War II history, [Charles Higham], or the
Bush\Shah of Iran plan, doesn't automatically
condemn our Humanity to suffer once more, unprovoked Nazi
atrocities at the criminal actions of our sworn enemies, if we
can help it.
"..it wasn't the Arabs who did it [THE HOLOCAUST]; it was the
Europeans. Why then should the Palestinians pay the price of
what the Europeans did against the Jews?" (Musayeb Naimi
quoting in English, his version of Ahmadinejad's Arabic
remarks, editor of Al Wefaq, New York Times, December 20,
To better understand, someone should translate German to
English VERBATIM contextualized in content to cultural
background, or as reading a sentence of French Canadian,
without changes in whereto for syntax. [multi-grained CANADA
knows this like anyone, and, by the way, have you guys ever
heard of Folkloramma?.] People of different lands, can form
together ideas, with unfamiliar statements, to those who
understand, learning to communicate as complete strangers in a
vast Universe of Universes, sure can make you think, god eh?
By seeking appreciation for another's differing view, opens
one up to experiences from new perspectives, along with a
greater love for Justice as freedom is godly. And did I tell
you, I'm the King of all Creation, the actual, for real Son of
Man, seriously on my way UNJUSTLY to prison, left forsaken as
unappreciated by the impartial to Bush rule private news
industry, and the Queen's "Crown" office?, near broke from
starving for attention from the promises America refuses to
live up to in my name? Please, help me gain the recognition
that you deserve. Please, if you can, borrow me some money,
so I can afford to pay Constitutional lawyers to make the
necessary Motions for my defense in the Court of Queen's
Bench, here in, who cares to listen as corporate news vertigo.
This could be really good beyond magnificent, or deadly dreary
as the ending to our disenfranchised Humanity. The clock is
ticking, a real life is on the line here; freedom or tyranny,
hope or despair, heaven or hell, YOU DECIDE., you'd better, or
somebody else will for you.
Guilty of Innocence (the antichrist song)
GI Special 4F4: "That's Not A Terrorist" - June 6, 2006
""I see two [BUSHITE] soldiers kicking the heads around like
a soccer ball. I just shut my mouth, walked back, got inside
the tank, shut the door, and it was like, I can't be no part
of this."
UK 'Undercover Soldiers' Driving Booby-Trapped Car
"Why were undercover British [BUSHITE] soldiers wearing
traditional Arab headscarves firing at Iraqi police? "
"Many of the American Special Operations soldiers
[Task Force 6-26] wore civilian clothes and were allowed
to grow beards and long hair, setting them apart from their
uniformed colleagues. "
"But the following account of Task Force 6-26,
based on documents and interviews with more than a dozen
people, offers the first detailed description of how the
military's most highly trained counterterrorism unit
committed serious abuses. [AGAINST THE INNOCENT!]"
The True Red White and Blue - American Patriot Answers the Call to
- A recording on the reality of George W. Bush's treason to US.
"In other words -- and let's say this plainly, clearly and
soberly, so that no one can mistake the intention of
Rumsfeld's plan -- the United States government is planning to
use "cover and deception" and secret military operations to
provoke murderous terrorist attacks on innocent people. "
PANTANO "Let the courts decide if these Marines are guilty.
They haven't even been charged with a crime yet, so it is
premature to presume their guilt -- unless that presumption is
tied to a political motive."
[All Arabs are second class citizens bombed indiscriminately
with "guesswork" in the entire middle east you see, as are
falsely arresting the innocent to be tortured for truly
satanic sadistic enemies found as just regular fair - in a
bushite's demon enemy lair.] More on PANTANO later...
The Pirates of Israel
"Included in the deal is a chance for Iran to prove the
U.S. accusations false, a preposterous notion of justice
which amounts to nothing less than extortion. As Lincoln once
remarked, "A highwayman holds a pistol to my ear and cries,
'Stand and deliver, or I will be forced to kill you and you
will be a murderer." "
Look, it's the translations that corporate America refuses to
do accurately.
The Non-Proliferation Treaty stipulates SPECIFICALLY that Iran
has the right to nuclear power, co-signed by all standing
active members including AMERICA! America gave Iran the
technology in the first place! Bushite amerka has no evidence
that Iran is enriching weapons grade uranium, nor the evidence
that they have the VERY difficult ability of a VERY different
thing. Where is Our United Nations on this knowledge? IAEA?
Absent as per-usual? Again, almost 50 billions dollars was
mis-appropriated as stolen through the 661 committee's
oil-for-food program, with Kofi and the gang's un-willingness
to speak out for your lost funs, leaves us still broke and
dethroned. Where is the United Nations or the IAEA when FOX
NEWS reports Iran claims the Holocaust never happened? FOX
NEWS reporters who translate such insane lies should be
prosecuted for war bating propaganda as serious to the core
NAZI TREASON against the good old red, white, and blue, no?
They do have a responsibility to not purposefully mislead
America for more bountiful bushite deaths and suffering, no?
What do you think?
Anyway, Iran has no need to obtain nukes. They have thousands
upon thousands of long range missile systems, capable of
striking bushite wrule in the falsely imprisoned dumfuk
Amerka, by speaking doubtless truths as a population exceeding
an easy 80 million, and extending out further to more than a
billion more concerned as god loving honorable family People,
US Still Living Women Men Girls Boys. We don't wanna lose
advancement power in China, lest not forget playing Russian
Roulette with much planned to lose considering crazy stupid
Cheney siding openly against reforming a nation with
influencing oppression instead, for his personal private
profit scheming. Then don't forget, they're better than
everyone else including Christ, the "un-accountable" lawless
100,000 plus mercenary disciples of the real demon
anti-Christ, the thieving bushites, indiscriminate child
killing women haters who advocate not arresting torture,
hidden in the safety of the hugely fortified "Green Zone" set
up perfectly for a chicken shoot surrounded by what would be
then near a hundred million angry Christian Arabs in five
separate countries told they're all second class citizens
without legal rights, soon to be left more typical irrational
bushite victims. That's only if they decide to do nothing to
protect our collected interests on freedom's defense.
It is only America's welfare state, the masked bigot
Likudniks, the pirates of Israel, and the lawless bushite
zionist neocon enemies that want to nuke our Humanity to
poison our dying Earth for their personal private cash profits
at the sacrifice of censored corporate "no politics" pro-war
talk radio Amerka, but truly know, if they even seriously
contemplated attempting to mini-nuke our Earth, LET THEM KNOW,
we all from every race, nationality, and religion, would rise
up as nature's survivors, and rip them to pieces for our solid
core blood brothers, Mohammad/Christ\Hillel simply guaranteed,
without question. Any barely standing still prissing proud as
godless dumfuk bushite soldier obscening, would be rightly
"Lighten up", destroyed lovingly by it's Patriotic brother,
Sensitive father, Caring mother, Smarter sister, Braver son or
Dear daughter, Friendly neighbor, Old School Chum, Complete
Stranger, or just the risen from the grave eternal defender,
the ever great, poor boy J. Wizard.
"Presenting ourselves to meet the challenge of gaining
our own Humanity we are trying. Have faith that as the
Universe revolves around all things to be known of, so
too, is Life's true magnificence an honor to honor for.
Wow. You are a living dream, so, wake up and help out."
"Captured fighters don't deserve these [Geneva] rights
because this isn't a war between countries, says [CANADA'S]
Lieutenant-General Michel Gauthier [..]
Gen. Gauthier said there is no risk that ordinary soldiers or
junior officers could face war-crimes charges, even if
detainees handed over to the [pro-enron pro-heroin pro-bush
pro-fixed elections, pro-lawlessness] Afghans were TORTURED or
killed. [..]
"We are on firm legal ground we have no worries about the
possibility of prosecution or allegations of criminal
wrongdoing for having transferred detainees." [To lawless
Christian killers?] "Huh? Gauthier CAN NOT be conscious?
Terrorism: warranting the return of talks against this
Canadian wannabe bushite enemy. Know Canada, our cowardly,
pro-bush nazi commander encourages US to hand prisoners to
dumfuk pro-amerkans for false incarceration or sadistic
satanic torture. I want Harper tried by CANADA for treason on
this. Harper knows personally that his close bum buddy, demon
enemy Bush committed 9/11, as would have to, Hillier, but
instead as standing proud for Canadian freedom as peace
keepers, they lie to war our kids to have them die for
phantoms in Afghanistan, all for the benefiting private pocket
of weapons dealer O'Conner. [WHO? CBC Canada doesn't tell.]
Taliban was just a loose group of barely literate mixed tribe
wannabe Muslims, fighting for women's rights, and opening
girls school programs, who like Laden have so far, absolutely
nothing to do directly with the crime scene of 9/11. If the
Taliban as portrayed exist as individuals, they'd only need to
step "up" to join the currently protected by Canada as a
muslim fundamentalist regime of enron loving heroin pushers
who execute CHRISTIANS without trial. Down with Harper's
bullshit "C.R.A.P." party, and up with the Son's Command. All
in favor. I.
For freedom and America, God and Humanity.
"First we blow up YOUR house [inhabited], then we pay you [or
somebody else who may have survived] to rebuild it. [much
later. Maybe, if Sattler hasn't already stolen all the cash
like typical neo-con bushite enemy liars do, much identical to
Saudi Wahhabi commander of the Third Infantry, 170 ton plastic
explosive expert, Buford "bush bitch" Blount, who gets more
cowardly dumfuk Marines killed by IED for money through rotten
rumsfeld's P2OG than anyone.]"
No, not true. Sattler stole the cash once it was realized
that of the estimated 250,000 innocent men women and 10 year
old children forbidden to leave the city before the
indiscriminate bombing campaigns began, (which included many
2000 pound radio-active wmd bombs, sexy rummy's cluster dud
land mines, napalm, and deadly white phosphorous gas,) found
later in a city that originally had a population estimated at
near 350,000, only 300 [THREE HUNDRED] left!, willing to
thankfully take the FREEBEE 50 dollars to bury their rotting
dead, find near impossible emergency food and water stolen by
enemy bushite earlier, repair bombed health car clinics [the
FIRST strike targets], buy flowers for the troops, then,
lastly, rebuild their totaled home, and ancient mosques.
Mountains of dead bodies of ourselves as the innocent never
seen since these demon nazis last attacked Our Humanity. Kill
nazi bushite enemy with pleasure in serving for America and
freedom everywhere, as any propagandist holocaust denier who
lies to US otherwise to state a bushite fights for Jesus or
freedom. A good bushite is a dead bushite halted from
victimizing our loving humanity with their treasonous lies and
betrayals to the tele-viewing Audience.
Die bushite die.
"U.S. forces had urged [more than 200,000 INNOCENT PEOPLE]
Fallujans [forcibly] trapped in the city to stay in their
homes, but "troops using thermal sights often assumed that if
there was a 'hot spot' inside a house - indicating body heat
the people inside were insurgents.""
Then of course before entering a house, they would super
grenade it, or just blow the whole thing down, just to stay on
the side of enemy to all living things as the truly ungodly
enemies of EVERYONE. Especially when repeatedly announcing
all those unable to leave, including infants and elderlies in
wheel chairs, were all just evil terrorists worthy of first
degree murder with George W. Bush as their demonic lying
unjust Denier in/as Thief.
Death to every corporate nazi bushite whore who demands we, as
Humanity, have no rights to return every last stolen penny
from our friends through the Iraq Development Fund, and the
oil-for-food program. See the bushite liar enemy of Liberty
and freedom who denies this Justice, then feel glad to kill it
for your love of a real God suffering. Then if so, comes your
trial of self defense, this'll be here to assist Your TRUE
freedom's cause, Liberty for ALL, including me, the Son to Man
and God.
"US military had blocked any assistance from reaching
Fallujah's beleaguered residents."
"American military has already disposed of much of the
evidence in mass graves. [Just like the nazis before them.
Give glory to God by hunting down the enemy bushite and
killing it for a real love never lost to the indifference of
god hating bushite nazi media managers."
"``[T]he head of every household will be asked to wear an
identification badge, Colonel [NAZI NAZI! NAZI NAZI!! John
Ballard, the commander of Marine Fourth Civil Affairs Group]
said, and American and Iraqi troops will be given special
rules of engagement to deal with theft." While the colonel did
not spell out these "rules of engagement," NBC News has
reported that the [lawless pro-bush] military will arrogate to
itself the right to shoot anyone on sight."
Death by God's America to the lawless bushite enemy liar, John
Ballard, and anybody else who demonically supports with
flagrant lies of the ungodly Sattler's well documented to be
confessed, absolute war crimes. THEFTS.
PANTANO "Let the courts decide if these Marines are guilty.
They haven't even been charged with a crime yet, so it is
premature to presume their guilt -- unless that presumption is
tied to a political motive."
[All Arabs are second class citizens bombed indiscriminately
with "guesswork" in the entire middle east you see, as are
falsely arresting the innocent to be tortured found as just
regular fair - in a bushite's demon enemy lair.]
PANTANO admits killing the Iraqis after stopping their car,
but says it was in self-defense. The prosecution, [who
witnessed the evidence, including several eye witness
testimonies] contends Pantano clearly shot them in the back
while they were kneeling, firing at least 50 bullets into them
at a distance of no more than 4 feet.
Supporters of Pantano said troops should not be second-guessed
for decisions made in fleeting seconds of combat. [, with
unarmed innocent Iraqis on their knees shot in the back?]
[Remember: the prosecution's case was established by more
than one witness, including among more, a witnessing American
Sergeant and American Arabic translator, [who to make up such
an allegation seems highly unlikely, for to falsely allege
such the then therefore, hateful charges bringing about life
term prison sentence or public execution, would more easily be
granted by just killing the therefore seriously HATED Pantano
when nobody was looking. Second: Pantano's defense used the
fact that the BRAVE American Patriot, a Sergeant who testified
against him, was demoted and therefore, that gave him the
motive to lie, but the demotion appears to come after the
allegation, and before the "trial".] Now, the could be
suspicious lack of publicly documented evidence like autopsy
reports of confirmed by all to be UNARMED murder victims with
possibly a hundred plus bullet holes through their bodies
seems seriously lacking. Two full bullet magazines at a four
feet away range were used by pro-bush Pantano against
confessed to be UNARMED innocent Iraqis shot outside[?] their
car. Yet, his lawyer, Charles Gittins, claimed the existing
unseen autopsies produced "no evidence" that the UNARMED men
had been shot in the back while kneeling. [Admittingly by the
defense, four feet away from a gun nuzzle, shooting a
conservative 50 times with high caliber uranium bullets that
would have hugely torn through the bodies of corpses and
implanted within the road. So, who's got these miracle
Anyway, certainly not a Marine worth of example with blind
bushite public praise over America's improved bushite Judicial
system on CNN of all places? Oh.. but so it is! Not only
that but he has his own, In love with the treason neocons info
site: defendthedefenders.org]
Pantano placed a cardboard sign over the unarmed bodies in
front of witnesses: "No better friend, no worse enemy," the
motto of the 1st Marine Division commander, the retardly naive
war criminal Maj. Gen. James [cowardly women hating child
killer traitor,] Mattis. Mattis, the ENEMY who was directly
caught murdering a wedding party consisting mostly of women
and children by FAILING to make it appear by propaganda
through Kimmit, they were actually all bin Laden 2nd
lieutenants, or some such bullshit. For, it was shortly later
when the VIDEO evidence became available, that exposed their
treasonous typical bushite Zionist contrivances against our
Lord and saviour.
The prosecution said the cardboard sign alone, desecrated the
bodies, in violation of the rules of war.
Charles Gittins, Pantano's lawyer, insisted it's irrelevant,
pointing out the officer did not use the slogan or make up the
sign until after the men were dead.
It did indicate the demon enemy's bushite mind however,
believing such conduct would support Rumsfeld's treasonous
P2OG plan. Displaying publicly "Marine" conduct and judgment,
as enemies of the innocent, the for real demonic terrorists.
Pantano responded something like. 'Again, I believed that by
firing the number of rounds that I did, I was sending a
message to People everywhere. I was dishonorably 'no better
friend to someone I was openly robbing from, as innocent
unarmed People, but being truly in disguise to myself, cause
God's worse enemies are the proud bushite lying nazi
Pantano, 33, contended he contemptuously placed the sign as
bushite, but he swears though, he shot them in self-defense
after the men disobeyed his instructions and made a menacing
move toward him unarmed, while he held a machine gun pointed
directly at them from four feet away. CONFESSED to be
UNARMED, so what was the instructions all together they
finally disobeyed? Get out of the car! [okay] On your knees?
[okay] Hands behind your head [okay] for handcuffing.. [okay]
Pantanmo apparently claims he then removed the handcuffs so
the suspects could search the car for him at four feet away!
which wouldn't be done if the innocent unarmed Iraqis were
suspected of Zarqawi ties, without seen weapons, right?
Pantano's story doesn't jive.. was he hoping they were
suicide bombers, or had guns hidden in the car? Besides,
Corpsman Gobles claimed he had already completed a search of
the car for weapons under Lt. Pantano's order.
Pantano said he told them to be quiet again, then "they
quickly pivoted their bodies toward each other. They did this
simultaneously, while speaking in muffled Arabic. I thought
they were attacking me and I decided to fire my M-16A4 service
rifle in self-defense. [Simultaneously attacking speaking
muffled while pivoting towards each other without weapons from
inside the already checked car is he saying?]
You'd figure if he shot one twenty or thirty times from behind
where he couldn't charade, the other UNARMED innocent prisoner
at their knees would second think ignoring his commands from
behind their backs spoken in perfect Arabic? [For why
wouldn't he speak through the present American translator who
saw it all, as several others did being, cold blooded murder
committed by a true enemy propagandist, a bushite liar and
enemy thief?] Or was it, all simultaneously were moving
secretly undetected to rush the bushite in petrified fear of
it's non-sensible monosyllabic grunting as lying evil nazi
Pantano "They were talking the whole time ... I told them
several times to be quiet by saying `stop' in Arabic."
Iraqis "Stop what bushite dumfuk?"
Winn wrote in his recommendation that Pantano should at least
face serious punishment for just desecrating the bodies by
reloading his weapon and repeatedly shooting them as corpses.
[while likely stating if asked why it was laughing, blandly
replying it was fun to get away with murdering US innocent
Christ like folks, the Humans, for the treasonous enemy
ungodly neocon thieves, who of all, not a single one was
democratically elected - is who he supports with his
commanding prance.]
The generalized by all under the tyrannies of Bush, to be
pro-theft, pro-murder and pro-torture judicial judgment stood
that Pantano should face no punishment at all from our
Humanity for any of his totally psychotic actions against the
godly as innocent among US, while remaining on the amerkan
force working directly for Rumsfeld's treasonous P2OG to
murder more innocent civilians as a bonafide terrorist to
profit the unjust criminal Zionist "cabal". He apparently
decided 'on his own' to step out of the lime light, and put
his nightmare all behind us now, retiring in the good life,
with all his stolen goodies.
"The best interests of 2nd Lt. Pantano and the [pro-murder
bushite enemy anti-American] government have been served by
this process," the Marine Corps said in a statement.
Marine Corps? - PANTANO "Let the courts decide.."
[Who is the "Marine Corps" person(s) that needed to look over
the crime scene evidence of "no evidence" for more than a
month behind closed "courts" doors? Who? Oh.. here we go..]
The decision to drop the charges against Lt. Ilario Pantano
was made by Maj. Gen. Richard Huck, commander of the 2nd
Marine Division based at CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. [CAMP LEJEUNE!!!]
[Not a legal student, let alone a Judge? As bushite, probably
can't read let alone think Hmmm.... What's up with this
'officially closed' demonic bushite decree that Pantano
shouldn't be found executed as traitor in the first degree?
WE, as AMERICA, demand the autopsy reports Pantano claims
contain "no evidence" he, as liar bushite, shot the UNARMED
gentlemen in the backs, to be made public immediately, and a
real criminal Judge to preside for deliberation, otherwise,
death to still escaping mass murderer Pantano, and his proud
to be bush bitches, enemy to all criminal accomplis(es).]
said Sgt. Marcio Vargas Estrada, 32, of Kearny, N.J. out of
the same CAMP LEJEUNE "And then we will take death and
destruction to Hadithah. Hopefully, we'll stay until December
so we can bring death and destruction to half of Iraq."
Trent is at Camp Lejeune, N.C. being treated like a criminal;
being publicly embarrassed by those in "command and control;
being "hazed" by what is supposed to be "fellow" Marines to
the point he has had to have stitches in his face
Garibay, from Camp Lejeune, moved to the United States when he
was a baby. He joined the marines three years ago, and was
awarded US citizenship after his death.
"A vise is closing and the days of a brutal regime are coming
to an end," President Bush told 12,000 camouflage-clad
"Marines", on a parade ground at Camp Lejeune in North
The sign left atop the car was removed by bushite LIAR Lt.
Pantano, according to his lawyer, Charles Gittins. But
photographs of the bodies with the sign above them were taken
at the scene by real Marines, [after LIAR Pantano was long
gone war criming someplace else]
Taken two days before Lt. Pantano's, the corpsman's written
statement describes the men as running away from Lt. Pantano
when they were shot. [unless the corpsman
was refering to some other innocent people he tried to cover
up the murder of as typical bushite dumfuk - 'we spotted
someone out of nowhere running from a bang without any
reason, so we kil't him leegaulee... BUSH RULZE!']
What matters most to Lt. Pantano he claims, is that he kept
his promise to mothers of his platoon that he would bring
their sons back alive.
Pantamo put soldiers in harms way for no better good, or
reason understood. The war has no articulable justification,
for bushite fire power had complete one hundred percent
unrestricted access throughout Iraq to go wherever they
pleased without delay prior to a single bomb being dropped,
or child being shot. Instead of protecting America from
the 9/11 perpetrators, the demonic evil anti-Christ and
his minnions - murderer Pantamo - tried to blame the
innocent for terrorist offenses, denying Justice for
God's Humanity, as true coward and lowly traitor.
"In other words, he put about 40-48 rounds into two men,
after ordering them to put their hands where he couldn't see
them, in gross violations of long-established orders for
handling prisoners.
Mr. Kareem and Mr. Hanjil were moving for a while after he
started to fire, Lt. Pantano said, but he was not sure if
that was because of muscle contractions or bullet impact.
That's why you're supposed to let off the trigger! "Don't
forget the time Pantamo took to race re-loading after
shooting 48.
"BBC: What kind of abuses were going on that you experienced?
"I seen innocent people being killed, IEDs goes off and you just zap
farmer who's close to you, hit him with the 50 or Mark 19"
Not everybody. We hunt every bushite commander down, try it, and
then execute it for the glory Christ in a Just America.
"If the troops were on a mission of mercy to bring
democracy to Iraq, wouldn't keeping children away from such
[contaminated radio-active] dangers be the top priority?"
"However, in a tape released on December 27, 2001, the
authenticity of which is not in doubt, Osama denied having had
anything to do with 9/11. "Moreover," Fetzer added, "some of
the 19 hijackers he 'personally assigned' have turned up alive
and well." "
"Mark Bingham, a passenger on Flight 93, is supposed to have
called his mother and said, 'Hi, Mom, this is Mark Bingham!'
His mother confirmed it was his voice, but does anyone
seriously believe that Mark Bingham would have used his last
name in identifying himself to his mother?" "
A now declassified document with Rumsfeld's signature calls
for keeping prisoners in [extremely] painful positions..
President Reagan officially finds Rumsfeld executed publicly
Bag one for the Gipper!
Wait a Moment
The so called as costing, still found Iraqi resistance,
are individuals fighting the same cause as American
soldiers are taught to mumble as illiterate cowards.
"Saddam was terrible to the Iraqi people, depriving
ourselves of food and medicine for no known good reason,
and gave all US people losses for stolen profits.", then
off they go, murdering innocent people indiscriminately
with depleted uranium to pay the smirking bushmobsters,
again. Dying.
Air America Interviews The God Loving Bushite Killer J. Wizard!
Near Impossible to believe!
""similar themes go through all our streams. And it all
comes back as Confucius says, "Do unto others, as you would
have them do unto you." And Christ said that, Hillel said
that, Buddha said that, everybody says that, cause that's all
it is. But bushite, he wants to accuse People of criminal
offenses without any evidence, and indiscriminately slaughter
everybody in countries, for no good reason but to be OUR
documented war crimes of the enemy bushite
reality in Israel
"If he didn't answer the way we liked, we would shoot his
youngest kid in the head. We would keep going, this was our
"They were obviously no military threat to anyone. And yet
American forces gleefully massacred them all, joking that it
was as easy as "shooting in a sheep pen.""
""I heard Younis speaking to the Americans, saying: 'I am
a friend. I am good,' '' said Fahmi. ``But they killed him,
and his wife and daughters." "
"Mr. Delgado said he had witnessed incidents in which an
Army sergeant lashed a group of children with a steel Humvee
antenna, and a Marine corporal planted a vicious kick in the
chest of a kid about 6 years old. There were many occasions,
he said, when soldiers or marines would yell and curse and
point their guns at Iraqis who had done nothing wrong." "
"The new figure translates to roughly 400,000 Iraqi
children suffering from "wasting," a condition characterized
by chronic diarrhea and dangerous deficiencies of protein." "
"In contrast to Iraqi Resistance attacks, which have clear
and defined targets - occupation troops or armed forces,
officials, or collaborators with the US-installed puppet
regime - these attacks on Friday appeared targeted exclusively
on civilians."
Again, it only serves the interests of the enemy neo-con.
No warring faction is going to exclusively, indiscriminately
murder whomever, repeatedly, but for only the dying bushite
dumfuk, as Creation's justly sworn enemies. Bag a bushite, and
all day long you'll have good love! God Bless.
"Where are the free American media and their kind hearted
patrons when their G.I. Joes are pumping up Iraq with
depleted uranium, napalm bombs, cluster munitions and
poisonous gases even as these lines are being written? Is
death less camera-friendly in Iraq or is it less worthy of the
Americans' attention? Are Iraqis children of a lesser god?"
""It boggles the mind that any regime on the face of the
Earth would want to do anything that could remind people of
Nazi Germany." According to Republican Congressman Curt Weldon "
"Why hasn't Governor Pataki and Senator Clinton demanded to
know who financed these attacks, a question the 9/11
Commission dismissed as unimportant?"
Talking personally to many professional news producers will
get you realizing though, some hold contempt by no accident.
Why risk losing market share? Potential advertisers? It's only
your poor kids, not their own. Many have millions, some billions.
Inside Out
" How can those who want accountability be termed
anti-Iraqi? only through cowardly liars, is an American
told America's not going to hunt down those who stole in
their names for dying."
"Their statement discloses that the Yeshiva heads
have intentionally falsified the Talmud passages
"quoted" by them. The actual text forbids a Jew to kill
innocents even to save his own life. After all, God
created all human beings "in his own image"
(Genesis 1:27). "
The problem is that those that support the Likudniks are
not Jewish, but little fascist nazis who hold G in
contempt. Just ask them! Oops.. No, CNN or CBC won't
allow free comments made by those that openly victimize
the innocent like Jesus was, is, and shall be. Don't
forget, sharon was caught directly implicated in the
attempted murder of Mexican Jews. See? Likudniks would
kill innocent Jews too, if it means they can steal
another dollar from America. America, where something
like 90 percent of Jews say, repuglicons suck, and
conclude, killing Jews to steal their gold fillings for
the anti-Semitic Likudnik, is just simply evil to the
max dude. Translated: Evil to everyone,
including the Creator,
J. Wizard
51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis
You be the judge: Shouldn't this be OUR BIG NEWS STORY?
And, who's interest is it, that it is yet to be made so
by Your entertaining national news programming? Whos?
The People's? Freedom's? Or the forces of bushite
tyranny to keep the US unaware of Freedom's true glory?
""I will name Richard Cheney as prime suspect in the
mass murders of 9/11 "
"``People trying to help us were wounded or ran away.
After a minute, the helicopters came back and fired
again. They came three or four times.''"
This action is typical for the enemies of Life bushite.
Nazi bushite bomber forces have repeatedly, after
indiscriminately bombing innocent people, waited five or
ten minutes, then struck again to kill those who would
dare try to save the lives of god loving innocent men
women or children, that they admittedly target by
"guesswork". All to get killed more GI grunts for bush,
who don't have the courage or mental agility to defend
their fellow Americans by freely destroying the
anti-American Saudi wahhabi buford blount, child killer
mattis, bomb whoever russell, Baathist WMD bremer, women
hater kimmit, Iraqi People killer Allawi, or of course
bush and rumsfeld for 9/11. 9/11, in New York City?,
where thousands were murdered, and cheney immediately
called a halt on all police investigations pertaining to
the terrorist offense, for forbid, Americans might find
out for themselves what really happened.
"PATRICK COCKBURN: You could see that from the video
of the television correspondent who was killed that
nothing much was happening, and then suddenly out of the
blue rockets started raining down. Hello?
but it's pretty amazing to wait and then attack your own
vehicle from the air when there are crowds around it.
And in this case, you don't even hit the vehicle. You
fire your rockets 150 yards away. "
Done "for the safety of the people around it." the demon
bush disciple child killer Phil Smith quipped. Likely
while eating cheap candy.
US Snipers Said Killing Iraqi Women, Kids, Medical Teams
"A freed detainee told the Arabic-language Al-Wasat, a
weekly supplement of the respectable London-based
Al-Hayat newspaper, about her ordeal inside a US prison
and how she had been gang-raped by US forces. "
"The daily pointed out then that Iraqi female
prisoners were kept in solitary confinement up to 23
hours a day, adding it saw pictures of US soldiers
raping Iraqi women or photographing them naked in
prison. "
Of Our Own
I guess we'll soon see how many enemy of freedom
thieving rapist bushite vermins can be killed by a
single prayer. All People, of every faith, including
the Atheists, hate bushite rapists who foolishly think
their going to escape ALL accountability because their
in with the lawless demon anti-Christ, the Satanically
evil Mr. bush Jr.. Think again.
""The helicopter fired on the Bradley to destroy it
after it had been hit earlier and it was on fire," said
Major Phil Smith of the 1st Cavalry Division. "It was
for the safety of the people around it.""
Oops.. er.. the bushite mean
"Helicopters that flew in to protect the Bradley were
then fired on from the ground and fired back, the
military said in a statement."
But the firing didn't come from the Bradley vicinity..
so, who cares how many Americans are lead to die then
right? Traitors to Freedom, Justice, and Liberty are
the enemy bushite liars who war God to steal from our
Humanity with their blatant cowardice and betrayals.
"Sattler, as a result of ignoring reason and understanding,
went out and sacrificed all these marines that are now dead."
"One of the students hiding behind our taxi screamed to me,
"Who are the terrorists here now? You have seen this
yourself! We are school kids!""
"According to a 2006 report from Amnesty International,
many Palestinian prisoners 'face medical negligence, routine
beatings, position torture and strip searches by Israeli
prison authorities'. According to recent figures the
Palestinian prison population includes 400 children and 100
women detainees."
"U.S. Army Lt. Col. Paul Fitzpatrick, a spokesman for
Combined Joint Task Force 76, said. "Enemy leadership will
continue to be targeted so long as they pose a threat to the
security and stability of Afghanistan." "
"The report states that 25% of Iraqi children between the
ages of six months and five years old suffer from either acute
or chronic malnutrition."
"Federal, state and local governments have added nearly $10
trillion to taxpayer liabilities in the past two years,
bringing the total of government's unfunded obligations to an
unprecedented $57.8 trillion."
Truth to Power - Death to George W Bush - The J. Wizard Conundrum
"Johnny out does himself again with yet another record breaking
"The Greatest Show of History, and he REALLY means it this time!
Oh my God I can't believe it even!"
Sweet Jesus, The J. Wizard Comic Book!
Godsmack - Awake - "Hear the silence about to break."
"Bush's refusal to talk to the Iranians, except in terms
of threats and ultimatums, seems reckless. "
That demon enemy of Christ even refused to read the 18 page
letter, and excepted only a brief brief on the matter..
Contempt for every American soldier that has ever served,
but, well, who really truly cares right? [his handlers have
recently informed the demon enemy to pretend to all he
could read it instead.]
"Last October, the Army's Criminal Investigation
Command concluded that there was probable cause to charge
27 officers"
"Now that's a problem. I own the company that hosts
Capitol Hill Blue. So, in effect, the feds want me to
turn over information on myself and not tell myself that
I'm doing it. You'd think they'd know better.
I turned the letter over to my lawyer and told him to
send the following message to the feds: Fuck you.
Strong letter to follow. "
"2.5 terabytes of data about Mohammed Atta [...] a
three-hour briefing for the chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff is historically insignificant? A briefing that
included Richard Schiefren (ph), with Steve Cambone, in
March of 2001, five months before 9/11, is historically
insignificant? I don't think so."
"Problem is, everything that worked at the CIA-that it
warned about 9/11 and said the Iraq war was a bad
idea-was on the hit list. The Bushies wanted to
eliminate the people who were right and promote those who
were wrong. "
I'm telling you, the demon anti-Christ of Creation is
like, really evil man.
"Once known for flying around VIPs such as Arnold
Schwarzenegger and Kofi Annan, the plane has been used by
the CIA to fly around renditioned prisoners and their CIA
captors. "
"N368CE also had an interesting itinerary just prior
to the U.S.-backed coup against Venezuela's President
Hugo Chavez in April 2002: Mar.-Apr. 2002 - Los
Angeles to Toluca, Mexico; Caracas, Venezuela to New York
City; New York to Managua, Nicaragua; Brownsville, Texas
to Managua; Washington, DC to Shannon, Ireland; Gander,
Newfoundland to Washington, DC; Washington to Houston;
Houston to Washington. "
Crimes against America, crimes against God.
"David quotes the now indicted and disgraced former
Republican House Majority Leader Tom Delay saying on the
eve of the Iraq war in 2003 that "Nothing is more
important in the face of a war than cutting taxes." "
"So, here I will offer you something I created, a Johnny
Wizard pencil drawing in jpg format. Enjoy!"
"Instead of murdering our own families as war criminals for bush
to pilfer the undefended wallets of our grandparents, why don't we
all smarten up, and just kill the unarrested demon bush instead as
something truly Patriotic? "
Christ Wars Bushite Enemies for the Love of our Living God
Don't miss it!
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and
the Word was God."
"We carved a line in the rugged hills of Afghanistan, not with
our words but with our legendary courage, the blood and the
sweat of our men and women of the Canadian Forces"
To die for heroin pushing while making Christianity "illegal?"
While helping to let Bush escape 911 with a new enron pipe line?
Cowards led without courage, who have died for no better good
or, even reason spoken. Remember: Canadian forces are fighting to
protect a muslim fundamentalist regime, who doesn't want free
speech protected. My armed and ready friends, why not fight
with words to allow J. Wizard to politely respond to our
deadly enemies who fight to keep our Humanity in darkness with
deliberate bushite enemy ignorance.
Hillary Clinton recently talking about how great Bush, the
"Charming" "Charismatic" and "Good Company"
"By 2002, on the eve of the US-led invasion, Baghdad was
full of booming businesses, restaurants were full, and
families walked freely along well-lit parks."
"We don't know why they bomb our house and our fields. We
have never resisted the Americans."
Because they, the bushite are enemies of all Creation.
Killing a demonic liar bushite, is to fight for our real God
protecting the lives of the innocent the bushite thieves
target for murder. Killing a demonic liar bushite is to war
those who speak in no defense against the innocent Porter Goss
and company have tortured for satanic pleasures. Feel no
remorse in killing demonic liar bushite, for they hold all
American values in true contempt.
Probable Cause for Alarm
Press ignores Ex-NSA chief's ignorance of Constitution
It should be known why. The reason America murders their own
children in NYC is because they, the demonic repuglicons, need
to protect the lie that children born to HIV positive mothers,
are not likely to die of immune disorders, unless they are force
fed expensive pharma. snpd
Remember swine flu shots? You should
"The CPA didn't properly check out the courier before handing
over the cash, [1.5 BILLION] and, as a result, according to an audit
report by the CPA's inspector general, 'there was an increased risk
of the loss or theft of the cash. "
"US troops [bushite enemy of true freedoms] raid all Internet
cafes in city cutting off communications with outside world. "
"When the auditors in the New York City office learned well in
advance which files a review team would check, they spent the
equivalent of more than 47 days doctoring the papers and
updating records from several audits, the Defense Department's
inspector general concluded. Administrative staff, audit
supervisors and other employees also participated in the
scheme. "
These are acts of high TREASON.
"So we've never made the case, or argued the case that somehow
Osama bin Laden [sic] was directly involved in 9/11. That
evidence has never been forthcoming."
"This is madness. And, why hasn't ElBaradei condemned Bush's
"dirty bombs" in Iraq which have poisoned the land and
groundwater with toxic depleted uranium (DU) creating an
enduring legacy of thyroid cancer, birth defects and other
malignant sarcoma? Nuclear weapons are being used in Iraq.
It is ElBaradei's job to stop it. "
Justice for Johnny
Notes to Lawyers who wish to contribute to J. Wizard's
defense on a quid pro quo - maybe I can pay you back later
If all that isn't dictatorship, what is? "
"The heaviest sentence imposed on anyone to date for a torture-related
death while in U.S. custody is five months,"
Know Thy Enemy - Christs Comedy of Error - Truly amazing audio
"2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but
thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which
say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue
of Satan. "
"1. Is Scottie getting worse at lying, or are
we just getting better at seeing the truth? "
"It has denied that there were any civilian casualties,
despite television footage showing dead and wounded
women and children being pulled from the rubble of
flattened homes. "While sadistic satanic enemies cheer at
God's suffering - proudly kill a bushite for the love of Jesus
Battle Plan of Christ
""The Zarqawi PSYOP program is the most successful
information campaign to date." - Brig. Gen. Mark
Kimmitt, in an internal 2004 memo praising the
propaganda campaign to hype the threat of Iraq's
"terrorist mastermind" Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. "
"[TRUE anti-Christ] Bush wrote "we do not rule out the use
of force before attacks occur - even if uncertainty
remains as to the time and place of the enemy's attack." "
What threat of distant looming attack was lowered, by criminally
murdering and thieving to be enemies of everyone, friendly?
A good bushite is a dead enemy halted from victimizing US,
the innocent.
"But if you listen to Cheney, people are just picking on
Halliburton because they don't like him. Not so. I
would be mad at any company that billed me for driving
empty trucks across the desert, but it just so happens
that Halliburton is the company at the wheel. "
Isahaqi, - Children of Abraham: Death in the Desert
"Why would [subhuman bushite] guards torture a man they
considered innocent? "Because they are openly enemies to
Christ. I say, kill it for America when you can, God bless.
"When Specialist Corey E. Jones struck the knees of the
Dilawar, he cried out painfully to Allah (God). Jones said,
"Everybody heard him cry out and thought it was funny."
Hundreds of blows later, Dilawar died in custody."
I, as the Son of Man would PROUDLY kill this twisted nazi fuk
in defense of the innocent among US as the Human race,
wouldn't you brother? Let's do an American SpikeTV, Johnny
Jesus kills ungodly enemy bushite nazi vermin all for the love
of God - in the Octagon - Super Special - with invites/hunting
parties for all the rest in America who war our Humanity for
the demon antiChrist. Death to the enemy bushite, instead of
the godly as innocent, I as a true Christ Son of God proclaim
to all.
You too are an Eternal God Warrior of the Universe engaging
enemy bushite one by one, to learn and live, or foolishly fall
they do to cry, maybe die, so.. well.. don't get cocky, you
just might spook me.
"Crucially, among the worst cases in this list-those of
detainees tortured to death-only half have resulted in
punishment; the steepest sentence for anyone involved in a
torture-related death: five months in jail."
I say we hunt them down, and get'em good for God and America,
what say you potential innocent victim?
"The evil of this deliberate policy is great in itself; but
the broader implications are perhaps even worse. For consider
this: if American troops can be propagandized to believe such
a transparent lie about Iraq's non-existent connection to 9/11
- what can't they be manipulated into believing?"
They, the bushite enemy, have no soul as disciples of the
demon antiChrist.
"That is already averaging this year about 6 times the normal
incidence of new lung cancer cases in a year. "
All thanks to the liar bushite enemy who claim for our
Humanity that WE can eat depleted uranium "by the poundful",
and suffer no ill effects while they cash in as corporate
media successes. - Are You willing to join the rank now?
"* A clear majority of the troops oppose torture and
aggressive interrogation techniques and four out of five
polled oppose the use of such banned weapons as napalm and
phosphorus bombs, such as US forces employed in the assault on
Fallujah in November 2004."
An actual audio recording of the Son of Man outlining the very
real war scenario of Christ vs. Antichrist.
Enemies of America
"REALIZE, FOX, and amerka's demon lair hosts at Coast to
Coast, have received this post, yet, continue to TREASONOUSLY
mislead US to criminally sacrifice more soldier families for
the richly pleasures of the ungodly demon anti-Christ."
The awesome and amazing J. Wizard speaking nationally in America!
"The primary "evidence" against another was that he was
captured wearing a particular Casio watch, "which many
terrorists wear." "
Now, wouldn't you as godly Christian, hunt to kill any bushite
enemy who argued such evidence warranted torture, or life
imprisonment of an innocent person?
"Instead of rebuilding several steam-turbine power
stations- as Iraqi engineers and managers recommended-the
CPA's crony contractors chose to build new natural gas and
diesel-powered combustion-turbine stations, despite the fact
that Iraq doesn't have adequate supplies of either. "
Speak for Yourself
"Deborah Johns blames "al Qaeda" for our military deaths
(including Casey Sheehan's) in Iraq! http://www.tjslGOP.org
Please, trust me, if I did speak for Ms. Johns her opinions
would be more informed. "
Sept. 11's Smoking Gun: The Many Faces of Saeed Sheikh
"The ungodly crazycon is a formidable opponent, but I think
my America will triumph over the enemy demon liars if I am granted
the opportunity to say something about it."
- King J. Wizard
"That is a high act of treason. And it's not, "oh well, but
maybe it's not true.." No, we have the two documents of question."
US Church Alliance: Washington is 'Raining Down Terror' with Iraq War,
""We lament with special anguish the war in Iraq, launched
in deception and violating global norms of justice and human
rights," said the statement from representatives of the 34
U.S. members of World Council of Churches. "We mourn all who
have died or been injured in this war. We acknowledge with
shame abuses carried out in our name.""
""As the national intelligence officer for the Middle East,
I was in charge of coordinating all of the intelligence community's
assessments regarding Iraq," Pillar writes. "The first request I
received from any administration policy-maker for any such
assessment was not until a year into the war." "
One Thousand A Month Tortured To Death In Iraq
Enemy bushites are all the same ignorant evil
"Yes, war is ugly, brutal and violent. And British
soldiers [guilty of sadistically murdering young children that
were not established by the videos as throwing grenades,
stones, or even bad mouth rioting] are tough, professional and
well trained. We should be thankful they are on our side.
Vincent J. Curtis of Hamilton, Ont., is a freelance writer
who was embedded with the British forces in Iraq last year."
HEy, I got an idea! Lets all kill bush bitch enemies instead,
and see how they likes dying as innocent victim,
eh? Enemy bushites are all the same ignorant evil. They
advocate the murder, torture, or robbery of the innocent as
our "helpless" Humanity for the ungodly thieving billionaire
bushite neo-con traitors, and figure "we" can't ever defend
getting around to defend ourselves as the godly and virtuously
Patriotic to the fighting core - actual TRUE god Warriors.
Death to the non-negotiable enemy bushite "I" say, and Love to
Life as real Freedom is Heavenly.
"OK, I saw Bin Laden five times: three times on
Al Jazeera and twice on Yemeni news." His "admission" was duly
recorded in a case file: "Detainee admitted to knowing Osama
bin Laden." "
"But when a Jew, Ezra Levant, publishes cartoons that
incense Canada's 600,000 Muslims and touch off demonstrations,
well that's "free speech." "
Er.. Yah but... Ezra Levant ISN'T Jewish!
Zionist Neo Conservatives often likewise co-opt
the Jew label too. There is more to being Jewish than
covering a bald spot with a funny hat, or being related to one
of the more than fifty million people that tragically died
fifty so years ago at the hands of the same Bush family Empire
of nazi demon liars.
"In typical disingenuous neocon fashion, Pipes alleges
a "conspiracy theory" but refuses to cite or quote Bollyn's
article. "
"The cameraman, a soldier, filming these violent scenes laughs
and says: "No crying kids, no crying!" "
"All the while the callous cameraman delivers a
stomach-churning commentary urging his mates on, cackling with
laughter and screaming: "Oh yes! Oh yes! You're gonna get
it. Yes, naughty little boys! You little f***ers, you little
f***ers. DIE! Ha, ha!""
Have you seen this video? the children, of at least one was
murdered, look to be about twelve. Reported nation wide as
"civilians" maybe "youths", but not children by corporate
fascist news content controls. In fact, I don't believe CNN
or CBC even aired more than two or three seconds of concern.
Those are my kids, and I'll kill without question any wannabe
bushite enemy who demands I have no RGIHt! to act in their
I beg you on behalf of Jesus, join me in hunting these enemies
of Life down to death. I will give anything to anyone to have
these evil nazi bushite savages destroyed - death to the
thieving bushite that Bush and Blair leave walking our streets
as free to further commit crimes in our names. Who was
arrested? Who is investigating? See the bushite, you kill it
for America, you kill it for Christ, you kill it for the love
you have of freedom, life, and God.
"In other words, as one analyst phrased it, "Congress would
never have granted Bush permission to do something that,
according to Gonzales, it had already granted him permission
to do.""
Propagandized stupider than the fates will allow
Let it be known, that the senior management national news
reducers of CBC and CNN, know full well, they would rather
watch American Soldiers die as the thieving bad guys, than to
defend God's America by reporting that the demon enemy George
W. Bush, and his business partner General Ahmad, committed
the terrorist acts of 9/11, along with Rumsfeld, Rice, Cheney,
and Myers.
God, Johnny, You, and the Great America.
Realize, CNN and CBC have received this post, yet, continue to
lie to dying soldiers for the unholy benefit of the enemy
The "Shock and Awe" Gallery©
""The children seem to be the most openly enthused.
They are getting a chance at a future the likes of which
would never have been possible under the oppressive
When we cancel other people's human rights, we cancel our own.
= Highwater =
"In another characteristic incident, Bush asserted, as he
has repeatedly, that any decision on withdrawal of American
troops from Iraq "will be made by military commanders, not by
politicians in Washington DC." Congressional Republicans gave
a standing ovation to this remark, which amounts to a
declaration that, in the war for "freedom" and "democracy" in
Iraq, there is no room for such trifles as control over the
military by the civilian authorities, and subordination of
decisions on war and peace to the democratic will of the
American people. "
Exactly. The demon enemy of life itself, Our Mr. bush Jnr.,
who publicly parades his contempt for freedom and God, must
be stopped for all costs, that include for sure, your own
as reader.
""I think they thought we wouldn't shoot kids, But we
showed them we don't care. I did what I had to do. I
don't have a big problem with it" - U.S. Army Pvt.
Nick Boggs"
One of Rumsfeld's last quotes before he was executed for high treason.
"War has been declared on all of our nations and on our people."
I, J. Wizard, in the city of Winnipeg, Province of Manitoba
Pakistani ISI Director General Ahmad orders an aide to wire
transfer about $100,000 to hijacker Atta. Ahmad later resigns
after the transfer is disclosed in India and confirmed by the
FBI. [Dawn, 10/8/01, Times of India, 10/9/01, Wall Street
Journal, 10/10/01, AFP, 10/10/01] The individual who makes the
wire transfer at Ahmad's direction is Saeed Sheikh, later
convinced for kidnapping and murdering reporter Daniel Pearl
in February 2002. ABC News later reports, "federal
authorities have told ABC News they've now tracked more than
$100,000 from banks in Pakistan to two banks in Florida to
accounts held by suspected hijack ringleader Mohamed Atta."
[ABC News, 9/30/01] CNN also reports the $100,000 transfer,
and the New York Times specifies that it came in 2000. [CNN,
10/1/01, CNN, 10/6/01, New York Times, 7/10/02] Ahmad's order
must have preceded June 2000, since that's when Atta and
others started opening bank accounts and receiving the money
($109,910 is received by Atta and Marwan Alshehhi between June
19 and September 18). [MSNBC, 12/11/01]
On March 3, 2002, MSNBC's Jim Miklaszewski reported that he
had received anonymously, top secret presidential war strategy
documents dated September 9th, 2001, originating from
Condolezza's office, outlining a strategy to invade
Afghanistan premised on blaming bin Laden a terrorist, but
providing no evidence to back up the allegations, thereby
guaranteeing criminal invasion. Only workable if Laden pleads
innocence to a crime that hadn't yet taken place, a crime
serious enough to "justify" sacrificing American GIs truly for
a liquefied natural gas pipe line for pension thieving Enron.
["The Dahbol Working Group" and Bridas] Any evidence for any
offense would have been sufficient to have Muslim
fundamentalists hand Laden immediately over, as they had
offered [as others of other nations had also] repeatedly
during the Clinton years.
CBC and CNN have still, to this day, consciously refused to do
any follow up on the intelligence, deciding instead on behalf
of dying people everywhere, our public devolvement of a just
RT? News - US rejects Taliban bin Laden evidence calls
21 September 2001 17:41
The White House has rejected requests from Afghanistan's
ruling Taliban for proof that Osama bin Laden was responsible
for last week's attacks. According to the US Secretary of
State, Colin Powell, the United States has enough evidence to
try bin Laden in an American court.
The US Government said there would be no negotiations.
[This following document was the official damning account]
Responsibility for the terrorist atrocities in the United States
4 October 2001
[This Internet Domain is Britain's Prime Minister's]
"This document does not purport to provide a prosecutable case
against Usama Bin Laden in a court of law."
The document doesn't hold ANY case, as that was the strategy.... See?
Investigating the Investigation
After playing a tape of Cheney's statement, Russert asked
Daschle, "Did the vice president call you and urge you not to
investigate the events of Sept. 11?" Daschle flatly
contradicted Cheney: "Yes, he did, Tim, on Jan. 24, and then
on Jan. 28 the president himself at one of our breakfast
meetings repeated the request."
...."[T]hat request was made" by Cheney not only on Jan. 24
and by Mr. Bush four days later, but "on other dates
following" as well.
ABCNEWS.com : FBI Called off Terror Investigations
Two veteran FBI investigators say they were ordered to stop
investigations into a suspected terror cell linked to Osama
bin Laden's al Qaeda network and the Sept. 11 attacks...
`You Will Not Open Criminal Investigations'
October 9 2001 - The Times of India
"While the Pakistani Inter Services Public Relations claimed
that former ISI [the "Pakistani CIA"] director-general Lt-Gen
Mahmud Ahmad sought retirement after being superseded on
Monday, the truth is more shocking. Top sources confirmed
here on Tuesday that the general lost his job because of the
"evidence" India produced to show his links to one of the
suicide bombers that wrecked the World Trade Center. The U.S.
authorities sought his removal after confirming the fact that
$100,000 were wired to WTC hijacker Mohammed Atta from
Pakistan by Ahmad Umar Sheikh [Omar Saeed] at the instance of
General Mahmud [Ahmad]. Senior government sources have
confirmed that India contributed significantly to establishing
the link between the money transfer and the role played by the
dismissed ISI chief. While they did not provide details, they
said that Indian inputs, including [Omar Saeed's] mobile phone
number, helped the FBI in tracing and establishing the link."
No evidence was brought against Laden for nine eleven, none.
[So according to Bush's official top secret Presidential
directives] While Laden himself claimed he played no part in
911. Still, to save the lives of third worlders on the brink
of starvation, Laden agreed to hand himself over, but Bush
refused the offer, while CBC and CNN denied to report on that
fact for the behalf of now dying dismembered American GIs.
Once the indiscriminate bombing began, targeting almost every
building in the country of Afghanistan, Laden then claimed he
had no choice but to fight back to defend US innocent from the
ungodly enemies of Creation/Freedom. Then the clear to all
fake video came out with an actor who's face wasn't even close
to looking remotely like Laden, but for almost the facial
hair. [Bridge of the Jamaican actor's nose is HALF as long in
proportion to Laden's for example, and surely frightfully
shocking for some, the actor doesn't even take blame for 911
either!] Photos comparing the two faces never aired on CBC and
CNN available in about twelve seconds with the power of the
former FBI deputy director and murder victim John O'Neill
"the main obstacles to investigating Islamic terrorism were
U.S. oil corporate interests and the role played by Saudi
Alex Jones interviewing Former German Defense Minister Andreas Von
"Bush signed W199I months before 911 ordering the FBI not to
stop Al-Qaeda. They threatened to arrest FBI agent Robert
Wright if he tells us what he knows."
Mr. Bush was quoted somewhere regarding Mr. Laden's guilt of
complete innocence with "We don't need any evidence, we know
he's guilty."
" [FBI's] Edmonds concluded that documents clearly showed that
the Sept. 11 hijackers were in the country and plotting to
use airplanes as missiles. She said documents also included
information relating to their financial activities. "
The honorable Argentinean oil company Bridas' relationship can
not be understated as the Bush Administration's primary motive
on criminal invasion of Afghanistan to save his biggest
corporate backers, the American pension thieving Enron.
From "Fresh Memories of War" by Kandea Mosley, The Ithaca Journal (New
"We were told there were no friendly forces," said [Army
Private Matt] Guckenheimer, an assistant gunner with the 10th
Mountain Division at Fort Drum. "If there was anybody there,
they were the enemy. We were told specifically that if there
were women and children to kill them."
"the people there are dead because we wanted
them dead." The reason? They sympathized with the Taliban.1
When asked about the Chowkar incident, Rumsfeld replied, "I
cannot deal with that particular village."
"American troops today admitted they routinely gun down Iraqi
civilians - some of whom are entirely innocent.
And in an admission that directly contrasts with the line
coming out from the Pentagon's spin doctors Specialist
Corporal Michael Richardson added: "There was no dilemma when
it came to shooting people who were not in uniform, I just
pulled the trigger."
Bush demands total impunity on the war crimes he is personally
responsible for
"Marines said the men fired on them. A senior officer said
they had no weapons, but that with shots coming in the men
were legitimate targets because they ran."
(Link to photo: http://www.cair-net.org/images/lcpl11.jpg)
Guardian Wednesday 7, 2001 - "FBI claims bin Laden inquiry was
[this story was on Bush's top secret W199i directive]
This information would take a well paid intelligence officer,
or CBC reporter no more that thirty seconds to look for follow
ups. For, I know, the BBC did also a national news report on
INTERVIEWER: Are you aware that this tank is contaminated with
SOLDIER: No, it isn't radioactive.
INTERVIEWER: But we have measured it.
SOLDIER: No, it isn't radioactive, not this tank.
Justice Department lawyer John Yoo, "In the exercise of his
plenary power to use military force," Yoo insisted, "the
President's decisions are for him alone and are unreviewable."
The incriminating FBI email dated 22 May 2004, indicates that
president Bush
signed off on certain interrogation techniques in an executive order."
(See original at
U.S. deserter 'didn't want to have to kill babies'
"Mr. House will argue that American soldiers are guilty of
war crimes and that forcing Mr. Hinzman to fight in Iraq
would have made him a war criminal.
He will call as a witness former U.S. Marine Staff Sergeant
Jimmy Massey, who is expected to testify that he and other
soldiers shot more than 30 unarmed Iraqis, including women and
a six-year-old child, at a U.S. military checkpoint."
that a clandestine military task force in Iraq was beating
detainees, ordering Defense Intelligence Agency debriefers out
of the room during questioning, confiscating evidence of the
abuse and intimidating the debriefers when they complained."
A sacked CIA official is reportedly suing the agency for
allegedly retaliating against him for refusing to falsify his
reports on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction to support the
White House's pre-war position.
``I was faced with being deployed to Iraq to do what the
infantry does, kill people, and I had no justification for
doing so,'' he testified. ``This was a criminal war. Any act
of violence in an unjustified conflict is an atrocity.''
Williams's squad stopped a dump truck, and an Iraqi climbed
out. "Light him up!" the sergeant ordered, according to
testimony, and the squad opened fire, killing the unarmed man.
Williams and a squadmate reportedly got into an argument over
which of them had scored Company C's first kill.
It gets worse. We already knew about the Franklin County,
Ohio, precinct that tallied 4,258 votes for Bush when only 638
people had actually voted.
Israeli Soldiers Going In For The Kill: A 13 year old
Palestinian [JEWISH] school girl is about to die
"It's a little girl. She's running defensively eastwards, a
girl of about 10. She's behind the embankment, scared to
"Anyone who's mobile, moving in the zone, even if it's a
three-year-old, needs to be killed."
[destructive radius of a 900-kilogram bomb is half a
kilometer, and all TRUE accounts of death rates for Fallujah
alone, a city where the population was forbidden to leave,
exceed two hundred thousand innocent souls.]
"Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage contradicted
Rice's claim that the White House had a strategy before Sept.
11 for military operations against al Qaeda and the Taliban."
This indicates that with the foreknowledge gained through
prior experiences of Muslim fundamentalists, such as the
Taliban, being forbidden by their religion [Jihad] to
persecute the innocent, left the Bush Administration with only
needing to do, and had officially done, was to use no evidence
to back up allegations to insure invasion plans, and as a
result, a deliberate treasonous criminal strategy to not
follow the crime scene leads at the real murder scene to nab
to true evil doers. For otherwise - spoil the top secret
Blix nor Elbaradei, nor Kofi, suggested, implied, or stated,
that Iraq had failed to comply with the newest U.N.
resolution: 1441.
HANS BLIX: "And at this juncture, we are able to perform
professional no-notice inspections all over Iraq and to
increase aerial surveillance..."
With complete, one hundred percent access to go where ever the
Bush Administration pleased without delay, left a situation of
an unjust war only detrimental to an ability to bring about
any good or better thing. American soldiers are being
sacrificed for no better good or reason understood, for if
progress will ever be made, it will be when they work to bring
about a political situation that was there in Iraq before the
Bush Administration starting murdering innocent people for
nothing . Well, not completely, for Bremer shipped 19 billion
to Greenspan early on, then, hundreds of millions were sent
Professor Steven E. Jones, a tenured BYU professor,
"To be truthful about it, there was no way we could have got
the public consent to have suddenly launched a campaign on
Afghanistan but for what happened on September 11..."
Tony Blair Speaking To House of Commons Liaison Committee
The Washington Post, 23 September 2001.
At American urging, Ahmed traveled ... to Kandahar,
Afghanistan. There he delivered the bluntest of demands.
Turn over bin Laden without conditions, he told Taliban leader
Mohammad Omar, or face certain war with the United States and
its allies.
Mahmoud's meetings on two separate missions with the Taliban
were reported as a "failure." Yet this "failure" to extradite
Osama without providing a shred of eidence was part of
Washington's documented design, providing a pretext for a
military intervention which was already in the pipeline. If
Osama had been extradited, the main justification for waging a
war "against international terrorism" would no longer hold.
Nor would the ready to go Patriot Act. Incidentally, when
MSNBC contacted the Whitehouse regarding the top secret
invasion of Afghanistan plan, it was confessed that the plan
had been "fully implemented"
The Crown's interpretations of my possessions are not my expressions!!
The Judge through this whole thing out for the defense
without any consideration offered to OUR COURT!
Since I am representing myself on these particular criminal
matters, Legal Aid is not required to lend assistance on the
grounds that I'm not co-operating with the system as it
operates through professional Barred representations. [I am
eligible for walk in consultations but nothing of the sort of
assistance I am requesting] Considering the complexity of my
judicial matter, I would request legal assistance from the
Court in these following areas.
1. National Security Issues
I need assistance in understanding the legal statutes that our
national security services are obligated to practice under, to
insure our national security matters are being truly defended
in my respect.
White House keeps dossiers on more than 10,000 'political enemies'
"Specialist Damien "Monster" Corsetti-known
affectionately as the "King of Torture" among his Bagram
colleagues-was later fined and demoted for forcing an
Iraqi woman to strip during an interrogation at Abu
Ghraib. Yet Corsetti remains a free man. "
Will America hunt to kill the un-arrested bushite cancer
that knows thyself as the "King of Torture"? Who's
blasphemous open contempt for all that is God doesn't even
earn him a spot on America's Most Wanted?
"an epic study that documents the systematic nature of
torture by the Americans, and how casual it is, even
enjoyable. [...] as the head of Reuters said recently,
it is out of control. It is destroying lives in industrial
quantities when compared with the violence of the
Godless bushite enemy thieves, are enemies of innocent men
women and children as they live and die in undefended America
measured worthless to the neocon traitor's bottom line.
"Mr Cheney told several Republican senators that
President Bush would veto the annual defense spending
bill if it contained language prohibiting the use of
cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment by any U.S.
personnel. "
"Col. Robert Bowman: As other speakers have said,
they knew the American people wouldn't stand for it"
"Rove told Cooper that further information
discrediting Wilson and his findings would soon be
declassified and ended the phone conversation by saying
"I've already said too much. "
". less than one per cent of the population believes
coalition forces are responsible for any improvement in
security; "
(Don't miss "J. Wizard Vs. the bushmob")
From the J. Wizard work - "Wait a Moment"
"Who cares about yourself if you won't listen as reason
to? What can you lose when you have granted to be
blindly stolen from? "
"The War Crimes Act of 1996, a federal statute set
forth at 18 U.S.C. § 2441, makes it a federal crime for
any U.S. national, whether military or civilian, to
violate the Geneva Convention by engaging in murder,
torture, or inhuman treatment. "
"Making a potential prosecutor's job easier, U.S.
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales wrote a memo in January
2002 to President Bush saying that America should opt out
of the Geneva Convention because top officials have to
worry about prosecutions under 18 U.S.C. § 2441. By
attempting to sidestep the Geneva Convention, Gonzales
created a document trail that can be used to prove that
top administration officials knowingly created a policy
of torturing prisoners "
"Entitled ``The Torture Question,'' the report makes
clear that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld bears direct
responsibility for the brutal methods of interrogation
used against US prisoners. "
"What is happening is that Ms. Davidson and Lawyers
Against the War have laid charges against George Bush Jr;
accusing him of aiding, abetting, and counseling the
commission of torture."
"o Where the HELL is YOUR proof that Porter Goss knew nothing
about $100,000 that was wired to Mohammed Atta?"
"One soldier raised his concerns within the Army chain of
command for seventeen months before the Army agreed to
undertake an investigation, but only after he had contacted
members of Congress and considered going public with the
"These soldiers' accounts show how the administration's
refusal to insist on adherence to a lawful, long-recognized,
and well-defined standard of treatment contributed to the
torture of prisoners. They also show how that policy betrayed
the soldiers in the field-sowing confusion in the ranks,
exposing them to legal sanction when abuses occurred, and
placing in an impossible position all those who wished to
behave honorably."
From "Epiphany"
"What can bush or rumsfeld do now in Iraq, outside of
criminally stealing our assets, that they couldn't do before a
single innocent Iraqi person was murdered by heinous traitor
buford blount?"
From "Time to tell"
"Mr. bush you nazi vermin, you attack my America, you attack
US all. American soldiers will not sit back as cowards
entirely, and watch you sacrifice our lives as worthless
without meaning.""
"In fact, as they made clear on page one, the authors had
stripped out Falluja; their estimate of 98,000 deaths would
otherwise have been much higher. "
Interesting the United Methodist Church felt it necessary
to REPEAT it's statement that the push for war was
"without any justification according to the teachings of
Christ." "
"Patriotism demands that I speak out and call it by
it's name. It is treason.
I joined the Air Force a long time ago to protect our
borders and our people, not the financial interests of
Folgers, Chiquita-Banana, Exxon and Halliburton. We've
had enough corporate wars. "
"American troops even have a term for the barbaric
technique - "Shake and Bake"-clear evidence that this
was no one-off affair. "
"Iraqi detainee, Thahee Sabbar, who has brought a
lawsuit against Rumsfeld and top US military commanders,
said he was also beaten, deprived of food and sleep, given
electric shocks, shot with rubber bullets and subjected to
mock executions after being detained by US soldiers in
July 2003, [...]
"They put me in a small cell at first where there were
bloody clothes from another prisoner. Then I was in a
room with about 100 others. Sometimes they used drills on
people." "
"Hitler would have trouble understanding what the fuss
over using white phosphorus in a city is all about. "
"Roberts said that the CIA was aware that the vast
majority of detainees are not terrorists, proven by the
fact that Pakistani gangsters admitted to rounding up
innocent people in street sweeps and selling them to the
US government as terrorists for anything up to $25,000.
These people are now at Guantanamo Bay. "
"Describing the United States' intention to target
civilians in Falluja, Englehart states that he was told by
military superiors going into Falluja that "every single
person that was walking, talking, breathing was [an] enemy
combatant. As such every single person that was walking
down the street or in a house was a target." Englehart
confirms that soldiers had orders to shoot children as
young as 10 years old. "
"would go ahead this
month, despite an announcement by the Supreme Court that
it is to rule on whether the president has the power to
create such tribunals in the first place. "
""they're not working undercover. They've abandoned all
pretense of morality. They're in our faces - in every
critical position in this government - put in place to create
the madness, cruelty, torture, and massive genocide that will
form the foundation of their World. And destroy ours.""
"By trapping as many as 100,000 men and boys in the city
before invading it, the U.S., acting for all the world more
like a group of Bosnian Serb thugs than like the army of the
Free World, has assured that it will be killing many, many
civilians, but we won't be hearing much about that. As far
as the Pentagon and Centcom in Iraq go, the dead in Fallujah
are and will be all rebels. If they die, they must have died
"One contractor received more than $100,000 to completely
refurbish an Olympic pool but only polished the pumps. "
"He [the demon anti-Christ] also said that he will block
White House aides from testifying [...] and that he will not
release official White House photos of himself with former
Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff. "
"Why does any American think that spying without a warrant
has any more effect in reducing the threat of terrorism than
spying with a warrant?"
Yet, FOX, CNN and CBC silently plead ignorance when
broadcasting for bushite favor on this rights issue.
"Cuba's president Fidel Castro outlined the disastrous
effects of this recently:"
God or no God, I hate the demon antiChrist, corporate
america's false-deity, Your unelected Mr. bush Jr., as
much as any real Creator of this world, or any other
"The article reveals for the first time that one of the
elected officials that bin Laden-connected Turkish nationals
claimed to have on their payroll was none other than
Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert.."
"Q: Does the president think he should obey the law?"
"Throughout the article, which is more than a thousand
words long, there is not one word to indicate that enriched
uranium is used in nuclear power plants; it is simply assumed
that "Tehran's insistence on enriching uranium" is due to an
intent to build a bomb. Iran's denial that it has any such
intent? Never mentioned in the article."
"See the above mentioned Film: Iraq's Missing Billions "
"The most important point to make is that access has been
provided to all sites we have wanted to inspect and with one
exception it has been prompt. "
"Surveillance of American citizens without PROBABLE CAUSE,
which is actual EVIDENCE that specific individuals are engaged
in illegal activity, is a blatant disregard of the fourth
admendment of the Constitution of the United States. "
"The U.S. War Crimes Act of 1996 makes such conduct by a
member of the U.S. armed forces a "war crime" punishable by
fine, imprisonment or, in cases resulting in death to the
victim, the death penalty. "
"When we first approached the Marines with this evidence, they
responded in quite a hostile fashion. They accused us of
buying into enemy propaganda. "
"They instituted a constitution so that people would not be
jailed without "probable cause", or be lied to about taking
this country and its soldiers to war, or have shoved aside the
checks and balances represented by American courts and the
Congress. All these are being done by two pro-Vietnam war
draft dodgers! "
"The soldiers raided the town and "brutally assaulted a number
of unarmed Iraqi civilians, causing serious injuries from
which one died", Martin Heslop QC told the court.
"During the course of the incident, two women who tried to
intervene were assaulted, one being pregnant at the time and
the other having given birth two weeks before," he added. "
``There is indeed a big JSOTF8 compound at Balad.
If they do have a detention room, I presume it would be
inside that compound. I wasn't allowed inside it, and nor
were the Army and Air Force officers I was with.''
"We'd better take it seriously when the founder member of
one of the most elite military forces in the world says
Bush has fomented a third world war for personal gain. "
"Fake bin Laden tapes, "verified" by the CIA, are nothing
new. Every supposed bin Laden statement since 2001 has been
blatantly bogus. The last we heard from the real bin Laden
"I stress that I have not carried out this act, which appears
to have been carried out by individuals with their own
motivation. ... I have already said that I am not involved
in the 11 September attacks in the United States. ... I had
no knowledge of these attacks.""
The Benderman Cause
A Canadian Soldier's Life Held in Contempt - The Verdict
LET IT BE KNOWN - Propagandized stupider than the fates will allow
Realize, CNN and CBC have received this post, yet, continue to
treasonously lie to dying soldier families.
Nazi Israel - The Judgment of Jesus
2006-08-23 20:37:19 UTC
"Firstly, most of the 'towns' in Israel are military bases."

Ha ha ha...what a propaganda,like a Gebbels...hardcore....looks like autor
have a deeep knowledge of topic.........Firstly,go to Israel to see what are
you toking about and then.....
a don't want to comment other text,cose ..bla bla bla...son is not sircle
and sky is no blue
so long....
American Patriot
2006-12-17 17:39:01 UTC
No evidence against an accused is US being truly abused

"These are not terrorists, they are not al-Qeada, they are
ordinary innocent men, women and children."



Ahmad funded atta

American soldiers are being terribly mislead by the Bush
administration to undermine freedom for Americans, by
suggesting an effective war strategy is to ignore all the 911
evidence, and go off instead to blindly blame bad Afghans or
badder Iraqis, is an insult to all honorable police services.
Services not left permanently perplexed by the onslaught of
repeatedly ignoring the same consequences where more innocent
people fall dead as bombing victims, while LIAR bushite
continue to charge/thieve from both, you as an American, and
me, a member of our victimized Humanity. You see, your demon
liar has ruled that all the Peoples of Earth have no legal
rights to exist freely in our public court rooms. Bad news
that is for OUR dying America my friend. Support my call for
an open dialog on returning a reason for believing, for
Freedom is Justice, not a censored world ruled by puppet
people in shadows without free will left un-accountable. On a
populated Earth exceeding six billion, you would find some
disagreement on our worths measured by the 'un-accountable'
bushite american ENEMY like the self described as enlightened,
pro Arab child killer George Norry I'd say. See, if you blame
someone for a crime without any evidence, then convict him,
how would you know that the individual that victimized your
Family actually got caught for harming YOU? Personally I'm
saying... .American. I mean - if you continue not demanding a
return to Justice, it will leave your life, and go far where
freedom's not. Believe me. I know these things,

Support my cause as if it were your own, by chirping in to
help us out some man. Look out buddies, some thing wicked
this way comes and it's surprise!, Johnny Wizard President and
CEO of Earth Co.! Wow!, what a godsend that boy is eh? I'd
bet he's richer than everybody.. No, I've heard he's near
starving broke, no hey.. it's no joke.. I've heard he's
looking at prison time because nobody will lend him the time
of day to call up their radio station to demand Justice for
themselves., As Americans!. Nor, have any billionaires the
world over offered Johnny a penny in help to secure a proper
legal defense. Gee, it's just that he's hard of believing in
God I'd say. Perhaps..

Where did you get those shoes?,

Johnny America - A Free World believer in something better.

Puppet On A String: Hamas Dances To Israel’s Tune

P.S. Did you hear?, Israel's big G-D Court ruled that
committing State murder is what lawless ||Jews|| do to fight
'terrorism'? Legal to murder innocent People, but more
specifically, Religious People. "Fuck You Moses" the Israeli
ungodly zionist says, because they're better than US as
Zionist jews don't you know. The People's of Israel are being
victimized by the bastions of truly demonic lies told through
the sickening mouth pieces of the irrational zionist neocon
god betrayers. Believe me, I know these things, for I am the
Light of Life itself after all.

Okay, I'm gone. .. er. .



Again, a un-American bushite is the enemy to Life as ungodly
disciples of the very real antichrist, believe me.


/ / "And I reject those ideas," Bush said after meeting with
top generals and Defense Department officials at the Pentagon. \ \

It looks like G.W. Bush is going to be a real bitch about all
this nasty business of his capacity to conceive what we're
saying actually as each other committed to reach beyond the
'grunt' stage in human development eh? Typical.

"It's Bad-in-Iraq, Does that help heh-heh"

/ / For if Iran should have learned anything from recent
history, especially from events on its own borders, it is that
as a tactic, whether offensive or defensive, threatening
Israel publicly is counterproductive in the extreme. \ \

Blame a zionist for the criminal offences he or she is
personally responsible for as the guilty party, and the
'escaping' zionist claims through corporate 'for profit' media
mind control, your blaming Israel as an anti-Semite.
Anti-Semite! Semite, like umm... Moe, Ham, an Ed. You go,
Aukmaudinajad, let's get the truth out to let a free people
decide without NAZI censorship. However, I have seen
incinerators filled with corpses, and Hitler's Reich marching
anywho citizens into a hole, where with women and babies, they
were then all summarily shot, then buried, all the while
soldier’s chatted about how great they were, all high quality
digital formats available, some even IN COLOR!, so, convincing
me that godless bushites have existed, that would murder
anyone for a stolen nickel as pro-bush rapists, pro-bush
torturers, and pro-bush thieves of the Iraqi Development Funds
is goin' be, next near to impossible. But, I'm the guy you'd
want in your corner, never the less. "King of the Jews",
that's me. Oh, oh, oh, oh,.. pick me! picck ME! PICK ME!!!

'We have no problems with Jews and highly respect Judaism as a
holy religion. We only have problems with Zionist circles in
Israel which we hold responsible for the suppression of the
Palestinian nation.'

P.S. I'm not gay that way okay, and I'm most definitely a
man's man when it comes to the female gender, but I really do
love Ourselves man, and if you guys don't start offering me
some support, a couple of disgruntled bushite brethren are
going to pirate our Justice system, by putting me, an innocent
man behind OUR bars UNJUSTLY. Support Yourself by calling up
CJOB here in Winnipeg to demand they start broadcasting in
favor of our freedoms, not to lie our naiver teens into dying
for something they understand nothing of. Well, it's no
wonder. Make the calls. Be a friend, if not a blind enemy to
everything. For our Life's survival needs your input/help.
Don't die in silence for Bush, fight for America to come back
to being America. Get on the radio. YOU can make a real
difference if you'd only try. Realize, very few actually do,
we need YOU. Now, Coast to Coast hosts deny US this
privilege, this must change for thee better. The sooner we
succeed in defeating George Norry and Art Bell's censorship of
the American endeavor, the more American teen lives are
potentially spared through a dying bushite's commander's
CRIMINAL contempt for Humanity, just like Our Mr. bush IS.
For, REAL freedom is protected through just acts made for our
measured benefits. A country, or city, or person accused of a
criminal offense without any evidence made in the Public Trust
is innocent. PERIOD. Hammurabi suggested to just PROUDLY
kill any false capital accuser [a bushite] who tries to
tell/teach our suggestible children otherwise. Real people
have to die in defense for escaping the support of torturing
innocent people to death, for their is NEVER any reason, just
costly time to explain the whys, that bushites lie, while
American national radio propagandists, who like Art Bell, are
pouring poisonously chauvinist, and openly, willingly working
to undermine the audience, all to lawless traders of freedom
for tyranny. Senators that supported the Military Commissions
Act need to be thought for as TREASONOUS. Better for Christ
to judicially halt/kill a thieving bushite, than allow it to
continue lawlessly murdering more left undefended for further
victim hood as God's America. No evidence against an accused
is US being truly abused. (Senators have STOLEN literally
billions from a helpless GOD through ear-marking from an
un-accountable America left to die as the actually forsaken.)
Smart guy that Hammurabi fellow was, on combating ungodly
terrorism in a new world's Age.

Alex Jones "Alarming words for our time."




Exit strategy: Outlaw lawlessness. Murder, rape, and the
thieving of billions from America as STILL wrong.

Johnny America "Death to the bushite, death to our enemies."



Why, do you think, enemy traitor George Norry, and Alex Jones,
again, lived up to their 'secret' arrangement, and FORBADE
Americans from knowing, Ahmad funded Atta? Direct
accountability is what Alex Jones fears for HIS America, but
Johnny Wizard, never. Johnny Wizard is President and CEO of
Earth Co after all anyway so.. It sure was a great show
nevertheless though, eh? ... but ... WHY ALEX WHY???


/ / Criticism of Israel is no more a "hate crime" than is
criticism of the Roman Catholic Church a slur upon Italy.
Even a legitimate "hate crime" targeting Catholicism cannot in
fact be "elevated" as anti-Italian merely because of the
Vatican's location within its borders. [...] The majority of
innocent civilians murdered by Bush and his and Israeli bosses
were Christians.[...] It was Israel that first introduced
undeclared war acts of terrorism against civilians in the 20th
century in perpetrating the King David Hotel bombing and the
massacre at Deir Yassin. [...] Yet, more astonishingly, a
further breakdown by Zogby in the results obtained shows that
59 percent of those "not sure" were Jewish! This too is
significant, because whether they are or are not sure, they
didn't blindly support Israel! \ \ Zionists are DEAD sworn
enemies of the Jewish faith. A zionist is worth execution
before succeeding in it's CRIMINAL plans to murder more
INNOCENT Christians for 'endless' American loot taken from
the dead grips of the wantadtabe dumfukked American
Patriot Warrior teen.


"I'll be dead when they get it right," Bush [the demon enemy
of America] said during an Oval Office meeting last week.


"I want the world to know what's happening here."

/ / He also told the AFP news agency: "This is the
third crime done by Americans in this area of Ishaqi.
All the casualties were innocent women and children and
everything they said about them being part of al-Qaeda
is a lie." \ \

Please, Godly People of Creation, assist Life in killing
anyone wearing a bushite uniform as first degree
murderers. These demons LIARS of the air force have not
been arrested for repeatedly documented, first degree
murders, and any dumfuk soulless soldier who stays to
war for antichrist bush, is a soldier WORTH destroying
actually religious, and hunt to kill the zionist war
criminals who murder Christian, Jew, and Arab children
for the escape of Mr. anti-America, Our Mr. Bush Jr..
Defend America’s America by hunting to kill the godless
bushite enemies of Justice. We has ruled on bushite and
found nothing but a contempt for ALL human Life.

Johnny is coming Home.



United States v. George W. bush et al.
Conspiracy to defraud the United States.


No, it's real. Now, give some support for ourselves you
forsaken lugs. For example, I would be willing, if asked,
happily present documentary evidence for the Grand Jury's land
slide decision to defend Americans from the ungodly zionist


CBC and CNN, with FoxNews will get killed American teens with
their deliberate contempt for the value of your life. Again,
it is America's FBI who tell ALL soldiers Ahmad funded 911,
not the innocent children of Afghanistan, nor in Iraq, no,
bushite lying zionist thieves, who, without challenge, PUBLICY
advocate the murder of Christians for cash in Israel, are
those responsible for killing American illiterates by refusing
to allow free communications through our magic tvs. Support
my demand to allow DYING American soldier voices to be heard
on the Coast to coast radio network, run by two demon enemies
who encourage more Americans to die for their personal
contempt for God, YOUR LIFE my friend, Your freedom, Your


Someone from anywhere, please phone CJOB, and ask if
Manitobans can finally now, talk openly in regards to their
station's refusal to publicly broadcast in the defense of our
own kin. Thanks brothers and sisters, now.. who's got
microphones out there to seek open debate over these right
wrong anti-Jew, zionistic holocaust denying nazi pricks?

Oh yeah, anda do we have a few spare minutes we could front US
to pay for some constitutional expertise in the form of
Defense for the 'public'; in regards to the Johnny Wizard
quest for Freedom through Supreme Justice. A justice
understood as such by any reasonable people, not bushite
dumfuk terrorist enemy LIARS who blindly would murder ANYONE
of US for a stolen nickel's worth of time.

No one yet has spoken fault with my positioned stance on our
evidenced conclusions that the bushmob committed 911, yet, the
Crown continues anyway, on hopes I would suggest on the chance
I will be denied fair access.



McKinney Introduces Bill to Impeach Bush



Hold no remorse when JUSTLY destroying a bushite, for
they murder God's children with satanic intent to deny
humanity freedom through Justice. A real Justice they
HATE because REAL MEN are honorable, and, clear to ALL,
godless bushite are theiving soulless enemies of Creation.

Johnny America "Die bushite die."


And it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said
unto them, 'Ye are not my people'; there shall they be called
the children of the living God." (Romans 9:24-27)

/ / It is obvious that these Israeli Jews from the Givaty Unit did
not steal because they are hungry, but that they stole because
they are thieves. \ \

/ / We, as the representative of the majority of Iraqi people,
still, believe that H.E. Saddam Hussein is the only
legitimate president of Iraq. The US Army arrested him as a
POW during the war, which is against the international laws to
present him before an illegal court and unfair trial. \ \


/ / There is no reason why such a large collection of eminent
scholars and researchers should not be allowed their place in
the debate that so far has never taken place.

Membership is closed during the voting period.

To sum up, the two choices before you are:

1. Group Structure 1, with a new website associated with the
Journal of 9/11 Studies, run by an elected committee, and
stressing theories for which there is strong empirical
evidence, OR

2. Group Structure 2, with the website run by Jim Fetzer, and
a board that he appoints. \ \

Christ Wars Bushite Enemies for the Love of our Living God


/ / This is clearly the greatest, most powerful audio
recording of all time. "That's what Law is". Strange eh? \ \


Strange Weak


/ / It was great. That was a God moment, and the
corporations don't want you to see God moments like that.
Because it truly illustrated how much THEY pay.. \ \


US troops teach Iraqi civilians how justice 'works'

Nature of Good and Evil



Heaven is a Place on Earth
- or -
I Guess I'll See YOU in Hell

/ / "It appears that the torturing [OR RAPING] of Iraq's
children is now a part of the Bush cabal's "policy" of
"bringing democracy, liberation and freedom" to the Iraqi
people. This goes way past just simply outrageous. [And
directly what is officially known as Satanic. Again, a
godless dumfuk bushite terrorist is Your Life's ENEMY.
Help a People Person by killing a 'lawless' bushite
terrorist, for a loving living Just God in a left as
dead, forsaken Christ. Love God, kill a bushite. Thanx.] \ \

Again, I can only BEG Americans to hunt the zionist media
elites down in America who ACTUALLY publicly support such
cruelty against God and Humanity, and destroy them with a
joy as true love for Life in your Heart exists, if you
believe. Ungodly bushite terrorists are truly EVIL, as
un-American demonic liars for G.W., plain and simple.
See, in Winnipeg, the pro-bush, pro-wars, pro-bombing,
pro-torturing zionist CJOB radio station, tells US as the
silenced majority, Hero Hugo is our enemy instead, while
LITERALLY thieving millions from the poorest kids in our
city with their lottery heists. We pay with our STOLEN
lives, while they party as satanic LIAR bushites, zionist
blood-soaked holocaust denying Christian killers like
it's 1099. Again, I BEG YOU, yes.. YOU to phone up the
REAL criminals and ask if WE can now openly talk
FACTUALLY about their personal contempt for our dying
teen soldiers, made too weak as stupid to know any life
better than dying for nothing but their hatred for wisdom
as freedom is Godly. Again, they make no attempt to
defend our suffering community by allowing open
communications. They run continuous 'for profit'
commercials during the weekends! It's a 'talk radio'
station, that takes next to zero in open line phone
calls, but for their five or six routinely repeating
anti-Jew zionist falsehooders, that apparently, make up
the 1.5 million or so - hard of hearing dead line
listeners in Manitoba. Be a friend, if not a blind enemy
to everything.



[see, "Stand Together, or Don't" to understand how they
at CJOB criminally practice to PURPOSEFULLY deceive our
victimized innocent selves.]


A Just Cause

law of the land - we rule

king of the jews

A Just cause can be achieved where it is practiced. Join
me in joining others to this masquerade of wonders, and
then let's get the work that needs to be done to make
ourselves better. We need a coast to coast radio
broadcast where we can talk directly on what needs to be
done to end the stupid man wars, and also, assist in the
direction of making the arrests of those responsible for
the terrorist crime cover ups of 911, and other things
outstanding. Just do it.



I'm Awake

The ONE and only God of Creation's Son, BEGS the PEOPLES
of Earth to assist our Humanity in hunting to kill the
'lawless' bushite terrorists for the love of a dying
America. These demons of the Air Force for example, have
repeatedly slaughtered INNOCENT women and children in
Afghanistan and Iraq, captured on film while cheering
from their safe havens in the sky. THEY MUST DIE for
their crimes like those proud and strong infant killers
of Haditha. The psychotic child rapists like Lieutenant
Boudrou, who haven't even been arrested, let alone
executed by ANY real soldier, must be hunted for death
religiously. The UNARRESTED British soldiers who proudly
filmed beating to death young barefoot children, must be
immediately executed, and ANYONE, ANYWHERE who voices
their escape for such demon behavior. Anyone in the
bushite forces who doesn't support such executions, and
the return of ALL stolen assets of our beloved Iraq,
shall die by the hands of the American man, I shall see
to it. To, with love, kill a thieving bushite terrorist,
is to defend the innocent they target for murder as
disciples of the very real antichrist responsible for the
treasons of 911.

/ / Now, we know, for example, that, over the past three
weeks, coalition and Iraqi forces have conducted 58
targeted raids at death squads. As a result, they have
detained eight death squad leaders and more than 180
members. Yet, John, the killings continue. \ \

See how these demons LIE to America? Do Marines gun down
any and all Aegis employees who run death squads against
helpless children on Baghdad streets? Do they KILL
thoses caught red handed trying to kill Marines as
zionist nazi pigs? [NO THEY BREAK THEM OUT OF PRISON!]
Do they kill anyone responsible for US witnessing on film
them bombing OUR women and children walking out of a
mosque while grunt cheering? Again, these soldiers
choose to commit these crimes against creation to assist
in G.W.'s escape for mass murder on 911 back in New York
City. Traitors to all. Anyone in the air force is worth
killing without doubt. They do nothing but CHOOSE to
indiscriminately murder members of our families with
radioactive toxic waste that will murder US for millions
of years. See the bushite, YOU kill it for the love of
our GOD held in contempt by corporate media control.

Death to the bushite, death to our enemies so GOD says.
We, the gods of Creation, kill bushite for breakfast.
Glory to the highest order. I am Death to bushite who I
hunt for Humanity's pleasure, and I would recomend you do
the same to defend your innocent family. Praise Christ
you dumfuks, and join me in gloriously killing the
zionist nazi vermins.


How Far Will An Iraqi Kid Run For Water?

What a JOY to GOD it is when you kill such bushite hatred
for our species. Again, I BEG, hunt to kill a bushite
today for the LOVE of a GOD held in complete contempt by
corporate mind control. A good bushite, is a dead
bushite, halted from victimizing our innocent selves.



/ / They were confronted by about 100 settlers in small
groups, who started chanting in Hebrew "We killed Jesus,
we'll kill you too!", a refrain the settlers had been
repeating to internationals in Tel Rumeida all day. \ \

Who Killed who? Stupid, nazi atheist criminals, who
believe the Messiah's rising from ashes for the Peoples
of Israel, is just a tall tale to frighten US masses into
slavery for the zionist holocaust never minders. (More
like US masses into gloriously hunting the murderous
ungodly thieving bushite down to death for being the
sworn enemy to the Son and the Father. The enemies of US
innocent, the enemies of Man.)


/ / President Authorized Abu Ghraib Torture, FBI Email
Says - The NewStandard \ \

/ / CIA acknowledges Bush signed secret directive on
interrogating terror suspect - Americas - International
Herald Tribune \ \


But a, the demon antichrist said to do so, would destroy
America's Soul. But, Christ asks again, who really gives
a fuck for God in America? Which "American" tries even
to phone CJOB, or the pro-bush Coast to Coast radio hosts
to demand free time communications for our just
betterments? Which is a man of men in the cowardly dying
bushville of freedom hating war mongers?

/ / Supreme Court refuses to halt transfer of [INNOCENT]
US citizen facing [lawless bushite] death penalty [to
'cover up' their demonic crimes against Life]\ \

/ / Dramatic video of British soldiers on the front line
shot by the [godless as demonic bushite] troops

WARNING: The footage shot by British soldiers in
Afghanistan is graphic and the soundtrack includes strong
language that is unsuitable for minors \ \

See, bushite enemies will murder anyone innocent for a
stolen nickel.

/ / there is growing evidence that the IDF leadership,
including the chief of staff's office, authorized the
firing of cluster munitions against the areas in southern
Lebanon struck by these weapons.

A commander of a Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS)
battery said they had fired many rockets against targets
north of the Litani river, and that those targets had
been described as "General Staff targets." \ \

Yah, but.. It's the General Staff that have decided they
alone will find out who okayed the CONTINUING crimes
against GOD, privately, behind closed doors.



A Demon Enemy of Mankind Spews it's Poison

"We are very much impressed and encouraged by the
stability which the great operation of America in Iraq
brought to the Middle East," Olmert said as he sat next
to Bush in the Oval Office.

See?, the zionist's hope is to create permanent war until
it owns all as victim to slavery through censorship. Up
on a cross somewhere Olmert would have you suffering as
the Messiah forsaken. Steal your home, and everything
you value as yours. Zionism is antithetical to the
Jewish religion, for, as Hillel teaches us, to treat
others as we would treat ourselves, would leave the
innocent dying in some ungodly nazi concentration camp by
the will of the Zionist criminal.

With innocent God loving Jews, Olmert would victimize for
being committed to the Jewish cause of treating others
with equal rights granted through self respect. A
respect zionists have no cognitive association to,
because their mentally handicapped. Ignorant for lack of
hating everything within themselves, they deteriorate to
what we have today. Ungodly thieves, rapists, and
murderers, escaping the Jews wrath of obedience to
Justice for God as US innocent is everyone included.

U.S. Supreme Court Judges leave [INNOCENT] U.S. Citizen
To Death After [bushite enemy, the] U.S. Military
``Demanded'' the [INNOCENT] Man Be Executed [to 'cover
up' their treasonous crimes as disciples of the for real
demon antichrist.]

Unjust as they are ungodly my friends, bushites are our
enemies as murderers of Americans. Praise Jesus, now
pass around the ammo.

Please, GOD begs

Please, People of Humanity, don't allow these thieves to
continue victimizing ourselves in your name. Support the
call for censored Johnny Wizard being allowed to talk
openly on America's national coast to coast radio
program, to challenge with reason, the
criminality/irrationalisms of the ungodly faithed bushite

"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in

American soldiers are being terribly mislead by the Bush
administration to undermine freedom for Americans, by
suggesting an effective war strategy is to ignore all the
911 evidence, and go off instead to blindly blame bad
Afghans or badder Iraqis, as an insult to all honorable
police services; I WILL not have it.

Again, it's the most wicked evil I've ever heard of.
"These kind of situations are completely untrue." And
yet, no they're not. They just say that, and expect YOU
to fall into doubt.



Largest US Church says Bush behind 9/11


Christ Returns

Innocent American to be 'legally' murdered by death sentence

/ / The Romanian Minister of Justice [Razvan Radu] has
sent so far five requests [to the illiterate dumfuk
bushites,] referring to [the soon to be MURDERED INNOCENT
AMERICAN] Munaf. \ \

/ / "In 36 years practicing law[..] I had never before
seen or heard of a death sentence being handed down
without deliberation or consideration of the merits,"
Riordan said in the statement filed in Washington
yesterday. \ \

America!, defend Yourselves against these "lawless"
pro-bush false accusers who would murder an AMERICAN for
their personal contempt of your TRUE commitment to defend

These two MURDEROUS soldiers that threatened an Iraqi
Judge to unjustly order the murder of a FOUND INNOCENT
AMERICAN CITIZEN, through falsely alleging they were
acting on behalf of a Romania we never knew, without ANY
found basis, MUST be hunted down for EXECUTION as
TRAITORS, by a Free World fighting-proud People Person
Jury Trial. See?, this is why the Magna Charta is
actually a smarting good thing really, and US killing
bushite is like almost... a bad religious experience.

An AMERICAN CITIZEN that ALL found leaderless bushite
dumfuk anti-American terrorist forces act nothing for
defense in. An American!!! If I've said it once, let me
say it again, get us on the national radio to defend
ourselves against the true enemies of Freedom absent not

/ / That's called lying and cheating in order to suppress
the vote, and it's illegal. And the Republican party
admits they're doing it. \ \

We want our say, so to better our chances with warring
righteous debates! all to fairing greater intelligence
on our knowledge base in reflection to preserving life
through progress, not heading blindly in the dark dying
through the middle ages again all for the Congress'
continuing 'failures' of witnessing much of nothing

28-Year Career CIA Official Says 9/11 An Inside Job
Highlights missing Pentagon trillions as potential motive

Koolaidman.mp3 liarandathief.mp3 goodoljesus.mp3
binLaden.mp3 http://topplebush.com/music.shtml

Trillions lost at the Pentagon, nothing here folks..
ear-marking 15 billion dollar special give away favors to
whomever, CJOB radio couldn't care less if they tried,
privatize publicly doled military misadventures to a, for
cash profit LAWLESS mercenary force of grunting savages
who commit war crimes against GOD go continue un-accosted
by the penny an dime dying true patriot warrior wannabers
no, move along and watch instead, satanically ignorant
bushite greed, thieve some more innocent peoples left
forsaken stead. Stay the course blindly this can not
hold for any.

It's just dumb to stay numb to the crimes wrought against
American freedom by these losing as contemptuously
'lawless' terrorist liars who hide behind our flag, while
bright light committing irrational murderous crimes for
pro-bush thieves robbing us blinder than Life is truly.
Desecrating the honor of ALL GOOD MEN who love their once
happy family, desecrating Perry Mason, a Jesus, or the
Great Elvis Presley by private, for death profit
mercenary force Aegis. Aegis, an American tax funded
operation to KILL themselves over as the stolen from!.
Art Bell AND George Norry! INVITE US ON GUYS!
b-u-dd-d-i-e-ss. You'd better, or America just might get
yeas for being the defense to Liberty we are freely
broadcasting 24 seven. With, or without your sanctioned
approval fuckheads.

Let the words of wisdom in there by oUr influential magic

Believe we can achieve justice by returning all stolen
assets to Iraq by taking directly from those responsible
as stealing it, and war crime trialing all pro-bush
commanders responsible for issuing blatant criminal
orders. Including an international police effort in
communicating our publicly investigated conclusions on
who is still outstanding as not arrested for the crimes
of nine eleven, (911), back in New York City on September
11, 2001, where a crime against Johnny's America was
committed in bad judgment.

In response to the TREASONOUS George W. Bush enemy of us
innocent, leaves all of US as concerned about the further
loss of American life and liberty - going un-abated by
CJOB and company. The bushite's continuing blind
servitude to a flag that has been pirated from America,
by a den of neoconic zionist thieves, will not hold my

friends. One can not war freedom's cause for reason,
without an answer to Justice through Law eventually. And
Souls be damned if I must now get out to take a moral
stand for the preservation of our fellow man in this
morass of a bushite's lawless stupidity, wrought on as
we've witnessed, by the real evil demon antichrist liar
of famed folklore with God screaming for mercy through
the love of an only son,. in part anyway. Wow! Mr.
bush why don't you take a bow already! You've managed to
piss off the entire Earth species, including myself as
King of the Universe

/ / the Romanian Ministry [..] has stated that the
Romanian court had not empowered any ['cleverly hidden'
ungodly dumfuk bushite terrorizing] American officer [,
to murder INNOCENT Americans on their watch] [...] \ \

Imagine that: the lawless bushite enemy States he
represents Romania wants no evidence of the real crime
scene made public, to decide it's death sentence be
brought against a found INNOCENT American citizen, while
the Government of Romania publicly states JUST the
opposite on behalf of US Humans! Can you say who blindly
'okayed' the undermining of America with the under
reported as barely spoken Military Commissions Act of
now, documented Willful treason is FOR REAL? I knew you
can, and you really should. So says Johnny America!, the
perpetually, Patriot Johnny American Award winner, THE
living Creator of this challenge for the sake of
believing in something better than Our Mr. bush Jr..

/ / while the American [, bushite dumfuk lieutenant
Robert Pirone, speaking with a not yet named partner
bushite termed only as a muted military "General"] stated
under oath he alone had been authorized by the Government
[..] \ \ to state the found innocent American citizen
should not be allowed to seek Justice for America as
ourselves. Patriotic Americans must not be allowed to
speak in their own defense, or to use old school, absence
of evidence forgone conclusions, clause the EVIL
antichrist bushite farces are unaccountable to every One
gunning for the Universe... ha hea.. heeh. Christians
and Jews! bag a war criminal for an undying Love for
God's America why don't you my brothers to Man as family?

Unjust as they are ungodly, bushites are our enemies.

The bushite betrayers to The American Flag are never
fighting to win as rightly as they do when justly dying,
instead of US fallen further as forsaken innocent murder
victims, to their ungodly as demonic evil treachery.
Sell outs for tyranny to except censoring our free world
to be shackled by lawless acceptance of torture, rape,
and murder, leaves us messing in with a whole reap of
trouble, for here comes the ringer, Johnny Wizard, sent
in from up north, to raise a little hell.

I'm running as President!

If George W. Bush steals American rights to be treated
fairly as a "Freedom Hater", then he MOST CERTAINLY is no
longer working for US, but as a double agent traitor for
the terrorist network al-Kiduh. Laden doesn't dispute
this either, and, from what I understand, neither does
Saudi Arabia. Being a terrorist to everybody must really
suck eh George? Let's talk about it, let it all out man.

Johnny America, is a Free World believer, open for
questions, while we will together bravely pursue George
Walker Bush by all legal means for the crimes he HAS
committed against our Humanity in my stolen name. I
didn't vote to give up my Rights to Mr. Bush. A
forsaken America wracked by a bushite's war mongering
'profitable' design failures on the meaning of a
continuing intelligent existence, being ourselves, gears
me to rise up in defense of the Human species for our
dying benefits as a falling America. I love America.
Politicians do not own the rights to a fair trial be
stolen from any true believer(s) in freedom. Join we or
me to speak truths internationally for the benefit of us
learning something. Be a buddy, if not a blind enemy to

An American nation without a disciplined belief in
Justice or God, is a nation that will fall to terror
under its own will power.

Johnny America


MSNBC - 86% Think Bush Should Be Impeached

The majority of the people want impeachment but the
Democrats have already sworn to protect Bush.

Flashback: Howard Dean Says No Impeachment Of Bush
Flashback: Democrats Won't Try To Impeach President
Flashback: Pelosi: NO Impeachment


Israel, We Bless Thee



Count The Votes - The MCA Torture Bill Didn't Pass

/ / Am I missing something or did the Military
Commissions Act pass the Senate using fuzzy math? Please
explain to me how 65 votes out of 99 Senate votes cast
equals two thirds majority? Seems they missed by one
vote.\ \

Now, I would suggest the Coast to Coast radio network
would broadcast for anyone who disagrees with the math,
to call up. Otherwise, we have here a give away opening
for an anywho coup. Let's fix that. Support King Johnny
for President and CEO of Earth Co.! A new company I'm
starting up. Join me on a ground floor opportunity to
soar to the stars with an idea that transcends all

Love Yah!


/ / He doesn't dispute dropping fragmentary grenades into
rooms of civilians, and then shooting the survivors
[including infants]. What he [as bushite] disputes is
that they were unprovoked, and that they did it on
purpose. [...]

So if this [dumfuk bushite] soldier [enemy] is telling
the truth, they did kill multiple [GOD LOVING INNOCENT]
civilians, it's just they didn't KNOW they were
civilians, nobody "begged for their lives", and he
reported up the chain of command immediately. \ \

The child killer there even went so far as to say that's
what all Americans [the soldier] dooz in blind lifeless

dying praise to the, for real antichrist enemy of all
Creation. Which of course, includes themselves as
thieves, but they don't yet see it that way, nor do they
ever sometimes - do they friends?

Take care.

Phone Winnipeg's CJOB and ask if now, Winnipeg can have
an open, honest discussion with the facts on their
refusals to defend our community by openly communicating.

Thanks in advance. Later babes.


/ / In an emergency request filed Friday in U.S. District
Court in Washington, Munaf's attorneys claim his rights
to a fair trial in Iraq were violated when he was
convicted without being able to present evidence in his
defense -- or to see the evidence against him.\ \

/ / o Associated Press. "Romania not informed of Iraq
trial of suspect in kidnapping of Romanian journalists",
International Herald Tribune, October 14, 2006. \ \

/ / Romania repeatedly has asked the U.S. and Iraqi
authorities for assistance to solve Munaf's case. \ \


/ / Summarizing: Tal Afar was forcefully evacuated,
ruthlessly bombarded, brazenly captured and laid to
waste....but no sign of Al Qaida? As Colonel Reilly said,
"They went into hiding".\ \


israelis call Gaza massacre 'price tag [against innocent
as God is]' for [NOT] launching attacks

/ / Hardly surprising coming from the same group who used
white phosphorous against fleeing civilians, and dropped
millions of clusterbombs on Lebanon hours before the
truce. \ \


/ / What does the world think of American hypocrisy when
the US government, drowning in the blood of tens of
thousands of its innocent victims, cries "justice" as the
president of Iraq is sentenced to death for killing 148
people for trying to assassinate him? \ \


UNDERSTANDING CHRIST - Death of a President


Exit strategy: Outlaw lawlessness. Murder, rape, and the
thieving of billions from America as STILL wrong.



New Music Video : bin Laden didn't blow up the projects

What do we gotta do to get MTV, CNN, and CBC to play



They say of Saddam, he will be murdered because he okayed
a judicial judgment be enforced to put down a criminal
group fighting for sole control of oil, a group that were
trying to overthrow Iraq's entire government, to leave
everyone else without. And when innocent people's lives
were jeopardized, Saddam called a halt to firing.
('Kurds' war 'Kurds' because both sides tell each other
their fighting for the same Homeland, when in truth, it's
just war mongers trying to grab up more oil for
themselves privately with mercenary forces. While
children die in Iraq, they to this day, drown in money
horded.) While America and Israel Generals working with
LAWLESS South African death squad goons and Aegis are
committing the worst war crimes known of in History,
against the Innocent as ourselves unfairly represented.
Like bushite child killer Sattler ordering the murder of
more than 250,000 innocent people in Fallujah as just one
example of many. Bushite as enemies to Humanity, are
TRULY ungodly, and worth destroying to defend the
innocent they target for mass murder as Satanic liars.
Death to the bushite, death to Humanity's purposeless
cowardly enemies of Johnny, God and Life. Death to the
pro-bush torturers, rapists, and war profiteering
THIEVES. So would say, my America.

Soldiers: try calling the pro-bush radio station, CJOB,
and ask them to stop thieving from our community, and
demand they allow open, honest, intelligent discussions
on their contempt for the Canadian flag. Thanks. P.S. You
may have to wade through 45 minutes of their for profit
commercials. Fuk, on weekends, when People are home from
work, they run continuous commi crap to take even further
more silenced.





/ / According to The New York Times, the provision
closing the Office of the Special Inspector General for
Iraq Reconstruction as of Oct. 1, 2007, was tacked on at
the last minute to a complex military authorization bill
by staffers of Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif, chairman of
the House Armed Services Committee. Maine Republican Sen.
Susan Collins, chairwoman of the Committee on Homeland
Security and Government Affairs, said it's a "mystery"
how the provision became part of the final conference
committee version. \ \

More than twenty bushite from Bremer's CPA have been
indicted for thieving billions from American dumfuk
soldiers dying instead as cowardly soring losers. Losers
who have so far refused to kill the ENEMIES responsible
for 911, instead murder US, the People indiscriminately
as Zionist enemies of Man as the truly ungodly. Death to
the LIAR bushite, death to Humanity's thieving enemies.

The principle terrorists for 911 being, Bush, Rumsfeld,
Condi, and General Ahmad.


Bill Maher AND Hannity!: Impeach Bush Already

/ / Bush told an interviewer that Chief of Staff Andrew
Card had been the first person to let him know of the
crash. Card was saying, Bush explained, "'Here's what
you're going to be doing: You're going to meet so-and-so,
such-and-such.'Then Andy Card said, 'By the way, an
aircraft flew into the World Trade Center."' \ \

/ / "Andy Card came and said, 'America is under attack.'" \ \

/ / Half an hour after the first plane hit, Bush told the
children, "Hoo! These are great readers. Very impressive!
Thank you all so very much for showing me your reading
skills. I bet they practice, too. Don't you? Reading more
than they watch TV? Anybody do that? Read more than you
watch TV? [Hands go up] Oh that's great! Very good. Very
important to practice! Thanks for having me. I'm very
impressed." \ \

/ / White House staff members claimed that Bush remained
with the children so as not to "upset" or "alarm' them. \ \




Before the West was Won


Christ Gloriously KILLS bushite enemies for the dying
Loves of our precious forsaken GOD

/ / Residents insisted that Abu Deraa did not live in the
neighbourhood and that during the raid US and Iraqi
forces arrested eight people, all civilians including an
elementary school teacher. There is no Abu Deraa here --
all of those detained were innocent civilians, \ \

They, the bushite enemy, are IRRATIONAL. You can't reason
with willingly MUTE cowardly traitors, who as dumfuk
bushite grnts war humanity for rapists and torturers, to
die warring Our Freedoms to help criminally escape those
PERSONALLY responsible for mass murder in New York city
on September 11, 2001. A good bushite, is a dead bushite
halted from victimizing our innocent selves as the
THIEVING enemy. The TRUE enemies of US all. God included.

/ /"Torture does not stop terror," it said. "Torture is
terror." \ \ Committed by enemies of God and America.
Kill a bushite for Christ's Love why don't you my Patriot

Johnny America "Die bushite die."

/ / [...] a senior official in the Sadr movement, denied
that Abu Deraa was in the Mehdi Army. "I have heard of
Abu Deraa, but he is not a member of the Mehdi Army,
which is only a defensive force to protect our people and
sacred places," Naim al-Qaabi said. "Even if this person
existed, they should have come with an arrest warrant for
him and not just storm in with their guns like that,
killing innocent people." \ \

The same is transpiring with NATO. REAL War criminals who
ARE hiding behind the big desks of NATO must be all
brought to Justice through reason by honorable freedom
fighter fire power actions (G-D is JUST).

The War Crimes:

/ / killing at least 93 civilians, a Pentagon official
said, "the [INNOCENT] people there are dead because we
[THE ENEMY BUSHITE] wanted them dead." The reason? They
sympathized with the Taliban.[, by supporting the FBI.]
When asked about the Chowkar incident, Rumsfeld replied,
"I cannot deal with that particular village." \ \ The Son
of Man Prays every day: "Die bushite die."

Ordering these IRRATIONAL murder strikes against PRO-FBI
villagers. The 'public' officials responsible will
PUBLICLY face murder charges, and upon being found guilty
for lawless terrorism, as we surely will, their rightful
death sentences televised internationally. With free open
called public dialog through the whole process of Justice
working to truly defend our Freedoms for Johnny's
America. Die bushite die.

/ / [...] said [Army Private Matt] Guckenheimer, an
assistant gunner with the 10th Mountain Division at Fort
Drum. "If there was ANYBODY there, they were the enemy.
We were told specifically that if there were women and
children to kill them." \ \

/ / Eric is right. These dumbass nazi punks murder
innocent folks, and say the victims were pro-FBI Taliban,
while Tenth Mountain Division soldiers confess to
indiscriminately murdering whomever. Women and children
specifically, Matt, from the Tenth, confesses to actually
targeting by lawless bushite military command. Instead of
killing its demonic commander, the bushite enemy murders
OUR LOVE ONES. Please, I beg, hunt to kill a bushite
to-day. God Bless..\ \

Art Bell and George Norrie are demon liar enemies of
Freedom to speak justly as America. They censor
intelligent American discourse, while advocating the
further sacrifice of American teens for the Zionist LIAR
anti-Jew spew. Both need to be tried for willful treason
by censoring American phone calls with their demon lies
no longer left in disguise. Art Bell for example now
tells US, the audience, he was against starting the
IRRATIONAL Iraq war, but now supports the further robbing
of our Humanity by the ENEMY zionist neocon, because
"we're there". But, his words spoke then are not lost to
some void now. He forbade any discussions on the matter
in HIS america in the bushite lead up, and hung up
relentlessly on anyone who tried to raise the important
life and death issues, then laughed daily like today
while American teens are still sent lawlessly to their
rightful deaths for the love of dumb-yah, the TRAITOR
responsible for 9/11.

"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in

American soldiers are being terribly mislead by the Bush
administration to undermine freedom for Americans, by
suggesting an effective war strategy is to ignore all the
911 evidence, and go off instead to blindly blame bad
Afghans or badder Iraqis, is an insult to all honorable
police services


/ / "The American people already know what a magnificent
job the men and women of their armed forces are doing
here, and we continue to be grateful for their continuing
support. But they should also know that the men and women
of the armed forces here have never lost a battle in over
three years of war. That is a fact unprecedented in
military history." \ \

America lost when COWARDLY American men refused to stand
up for Justice By demanding the arrest of those
responsible for 9/11, and instead, supported, in silence,
the murder of now, totaling more than a million innocent
PEOPLE. Please, I BEG, seriously, seriously, in godly
pride, gloriously KILL an offending lawless bushite
terrorist to save the lives of our innocent Loved ones.
Example: The not yet, justly shot dead Bushite grunt
Green of the 101st Airborne Division's 502nd Infantry
Regiment: "I came over here because I wanted to kill

/ / When I arrived in February, Green's battalion -- the
101st Airborne Division's 502nd Infantry Regiment -- was
losing an average of about one soldier per week. Whenever
I asked how many of the nearly 1,000 troops posted there
had been killed so far, most soldiers would just frown
and say they'd lost count. \ \

Who really cares for these ungodly bushite terrorists? A
cowardly amerkan bush bitch enemy, who refuses to
HONORABLY kill terrorist traitors who torture innocent
people in same uniforms, or who bomb indiscriminately
women and children on purpose 'for profit' Sattler,
Blount, Mattis, or Russell, is good dead as halted from
further murdering members of our innocent God loving
families. Death to the irrational bushite dumfuks, death
to the blind enemies of everyone. They, the bushite, war
God as our Humanity for the bushmob's "escape" of true
accountability for murdering thousands of Americans in
New York City with General Ahmad. Enemies of freedom in
America, enemies of You, enemies of me, enemies of every
life form even in distant galaxies.

Take Gods Word for it:

Bag a bushite and all day long you'll have good luck!

Peter Popoff, present on all "Christian TV Networks" is
openly Satanic. How much money does that demon nazi fuker
need anyway? You pay him for "God" favors. Fuck you, I'm
no slave.

I do this stuff for life's free Love.



/ / We here suggest a repeat of the elections without
using them Islamic religion, the sect, or the doctrine in
them, that is, separating religion from politics. \ \


Demon crimes committed against God as our Humanity

/ / "What's shocking and, I would say to me, completely
immoral," he said, "is that 90% of the cluster-bomb
strikes occurred in the last 72 hours of the conflict,
when we knew there would be a resolution, when we really
knew there would be an end of this." \ \


Archive for the 'Countdown/Keith Olbermann' Category


As Can Be Imagined


/ / We shouldn't be all that surprised the Democrats
didn't filibuster the awful bill, which also expanded the
definition of "enemy combatant" to include anybody who
"has purposefully and materially supported hostilities
against the United States." \ \


So, those who supported blindly blaming the Taliban along
with bin Laden for 9/11 while closing outstanding public
inquiries are demon liars, who in materially supporting
hostilities against the United States by refusing through
censorship to Publicly support the arrest of those
responsible for killing innocent Americans - became
willingly, bonafide cahooting terrorists, true bad guy
"enemy combatants". According to theses allegations they
throw at US together as God in innocence. Unjust as they
are ungodly, bushites are our enemies. If you steal
American savings your a thief, if you lie America into a
war to die US all as a lawless bad guy without
leadership, your George W. Bush, a mass murdering 'for
profit' terrorist, and no matter what "high" office he
claims to be true representor for, he'd still be guilty
of TREASON against the good old, red, white, and blue.

The Military Commissions Act - Question And Answers
http://www.rense.com/general74/mil.htm -


/ / You have no rights. He'll tell you who is guilty
without any evidence to form your own conclusions, and if
you disagree with him, he'll call you the enemy, the
terrorists who aren't with him on his blanket assertions
against God as the innocent. he blames for crimes while
shutting down criminal investigations. that would
normally pursue the actual true evil doer(s). \ \



/ / In a 'signing statement' released when he signed the
2007 Defense Authorization Act on Oct. 17, the president
listed two dozen provisions in the act that he indicated
he may or may not abide by." Those provisions restrict
his ability to hide funding for wars. Congress wants all
the costs to be up front and verified, and the president
obviously does not. \ \

Again, THIS IS TREASON. How can it not be? He, Bush,
ENEMY OF AMERICA, doesn't want TAX money allocated for
defending Americans soldiers to be TRULY accounted for.
Oh, and guess what?,,, Soldiers are DYING for lies, no
longer in disguise.


/ / OLBERMANN: "I want to start by asking you about a
specific part of this act that lists one of the
definitions of an unlawful enemy combatant as, quote, 'a
person who, before, on, or after the date of the
enactment of the Military Commissions Act of 2006, has
been determined to be an unlawful enemy combatant by a
combatant status review tribunal or another competent
tribunal established under the authority of the president
or the secretary of defense.'

"Does that not basically mean that if Mr. Bush or Mr.
Rumsfeld say so, anybody in this country, citizen or not,
innocent or not, can end up being an unlawful enemy

JONATHAN TURLEY: "It certainly does. In fact, later on,
it says that if you even give material support to an
organization that the president deems connected to one of
these groups, you too can be an enemy combatant. And the
fact that he appoints this tribunal is meaningless. You
know, standing behind him at the signing ceremony was his
attorney general, who signed a memo that said that you
could torture people, that you could do harm to them to
the point of organ failure or death. So if he appoints
someone like that to be attorney general, you can imagine
who he's going be putting on this board."

OLBERMANN: "Does this mean that under this law,
ultimately the only thing keeping you, I, or the viewer
out of Gitmo is the sanity and honesty of the president
of the United States?"

TURLEY: "It does. And it's a huge sea change for our
democracy. [...] \ \



/ / AMY GOODMAN: What do you mean "get-out-of-jail-free"?

JONATHAN HAFETZ: Well, under the War Crimes Act of 1996,
any official, including CIA, or contractors who engage --
who violates the Geneva Conventions, including a
provision known as Common Article 3, which provides the
baseline of protections to individuals in U.S. custody,
prohibits cruel treatment, torture and outrages on
personal dignity. Under the War Crimes Act, if you
violate Common Article 3 --

AMY GOODMAN: This is U.S. law, War Crimes Act?

JONATHAN HAFETZ: Yes, this is U.S. \ \

Who wants a kidnapping torturing thief, to escape
American accountability? No, really, who does?, a rapist?
Certainly not an honorable police officer. These traitors
to Freedom who put together the ungodly bushite act, need
to be arrested as such, being our enemies, granted a
public court proceeding, then upon finding themselves
guilty, as we would, executed for treason.

Unjust as they are ungodly, bushites are our enemy.


/ / Even a cursory examination of the Zionist enterprise
and statements by its practitioners provides ample prima
facie proof that Zionism is, has been, and will always
be, racist. \ \


Law of the Land

The un-elected Bush regime now states cowardly Americans
have no longer any legal rights to defend themselves from
unlawful arrest if commanded without reason by the
lawless as godless, bushite enemy LIARS. Are YOU
fooled?.. I didn't think so.

Justice for God and Johnny by starting on a world wide
public campaign to allow US speak openly against Our
accusers on the crimes of the treasonous bush regime.
Followed by arrests, trials, and subsequent PUBLIC
executions against those who ordered/committed the
murderous crimes of 9/11, and the torture, rape, and
indiscriminate killing of Arab Peoples to enrich traitor
P2OG Rumsfeld.


Johnny Wizard has been arrested by irrational bushite for
threatening the life of antiChrist enemy George W. bush,
and with the bogus warrant made to undermine the true
FBI, used the action to make fraudulent accusations in
respect for Johnny's love of Children. Don't miss out in
the trial of the Century!

We've Been Overturned?

A Delay in proceedings doesn't have to equate to only
prejudice to defend on made 'public' accusations, it is
also the time pressured away from the UNDISPUTED demand
for Justice on behalf of DYING Canadian soldiers. Justice
delayed, is Justice denied from US falling undefended
People victims. Whose lives, OURS, the Crown in my case
is arguing as irrelevant. YOUR LIFE.

I'm not accused, nor do I accept I was seeking to possess
argued illegal materials, and I can easily prove that, as
does Canada's Sharp decision, upon any reading, grant
allowing the defense to explain intent. Again, I can only
urge you re-read my motions in respect to what can be a
difficult subject. Without intent alleged, the crime, if
it occurred, is in those who are responsible for such
expressions. A place of knowledge about the real crime
scene, OUR child exploitation units seem to have little
on no interest in concentrating on. Likely because
they're not required to understand why we have laws, only
to implement them half hazardly as idiots sometimes.
Defending children is what this action against me is
truly, for, where was/is the two, boastfully proud,
pro-bush accusers so called by law, interest in defending
these 20 year olds they as LIARS claim to be a ridiculous
ten or twelve? I need a right to defend the false
allegations of the Crown in relationship to the
conclusions they have unbelievably drawn, typically, from
what I understand, rarely exposed to the public as
sexually sadomasochistic, and certainly upon any public
review, a detriment to defending real children left
unprotected by such ungodly belligerence for my, let's
all get irrational bushite instead with a godly true,
argued defense for US, the fair minded Public.

As you've successfully argued, the Prosecutor/Crown's
purpose for existence in Our court rooms, is to defend
the Public. Instead, the Crown is moving to assist the
mass murder of literally hundreds of thousands of
innocent souls, because of her personal contempt for
Justice, her well paid job, our Country, and all of
Humanity's lives who continue to die for "intelligence
failure" George W. Bush, and his thoughtless disciples
who publicly demand evidence is no longer a requirement
to imprison anyone who is good or evil. So, I want access
to all evidence the two pro-bush 'police' officers have
official plans to sell - as my legal STOLEN gear - the
two therefore THIEVES!, no...? Huh? We need real
leadership right about now. Justice for Johnny.

Lend a Hand.





"If not for me, do it for Yourself."

Christ Crossed




/ / According to U.S. intelligence sources, at the end of
June 2001, the FBI intercepted two phone calls from
Grossman in which he told the called parties to "stay
away from Brewster Jennings . [Plame's TP SCRT Cover to
nab REAL terrorist WMD proliferators by using GOOD
policing freedom skills - with logical arguments,
warrants, and everything!] . . they're the government . .
. they're nothing but a cover." One of the calls was to a
Pakistani Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) top agent in
Washington. \ \

So, the ISI was warned by the White House clandestinely,
in June 2001, 'some do gooder cops are on the prowl
defending our interests, looking for REAL terrorists who
jeopardize Freedom's cause, so, you'd better watch out
for America's will power, US might get US, and boy, then
we'd be in for one big hell of a surprise!,. eh?. Are you
still with me? Hello? Is someone else on this line? ...
Yyyou'll never catch me.'

Marc "Johnny America" Grossman "Any country that doesn't
go along with US will be paying a very heavy price."


Well, my friends, the pro-bush enemy faction seems to be
losing more of US to their demonic con game. America's
ENEMY, George W. Bush has still escaped public
condemnation, for fear America would see itself
apparently. Unholy is the heinous war criminal, America's
George W. Bush. PERSONALLY, responsible personally for
9/11 [Ahmad], Iraq [UNrestrictED access BEFORE a god's
child was needlessly murdered by mindless bushite cancers
for curious Georges (["'secret Intelligence failures.'"]-
unRESTRICTed..!), or, how about, give'em weapons to kill
whomever "dat's what a Jew would do" Israel, interspersed
with officially sanctioning lawless kidnapping and
torture while just saying it's not feeling anything,
denying Humanity, HUMANITY!, a RIGHT.! to a fair hearing
of 'public' condemnation in our Courts of Thee. THEE !#!#
UFk$! DO NOT LET 'them' DO THIS T-O Y-O-U-! When the
demon bush tells US he supports treating all Humanity
unfairly to defend "democracy" by 'trumping' Our
troublesome Magna Charta, or wordy worthless
Constitutions, while claiming to be a believer in Evil
while he 'grabs' for absolute power, YOU'D BETTER Believe
you have something more than idle concern, for REAL. As
Life, I am committing to hunt the 'lawless' bushite
terrorists down to teach US all about a real freedom in
the silently dying Universe we share. Suffering unjustly,
all yous EQUALLY dying. I take mostly pity in the DYING
JUSTLY falling bushite, too cowardly to kill IT'S
commanders [like from in the now mostly brain dead Tenth
Mountain Division of Afghanistan, or Saudi Wahabbi Buford
Blount's, Third Infantry of Iraq, or Elvis desecrator
AEGIS' godless TRAITORS] who order it to murder the
INNOCENT to thieve from instead as our enemy. To Forsake
god, and freedom for America, by supporting the escape of
the demon antiChrist George W. Bush by it's cowardly
betrayal of speaking no defense for those who continue
becoming more bushite victims. Blind stupid, and
intolerable are the cowardly muttering self destroying
'lawless' bushite murdering rapists and torturers.
Enemies of America, enemies of God and Johnny, and
enemies to themselves. For real. Arrest for Public Trial,
George W. Bush AND CO., the demonic, thieving enemies of
America. And then maybe, we can move on to something
greater with a much needed rest from all this death and
suffering wrought on by YOUR, your personal inaction.

Your Forsaken King,

Johnny Wizard

P.S. Please, a child to God begs, phone Winnipeg's CJOB
and ask them if they shall allow US in Manitoba to
honestly speak the facts on why Canadian kids continue to
die for their deliberate treasonous lies as a willful
betrayal to our dying communities. ASK THEM. No? Too much
trouble to phone a 1-800 number? Fuck you too then.



/ /Sure we can be counted lucky that only so few
Canadians have died thus far, but when will the sacrifice
of Americans, Afghanis, Iraqis, and soon to be Iranians
with the Syrians, along with more than fifty other
countries officially marked for death by the lawlessly
irrational bushite terrorists, be more than YOUR willing
to bare? \ \


/ / The Crown's interpretations of my possessions are not
my expressions!!


The Judge through this whole thing out for the defense
without any consideration offered to OUR COURT!


Since I am representing myself on these particular
criminal matters, Legal Aid is not required to lend
assistance on the grounds that I'm not co-operating with
the system as it operates through professional Barred
representations. [I am eligible for walk in consultations
but nothing of the sort of assistance I am requesting]
Considering the complexity of my judicial matter, I would
request legal assistance from the Court in these
following areas. \ \



/ / On the same day that President Bush lectured the
United Nations on democracy and threatened Iran and other
countries, [..] White House and congressional leaders
continued their negotiations over the exact language of
new legislation to legalize torture by the CIA \ \THE

The demon enemy of Creation, Our Mr. bush Jnr., the FOR
REAL antichrist ENEMY of GOD and Johnny, also mentioned
with HIS OWN treasonous WORDs, such action AS HIS would
work to destroy America's soul. And that he'd never do
what he did that VERY SAME DAY.. . under cover! Evil is
the deceived disguised. Support our suffering God, or go
to 'paradise' in bushville, where lawless bushite
illiterates will decide your meaning of dying for it's
sadistic pleasures and stolen comforts.

Please, help me gain some recognition man oh man, for, I
got a good plan to get ourselves out of this mess, but,
do YOU want to hear such needed considerations?


/ / So yes, George, Your Highness, please, take your
torture and go. It isn't working. While you're at it,
take your signing statements and all the cute titles for
programs that mean the opposite of what you name them,
and give us back our Constitution and our country. \ \


/ / He said Rumsfeld at one point threatened to fire the
next person who mentioned the need for a postwar plan in
Iraq. \ \

/ / The Army's budget this year is $98.2 billion, making
Schoomaker's request a 41% increase over current levels. \ \

Not possible therefore, right? Unless there is some huge
increase in evil bushite lawless impropriety, thieving
furthermore sillily.

/ / This whole idea of putting our hopes and energies
into "leaders" who tell us to seek common ground with
fascists and religious fanatics is proving every day to
be a disaster, and actually serves to demobilize people. \ \



'The applause for Hugo went on and on, so much so, that
US, The People, had to be quieted down..' For fears,
pretty soon, The People would be seen arising against the
un-elected war mongering demon tyrant.



/ / PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH, 'the DEVIL': We do not
condone torture. I have never ordered torture. I will
never order torture. The values of this country are such
that torture is not a part of our soul and our being. \ \

/ / we can already hear [the antichrist liar demon bush
regime] saying that in order to defeat the terrorists and
end the turmoil, he may again have to [continue to]
resort to death squads, torture, and covert operations. \ \

Aegis is found completely responsible, according to the
Pentagon [see Nick Roberts at CNN with video tapes
available where they proudly DESECRATE ELVIS] for
murdering innocent PEOPLE for 'free' cash from bush's

Hugo Chaves "What happened in Iraq?, in Lebanon?, in
Palestine? [..] What a capacity to lie!, the empire and
Israel firing on The People! [..] You can wonder if those
People were granted the right to speak what they would
say, if they were given a microphone"

The Demon witch 'no cease fire against the INNOCENT'
Condi, speaking of Hero Hugo addressing Our World,

"The address was not becoming a head of State."



/ / The decision to go to war was taken without a
indictment by the US Justice department and corroborating
statements by the FBI to the effect that Osama bin
Laden's al Qaeda was behind the attacks. It was taken
without an indictment issued by the Justice Department.

At eleven o'clock, on the morning of September 11, the
Bush administration had already announced that Al Qaeda
was responsible for the attacks on the World Trade Center
(WTC) and the Pentagon.\ \ While according to Senator
Dashle, the demon bush and chainy were PERSONALLY working
to CLOSE outstanding criminal investigations. DIRECTLY
ACCOUNTABLE FOR OBSTRUCTING Justice. (Not puppets without
free will as some detractors would allege.)



/ / With those personally responsible for making those
easily verifiable faulting surmises with the evidence the
Crown holds, in all likelihood, still blabbering
corporately un-accosted, the completely blind support of
indiscriminate mass murder, in thoughtless praise for war
criminal traitor George Bush Jr., their supreme no
nothing about squat leader. \ \


And they say Johnny is crazy..

/ / George Bush needs to be removed from office for being
medically and psychiatrically unfit for office under the
25th amendment. Then he needs to be tried for war crimes.
Only the profoundly irrational can fail to understand
that we as a culture are now normalizing torture. What a
sick and scary world he has created, and he needs to be
removed from office. NOW. \ \


Latest Johnny Jesus pronouncement against the Cult forces
of the real evil demon antiChrist, Your Mr. bush Jnr.,
don't miss it!



Bush Goes Retro to Avoid Prosecution

/ / Under the Nuremberg standard, Bush is definitely a
war criminal. The US Supreme Court also exposed Bush to
war crime charges under both the US War Crimes Act of
1996 and the Geneva Conventions [...] The fact that
retroactive law is prohibited by the US Constitution adds
to Bush's shame.\ \


/ / Even worse than impermissible, any retroactive law
(technically known as ex post facto law) is in direct
violation of the Constitution, Article I, Section 9, and
Paragraph 3 and is illegal.\ \


UNCOVERED: The War On Iraq http://www.truthuncovered.com/

This movie is exceptional in respect to what the bushited
forces are blindly doing in Iraq absent true leadership.


Know Thy Enemy - Christs Comedy of Error - Truly amazing audio




http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/761781.html [HAARETZ!]

/ / "What we did was insane and monstrous, we covered
entire towns in cluster bombs," the head of an IDF rocket
unit in Lebanon said regarding the use of cluster bombs
and phosphorous shells during the war.

/ / Quoting his battalion commander, the rocket unit head
stated that the IDF fired around 1,800 cluster bombs,
containing over 1.2 million cluster bomblets. \ \

In addition, soldiers in IDF artillery units testified
that the army used phosphorous shells during the war,
widely forbidden by international law. According to their
claims, the vast majority of said explosive ordinance was
fired in the final 10 days of the war. \ \

These crimes demand war crimes trials leading to public
executions of those directly responsible. (Condi, Bush,
Rumsfeld, Perez the Devil, ect.. Remember these children
they continue to MURDER, are innocent, and loved by God
and me. Death to the bushite, death to Our enemies.)


28-Year Career CIA Official Says 9/11 An Inside Job
Highlights missing Pentagon trillions as potential motive


"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in

American soldiers are being terribly mislead by the Bush
administration to undermine freedom for Americans, by
suggesting an effective war strategy is to ignore all the
911 evidence, and go off instead to blindly blame bad
Afghans or badder Iraqis, as an insult to all honorable
police services.

"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in

Bush undermines freedom for America by not supporting US
following the crimes scene leads at the real 911 murder
scene. Instead, blinded soldiers are being led to
undermine the apprehension of the actual terrorists, by
suggesting the Taliban's demand to bring forward evidence
to form Mr. Bush's conclusions on who is good or evil, is
a freedom stand they don't have the real courage or
strength to uphold. So, they lie to God as enemies of
Man; unholy are, the bushite enemy.

"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in

Blind soldiers are being made to believe evidence is no
longer a requirement to form someone's guilt for
something, a conclusion on whether someone's good or

Johnny Jesus, "Can't have freedom without justice,


/ / BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (Sept. 7) - The owner of DataUSA
Inc., a company that conducted political polls for the
campaigns of President Bush, Sen. Joe Lieberman and other
candidates, pleaded guilty to fraud for making up survey
and poll results. \ \

/ / "We challenge this official conspiracy theory and, by
God, we're going to get to the bottom of this." \ \

/ / [...} "one official who called for Israel to respond
to Hezbollah rockets strikes against the strategic port
city of Haifa during the 34-day war by "getting rid of a
village in Lebanon". \ \

/ / "But the United States does not torture. It's against
our laws and it's against our values. I have not
authorised it and I will not authorise it." \ \

This is a terrorist act, no? It says later, 'but
dishonorable CIA 'officers' can forgo all American law as
dedicated disciples of the ungodly REAL ANTICHRIST.' No

/ / At the NSC meeting held on February 1, 2001, Rumsfeld
disputed Secretary of State Colin Powell's advocacy of
"targeted sanctions." "Sanctions are fine," Rumsfeld
said. "But what we really want to think about is going
after Saddam." \ \

No interest from day one to follow the crimes scene leads
to defend American "freedom".

/ / Should we Americans fail to disassociate ourselves
from the racist, genocidal, warmongering nation of
Israel, the world will be forced to subvert our economy,
attack our people and pray for our demise. We gain
nothing from helping Israel to attack humanity. \ \

/ / Moreover, there were 79,691 ballots cast on Election
Day and, according to the minutes of the Board of
Elections, the unofficial results were certified at 12:40
AM, only 5 hours and 10 minutes after the polls closed.
The mentally retarded man would have had to examine, and
clean as needed, four or five ballots per second, which
calls the whole story into question." \ \

Voids the verdict it does. But what importance does
corporate America hold evidence as a requirement that the
disenfranchised are being denied fair representation?



Coast to Coast


I challenge the Coast to Coast radio network staff on
behalf of America, demanding free open line
communications on these, life and death issues of
Americans held in contemptible silence. Art Bell and
George Norry are enemies of American dying soldiers as a
matter of FACT. Art and George are America's ENEMY. They
want to get killed American kids for the liar neocon, I
say f-ck you zionist nazi whores. America, take back


Op-Ed: Rumsfeld Declares War on Us

/ / The "who" Rumsfeld is talking about is himself.

Rumsfeld is the "who" that is right, and everyone who
disagrees is not only wrong, but a danger to freedom. \ \


Blanket Immunity from War Crimes When Criticism of
Cluster Bombs is "Anti-Semitic"

What is a war crime among ungodly nazi enemies anyway


Statement by the Patriarch and Local Heads of Churches In


/ / "What does the Lord require of you, to act justly, to
love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." (Micah

This is where we take our stand. We stand for justice. We
can do no other. Justice alone guarantees a peace that
will lead to reconciliation with a life of security and
prosperity for all the peoples of our Land. By standing
on the side of justice, we open ourselves to the work of
peace - and working for peace makes us children of God. \ \

See?, they got some Lord fellowed in the Book too.
Violets are blue.



/ / Supreme Jurisprudent Khamenei's pledge of no first
strike against any country by Iran with any kind of
weapon, and his condemnation of nuclear bombs as
un-Islamic and impossible for Iran to possess or use, was
completely ignored by the Western press and is never
referred to. \ \

See?, forces for the bushite necon peenackers, don't want
Justice for Peace because as the cowardly treasonous,
they mindlessly pronounce the assisting in the escape of
the bushmob for the crimes of 911 - by war mongering our
Humanity for irrational sacrifice. Unholy are the bushite

/ / Stars and Stripes reported that as Ford's tank left
the area, US Army Captain Michael Bajema "ordered another
three rounds fired from his own tank, gutting the

"There's a psychological effect of going into an area the
enemy owns [residential buildings] and causing so much
damage. I think that will pay dividends", Bajema was
quoted as saying. \ \

Yeah, kill a bushite, to save the lives and property of
our innocent selves. This Bajema guy seriously needs to
be arrested, tried, and executed for treason. It
confesses that murdering innocent people in residential
communities will pay dividends in more dead Marines. Who
really cares right? EVIL is Dumber than dumb.


Israel Condemns Israel


Millions of land mine cluster duds ungodly Israel has
thrown into 170 towns of Lebanon to murder innocent
children with for decades. Along with radio-active toxic
waste that will suffer G-d's Humanity indiscriminately
for untold generations. Terrorist Crimes the Israeli
State with corporate bushite News america claimed
repeatedly, are worth targeted execution of themselves

Where are the free to love Humans stole to I ask you to
join me in demanding the execution of the bushite
zionists responsible for releasing millions of American
made land mine cluster duds that will murder as
TERRORISTS do, indiscriminately for decades. Perez, the
DEVIL, along with corporate news zionists, hold those
crimes deserve immediate executions with targeted strikes
against the purveyors of true EVILNESS. Please I beg,
give G-D mercy. Don't forsake ourselves. Hunt the
zionists by sacrificing a few moments of your busy day to
call Coast to Coast radio hosts for respect of dying
American soldiers lives, and every time those zionist
enemy traitors hang up on YOU for TRUTH TELLING, will be
yet another call for ALL able bodied Americans to rise up
against the murderous enemy traitors for crimes against
GOD in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, and elsewhere.


Demon bush has funded the rape, torture, and enslavement
of millions of innocent people. Please the Son to God
begs, don't let those responsible escape Freedom's
demand, we're all the good guys from The Book don't you

I am angry with American cowardice to face down these
bushite terrorist enemies on our magic TVs. I am angered
with American refusals to support the protections of our
Human species by denying war criminals further weapons to
kill our children with. I am angered with American
corporate news professionals who forbid the support of
Justice's FBI, and their conclusions on who masterminded

"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in


/ / "If Hizballah fires Katyushas, we have to deliver a
severe blow to Lebanon's infrastructure, black out
Beirut, cut off electricity, turn off the water, destroy
bridges, halt industry and flatten entire villages. If
there is horrible damage in Lebanon, they will say, 'The
Jews are crazy,'" Yishai explains. \ \

This is EXACTLY what I've been writing on. The zionist
god haters, want Humanity to blame the unrepresented Jew
for their treasons against God, their betrayal to Life.

http://houston.indymedia.org/news/2006/08/51710.php -


/ / Would not allegations of murder substantiated without
evidence, be false? And would not therefore, the
slaughter of innocents, blamed for terrorism without a
shred of evidence being known universally, be acts of
mass murder committed against US interests? Or for the
true believers, terrorism inflicted against G-d? (And, is
this not why defining "Terrorism" was forbidden in the
recent "Terrorism" conference in Saudi Arabia?) \ \


/ / The bushites are sorrily, simply not qualified under
the dire circumstances they've assaulted ourselves into
for mugger war profitizing, as leading US to be dying
undefended while failing miserably on my behalf to demand
Justice as freedom is truly. \ \


/ / Many Palestinians are arrested arbitrarily. For
example, from February to March 2002, approximately 8,500
Palestinians were arrested arbitrarily. In many cities,
all Palestinian males from the ages of 15 to 45 were
rounded up and detained or imprisoned. Palestinians were
blindfolded, handcuffed tightly with plastic handcuffs
and forced to squat, sit or kneel for prolonged periods
of time. Mass arrests and detention of this type have
been condemned by Amnesty International as a breach of
human rights. \ \

/ / What can the bushites do now in Iraq, that they
couldn't do before the needless murder of untold
thousands upon thousands of innocent people with loving
families? Before dumping thousands of tons of
radio-active toxic waste as enemies of God's children?
Only to rob, maim, and destroy God's great work through
Love. We had complete unrestricted access throughout
Iraq, and Saddam was offering the national media for bush
to pontificate, while not refusing dialog for any
suggestions. \ \




ATTENTION: All American Patriot Warriors


/ / Nazi zionists don't provide evidence, because we all
know they're thieves and liars as the primary function of
their illegitimate existence. \ \


/ / "It would be ... accurate to say Israel has never
been required to repay a U.S. government loan. The truth
of the matter is complex, and designed to be so by those
who seek to conceal it from the U.S. taxpayer," writes
Richard H. Curtiss, [...] But the so-called Cranston
Amendment, which has been attached by Congress to every
foreign aid appropriation since 1983, provides that
economic aid to Israel will never dip below the amount
Israel is required to pay on its outstanding loans. In
short, whether U.S. aid is extended as grants or loans to
Israel, it never returns to the Treasury." \ \

Did you know that many people in Israel, live in abject
squalor? I've seen people needing to live in what could
only be described as a garbage dump because the
BILLIONIARE Zionist American welfare takers, don't think
they should be provided help. And 'giving' Jews in
Israel, are extremely hard to come by. For who would
willing intend to suffer others as an enemy to life and
G-d? WEll, the tyrannies of zionist Israel would without
apology. And so, where are the voices of Jews in Israel
demanding fair treatment of the innocent?, the ungodly
'State' steals from? We are all Jewish victims then


ATTENTION: All admirable soldiers and police officers

The demon antichrist enemy of GOD rushed illegal wmds to
Israel to bomb cars and apartment buildings among other
war crimes. KNOWINGLY. Now, today, the demon has
determined that American tax payers will dole out the tax
money to rebuild what was destroyed only weeks ago.
Hundreds of millions of dollars given to the likes of a
Halliburton? So, why do Americans let this demon war
criminal get away with murdering so many innocents like
themselves left forsaken? Support US TODAY you idiots.

Again, I will remind all admirable soldiers and police
officers: CNN, CBC, and FOXNews has forbidden our truths

be broadcast in support of Justice for ourselves. WTC7.
Zionist corporate medias are deliberately working to
mislead our kids to have them willingly sacrifice their
lives in further blind support of the real terrorists
that committed the crimes of 911. As according to the

"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in


Israeli Soldiers "Shoot to Kill" at Israeli Anti-war

This "bilin.wmv" video from Mishtara.org depicts true
nazi grunts, enemies of the Jew, indiscriminately
shooting our family in the town of Bilin. We need
American Jews to assist Johnny in hunting each and every
IDF soldier visible, so to be brought to Justice for war
crimes against our Humanity, then, gloriously executed
for the love of God. The routine inhuman callousness
expressed by the IDF, witnessed for the World of a
complete void in human empathy for the innocent they
victimize like the nazi SS did, expresses these ungodly
Israeli goon enemies truly worth gassing. Enemies of the
Human race. Enemies of all religious faiths. Enemies to
the King of Jew. When the world learns of the criminality
of theiver Israel, will be the day, that soldiers of the
world together will demand, a freedom for all Peoples
found through just causes, not dying victim for the liar,
nazi zionist enemy forces who claim we, the Public, don't
deserve evidence to form their ungodly criminal
conclusions. What would an atheist "Jew" be doing living
in Israel, but to openly except itself, as a criminal
betrayer to all alike?

America's national radio program, "Coast to Coast", had
yet another, atheist, pro-bush guest to spew their hatred
for the human species on recently, and the neocon zionist
said that he was an atheist, pro-Israeli who supports
stealing Christian land unjustly as a thief to , all
because he was born with Jewish features. [The nose he
told was a dead give away.] Again, zionists are not Jews,
but enemies to all of life itself, enemies of a freedom
they can't comprehend for their contempt of our Humanity
is rightly their unjust condemnations against we, YOU god
means. False accusers. NOT JEWS. NOT JESUS. They, Nazi
WAr Criming Israelis state, 'we were all secretly vying
to destroy the criminality of nazi Israeli occupation',
therefore 'they're' justified in indiscriminately
murdering anyone. The censoring corporate news zionist
nazi is an ENEMY of freedom to be America, and fighting
it, is to love yourself as worth something.

All you got to insist is in having our measured thoughts
heard, but realize, CNN, CBC, and FOXNews won't
acknowledge that we're listening for our betterments.
They refuse to read our emails, take our calls, or
acknowledge what is widely understood.

Example 1:

"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in

Example 2:

Nazi Israel, as per-usual, dishonorably failed to live up
to their word in respect for our lives. Alleging
Hezbollahs violation of the agreement on cease-fire, that
they broke, was someone else's fault. While, TYPICALLY
not providing one shred of evidence for their baseless
allegation. Which does not prove their claim outright
false, it just leaves US unsubstantiated as worthy of
convictions in our beliefs on fairness for all parties.
But the corporate media refuses to hold our rights in
respect. Against war crime behaviors like in Qana, or
when the bush regime war crime party sent more American
paid for weapons to kill innocent people with. Mass
murder these nazi enemies are responsible for don't you
know who you are my friend? Where is the evidence Nazi
Israeli enemies pronounce against YOU as the innocent
victim censored then over and over? Christ wishes to
defend US by killing you un-arrested MURDERING zionist
nazi demon liars.

How can a "High Court" conclude in Israel to absolve
itself of all responsibility to do the right thing?, the
just thing? It should be realized this following article
is printed in Israel's largest national newspaper, and
the writer sees no reason to respect yourself enough to
query further with the demanding questions. Why? Because
real Jews know the actions of a zionist thief are
criminal, it's just the Humans don't get easy ready
access to the, they'll fire anywho, national zionist
media reducers. (I'm the Son of Man and I!, can't even
get a fair shake.)

/ / At Tuesday's High Court debate, the state said it had
no objection to extending the construction ban, but said
it was opposed to razing the illegal structures that had
already been completed or were near completion. The state
also said it saw no cause to evict individuals who had
already moved into their apartments. \ \

/ / the council's legal advisor warns the council
engineer that entrepreneurs are constructing "entire
buildings without permits, with your full knowledge and
in total disregard for planning process and the law." \ \

This building was done on stolen grounds, admitted even
by the Nazi State's own legal council. A lawyer claimed,
the mayor of Bil'in, sold him 60% of the town, so he's
perfectly within his rights to rip off as many jews as
possible. [hundreds of millions in total it is said the
pro-bush zionist scored from the stupider '"Jews"'] Never
considered in judgment that the mayor never did such a
thing, or could, for land is managed collectively owned
by the communities, so nothing short of widely
deliberated - publicly - with an honest paper ballot
voting process would be the least first step to make such
things really happen with community consultations. But
not from the EVIL foreign land of Nazi Israel with their
UNGODLY zionist judges. No, the "Judge" has let the
American welfare recipient land squatters, take up
possession until America pays them, a 100 or two thousand
dollars to re-vacate to someplace elses, while the
"Judge" works it out for sometime later by sending in IDF
nazi grunts now to fight back the unarmed godly freedom
believers with real bullets from Satan. Enemies to God,
enemies to Humanity. Let's put Ourselves in Power, then
send the real Marines in there to take these lawless
UNGODLY bushite nazi savages OUT!~.

I challenge the Coast to Coast radio network staff on
behalf of America, demanding free open line
communications on these, life and death issues of
Americans held in contemptible silence. Art Bell and
George Norry are enemies of American dying soldiers
matter of FACTLY. Art and George are America's ENEMY.
They want to get killed American kids, I say fuck you
zionist nazi whores. America, take back America.


/ / Since then, the idea that any of the victims were
insurgents has been challenged, both by Iraqi survivors
and by some American military officials familiar with the
case, noting that the victims included 10 women and
children and an elderly man in a wheelchair. \ \

Bush bitch enemy forces, child killing women haters, are
still mouthing off to humanity about their complete guilt
regarding the war crime accusation that is firmly
established by their own ungodly confessions, and yet,
somehow, not yet PROUDLY executed by an American Patriot
law giver. Get to it brother. To kill a 'lawless'
bushite, is to save the lives of innocent people they
openly target for murder as Our enemies. Death to the
bushite, death to America's TREASONOUS enemies who war
America to assist in the escape of the bushmob for 911.

/ / Riyad Awad, director of the Gaza-based Health
Information Centre, the killings of Palestinians is
becoming a "macabre daily routine". "Not a day passes
without the Israeli army killing an average of five or
six Palestinians, mostly children and women and other
innocent civilians. Israel feels the world is giving it a
mandate to kill and maim at will," he said. \ \

But, but, but.. CNN, CBC, and FOXNews never said so

/ / Yet a secret list compiled by the Lebanese
authorities, and leaked to the Lebanese newspaper
al-Safir, has revealed the names of 67 men known to have
been kidnapped by Israel and its allies during 18 years
of occupation. Thousands of others are missing. \ \ Along
with more than ten thousand innocent Palestinians.

But, but, but.. CNN, CBC, and FOXNews never said so

/ / How South African hit men, Serbian paramilitaries,
and other human rights violators became guns for hire for
military contractors \ \

But, but, but.. CNN, CBC, and FOXNews never said so




"Don't turn you back and look the other way. Shoot a wolf
in the chicken coop today!"


Losing its morals and marbles: Israel's fight in Lebanon
- Losing http://www.aljazeera.com/me.asp?service_ID=12283


The De-Zionization of the American Mind

/ / One is that God gave that land to the Jews, and the
other is the Holocaust. The first one is deeply insulting
to people who are profoundly religious, \ \





/ / Israeli activists with International Solidarity
Movement (ISM) have uploaded a video of the shooting of
Lymor and the initial violence of the Israeli military in
Bil'in on Friday, August 11th \ \

These demon zionist nazis are not Human! To think
zionists would proclaim these American made monsters were
god loving Jews! Let US, as the Humans, hunt each and
every zionist visible in this video down for prosecution.
Do it for Christ, do it for Love, do it for God and
Family. Death to the bushite, death to the enemies of our


/ / Think: Any real man would kill an enemy bushite to
save the lives of the innocent they admittingly target
for plunder to please the neo-con God haters. \ \

/ / 11.00 - an hour before Dan Halutz decides to sell his
stocks, an IDF tank drives over a large explosive. Two
hours after the start of the event, a second major tragic
event is taking place. A Merkava II tank with its crew of
four drives over a very powerful explosive just 70 meters
north of the border. The lethal explosive is estimated
around 200-300 kg. The four soldiers are declared missing
in action. 12.00 - the IDF Chief of Staff, sells his
stocks. \ \

Halutz is not Jewish! Would a Jew kill a Jew for
financial gains? A neocon zionist, sure, a bushite
American cop killer, well of course, but not a REAL Jew.


/ / (Beirut, August 16, 2006) - Massive amounts of
unexploded ordnance (UXO) resulting from 33 days of heavy
fighting in Lebanon threaten civilian life and limb,
Human Rights Watch said today \ \

What is a war crime?, and is it possible that a war crime
could be committed by an American funded nazi zionist
neocon God hater right in front of everyone as some kind
of ungodly dare - that Americans are too weak to defend
themselves from lawless tyranny? Oh really.?


/ / Ramon added, "In order to prevent casualties among
Israeli soldiers battling Hezbollah militants in southern
Lebanon, villages[/ers] should be flattened by the
Israeli air force before ground troops move in." \ \

Demon Ramon MUST by executed by the Jews as a nazi war



/ / In addition to antiquities, the Israelis went so far
as to "steal fertile Lebanese soil and transport it to
settlements in northern Israel," a brazen act
investigated by UNIFIL's leadership. "Israel has admitted
the removing of Lebanese fertile soil from some areas
inside the occupied border strip of South Lebanon to
settlements in the occupied Galilee," \ \




/ / Islamabad neglected to blacklist Jamaat-Ud-Dawa (JUD)
or freeze its assets, allowing the al-Qaida front to
continue to operate legally inside Pakistan's borders.
Authorities have traced money for the British sky terror
operation back to the JUD charity.

Sources say Scotland Yard is furious that terror-war
partner Islamabad failed to dismantle the Pakistan-based
terror infrastructure that supported the London bombings. \ \


Israel comes to America: ADL-TRAINED LOCAL POLICE

/ / "I was harassed, beaten, and shocked with a
Tazer-like gun in my front yard before my wife and
children, and then abused for 6 hours by the ADL-trained
local police," explains American Free Press journalist
and Republic Broadcast Network talk show host Christopher
Bollyn on the RBN website. \ \

This is what America will further go to, if YOU,
PERSONALLY, make no effort to defend ourselves from
zionist tyranny. Justice for God, Justice for Johnny,
Justice for America - SoldieRS: let's now get the bushmob
for 911 - please. Or, die as cowards, we'll decide.


/ / It would be great disservice to millions of those who
raised their voices against the war to punish Ehren. He
symbolizes the conscience of majority of our humanity. A
guilty verdict would be immoral and unnecessary. No
justice would be served by sacrificing one more innocent
human being at the altar of War Party. \ \

Do not let the bushite enemy forces deny such a brave
patriot warrior his cherished freedom and beliefs in a
great America.

/ / Carter: I don't think that Israel has any legal or
moral justification for their massive bombing of the
entire nation of Lebanon. What happened is that Israel is
holding almost 10,000 prisoners, so when the militants in
Lebanon or in Gaza take one or two soldiers, Israel looks
upon this as a justification for an attack on the
civilian population of Lebanon and Gaza. I do not think
that's justified, no. \ \


Bombed Ambulance driver miraculously survives to tell
humanity about the secret aims of the nazi imperialists.

/ / Shaulan, who has worked with the Red Cross for 13
years, is also training manager at the headquarters. He
said that minutes after his ambulance was bombed, another
ambulance nearby that was collecting injured people was
also bombed. \ \

/ / The articles goes on to describe how Israel, as part
of this agreement, initiated a series of low-key attacks
in Gaza and Lebanon to provoke reactions from Hezbollah
and Hamas. \ \

/ / Israel's assault on Lebanon was planned before
Hezbollah attacked and was aimed at driving a wedge
between the different faiths in the country, a delegation
from the World Council of Churches says. \ \

/ /when Bin Laden was in Sudan, and the government there
wanted to turn him over to the US, Madeleine Albright
argued that the US could not take him, since there was no
criminal indictment against him. \ \ No evidence for
anything she meant.


/ / First of all, not all terrorists are muslim. Second,
Islam is a religion, not a race. Anyone of any race can
choose to follow Islam and to commit Islamic Jihad. Let's
not make the situation worse by pointing fingers at the
color of someone's skin. \ \







Church body condemns Israel


/ / "We came back from Lebanon sharing the impression
that this destruction was planned. And if the action by
Hezbollah was the trigger, this was a planned operation
all ready to go,"\ \


A Real One of All Things


/ / The corporate news media is force feeding the notion
that Pakistan's ISI helped prevent the terrorist bombings
of U.S. aircraft. In fact, as our sources have confirmed,
ISI supported the very groups that are said to be behind
the plot[...] \ \

Others too have come out with this, 'it looks like this
last big terrorism bust, was actually a real one of all
things. It's too sloppy with the blatant ISI-Qaeda-ISI
hanging all over it. The bushmob might actually go down
on this one, if more evidence should arise linking the
let escape ISI from 911 to carry on, with yet another
attempt at murdering undefended Americans left dying

Give finally, Justice for Johnny and the nine-eleven


/ / Here's our proposed "new normal": [...] 3. An
International Criminal Court trial in The Hague with
indicted George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Dick Cheney, Donald
Rumsfeld and all their neo-con advisers and facilitators
in the docket. \ \

We also need a massive overhaul in Our news channel
prioritizing, including to add censorship free, open line
public communications. Done to gain value in learning
from the art of conversations. We need still to
appreciate the values of a free society where Justice is
above all, the measure of our success to communicate
openly. It's like we, the TV'ed People, aren't even alive
enough to care we're treating ourselves unjustly; by the
rich TV peepals having no reflecting concern, about what
you or me with the poor dead soldiers truly think about
further dying victims enslaved by the intellect of the
demon antichrist, Our Mr. bush Jr.. I demand CNN, CBC,
and FOXNews explain themselves on why they have forbidden
America's Sons and Daughters to learn from the FBI: Ahmad
funded 911's Atta. Why do they not care for US soldiers
suffering losses to life I ask you seriously? People are
actually really dying for the bushmobs lies. While were
told were doubtful on forming any conclusive conclusion
about definitely supporting evidence to form our
decisions about something so serious as waging war on the
backs of the who cares dying poor. Bastards. Ozzy rules.


Fatal Strikes: Israels Indiscriminate Attacks Against
Civilians in Lebanon



I'd like to nominate DemocracyNow.org for some kind of
award regarding this news broadcast. Only one of many
others, that provide us a dedicated production to values
in respect for ourselves, the interested party.

Democracy Now


Human Rights Watch has fully documented crimes against
Christ by Nazi Israel. IDF Nazi commanders must be
arrested, tried, then executed for their war crimes
against our Humanity.

They, the Zionist pirates of Israel, the nazi antiJew
enemies of God's Creation, have targeted the innocent
Peoples of Lebanon with willful indiscriminate attacks
using land mine cluster duds, and hundreds of tons of
radio-active toxic waste that will suffer our Humanity
with cancers in the region for millions of years. Please,
I beg, I plead you to support my calls for Justice
regarding the antiJew bushite losers. The criminal
actions of the Pentagon's re-arming of the zionist
neocons, are crimes against us, the Peoples of the Jew,
and I demand a voice for our grievances. Now.

A Just cause can be achieved where it is practiced. Join
me in joining others to this masquerade of wonders, and
then let's get the work that needs to be done to make
ourselves better. We need a coast to coast radio
broadcast where we can talk directly on what needs to be
done to end the stupid man wars, and also, assist in the
direction of making the arrests of those responsible for
the terrorist crime cover ups of 911, and other things
outstanding. Just do it.


ISRAELI Labor MK: Stop fighting at once


/ / "I don't want to get into it," he said. "Don't drag
me into the political battlefield. There were pressures
applied via the media. Writers, and I don't know who sent
them or who gave them the moral authority to push the
fighting, said that Hizbullah must be defeated. First of
all, Hizbullah won't be defeated, and second, it can't be
done in three days," said Yatom, who served as head of
the Mossad in the past. \ \




Largest US Church says Bush behind 9/11


A Just God

Again, it's the most wicked evil I've ever heard of.
"These kind of situations are completely untrue." And
yet, no they're not. They just say that, and expect YOU
to fall into doubt.

A Real One of All Things - Terrorism by the Bush Administration




Again, I will remind all admirable soldiers and police
officers: CNN, CBC, and FOXNews has forbidden our truths
to be broadcast

in support of Justice for ourselves. WTC7. Zionist
corporate medias are deliberately working to mislead our
kids to have them willingly sacrifice their lives in
further support of the real terrorists that committed the
crimes of 911.


IDF Nazi general: Troops lacking food can steal from Lebanese stores





/ / This has led to fiery rhetoric on the part of
Hezbollah and its supporters, which has been exploited by
Israel and the United States to paint Hezbollah as an
organization dedicated to the destruction of Israel.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Hezbollah has
stated that its goals are the removal of all Israeli
forces from Lebanon, the Golan Heights and the return of
Palestinian refugees to Palestine. Hezbollah also
continues to demand the release of Lebanese and
Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails, some of whom
have been imprisoned for nearly 20 years. It was the
prisoner issue that led to the most recent outbreak of
violence between Israel and Hezbollah. \ \


/ / Events since escalated into a mass conflagration when
Hezbollah resistance fighters captured (again, not
"kidnapped") two IDF soldiers who apparently illegally
crossed the UN-monitored "blue line" into Lebanon as
they've routinely done almost daily after withdrawing
from the country in May, 2000. \ \


/ / But the whole of Isaiah 58 is a reminder that God
requires charitability and respect for all people,
especially the less fortunate. It is clear that the State
of Israel is not the same as the spiritual Kingdom of
Israel promised to believers regardless of their ethnic
background. \ \

Four short clips of things Americans never see on TV

/ / It wasn't and someone with courage ran it on TV - in
Israel. Then, thanks to Canada, it was aired in North
America. You will never see it on a US network \ \

/ / Shortly after 9/11, Odigo was taken over by Comverse
Technology, another Israeli company. Within a year, five
executives from Comverse were reported to have profited
by more than $267 million from "insider trading." \ \

Shelters for Jews, None for Israel's Arab Citizens

/ / ..the well-known Israeli historian Benny Morris
acknowledged in a 2004 interview with the Israeli daily
Haaretz, "A Jewish state would not have come into being
without the uprooting of 700,000 Palestinians. Therefore,
it was necessary to uproot them. There was no choice but
to expel that population. It was necessary to cleanse the
hinterland and cleanse the border areas and cleanse the
main roads." \ \

Cleanse Humanity of our Humanity for the ungodly zionist
anti-Jew Love hater.

/ / obtained by The Nation, reveals that Blackwater
included profit in its overhead and its total costs,
which would result "not only in a duplication of profit
but a pyramiding of profit since in effect Blackwater is
applying profit to profit." The audit also found that the
company tried to inflate its profits by representing
different Blackwater divisions as wholly separate
companies. \ \

/ / Cluster bombs, incidentally, are only illegal when
used against civilians, not against military targets. And
since Israel has declared that there are no civilians in
southern Lebanon anymore, the problem is solved. \ \


911 war criminal Condoleezza Rice 'no cease-fire against
the innocent'

Reason to rid Condoleezza Rice for our decision making

/ / "We are very afraid from all the bombings," said
Ramadan, a 12-year-old boy in the park. "I hope they
stop. This is all we want now." \ \

/ / "We left our house because they are bombing
everything in the civilian neighborhoods," she told IPS.
"They are killing all our children. What human would ever
do this kind of thing?" \ \

911 war criminal Condoleezza Rice 'no cease-fire against
the innocent'


George Galloway Blasts Sky News as a Pro Zionist Media


/ / Al-Mash'hadani accused the American forces of
standing behind terrorist attacks in Iraq, saying: "The
occupation is the first and last cause of the problem, it
has overthrown the [former] regime without a plan, it has
suppressed the state with no reason, it has led to the
resistance and it has infiltrated it, it has brought
Al-Qaeda to Iraq..." After approving the statement that
"American occupation troops stand behind some of the
terrorist attacks," he described today's Iraq as
"Americastan." \ \


Bush said. "Millions of Lebanese civilians have been
caught in the [indiscriminate] crossfire of military
operations because of the unprovoked attack and
kidnappings by Hezbollah."

It is Israel who instigated this war with lawlessness,
and keeps it going by refusing cease-fire, to murder the
godly and innocent as enemies of God's Creation.


Israeli children sending gifts of hatred

I beg armed American men, to hunt religiously ungodly
zionist bushite nazi vermins to save the lives of our
precious loved ones.


They go, "Yah, but we were elected.", yah, but you didn't
tell us you were going to be a traitor when you took


/ / ``Defense officials told the Post last week that they
were receiving indications from the US that [bushite]
America would be interested in seeing [Nazi] Israel
attack [Syria] Syria,'' the newspaper reported. [for some
whatever never tried negotiation 'unattainable'.] \ \




"Hizbullah is not anti-Jewish. I repeat, they are not anti-Jewish."



On The Zionist Israeli Nazi Liar

No democracy or religion is going to vote in rights
inferior to the supreme nazi zionist enemy. A "Jewish
State" is a State where all GODLY people are treated
equally with respect and honor. As according to Hillel.
That is not the practiced tyrannies of the zionist
Israeli liar, therefore Israel is not a Jewish State.
John has spoken in our own image, while Israel continues
to victimize the innocent unjustly.

Enemy of the Jew Israel, demon liars who kidnapped
innocent people prior to beginning these most recent
ISRAELI war crimes against Humanity in Lebanon, has
repeatedly committed UNGODLY acts of first degree murder
by TERRORISM. In Qana, we say, they have footage, shot
from GROUND LEVEL at about 356 yards from the event, that
someone unknown shot from that sovereign area somewhere a
rocket at sometime, nowhere near where they admit
deliberately hitting our children with bombs. So? Demon
enemy zionists say, Hezbollah is present in Lebanon as a
proven liberating force that brought about true
democracy, while opening schools and hospitals that
served everyone equally. So? Death to the zionist nazi
Jew haters for killing OUR God's LOVED children with
their blatant DEMON LIES. The twenty plus Syrian farmers
that zionists say were top secretly weapons dealers
worthy of first degree murder, we say, G-d says, zionist
LIARS are enemies to Freedom and America. Now, antiGod
Israel is bombing dense residential districts without
even bothering to warn anyone, while barbarically,
trumpeting unchallenged on CNN, CBC, and FOXnews on how
despicable their terrorists acts are of indiscriminate
amerikan zionist nazi celeb, who states those crimes
don't deserve war crime trials followed by the RIGHTFUL
public executions of OUR ungodly enemies. Death to the
bushite, death to the enemies of Jewery. FOXNews is
clearly to all, an enemy of America. FOXNews looks to
deceive "Marines" who don't have the intellect to defend
America from 911's bushmob. Ask the "lawless" demon
enemies of Creation what is a crime anyway? Targeting
cars?, apartment buildings?, power plants? ASK THEM!
Look, what good are U.N. forces if they're not prepared
to defend the innocent of Lebanon? Nazi zionists don't
provide evidence, because we all know they're thieves and
liars as the primary function of their illegitimate
existence. When the multinational forces come in, are
they going to hunt down the ungodly purveyors of
injustice and lawlessness? We can only hope the King of
the Jews, Johnny Wizard rules - forever and always,

Trial for Treason to Sean Hannity for alleging HIS lie
again, that Iran states the Holocaust never happened.

FOXNews "We read all your email." (realize this con.)


/ / But who talks of the Israeli abduction of a
Palestinian doctor and his brother from Gaza that led to
the eventual capture of these soldiers? Who even bothers
to mention the fact that 10,000 Palestinian prisoners
languish in Israeli jails? \ \

The UN resolution doesn't contain wording to include the
kidnapped innocent People ungodly Israel holds captive,
for Bolton's UN, doesn't want to the truth to come out
that Israel's attack against God was/is completely
unjustified. This didn't start with the capturing of
criminal IDF antiJews on lebanon soil, it started when
Israel victimized the innocent to steal or torture from
US as the ungodly. A free democacy doesn't vote to
victimize themselves as the enemy. Zionist nazi holocaust
deniers do though as enemies of the Jewish State of
Israel To-day.


/ / Look, CNN, CBC, and FOXNews KNOWS the bushmob did
911, [VIDEO of WTC7 is forbidden on all OUR corporate
news broadcasts] and will smile to us ALL while lying to
American Soldiers who die cowardly as teenage dumfuks for

the satanic neocon LIAR enemies of God. \ \

American Commanding General Casey has pronounced that
American Marines are now on the hunt for those who run
death squads in Iraq. Aegis. P2OG. Aegis is remember, a
rumsfeld favorite to, down and around through
destabilizing the region, death squad American Marines
too for huge financial profit at their made purposefully
costly failures, paid for by Foxnewzed American citizens
who rightly, just don't know any better about the
murderous war profiteering tactic of truly demonic enemy
savages. Hoar-yah. Death to the bushite, death to our


/ / So do some others: Iraq is slipping towards a civil
war which could see the division of the country,
Britain's outgoing ambassador in Baghdad has warned the
government. \ \

Poppycock. The terrorist attacks are almost always done
indiscriminately in support of the enemy bushmob
continuing. Killing Marines. Oh well, who really cares
anyway, right? They killed more of US, than they of them.

/ / Trust me please. CNN, CBC, and FOXNews corporate
managements know, bush and the neocons did 911, but as
the contemptibly ungodly, it's only YOUR LIFE they are
willing to sadistically sacrifice for more criminal ill
gotten gains as the TRULY Satanic. \ \


911 Bush "We must bring Justice to those who would attack

/ / Everyone in southern Lebanon is a terrorist and is
connected to Hezbollah, roared Israeli Justice Minister
Haim Ramon on July 27. \ \

No, Israeli Justice Minister Haim Ramon is a nazi war
criminal, who will be tried for execution publicly by US,
the Kings and Queens of Jewishness. Makes you think what
other crimes against G-D zionist nazi Haim Ramon is a
part of in the UNJUST cover ups eh?

No democracy or religion is going to vote in rights
inferior to the supreme nazi zionist enemy. A "Jewish
State" is a State where all GODLY people are treated
equally with respect and honor. As according to Hillel.
That is not the practiced tyrannies of the zionist
Israeli liar, therefore Israel is not a Jewish State.
John has spoken in our own image, while Israel continues
to victimize the innocent unjustly.


A enemy bushite terrorist threatens to kill a waking
American Patriot Warrior.

/ / One of them, a Sgt. Raymond Girouard, has been
accused by Private First Class Bradley Mason of
threatening him before he testified about the May 9
incident: "If you say anything, I'll kill you." \ \

Easily kill the ENEMY bushite instead my brave American
Patriot Brothers. Do it for America, God and Christ as
Love is worth defending. Rapists and torturers will not
be classified "lawless" by the ungodly bush regime of
rapists and torturers.



/ / "There were no questions posed to him about
communication problems between police and firefighters in
the towers, or why New York City had its emergency
response command center in World Trade Center 7 after the
complex had been the target of the 1993 terrorist
attack," they wrote. \ \

The Emergency Response Command Center in WTC7? Don't let
these enemies of America escape the wrath of the American
Patriot MEDIA Warrior, the TRUE, the JUST, AND THE FREE.
How can not someone there then, be made aware that
explosives are being set throughout the bushite building
of emergent questions on commanding, could be secretly
coming, terrorist response times? blink.. blink. How much
longer must we wait, while rumsfeld sends more Americans
out to die further running Johnny's America from 911 as
cowards? I am braver than brave, and stronger than
strong. I've been called allot of things, but cowardly
like bushite amerka goes, is a path I will not tread
willingly into bushite slavedum. It is Justice I lay
claim to defend, my rights to not be denied Freedom for
this shared world, as a gift worth everything I am as a
living righteous human being. Corporate America might go
willingly to except no Justice for themselves regarding
911, but I won't ever. For, that wouldn't be just
cowardly treasonous, as ungodly behavior, but what could
also be, dead to themselves for not loving Creation as
freedom is our Humanity. You can hate me, but to hate
working for Justice in a dying world, is a dead end road
leading further into a lawless tyranny of losers losing.
Being cheated further down to watching for corporate news
America to die again some 'other' unknown unjustly, not
spoken for as a real person who was truly cared for. Then
it's over.

Be a winner! Talk to Winnipeg!! Bravo!!!

The 911 terrorists must be arrested to save ourselves
from misery. American pleads for Justice fall on deaf
ears censored by our fascistic national media channels
because 'they', 20 or 30 guys, claim we're not at all
listening to what they haven't officially allowed
considerable for our important life and death decision
broadcasts - involving US surviving with their refusals
to live up to Our expectations.

Freedom is Justice.


/ / Gillerman, at a pro-Israel rally in New York,
thundered, To those countries who claim that we are using
disproportionate force, I have only this to say: Youre
damn right we are. \ \

God, my friends, please support our calls for justice
against the true 911 perpetrators.

"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in

(BIG SNP get the full version!?)


"I stress that I have not carried out this act, which
appears to have been carried out by individuals with
their own motivation. ... I have already said that I am
not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United
States. ... I had no knowledge of these attacks."


The Benderman Cause

A Canadian Soldier's Life Held in Contempt - The Verdict

LET IT BE KNOWN - Propagandized stupider than the fates
will allow

Realize, CNN and CBC have received this post, yet,
continue to treasonously lie to dying soldier families.

Nazi Israel - The Judgment of Jesus

Unjust as they are ungodly, bushites are our enemies

I BEG America to hunt down and Prosecute George W. Bush - ATTENTION:
All admirable soldiers and police officers - Realize, CNN and CBC have
received this post, yet, continue to treasonously lie to dying soldier

It was great. That was a God moment, and the corporations don't want
you to see God moments like that, because it truly illustrated how
much THEY pay..

Christ Returns: Innocent American to be 'legally' murdered by death

How Far Will An Iraqi Kid Run For Water? - A good bushite, is a dead
bushite, halted from victimizing our innocent selves.

American Patriot Answers the Call to Jihad - Christ Wars Bushite
Enemies for the Love of our Living God

Blame a zionist for the criminal offences he or she is
personally responsible for as the guilty party, and the
'escaping' zionist claims through corporate 'for profit' media mind
control, your blaming Israel as an anti-Semite.
Iron Man
2007-01-01 04:04:50 UTC

"The truth of that matter is, if you listen carefully, Saddam would
be in power if he were the president of the United States, and the
would be a lot better off."
–George W. Bush


America, the ungodly



/ / Yes, those words coming from the man who’s decided the
only way to turn things around in Iraq is by sending in more
troop. Despite being told by the Joint Chiefs, Colin Powell
and the man running the Iraq war, General Abizaid, that
sending more troops to Iraq would only get more Americans
killed Now, seeming to confirm his opponent’s worst suspicions
that this president does not value the opinions of those with
whom he disagrees, Mr. Bush has now decided to go it alone in
Iraq against the wishes of his allies, against the desires of
his fellow countrymen, and yes, even against the advice of his
own generals. \ \

The demon enemy of America, Our Mr. bush Jr., responsible for
911, creates hope in God that honorable men of this Earth,
will assist the Humans in hunting to kill bushite enemy
terrorists who support torturing and thieving from US, the
godly as innocent. Every time we hear of another bushite
death, god celebrates OUR wins over the ungodly demon
antichrist forces. Death to the bushite, death to our enemies
who murder innocent people with LIES against GOD.

/ / The Crown would suggest her ignorance on such subjects is
irrelevant to her case against me, for those children's lives,
and others like them, are not who she is working to protect.
So, where I demand is a crime against our real God occurring I
ask the hiding in darkness Crown to explain herself publicly
in the light of these proceedings to our Honorable Lord. \ \



Let it be known, that the senior management national news
reducers of CBC and CNN, know full well, they would rather
watch American Soldiers die as the thieving bad guys, than to
defend God's America by reporting that the demon enemy George
W. Bush, and his business partner General Ahmad, committed
the terrorist acts of 9/11, along with Rumsfeld, Rice, Cheney,
and Myers.

We shall, start there, and continue on until we've nabbed
every last treasonous culprit found at the ends of the ample
crimes scene leads. Propagandized stupider than the fates
will allow, an American is universally recognizing itself as
an enemy to their own cowardly dying selves. For, my friend,
America's America will not stand undefended with these beliefs
of mine I give freely. Soldiers along with honorable Police
officers I would ask, to bravely/politely demand our time
on national broadcasts for the spoken defense of Justice for
America. For, Johnny wants to debate the bushite publicly on
the validity of the Iraq war, considering that it has no true
justifiable cause. Meaning: all stolen revenues will be
returned to the Iraqi people, with interest, paid for by those
responsible for stealing it. Justice Johnny has now
officially arrived on the scene to hunt bushite down to the
ends of life - to teach'em with kind words, or the other way
with graver sentences handed down by us believers in freedom
from tyranny. Hint: Don't fuck with the real People of God
who are refusing to take more chances with enemy bushite
neo-con bullshit. An innocent person shall not be imprisoned
in my name, nor shall they be tortured, robbed, or murdered.
Bushite enemies that don't like that arrangement, we arrest,
try, and if convicted on the war crime capital offenses of
first degree mass murder, such as we will find regarding
Mattis, Blount, Russell, and Sattler, Allawi and Doud, then,
and only then, we together will joyously have them publicly
executed for the good of the entire human species. In the
name of Jesus, Allah has spoken for life in which all are
granted equal privilege to love with everything we are
together alone with the stars. Death to the ungodly bushite,
instead of the innocent they target for plunder with
treasonous lies as a betrayal to our real names. God and the
Great America.


Realize, CNN and CBC have received this post, yet, continue to
lie to dying soldiers for the unholy benefit of the enemy

The "Shock and Awe" Gallery©

/ / "The children seem to be the most openly enthused.
They are getting a chance at a future the likes of which
would never have been possible under the oppressive
regime..." \ \


When we cancel other people's human rights, we cancel our own.

= Highwater =


The Verdict

The Winnipeg Police Department is running a fencing operation
out of their "Exploitation" Unit. Disclosed by a current
serving officer in the Unit during the preliminary. In one
case used as an example, a law abiding Winnipeg business owner
had 50,000 dollars worth of business equipment stolen, and if
he wanted it back, he would have to make costly "legal"
efforts through a corrupted Justice system in Winnipeg that
holds Canadian Soldiers in complete contempt by "Law". The
Crown has not only refusing to co-operate with defending
Winnipeg citizenry, in relationship to the, National problem
of fencing through bad lawed Police action operations, and the
lotteries [information forwarded in part by the elected
Premier of our Province], but also, in respect to our
sacrificing soldiers. Soldiers who Canada now knows without
shadow of doubt, are being maliciously propagandized through
the corporate mouth pieces of the most heinous war criminal of
history, the ungodly enemy of Creation responsible for
instituting the terrorist crimes of 9/11. Obstructing Justice
by aiding and abetting the terrorist crimes of first degree
mass murder in New York City is suppose to be a serious
offence in Canada. So, as treasonous to Canadian Liberty, the
Crown in my case is refusing to have the police chief, or
other Crowns look into this matter. [I suggested by my Court
motion to our Court system to consider contacting another
office from a different province perhaps.] While the Judge,
publicly for the Winnipeg record, agreed to side with the
Crown instead, without stating the whys - that Justice for
Canada would not be served under his rule on my suggestion.
Just put a soldier in prison if they should dare stand up in
defense with their lives for Canada is what this unjust case,
yet to be reported on by our national press, is turning out to
be actually. I would ask you once again, to please make some
effort to get on local Winnipeg Radio, or Coast to Coast to
plead for some defense on this matter of morality. You know,
this Freedom thing does involve you too. So, George Norrie
and the rest of you lot, listen, I think you've made some
horrible judgment calls, and I'm asking you now, to live up
to your responsibilities to my America, and invite me on for
free discussions on these matters.

All I want is to challenge the man.



A Soldier's Life Held in Contempt

The way I see it, is that I am completely documented correct
on who was responsible for the terrorist crimes of 9/11. I
have my own theories on why our media and police services have
failed our Soldiers by refusing to support my cause directly
thus far, but I am far without hope.

I believe the failures of me gaining direct wide support
through our police services and the Court of Queen's Bench, is
much more so for fear of uncertainty, and lack of leadership,
than a general, across the board support of furthering Bush's
war crime sprees by going still silent while Canadian soldiers
are left forsaken. I speak out publicly often regarding the
911 evidence in America, and email campaigns of my writings,
done for public recognition, I'm told, continue to swell to
near epic proportions. Intelligence officers the world over
most certainly know of my position on this matter. Those who
may support the fight for Bush rule in our police services,
can mostly only do so, risking in dishonorable blind personal
fear of the great unknown I figure. And, crazy as this may
sound, I believe there is a spooky cool God, for I'm walking a
groove most all of the time.

The affidavit that starts "1. National Security Issues" was
submitted in conjunction with my motion to request assistance
from the Court. The additional paper "Stand Together or
Don't", was an added part of the same affidavit.

The affidavit with 38 positions was submitted with the two
motions, "Order of Production" and "for the Crown to Stay
Proceedings". Duplicate copies of the same affidavit were
submitted in each respect.



"Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage contradicted
Rice's claim that the White House had a strategy before Sept.
11 for military operations against al Qaeda and the Taliban."

This indicates that with the foreknowledge gained through
prior experiences of Muslim fundamentalists, such as the
Taliban, being forbidden by their religion [Jihad] to
persecute the innocent, left the Bush Administration with only
needing to do, and had officially done, was to use no evidence
to back up allegations to insure invasion plans, and as a
result, a deliberate treasonous criminal strategy to not
follow the crime scene leads at the real murder scene to nab
to true evil doers. For otherwise - spoil the top secret


/ / In another characteristic incident, Bush asserted, as he
has repeatedly, that any decision on withdrawal of American
troops from Iraq "will be made by military commanders, not by
politicians in Washington DC." Congressional Republicans gave
a standing ovation to this remark, which amounts to a
declaration that, in the war for "freedom" and "democracy" in
Iraq, there is no room for such trifles as control over the
military by the civilian authorities, and subordination of
decisions on war and peace to the democratic will of the
American people. \ \

Exactly. The demon enemy of life itself, Our Mr. bush Jnr.,
who publicly parades his contempt for freedom and God, must
be stopped for all costs, that include for sure, your own
as reader.

Realize, CNN and CBC have received this post, yet, continue to
lie to dying soldiers for the benefit of the enemy neo-con.



These are the motions than were filed on behalf of Johnny
Wizard's defense in Winnipeg. A man arrested for threatening the
continuing existence of the lawless demon anti-Christ, Our Mr.
bush Jnr. The demon nazi who murdered thousands in New York
City as God's enemy. I, beg and plead my case to ALL that
will listen. The tyrannies of suffering on our God happen
when good people go silent in the face of evil. Please do not
forsake all that is good within yourself, by leaving my call
unheard from.


/ / Color me naive, but when I hear talk of cages, detention
and/or concentration camps, my mind usually wonders in devious
directions. I haven't seen anywhere in history where detention
centers and so forth were used as freedom enhancing tools.
View this anyway you wish, but do so at your own peril. \ \




I, Johnny Wizard, in the city of Winnipeg, Province of Manitoba


Pakistani ISI Director General Ahmad orders an aide to wire
transfer about $100,000 to hijacker Atta. Ahmad later resigns
after the transfer is disclosed in India and confirmed by the
FBI. [Dawn, 10/8/01, Times of India, 10/9/01, Wall Street
Journal, 10/10/01, AFP, 10/10/01] The individual who makes the
wire transfer at Ahmad's direction is Saeed Sheikh, later
convinced for kidnapping and murdering reporter Daniel Pearl
in February 2002. ABC News later reports, "federal
authorities have told ABC News they've now tracked more than
$100,000 from banks in Pakistan to two banks in Florida to
accounts held by suspected hijack ringleader Mohamed Atta."
[ABC News, 9/30/01] CNN also reports the $100,000 transfer,
and the New York Times specifies that it came in 2000. [CNN,
10/1/01, CNN, 10/6/01, New York Times, 7/10/02] Ahmad's order
must have preceded June 2000, since that's when Atta and
others started opening bank accounts and receiving the money
($109,910 is received by Atta and Marwan Alshehhi between June
19 and September 18). [MSNBC, 12/11/01]


On March 3, 2002, MSNBC's Jim Miklaszewski reported that he
had received anonymously, top secret presidential war strategy
documents dated September 9th, 2001, originating from
Condolezza's office, outlining a strategy to invade
Afghanistan premised on blaming bin Laden a terrorist, but
providing no evidence to back up the allegations, thereby
guaranteeing criminal invasion. Only workable if Laden pleads
innocence to a crime that hadn't yet taken place, a crime
serious enough to "justify" sacrificing American GIs truly for
a liquefied natural gas pipe line for pension thieving Enron.
["The Dahbol Working Group" and Bridas] Any evidence for any
offense would have been sufficient to have Muslim
fundamentalists hand Laden immediately over, as they had
offered [as others of other nations had also] repeatedly
during the Clinton years.

CBC and CNN have still, to this day, consciously refused to do
any follow up on the intelligence, deciding instead on behalf
of dying people everywhere, our public devolvement of a just


RTÉ News - US rejects Taliban bin Laden evidence calls
21 September 2001 17:41

The White House has rejected requests from Afghanistan's
ruling Taliban for proof that Osama bin Laden was responsible
for last week's attacks. According to the US Secretary of
State, Colin Powell, the United States has enough evidence to
try bin Laden in an American court.

The US Government said there would be no negotiations.


[This following document was the official damning account]

Responsibility for the terrorist atrocities in the United States
4 October 2001

[This Internet Domain is Britain's Prime Minister's]

"This document does not purport to provide a prosecutable case
against Usama Bin Laden in a court of law."

The document doesn't hold ANY case, as that was the strategy.... See?


Investigating the Investigation

After playing a tape of Cheney's statement, Russert asked
Daschle, "Did the vice president call you and urge you not to
investigate the events of Sept. 11?" Daschle flatly
contradicted Cheney: "Yes, he did, Tim, on Jan. 24, and then
on Jan. 28 the president himself at one of our breakfast
meetings repeated the request."

...."[T]hat request was made" by Cheney not only on Jan. 24
and by Mr. Bush four days later, but "on other dates
following" as well.


ABCNEWS.com : FBI Called off Terror Investigations

Two veteran FBI investigators say they were ordered to stop
investigations into a suspected terror cell linked to Osama
bin Laden's al Qaeda network and the Sept. 11 attacks...

`You Will Not Open Criminal Investigations'


October 9 2001 - The Times of India

"While the Pakistani Inter Services Public Relations claimed
that former ISI [the "Pakistani CIA"] director-general Lt-Gen
Mahmud Ahmad sought retirement after being superseded on
Monday, the truth is more shocking. Top sources confirmed
here on Tuesday that the general lost his job because of the
"evidence" India produced to show his links to one of the
suicide bombers that wrecked the World Trade Center. The U.S.
authorities sought his removal after confirming the fact that
$100,000 were wired to WTC hijacker Mohammed Atta from
Pakistan by Ahmad Umar Sheikh [Omar Saeed] at the instance of
General Mahmud [Ahmad]. Senior government sources have
confirmed that India contributed significantly to establishing
the link between the money transfer and the role played by the
dismissed ISI chief. While they did not provide details, they
said that Indian inputs, including [Omar Saeed's] mobile phone
number, helped the FBI in tracing and establishing the link."


No evidence was brought against Laden for nine eleven, none.
[So according to Bush's official top secret Presidential
directives] While Laden himself claimed he played no part in
911. Still, to save the lives of third worlders on the brink
of starvation, Laden agreed to hand himself over, but Bush
refused the offer, while CBC and CNN denied to report on that
fact for the behalf of now dying dismembered American GIs.
Once the indiscriminate bombing began, targeting almost every
building in the country of Afghanistan, Laden then claimed he
had no choice but to fight back to defend US innocent from the
ungodly enemies of Creation/Freedom. Then the clear to all
fake video came out with an actor who's face wasn't even close
to looking remotely like Laden, but for almost the facial
hair. [Bridge of the Jamaican actor's nose is HALF as long in
proportion to Laden's for example, and surely frightfully
shocking for some, the actor doesn't even take blame for 911
either!] Photos comparing the two faces never aired on CBC and
CNN available in about twelve seconds with the power of the


former FBI deputy director and murder victim John O'Neill

"the main obstacles to investigating Islamic terrorism were
U.S. oil corporate interests and the role played by Saudi


Alex Jones interviewing Former German Defense Minister Andreas Von

"Bush signed W199I months before 911 ordering the FBI not to
stop Al-Qaeda. They threatened to arrest FBI agent Robert
Wright if he tells us what he knows."


Mr. Bush was quoted somewhere regarding Mr. Laden's guilt of
complete innocence with "We don't need any evidence, we know
he's guilty."



" [FBI's] Edmonds concluded that documents clearly showed that
the Sept. 11 hijackers were in the country and plotting to
use airplanes as missiles. She said documents also included
information relating to their financial activities. "


The honorable Argentinean oil company Bridas' relationship can
not be understated as the Bush Administration's primary motive
on criminal invasion of Afghanistan to save his biggest
corporate backers, the American pension thieving Enron.
From "An American demands the truth from you" by Karl W. B. Schwarz
" I demand to know what energy companies were in that Cheney
Energy Task Force meeting and what discussions there were as
to the steps that would be taken to remove the Taliban and
Bridas Corporation as the last remaining obstacle to the
United States controlling the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline. I
met that company in 1999 and have known since then about the
Bridas v Unocal, $15 billion interference of contract lawsuit
in US District Court, Southern District of Texas. I also know
about the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals decision on September
9, 2003 that upheld the Bridas $500 million arbitration
settlement and the March 22, 2004 denial of Writ of Certiorari
at the United States Supreme Court, Case 03-1018, Turkmenneft
v Bridas."

From "Fresh Memories of War" by Kandea Mosley, The Ithaca Journal (New
York), 25 May 2002:

"We were told there were no friendly forces," said [Army
Private Matt] Guckenheimer, an assistant gunner with the 10th
Mountain Division at Fort Drum. "If there was anybody there,
they were the enemy. We were told specifically that if there
were women and children to kill them."


Quote from "A Dossier on Civilian Victims of United States' Aerial
Bombing of
Afghanistan: A Comprehensive Accounting"

by Professor Marc W. Herold Ph.D., M.B.A., B.Sc.
Departments of Economics and Women's Studies McConnell Hall
Whittemore School of Business & Economics University of New Hampshire

When U.S warplanes strafed [with AC-130 gunships] the farming
village of Chowkar- Karez, 25 miles north of Kandahar on
October 22-23rd,killing at least 93 civilians, a Pentagon
official said, "the people there are dead because we wanted
them dead." The reason? They sympathized with the Taliban.1
When asked about the Chowkar incident, Rumsfeld replied, "I
cannot deal with that particular village."



"American troops today admitted they routinely gun down Iraqi
civilians - some of whom are entirely innocent.

And in an admission that directly contrasts with the line
coming out from the Pentagon's spin doctors Specialist
Corporal Michael Richardson added: "There was no dilemma when
it came to shooting people who were not in uniform, I just
pulled the trigger."

The Crown would argue this issue isn't in her jurisdiction,
however, it is in mine as a expressive communicator fighting
for freedom from real tyranny. An irrational tyranny that
only stands exercised by corporate "news bite" censorship, and
false imprisonments. An American Prosecutor put Sergeant
Benderman in prison for refusing to kill God's children. Now,
what do you really think America would do, if "they" knew that


Bush demands total impunity on the war crimes he is personally
responsible for




"Marines said the men fired on them. A senior officer said
they had no weapons, but that with shots coming in the men
were legitimate targets because they ran."



CAIR also wants the Pentagon to investigate a photograph
circulating the Internet of two Iraqi boys and a U.S.
soldier. A smiling soldier stands besides the two boys who
are giving a "thumbs up" sign, as one of boys holds a sign
written in English that reads, "Lcpl Boudreaux killed my Dad,
th[en] he knocked up my sister!"

(Link to photo: http://www.cair-net.org/images/lcpl11.jpg)


Guardian Wednesday 7, 2001 - "FBI claims bin Laden inquiry was
[this story was on Bush's top secret W199i directive]

This information would take a well paid intelligence officer,
or CBC reporter no more that thirty seconds to look for follow
ups. For, I know, the BBC did also a national news report on


INTERVIEWER: Are you aware that this tank is contaminated with

SOLDIER: No, it isn't radioactive.

INTERVIEWER: But we have measured it.

SOLDIER: No, it isn't radioactive, not this tank.

"Basra is on a river," he noted. "A DU shell poisons the
water in a river. It poisons the grasses and the grains. It
sinks into the ground and poisons the water table. When it
gets into the body, it does incredible damage. The
combination of radioactivity and heavy metal toxicity is such
that it affects the DNA in such a way that you get genetic

[thousands of tons of measured radio-active toxic waste, heavy
metals, oxidized to microscopic particles as small as a tenth
of a micron have been deposited in our airspace, however, CBC
and CNN have refused to inform ourselves on the scientifically
measurable extremely serious health concern issue..]


Justice Department lawyer John Yoo, "In the exercise of his
plenary power to use military force," Yoo insisted, "the
President's decisions are for him alone and are unreviewable."
Yoo was also quoted recently on CBC national news report
regarding the torturing of innocent people to death, to state
something like "President Bush doesn't have to justify his
opinions to Canada or even to the United States for that


The incriminating FBI email dated 22 May 2004, indicates that
Bush personally
signed off on certain interrogation techniques in an executive order."
(See original at


U.S. deserter 'didn't want to have to kill babies'

"Mr. House will argue that American soldiers are guilty of
war crimes and that forcing Mr. Hinzman to fight in Iraq
would have made him a war criminal.

He will call as a witness former U.S. Marine Staff Sergeant
Jimmy Massey, who is expected to testify that he and other
soldiers shot more than 30 unarmed Iraqis, including women and
a six-year-old child, at a U.S. military checkpoint."



that a clandestine military task force in Iraq was beating
detainees, ordering Defense Intelligence Agency debriefers out
of the room during questioning, confiscating evidence of the
abuse and intimidating the debriefers when they complained."



A sacked CIA official is reportedly suing the agency for
allegedly retaliating against him for refusing to falsify his
reports on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction to support the
White House's pre-war position.


``I was faced with being deployed to Iraq to do what the
infantry does, kill people, and I had no justification for
doing so,'' he testified. ``This was a criminal war. Any act
of violence in an unjustified conflict is an atrocity.''


Williams's squad stopped a dump truck, and an Iraqi climbed
out. "Light him up!" the sergeant ordered, according to
testimony, and the squad opened fire, killing the unarmed man.
Williams and a squadmate reportedly got into an argument over
which of them had scored Company C's first kill.


It gets worse. We already knew about the Franklin County,
Ohio, precinct that tallied 4,258 votes for Bush when only 638
people had actually voted.



Israeli Soldiers Going In For The Kill: A 13 year old
Palestinian [JEWISH] school girl is about to die

"It's a little girl. She's running defensively eastwards, a
girl of about 10. She's behind the embankment, scared to

"Anyone who's mobile, moving in the zone, even if it's a
three-year-old, needs to be killed."


US forces unleashed more than 20 air strikes and some 60
artillery rounds on Monday, said Major Todd Desgrosseilliers.
[...] An AFP reporter in the Jolan district said one building
in every 10 had been flattened. As US-led troops closed in on
the neighborhood overnight, at least four 900-kilogram bombs
were dropped in the city's northwest.

[destructive radius of a 900-kilogram bomb is half a
kilometer, and all TRUE accounts of death rates for Fallujah
alone, a city where the population was forbidden to leave,
exceed two hundred thousand innocent souls.]


The Bush Administration
In rush to defend White House, Rice trips over own words
Friday, March 26 @ 10:12:40 EST

By Walter Pincus and Dana Milbank, San Francisco Chronicle

"Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage contradicted
Rice's claim that the White House had a strategy before Sept.
11 for military operations against al Qaeda and the Taliban.
The CIA contradicted Rice's earlier assertion that Bush had
requested a CIA briefing in the summer of 2001 because of
elevated terrorist threats. And Rice's assertion this week
that Bush had told her on Sept. 16, 2001, that "Iraq is to
the side" appeared to be contradicted by an order signed by
Bush on Sept. 17 directing the Pentagon to begin planning
military options for an invasion of Iraq."

[ And...]


"Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage contradicted
Rice's claim that the White House had a strategy before Sept.
11 for military operations against al Qaeda and the Taliban."

This indicates that with the foreknowledge gained through
prior experiences of Muslim fundamentalists, such as the
Taliban, being forbidden by their religion [Jihad] to
persecute the innocent, left the Bush Administration with only
needing to do, and had officially done, was to use no evidence
to back up allegations to insure invasion plans, and as a
result, a deliberate treasonous criminal strategy to not
follow the crime scene leads at the real murder scene to nab
to true evil doers. For otherwise - spoil the top secret


Blix nor Elbaradei, nor Kofi, suggested, implied, or stated,
that Iraq had failed to comply with the newest U.N.
resolution: 1441.

HANS BLIX: "And at this juncture, we are able to perform
professional no-notice inspections all over Iraq and to
increase aerial surveillance..."

With complete, one hundred percent access to go where ever the
Bush Administration pleased without delay, left a situation of
an unjust war only detrimental to an ability to bring about
any good or better thing. American soldiers are being
sacrificed for no better good or reason understood, for if
progress will ever be made, it will be when they work to bring
about a political situation that was there in Iraq before the
Bush Administration starting murdering innocent people for
nothing . Well, not completely, for Bremer shipped 19 billion
to Greenspan early on, then, hundreds of millions were sent


Professor Steven E. Jones, a tenured BYU professor, went
public several weeks ago after releasing a 19 page academic
paper, essentially showing how the laws of physics do not
support the WTC's freefall and, consequently, the official
government story. It should be known that World Trade Center
Building Seven was not struck by an airplane, yet fell exactly
the same as the two towers.

Below both towers were found pools of molten steel, only
creatable with the heating by high explosives.

Excerpts from "Me, Art Bell, and 9-11 by Lisa Guliani"

The official version of the WTC collapses defy both Galileo's
Law of Falling Bodies, and also Isaac Newton's First Law of

..if we know that hydrocarbon fires can only reach a maximum
temperature of 1517 degrees Fahrenheit, how could they
possibly have melted this steel, when the melting point of
steel is 2,795 degrees and the boiling point of steel (when it
becomes a molten liquid) is 5,182 degrees Fahrenheit.

The existence of these burning pools of molten steel were confirmed

- Mark Lorieux of Controlled Demolition, Inc
- Peter Tully, President of Tully Construction
- and the American Free Press newspaper


"To be truthful about it, there was no way we could have got
the public consent to have suddenly launched a campaign on
Afghanistan but for what happened on September 11..."

Tony Blair Speaking To House of Commons Liaison Committee


The Washington Post, 23 September 2001.

At American urging, Ahmed traveled ... to Kandahar,
Afghanistan. There he delivered the bluntest of demands.
Turn over bin Laden without conditions, he told Taliban leader
Mohammad Omar, or face certain war with the United States and
its allies.

Mahmoud's meetings on two separate missions with the Taliban
were reported as a "failure." Yet this "failure" to extradite
Osama without providing a shred of eidence was part of
Washington's documented design, providing a pretext for a
military intervention which was already in the pipeline. If
Osama had been extradited, the main justification for waging a
war "against international terrorism" would no longer hold.
Nor would the ready to go Patriot Act. Incidentally, when
MSNBC contacted the Whitehouse regarding the top secret
invasion of Afghanistan plan, it was confessed that the plan
had been "fully implemented"


"Why of course the people don't want war ... But after all it
is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it
is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it
is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or
a communist dictatorship ... Voice or no voice, the people
can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is
easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being
attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism
and exposing the country to danger." -- Hermann Goering, Nazi
leader, at the Nuremberg Trials after World War II


On the wall of the National Holocaust Museum: " Thou shall
not be a victim, thou shall not be a perpetrator, and thou
shall not be a by-stander"


When we cancel other people's human rights, we cancel our own.

=Helen & Harry Highwater=



Please, I beg you to assist me in this cause immediately!

Ack! It turns out that there IS a criminal conspiracy run out of the
Winnipeg Police Department's Exploitation Unit!

Ack!! It turns out that the Crown IS aiding and abetting the
terrorist crimes of first degree mass murder!!

Ack!!! It turns out the Judge threw this whole Revelation thing out
without any consideration offered, while the Crown is currently
working on a public ban of disclosure in Winnipeg on these
continuing documented crimes!!!

50,000!! a pop! Stolen from law abiding business owners!!!

Crimes forwarded to the public in part by the concern of Manitoba's


Send this post for me to also Winnipeg media persons or to anyone who
will listen. If you don't, then, you ain't my friend. Come on! Do
something for us, and I promise to help you out later if I can.
Help me through the goodness of your heart, so we won't get
railroaded into prison fraudulently by those that hide in darkness
as pirates of our human will. The will to be free.

The Crown's interpretations of my possessions are not my expressions!!


The Judge through this whole thing out for the defense
without any consideration offered to OUR COURT!



Since I am representing myself on these particular criminal
matters, Legal Aid is not required to lend assistance on the
grounds that I'm not co-operating with the system as it
operates through professional Barred representations. [I am
eligible for walk in consultations but nothing of the sort of
assistance I am requesting] Considering the complexity of my
judicial matter, I would request legal assistance from the
Court in these following areas.

1. National Security Issues

I need assistance in understanding the legal statutes that our
national security services are obligated to practice under, to
insure our national security matters are being truly defended
in my respect. No change in summation of my character was
altered, after they were granted a search warrant to verify it
was me who publicly spoke out for honorable FBI officers
denied their rights to speak freely, then as the Court knows,
instead of doing what they argued to grant such privilege to
infringe on my personal liberty, enforced a less than perfect
law that most others would buckle under, even if they harbored
no criminal intent, and would never do anything to infringe on
the rights of any child. For I challenge; it does not serve
Canada's interest (in particular our teen soldiers) to
knowingly have Canada propagandized under the serious failures
of CBC and the National Security Services to lend no wanting
cry to hear REAL FBI officers who factually allege, with
evidence and everything, President Bush's business partner,
(who was at the Whitehouse Sept. 9th working on the top
secret invasion of Afghanistan strategy to heavily arm heroin
pushers who war to keep women as slaves while weaponizing
children - done all for a liquefied gas pipe line to profit
his darling dear Enron) funded 9/11's "mastermind"
"ringleader" Mohammad Atta. Inside sources from the RCMP have
notified me, that in the last four years, Section D's salaried
employees, have done practically nothing to serve Canada's
interest in this respect. While Canada's CSIS does not have
the legal ability to speak out publicly regarding the criminal
transgressions of President Bush, and because of this nature
of CSIS's position, they have almost only fears to live with
by trying. A CSIS officer told me, many were completely aware
of President Bush's criminality regarding his hugely
treasonous actions of mass murder on 9/11, but could do
practically nothing about it outside of filing the reports
with the federal government, or maybe anonymously sending
something to CBC, with no promises that anyone would actually
read it. All the while, the senior CSIS boss brags
contemptuously in public about his ties and commitment to his
friends in the ISI. Perceived easily/mistakenly I'd imagine
as a threat to all of Canada's Honorable police officers and
Judges. [General Ahmad was the Bush junta's appointed head of
the ISI.] I think Canada's Prime Minister Paul Martin is
genuinely a good man, but it is hard to see him publicly take
a stand on this issue, [if he even received said reports] on
behalf of honorable police officers and soldiers everywhere,
in defense of the human race, risking everything, considering
he already does bring about a great deal of good for Canadians
where he stands. [Compared to you know, a let's send the kids
to war for whatever Harper, or nobody in Winnipeg
("officially" 86%) wants us to give away the public assets so
let's do it anyway for ourselves privately Filmon] But to know
the RCMP's Section D, sides that they can't tell us the top
secret reason they have not perused Justice for the sake of
Canadian soldiers who bravely put their lives on the line, of
which some have already died, is a situation no Canadian would
tolerate if they knew these freely available facts to decide
for themselves. Sure we can be counted lucky that only so few
Canadians have died thus far, but when will the sacrifice of
Americans, Afghanis, Iraqis, and soon to be Iranians with the
Syrians, along with more than fifty other countries officially
marked for death by the lawlessly irrational bushite
terrorists, be more than YOUR willing to bare? As publicly
reported repeatedly in European press, Mr. Sattler ordered
the bombing of health care clinics in Fallujah as first strike
targets because he didn't want doctors or nurses to "falsely"
report that his forces target primarily the innocent to steal
more from America in blood and treasure. Then under Sattler's
command, they proceeded to monstrously murder more than two
hundred thousand innocent souls, while covering the region in
radio-active toxic waste that will continue to kill for a
scientifically estimated billion or two years. Hell on Earth
is what un- arrested Sattler represents as an enemy to all
living things. God included. An aside: Did you know the
commander of the Third Infantry, Maj. Gen. Buford 'buff'
Blount III, is truly a Saudi Wahhabist in disguise, who took
up the job at the request of the Bush junta, and subsequently
left near 170 tons of plastic explosives unprotected for
looting in Qaqaa? Why? Well when asked why he commanded to
leave the weapons unattended to instead, go carnage Baghdad,
with, I'm serious, sanctioned thieving expeditions, he
replied, he just wanted to let us know he was there. "We just
wanted to let them know that we're here.'' In Basra, the
coalition is still leaving as of last week, more than 30 known
weapons storage facilities unprotected. See, the neo-con
peenacker gang can't steal everything without a stupid man war
going. Left continuing unattended without national
discussions, leaves further in it's wake, more innocent
victims of war crimes fallen undefended. I would ask that
instead of me seeking to find where it is written, that the
RCMP must be committed to getting the man for nine eleven,
perhaps I can just request we work together, for a national
CBC radio forum kicked off by some kinda joint, international
press release acknowledging briefly our failures to
communicate in the past, and politely request where Canada
could go through open line discussions on these very serious
matters. We must not allow our soldiers to be made
misinformed by CBC's unwillingness to bravely with honor,
defend our great Nation. Or, perhaps, Canada might want to
consider hiring me on as, we'll see how it goes honorary RCMP
spokesperson?, a paid consultant for my expertise in
recognizing the real bad guys, and then I'll go out there, and
win the good fight by using praise with fewer insults. If we
stay committed to defending freedom by defeating war
criminals, we all will be the better for it. Now, take me to
your leader.

2. Local Police Issues

As so was brought to the attention of the Courts in the
previous motions, through considering the charge that was
brought against me, (where no criminal intent in alleged, and
nobody can possibly see a digital image until it is already at
least in one's possession, case closed, I'm free to go still
without my stolen computer gear.) I discover, the child
exploitation unit is not operating in a manner that would
effectually reduce the proliferation of truly illegal
materials. They have included images to demonize me that they
must know are left legal to distribute, or for those couple
images categorized as for sure illegal unto themselves, are
left publicly unhindered when it comes to Police questioning
in a manner that would concern illegal public expressions.
Now, I personally don't believe the Courts are consciously
operating in a nefarious manner deliberately to steal computer
gears to sell as sadomasochists who enjoy seeing lovers of
life go to prison falsely for five year stints, but come on,
something seriously needs to be done in how things there are
run. I believe the failures are, in part, do to the personal
fears officers have of the information universe; for to
acknowledge information sharing through p2p networks or
Usenet, would be to witness criminal code violations by the
score going corporately unaddressed. Like Bush being guilty
for high treason in God's America for example, Iraqi church
goers slaughtered by faithful Bush lovers, women raped by
"freedom fighting" GIs, the sex slave trade, or that VLT's are
being run criminally (section 209, 380(1) 380(2), 181, 52(1-4)
with a math game scam that even a sixth grader can figure, but
not the "Free Press" editor, or commercial savvy CJOB's Vic
G-----. Being our city's big Bush backers, where our dying
universe is simpler, like "we don't need any evidence, we know
he's guilty", refuses a, trying to be responsible citizen to
formulate their own conclusions through our media on why we
have laws. Anyway, I need to have some one to cross check the
"illegal" images through recorded internet domains, to see
which ones are/were located in Canada and elsewhere, and what
if any attempt the exploitation unit tried to limit found
providers. I suspect many providers they would claim they
can't do anything about, are so not because a crime is
occurring, but in that respect, actual evidence of criminal
conduct would be required before an internet provider, server,
or site owner could be recommended for censorship. Not this,
twenty year olds look like they could be ten year olds, or
that, simply naked children being human should not be viewed
in their/our minds as something youthfully beautiful.

To Police effectually, I would suggest a public domain
transparently coded checksum program checker to automatically
recognize, known illegal materials made available free, with a
downloadable database updated by the work of one or two
officers monitoring currently available internet image traffic
- classifiable almost near the speed of electricity across the
country. This action is good to take despite my personal
innocence or fraudulent guilt, for media labelings are
completely impossible to designate content/control, but as
such, shouldn't forbid Police services from locating where
possibly actual hugely offensive content is being distributed
through. With volunteer co- operation of programming, a user,
server, or internet service provider could be warned of
material almost in their possession as expression is
classified criminal so then simply delete it, and carry on.
I'm confident such Police planning with open for public
appeals to fine tune further, would end putting the hugely
profitable exploitation units across the continent almost
completely out of business. Now, who truly wants that?

3. Constitutional Challenges

This possession charge absent intent, where everybody is auto
guilty to lose all their stolen computer gear through
fraudulent demonization of the innocent included, is a for
sure, crime in progress. I'd imagine if we had a public
inquiry, we'd find what the exploitation crews are doing, is
needing to locate only a small few arguably illegal
depictions, then trumping up a lot of fraudulent totals.
Figuring, I'd imagine, if they openly started convicting
individuals for a couple of images they perhaps deleted when
witnessed, people might begin to ask, just how much money is
the unit taking in sold stolen merchandise? Perhaps 50,000
dollars in a single case where the business owner of said
stolen property wasn't even charged for a criminal offense!
No troublesome Court appearance required to protect your
public business image even! Generally, in cases that do reach
trial, all images are seldomly reviewed by the Courts, and at
the "professional" porno viewers discretion, or the Crown, a
small sample is only offered. [The professional naked people
person they have in my case I suspect is lost somewhere in
bushville as the clinically insane, or just extremely helpful
to my Judicial cause, thanks big guy, either way.] This has
worked largely unhindered because lawyers for the defense
wouldn't generally see a connection. For only one freely
available image that you couldn't see until you already had
it, is all that is needed to put a, loss for words Canadian,
in prison for half a decade. Not only that, but such
convictions insist irrationally that the guilty must also be
sexually deviant and require professional counseling. The law
enforced absent rights infringed needs to be Constitutionally
challenged as clearly unjust, and the sentencing structure as
being seriously cruel. [What does one guilty of an actual
assault for comparison get, or better yet, threat of assault
that was never truly made?] So, as a result, I need the
assistance of Constitutional lawyers who would provide me
consultations on prepatory requirements and on the relevant
Constitutional questions regarding this specific challenge.
And maybe co-operation with the Crown or Police chief to tally
records and total sales figures on cases under similar
circumstances to consider the exploitation unit for
re-evaluation. [Example: The foolish, faith in ignorance
argument given by all similar units, is that nothing can be
securely deleted from a hard drive is assuredly patently
ridiculous. Truly indicative however, that we do indeed have
a real hidden problem here regarding their/our intelligence
gathering capabilities.] While maybe supporting public
discussions on how to even improve further, the valuable work
that the exploitation unit surely does do already somewhere
I'm sure to operate for our interests. We may together have
to overthrow CJOB with our human skills at demanding some
space to talk about bettering our lives by communicating
without two minute commercials every five minutes, and opening
up the phone lines to talk about whatever. They take too much
from us as the clearly disenfranchised already. Like, so
who's talk radio station is it anyway?

4. The Crown's Crown

I have concerns regarding the job requirements that our
community asks a Crown to bravely achieve. One, would be to
pursue Justice for the principled betterment of our society.
It is clear to anyone familiar with my case, that our
corporate media managers have decided for one fear or another,
that such noble reaches must be left from the grasp of
Canadian soldiers and their loving giving families. This
place the Court holds of a principle that all people should be
treated fairly, includes those we know Bush has already had
murdered in America under these left silenced demands for a
true accounting by good police work completed already. The
fear that every criminal Court Crown shrugs off when proudly
defending the innocent in our legal challenges, seems thus
far, absent in support of Justice for Johnny. When I read
statements from the Crown stating, John's legal arguments
against traitor Bush is irrelevant to the case our Crown
hold's against myself, in our name as Canadians, smacks of an
unjust and blind totalitarian state. Corporately broadcasted
uncertainty is forsaking the innocent lives of Bush's
continuing real murder victims. Certainly, the Crown has a
responsibility to pursue just causes, and granted, can falsely
suspect I don't hold the best of intentions towards life with
everything I am. However, the Crown's summations of my
character will never change the official FBI's conclusions
arrived at by following the crime scene leads, at the real
murder scene, to discover who personally is still escaping
arrest for mass murder of our good friends in New York City on
9/11. A crime who's principle perpetrators obviously
faithfully count on this form of injustice to dictate
continuous failures by our Crown to serve our public interest.
For whatever reason, my case documents a corporate news agenda
of non-committal in our pursuit of Justice for ourselves as
the little people. Ourselves, including the Crown's of all
Canada, are, without doubt, denied fair representation by CBC
standards. Canada is being left not defending honorable
American police officers, doing their jobs to the best of
their ability, should not leave too, our Public's Crown
unrepresented. (If the Crowns of Canada so willed it in our
names.) So, I would ask that the Crown's refusal to speak out
for Canada, while fighting to silence my cries with an unjust
as cruel prison sentence, be investigated for obstructing
Justice, and therefore, aiding and abetting the terrorist
crimes of first degree mass murder. Now, how to do this...
I'm not sure. Perhaps the Court's assistance of aid in the
form of one or two Crown offices from a different province in
Canada could be considered, or a Constitutional Law firm more
up on what all I got to work with here. Look, somebody has
tricked my nation, and subsequently our naiver youths, into
excepting Canadians can not hear the silenced screams of
global tyranny. If soldiers the world over need to die for
Bush, let it be for something worth fighting. Freedom must be
Canada, a Canada that would go if asked, in favor of Universal
Justice always. Just ask US.

Your Friend,

John W.


I know I'm innocent under the law as it currently stands, and
in addition, I wished to teach our Courts why the law stands
unjust against our public in other respects. With no criminal
intent to obtain or distribute something illegal alleged
against myself, and the simple truth that one can not perceive
an image until it is at the very least, already in one's
possession, says enough by itself. But most importantly, the
Crown's interpretations of my possessions are not my
expressions. Example: I could have in my possession a
written work from one who espouses the glories of war criming,
but I, personally, am diametrically opposed to it's unwise





For an Order of Production






This Notice of Motion regarding an Order of Production is to
have disclosed to the defense, the complete evidence without
undue hindrance, evidence the Crown holds against the accused
as a member of our public. These following arguments are the
reasons why Justice must prevail in these proceedings:

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms section 7. "No person
shall be deprived of life, liberty or security of the person
except in accordance with the principles of fundamental

R. v. Stinchcombe "[...] counsel for the Crown is under a
general duty to disclose all relevant information."

In R. v. Stinchcombe, the Supreme Court of Canada held once
again, as any legitimate Court of any land would, that the
accused in criminal cases has a Constitutional right to full
and complete disclosure of the Crown's case. Yet, in the
criminal case involving myself, the Crown's refusal to return
my legal property [such as including my actual expressions] is
motivated by contempt for fundamental justice - for true
accountability - by intentionally working to deceive our
Courts through denying the evidence of one: the charge
against me is truly fraudulent under our law as it stands
currently, and two: that I don't already have the silent
moral support of every honorable top secret intelligence
officer this world over.

Canada's "Commission of Inquiry into the Actions of Canadian
Officials in Relation to Maher Arar"

"The RCMP notes that because national security investigations
are criminal investigations, the possibility of judicial
scrutiny always exists and the presence of this possibility
acts as an indirect accountability mechanism." [Maher Arar was
an innocent Canadian tortured and left for murdered by the
irrational as criminal pro-bush forces negatively influencing
Canadian jurisprudence.]

Firstly, I, like any, need ready easy access to all the
evidence the Crown holds against myself, to indicate a
possibly hidden motive behind her criminal allegations. For
it is in our authority as a free society that the Crown holds
any legitimacy.

It would be unfair for our Courts to side with the unjust
Crown on not giving me ready easy access to the evidence, but
for only by hugely limiting degrees that include costly bus
rides, or as the seriously impractical, hundreds of thousands
of printed texts that would likely fill roomfuls.

I need to provide the evidence of my actual expressions to
counter balance the false interpretations the Crown alleges,
when it comes to asking where specifically the rights of a
child are being compromised when she makes her defined as
sexually dysfunctional inferences. All the images on my
computer, deleted and otherwise, are not my expressions.
Similarly, are all the written texts on my computer those of
words I hold to be my own personal philosophy. As indicated
by the Supreme Court of Canada's Sharpe case, a defense
against fraudulent accusations regarding the Rights of our
children being compromised, can be readily addressed early on
by understanding the possession charge in relative context to
the personal life of the accused.

R. v. Sharpe

"Section 163.1(6) creates a further defence for material that
serves an "educational, scientific or medical purpose". This
refers to the purpose the material, viewed objectively, may
serve, not the purpose for which the possessor actually holds

So, purpose of digital media as determined illegal must
therefore, be backed firstly by criminal intent, for without
any intent you have no purpose. A defense is made available
by the Sharpe decision on personal\professional conduct to
indicate actual established purpose of accused to prevent
blind "overreaching". The Supreme Court of Canada's deep
concerns of "overreaching" are very much apparent in my
particular criminal matter. Conduct of individuals who have
lost their purpose in Police keeping, who aren't being managed
to express through our Police actions, a public interest in
where the "offensable" images are coming from, or came, but
instead, where it's all going as potential new innocent porno
victims with millions of dollars worth of stuff they can get
away stealing. [I've read porno cops in America recently
acquired 300,000 more American names of households to raid,
off of one single server found managed in violation, but have
taken a pause before then moving on to arrest anybody who has
ever used the internet for whatever, to consider, just what
have we gotten ourselves into here.] See, perfectly legal
imagery can be made into illegal thoughts relatively quickly
by the weaker irrationals that exist within our police
services. Where, to prove for the record, a twenty two year
old is only twelve, even when she has in her possession all
her proper paperwork, completed puberty, a living mother, a
popular working web site and historical documentations, is
just foolishly impossible. While at Your end Mr. Surfer
Citizen, your demonized guilty, until proven innocent of
thinking their faulting criminal perceptions, they do
practically nothing to verify. Without needing to establish
intent, they make off like bandits. See, under a simple
possession charge, there is no allegations of intent to obtain
or distribute something illegal, and likewise, not found a
responsible public's interest in seeking the means of which
the criminal content was as could be LEGALLY provided. The
last thing we want in our dying world is a setup where private
legal businesses are selling, promoting, and releasing content
that only becomes illegal when the exploitation unit comes
into your home to steal your stuff by grossly misunderstanding
what the threat actually is.

By exercising our right to perceive representations of that
which is made freely available, is of in itself, important to
the sociologist, psychologist, concerned parent, and of
course, the conceptualizing artist reflecting on our shared

My private and public expressions are more tuned to those who
are personally responsible in escaping arrest for running
death squads against innocent children in Afghanistan financed
by the undefended as uniformed American tax paying Public,
[10th Mountain Division] a criminal enterprise still cashing
in on the rewards of bush's mass murder campaigns. Or, the
dropping of cluster dud land mines throughout residential
school districts to murder our children indiscriminately.
Mercury tainted vaccines that for sure cause irreparable
damage to North American children, or as currently, about John
DeCamp's just released updated 2005 edition, about the secret
White House-linked national child sex-ring entitled "The
Franklin Cover-up." However, the real motivating factor
[intent] in the Crown's purpose by attempting to pirate our
public's right to defend Ourselves judiciously, is more
specifically because I articulate the HONORABLE FBI's official
publicly available findings on who orchestrated, and funded
the crimes of 911. Namely, Mr. Bush Jnr. along with his
business partner, the still escaping Lieutenant General
Mahmoud Ahmad.

[University of Ottawa Professor Michel Chossudovsky, has
researched the Ahmad/Bush relationship as documented by CNN
ABC et al, and can be quested for at www.globalresearch.ca]


The Crown to not fight on our behalf regarding this easily
verifiable mass murder issue, is indicative of an intention,
to cast aside the concern of all children who benefit from my
communicating higher truths for the betterment of the entire
public body. I ask our Court, who, in Canada, informs our
public truthfully as I do, that the "scumbags" Canada's own
General Hillier is referring to get Canadian youths for sure
killed over in his nationally broadcasted barbaric adolescent
bigotry, against all the INNOCENT students of Afghanistan, is
of a People who factually opened up schools for girls under
the Taliban's getting better through communicating
leadership?, and who outlawed Bush's heroin production, and
the slavery and rape of women? Women who were when working at
the Taliban's newspaper, were not required to wear burkas
despite CBC's propaganda to the contrary?

The Crown's case argues that a determined selection of legal
images, can be sited under a labeled classification of
"collateral images", as somehow, unto it's separated self,
being an indicator, or summation of my unbridled character.
Therefor, to question such interpretations I need the luxury
and comforts of a stress free environment to ponder the
significant meaning of each of these collateral damages
against ourselves as the innocent the Crown argues for as a
weapon of Justice. For, those personally responsible for
making repeatedly easily verifiable faulting expressions with
the evidence the Crown refuses to return to me as my legal
property, are in all likelihood, still blabbering corporately
un-accosted, the completely blind support of indiscriminate
mass murder in thoughtless praise for war criminal traitor to
Humanity George Bush Jr., their supreme no nothing about squat
leader. While myself, am a well documented public defender of
children's rights and a studious observant researcher on media
matters, who is schooled in the field(s) of Psychology and
Genetics, Sexuality and Religion, along with the chaotic order
to the indivisible nature of life ourselves. [And who when
not terribly busy building this needed defense against the
Crown's alleged criminality, still champion the written word
for Justice being - US all as treated fairly.]]

I also need to show, how I come to be in possession of
another's expressions, of some managed images, or some strewn

It would be unfair for our Courts to side with the unjust
Crown on not giving me ready easy access to the evidence, but
for only by hugely limiting degrees that include costly bus
rides, or as the seriously impractical, hundreds of thousands
of printed texts that would likely fill roomfuls. While
sitting just outside my police door, could be the public
accuser who professes proudly the deeply ignorant ungodly
beliefs of cop killing and heroin dealing to push US all over
the top with Bush as it's global mastermind. Knowing such an
enemy of freedom who taunts all our judicial matters with true
personal self contempt, is there still escaping public
ridicule, wearing our community's Police Officer uniform,
could create unto itself, an unneeded frustration on my part,
for, I am a honorable defender to all that is Just. A
honorable defender that is needing by threat of false
imprisonment to concentrate on Justice for just myself
personally currently. As the Court well knows, a bushite's
favored public intent is well established by the evidence, as
documented truly criminal being the ungodly. [Hypnotized
lawless through the mechanics of suggestion I would diagnose
for the don't know knowing any better.] There exists no
evidence against bin Laden for 911, nor, was any factually
alleged to exist, and despite what Bush broadcasts
unchallenged nationally on our airwaves privately, Saddam did
actually let the inspectors in to go where ever they wanted
without delay. Furthermore, indiscriminately murdering people
with tens of thousands of cluster dud land mines, 9000
missiles targeting public infrastructure, many multiple 2000
pound bombs containing radio-active toxic waste, along with
the new and improved napalm and phosphorous poison gas clouds
all because we are in the approximate age range of 15 to 55 is
a for sure real war crime going unaddressed publicly by the
Crown, but not by myself. So, the Crown's interest is in
jeopardizing the lives of our children for sure by working to
silence my extremely rare public cries for true accountability
here in Winnipeg.

I am sworn to protect all as indicated by my recorded actions
and praised world wide word. The National Supreme Court of
Canada's Sharpe decision allows this defense to be made on our

By Our Honorable Court's "Lord" siding to support claims made
by my false accusers - as the running definitive summation of
what can be claimed as "collateral images" - [legal relative
media content present on my computer,] while judging to refuse
to have returned my therefore stolen legal property so I can
adequately prepare a counter defense against the Crown's
confusions, is nothing short of a crime in progress. At least
it should be. By denying me the evidence the Crown holds in
contempt of our Court, would create an undue hardship on my,
seeking to illuminate the facts from our vantage points.
Having to travel back and forth across the city to view
hundreds of thousands of media messages pertinent to my case
at hand, left denied search tools, and a comfortable
atmosphere, is unduly unfair for all concerned. Now, I know,
I have to deal personally with those who support such a
criminal ungodly nature when I have no choice to, but to have
them located in the same listening vicinity throughout all my
inquiries on stolen legal media content, to spew their
boastful chauvinistic fascist state partiality of how great
George W. Bush is as their master thinking celebrated
American Cop Killer, would leave me unfairly tensioned. I
need the meditative comforts of home study with good coffee
and private friends to ponder my adroit, to the point defense
with the evidence I demand the fair right to contend.

I hold children's rights paramount in the public defense
stands I've made for near a decade, and privately, I'm free to
think my way on anything. The Crown has no right to dictate
what my private thoughts are, especially, if I'm not granted
to speak on her conclusions with the ready made evidence she
don't want me to have returned possession of. My legal
property that the Crown's crew has plans to sell! God, are
you listening?

I need the luxury of computer processing that the Crown used
to surmise her relative faulting judgment of my worth to our

I need returned all my legal possessions, like my real
expressions such as public communications, to fairly challenge
the Crown's refusal to consider such objectiveness on who the
one holding criminal intent actually is on this serious
matter. So therefore, the Crown's crew should not be allowed
by our law to sell my stolen property as they are planning,
while surely as sadomasochists, destroying a life time of my
written works they know mean a great deal to me personally.
Wishing to deprive our rights as the community, to be granted
fair treatment in our Court systems of accountability, is
surely what will happen if our Honorable Judge does not Judge
honorably against the Crown and grant me the legal return of
my stolen property. I need to establish the mechanics of my
specifically unique computer system, so I can establish my
fair defense made available by the Supreme Court of Canada's
Standing Sharpe decision.

The Court recognizes finding that all declared illegal
possessions serve a criminal purpose without any intent,
unless found serving otherwise by made available evidence from
the defense. [ergo my Constitutional challenge] Evidence of
real purpose the Crown doesn't want to grant our Court,
because usually, guilty or innocent, they do sell everybody's
stolen stuff actually. And truly, the Crown has expressed no
interest in assisting our Police agencies in apprehending
those known responsible by the evidence for first degree mass
murders. [Instead, pick on the helpless innocent little
Jewish man bearing a cross, as cowardly brown shirt jack boot
nazi fascists under Hitler would have too. [surprising for
many, it is formally illegal to be Jewish currently in God's
Israel. As for the Crowns in my case, and the Judge, well
they seem to be not all that bad over all. [So far... But
this innocent people go to prison for speaking un-contended
truths thing for me is just some extreme to the core serious
business of ours, and good or bad, the Judges, and the Crowns,
and the Police Officers have a paid job to do by following the
rules designed ultimately in purpose to protect both me and
you. So, can't we all just find a way to get our public news
agencies to live up to our responsibilities by recognizing
standing laws not yet enforced against the un-elected
dictator, the monstrous war mongering American traitor
criminal, 911's George Bush Jnr., instead of present

I need returned my 37,333 [minus the contended for argument]
images to sensibly consider their feasibility to collectively
represent the Crown's faulting illogical argument in a
brighter picture.

I need to show what I did with obtained media information on
general terms by mechanical processing through my very
specific as unique operating systems, and through my
definitive writing on the very subject we are here
considering. I need operating script batch programs that do
specific tasks regarding general media managements.

I need to show how Usenet [early raw based sub-internet
knowledge sharing web communications system] is used, and how
it was legally accessed by my specific personal system,
granting me, to be a part of one of the greatest collected
artistic expressions of the known world. And how, when using
such services, informations aren't found perceived until, at
the very least, they are already in one's possession, thereby
making the Crown's standing accusation absent criminal intent
clearly unjust. [those responsible for
distribution/expression of actual for real illegal depictions
are where the infraction against the public's interest can be
compromised, but the exploitation units I'm aware of seem to
have little of no financial interest in recognizing such a
wanting to lose their lucrative industry brokered through what
should be worked to be made into redundancy.]

I need returned possession of my computer content, to seek for
indicative examples of huge disparities with what is described
with the Crown's own relative definitions, and what my media
machine actually contains regarding my for real expressions.
I need to reference my personal writings surmising the
faulting state of the child porn policing industry. To
surmise grand totals, as such the Crown's crew alleges of
legal content she'll bemoan despairingly of collateral damages
against us as innocence. Knock knock knock.

If the Crown argues falsely that the evidence I request is
irrelevant to her criminal case, then what could the harm be
honestly in showing the error of her ways? If she argues it
jeopardizes to expose the true criminality used to try
convicting me, an innocent honorable man in Our name, I would
move that the charge against me be stayed, my property
returned, and the Courts help me make a Constitutional
challenge to the validity of the law, while communicating also
Your dissatisfaction in not having us heard speaking out
nationally for the truly Honorable FBI - against 911's true
money man - Lieutenant General Mahmoud Ahmad - getting away as
bush's not so secret any longer private business partner,
escaping he is from the mass murder of thousands of our good
friends, the still left undefended corporate Americans.

I need to know what settings were set in place for the
installed programs to access the internet. And a whole bunch
else besides.

In conclusion, I need to show where my outstanding character
was at, by indicating exactly what I spent my free time on, to
illustrate for our Court, my TRUE intent as motive on this

Yours truly,






for the Crown to Stay Proceedings






The Validity of the Law

While true, to distribute material in an abusive form of
sexually explicit child pornography, can have a detrimental
impact on the impressionable, being in simple possession, does
not connotate the same negative risk to the public body. It
is not a Freedom of Expression issue. All the pictures on my
computer, deleted and otherwise, are not my expressions. Nor,
importantly, can digital images be perceived, until, at least,
they are already in your possession. Under current law, as is
in my case, you're already guilty on nothing. So, if you
should see something arguably imprisoning, you're too late to
point fingers elsewhere.

It's analogous to you sitting in your parked car with someone
throwing through the opened window, a closed paper bag of
crack cocaine, followed behind by an arresting police officer,
who while cuffing you hears your plead that some completely
unknown person threw the innocuous unmarked bag through the
window, leaving the unjust officer of our law, to reply for
the record "Yeah, I saw the, left to go on his own "stranger"
do it. And it's a crime in this country don't you know to be
found in simple possession? Now, where are the keys to the
trunk of this fancy car I'm planning to sell for a tidy profit
crack head loser?"

The Crown appears under this law in my case to have no need to
prove a criminal intent to do her things.

See, under a simple possession charge, there is no allegations
of intent to obtain or distribute something illegal, and

likewise, not found a responsible public's interest in seeking
the means of which the criminal content was as could be
LEGALLY distributed. The last thing we want in our dying
world is a setup where private legal businesses are selling,
promoting, and releasing content that only becomes illegal
when the exploitation unit comes into your home under false
pretences to steal all your electronic stuff by grossly
misunderstanding what the threat actually is.

A digital image isn't possibly perceived until it is at least,
already in your possession. Making the standing law as it is
interpreted by the faulting Crown, unjust. No criminal intent
is alleged by my sole possession charge, but for by myself
against the Crown's secret bushite crew for aiding and
abetting the crimes of first degree mass murder in New York

An infraction against the public's interest occurs when such
materials are expressed through distribution. Digital images
of people posing as testaments to the beauty of being human,
are not the same as expressions of sexually exploited
children. Yet, from as near as I can tell, the threat of
seriously cruel and inhuman treatment against me with a five
year prison sentence is being made because the Crown has made
included, condemnable interpretations of the public's free
expressions of youth and beauty. Again, not my own. Leaving
still no made interest in understanding where these prison
term perceptions, that are often admitted by the Crown's crew
to be legal, originated. If the Crown's case remains
standing, why shouldn't we expect the child exploitation units
to then widely distribute as near as can be Barely Legal
materials in hopes to nab more of us as the fearful to be
shamed as criminal through threatened public Court proceedings
regarding your alledged deviant private sexual thoughts? Of
legal images perceived as a god honest, testimony of youth and
beauty, being ourselves beautifully youthful, could leave you
too as depicted hiding some unknown something about your
unseen character. Or, an even worse madness, exploitation
units distributing truly illegal depictions, named maybe after
car models, to see who could be made found only in simple
possession of the accusers relative perception?

For, if the internationally popular woman depicted was well
over eighteen and had her own legal website, don't matter for
indictment, cause the expert of expert experts they have in my
case, a double full time professional computer porno viewer,
states with a complete straight face, the full figured pubic
wisped woman, he knows nothing of, is really only ten or
twelve. You're for sure either normal being human, or guilty
of thinking their bad thoughts punishable with real prison
sentences. As a result of course, I'm now demanded to divorce
my life of other critically important responsibilities, to
prove my complete innocence on these deliberately planned top
secret schemes, they didn't want You, the public to know of.
A near criminal attempt, (as documented by the now disclosed
once top secret warrant), to silence my cries for the arrest
of the publicly established factual 911 masterminds - Our Mr.
bush Jr., General Ahmad, rumsfeld, myers and cheney, along
with almost the entire senior staff of disclosed as flagrantly
criminal propaganda proliferators, The Office of Special

The Warrant details by exclusion, a deliberate top secret plan
on the Crown's part, a deviant anti-government plan to silence
my calls for accountability through my world wide public
addresses on the FBI answers still surrounding the murder of
thousands of American Citizens. The Crown, as an attempt to
undermine Liberty by thwarting me off my one chosen career
path of Universal Speaker, and fictionalized demon slayer -
leaves you instead, this quickly passing opportunity to stand
up for the rights of another being cheated for real, and in so
doing, we'll find together, that true freedom is justice for
US all. Law stands strong for good reason, so too, does
tyranny rule by censorship for false imprisonment. Do not
allow my voice for freedom's reign to be silenced unjustly, by
those who would have us falsely believe, Bush personally
didn't do the crimes we all easily now know the evidence of.

An unjust Law enslaves all Religions, for reason is
beautifully Just through your will to conceive, that God's
interests are as naturally too, your own included. My
commitments to equal rights for all have never changed, and
Humanity's true commitment to defend Iraqi children to the
last cowardly murderous thieving bushite enemy, will carry on,
despite the corrupted Crown's attempt to stop real Justice
from continuing. When one views public photographs of
rumsfeld's un-arrested mercenary soldiers raping an Iraqi
woman, are our rights being further violated with every
passing witness? How about witnessing that Guantanamo's
torture victim Moazzam Begg, was running a girl's school
program with his wife under the female loving Taliban? [You
know, Moazzam Begg, the one and same British Citizen depicted
solely by heroin pushing donald "sexy cluster dud land mine
dropper" rumsfeld, as one of our Lord's most dangerous

The Crown alleges in truly contemptuous silence, she's not
interested in defending the rights of those children, or
victims of mass murder, while voicing publicly in Our Court,
that I, am infringing on the rights of children somewhere else
because, even though no body is perceiving the data located
anywhere on my hard drive, it still magically constitutes a
personal violation, on its own by itself, of an unjust law
that others have been demonized, robbed, then falsely
imprisoned on. This irrational demand on behalf of the Crown
to Your Court, where she states her private viewings do not
infringe on children's rights, while EVERYONE else's does
somehow, even if you didn't see at all the picture judged as
the reflecting mind of a true sexual deviant, is US ALL being
the auto-guilty anyway, and not firstly innocent as it should
be. See, the Judge could say to a Jury, "Your job is not to
judge the injustice committed with these blind and broken
laws, but that solely, did Top Cop Johnny have this one single
picture on his computer?, and if he did, then the bushite
liars who fight our systems of accountability through Justice
to further escape real rapists, torturers, and documented
treasonous war criminals like those who for sure committed
911, get to put him in Our prison for half a decade."

However this issue requires much for further study. It turns
out my two primary accusing officers who deal with real sicko
child porn every day full time, also support death squads
against innocent families in Afghanistan to protect the demon
lies of George W. Bush, and they'd almost tell the jury that
too as blind devote disciples of the self hating bushmob cabal
of neo-con peenackers, if the Crown wasn't there to forbid the
truth from being spoken.

The two abusers, the two anti-cop officers of question, lied
to me, then censored my agreement they had their word on,
then, attempted to twist my comments into something clearly I
didn't mean.. and that's not even the half of it. So, don't
tell me I'm being over critical of their naked wicked evil.
If an image was an offensive act witnessed, why then is it
that a genuine concern is not with a possible victim all the
time? The shocker to the uninitiated in the battles of good
against evil in these child exploitation units, is that rarely
do they have a real monetary care to follow though with the
details. - "Oh, the girl is really a woman, and the web
address on the digital image is of a server acting completely
within the confines of our law, nudist campers are nudist
campers, and as for the beautifully naked young girl taking a
bubble bath smiling, er.. I mean the one looking seductive...
drat." Examples: I have many texts willfully ignored by the
Crown that articulate irrational praise for one heinous crime
against God or another of the un-elected neocon war wankers,
that I, as a human, certainly don't find myself in automatic,
no free thought agreement with., right? And my objective as
Human defender isn't to censor the known criminality of the,
murder innocent people for the war profiting bushmob liars,
but to expose the true injustice committed against our better
selves - US all dying slavishly censored through Our corporate
international communication network of good old ideas left
long gone dead and buried. Hammurabi's Code of Law: it's
first sentence, of his first paragraph, the number one most
important Law as example. - Here's the translation - The
public figure blaming someone else for a capital offense, such
as terrorist, who uses NO EVIDENCE for PROOF, to murder in
Your name as Citizen, is the FOR SURE ENEMY, always, EVERY
TIME. And in the next four thousand years that single law has
timelessly stood unbroken, not one person has been capable to
declare a true, wanting disagreement.

The corporate news mandate is to take You for granted -
without any given say so. Our sold as sworn public defenders,
CBC, CNN, et al, hold no opinions of our Humanity on the
needless indiscriminate bombing of populated cities, the
torturing of men women and children by un-arrested as openly
confessed complete psychotics, the thieving of hundreds of
billions from America and Iraq, and as such, tyrannically
support [don't call us, will call you] commi censorship, all
done in to assist the "escape" of those truly responsible for
the crimes of 911.

When the Crown argues that disturbing images simply in your
possession constitute an absolute evaluation of your
punishable character, while denying\forbidding a Court to know
what you do in your life with our time is faulted. I hold
children's rights paramount in the public defense stands I've
made for near a decade, and privately, I'm free to think my
way on anything. The Crown has no right to dictate what my
private thoughts are. This insistence on behalf of the Crown
on what we all perceive individually by judgment is determined
solely by media content - is a foolish falsehood forwarded by
Our Great Lord's, Supreme Court of Canada. Example: Does not
the public videos of rumsfeld's, defended from YOUR LAW
bushite soldiers, gunning down women and children running for
their lives from a mosque, or where hundreds of unarmed
defenseless families are huddled together, then bombed by a
bushite enemy grunt, a grunt who on VIDEO TAPE, moans itself
to orgasm when they all die as the innocent murdered with
"ah.. dude" just speak for itself? Sure, the celebrating
bushies repeatedly depicted have no honor, or courage, only a
fascistic hatred for their fellow man - openly thieves who die
without a fighting cause for Freedom, nor a true commitment to
Law - but I would ask if We had a voice to cry in Your Court,
what do You see in this corporate World that leaves my stand
professionally unworthy for deliberations? The Crown's
concern remains silent on the DOCUMENTED and easily verifiable
murder issues, when she has her regular huddles with a local
corporate reporter, discussing on who, from the community, was
in Our court challenging, a sexually dysfunctional
sadomasochistic label. For the Crown to witness and know
first hand of such barbaric criminality, such as the true
perpetrators of 9/11 found revealed by THE FBI stinger, along
with the rest of the evidence trail that all leads directly to
the Whitehouse, is a Crown who does not hold Canadian's
freedom in check, or a care for our soldier aged sons and
daughters conflicting near death. But to side instead, as
they are hiding behind the honorable Crown's position, a small
group of four or five dim blips, attempting they are to
silence these calls for real freedom for the masses. I am a
proud and honorable man who objects to furthering bush's war
crime aims with this lifeless corporate tyranny of enslavement
through whoring for the dark foreboding wills of Our Mr. bush
Jr.. Censorship is the tool of tyrants, while I beckon a new
light for peace by communicating. Please, I beg you, do not
allow them to silence my objections to have us unjustly
imprisoning myself, while bringing great hardship to my
immediate family by denying the truth be spoken publicly in my
defense on why I'm in the Court room, and what is documented
irrespective of their spin doctoring and label pasting.

Where is the violation of a child's rights, specifically, when
the Crown's crew gleefully ponder images she'll use to silence
the words of Johnny Wizard by prison sentence? Where? No,

Commanding our public indignation for those who disrespect
human rights she will use as her weapon, all the while, hidden
from the jury, and the judge, a secret contempt for thousands
of innocent murder victims denied my unchallenged demands for
real Justice. No officer of our laws anywhere have found
fault with my PUBLIC summation, documented fully, on who, and
how, 9/11 was truly orchestrated. A Crown stuck committed to

global bushite tyranny Vs. a Truth seeker of the highest
order. Come to the trial! Tell your friends! Tell your
neighbors! The People vs. an overburdened unjust Crown, and
a near treasonous national security officer, who wrote in the
original top secret warrant nobody was suppose to see, it'd be
so much easier to help bush escape arrest by avoiding the
public accountability process entirely. The once top secret
Johnny Wizard Warrant is freely available with most names
being detracted, to protect the innocent until proven guilty.
A traitor to God and Country the Crown and one National
Security officer potentially is in this top secret bush
administration conspiracy endeavor, to serve by bushite
criminal decree up here in defenseless Canada. For as
potential accessories to first degree mass murder, they are
stuck attempting to undermine Canada's National Security
Services, the FBI, the People, US, all to further unjustly
sacrifice, more of our uninformed sons and daughters for
further bounty, as substantiated real world criminal, bushite
evils. I say no. Help me get public recognition through talk
radio, take a stand for your fellow man, and help a Jury in
Winnipeg learn of who I am, and why they are forbidden to know
what's truly going on, and you'll be helping yourself to a
better future. My principle allegations against George W.
Bush require a qualified and adapt security officer no more
that forty three minutes to verify. Namely, bush's business
partner, General Ahmad funded 911's "mastermind" "ringleader"
Atta, and was also sent, the General was, from the Whitehouse
on behalf of bush to the Taliban stating, no evidence will be
brought against Laden as the accused, therefore an innocent
man in Christ. And, that as MSNBC reported of the top secret
documents provided to themselves anonymously from Condoleezza
Rice's office, George had a confidential plan at his desk on
how to invade Afghanistan dated September 9th, 2001 that he
didn't want anybody in America to know he was working on
during his "vacation". His confessed publicly to MSNBC, as
"fully implemented" Afghanistan strategy, demanded that he not
pursue the true 911 evil doers, for it would upset his made
before hand, guaranteed plan. That had soldier grunts moving
out to get ready just before the event. All premised on
blaming Laden as a terrorist without a shred of evidence, for
a crime that hadn't yet taken place, but that bush was
personally prepared as closing investigations on. To secure
criminal invasion he would refuse to follow the evidence trail
- and as a result - NOT apprehend the have to let go - falsely
accused bin Laden. [cowardly soldiers who didn't speak up as
real Patriots would have much earlier, who were ordered to let
Laden go on his way in Torra Borra, have now all mostly fallen
quietly dead., by fluke mishap or something like the sort it
is said.] All set in play, this plan of Our Mr. bush Jr's,
top secretly with General Ahmad riding gun shot, just days
before thousands of American People were still left
unaccountably murdered. See? Mr. Bush would need such an
event to happen unhindered as a requirement to galvanize world
sentiment. Providing no evidence substantiated would
guarantee his needed invasion for American pension thievers
Enron, and that is exactly what HE planned, what HE did, and
who HE is. Evil is the deceived disguised. What more do you
need to know buddy?

I, armed with only the facts, demand the arrest of those who
participated in the murder of children to protect the demon
lies of George W. Bush, while the Crown's case, on top of
alleging that the simple possession Law [no criminal intent to
express or obtain is alleged] states a child's rights are
being infringed on due to the content by itself, ALONE,
appears ready to fight for disallowing a jury, to freely
witness, this fishing expedition was intentionally started to
stop me speaking my outrage that bush hasn't been yet arrested
for committing 9/11 with General Ahmad, so according to the
unmentionables in the no longer top secret Warrant. That this
Crown would officially state holding our virtues while
attempting to condemn me to a long prison sentence, shows her
possible personal true contempt for the value of Your human

life my friend. I have written extensively on defending the
rights of children, and the psychology of sexually
dysfunctional sadomasochists, I have studied this world to
create some thing greater than average, some thing better than
normal, a world where all children are respected, including
those of Iraq who have been purposefully denied safe drinking
water, because negroponte needed to STEAL the emergency funds
for his new embassy. See?, she would argue that those real
world crimes aren't relevant to my case in her hands, those
REAL children like perhaps your own don't concern her, nor do
the lives of Canadians lied to by corporate command for
criminal sacrifice. The Crown convinces us irrationally, with
her only excuse being, because the specific broken Law she's
decided to singly exercise, (with the exclusion of all others,
like thou shall not murder,) stupidly says she can, and you
dummies can't do anything at all about it yourself. Why?
Because you wont speak out for anyone else's rights to be
heard publicly - the bushite enemy trust to figure. Justice
is Freedom, and to have a real concern for another's lost
rights to freely be, is to be truly concerned with your very
own in serious jeopardy. I wouldn't lie to you. Believing,
as the bushite do, willfully deceitful corporate news
propaganda excuses the Bush Administration's rampant
criminality against the innocent as God is, truly, excuses
nothing, especially if I have something to say on the subject
of accountability.

This final Court challenge against my Freedom to be myself,
that the bush administration attempted firstly to do top
secretly, has now been laid publicly at our door step as a
blatant threat to everyone of us as a member of the Canadian
Public. Will you help me politely address my false accusers
on our public airwaves? Will you help speak for freedom from
tyranny is this question riddled, or will you deny yourself my
generous helping?

The reasons why such abhorrent behaviors continue unaddressed
in our Police Force actions will be documented fully with
remedies offered during the second part of the third phase of
the upcoming Question Period press conferences - press
conferences running during the available down times of The
Trial of



/ /And that of course gives the bushites and CBC and CNN their
implausible deniability, where they can say their remaining
neutral, by not providing us the facts to allow us to decide
for ourselves. Because otherwise, we wouldn't kill ourselves
to profit the bushmob cabal of God haters. Who victimize
innocent Christians for no other reason but for to profit off
our suffering.


Think of all those people in that situation as God. And
these, the bushite nazi grunts, have positions that are
completely irrational, they're making no sense, your fuking
up. It's like a cancer that God of that whole situation, is
inflicted with. They're lying to themselves. If your there
to fight on behalf of Iraqis, you take a position to demand
all the money that has been taken through this Iraq
Development Fund, be returned. \ \


/ / What is particularly disturbing is how the administration
misused intelligence information to make its case for war and
failed to plan competently for the postwar period. \ \

What seems even more disturbing, to me, and PBS' FRONTLINE, is
that there was a "State" plan, the ORHA plan to prevent
looting and carnage, but it was sabotaged by rumsfeld and
franks, so the bushmob could try to make some sense of
needlessly bombing the country for our labored dollars, while
robbing the central bank and museum by mopping up the mess
with the bodies of American Patriots still dying as dumfuks.


you know what is right, though you may still be blind, never too
late to
change your mind, we are all in agreement, in truth we rise, evil is
just the
deceived disguised...


Our Gambling Problem

Instead of our government deciding what services we need and are
willing to
pay for, they'll have us think that by actively promoting gambling to
those we
can take advantage of, somehow serves them right, and us well.





/ / That is a high act of treason. And it's not,

"oh well, but maybe it's not true.." No, we have
the two documents of question. \ \

What is the Coast to Coast radio network Head talking
about tonight?, the re-re-re-hashing of the "Allaways
Interslinging" Bigfoot phenomenon? Where was I...

Look, you're not going to go to hell for not giving me a
couple of dollars to further my cause, but it sure
couldn't help to leave me without any support here


White House keeps dossiers on more than 10,000 'political enemies'



The United States of America v. Adam Vaughn

He was a stand-up Marine, a beloved cop, and a local hero

/ / Vaughn was accused of possessing child pornography on
the basis of images in his browser cache and downloaded
photos he had deleted from his hard drive long before the
accusations. Although Vaughn says he never sought out or
wanted to keep pornographic images of children, he's
serving four and a half years in jail. \ \



/ / It's as if our government is telling us that if we're
going to look at porn, we'd better pay for it. Otherwise,
we might get branded pedophiles. How many innocent lives
will be destroyed before the child porn wars are over? \ \



/ / Specialist Damien "Monster" Corsetti--known
affectionately as the "King of Torture" among his Bagram
colleagues--was later fined and demoted for forcing an
Iraqi woman to strip during an interrogation at Abu
Ghraib. Yet Corsetti remains a free man. \ \

Will America hunt to kill the un-arrested bushite cancer
that knows thyself as the "King of Torture"? Who's
blasphemous open contempt for all that is God doesn't even
earn him a spot on America's Most Wanted?

/ / "Suggestions that U.S. forces targeted civilians with
these weapons are simply wrong," U.S. Marine Major Tim
Keefe said in an e-mail to Reuters. "Had the producers of
the documentary bothered to ask us for comment, we would
have certainly told them that the premise of the program
was erroneous." \ \

Does not such treasonous conduct warrant a military
misdemeanor of bush bitch Tim Keefe? He even claims to
have knowledge of the undisputable endless footage
that documents nazi attacks against the completely
innocent as defenseless. But the premise of a commitment
for Americans to truly war Our enemies being the truly
Just and Free, at least under his falsehoods of
leadership, is an erroneous argument. For, bushites are
the bad guys, who lie cheat and steal don't you know.


/ / Bush didn't have any popularity left. Overnight tracking
polls showed Kilgore dropped three percentage points after the
President's appearance and Democrat Tim Kaine won on Tuesday.

Conservative Pennsylvania Republican Senator Rick Santorum

told radio talk show host Don Imus Wednesday that he does not
want the President's help and will stay away from a Bush rally
in his state on Friday. \ \





/ / Why would God promise you in the Bible, go hurt myself
purposefully. And steal something from someone you didn't
earn. And be a dishonest lying bastard, just to be an
asshole you like to be. \ \



/ / He figured anybody who committed the acts of torture
against the innocent, needed to be publicly executed for
America, by America, as America, and I, am totally in
agreement with that. \ \


Bush Jnr. is sure wicked evil song




/ / an epic study that documents the systematic nature of
torture by the Americans, and how casual it is, even
enjoyable. [...] as the head of Reuters said recently,
it is out of control. It is destroying lives in industrial
quantities when compared with the violence of the
resistance. \ \

Godless bushite enemy thieves, are enemies of innocent men
women and children as they live and die in undefended America
measured worthless to the neocon traitor's bottom line.

If YOU, personally make no effort to confront millionaire talk
radio hosts who insist America's more concerned with
discussing the importance of aliens and vampires than the
sacrifice of liberty for tyranny, America will die. Anti-cop
Coast to Coast hosts deliberately forbid Americans to learn
about who personally is responsible for the crimes of 911, or
that the war in Iraq has no rational justification whatsoever.
Nazi bush bitch George Norrie would happily watch your
American children die for the treasonous bushmob, before
allowing any Patriot on Your radio to discuss these serious
matters that confront us all. Help me gain a public voice on
our air waves, please.


/ / Mr Cheney told several Republican senators that
President Bush would veto the annual defense spending
bill if it contained language prohibiting the use of
cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment by any U.S.
personnel. \ \


/ / Col. Robert Bowman: As other speakers have said,
they knew the American people wouldn't stand for it, and
they said so in their documents, and they said, unless
there's that new Pearl Harbor.

[...] and it is treason. [...]

1. We give up all rights to Iraqi oil 2. We give up
all rights to the rebuilding contracts- if Halliburton
wants a contract from you, they have to bid on it like
anybody else, and they have to hire Iraqis to do the work
for a change. 3. We give up all rights to those 14
permanent military bases we're building in Iraq at this
time. And the people in the Whitehouse are not going to
make those committments and so they have to go and all
the puppeteers with them. \ \

/ / Rove told Cooper that further information
discrediting Wilson and his findings would soon be
declassified and ended the phone conversation by saying
"I've already said too much. \ \

/ / · less than one per cent of the population believes
coalition forces are responsible for any improvement in
security; \ \

(Don't miss "Johnny Wizard Vs. the bushmob")

(on bush's behavior during the school book 9/11 incident.)

/ / Stuck he was then, with no mind to ruse, er.. time to
snooze, Arg! What was the cue? Errrch... If he moves
with priority interest as concerned openly honest public
figure, as he knows a legitimate President would have
been to first learn of such carnage,


why not previous before he left his Hotel room with a
television? Outside the Hotel? In the motorcade? With
school staff as you'd figure would have been present too
laughing, no? Instead he stayed as he had been to give
no orders publicly, nor attempt to make public inqiries,
but to listen with such unbelievable absolute devotion,
equating a beautiful child's story, as if it were Jesus
from the heavens himself, speaking directly on the
living Nature of our Universe.. \ \
From the Johnny Wizard work - "Wait a Moment"
[The Son of Man asks:]

/ / Who cares about yourself if you won't listen as reason
to? What can you lose when you have granted to be
blindly stolen from? \ \


/ / An editorial appearing Wednesday in the Washington
Post did not mince words in denouncing Cheney's
intervention. His actions, the newspaper declared,
demonstrated that ``this vice president has become an
open advocate of torture.'' \ \

/ / The War Crimes Act of 1996, a federal statute set
forth at 18 U.S.C. § 2441, makes it a federal crime for
any U.S. national, whether military or civilian, to
violate the Geneva Convention by engaging in murder,
torture, or inhuman treatment. \ \

/ / Making a potential prosecutor's job easier, U.S.
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales wrote a memo in January
2002 to President Bush saying that America should opt out
of the Geneva Convention because top officials have to
worry about prosecutions under 18 U.S.C. § 2441. By
attempting to sidestep the Geneva Convention, Gonzales
created a document trail that can be used to prove that
top administration officials knowingly created a policy
of torturing prisoners \ \

/ / Entitled ``The Torture Question,'' the report makes
clear that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld bears direct
responsibility for the brutal methods of interrogation
used against US prisoners. \ \



/ / What is happening is that Ms. Davidson and Lawyers Against the
War have laid charges against George Bush Jr; accusing him of
aiding, abetting, and counseling the commission of torture. \ \

/ / "Many Canadians don't realize that we have not only the right
but the responsibility to pursue these charges, it is a
responsibility that the Canadian government owes not only to the
people of Canada, but to the people of the world. \ \

/ / "The American legal system seems incapable of bringing him to
justice and there are no international courts with jurisdiction.
So it's up to Canada to enforce the law that everybody has signed
on to but nobody else seems willing to apply." \ \

/ / Irwin Cotler's credo is supposed to be "Justice, justice shall
you pursue" not ingratiation with superpowers who practice torture. \


/ / [...] talk your arguments to 18 USC 794 anti-treason law.
and if he [bush] goes by hanging I buy the rope. \ \


/ / o Where the HELL is YOUR proof that Dick Cheney was NOT
conducting drills on 9/11 that paralyzed Air Force responses to the
real attacks?

o Where the HELL is YOUR proof that Tower 7 collapsed as a result
of the attacks?

o Where the HELL is YOUR proof that `put' orders placed on the two
Airlines involved in the attacks were mere coincidence?

o Where the HELL is YOUR proof that Porter Goss knew nothing about
$100,000 that was wired to Mohammed Atta?

o Where the Hell is YOUR proof that Donald Rumsfeld did not
organize an illegal military group that would ``provoke terrorist
attacks which would then require `"counter-attack" by the United
States? \ \





/ / The Nazis in the 1930s were forced to waste precious time and
money on the inoculation of the German citizenry, too well-educated
for its own good, against the infections of impermissible thought.
We can count it as a blessing that we don't bear the burden of an
educated citizenry. \ \

From "Epiphany"

/ / What can bush or rumsfeld do now in Iraq, outside of criminally
stealing our assets, that they couldn't do before a single innocent
Iraqi person was murdered by heinous traitor buford blount? Look I
am serious about this: read... What can bush or rumsfeld do now
in Iraq, outside of criminally stealing our assets, that they
couldn't do before a single innocent Iraqi person was murdered by
heinous traitor buford blount? \ \

/ / In fact, as they made clear on page one, the authors had
stripped out Falluja; their estimate of 98,000 deaths would
otherwise have been much higher. \ \

Repeat after me:

Coast to Coast hosts are leaving us listeners out here
with the impression, that neither hosts have
heard of the National Intelligence Estimate,
or the NIE, that was created by pressure through
congress just prior to the war, by the cia, state
department, and eight other American intelligence
agencies, of which, the bush administration got
caught misleading the verdicts by censorship,
and outright re-writing, then bald faced lying.
Subsequently causing the creation of an
investigation by the Senate, who's conclusion stated
that the bush administration "..provided [Americans]
with an incomplete picture of the nature and extent
of the debate within the intelligence community
regarding these issues."



It's the simplest idea. All you gotta do, is get a couple large
buoys, that let's say take maybe a twenty foot square space, maybe
a foot or two thick, and they contain air, made of some strong
plastics. You just take that, anchor it stationary to the ocean
floor, and have it situated on a gear system where, even though the
buoy moves up and down slightly, there is such a tremendous amount
of force on it, through the rising of the tides, that through gear
ratios, you could easily get some turbines going for a thousand
bucks or something. Not a big investment to give you free energy

/ / Do not put any effort into thinking out your own opinions.
Create doubt on anything any true liberator, would try to
convey to you as important for your life. Never mind. Watch
your son or daughter be sacrificed, and just lie to yourself,
and tell us all how your so proud of your dead son or
daughter, "because they were fighting for liberty." And we
just got to just keep bullshiting you because you're an enemy
to God. An enemy to true freedom, when you demand truth not
be spoken for the innocent being persecuted, as Christ was.
Where is Christianity in America? Call your Church now! \ \


/ / Why does any American think that spying without a warrant
has any more effect in reducing the threat of terrorism than
spying with a warrant? \ \

Yet, FOX, CNN and CBC silently plead ignorance when
broadcasting for bushite favor on this rights issue. He wants
to pursue terrorists they'll tell us, but CNN, CBC, FOX and
others, won't tell us why Bush secretly feels FISA would
jeopardize such claimed inquiries? Sure, bushites are dumb,
but we're not that dumb to except this without knowing. It's
similarly like, Bush can't be my Chief because, Congress
didn't declare war like the Constitution Laws. So, what's he
going by then?, right?


Look up in your mind, across the sky!, it's the glorious sign
that says things couldn't be much worse under the watchful
gaze of the Supreme Commander. It's like, Bush can't be my
Chief because, Congress didn't declare war like the
Constitution Laws.

The, in league with evil tresspass of George Walker Bush only
has the rights that are protected by any civilized American.
The lying demon enemy has no power of illusion over me, for
he, I have concluded with in discussions about Satan, is
truly, no honorable god fearing American.

Help me to gain some international say, and our world will
fair brighter at becoming, this fool's play/tragedy.

bLeEplAb! bLeEplAp! bLeEplAb! bLeEplAp!


God or no God, I hate the demon antiChrist, corporate
america's false-deity, Your unelected Mr. bush Jr., as
much as any real Creator of this world, or any other

With such real inaction on old promises [lies] made by
the dishonorable and dishonest leaderless bushite nazi
savages, while desecrating all of Humanity by fighting
against a just rule of Law, (instead of protecting
America's America), forces the continued REAL WORLD
sacrifice of true Liberty, until the bushmob gang is
brought up by US for war crimes., as the 9/11
perpetrating, super evil as ungodly, demon antiChrist in
disguises. (I very much would feel welcomed to play my
part in those public proceedings.) Hmmm.. maybe CNN or
CBC can become publicly convinced we should have our own
news programs on what's truly happening?, to compete
against the 'evil bushites' in this competitive free
market place of ideas? Who knows..

Take care of the business, by getting US in on our
news-casts., as these principles here standing in words,
are a dreamers dreams, just waiting for You to bring to
reality., by standing proud, strong, and forever free as
a, truly, super awesome Human Being.

True Blue American Jew


/ / Jimmy Carter tours America with a new book that describes
Jews as racists and oppressors, and suggests they are also a
conspiratorial mafia that intimidates ``critics,'' [...] In
other words, Americans beware of the Jew in your midst. [...]
When hundreds of millions are calling for the extermination of
the Jews of Israel this is more than a lie; it is a blood
libel. \ \

What is wrong with this ungodly stupid zionist demon nazi fuk
eh? Does he want us to think he has some secret club of
"ungodly liars" who could hide among themselves in a dark room
and not destroy themselves willingly? (The Devil's in the
details) I'm King of the Jews, and I'd kill bushite thieves
for America anyday, any REAL JEW who defends the lives of the
innocent, who the bushite targets for murder would do so
likewise.. I mean, come on, seriously, who wouldn't.
bushites are evil, and evil is dumb. A zionist THIEF is a
soulless enemy of Life, as a un-American, God hating, pro
Christian/Arab/Jew killer. In other words, Americans beware
of the Zionist in your midst who LIES to cheat and steal from
the innocent true blue American Jew included.

Johnny America - presently on his theatrical, Wizard's World
Wide Work of Wonder Word spectacular Tour production with the
personally staged adaptation of, "Hello", now playing

P.S. can you spare a few tens of thousands of dollars so I
can afford a fair defense in my court battle against the
demonic enemy forces of life as we know it? Or, well, I guess
I'll lose unfairly, and go to prison as an innocent god loving
man, the "Top Cop" of our Universe dying actually. Don't let
them do this to my America friends.. my friend, don't let
them do this to anyone. Make the call. Be a man.

/ / An AMERICAN CITIZEN that ALL found leaderless bushite
dumfuk anti-American terrorist forces act nothing for defense
in. An American!!! \ \


Now that atheist THIEF Israel has 'legalized' MURDER,

/ / "Israel is embarking upon a more aggressive approach to
the war on terror that will include staging targeted killings
in the United States and other friendly countries, former
Israeli intelligence officials told United Press
International. \ \ The zionist criminal element can't call
OUR COPS we see... and with enemies like these... We should
don our stars an crosses, load our guns, and hunt to kill
every last 'escaped' first degree murderer zionist,


/ / ``This is simply not right,'' Layton told a news
conference. ``There is no evidence that Mr. Arar's name
should be on such a list. We held a whole inquiry here in
Canada on this question. \ \


The Voice of Reason, NewsTalk 1270 is Off the Air

/ / it's almost unheard of for a start up to launch a station
with a format as expensive as the news/talk format. And it's
extremely rare for local investors to buck the trend of the
corporate consolidation and launch an independent locally
controlled broadcast outlet. \ \


Johnny's Flying Jalopy

Corporate America's contempt for Justice is STILL killing
American teens un-necessarily. All religions are in agreement
- God is just - and if there is to ever be a heaven granting
freedom to all, it's a world that treats all people equitably,
like Mohamed, Hillel, and Jesus with Confucius, Buddha, and so
on preaches to real believers... While evil bushite liars
tell our children we're blaming the innocent as God's will for
their 'escaping' criminality. Murderous! Art Bell again,
told his viewers he didn't support starting the war against
the innocent in Iraq, but he did relentlessly. I survived
through that well recorded international challenge. The demon
forbade any discussions on the matter, but for a rare seldom
talk with someone who wanted to nuke somwheres else. The
demon would screen his calls, privately during commercials,
and anyone who wanted to bring up an American soldier's
interest in why we were all pro-war with those who directly
carried out 911 AS DOCUMENTED, he'd just hang up on before
broadcast. Despite MILLIONS marching. So AMERICANS wouldn't
know: George W. Bush actually is the 911 master mind of this
journey into hell by his criminal ineptness to plan an
effective exit strategy for him, and his dishonorable ungodly
servants, like the bushite terrorists Cheney, Rumsfeld, task
group 626. Sattler, Blount, Mattis, Russell, Allawi, Aegis,
and now,.. PUBLIC admissions of the bush administration
taxing "Americans" for death squads against the INNOCENT by
their "democratic" constituency. Gifts from America to you
freedom lovers! See the bushite, you kill it for America, you
kill it for children, you kill it for the love of GOD left
forsaken by corporate 'for profit' zionist news directors, who
TRULY hold YOUR life in contempt. Hate me? okay, f--k you
too then, HATE GOD as 'defenseless' by supporting these
continuing indiscriminate al-cia-duh bombing attacks against
our Humanity, and I'll personally hunt the offensive liar
bushite down religiously for judicial prosecutions as OUR
enemy. Join me in ridding Humanity of the enemies to American
freedom, the bushite terrorists.

Bush signed the top secret war strategy, to ignore all
relevant evidence for a crime that hadn't just yet taken
place, on September 7th, 2001. [Jim at MSNBC] A top secret
criminal plan to close inquiries carried out after the
catalyst terror event of 911. The General who provided the no
evidence argument to the Taliban at Bush's request, was found
also responsible by the FBI for funding the same terrorist
offence in question. A terrorist crime that the bushmob has
taken a huge killing in GOD with. wAllah, George W. Bush is
the for real antichrist. No escaping it my friends, no
escaping it. Fight for Freedom, or die a loser to bush's
genius. Support me, or fail to recognize true wisdom when it
speaks to you of need for desperate change to save your dying

Do YOU have any idea how truly evil Art Bell appears when he
says, of course America was lied to through corporate news
censorship in regards to the WMD questions, but that's because
it was all for stealing Iraqi property to benefit no-national,
bottom lining by jack bribing, - bush's - pro-military
dictatorship oil companies after all is dead and gone, that's
what death Your American Son is good for. And why isn't Art
Bell mad about what he did to you?, at least near half the
angry of how much, still locked in the trunk Daddy G is?
No,.. in shock!, he's sounding as chipper as ever! That is
what Art Bell actually said last Saturday night to God and

So listen: Art Bell and George Norry won't allow Americans to
set a HIGH PRIORITY in solving any American crisis, and
instead, we'll get the regular, who cares about the dying
poor, needless American teen sacrifices done for a better life
it was not thought. Art Bell will likely never be able to
stand up proud as a real American man, unless he allows US to
form his good defense on fears of wisdom existing beyond his
stupid man comprehensions along with likewise traitor Norry.
Only way for that to happen, is if he, as the other radio
celeb happy happy cultists, are forced by LAW, to have
broadcasted on every private radio station of OUR Planet, a
full hour of open lines calls to talk about whatever as the
disgruntled, but loving, immediate community, perhaps sharing
recipes. Then, if America is still then a wasteland of
worthless words trumpeting a bushite's proud barbarity for
ungodly zionism as death of the Jewish religion, continually
committed to the further enslavement of the Human condition,
by thieving, and torturing as proud boastful bushites do,
WE'LL ALL know it, and consider demanding Justice then on OUR,
not so out there old country radio stations, all so THEY can
then, as offending war criminals, go it alone without
ourselves. Like an old "All in the Family" episode I saw
once, or thrice. Where Archie gets to makes a community
member statement on his local TV station!!! Wow eh? How far
we've come...

Jesus, hell no, I ain't going down that blind delusion of what
infinite Justice means. Tell George Norry, Ahmad funded Atta.
Despite the FACT that he will likely again, personally
determine, DYING American SOLDIERS must be FORBIDDEN such
knowledge as understood in context. Then, get him to invite
US on as a very controversial guest. What a show that would
be! Wouldn't it be a great novelty that would eventually wear
off with something even more curiously interesting in a
million to two years? Or, die tomorrow as a forsaken American
Patriot soldier. It's all up to YOU. Do the right thing by
supporting me, Creator of the Universe, with answers to
EVERYTHING. Or, die with evil genius Bush, as your blind
tyrant war bringer, against everything good in purgatory.


Johnny America


/ / Lord Justice Richards, sitting with Mr Justice Forbes and
Mr Justice Mackay, ruled it was a "reasonable" decision for
the Director of Public Prosecutions and the CPS not to order
prosecutions on the basis that they were "likely to fail". \ \

These three will be tried for blatant treason, when found
easily guilty, Britain will consider temporarily bringing back
the death penalty, by having these three, along with the
murderous pro cop killers, gloriously executed for God and
country. The fellow murdered was working for a security firm,
likely, Peter Power. And the murderers were caught repeatedly
LYING to the British populace. Repeatedly. Now, ask
yourself, why such lies to cover up such a serious crime of
FIRST DEGREE MURDER of an innocent British citizen? "Likely
to fail"?, that's not Justice, likewise, not freedom, as no
way to deal with the continuing terrorist threat found
discovered there years and years ago. Do you think these
treasonous "Judges" are not aware of the mass killings in
Britain committed, as confessed PUBLICLY IN BRITIAN, by
government agents posing as the still silent on the issue IRA?
LEARN: these once fearful officers will tell you, if they
don't talk to plead Justice, the "British" government has them
murdered. (Their best buds actually from back at the office
are only 'IN IT' for their own preserved criminal gain you
see, so... why take the risk that Johnny'll get you in the
end? SEE? A bushite kills bushite for a stolen nickel they
likely stole from their OWN grand parents to give to
Halliburton, because truly, bushite soldiers are godless nazi
traitors who cowardly bomb the innocent with their personal
contempt for God and Life, or go silent over such atrocities
committed in our names by LIARS.) This pattern is Universal,
so, my hands are tied. There is truly no honor among bushite
thieves, like in the Third Infantry or Elvis desecrator Aegis.
Death to our indiscriminately murderous thieving enemies of
God's Creation, who war Creation for bush's personal escape
for the crimes of 911 Christ would say right, wouldn't you say
so likewise my brothers and sisters, of the Muslim, Christian,
and Jewish religions in belief?

/ / Jonathan Crow QC, acting for the CPS, said he sympathised
with the family but that the police believed at the time Mr de
Menezes posed a threat and they were acting in self defence. \ \

According to whom?, certainly not by the statements made by
the demonic bushite liars who war Britain to assist in the
escape of Peter Power and company.

Later Gaters,

Johnny America

Crime News Journalist "Apoo, will you ever stop selling spoiled meat?"
Kwiki Mart Apoo Ahhasapeenapenluand "No. I mean yes. I mean.. Oh oh.."


Iraq Study Group finds "systematic" effort to cook the books.


"My opponent says that going to war with the terrorists is
actually improving their recruiting efforts. I think the
logic is upside-down. I think that shows a misunderstanding
of the enemy." -- George W. Bush

"I must tell you, I'm sleeping a lot better than people would
assume," -- George W. Bush


No evidence against an accused is US being truly abused

"These are not terrorists, they are not al-Qeada, they are
ordinary innocent men, women and children."



Ahmad funded Atta

American soldiers are being terribly mislead by the Bush
administration to undermine freedom for Americans, by
suggesting an effective war strategy is to ignore all the 911
evidence, and go off instead to blindly blame bad Afghans or
badder Iraqis, is an insult to all honorable police services.
Services not left permanently perplexed by the onslaught of
repeatedly ignoring the same consequences where more innocent
people fall dead as bombing victims, while LIAR bushite
continue to charge/thieve from both, you as an American, and
me, a member of our victimized Humanity. You see, your demon
liar has ruled that all the Peoples of Earth have no legal
rights to exist freely in our public court rooms. Bad news
that is for OUR dying America my friend. Support my call for
an open dialog on returning a reason for believing, for
Freedom is Justice, not a censored world ruled by puppet
people in shadows without free will left un-accountable. On a
populated Earth exceeding six billion, you would find some
disagreement on our worths measured by the 'un-accountable'
bushite american ENEMY like the self described as enlightened,
pro Arab child killer George Norry I'd say. See, if you blame
someone for a crime without any evidence, then convict him,
how would you know that the individual that victimized your
Family actually got caught for harming YOU? Personally I'm
saying... .American. I mean - if you continue not demanding a
return to Justice, it will leave your life, and go far where
freedom's not. Believe me. I know these things,

Support my cause as if it were your own, by chirping in to
help us out some man. Look out buddies, some thing wicked
this way comes and it's surprise!, Johnny Wizard President and
CEO of Earth Co.! Wow!, what a godsend that boy is eh? I'd
bet he's richer than everybody.. No, I've heard he's near
starving broke, no hey.. it's no joke.. I've heard he's
looking at prison time because nobody will lend him the time
of day to call up their radio station to demand Justice for
themselves., As Americans!. Nor, have any billionaires the
world over offered Johnny a penny in help to secure a proper
legal defense. Gee, it's just that he's hard of believing in
God I'd say. Perhaps..

Where did you get those shoes?,

Johnny America - A Free World believer in something better.

Puppet On A String: Hamas Dances To Israel's Tune

P.S. Did you hear?, Israel's big G-D Court ruled that
committing State murder is what lawless ||Jews|| do to fight
'terrorism'? Legal to murder innocent People, but more
specifically, Religious People. "Fuck You Moses" the Israeli
ungodly zionist says, because they're better than US as
Zionist jews don't you know. The People's of Israel are being
victimized by the bastions of truly demonic lies told through
the sickening mouth pieces of the irrational zionist neocon
god betrayers. Believe me, I know these things, for I am the
Light of Life itself after all.

Okay, I'm gone. .. er. .



Again, a un-American bushite is the enemy to Life as ungodly
disciples of the very real antichrist, believe me.


/ / "And I reject those ideas," Bush said after meeting with
top generals and Defense Department officials at the Pentagon. \ \

It looks like G.W. Bush is going to be a real bitch about all
this nasty business of his capacity to conceive what we're
saying actually as each other committed to reach beyond the
'grunt' stage in human development eh? Typical.

"It's Bad-in-Iraq, Does that help heh-heh"

/ / For if Iran should have learned anything from recent
history, especially from events on its own borders, it is that
as a tactic, whether offensive or defensive, threatening
Israel publicly is counterproductive in the extreme. \ \

Blame a zionist for the criminal offences he or she is
personally responsible for as the guilty party, and the
'escaping' zionist claims through corporate 'for profit' media
mind control, your blaming Israel as an anti-Semite.
Anti-Semite! Semite, like umm... Moe, Ham, an Ed. You go,
Aukmaudinajad, let's get the truth out to let a free people
decide without NAZI censorship. However, I have seen
incinerators filled with corpses, and Hitler's Reich marching
anywho citizens into a hole, where with women and babies, they
were then all summarily shot, then buried, all the while
soldier's chatted about how great they were, all high quality
digital formats available, some even IN COLOR!, so, convincing
me that godless bushites have existed, that would murder
anyone for a stolen nickel as pro-bush rapists, pro-bush
torturers, and pro-bush thieves of the Iraqi Development Funds
is goin' be, next near to impossible. But, I'm the guy you'd
want in your corner, never the less. "King of the Jews",
that's me. Oh, oh, oh, oh,.. pick me! picck ME! PICK ME!!!

'We have no problems with Jews and highly respect Judaism as a
holy religion. We only have problems with Zionist circles in
Israel which we hold responsible for the suppression of the
Palestinian nation.'

P.S. I'm not gay that way okay, and I'm most definitely a
man's man when it comes to the female gender, but I really do
love Ourselves man, and if you guys don't start offering me
some support, a couple of disgruntled bushite brethren are
going to pirate our Justice system, by putting me, an innocent
man behind OUR bars UNJUSTLY. Support Yourself by calling up
CJOB here in Winnipeg to demand they start broadcasting in
favor of our freedoms, not to lie our naiver teens into dying
for something they understand nothing of. Well, it's no
wonder. Make the calls. Be a friend, if not a blind enemy to
everything. For our Life's survival needs your input/help.
Don't die in silence for Bush, fight for America to come back
to being America. Get on the radio. YOU can make a real
difference if you'd only try. Realize, very few actually do,
we need YOU. Now, Coast to Coast hosts deny US this
privilege, this must change for thee better. The sooner we
succeed in defeating George Norry and Art Bell's censorship of
the American endeavor, the more American teen lives are
potentially spared through a dying bushite's commander's
CRIMINAL contempt for Humanity, just like Our Mr. bush IS.
For, REAL freedom is protected through just acts made for our
measured benefits. A country, or city, or person accused of a
criminal offense without any evidence made in the Public Trust
is innocent. PERIOD. Hammurabi suggested to just PROUDLY
kill any false capital accuser [a bushite] who tries to
tell/teach our suggestible children otherwise. Real people
have to die in defense for escaping the support of torturing
innocent people to death, for their is NEVER any reason, just
costly time to explain the whys, that bushites lie, while
American national radio propagandists, who like Art Bell, are
pouring poisonously chauvinist, and openly, willingly working
to undermine the audience, all to lawless traders of freedom
for tyranny. Senators that supported the Military Commissions
Act need to be thought for as TREASONOUS. Better for Christ
to judicially halt/kill a thieving bushite, than allow it to
continue lawlessly murdering more left undefended for further
victim hood as God's America. No evidence against an accused
is US being truly abused. (Senators have STOLEN literally
billions from a helpless GOD through ear-marking from an
un-accountable America left to die as the actually forsaken.)
Smart guy that Hammurabi fellow was, on combating ungodly
terrorism in a new world's Age.

Alex Jones "Alarming words for our time."




Exit strategy: Outlaw lawlessness. Murder, rape, and the
thieving of billions from America as STILL wrong.

Johnny America "Death to the bushite, death to our enemies."

A Look Back and Ahead In An Age of Neocon Rule

/ / [...] like the Law of Suspects, were earlier versions of
our Patriot I and II and Military Commission Acts today. The
Revolutionary Tribunal, with no chance for justice or right of
appeal, was no different than our military courts today, and
too many civil ones, in which any US citizen may now be tried
anywhere in the world, with no habeas right of appeal or hope
for due process and from which those sent there won't fare any
better than the French did, doomed to meet their unjust fate -
[...] \ \

Unjust?, perhaps. Remember, these bushites CHOOSE to support
the rape and torture of the innocent in God. Knowing the
bushmob STOLE all Iraqi wealth, AND LISTEN, they speak near no
words in defense of ourselves. While, I, as I'm certain any
real family man would also, take GREAT pleasure in killing
bushites. Anyone in George W. bush’s Air Force for example.
They are soulless cowards who drop bombs on innocent families
running for their lives from a Church, or as children, hiding
under our beds praying to God for help. Simply put: A
bushite terrorist is a lifeless enemy of Life, better dead,
than still breathing I tell all children of creation to kill
their very own fathers or brothers if they express any blind
pride whatsoever in these indiscriminate attacks against
freedom. Or just spend stolen loot like from in Blount’s
Third Infantry. (Blount commands the third infantry as a
Saudi Wahhabist, no shit, a BILLIONIARE Saudi commanding
American soldiers to OPENLY thieve and murder from Iraq. If
Saddam only knew, he’d be up in arms over it I'm sure.)

All I personally need to hear, is that bushite cheering from
his bomber at the murdering of innocent screaming women and
children, in Afghanistan, or any of the near thousand tapes
from Iraq, or perhaps, re-reading the comments of the not yet
PROUDLY EXECUTED 3 year old killers of Haditha, who told US
ALL, murdering helpless children not guilty of ANYTHING was
their regular fair all through the criminal command of
Sattler, where as Satanic, they murdered more than two hundred
thousand of OUR innocent family members to die sacrificed for
the demon LIAR ANTICHRIST enemy thieves. Oh god yah, killing
a bushite, is to defend the innocent lives they target to
thieve from themselves as ENEMIES TO EVERYTHING. God yeah, I
know I'm doing Humanity GOOD by ending a first degree
murdering bushite THIEF, who wars Our innocent Humanity to
help escape the TRAITOR bushmob for 911, back in New York
City, where thousands of AMERICANS WERE MURDERED. With George
W. bush’s ‘top secret’ anti-American plan, don’t you know..?
Surely, FOXNews would care for the lives of Americans who
state FOXNews is the best for not making them think they know
nothing as true to dead or dying dumfuk enemies of the Marine

Sean Hannity must be tried for treason for LYING DIRECTLY to
America repeatedly. Why? Becasue nobody can be that stupidly
evil by accident.

I am, seriously, Death to the enemies of Christ, and I hope,
you can find The honor to serve America in the same respect
for soldiers who have fallen Before US, who died TRULY warring
against a bushite’s irrational tyranny. While these Nazi
bushite fucks tell US openly, they lawlessly rape, torture,
and steal from God as ‘defenseless’. Leaves me to ask YOU,
what are you going to do about it?

Live free, or die in chains?

Johnny America "Death to the bushite, death to our enemies."


/ / "the Zionists make a great issue of the Holocaust in order
to further their illegitimate [ungodly as anti-Human]
philosophy and aims," \ \

America, the ungodly - BUSH TO GENERALS: GET LOST - America, the
Jesus Man Help Yourself
2007-01-15 13:17:32 UTC
Impeach for Peace!




Well, gee, Iran has no nuke program, in anyway, shape, or
form, but Israel wants to murder more of humanity for their
ungodly lies anyway. The enriched uranium Iran is making, can
not be used for a bomb because it's only enriched to 2
percent, and to get the bomb making stuff, you need a
COMPLETELY different technology. But science?, in bushite
america? Nazi America would rather be nazi chauvinist pigs,
before admitting the Son of Man exists, or to go to the
trouble of phoning someone who refuses to take our public
calls for Justice. What religion is this America?, where Human
life has little of no value? And Johnny's love means nothing?

How is a Zionist Jewish?, I, the King of the Jews Messiah ask
my fellow brothers and sisters everywhere.. How? A million
land mines in Lebanon a godly act is it? Jew only roads not
Apartide?, nor stealing a Christian’s Home I suppose..? How?

I HATE bushite with everything I am.

Johnny America - The Free World President and CEO of Shareware Earth

Join the cause!

P.S. Before it's too late, do you have a few tens of
thousands of dollars to front me, so I can afford to survive
this onslaught of wars against my Humanity? ... I have huge
responsibilities to defend myself judicially through our
supreme Justice system here in Canada, all for the defense of
the truly innocent, YOU, while I'm paid not a thin dime from
anyone to work now YEARS non-stop just too keep myself from
starving broke, so please, if you Companies out-there can give
to a good cause this new year, think of me on international
radio!!!. Billion dollar love boom in the entertainment
circles Shirley, and think of all the good things we have
waiting, that could come about if such wisdom was understood
to be wiser than what we have currently? And no, I'm not
stupid. Look, George Norry and Art Bell, I'm asking you to
defend American interests by supporting the evidenced arrest,
evidenced trial, and evidenced sentencing of those who
committed the treasons of 911 through lying THEY did. To US.

Welcome Home,

Johnny America





- "The months preceding September 11 [see] a shifting of the
US military's focus ... Over several months beginning in
April [2001] a series of military and governmental policy
documents [are] released that [seek] to legitimize the use of
US military force in the pursuit of oil and gas." Michael
Klare, an international security expert and author of Resource
Wars, says the military has increasingly come to "define
resource security as their primary mission." In April, Tommy
Franks, the commander of US forces in the Persian Gulf/South
Asia area, testifies to Congress in April that his command's
key mission is "access to [the region's] energy resources."
The next month US Central Command begins planning for war with
Afghanistan, plans that are later used in the real war.
[Sydney Morning Herald, 12/26/02]

See? It's admitted that the zionists planned to STEAL the
rights of Afghans for Enron, by LYING to SOLDIERS to get them
killed as the American Pension thieving bad guys. Too
COWARDLY parasitic to hunt those responsible for murdering
thousands of "Americans". So, as a consequence, they, as
loveless bushite drones, die cowardly with the once great
America as enemy corporate fascists to Freedom's Justice, Our
Living God.

John's truth. Killing a THIEVING bushite is to save the lives
of the innocent they target for murder. The cowardly bushite,
dies sacrificed - all to help IT slavishly escape those
responsible for 'getting away with' murdering thousands of
Americans in New York City on 911. Sorry George W. Bush and
company, enemy traitors to God and America, not under our
eternal watch. The People has spoken forever on this subject
of direct accountability. Bush told us we didn't need any
evidence, well, I know that WE DO, so, fuck you too George
Bush Jr.. This is my World..

Demon bush told us Saddam wouldn’t let inspectors in, and
that's why he irrationally started this war against God
conflict. Impeach him, then have him PUNISHED for high
treason against a further dying as truly unheard from America
- for that lie alone - we ALL could/should stand together as
equals demanding re-dress for the innocent murder victims
who've suffered for such contempt, and belligerence for the
basic precepts of freedom as Justice, or G-D as Johnny.


No evidence against an accused is US being truly abused

"These are not terrorists, they are not al-Qeada, they are
ordinary innocent men, women and children."




"Victory means exit strategy, and it's important for the President
to explain to us what the exit strategy is."

- George W. Bush, discussing Kosovo, Houston Chronicle, 04-09-99


“First we sent Americans to their deaths for your lie, Mr.
Bush, now we are sending them to their deaths for your ego.



Death to the godless bushite, death to America's lawless enemies

DUMFUK BUSHITE ENEMY OF GOD "This is not a job in anyway
shape or form, this is not a job. this is a lifestyle. and
we choose this type of lifestyle."

Traitor LIAR Hannity "Knowing the danger?"


Traitor LIAR Hannity "Well, isn't that the definition of Bravery?"


See, TRAITOR Hannity [who deserves to be executed for the
treasonous DOCUMENTED lies he tells America almost daily]
would claim any and all serial murderers and rapists in
America are the definition of bravery. Bushite dumfuks
deserve to die as enemies of America because they openly,
purposefully target the innocent to rob from and murder, as
bushite did on 911. They bomb cities. Thus is why Christ
[ME] tells loving children to gladly help Life kill their own
godless fathers or brothers who CHOOSE to commit these war
crimes against our humanity with their contempt for Justice,
Johnny and America. {Especially those in George W. Bush's
air force.] A bushite's hatred for America is blatant with
every monosyllabic grunt they make. In nazi zionist america,
they have a Zionist national radio program that forbids the
nation to know they're presently being victimized for criminal
sacrifice, and apparently, Americans would rather DIE, than
hunt George Norry, or Art bell for questioning. A nation of
fascist nazi cowards, who go silently to their graves in their
support of torturing innocent people to death for the thieving
EVIL bushite's pleasure.

Death to the godless bushite, death to America's lawless enemies.

Bushite Zionist atheists believe that I, as the Son of Man,
Couldn’t be anything but their worst nightmare. No, WE, as
Humanity, will religiously really kill bushite continuously to
hasten the day when America actually fights to win, free
communications for Justice’s claim. General Ahmad funded
911’s Atta.

Die bushite die. Die bushite die. die bushite die.

/ / "How could I order men to die for something I believe is
wrong?" \ \

Bushite aren't human as disciples of the for real antichrist
enemy of Creation. They eat radio-active toxic waste before
asking, why would we eat radio-active toxic waste without


/ / We are reminded today of how far the Iraqi people have
come since the end of Saddam Hussein's rule - and that the
progress they have made would not have been possible without
the continued service and sacrifice of our men and women in
uniform. \\

Progress? Fuck don't you too hate bushite with everything YOU
are? Iraqis had public health care, and University prior to
the bushite stealing everything they could as sworn enemies to
progress. Had a justice system that Bush never aired any
concern regarding the evidence requirement to form our
conclusions. kill a bushite and all day long you win God's
praise as a bonafide, as honorable, freedom fighting


"For every fatal shooting, there were roughly three non-fatal
shootings. And, folks, this is unacceptable in America. It's
just unacceptable. And we're going to do something about it."
- George W. Bush

Kill a bushite and God wiill love you for
defending US, the innocent in war time.



"The truth of that matter is, if you listen carefully, Saddam
would still be in power if he were the president of the United
States, and the world would be a lot better off." George W.


America, the ungodly



/ / Yes, those words coming from the man who’s decided the
only way to turn things around in Iraq is by sending in more
troops. Despite being told by the Joint Chiefs, Colin Powell
and the man running the Iraq war, General Abizaid, that
sending more troops to Iraq would only get more Americans
killed Now, seeming to confirm his opponent’s worst suspicions
that this president does not value the opinions of those with
whom he disagrees, Mr. Bush has now decided to go it alone in
Iraq against the wishes of his allies, against the desires of
his fellow countrymen, and yes, even against the advice of his
own generals. \ \

The demon enemy of America, Our Mr. bush Jr., responsible for
911, creates hope in God that honorable men of this Earth,
will assist the Humans in hunting to kill bushite enemy
terrorists who support torturing and thieving from US, the
godly as innocent. Every time we hear of another bushite
death, god celebrates OUR wins over the ungodly demon
antichrist forces. Death to the bushite, death to our enemies
who murder innocent people with LIES against America and GOD.

/ / The Crown would suggest her ignorance on such subjects is
irrelevant to her case against me, for those children's lives,
and others like them, are not who she is working to protect.
So, where I demand is a crime against our real God occurring I
ask the hiding in darkness Crown to explain herself publicly
in the light of these proceedings to our Honorable Lord. \ \



Let it be known, that the senior management national news
reducers of CBC and CNN, know full well, they would rather
watch American Soldiers die as the thieving bad guys, than to
defend God's America by reporting that the demon enemy George
W. Bush, and his business partner General Ahmad, committed
the terrorist acts of 9/11, along with Rumsfeld, Rice, Cheney,
and Myers.

We shall, start there, and continue on until we've nabbed
every last treasonous culprit found at the ends of the ample
crimes scene leads. Propagandized stupider than the fates
will allow, an American is universally recognizing itself as
an enemy to their own cowardly dying selves. For, my friend,
America's America will not stand undefended with these beliefs
of mine I give freely. Soldiers along with honorable Police
officers I would ask, to bravely/politely demand our time
on national broadcasts for the spoken defense of Justice for
America. For, Johnny wants to debate the bushite publicly on
the validity of the Iraq war, considering that it has no true
justifiable cause. Meaning: all stolen revenues will be
returned to the Iraqi people, with interest, paid for by those
responsible for stealing it. Justice Johnny has now
officially arrived on the scene to hunt bushite down to the
ends of life - to teach'em with kind words, or the other way
with graver sentences handed down by us believers in freedom
from tyranny. Hint: Don't fuck with the real People of God
who are refusing to take more chances with enemy bushite
neo-con bullshit. An innocent person shall not be imprisoned
in my name, nor shall they be tortured, robbed, or murdered.
Bushite enemies that don't like that arrangement, we arrest,
try, and if convicted on the war crime capital offenses of
first degree mass murder, such as we will find regarding
Mattis, Blount, Russell, and Sattler, Allawi and Doud, then,
and only then, we together will joyously have them publicly
executed for the good of the entire human species. In the
name of Jesus, Allah has spoken for life in which all are
granted equal privilege to love with everything we are
together alone with the stars. Death to the ungodly bushite,
instead of the innocent they target for plunder with
treasonous lies as a betrayal to our real names. God and the
Great America.


Realize, CNN and CBC have received this post, yet, continue to
lie to dying soldiers for the unholy benefit of the enemy

The "Shock and Awe" Gallery©

/ / "The children seem to be the most openly enthused.
They are getting a chance at a future the likes of which
would never have been possible under the oppressive
regime..." \ \


When we cancel other people's human rights, we cancel our own.

= Highwater =


The Verdict

The Winnipeg Police Department is running a fencing operation
out of their "Exploitation" Unit. Disclosed by a current
serving officer in the Unit during the preliminary. In one
case used as an example, a law abiding Winnipeg business owner
had 50,000 dollars worth of business equipment stolen, and if
he wanted it back, he would have to make costly "legal"
efforts through a corrupted Justice system in Winnipeg that
holds Canadian Soldiers in complete contempt by "Law". The
Crown is not only refusing to co-operate with defending
Winnipeg citizenry, in relationship to the, National problem
of fencing through bad lawed Police action operations, and the
lotteries [information forwarded in part by the elected
Premier of our Province], but also, in respect to our
sacrificing soldiers. Soldiers who Canada now knows without
shadow of doubt, are being maliciously propagandized through
the corporate mouth pieces of the most heinous war criminal of
history, the ungodly enemy of Creation responsible for
instituting the terrorist crimes of 9/11. Obstructing Justice
by aiding and abetting the terrorist crimes of first degree
mass murder in New York City is suppose to be a serious
offence in Canada. So, as treasonous to Canadian Liberty, the
Crown in my case is refusing to have the police chief, or
other Crowns look into this matter. [I suggested by my Court
motion to our Court system to consider contacting another
office from a different province perhaps.] While the Judge,
publicly for the Winnipeg record, agreed to side with the
Crown instead, without stating the whys - that Justice for
Canada would not be served under his rule on my suggestion.
Just put a soldier in prison if they should dare stand up in
defense with their lives for Canada is what this unjust case,
yet to be reported on by our national press, is turning out to
be actually. I would ask you once again, to please make some
effort to get on local Winnipeg Radio, or Coast to Coast to
plead for some defense on this matter of morality. You know,
this Freedom thing does involve you too. So, George Norrie
and the rest of you lot, listen, I think you've made some
horrible judgment calls, and I'm asking you now, to live up
to your responsibilities to my America, and invite me on for
free discussions on these matters.

All I want is to challenge the man.



A Soldier's Life Held in Contempt

The way I see it, is that I am completely documented correct
on who was responsible for the terrorist crimes of 9/11. I
have my own theories on why our media and police services have
failed our Soldiers by refusing to support my cause directly
thus far, but I am far without hope.

I believe the failures of me gaining direct wide support
through our police services and the Court of Queen's Bench, is
much more so for fear of uncertainty, and lack of leadership,
than a general, across the board support of furthering Bush's
war crime sprees by going still silent while Canadian soldiers
are left forsaken. I speak out publicly often regarding the
911 evidence in America, and email campaigns of my writings,
done for public recognition, I'm told, continue to swell to
near epic proportions. Intelligence officers the world over
most certainly know of my position on this matter. Those who
may support the fight for Bush rule in our police services,
can mostly only do so, risking in dishonorable blind personal
fear of the great unknown I figure. And, crazy as this may
sound, I believe there is a spooky cool God, for I'm walking a
groove most all of the time.

The affidavit that starts "1. National Security Issues" was
submitted in conjunction with my motion to request assistance
from the Court. The additional paper "Stand Together or
Don't", was an added part of the same affidavit.

The affidavit with 38 positions was submitted with the two
motions, "Order of Production" and "for the Crown to Stay
Proceedings". Duplicate copies of the same affidavit were
submitted in each respect.



"Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage contradicted
Rice's claim that the White House had a strategy before Sept.
11 for military operations against al Qaeda and the Taliban."

This indicates that with the foreknowledge gained through
prior experiences of Muslim fundamentalists, such as the
Taliban, being forbidden by their religion [Jihad] to
persecute the innocent, left the Bush Administration with only
needing to do, and had officially done, was to use no evidence
to back up allegations to insure invasion plans, and as a
result, a deliberate treasonous criminal strategy to not
follow the crime scene leads at the real murder scene to nab
to true evil doers. For otherwise - spoil the top secret


/ / In another characteristic incident, Bush asserted, as he
has repeatedly, that any decision on withdrawal of American
troops from Iraq "will be made by military commanders, not by
politicians in Washington DC." Congressional Republicans gave
a standing ovation to this remark, which amounts to a
declaration that, in the war for "freedom" and "democracy" in
Iraq, there is no room for such trifles as control over the
military by the civilian authorities, and subordination of
decisions on war and peace to the democratic will of the
American people. \ \

Exactly. The demon enemy of life itself, Our Mr. bush Jnr.,
who publicly parades his contempt for freedom and God, must
be stopped for all costs, that include for sure, your own
as reader.

Realize, CNN and CBC have received this post, yet, continue to
lie to dying soldiers for the benefit of the enemy neo-con.



These are the motions than were filed on behalf of Johnny
Wizard's defense in Winnipeg. A man arrested for threatening the
continuing existence of the lawless demon anti-Christ, Our Mr.
bush Jnr. The demon nazi who murdered thousands in New York
City as God's enemy. I, beg and plead my case to ALL that
will listen. The tyrannies of suffering on our God happen
when good people go silent in the face of evil. Please do not
forsake all that is good within yourself, by leaving my call
unheard from.


/ / Color me naive, but when I hear talk of cages, detention
and/or concentration camps, my mind usually wonders in devious
directions. I haven't seen anywhere in history where detention
centers and so forth were used as freedom enhancing tools.
View this anyway you wish, but do so at your own peril. \ \




I, Johnny Wizard, in the city of Winnipeg, Province of Manitoba


Pakistani ISI Director General Ahmad orders an aide to wire
transfer about $100,000 to hijacker Atta. Ahmad later resigns
after the transfer is disclosed in India and confirmed by the
FBI. [Dawn, 10/8/01, Times of India, 10/9/01, Wall Street
Journal, 10/10/01, AFP, 10/10/01] The individual who makes the
wire transfer at Ahmad's direction is Saeed Sheikh, later
convinced for kidnapping and murdering reporter Daniel Pearl
in February 2002. ABC News later reports, "federal
authorities have told ABC News they've now tracked more than
$100,000 from banks in Pakistan to two banks in Florida to
accounts held by suspected hijack ringleader Mohamed Atta."
[ABC News, 9/30/01] CNN also reports the $100,000 transfer,
and the New York Times specifies that it came in 2000. [CNN,
10/1/01, CNN, 10/6/01, New York Times, 7/10/02] Ahmad's order
must have preceded June 2000, since that's when Atta and
others started opening bank accounts and receiving the money
($109,910 is received by Atta and Marwan Alshehhi between June
19 and September 18). [MSNBC, 12/11/01]


On March 3, 2002, MSNBC's Jim Miklaszewski reported that he
had received anonymously, top secret presidential war strategy
documents dated September 9th, 2001, originating from
Condolezza's office, outlining a strategy to invade
Afghanistan premised on blaming bin Laden a terrorist, but
providing no evidence to back up the allegations, thereby
guaranteeing criminal invasion. Only workable if Laden pleads
innocence to a crime that hadn't yet taken place, a crime
serious enough to "justify" sacrificing American GIs truly for
a liquefied natural gas pipe line for pension thieving Enron.
["The Dahbol Working Group" and Bridas] Any evidence for any
offense would have been sufficient to have Muslim
fundamentalists hand Laden immediately over, as they had
offered [as others of other nations had also] repeatedly
during the Clinton years.

CBC and CNN have still, to this day, consciously refused to do
any follow up on the intelligence, deciding instead on behalf
of dying people everywhere, our public devolvement of a just


RTÉ News - US rejects Taliban bin Laden evidence calls
21 September 2001 17:41

The White House has rejected requests from Afghanistan's
ruling Taliban for proof that Osama bin Laden was responsible
for last week's attacks. According to the US Secretary of
State, Colin Powell, the United States has enough evidence to
try bin Laden in an American court.

The US Government said there would be no negotiations.


[This following document was the official damning account]

Responsibility for the terrorist atrocities in the United States
4 October 2001

[This Internet Domain is Britain's Prime Minister's]

"This document does not purport to provide a prosecutable case
against Usama Bin Laden in a court of law."

The document doesn't hold ANY case, as that was the strategy.... See?


Investigating the Investigation

After playing a tape of Cheney's statement, Russert asked
Daschle, "Did the vice president call you and urge you not to
investigate the events of Sept. 11?" Daschle flatly
contradicted Cheney: "Yes, he did, Tim, on Jan. 24, and then
on Jan. 28 the president himself at one of our breakfast
meetings repeated the request."

...."[T]hat request was made" by Cheney not only on Jan. 24
and by Mr. Bush four days later, but "on other dates
following" as well.


ABCNEWS.com : FBI Called off Terror Investigations

Two veteran FBI investigators say they were ordered to stop
investigations into a suspected terror cell linked to Osama
bin Laden's al Qaeda network and the Sept. 11 attacks...

`You Will Not Open Criminal Investigations'


October 9 2001 - The Times of India

"While the Pakistani Inter Services Public Relations claimed
that former ISI [the "Pakistani CIA"] director-general Lt-Gen
Mahmud Ahmad sought retirement after being superseded on
Monday, the truth is more shocking. Top sources confirmed
here on Tuesday that the general lost his job because of the
"evidence" India produced to show his links to one of the
suicide bombers that wrecked the World Trade Center. The U.S.
authorities sought his removal after confirming the fact that
$100,000 were wired to WTC hijacker Mohammed Atta from
Pakistan by Ahmad Umar Sheikh [Omar Saeed] at the instance of
General Mahmud [Ahmad]. Senior government sources have
confirmed that India contributed significantly to establishing
the link between the money transfer and the role played by the
dismissed ISI chief. While they did not provide details, they
said that Indian inputs, including [Omar Saeed's] mobile phone
number, helped the FBI in tracing and establishing the link."


No evidence was brought against Laden for nine eleven, none.
[So according to Bush's official top secret Presidential
directives] While Laden himself claimed he played no part in
911. Still, to save the lives of third worlders on the brink
of starvation, Laden agreed to hand himself over, but Bush
refused the offer, while CBC and CNN denied to report on that
fact for the behalf of now dying dismembered American GIs.
Once the indiscriminate bombing began, targeting almost every
building in the country of Afghanistan, Laden then claimed he
had no choice but to fight back to defend US innocent from the
ungodly enemies of Creation/Freedom. Then the clear to all
fake video came out with an actor who's face wasn't even close
to looking remotely like Laden, but for almost the facial
hair. [Bridge of the Jamaican actor's nose is HALF as long in
proportion to Laden's for example, and surely frightfully
shocking for some, the actor doesn't even take blame for 911
either!] Photos comparing the two faces never aired on CBC and
CNN available in about twelve seconds with the power of the


former FBI deputy director and murder victim John O'Neill

"the main obstacles to investigating Islamic terrorism were
U.S. oil corporate interests and the role played by Saudi


Alex Jones interviewing Former German Defense Minister Andreas Von

"Bush signed W199I months before 911 ordering the FBI not to
stop Al-Qaeda. They threatened to arrest FBI agent Robert
Wright if he tells us what he knows."


Mr. Bush was quoted somewhere regarding Mr. Laden's guilt of
complete innocence with "We don't need any evidence, we know
he's guilty."



" [FBI's] Edmonds concluded that documents clearly showed that
the Sept. 11 hijackers were in the country and plotting to
use airplanes as missiles. She said documents also included
information relating to their financial activities. "


The honorable Argentinean oil company Bridas' relationship can
not be understated as the Bush Administration's primary motive
on criminal invasion of Afghanistan to save his biggest
corporate backers, the American pension thieving Enron.
From "An American demands the truth from you" by Karl W. B. Schwarz
" I demand to know what energy companies were in that Cheney
Energy Task Force meeting and what discussions there were as
to the steps that would be taken to remove the Taliban and
Bridas Corporation as the last remaining obstacle to the
United States controlling the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline. I
met that company in 1999 and have known since then about the
Bridas v Unocal, $15 billion interference of contract lawsuit
in US District Court, Southern District of Texas. I also know
about the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals decision on September
9, 2003 that upheld the Bridas $500 million arbitration
settlement and the March 22, 2004 denial of Writ of Certiorari
at the United States Supreme Court, Case 03-1018, Turkmenneft
v Bridas."

From "Fresh Memories of War" by Kandea Mosley, The Ithaca Journal (New
York), 25 May 2002:

"We were told there were no friendly forces," said [Army
Private Matt] Guckenheimer, an assistant gunner with the 10th
Mountain Division at Fort Drum. "If there was anybody there,
they were the enemy. We were told specifically that if there
were women and children to kill them."


Quote from "A Dossier on Civilian Victims of United States' Aerial
Bombing of
Afghanistan: A Comprehensive Accounting"

by Professor Marc W. Herold Ph.D., M.B.A., B.Sc.
Departments of Economics and Women's Studies McConnell Hall
Whittemore School of Business & Economics University of New Hampshire

When U.S warplanes strafed [with AC-130 gunships] the farming
village of Chowkar- Karez, 25 miles north of Kandahar on
October 22-23rd,killing at least 93 civilians, a Pentagon
official said, "the people there are dead because we wanted
them dead." The reason? They sympathized with the Taliban.1
When asked about the Chowkar incident, Rumsfeld replied, "I
cannot deal with that particular village."



"American troops today admitted they routinely gun down Iraqi
civilians - some of whom are entirely innocent.

And in an admission that directly contrasts with the line
coming out from the Pentagon's spin doctors Specialist
Corporal Michael Richardson added: "There was no dilemma when
it came to shooting people who were not in uniform, I just
pulled the trigger."

The Crown would argue this issue isn't in her jurisdiction,
however, it is in mine as a expressive communicator fighting
for freedom from real tyranny. An irrational tyranny that
only stands exercised by corporate "news bite" censorship, and
false imprisonments. An American Prosecutor put Sergeant
Benderman in prison for refusing to kill God's children. Now,
what do you really think America would do, if "they" knew that


Bush demands total impunity on the war crimes he is personally
responsible for




"Marines said the men fired on them. A senior officer said
they had no weapons, but that with shots coming in the men
were legitimate targets because they ran."



CAIR also wants the Pentagon to investigate a photograph
circulating the Internet of two Iraqi boys and a U.S.
soldier. A smiling soldier stands besides the two boys who
are giving a "thumbs up" sign, as one of boys holds a sign
written in English that reads, "Lcpl Boudreaux killed my Dad,
th[en] he knocked up my sister!"

(Link to photo: http://www.cair-net.org/images/lcpl11.jpg)


Guardian Wednesday 7, 2001 - "FBI claims bin Laden inquiry was
[this story was on Bush's top secret W199i directive]

This information would take a well paid intelligence officer,
or CBC reporter no more that thirty seconds to look for follow
ups. For, I know, the BBC did also a national news report on


INTERVIEWER: Are you aware that this tank is contaminated with

SOLDIER: No, it isn't radioactive.

INTERVIEWER: But we have measured it.

SOLDIER: No, it isn't radioactive, not this tank.

"Basra is on a river," he noted. "A DU shell poisons the
water in a river. It poisons the grasses and the grains. It
sinks into the ground and poisons the water table. When it
gets into the body, it does incredible damage. The
combination of radioactivity and heavy metal toxicity is such
that it affects the DNA in such a way that you get genetic

[thousands of tons of measured radio-active toxic waste, heavy
metals, oxidized to microscopic particles as small as a tenth
of a micron have been deposited in our airspace, however, CBC
and CNN have refused to inform ourselves on the scientifically
measurable extremely serious health concern issue..]


Justice Department lawyer John Yoo, "In the exercise of his
plenary power to use military force," Yoo insisted, "the
President's decisions are for him alone and are unreviewable."
Yoo was also quoted recently on CBC national news report
regarding the torturing of innocent people to death, to state
something like "President Bush doesn't have to justify his
opinions to Canada or even to the United States for that


The incriminating FBI email dated 22 May 2004, indicates that
Bush personally
signed off on certain interrogation techniques in an executive order."
(See original at


U.S. deserter 'didn't want to have to kill babies'

"Mr. House will argue that American soldiers are guilty of
war crimes and that forcing Mr. Hinzman to fight in Iraq
would have made him a war criminal.

He will call as a witness former U.S. Marine Staff Sergeant
Jimmy Massey, who is expected to testify that he and other
soldiers shot more than 30 unarmed Iraqis, including women and
a six-year-old child, at a U.S. military checkpoint."



that a clandestine military task force in Iraq was beating
detainees, ordering Defense Intelligence Agency debriefers out
of the room during questioning, confiscating evidence of the
abuse and intimidating the debriefers when they complained."



A sacked CIA official is reportedly suing the agency for
allegedly retaliating against him for refusing to falsify his
reports on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction to support the
White House's pre-war position.


``I was faced with being deployed to Iraq to do what the
infantry does, kill people, and I had no justification for
doing so,'' he testified. ``This was a criminal war. Any act
of violence in an unjustified conflict is an atrocity.''


Williams's squad stopped a dump truck, and an Iraqi climbed
out. "Light him up!" the sergeant ordered, according to
testimony, and the squad opened fire, killing the unarmed man.
Williams and a squadmate reportedly got into an argument over
which of them had scored Company C's first kill.


It gets worse. We already knew about the Franklin County,
Ohio, precinct that tallied 4,258 votes for Bush when only 638
people had actually voted.



Israeli Soldiers Going In For The Kill: A 13 year old
Palestinian [JEWISH] school girl is about to die

"It's a little girl. She's running defensively eastwards, a
girl of about 10. She's behind the embankment, scared to

"Anyone who's mobile, moving in the zone, even if it's a
three-year-old, needs to be killed."


US forces unleashed more than 20 air strikes and some 60
artillery rounds on Monday, said Major Todd Desgrosseilliers.
[...] An AFP reporter in the Jolan district said one building
in every 10 had been flattened. As US-led troops closed in on
the neighborhood overnight, at least four 900-kilogram bombs
were dropped in the city's northwest.

[destructive radius of a 900-kilogram bomb is half a
kilometer, and all TRUE accounts of death rates for Fallujah
alone, a city where the population was forbidden to leave,
exceed two hundred thousand innocent souls.]


The Bush Administration
In rush to defend White House, Rice trips over own words
Friday, March 26 @ 10:12:40 EST

By Walter Pincus and Dana Milbank, San Francisco Chronicle

"Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage contradicted
Rice's claim that the White House had a strategy before Sept.
11 for military operations against al Qaeda and the Taliban.
The CIA contradicted Rice's earlier assertion that Bush had
requested a CIA briefing in the summer of 2001 because of
elevated terrorist threats. And Rice's assertion this week
that Bush had told her on Sept. 16, 2001, that "Iraq is to
the side" appeared to be contradicted by an order signed by
Bush on Sept. 17 directing the Pentagon to begin planning
military options for an invasion of Iraq."

[ And...]


"Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage contradicted
Rice's claim that the White House had a strategy before Sept.
11 for military operations against al Qaeda and the Taliban."

This indicates that with the foreknowledge gained through
prior experiences of Muslim fundamentalists, such as the
Taliban, being forbidden by their religion [Jihad] to
persecute the innocent, left the Bush Administration with only
needing to do, and had officially done, was to use no evidence
to back up allegations to insure invasion plans, and as a
result, a deliberate treasonous criminal strategy to not
follow the crime scene leads at the real murder scene to nab
to true evil doers. For otherwise - spoil the top secret


Blix nor Elbaradei, nor Kofi, suggested, implied, or stated,
that Iraq had failed to comply with the newest U.N.
resolution: 1441.

HANS BLIX: "And at this juncture, we are able to perform
professional no-notice inspections all over Iraq and to
increase aerial surveillance..."

With complete, one hundred percent access to go where ever the
Bush Administration pleased without delay, left a situation of
an unjust war only detrimental to an ability to bring about
any good or better thing. American soldiers are being
sacrificed for no better good or reason understood, for if
progress will ever be made, it will be when they work to bring
about a political situation that was there in Iraq before the
Bush Administration starting murdering innocent people for
nothing . Well, not completely, for Bremer shipped 19 billion
to Greenspan early on, then, hundreds of millions were sent


Professor Steven E. Jones, a tenured BYU professor, went
public several weeks ago after releasing a 19 page academic
paper, essentially showing how the laws of physics do not
support the WTC's freefall and, consequently, the official
government story. It should be known that World Trade Center
Building Seven was not struck by an airplane, yet fell exactly
the same as the two towers.

Below both towers were found pools of molten steel, only
creatable with the heating by high explosives.

Excerpts from "Me, Art Bell, and 9-11 by Lisa Guliani"

The official version of the WTC collapses defy both Galileo's
Law of Falling Bodies, and also Isaac Newton's First Law of

..if we know that hydrocarbon fires can only reach a maximum
temperature of 1517 degrees Fahrenheit, how could they
possibly have melted this steel, when the melting point of
steel is 2,795 degrees and the boiling point of steel (when it
becomes a molten liquid) is 5,182 degrees Fahrenheit.

The existence of these burning pools of molten steel were confirmed

- Mark Lorieux of Controlled Demolition, Inc
- Peter Tully, President of Tully Construction
- and the American Free Press newspaper


"To be truthful about it, there was no way we could have got
the public consent to have suddenly launched a campaign on
Afghanistan but for what happened on September 11..."

Tony Blair Speaking To House of Commons Liaison Committee


The Washington Post, 23 September 2001.

At American urging, Ahmed traveled ... to Kandahar,
Afghanistan. There he delivered the bluntest of demands.
Turn over bin Laden without conditions, he told Taliban leader
Mohammad Omar, or face certain war with the United States and
its allies.

Mahmoud's meetings on two separate missions with the Taliban
were reported as a "failure." Yet this "failure" to extradite
Osama without providing a shred of eidence was part of
Washington's documented design, providing a pretext for a
military intervention which was already in the pipeline. If
Osama had been extradited, the main justification for waging a
war "against international terrorism" would no longer hold.
Nor would the ready to go Patriot Act. Incidentally, when
MSNBC contacted the Whitehouse regarding the top secret
invasion of Afghanistan plan, it was confessed that the plan
had been "fully implemented"


"Why of course the people don't want war ... But after all it
is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it
is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it
is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or
a communist dictatorship ... Voice or no voice, the people
can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is
easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being
attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism
and exposing the country to danger." -- Hermann Goering, Nazi
leader, at the Nuremberg Trials after World War II


On the wall of the National Holocaust Museum: " Thou shall
not be a victim, thou shall not be a perpetrator, and thou
shall not be a by-stander"


When we cancel other people's human rights, we cancel our own.

=Helen & Harry Highwater=



Please, I beg you to assist me in this cause immediately!

Ack! It turns out that there IS a criminal conspiracy run out of the
Winnipeg Police Department's Exploitation Unit!

Ack!! It turns out that the Crown IS aiding and abetting the
terrorist crimes of first degree mass murder!!

Ack!!! It turns out the Judge threw this whole Revelation thing out
without any consideration offered, while the Crown is currently
working on a public ban of disclosure in Winnipeg on these
continuing documented crimes!!!

50,000!! a pop! Stolen from law abiding business owners!!!

Crimes forwarded to the public in part by the concern of Manitoba's


Send this post for me to also Winnipeg media persons or to anyone who
will listen. If you don't, then, you ain't my friend. Come on! Do
something for us, and I promise to help you out later if I can.
Help me through the goodness of your heart, so we won't get
railroaded into prison fraudulently by those that hide in darkness
as pirates of our human will. The will to be free.

The Crown's interpretations of my possessions are not my expressions!!


The Judge through this whole thing out for the defense
without any consideration offered to OUR COURT!



Since I am representing myself on these particular criminal
matters, Legal Aid is not required to lend assistance on the
grounds that I'm not co-operating with the system as it
operates through professional Barred representations. [I am
eligible for walk in consultations but nothing of the sort of
assistance I am requesting] Considering the complexity of my
judicial matter, I would request legal assistance from the
Court in these following areas.

1. National Security Issues

I need assistance in understanding the legal statutes that our
national security services are obligated to practice under, to
insure our national security matters are being truly defended
in my respect. No change in summation of my character was
altered, after they were granted a search warrant to verify it
was me who publicly spoke out for honorable FBI officers
denied their rights to speak freely, then as the Court knows,
instead of doing what they argued to grant such privilege to
infringe on my personal liberty, enforced a less than perfect
law that most others would buckle under, even if they harbored
no criminal intent, and would never do anything to infringe on
the rights of any child. For I challenge; it does not serve
Canada's interest (in particular our teen soldiers) to
knowingly have Canada propagandized under the serious failures
of CBC and the National Security Services to lend no wanting
cry to hear REAL FBI officers who factually allege, with
evidence and everything, President Bush's business partner,
(who was at the Whitehouse Sept. 9th working on the top
secret invasion of Afghanistan strategy to heavily arm heroin
pushers who war to keep women as slaves while weaponizing
children - done all for a liquefied gas pipe line to profit
his darling dear Enron) funded 9/11's "mastermind"
"ringleader" Mohammad Atta. Inside sources from the RCMP have
notified me, that in the last four years, Section D's salaried
employees, have done practically nothing to serve Canada's
interest in this respect. While Canada's CSIS does not have
the legal ability to speak out publicly regarding the criminal
transgressions of President Bush, and because of this nature
of CSIS's position, they have almost only fears to live with
by trying. A CSIS officer told me, many were completely aware
of President Bush's criminality regarding his hugely
treasonous actions of mass murder on 9/11, but could do
practically nothing about it outside of filing the reports
with the federal government, or maybe anonymously sending
something to CBC, with no promises that anyone would actually
read it. All the while, the senior CSIS boss brags
contemptuously in public about his ties and commitment to his
friends in the ISI. Perceived easily/mistakenly I'd imagine
as a threat to all of Canada's Honorable police officers and
Judges. [General Ahmad was the Bush junta's appointed head of
the ISI.] I think Canada's Prime Minister Paul Martin is
genuinely a good man, but it is hard to see him publicly take
a stand on this issue, [if he even received said reports] on
behalf of honorable police officers and soldiers everywhere,
in defense of the human race, risking everything, considering
he already does bring about a great deal of good for Canadians
where he stands. [Compared to you know, a let's send the kids
to war for whatever Harper, or nobody in Winnipeg
("officially" 86%) wants us to give away the public assets so
let's do it anyway for ourselves privately Filmon] But to know
the RCMP's Section D, sides that they can't tell us the top
secret reason they have not perused Justice for the sake of
Canadian soldiers who bravely put their lives on the line, of
which some have already died, is a situation no Canadian would
tolerate if they knew these freely available facts to decide
for themselves. Sure we can be counted lucky that only so few
Canadians have died thus far, but when will the sacrifice of
Americans, Afghanis, Iraqis, and soon to be Iranians with the
Syrians, along with more than fifty other countries officially
marked for death by the lawlessly irrational bushite
terrorists, be more than YOUR willing to bare? As publicly
reported repeatedly in European press, Mr. Sattler ordered
the bombing of health care clinics in Fallujah as first strike
targets because he didn't want doctors or nurses to "falsely"
report that his forces target primarily the innocent to steal
more from America in blood and treasure. Then under Sattler's
command, they proceeded to monstrously murder more than two
hundred thousand innocent souls, while covering the region in
radio-active toxic waste that will continue to kill for a
scientifically estimated billion or two years. Hell on Earth
is what un- arrested Sattler represents as an enemy to all
living things. God included. An aside: Did you know the
commander of the Third Infantry, Maj. Gen. Buford 'buff'
Blount III, is truly a Saudi Wahhabist in disguise, who took
up the job at the request of the Bush junta, and subsequently
left near 170 tons of plastic explosives unprotected for
looting in Qaqaa? Why? Well when asked why he commanded to
leave the weapons unattended to instead, go carnage Baghdad,
with, I'm serious, sanctioned thieving expeditions, he
replied, he just wanted to let us know he was there. "We just
wanted to let them know that we're here.'' In Basra, the
coalition is still leaving as of last week, more than 30 known
weapons storage facilities unprotected. See, the neo-con
peenacker gang can't steal everything without a stupid man war
going. Left continuing unattended without national
discussions, leaves further in it's wake, more innocent
victims of war crimes fallen undefended. I would ask that
instead of me seeking to find where it is written, that the
RCMP must be committed to getting the man for nine eleven,
perhaps I can just request we work together, for a national
CBC radio forum kicked off by some kinda joint, international
press release acknowledging briefly our failures to
communicate in the past, and politely request where Canada
could go through open line discussions on these very serious
matters. We must not allow our soldiers to be made
misinformed by CBC's unwillingness to bravely with honor,
defend our great Nation. Or, perhaps, Canada might want to
consider hiring me on as, we'll see how it goes honorary RCMP
spokesperson?, a paid consultant for my expertise in
recognizing the real bad guys, and then I'll go out there, and
win the good fight by using praise with fewer insults. If we
stay committed to defending freedom by defeating war
criminals, we all will be the better for it. Now, take me to
your leader.

2. Local Police Issues

As so was brought to the attention of the Courts in the
previous motions, through considering the charge that was
brought against me, (where no criminal intent in alleged, and
nobody can possibly see a digital image until it is already at
least in one's possession, case closed, I'm free to go still
without my stolen computer gear.) I discover, the child
exploitation unit is not operating in a manner that would
effectually reduce the proliferation of truly illegal
materials. They have included images to demonize me that they
must know are left legal to distribute, or for those couple
images categorized as for sure illegal unto themselves, are
left publicly unhindered when it comes to Police questioning
in a manner that would concern illegal public expressions.
Now, I personally don't believe the Courts are consciously
operating in a nefarious manner deliberately to steal computer
gears to sell as sadomasochists who enjoy seeing lovers of
life go to prison falsely for five year stints, but come on,
something seriously needs to be done in how things there are
run. I believe the failures are, in part, do to the personal
fears officers have of the information universe; for to
acknowledge information sharing through p2p networks or
Usenet, would be to witness criminal code violations by the
score going corporately unaddressed. Like Bush being guilty
for high treason in God's America for example, Iraqi church
goers slaughtered by faithful Bush lovers, women raped by
"freedom fighting" GIs, the sex slave trade, or that VLT's are
being run criminally (section 209, 380(1) 380(2), 181, 52(1-4)
with a math game scam that even a sixth grader can figure, but
not the "Free Press" editor, or commercial savvy CJOB's Vic
G-----. Being our city's big Bush backers, where our dying
universe is simpler, like "we don't need any evidence, we know
he's guilty", refuses a, trying to be responsible citizen to
formulate their own conclusions through our media on why we
have laws. Anyway, I need to have some one to cross check the
"illegal" images through recorded internet domains, to see
which ones are/were located in Canada and elsewhere, and what
if any attempt the exploitation unit tried to limit found
providers. I suspect many providers they would claim they
can't do anything about, are so not because a crime is
occurring, but in that respect, actual evidence of criminal
conduct would be required before an internet provider, server,
or site owner could be recommended for censorship. Not this,
twenty year olds look like they could be ten year olds, or
that, simply naked children being human should not be viewed
in their/our minds as something youthfully beautiful.

To Police effectually, I would suggest a public domain
transparently coded checksum program checker to automatically
recognize, known illegal materials made available free, with a
downloadable database updated by the work of one or two
officers monitoring currently available internet image traffic
- classifiable almost near the speed of electricity across the
country. This action is good to take despite my personal
innocence or fraudulent guilt, for media labelings are
completely impossible to designate content/control, but as
such, shouldn't forbid Police services from locating where
possibly actual hugely offensive content is being distributed
through. With volunteer co- operation of programming, a user,
server, or internet service provider could be warned of
material almost in their possession as expression is
classified criminal so then simply delete it, and carry on.
I'm confident such Police planning with open for public
appeals to fine tune further, would end putting the hugely
profitable exploitation units across the continent almost
completely out of business. Now, who truly wants that?

3. Constitutional Challenges

This possession charge absent intent, where everybody is auto
guilty to lose all their stolen computer gear through
fraudulent demonization of the innocent included, is a for
sure, crime in progress. I'd imagine if we had a public
inquiry, we'd find what the exploitation crews are doing, is
needing to locate only a small few arguably illegal
depictions, then trumping up a lot of fraudulent totals.
Figuring, I'd imagine, if they openly started convicting
individuals for a couple of images they perhaps deleted when
witnessed, people might begin to ask, just how much money is
the unit taking in sold stolen merchandise? Perhaps 50,000
dollars in a single case where the business owner of said
stolen property wasn't even charged for a criminal offense!
No troublesome Court appearance required to protect your
public business image even! Generally, in cases that do reach
trial, all images are seldomly reviewed by the Courts, and at
the "professional" porno viewers discretion, or the Crown, a
small sample is only offered. [The professional naked people
person they have in my case I suspect is lost somewhere in
bushville as the clinically insane, or just extremely helpful
to my Judicial cause, thanks big guy, either way.] This has
worked largely unhindered because lawyers for the defense
wouldn't generally see a connection. For only one freely
available image that you couldn't see until you already had
it, is all that is needed to put a, loss for words Canadian,
in prison for half a decade. Not only that, but such
convictions insist irrationally that the guilty must also be
sexually deviant and require professional counseling. The law
enforced absent rights infringed needs to be Constitutionally
challenged as clearly unjust, and the sentencing structure as
being seriously cruel. [What does one guilty of an actual
assault for comparison get, or better yet, threat of assault
that was never truly made?] So, as a result, I need the
assistance of Constitutional lawyers who would provide me
consultations on prepatory requirements and on the relevant
Constitutional questions regarding this specific challenge.
And maybe co-operation with the Crown or Police chief to tally
records and total sales figures on cases under similar
circumstances to consider the exploitation unit for
re-evaluation. [Example: The foolish, faith in ignorance
argument given by all similar units, is that nothing can be
securely deleted from a hard drive is assuredly patently
ridiculous. Truly indicative however, that we do indeed have
a real hidden problem here regarding their/our intelligence
gathering capabilities.] While maybe supporting public
discussions on how to even improve further, the valuable work
that the exploitation unit surely does do already somewhere
I'm sure to operate for our interests. We may together have
to overthrow CJOB with our human skills at demanding some
space to talk about bettering our lives by communicating
without two minute commercials every five minutes, and opening
up the phone lines to talk about whatever. They take too much
from us as the clearly disenfranchised already. Like, so
who's talk radio station is it anyway?

4. The Crown's Crown

I have concerns regarding the job requirements that our
community asks a Crown to bravely achieve. One, would be to
pursue Justice for the principled betterment of our society.
It is clear to anyone familiar with my case, that our
corporate media managers have decided for one fear or another,
that such noble reaches must be left from the grasp of
Canadian soldiers and their loving giving families. This
place the Court holds of a principle that all people should be
treated fairly, includes those we know Bush has already had
murdered in America under these left silenced demands for a
true accounting by good police work completed already. The
fear that every criminal Court Crown shrugs off when proudly
defending the innocent in our legal challenges, seems thus
far, absent in support of Justice for Johnny. When I read
statements from the Crown stating, John's legal arguments
against traitor Bush is irrelevant to the case our Crown
hold's against myself, in our name as Canadians, smacks of an
unjust and blind totalitarian state. Corporately broadcasted
uncertainty is forsaking the innocent lives of Bush's
continuing real murder victims. Certainly, the Crown has a
responsibility to pursue just causes, and granted, can falsely
suspect I don't hold the best of intentions towards life with
everything I am. However, the Crown's summations of my
character will never change the official FBI's conclusions
arrived at by following the crime scene leads, at the real
murder scene, to discover who personally is still escaping
arrest for mass murder of our good friends in New York City on
9/11. A crime who's principle perpetrators obviously
faithfully count on this form of injustice to dictate
continuous failures by our Crown to serve our public interest.
For whatever reason, my case documents a corporate news agenda
of non-committal in our pursuit of Justice for ourselves as
the little people. Ourselves, including the Crown's of all
Canada, are, without doubt, denied fair representation by CBC
standards. Canada is being left not defending honorable
American police officers, doing their jobs to the best of
their ability, should not leave too, our Public's Crown
unrepresented. (If the Crowns of Canada so willed it in our
names.) So, I would ask that the Crown's refusal to speak out
for Canada, while fighting to silence my cries with an unjust
as cruel prison sentence, be investigated for obstructing
Justice, and therefore, aiding and abetting the terrorist
crimes of first degree mass murder. Now, how to do this...
I'm not sure. Perhaps the Court's assistance of aid in the
form of one or two Crown offices from a different province in
Canada could be considered, or a Constitutional Law firm more
up on what all I got to work with here. Look, somebody has
tricked my nation, and subsequently our naiver youths, into
excepting Canadians can not hear the silenced screams of
global tyranny. If soldiers the world over need to die for
Bush, let it be for something worth fighting. Freedom must be
Canada, a Canada that would go if asked, in favor of Universal
Justice always. Just ask US.

Your Friend,

John W.


I know I'm innocent under the law as it currently stands, and
in addition, I wished to teach our Courts why the law stands
unjust against our public in other respects. With no criminal
intent to obtain or distribute something illegal alleged
against myself, and the simple truth that one can not perceive
an image until it is at the very least, already in one's
possession, says enough by itself. But most importantly, the
Crown's interpretations of my possessions are not my
expressions. Example: I could have in my possession a
written work from one who espouses the glories of war criming,
but I, personally, am diametrically opposed to it's unwise





For an Order of Production






This Notice of Motion regarding an Order of Production is to
have disclosed to the defense, the complete evidence without
undue hindrance, evidence the Crown holds against the accused
as a member of our public. These following arguments are the
reasons why Justice must prevail in these proceedings:

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms section 7. "No person
shall be deprived of life, liberty or security of the person
except in accordance with the principles of fundamental

R. v. Stinchcombe "[...] counsel for the Crown is under a
general duty to disclose all relevant information."

In R. v. Stinchcombe, the Supreme Court of Canada held once
again, as any legitimate Court of any land would, that the
accused in criminal cases has a Constitutional right to full
and complete disclosure of the Crown's case. Yet, in the
criminal case involving myself, the Crown's refusal to return
my legal property [such as including my actual expressions] is
motivated by contempt for fundamental justice - for true
accountability - by intentionally working to deceive our
Courts through denying the evidence of one: the charge
against me is truly fraudulent under our law as it stands
currently, and two: that I don't already have the silent
moral support of every honorable top secret intelligence
officer this world over.

Canada's "Commission of Inquiry into the Actions of Canadian
Officials in Relation to Maher Arar"

"The RCMP notes that because national security investigations
are criminal investigations, the possibility of judicial
scrutiny always exists and the presence of this possibility
acts as an indirect accountability mechanism." [Maher Arar was
an innocent Canadian tortured and left for murdered by the
irrational as criminal pro-bush forces negatively influencing
Canadian jurisprudence.]

Firstly, I, like any, need ready easy access to all the
evidence the Crown holds against myself, to indicate a
possibly hidden motive behind her criminal allegations. For
it is in our authority as a free society that the Crown holds
any legitimacy.

It would be unfair for our Courts to side with the unjust
Crown on not giving me ready easy access to the evidence, but
for only by hugely limiting degrees that include costly bus
rides, or as the seriously impractical, hundreds of thousands
of printed texts that would likely fill roomfuls.

I need to provide the evidence of my actual expressions to
counter balance the false interpretations the Crown alleges,
when it comes to asking where specifically the rights of a
child are being compromised when she makes her defined as
sexually dysfunctional inferences. All the images on my
computer, deleted and otherwise, are not my expressions.
Similarly, are all the written texts on my computer those of
words I hold to be my own personal philosophy. As indicated
by the Supreme Court of Canada's Sharpe case, a defense
against fraudulent accusations regarding the Rights of our
children being compromised, can be readily addressed early on
by understanding the possession charge in relative context to
the personal life of the accused.

R. v. Sharpe

"Section 163.1(6) creates a further defence for material that
serves an "educational, scientific or medical purpose". This
refers to the purpose the material, viewed objectively, may
serve, not the purpose for which the possessor actually holds

So, purpose of digital media as determined illegal must
therefore, be backed firstly by criminal intent, for without
any intent you have no purpose. A defense is made available
by the Sharpe decision on personal\professional conduct to
indicate actual established purpose of accused to prevent
blind "overreaching". The Supreme Court of Canada's deep
concerns of "overreaching" are very much apparent in my
particular criminal matter. Conduct of individuals who have
lost their purpose in Police keeping, who aren't being managed
to express through our Police actions, a public interest in
where the "offensable" images are coming from, or came, but
instead, where it's all going as potential new innocent porno
victims with millions of dollars worth of stuff they can get
away stealing. [I've read porno cops in America recently
acquired 300,000 more American names of households to raid,
off of one single server found managed in violation, but have
taken a pause before then moving on to arrest anybody who has
ever used the internet for whatever, to consider, just what
have we gotten ourselves into here.] See, perfectly legal
imagery can be made into illegal thoughts relatively quickly
by the weaker irrationals that exist within our police
services. Where, to prove for the record, a twenty two year
old is only twelve, even when she has in her possession all
her proper paperwork, completed puberty, a living mother, a
popular working web site and historical documentations, is
just foolishly impossible. While at Your end Mr. Surfer
Citizen, your demonized guilty, until proven innocent of
thinking their faulting criminal perceptions, they do
practically nothing to verify. Without needing to establish
intent, they make off like bandits. See, under a simple
possession charge, there is no allegations of intent to obtain
or distribute something illegal, and likewise, not found a
responsible public's interest in seeking the means of which
the criminal content was as could be LEGALLY provided. The
last thing we want in our dying world is a setup where private
legal businesses are selling, promoting, and releasing content
that only becomes illegal when the exploitation unit comes
into your home to steal your stuff by grossly misunderstanding
what the threat actually is.

By exercising our right to perceive representations of that
which is made freely available, is of in itself, important to
the sociologist, psychologist, concerned parent, and of
course, the conceptualizing artist reflecting on our shared

My private and public expressions are more tuned to those who
are personally responsible in escaping arrest for running
death squads against innocent children in Afghanistan financed
by the undefended as uniformed American tax paying Public,
[10th Mountain Division] a criminal enterprise still cashing
in on the rewards of bush's mass murder campaigns. Or, the
dropping of cluster dud land mines throughout residential
school districts to murder our children indiscriminately.
Mercury tainted vaccines that for sure cause irreparable
damage to North American children, or as currently, about John
DeCamp's just released updated 2005 edition, about the secret
White House-linked national child sex-ring entitled "The
Franklin Cover-up." However, the real motivating factor
[intent] in the Crown's purpose by attempting to pirate our
public's right to defend Ourselves judiciously, is more
specifically because I articulate the HONORABLE FBI's official
publicly available findings on who orchestrated, and funded
the crimes of 911. Namely, Mr. Bush Jnr. along with his
business partner, the still escaping Lieutenant General
Mahmoud Ahmad.

[University of Ottawa Professor Michel Chossudovsky, has
researched the Ahmad/Bush relationship as documented by CNN
ABC et al, and can be quested for at www.globalresearch.ca]


The Crown to not fight on our behalf regarding this easily
verifiable mass murder issue, is indicative of an intention,
to cast aside the concern of all children who benefit from my
communicating higher truths for the betterment of the entire
public body. I ask our Court, who, in Canada, informs our
public truthfully as I do, that the "scumbags" Canada's own
General Hillier is referring to get Canadian youths for sure
killed over in his nationally broadcasted barbaric adolescent
bigotry, against all the INNOCENT students of Afghanistan, is
of a People who factually opened up schools for girls under
the Taliban's getting better through communicating
leadership?, and who outlawed Bush's heroin production, and
the slavery and rape of women? Women who were when working at
the Taliban's newspaper, were not required to wear burkas
despite CBC's propaganda to the contrary?

The Crown's case argues that a determined selection of legal
images, can be sited under a labeled classification of
"collateral images", as somehow, unto it's separated self,
being an indicator, or summation of my unbridled character.
Therefor, to question such interpretations I need the luxury
and comforts of a stress free environment to ponder the
significant meaning of each of these collateral damages
against ourselves as the innocent the Crown argues for as a
weapon of Justice. For, those personally responsible for
making repeatedly easily verifiable faulting expressions with
the evidence the Crown refuses to return to me as my legal
property, are in all likelihood, still blabbering corporately
un-accosted, the completely blind support of indiscriminate
mass murder in thoughtless praise for war criminal traitor to
Humanity George Bush Jr., their supreme no nothing about squat
leader. While myself, am a well documented public defender of
children's rights and a studious observant researcher on media
matters, who is schooled in the field(s) of Psychology and
Genetics, Sexuality and Religion, along with the chaotic order
to the indivisible nature of life ourselves. [And who when
not terribly busy building this needed defense against the
Crown's alleged criminality, still champion the written word
for Justice being - US all as treated fairly.]]

I also need to show, how I come to be in possession of
another's expressions, of some managed images, or some strewn

It would be unfair for our Courts to side with the unjust
Crown on not giving me ready easy access to the evidence, but
for only by hugely limiting degrees that include costly bus
rides, or as the seriously impractical, hundreds of thousands
of printed texts that would likely fill roomfuls. While
sitting just outside my police door, could be the public
accuser who professes proudly the deeply ignorant ungodly
beliefs of cop killing and heroin dealing to push US all over
the top with Bush as it's global mastermind. Knowing such an
enemy of freedom who taunts all our judicial matters with true
personal self contempt, is there still escaping public
ridicule, wearing our community's Police Officer uniform,
could create unto itself, an unneeded frustration on my part,
for, I am a honorable defender to all that is Just. A
honorable defender that is needing by threat of false
imprisonment to concentrate on Justice for just myself
personally currently. As the Court well knows, a bushite's
favored public intent is well established by the evidence, as
documented truly criminal being the ungodly. [Hypnotized
lawless through the mechanics of suggestion I would diagnose
for the don't know knowing any better.] There exists no
evidence against bin Laden for 911, nor, was any factually
alleged to exist, and despite what Bush broadcasts
unchallenged nationally on our airwaves privately, Saddam did
actually let the inspectors in to go where ever they wanted
without delay. Furthermore, indiscriminately murdering people
with tens of thousands of cluster dud land mines, 9000
missiles targeting public infrastructure, many multiple 2000
pound bombs containing radio-active toxic waste, along with
the new and improved napalm and phosphorous poison gas clouds
all because we are in the approximate age range of 15 to 55 is
a for sure real war crime going unaddressed publicly by the
Crown, but not by myself. So, the Crown's interest is in
jeopardizing the lives of our children for sure by working to
silence my extremely rare public cries for true accountability
here in Winnipeg.

I am sworn to protect all as indicated by my recorded actions
and praised world wide word. The National Supreme Court of
Canada's Sharpe decision allows this defense to be made on our

By Our Honorable Court's "Lord" siding to support claims made
by my false accusers - as the running definitive summation of
what can be claimed as "collateral images" - [legal relative
media content present on my computer,] while judging to refuse
to have returned my therefore stolen legal property so I can
adequately prepare a counter defense against the Crown's
confusions, is nothing short of a crime in progress. At least
it should be. By denying me the evidence the Crown holds in
contempt of our Court, would create an undue hardship on my,
seeking to illuminate the facts from our vantage points.
Having to travel back and forth across the city to view
hundreds of thousands of media messages pertinent to my case
at hand, left denied search tools, and a comfortable
atmosphere, is unduly unfair for all concerned. Now, I know,
I have to deal personally with those who support such a
criminal ungodly nature when I have no choice to, but to have
them located in the same listening vicinity throughout all my
inquiries on stolen legal media content, to spew their
boastful chauvinistic fascist state partiality of how great
George W. Bush is as their master thinking celebrated
American Cop Killer, would leave me unfairly tensioned. I
need the meditative comforts of home study with good coffee
and private friends to ponder my adroit, to the point defense
with the evidence I demand the fair right to contend.

I hold children's rights paramount in the public defense
stands I've made for near a decade, and privately, I'm free to
think my way on anything. The Crown has no right to dictate
what my private thoughts are, especially, if I'm not granted
to speak on her conclusions with the ready made evidence she
don't want me to have returned possession of. My legal
property that the Crown's crew has plans to sell! God, are
you listening?

I need the luxury of computer processing that the Crown used
to surmise her relative faulting judgment of my worth to our

I need returned all my legal possessions, like my real
expressions such as public communications, to fairly challenge
the Crown's refusal to consider such objectiveness on who the
one holding criminal intent actually is on this serious
matter. So therefore, the Crown's crew should not be allowed
by our law to sell my stolen property as they are planning,
while surely as sadomasochists, destroying a life time of my
written works they know mean a great deal to me personally.
Wishing to deprive our rights as the community, to be granted
fair treatment in our Court systems of accountability, is
surely what will happen if our Honorable Judge does not Judge
honorably against the Crown and grant me the legal return of
my stolen property. I need to establish the mechanics of my
specifically unique computer system, so I can establish my
fair defense made available by the Supreme Court of Canada's
Standing Sharpe decision.

The Court recognizes finding that all declared illegal
possessions serve a criminal purpose without any intent,
unless found serving otherwise by made available evidence from
the defense. [ergo my Constitutional challenge] Evidence of
real purpose the Crown doesn't want to grant our Court,
because usually, guilty or innocent, they do sell everybody's
stolen stuff actually. And truly, the Crown has expressed no
interest in assisting our Police agencies in apprehending
those known responsible by the evidence for first degree mass
murders. [Instead, pick on the helpless innocent little
Jewish man bearing a cross, as cowardly brown shirt jack boot
nazi fascists under Hitler would have too. [surprising for
many, it is formally illegal to be Jewish currently in God's
Israel. As for the Crowns in my case, and the Judge, well
they seem to be not all that bad over all. [So far... But
this innocent people go to prison for speaking un-contended
truths thing for me is just some extreme to the core serious
business of ours, and good or bad, the Judges, and the Crowns,
and the Police Officers have a paid job to do by following the
rules designed ultimately in purpose to protect both me and
you. So, can't we all just find a way to get our public news
agencies to live up to our responsibilities by recognizing
standing laws not yet enforced against the un-elected
dictator, the monstrous war mongering American traitor
criminal, 911's George Bush Jnr., instead of present

I need returned my 37,333 [minus the contended for argument]
images to sensibly consider their feasibility to collectively
represent the Crown's faulting illogical argument in a
brighter picture.

I need to show what I did with obtained media information on
general terms by mechanical processing through my very
specific as unique operating systems, and through my
definitive writing on the very subject we are here
considering. I need operating script batch programs that do
specific tasks regarding general media managements.

I need to show how Usenet [early raw based sub-internet
knowledge sharing web communications system] is used, and how
it was legally accessed by my specific personal system,
granting me, to be a part of one of the greatest collected
artistic expressions of the known world. And how, when using
such services, informations aren't found perceived until, at
the very least, they are already in one's possession, thereby
making the Crown's standing accusation absent criminal intent
clearly unjust. [those responsible for
distribution/expression of actual for real illegal depictions
are where the infraction against the public's interest can be
compromised, but the exploitation units I'm aware of seem to
have little of no financial interest in recognizing such a
wanting to lose their lucrative industry brokered through what
should be worked to be made into redundancy.]

I need returned possession of my computer content, to seek for
indicative examples of huge disparities with what is described
with the Crown's own relative definitions, and what my media
machine actually contains regarding my for real expressions.
I need to reference my personal writings surmising the
faulting state of the child porn policing industry. To
surmise grand totals, as such the Crown's crew alleges of
legal content she'll bemoan despairingly of collateral damages
against us as innocence. Knock knock knock.

If the Crown argues falsely that the evidence I request is
irrelevant to her criminal case, then what could the harm be
honestly in showing the error of her ways? If she argues it
jeopardizes to expose the true criminality used to try
convicting me, an innocent honorable man in Our name, I would
move that the charge against me be stayed, my property
returned, and the Courts help me make a Constitutional
challenge to the validity of the law, while communicating also
Your dissatisfaction in not having us heard speaking out
nationally for the truly Honorable FBI - against 911's true
money man - Lieutenant General Mahmoud Ahmad - getting away as
bush's not so secret any longer private business partner,
escaping he is from the mass murder of thousands of our good
friends, the still left undefended corporate Americans.

I need to know what settings were set in place for the
installed programs to access the internet. And a whole bunch
else besides.

In conclusion, I need to show where my outstanding character
was at, by indicating exactly what I spent my free time on, to
illustrate for our Court, my TRUE intent as motive on this

Yours truly,






for the Crown to Stay Proceedings






The Validity of the Law

While true, to distribute material in an abusive form of
sexually explicit child pornography, can have a detrimental
impact on the impressionable, being in simple possession, does
not connotate the same negative risk to the public body. It
is not a Freedom of Expression issue. All the pictures on my
computer, deleted and otherwise, are not my expressions. Nor,
importantly, can digital images be perceived, until, at least,
they are already in your possession. Under current law, as is
in my case, you're already guilty on nothing. So, if you
should see something arguably imprisoning, you're too late to
point fingers elsewhere.

It's analogous to you sitting in your parked car with someone
throwing through the opened window, a closed paper bag of
crack cocaine, followed behind by an arresting police officer,
who while cuffing you hears your plead that some completely
unknown person threw the innocuous unmarked bag through the
window, leaving the unjust officer of our law, to reply for
the record "Yeah, I saw the, left to go on his own "stranger"
do it. And it's a crime in this country don't you know to be
found in simple possession? Now, where are the keys to the
trunk of this fancy car I'm planning to sell for a tidy profit
crack head loser?"

The Crown appears under this law in my case to have no need to
prove a criminal intent to do her things.

See, under a simple possession charge, there is no allegations
of intent to obtain or distribute something illegal, and

likewise, not found a responsible public's interest in seeking
the means of which the criminal content was as could be
LEGALLY distributed. The last thing we want in our dying
world is a setup where private legal businesses are selling,
promoting, and releasing content that only becomes illegal
when the exploitation unit comes into your home under false
pretences to steal all your electronic stuff by grossly
misunderstanding what the threat actually is.

A digital image isn't possibly perceived until it is at least,
already in your possession. Making the standing law as it is
interpreted by the faulting Crown, unjust. No criminal intent
is alleged by my sole possession charge, but for by myself
against the Crown's secret bushite crew for aiding and
abetting the crimes of first degree mass murder in New York

An infraction against the public's interest occurs when such
materials are expressed through distribution. Digital images
of people posing as testaments to the beauty of being human,
are not the same as expressions of sexually exploited
children. Yet, from as near as I can tell, the threat of
seriously cruel and inhuman treatment against me with a five
year prison sentence is being made because the Crown has made
included, condemnable interpretations of the public's free
expressions of youth and beauty. Again, not my own. Leaving
still no made interest in understanding where these prison
term perceptions, that are often admitted by the Crown's crew
to be legal, originated. If the Crown's case remains
standing, why shouldn't we expect the child exploitation units
to then widely distribute as near as can be Barely Legal
materials in hopes to nab more of us as the fearful to be
shamed as criminal through threatened public Court proceedings
regarding your alledged deviant private sexual thoughts? Of
legal images perceived as a god honest, testimony of youth and
beauty, being ourselves beautifully youthful, could leave you
too as depicted hiding some unknown something about your
unseen character. Or, an even worse madness, exploitation
units distributing truly illegal depictions, named maybe after
car models, to see who could be made found only in simple
possession of the accusers relative perception?

For, if the internationally popular woman depicted was well
over eighteen and had her own legal website, don't matter for
indictment, cause the expert of expert experts they have in my
case, a double full time professional computer porno viewer,
states with a complete straight face, the full figured pubic
wisped woman, he knows nothing of, is really only ten or
twelve. You're for sure either normal being human, or guilty
of thinking their bad thoughts punishable with real prison
sentences. As a result of course, I'm now demanded to divorce
my life of other critically important responsibilities, to
prove my complete innocence on these deliberately planned top
secret schemes, they didn't want You, the public to know of.
A near criminal attempt, (as documented by the now disclosed
once top secret warrant), to silence my cries for the arrest
of the publicly established factual 911 masterminds - Our Mr.
bush Jr., General Ahmad, rumsfeld, myers and cheney, along
with almost the entire senior staff of disclosed as flagrantly
criminal propaganda proliferators, The Office of Special

The Warrant details by exclusion, a deliberate top secret plan
on the Crown's part, a deviant anti-government plan to silence
my calls for accountability through my world wide public
addresses on the FBI answers still surrounding the murder of
thousands of American Citizens. The Crown, as an attempt to
undermine Liberty by thwarting me off my one chosen career
path of Universal Speaker, and fictionalized demon slayer -
leaves you instead, this quickly passing opportunity to stand
up for the rights of another being cheated for real, and in so
doing, we'll find together, that true freedom is justice for
US all. Law stands strong for good reason, so too, does
tyranny rule by censorship for false imprisonment. Do not
allow my voice for freedom's reign to be silenced unjustly, by
those who would have us falsely believe, Bush personally
didn't do the crimes we all easily now know the evidence of.

An unjust Law enslaves all Religions, for reason is
beautifully Just through your will to conceive, that God's
interests are as naturally too, your own included. My
commitments to equal rights for all have never changed, and
Humanity's true commitment to defend Iraqi children to the
last cowardly murderous thieving bushite enemy, will carry on,
despite the corrupted Crown's attempt to stop real Justice
from continuing. When one views public photographs of
rumsfeld's un-arrested mercenary soldiers raping an Iraqi
woman, are our rights being further violated with every
passing witness? How about witnessing that Guantanamo's
torture victim Moazzam Begg, was running a girl's school
program with his wife under the female loving Taliban? [You
know, Moazzam Begg, the one and same British Citizen depicted
solely by heroin pushing donald "sexy cluster dud land mine
dropper" rumsfeld, as one of our Lord's most dangerous

The Crown alleges in truly contemptuous silence, she's not
interested in defending the rights of those children, or
victims of mass murder, while voicing publicly in Our Court,
that I, am infringing on the rights of children somewhere else
because, even though no body is perceiving the data located
anywhere on my hard drive, it still magically constitutes a
personal violation, on its own by itself, of an unjust law
that others have been demonized, robbed, then falsely
imprisoned on. This irrational demand on behalf of the Crown
to Your Court, where she states her private viewings do not
infringe on children's rights, while EVERYONE else's does
somehow, even if you didn't see at all the picture judged as
the reflecting mind of a true sexual deviant, is US ALL being
the auto-guilty anyway, and not firstly innocent as it should
be. See, the Judge could say to a Jury, "Your job is not to
judge the injustice committed with these blind and broken
laws, but that solely, did Top Cop Johnny have this one single
picture on his computer?, and if he did, then the bushite
liars who fight our systems of accountability through Justice
to further escape real rapists, torturers, and documented
treasonous war criminals like those who for sure committed
911, get to put him in Our prison for half a decade."

However this issue requires much for further study. It turns
out my two primary accusing officers who deal with real sicko
child porn every day full time, also support death squads
against innocent families in Afghanistan to protect the demon
lies of George W. Bush, and they'd almost tell the jury that
too as blind devote disciples of the self hating bushmob cabal
of neo-con peenackers, if the Crown wasn't there to forbid the
truth from being spoken.

The two abusers, the two anti-cop officers of question, lied
to me, then censored my agreement they had their word on,
then, attempted to twist my comments into something clearly I
didn't mean.. and that's not even the half of it. So, don't
tell me I'm being over critical of their naked wicked evil.
If an image was an offensive act witnessed, why then is it
that a genuine concern is not with a possible victim all the
time? The shocker to the uninitiated in the battles of good
against evil in these child exploitation units, is that rarely
do they have a real monetary care to follow though with the
details. - "Oh, the girl is really a woman, and the web
address on the digital image is of a server acting completely
within the confines of our law, nudist campers are nudist
campers, and as for the beautifully naked young girl taking a
bubble bath smiling, er.. I mean the one looking seductive...
drat." Examples: I have many texts willfully ignored by the
Crown that articulate irrational praise for one heinous crime
against God or another of the un-elected neocon war wankers,
that I, as a human, certainly don't find myself in automatic,
no free thought agreement with., right? And my objective as
Human defender isn't to censor the known criminality of the,
murder innocent people for the war profiting bushmob liars,
but to expose the true injustice committed against our better
selves - US all dying slavishly censored through Our corporate
international communication network of good old ideas left
long gone dead and buried. Hammurabi's Code of Law: it's
first sentence, of his first paragraph, the number one most
important Law as example. - Here's the translation - The
public figure blaming someone else for a capital offense, such
as terrorist, who uses NO EVIDENCE for PROOF, to murder in
Your name as Citizen, is the FOR SURE ENEMY, always, EVERY
TIME. And in the next four thousand years that single law has
timelessly stood unbroken, not one person has been capable to
declare a true, wanting disagreement.

The corporate news mandate is to take You for granted -
without any given say so. Our sold as sworn public defenders,
CBC, CNN, et al, hold no opinions of our Humanity on the
needless indiscriminate bombing of populated cities, the
torturing of men women and children by un-arrested as openly
confessed complete psychotics, the thieving of hundreds of
billions from America and Iraq, and as such, tyrannically
support [don't call us, will call you] commi censorship, all
done in to assist the "escape" of those truly responsible for
the crimes of 911.

When the Crown argues that disturbing images simply in your
possession constitute an absolute evaluation of your
punishable character, while denying\forbidding a Court to know
what you do in your life with our time is faulted. I hold
children's rights paramount in the public defense stands I've
made for near a decade, and privately, I'm free to think my
way on anything. The Crown has no right to dictate what my
private thoughts are. This insistence on behalf of the Crown
on what we all perceive individually by judgment is determined
solely by media content - is a foolish falsehood forwarded by
Our Great Lord's, Supreme Court of Canada. Example: Does not
the public videos of rumsfeld's, defended from YOUR LAW
bushite soldiers, gunning down women and children running for
their lives from a mosque, or where hundreds of unarmed
defenseless families are huddled together, then bombed by a
bushite enemy grunt, a grunt who on VIDEO TAPE, moans itself
to orgasm when they all die as the innocent murdered with
"ah.. dude" just speak for itself? Sure, the celebrating
bushies repeatedly depicted have no honor, or courage, only a
fascistic hatred for their fellow man - openly thieves who die
without a fighting cause for Freedom, nor a true commitment to
Law - but I would ask if We had a voice to cry in Your Court,
what do You see in this corporate World that leaves my stand
professionally unworthy for deliberations? The Crown's
concern remains silent on the DOCUMENTED and easily verifiable
murder issues, when she has her regular huddles with a local
corporate reporter, discussing on who, from the community, was
in Our court challenging, a sexually dysfunctional
sadomasochistic label. For the Crown to witness and know
first hand of such barbaric criminality, such as the true
perpetrators of 9/11 found revealed by THE FBI stinger, along
with the rest of the evidence trail that all leads directly to
the Whitehouse, is a Crown who does not hold Canadian's
freedom in check, or a care for our soldier aged sons and
daughters conflicting near death. But to side instead, as
they are hiding behind the honorable Crown's position, a small
group of four or five dim blips, attempting they are to
silence these calls for real freedom for the masses. I am a
proud and honorable man who objects to furthering bush's war
crime aims with this lifeless corporate tyranny of enslavement
through whoring for the dark foreboding wills of Our Mr. bush
Jr.. Censorship is the tool of tyrants, while I beckon a new
light for peace by communicating. Please, I beg you, do not
allow them to silence my objections to have us unjustly
imprisoning myself, while bringing great hardship to my
immediate family by denying the truth be spoken publicly in my
defense on why I'm in the Court room, and what is documented
irrespective of their spin doctoring and label pasting.

Where is the violation of a child's rights, specifically, when
the Crown's crew gleefully ponder images she'll use to silence
the words of Johnny Wizard by prison sentence? Where? No,

Commanding our public indignation for those who disrespect
human rights she will use as her weapon, all the while, hidden
from the jury, and the judge, a secret contempt for thousands
of innocent murder victims denied my unchallenged demands for
real Justice. No officer of our laws anywhere have found
fault with my PUBLIC summation, documented fully, on who, and
how, 9/11 was truly orchestrated. A Crown stuck committed to

global bushite tyranny Vs. a Truth seeker of the highest
order. Come to the trial! Tell your friends! Tell your
neighbors! The People vs. an overburdened unjust Crown, and
a near treasonous national security officer, who wrote in the
original top secret warrant nobody was suppose to see, it'd be
so much easier to help bush escape arrest by avoiding the
public accountability process entirely. The once top secret
Johnny Wizard Warrant is freely available with most names
being detracted, to protect the innocent until proven guilty.
A traitor to God and Country the Crown and one National
Security officer potentially is in this top secret bush
administration conspiracy endeavor, to serve by bushite
criminal decree up here in defenseless Canada. For as
potential accessories to first degree mass murder, they are
stuck attempting to undermine Canada's National Security
Services, the FBI, the People, US, all to further unjustly
sacrifice, more of our uninformed sons and daughters for
further bounty, as substantiated real world criminal, bushite
evils. I say no. Help me get public recognition through talk
radio, take a stand for your fellow man, and help a Jury in
Winnipeg learn of who I am, and why they are forbidden to know
what's truly going on, and you'll be helping yourself to a
better future. My principle allegations against George W.
Bush require a qualified and adapt security officer no more
that forty three minutes to verify. Namely, bush's business
partner, General Ahmad funded 911's "mastermind" "ringleader"
Atta, and was also sent, the General was, from the Whitehouse
on behalf of bush to the Taliban stating, no evidence will be
brought against Laden as the accused, therefore an innocent
man in Christ. And, that as MSNBC reported of the top secret
documents provided to themselves anonymously from Condoleezza
Rice's office, George had a confidential plan at his desk on
how to invade Afghanistan dated September 9th, 2001 that he
didn't want anybody in America to know he was working on
during his "vacation". His confessed publicly to MSNBC, as
"fully implemented" Afghanistan strategy, demanded that he not
pursue the true 911 evil doers, for it would upset his made
before hand, guaranteed plan. That had soldier grunts moving
out to get ready just before the event. All premised on
blaming Laden as a terrorist without a shred of evidence, for
a crime that hadn't yet taken place, but that bush was
personally prepared as closing investigations on. To secure
criminal invasion he would refuse to follow the evidence trail
- and as a result - NOT apprehend the have to let go - falsely
accused bin Laden. [cowardly soldiers who didn't speak up as
real Patriots would have much earlier, who were ordered to let
Laden go on his way in Torra Borra, have now all mostly fallen
quietly dead., by fluke mishap or something like the sort it
is said.] All set in play, this plan of Our Mr. bush Jr's,
top secretly with General Ahmad riding gun shot, just days
before thousands of American People were still left
unaccountably murdered. See? Mr. Bush would need such an
event to happen unhindered as a requirement to galvanize world
sentiment. Providing no evidence substantiated would
guarantee his needed invasion for American pension thievers
Enron, and that is exactly what HE planned, what HE did, and
who HE is. Evil is the deceived disguised. What more do you
need to know buddy?

I, armed with only the facts, demand the arrest of those who
participated in the murder of children to protect the demon
lies of George W. Bush, while the Crown's case, on top of
alleging that the simple possession Law [no criminal intent to
express or obtain is alleged] states a child's rights are
being infringed on due to the content by itself, ALONE,
appears ready to fight for disallowing a jury, to freely
witness, this fishing expedition was intentionally started to
stop me speaking my outrage that bush hasn't been yet arrested
for committing 9/11 with General Ahmad, so according to the
unmentionables in the no longer top secret Warrant. That this
Crown would officially state holding our virtues while
attempting to condemn me to a long prison sentence, shows her
possible personal true contempt for the value of Your human

life my friend. I have written extensively on defending the
rights of children, and the psychology of sexually
dysfunctional sadomasochists, I have studied this world to
create some thing greater than average, some thing better than
normal, a world where all children are respected, including
those of Iraq who have been purposefully denied safe drinking
water, because negroponte needed to STEAL the emergency funds
for his new embassy. See?, she would argue that those real
world crimes aren't relevant to my case in her hands, those
REAL children like perhaps your own don't concern her, nor do
the lives of Canadians lied to by corporate command for
criminal sacrifice. The Crown convinces us irrationally, with
her only excuse being, because the specific broken Law she's
decided to singly exercise, (with the exclusion of all others,
like thou shall not murder,) stupidly says she can, and you
dummies can't do anything at all about it yourself. Why?
Because you wont speak out for anyone else's rights to be
heard publicly - the bushite enemy trust to figure. Justice
is Freedom, and to have a real concern for another's lost
rights to freely be, is to be truly concerned with your very
own in serious jeopardy. I wouldn't lie to you. Believing,
as the bushite do, willfully deceitful corporate news
propaganda excuses the Bush Administration's rampant
criminality against the innocent as God is, truly, excuses
nothing, especially if I have something to say on the subject
of accountability.

This final Court challenge against my Freedom to be myself,
that the bush administration attempted firstly to do top
secretly, has now been laid publicly at our door step as a
blatant threat to everyone of us as a member of the Canadian
Public. Will you help me politely address my false accusers
on our public airwaves? Will you help speak for freedom from
tyranny is this question riddled, or will you deny yourself my
generous helping?

The reasons why such abhorrent behaviors continue unaddressed
in our Police Force actions will be documented fully with
remedies offered during the second part of the third phase of
the upcoming Question Period press conferences - press
conferences running during the available down times of The
Trial of



/ /And that of course gives the bushites and CBC and CNN their
implausible deniability, where they can say their remaining
neutral, by not providing us the facts to allow us to decide
for ourselves. Because otherwise, we wouldn't kill ourselves
to profit the bushmob cabal of God haters. Who victimize
innocent Christians for no other reason but for to profit off
our suffering.


Think of all those people in that situation as God. And
these, the bushite nazi grunts, have positions that are
completely irrational, they're making no sense, your fuking
up. It's like a cancer that God of that whole situation, is
inflicted with. They're lying to themselves. If your there
to fight on behalf of Iraqis, you take a position to demand
all the money that has been taken through this Iraq
Development Fund, be returned. \ \


/ / What is particularly disturbing is how the administration
misused intelligence information to make its case for war and
failed to plan competently for the postwar period. \ \

What seems even more disturbing, to me, and PBS' FRONTLINE, is
that there was a "State" plan, the ORHA plan to prevent
looting and carnage, but it was sabotaged by rumsfeld and
franks, so the bushmob could try to make some sense of
needlessly bombing the country for our labored dollars, while
robbing the central bank and museum by mopping up the mess
with the bodies of American Patriots still dying as dumfuks.

/ / What is particularly disturbing is how the administration
misused intelligence information to make its case for war and
failed to plan competently for the postwar period. \ \

What seems even more disturbing, to me, and PBS' FRONTLINE, is
that there was a "State" plan, the ORHA plan to prevent
looting and carnage, but it was sabotaged by rumsfeld and
franks, so the bushmob could try to make some sense of
needlessly bombing the country for our labored dollars, while
robbing the central bank and museum by mopping up the mess
with the bodies of American Patriots still dying as dumfuks.


you know what is right, though you may still be blind, never
too late to change your mind, we are all in agreement, in
truth we rise, evil is just the deceived disguised...


Our Gambling Problem

Instead of our government deciding what services we need and
are willing to pay for, they'll have us think that by actively
promoting gambling to those we can take advantage of, somehow
serves them right, and us well. This abnormal behavior is not
only destructive to many cheated players, their families and
friends, but also to our institutions, government, and
economy. You may have heard some say, that gambling is a tax
on stupidity, and here are only some of the reasons why. This
information is for you to judge, think freely, ask the
questions, then pray your wrong. The whole VLT system our
government uses is so deeply flawed it's beyond belief. They
count credits as dollars, reporting to trusting economists and
reporters, a payout of 96%. They will tell you they're needed
because otherwise the victims of manipulation would travel to
the states before the local state casinos to spend their last
two bucks, and they should, their odds are a real deal better.
There are no checks and balances in place as there is normally
to regulate tax revenues. Nobody in the corrupt gaming
commission, MLC, AFM in fact Canada has looked at the computer
code, and in Montana where they have, they've made them
illegal to operate. They're not stupid. Some of the possible
new car owners at the MLC, state that the machines run on a
random basis. They have deduced this by testing that they are
computers and can simulate a random number concluding
presumably that every computer program is just an act of
chance. I guess the free cars to some in management make this
easier. If this is true, how come no one ever wins more than
a $1000? If, as they claim, it is random, occasionally one
might win $33 billion by starting at 125 credits doubling 30
times. Get a deck of cards and a calculator and try! Your
odds are slim, but at least you have a chance. If this type
of psychological manipulation is to be allowed, why not
physiological as well. Why not put an odorless chemical right
on the pay slips that would leach through the players skin,
causing them to act against their better judgment? Body and
mind? Here's a tip: Bar owners are privy to much statistical
information, that we, the general public are not. If they
play, your being really stupid. Also the machines are filthy,
wash your hands. You see, they're trying to turn us against
each other, into one of them, blinding us, making us lash out
and cheat our weaker brothers and their families, if it means
we can drink their blood (190+ suicides last year). But in
truth, we are all being bled. BAH HA! It is a pure
regressive tax, no attached goods or services! Billionaires
own freezers and stacks of paper! These players are REAL
consumers, shopping and moving the economy, if they hadn't
lost all our money. Filmon was right wing when he called in
gambling for the stupid. Was not the reason for forcing the
VLT's into our homes to protect us from casinos? Were we not
warned that if you remove what would normally be consumer
dollars from an economy, there would be less there? If you
call the gaming commission they take 4%, Manitoba lottery
books say 30%, but in truth they take all they take. They
pull in 191,000,000- (not mentioning 92% casinos and the shut
down of Crystal, not enough money in an honest game of cards,
and all those losing free $2 ticket tickets) in revenues each
year. If you divide revenues by 4813 odd machines, 313 odd
days a year, holy Christmas, if they return 96%, that's close
to a payout of $3000 every day, every machine! Why don't we
take 40%? We could advertise the best odds in North America!
It works well in Vegas, where they actually give players a
chance with games of chance, and because more than 50% of the
players are from out of state. In Oct 97, Nova Scotia gaming
Corp. head Ralf Fisk quit claiming his concerns were ignored,
and his power was stripped. In Dec 97, 5 of 6 B.C. gaming
commissioners quit stating they felt they were made redundant
and could provide no significant contribution. I guess the
major media doesn't think this is worth knowing! If your
lucky enough to get a hold of any of the receipts that come
out when the machines are opened, or tilted, you'll see that
if you count actual game-ply, some bars, are taking 70%+ of
the games and giving you all the credit. Churning of credits
with many NON- random events, and prize amounts are critical
in determining how much is actually removed and returned to
our communities. Why don't we promise a payout of 99.9%, we
can still take the same amount of the dollar. Couple extra
play 5 win 5 backs, walla! Some gaming (don't say lottery!
VGT's?) information is classified information, so there are
only a small tiny few, who might know all the details, but
refuse to tell anyone, some by law or maybe threat. They
destroy "gaming operations" records (VLT's and casinos)
yearly, but keep employee's names for fifty! (under MLF0028)
Their argument, that makes it illegal, for anyone to publicly
disclose the actual dollars, on a site by site basis was
"site-holders could gain an unfair advantage if they knew what
their competitors were taking in" How? Don't they already
have one? If you average it out, bars are making close to ten
grand a machine per year, Just provide an addict a seat, and
you can still pay your waitresses minimum wage. People can be
addicted to many things like VLT's or peanuts, and they can be
equally motivating, but they have different consequences.
It's nearly impossible to consume 500 dollars worth of peanuts
in 2 seconds, and how many entertaining peanuts are there,
that leave you smiling and filled with glee? Mr. dealer will
you help these addicts see? If you deposit a hundred thousand
and then cash out without playing, it's now short four
thousand, and the bars, more flesh for the pound. If these
bars were ever caught committing such an act, they'd get a
wink and 2 days of profits taken, instead of time in Stony
Mountain. If Stephenson did it, who would know! They paid
out 2.6 billion in credits, and took 191 in cash! Should we,
the fascists (look it up), support a predominantly VLT
infested NDP riding with provincial funding, nothing wrong
with that, right? When Stephenson (the same who told us no,
we would never sell MTS, then sold it way below value,
hundreds of employee's fired, rates etc.) was asked way back
on June 24/95 in the Sun, why some areas such as Carman,
Morden, Thompson, and The Pas, were losing as much as 1.4
million yearly after counting provincial grants Stephenson
quipped "We have to make an assessment to make sure the
project makes economic sense for the area" the same story also
informs us, we guarantee a 10% return of gambling profit to
our communities. So I guess that means we're really stealing
as much as 90%?#! Also in conjunction, we threaten
communities that don't want the machines, saying they wouldn't
get "revenues". Then shouldn't those that do, get theirs?
Even if they did, how would they? Would it be like the "well
advertised" $25,000 VLT hearings held between 1 and 4 on a
weekday, where apparently only something like six from
Manitoba showed up, with nothing important to say. Is that
imp lying a thread to 1,043.863- of us, which of at least 96%,
want to know where in hell they are going. Can they be that
stupid? Can we? We'd bet er.. not. If we were misled, we
should be outraged! There is nothing wrong with earning
money, but this is a great deal of money stolen off the backs
of the sore, the desperately poor, grocery stores and many
many more. Is it because we think we're only illegally
(section 209, 380(1) 380(2), 181, 52(1-4) etc.) ripping off
evil welfare mothers with too much money in their pockets, or
those sinister seniors on some mental incomes? Many in the
media mistakenly think that if we cheat the poor and stupid
into paying more in taxes, theirs will equally go down. That
is misguided, this regressive tax doesn't simply work in this
manner. In addition, the lotteries claim that 300 mill is
spent in salaries to less than 10000 employees. We know it's
not into the workers at the casinos or bars. Just what is the
going rate for paper shredders? Are there any other sides
that should be at issues? Would you like all information to
make a sound right decision? Why would one would not? A
crucial trust is clearly being violated. I would suggest
showing prudence with where you place your full page ads until
some of these serious questions are addressed. Nobody is
watching, nobody is really regulating, where are we? Your
dream of utopia? You'll have us pay huge taxes, take away tax
benefits from all renters($?) and single mothers, infants,
create monopolies for your sympathizing fascist supporters
knowingly against the interests and wishes of the vast
majority, cut back on provincial welfare if necessary,
liquidate assets, screw the schools (you certainly don't need
to be educated), hospitals, breed a judicial system to keep us
reminded while you drain the entire economy, and if there's
anything left over you'll give it to a private Bank. Then
blame the transfer reductions of 250 mill, call it billions,
not telling that your including all of Canada when your good
for nothing, black sheep brother comes beggin for a nickel.
Better yet, you'll lock him up. With faith that most
!private! media won't bring up the fact that you pulled in an
extra 900, that social programs have been continually cut for
the last twenty years when compared to the GDP, that we don't
even have to be borrowing from American private banks, that we
are in fact being robbed, or that your brother was just hungry
and hurt. How does anyone buy this? On credit? Things are
changing from bad to worse, and everybody appears, from one or
two media accounts, to think, so what or, whatever. Don't
drink the water! A part of the problem is the journalists who
are in fact just trained reporters, who take all the perks and
none of the responsibilities. Selling off themselves to
something they have written, for them to read. Told what is
cover, where is resources, drawing our pictures with their
color crayolas. Telling themselves there must be a good
reason why no one is doing the story! Or they'll take any of
a 1000, why think if you don't have work to? They know the
scores, much more money in advertising. The odds would also
dictate a small tiny informed few who have their minds made
closed, polluted by greed, and lack of power, looking at
another side, pleading ignorance, they didn't see anything at
all, and say you won't either. Exercising power the only way
they can, draining from all, including themselves. Can you
believe it? This is our government re-appropriating billions
of our dollars, causing economic destruction and death!
Leading the way to the misled and cheated is the well paid
AFM, advising us to only blame ourselves, and the best thing
we could do for ourselves is to drink at the bar/casino. It's
akin to the schoolyard heroin dealer paying some chump to
quickly get help to misguided children by selling them crack.
Why bite the hand that stuffs you? Do you wonder what
happened to all our money? The truth is out, the lies are
old, but the blind idiots directing your show, don't want to
see, you know. Do 300,000+ petition signing Albertans,
incidentally more than register to vote, know something you
don't? Studies galore! Watch what you support with money,
and with your thoughts. Do your own polls! Did you know
we're planning to take away your fundamental democratic right
to put up garage, and election signs freely? How do they win
elections, if nobody put up any signs? How will we ever get a
honest deal? Is lying and cheating just endemic with this
communist government? Is anyone making money on all these bad
business investments? Pool the legislature transcripts! Take
a day on, call your grand mother, vote! But just how many
"obscured ballots" are there, phone and see. Do you think in
a democracy this information should be open to the public? Do
you own thinking! Why not? Also what's a public voters list
good for? Did you know since '95 votes have been tallied by
computer, coded in Texas? Now carefully in a measured way,
ask yourself, just who is foolish enough to be manipulated by
the machine? Having themselves, their family and just about
everyone else punished for it? Send for the facts, over the
lines, face the truth, you're living, alive! Horrors
committed before your eyes, n your name, are you justified?
If this is allowed to continue to grow, it can only turn into
something much worse. Slowly, your freedom will further
become chained, and the only thing you'll wish for is that you
had taken the time to take action while you had the chance.
Just what are the chances? Unless you think you don't count?
Better by golly, you sure as do so Bobby! Petitions
delicious! Or do nothing, continuing on going backwards,
selling yourself short. You know who you are, it's made up
for you, you don't have to go far. Just don't sit on the
sidewalk or leave a ticket unpaid, or beg for justice of the
wounded dying or dead. Blame the weak and disabled, you'll be
so strong, living in your fable. Then when they come for you,
you'll say something must be wrong, but who cares? Your not
listening. You'd know if you were being deceived. 1000 of
beer in one small sip, remove all your regulations, they're
just there to keep us in, and privatize always, right.. ya..
that's thinking. We want to sell Winnipeg Hydro, it's working
making a profit. All we need now are private prisons and the
economy will really take off screaming! The one only reason
people commit crimes is cause, they know we don't have guns.
Bombs don't kill people that are killing people! The sky
isn't falling, the sky isn't falling. Something to consider,
what's the cause-like symptom and how do you treat it? Like
an infection? As a matter of truth, it is completely without
question, there it is no such thing, as deception. Now you
know the rules, your losses, odds and stakes. What's your
limit? Can you stop? Are you feeling okay buddy? Let us get
out of here, and go to talk.




/ / That is a high act of treason. And it's not,

"oh well, but maybe it's not true.." No, we have
the two documents of question. \ \

What is the Coast to Coast radio network Head talking
about tonight?, the re-re-re-hashing of the "Allaways
Interslinging" Bigfoot phenomenon? Where was I...

Look, you're not going to go to hell for not giving me a
couple of dollars to further my cause, but it sure
couldn't help to leave me without any support here


White House keeps dossiers on more than 10,000 'political enemies'



The United States of America v. Adam Vaughn

He was a stand-up Marine, a beloved cop, and a local hero

/ / Vaughn was accused of possessing child pornography on
the basis of images in his browser cache and downloaded
photos he had deleted from his hard drive long before the
accusations. Although Vaughn says he never sought out or
wanted to keep pornographic images of children, he's
serving four and a half years in jail. \ \



/ / It's as if our government is telling us that if we're
going to look at porn, we'd better pay for it. Otherwise,
we might get branded pedophiles. How many innocent lives
will be destroyed before the child porn wars are over? \ \



/ / Specialist Damien "Monster" Corsetti--known
affectionately as the "King of Torture" among his Bagram
colleagues--was later fined and demoted for forcing an
Iraqi woman to strip during an interrogation at Abu
Ghraib. Yet Corsetti remains a free man. \ \

Will America hunt to kill the un-arrested bushite cancer
that knows thyself as the "King of Torture"? Who's
blasphemous open contempt for all that is God doesn't even
earn him a spot on America's Most Wanted?

/ / "Suggestions that U.S. forces targeted civilians with
these weapons are simply wrong," U.S. Marine Major Tim
Keefe said in an e-mail to Reuters. "Had the producers of
the documentary bothered to ask us for comment, we would
have certainly told them that the premise of the program
was erroneous." \ \

Does not such treasonous conduct warrant a military
misdemeanor of bush bitch Tim Keefe? He even claims to
have knowledge of the undisputable endless footage
that documents nazi attacks against the completely
innocent as defenseless. But the premise of a commitment
for Americans to truly war Our enemies being the truly
Just and Free, at least under his falsehoods of
leadership, is an erroneous argument. For, bushites are
the bad guys, who lie cheat and steal don't you know.


/ / Bush didn't have any popularity left. Overnight tracking
polls showed Kilgore dropped three percentage points after the
President's appearance and Democrat Tim Kaine won on Tuesday.

Conservative Pennsylvania Republican Senator Rick Santorum

told radio talk show host Don Imus Wednesday that he does not
want the President's help and will stay away from a Bush rally
in his state on Friday. \ \





/ / Why would God promise you in the Bible, go hurt myself
purposefully. And steal something from someone you didn't
earn. And be a dishonest lying bastard, just to be an
asshole you like to be. \ \



/ / He figured anybody who committed the acts of torture
against the innocent, needed to be publicly executed for
America, by America, as America, and I, am totally in
agreement with that. \ \


Bush Jnr. is sure wicked evil song




/ / an epic study that documents the systematic nature of
torture by the Americans, and how casual it is, even
enjoyable. [...] as the head of Reuters said recently,
it is out of control. It is destroying lives in industrial
quantities when compared with the violence of the
resistance. \ \

Godless bushite enemy thieves, are enemies of innocent men
women and children as they live and die in undefended America
measured worthless to the neocon traitor's bottom line.

If YOU, personally make no effort to confront millionaire talk
radio hosts who insist America's more concerned with
discussing the importance of aliens and vampires than the
sacrifice of liberty for tyranny, America will die. Anti-cop
Coast to Coast hosts deliberately forbid Americans to learn
about who personally is responsible for the crimes of 911, or
that the war in Iraq has no rational justification whatsoever.
Nazi bush bitch George Norrie would happily watch your
American children die for the treasonous bushmob, before
allowing any Patriot on Your radio to discuss these serious
matters that confront us all. Help me gain a public voice on
our air waves, please.


/ / Mr Cheney told several Republican senators that
President Bush would veto the annual defense spending
bill if it contained language prohibiting the use of
cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment by any U.S.
personnel. \ \


/ / Col. Robert Bowman: As other speakers have said,
they knew the American people wouldn't stand for it, and
they said so in their documents, and they said, unless
there's that new Pearl Harbor.

[...] and it is treason. [...]

1. We give up all rights to Iraqi oil 2. We give up
all rights to the rebuilding contracts- if Halliburton
wants a contract from you, they have to bid on it like
anybody else, and they have to hire Iraqis to do the work
for a change. 3. We give up all rights to those 14
permanent military bases we're building in Iraq at this
time. And the people in the Whitehouse are not going to
make those committments and so they have to go and all
the puppeteers with them. \ \

/ / Rove told Cooper that further information
discrediting Wilson and his findings would soon be
declassified and ended the phone conversation by saying
"I've already said too much. \ \

/ / · less than one per cent of the population believes
coalition forces are responsible for any improvement in
security; \ \

(Don't miss "Johnny Wizard Vs. the bushmob")

(on bush's behavior during the school book 9/11 incident.)

/ / Stuck he was then, with no mind to ruse, er.. time to
snooze, Arg! What was the cue? Errrch... If he moves
with priority interest as concerned openly honest public
figure, as he knows a legitimate President would have
been to first learn of such carnage,


why not previous before he left his Hotel room with a
television? Outside the Hotel? In the motorcade? With
school staff as you'd figure would have been present too
laughing, no? Instead he stayed as he had been to give
no orders publicly, nor attempt to make public inqiries,
but to listen with such unbelievable absolute devotion,
equating a beautiful child's story, as if it were Jesus
from the heavens himself, speaking directly on the
living Nature of our Universe.. \ \
From the Johnny Wizard work - "Wait a Moment"
[The Son of Man asks:]

/ / Who cares about yourself if you won't listen as reason
to? What can you lose when you have granted to be
blindly stolen from? \ \


/ / An editorial appearing Wednesday in the Washington
Post did not mince words in denouncing Cheney's
intervention. His actions, the newspaper declared,
demonstrated that ``this vice president has become an
open advocate of torture.'' \ \

/ / The War Crimes Act of 1996, a federal statute set
forth at 18 U.S.C. § 2441, makes it a federal crime for
any U.S. national, whether military or civilian, to
violate the Geneva Convention by engaging in murder,
torture, or inhuman treatment. \ \

/ / Making a potential prosecutor's job easier, U.S.
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales wrote a memo in January
2002 to President Bush saying that America should opt out
of the Geneva Convention because top officials have to
worry about prosecutions under 18 U.S.C. § 2441. By
attempting to sidestep the Geneva Convention, Gonzales
created a document trail that can be used to prove that
top administration officials knowingly created a policy
of torturing prisoners \ \

/ / Entitled ``The Torture Question,'' the report makes
clear that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld bears direct
responsibility for the brutal methods of interrogation
used against US prisoners. \ \



/ / What is happening is that Ms. Davidson and Lawyers Against the
War have laid charges against George Bush Jr; accusing him of
aiding, abetting, and counseling the commission of torture. \ \

/ / "Many Canadians don't realize that we have not only the right
but the responsibility to pursue these charges, it is a
responsibility that the Canadian government owes not only to the
people of Canada, but to the people of the world. \ \

/ / "The American legal system seems incapable of bringing him to
justice and there are no international courts with jurisdiction.
So it's up to Canada to enforce the law that everybody has signed
on to but nobody else seems willing to apply." \ \

/ / Irwin Cotler's credo is supposed to be "Justice, justice shall
you pursue" not ingratiation with superpowers who practice torture. \


/ / [...] talk your arguments to 18 USC 794 anti-treason law.
and if he [bush] goes by hanging I buy the rope. \ \


/ / o Where the HELL is YOUR proof that Dick Cheney was NOT
conducting drills on 9/11 that paralyzed Air Force responses to the
real attacks?

o Where the HELL is YOUR proof that Tower 7 collapsed as a result
of the attacks?

o Where the HELL is YOUR proof that `put' orders placed on the two
Airlines involved in the attacks were mere coincidence?

o Where the HELL is YOUR proof that Porter Goss knew nothing about
$100,000 that was wired to Mohammed Atta?

o Where the Hell is YOUR proof that Donald Rumsfeld did not
organize an illegal military group that would ``provoke terrorist
attacks which would then require `"counter-attack" by the United
States? \ \





/ / The Nazis in the 1930s were forced to waste precious time and
money on the inoculation of the German citizenry, too well-educated
for its own good, against the infections of impermissible thought.
We can count it as a blessing that we don't bear the burden of an
educated citizenry. \ \

From "Epiphany"

/ / What can bush or rumsfeld do now in Iraq, outside of criminally
stealing our assets, that they couldn't do before a single innocent
Iraqi person was murdered by heinous traitor buford blount? Look I
am serious about this: read... What can bush or rumsfeld do now
in Iraq, outside of criminally stealing our assets, that they
couldn't do before a single innocent Iraqi person was murdered by
heinous traitor buford blount? \ \

/ / In fact, as they made clear on page one, the authors had
stripped out Falluja; their estimate of 98,000 deaths would
otherwise have been much higher. \ \

Repeat after me:

Coast to Coast hosts are leaving us listeners out here
with the impression, that neither hosts have
heard of the National Intelligence Estimate,
or the NIE, that was created by pressure through
congress just prior to the war, by the cia, state
department, and eight other American intelligence
agencies, of which, the bush administration got
caught misleading the verdicts by censorship,
and outright re-writing, then bald faced lying.
Subsequently causing the creation of an
investigation by the Senate, who's conclusion stated
that the bush administration "..provided [Americans]
with an incomplete picture of the nature and extent
of the debate within the intelligence community
regarding these issues."



It's the simplest idea. All you gotta do, is get a couple large
buoys, that let's say take maybe a twenty foot square space, maybe
a foot or two thick, and they contain air, made of some strong
plastics. You just take that, anchor it stationary to the ocean
floor, and have it situated on a gear system where, even though the
buoy moves up and down slightly, there is such a tremendous amount
of force on it, through the rising of the tides, that through gear
ratios, you could easily get some turbines going for a thousand
bucks or something. Not a big investment to give you free energy

/ / Do not put any effort into thinking out your own opinions.
Create doubt on anything any true liberator, would try to
convey to you as important for your life. Never mind. Watch
your son or daughter be sacrificed, and just lie to yourself,
and tell us all how your so proud of your dead son or
daughter, "because they were fighting for liberty." And we
just got to just keep bullshiting you because you're an enemy
to God. An enemy to true freedom, when you demand truth not
be spoken for the innocent being persecuted, as Christ was.
Where is Christianity in America? Call your Church now! \ \


/ / Why does any American think that spying without a warrant
has any more effect in reducing the threat of terrorism than
spying with a warrant? \ \

Yet, FOX, CNN and CBC silently plead ignorance when
broadcasting for bushite favor on this rights issue. He wants
to pursue terrorists they'll tell us, but CNN, CBC, FOX and
others, won't tell us why Bush secretly feels FISA would
jeopardize such claimed inquiries? Sure, bushites are dumb,
but we're not that dumb to except this without knowing. It's
similarly like, Bush can't be my Chief because, Congress
didn't declare war like the Constitution Laws. So, what's he
going by then?, right?


Look up in your mind, across the sky!, it's the glorious sign
that says things couldn't be much worse under the watchful
gaze of the Supreme Commander. It's like, Bush can't be my
Chief because, Congress didn't declare war like the
Constitution Laws.

The, in league with evil tresspass of George Walker Bush only
has the rights that are protected by any civilized American.
The lying demon enemy has no power of illusion over me, for
he, I have concluded with in discussions about Satan, is
truly, no honorable god fearing American.

Help me to gain some international say, and our world will
fair brighter at becoming, this fool's play/tragedy.

bLeEplAb! bLeEplAp! bLeEplAb! bLeEplAp!


God or no God, I hate the demon antiChrist, corporate
america's false-deity, Your unelected Mr. bush Jr., as
much as any real Creator of this world, or any other

With such real inaction on old promises [lies] made by
the dishonorable and dishonest leaderless bushite nazi
savages, while desecrating all of Humanity by fighting
against a just rule of Law, (instead of protecting
America's America), forces the continued REAL WORLD
sacrifice of true Liberty, until the bushmob gang is
brought up by US for war crimes., as the 9/11
perpetrating, super evil as ungodly, demon antiChrist in
disguises. (I very much would feel welcomed to play my
part in those public proceedings.) Hmmm.. maybe CNN or
CBC can become publicly convinced we should have our own
news programs on what's truly happening?, to compete
against the 'evil bushites' in this competitive free
market place of ideas? Who knows..

Take care of the business, by getting US in on our
news-casts., as these principles here standing in words,
are a dreamers dreams, just waiting for You to bring to
reality., by standing proud, strong, and forever free as
a, truly, super awesome Human Being.

True Blue American Jew


/ / Jimmy Carter tours America with a new book that describes
Jews as racists and oppressors, and suggests they are also a
conspiratorial mafia that intimidates ``critics,'' [...] In
other words, Americans beware of the Jew in your midst. [...]
When hundreds of millions are calling for the extermination of
the Jews of Israel this is more than a lie; it is a blood
libel. \ \

What is wrong with this ungodly stupid zionist demon nazi fuk
eh? Does he want us to think he has some secret club of
"ungodly liars" who could hide among themselves in a dark room
and not destroy themselves willingly? (The Devil's in the
details) I'm King of the Jews, and I'd kill bushite thieves
for America anyday, any REAL JEW who defends the lives of the
innocent, who the bushite targets for murder would do so
likewise.. I mean, come on, seriously, who wouldn't.
bushites are evil, and evil is dumb. A zionist THIEF is a
soulless enemy of Life, as a un-American, God hating, pro
Christian/Arab/Jew killer. In other words, Americans beware
of the Zionist in your midst who LIES to cheat and steal from
the innocent true blue American Jew included.

Johnny America - presently on his theatrical, Wizard's World
Wide Work of Wonder Word spectacular Tour production with the
personally staged adaptation of, "Hello", now playing

P.S. can you spare a few tens of thousands of dollars so I
can afford a fair defense in my court battle against the
demonic enemy forces of life as we know it? Or, well, I guess
I'll lose unfairly, and go to prison as an innocent god loving
man, the "Top Cop" of our Universe dying actually. Don't let
them do this to my America friends.. my friend, don't let
them do this to anyone. Make the call. Be a man.

/ / An AMERICAN CITIZEN that ALL found leaderless bushite
dumfuk anti-American terrorist forces act nothing for defense
in. An American!!! \ \


Now that atheist THIEF Israel has 'legalized' MURDER,

/ / "Israel is embarking upon a more aggressive approach to
the war on terror that will include staging targeted killings
in the United States and other friendly countries, former
Israeli intelligence officials told United Press
International. \ \ The zionist criminal element can't call
OUR COPS we see... and with enemies like these... We should
don our stars an crosses, load our guns, and hunt to kill
every last 'escaped' first degree murderer zionist,


/ / ``This is simply not right,'' Layton told a news
conference. ``There is no evidence that Mr. Arar's name
should be on such a list. We held a whole inquiry here in
Canada on this question. \ \


The Voice of Reason, NewsTalk 1270 is Off the Air

/ / it's almost unheard of for a start up to launch a station
with a format as expensive as the news/talk format. And it's
extremely rare for local investors to buck the trend of the
corporate consolidation and launch an independent locally
controlled broadcast outlet. \ \


Johnny's Flying Jalopy

Corporate America's contempt for Justice is STILL killing
American teens un-necessarily. All religions are in agreement
- God is just - and if there is to ever be a heaven granting
freedom to all, it's a world that treats all people equitably,
like Mohamed, Hillel, and Jesus with Confucius, Buddha, and so
on preaches to real believers... While evil bushite liars
tell our children we're blaming the innocent as God's will for
their 'escaping' criminality. Murderous! Art Bell again,
told his viewers he didn't support starting the war against
the innocent in Iraq, but he did relentlessly. I survived
through that well recorded international challenge. The demon
forbade any discussions on the matter, but for a rare seldom
talk with someone who wanted to nuke somwheres else. The
demon would screen his calls, privately during commercials,
and anyone who wanted to bring up an American soldier's
interest in why we were all pro-war with those who directly
carried out 911 AS DOCUMENTED, he'd just hang up on before
broadcast. Despite MILLIONS marching. So AMERICANS wouldn't
know: George W. Bush actually is the 911 master mind of this
journey into hell by his criminal ineptness to plan an
effective exit strategy for him, and his dishonorable ungodly
servants, like the bushite terrorists Cheney, Rumsfeld, task
group 626. Sattler, Blount, Mattis, Russell, Allawi, Aegis,
and now,.. PUBLIC admissions of the bush administration
taxing "Americans" for death squads against the INNOCENT by
their "democratic" constituency. Gifts from America to you
freedom lovers! See the bushite, you kill it for America, you
kill it for children, you kill it for the love of GOD left
forsaken by corporate 'for profit' zionist news directors, who
TRULY hold YOUR life in contempt. Hate me? okay, f--k you
too then, HATE GOD as 'defenseless' by supporting these
continuing indiscriminate al-cia-duh bombing attacks against
our Humanity, and I'll personally hunt the offensive liar
bushite down religiously for judicial prosecutions as OUR
enemy. Join me in ridding Humanity of the enemies to American
freedom, the bushite terrorists.

Bush signed the top secret war strategy, to ignore all
relevant evidence for a crime that hadn't just yet taken
place, on September 9th, 2001. [Jim at MSNBC] A top secret
criminal plan to close inquiries carried out after the
catalyst terror event of 911. The General who provided the no
evidence argument to the Taliban at Bush's request, was found
also responsible by the FBI for funding the same terrorist
offence in question. A terrorist crime that the bushmob has
taken a huge killing in GOD with. wAllah, George W. Bush is
the for real antichrist. No escaping it my friends, no
escaping it. Fight for Freedom, or die a loser to bush's
genius. Support me, or fail to recognize true wisdom when it
speaks to you of need for desperate change to save your dying

Do YOU have any idea how truly evil Art Bell appears when he
says, of course America was lied to through corporate news
censorship in regards to the WMD questions, but that's because
it was all for stealing Iraqi property to benefit no-national,
bottom lining by jack bribing, - bush's - pro-military
dictatorship oil companies after all is dead and gone, that's
what death Your American Son is good for. And why isn't Art
Bell mad about what he did to you?, at least near half the
angry of how much, still locked in the trunk Daddy G is?
No,.. in shock!, he's sounding as chipper as ever! That is
what Art Bell actually said last Saturday night to God and

So listen: Art Bell and George Norry won't allow Americans to
set a HIGH PRIORITY in solving any American crisis, and
instead, we'll get the regular, who cares about the dying
poor, needless American teen sacrifices done for a better life
it was not thought. Art Bell will likely never be able to
stand up proud as a real American man, unless he allows US to
form his good defense on fears of wisdom existing beyond his
stupid man comprehensions along with likewise traitor Norry.
Only way for that to happen, is if he, as the other radio
celeb happy happy cultists, are forced by LAW, to have
broadcasted on every private radio station of OUR Planet, a
full hour of open lines calls to talk about whatever as the
disgruntled, but loving, immediate community, perhaps sharing
recipes. Then, if America is still then a wasteland of
worthless words trumpeting a bushite's proud barbarity for
ungodly zionism as death of the Jewish religion, continually
committed to the further enslavement of the Human condition,
by thieving, and torturing as proud boastful bushites do,
WE'LL ALL know it, and consider demanding Justice then on OUR,
not so out there old country radio stations, all so THEY can
then, as offending war criminals, go it alone without
ourselves. Like an old "All in the Family" episode I saw
once, or thrice. Where Archie gets to makes a community
member statement on his local TV station!!! Wow eh? How far
we've come...

Jesus, hell no, I ain't going down that blind delusion of what
infinite Justice means. Tell George Norry, Ahmad funded Atta.
Despite the FACT that he will likely again, personally
determine, DYING American SOLDIERS must be FORBIDDEN such
knowledge as understood in context. Then, get him to invite
US on as a very controversial guest. What a show that would
be! Wouldn't it be a great novelty that would eventually wear
off with something even more curiously interesting in a
million to two years? Or, die tomorrow as a forsaken American
Patriot soldier. It's all up to YOU. Do the right thing by
supporting me, Creator of the Universe, with answers to
EVERYTHING. Or, die with evil genius Bush, as your blind
tyrant war bringer, against everything good in purgatory.


Johnny America


/ / Lord Justice Richards, sitting with Mr Justice Forbes and
Mr Justice Mackay, ruled it was a "reasonable" decision for
the Director of Public Prosecutions and the CPS not to order
prosecutions on the basis that they were "likely to fail". \ \

These three will be tried for blatant treason, when found
easily guilty, Britain will consider temporarily bringing back
the death penalty, by having these three, along with the
murderous pro cop killers, gloriously executed for God and
country. The fellow murdered was working for a security firm,
likely, Peter Power. And the murderers were caught repeatedly
LYING to the British populace. Repeatedly. Now, ask
yourself, why such lies to cover up such a serious crime of
FIRST DEGREE MURDER of an innocent British citizen? "Likely
to fail"?, that's not Justice, likewise, not freedom, as no
way to deal with the continuing terrorist threat found
discovered there years and years ago. Do you think these
treasonous "Judges" are not aware of the mass killings in
Britain committed, as confessed PUBLICLY IN BRITIAN, by
government agents posing as the still silent on the issue IRA?
LEARN: these once fearful officers will tell you, if they
don't talk to plead Justice, the "British" government has them
murdered. (Their best buds actually from back at the office
are only 'IN IT' for their own preserved criminal gain you
see, so... why take the risk that Johnny'll get you in the
end? SEE? A bushite kills bushite for a stolen nickel they
likely stole from their OWN grand parents to give to
Halliburton, because truly, bushite soldiers are godless nazi
traitors who cowardly bomb the innocent with their personal
contempt for God and Life, or go silent over such atrocities
committed in our names by LIARS.) This pattern is Universal,
so, my hands are tied. There is truly no honor among bushite
thieves, like in the Third Infantry or Elvis desecrator Aegis.
Death to our indiscriminately murderous thieving enemies of
God's Creation, who war Creation for bush's personal escape
for the crimes of 911 Christ would say right, wouldn't you say
so likewise my brothers and sisters, of the Muslim, Christian,
and Jewish religions in belief?

/ / Jonathan Crow QC, acting for the CPS, said he sympathised
with the family but that the police believed at the time Mr de
Menezes posed a threat and they were acting in self defence. \ \

According to whom?, certainly not by the statements made by
the demonic bushite liars who war Britain to assist in the
escape of Peter Power and company.

Later Gaters,

Johnny America

Crime News Journalist "Apoo, will you ever stop selling spoiled meat?"
Kwiki Mart Apoo Ahhasapeenapenluand "No. I mean yes. I mean.. Oh oh.."


Iraq Study Group finds "systematic" effort to cook the books.


"My opponent says that going to war with the terrorists is
actually improving their recruiting efforts. I think the
logic is upside-down. I think that shows a misunderstanding
of the enemy." -- George W. Bush

"I must tell you, I'm sleeping a lot better than people would
assume," -- George W. Bush


No evidence against an accused is US being truly abused

"These are not terrorists, they are not al-Qeada, they are
ordinary innocent men, women and children."



Ahmad funded Atta

American soldiers are being terribly mislead by the Bush
administration to undermine freedom for Americans, by
suggesting an effective war strategy is to ignore all the 911
evidence, and go off instead to blindly blame bad Afghans or
badder Iraqis, is an insult to all honorable police services.
Services not left permanently perplexed by the onslaught of
repeatedly ignoring the same consequences where more innocent
people fall dead as bombing victims, while LIAR bushite
continue to charge/thieve from both, you as an American, and
me, a member of our victimized Humanity. You see, your demon
liar has ruled that all the Peoples of Earth have no legal
rights to exist freely in our public court rooms. Bad news
that is for OUR dying America my friend. Support my call for
an open dialog on returning a reason for believing, for
Freedom is Justice, not a censored world ruled by puppet
people in shadows without free will left un-accountable. On a
populated Earth exceeding six billion, you would find some
disagreement on our worths measured by the 'un-accountable'
bushite american ENEMY like the self described as enlightened,
pro Arab child killer George Norry I'd say. See, if you blame
someone for a crime without any evidence, then convict him,
how would you know that the individual that victimized your
Family actually got caught for harming YOU? Personally I'm
saying... .American. I mean - if you continue not demanding a
return to Justice, it will leave your life, and go far where
freedom's not. Believe me. I know these things,

Support my cause as if it were your own, by chirping in to
help us out some man. Look out buddies, some thing wicked
this way comes and it's surprise!, Johnny Wizard President and
CEO of Earth Co.! Wow!, what a godsend that boy is eh? I'd
bet he's richer than everybody.. No, I've heard he's near
starving broke, no hey.. it's no joke.. I've heard he's
looking at prison time because nobody will lend him the time
of day to call up their radio station to demand Justice for
themselves., As Americans!. Nor, have any billionaires the
world over offered Johnny a penny in help to secure a proper
legal defense. Gee, it's just that he's hard of believing in
God I'd say. Perhaps..

Where did you get those shoes?,

Johnny America - A Free World believer in something better.

Puppet On A String: Hamas Dances To Israel's Tune

P.S. Did you hear?, Israel's big G-D Court ruled that
committing State murder is what lawless ||Jews|| do to fight
'terrorism'? Legal to murder innocent People, but more
specifically, Religious People. "Fuck You Moses" the Israeli
ungodly zionist says, because they're better than US as
Zionist jews don't you know. The People's of Israel are being
victimized by the bastions of truly demonic lies told through
the sickening mouth pieces of the irrational zionist neocon
god betrayers. Believe me, I know these things, for I am the
Light of Life itself after all.

Okay, I'm gone. .. er. .



Again, a un-American bushite is the enemy to Life as ungodly
disciples of the very real antichrist, believe me.


/ / "And I reject those ideas," Bush said after meeting with
top generals and Defense Department officials at the Pentagon. \ \

It looks like G.W. Bush is going to be a real bitch about all
this nasty business of his capacity to conceive what we're
saying actually as each other committed to reach beyond the
'grunt' stage in human development eh? Typical.

"It's Bad-in-Iraq, Does that help heh-heh"

/ / For if Iran should have learned anything from recent
history, especially from events on its own borders, it is that
as a tactic, whether offensive or defensive, threatening
Israel publicly is counterproductive in the extreme. \ \

Blame a zionist for the criminal offences he or she is
personally responsible for as the guilty party, and the
'escaping' zionist claims through corporate 'for profit' media
mind control, your blaming Israel as an anti-Semite.
Anti-Semite! Semite, like umm... Moe, Ham, an Ed. You go,
Aukmaudinajad, let's get the truth out to let a free people
decide without NAZI censorship. However, I have seen
incinerators filled with corpses, and Hitler's Reich marching
anywho citizens into a hole, where with women and babies, they
were then all summarily shot, then buried, all the while
soldier's chatted about how great they were, all high quality
digital formats available, some even IN COLOR!, so, convincing
me that godless bushites have existed, that would murder
anyone for a stolen nickel as pro-bush rapists, pro-bush
torturers, and pro-bush thieves of the Iraqi Development Funds
is goin' be, next near to impossible. But, I'm the guy you'd
want in your corner, never the less. "King of the Jews",
that's me. Oh, oh, oh, oh,.. pick me! picck ME! PICK ME!!!

'We have no problems with Jews and highly respect Judaism as a
holy religion. We only have problems with Zionist circles in
Israel which we hold responsible for the suppression of the
Palestinian nation.'

P.S. I'm not gay that way okay, and I'm most definitely a
man's man when it comes to the female gender, but I really do
love Ourselves man, and if you guys don't start offering me
some support, a couple of disgruntled bushite brethren are
going to pirate our Justice system, by putting me, an innocent
man behind OUR bars UNJUSTLY. Support Yourself by calling up
CJOB here in Winnipeg to demand they start broadcasting in
favor of our freedoms, not to lie our naiver teens into dying
for something they understand nothing of. Well, it's no
wonder. Make the calls. Be a friend, if not a blind enemy to
everything. For our Life's survival needs your input/help.
Don't die in silence for Bush, fight for America to come back
to being America. Get on the radio. YOU can make a real
difference if you'd only try. Realize, very few actually do,
we need YOU. Now, Coast to Coast hosts deny US this
privilege, this must change for thee better. The sooner we
succeed in defeating George Norry and Art Bell's censorship of
the American endeavor, the more American teen lives are
potentially spared through a dying bushite's commander's
CRIMINAL contempt for Humanity, just like Our Mr. bush IS.
For, REAL freedom is protected through just acts made for our
measured benefits. A country, or city, or person accused of a
criminal offense without any evidence made in the Public Trust
is innocent. PERIOD. Hammurabi suggested to just PROUDLY
kill any false capital accuser [a bushite] who tries to
tell/teach our suggestible children otherwise. Real people
have to die in defense for escaping the support of torturing
innocent people to death, for their is NEVER any reason, just
costly time to explain the whys, that bushites lie, while
American national radio propagandists, who like Art Bell, are
pouring poisonously chauvinist, and openly, willingly working
to undermine the audience, all to lawless traders of freedom
for tyranny. Senators that supported the Military Commissions
Act need to be thought for as TREASONOUS. Better for Christ
to judicially halt/kill a thieving bushite, than allow it to
continue lawlessly murdering more left undefended for further
victim hood as God's America. No evidence against an accused
is US being truly abused. (Senators have STOLEN literally
billions from a helpless GOD through ear-marking from an
un-accountable America left to die as the actually forsaken.)
Smart guy that Hammurabi fellow was, on combating ungodly
terrorism in a new world's Age.

Alex Jones "Alarming words for our time."




Exit strategy: Outlaw lawlessness. Murder, rape, and the
thieving of billions from America as STILL wrong.

Johnny America "Death to the bushite, death to our enemies."

A Look Back and Ahead In An Age of Neocon Rule

/ / [...] like the Law of Suspects, were earlier versions of
our Patriot I and II and Military Commission Acts today. The
Revolutionary Tribunal, with no chance for justice or right of
appeal, was no different than our military courts today, and
too many civil ones, in which any US citizen may now be tried
anywhere in the world, with no habeas right of appeal or hope
for due process and from which those sent there won't fare any
better than the French did, doomed to meet their unjust fate -
[...] \ \

Unjust?, perhaps. Remember, these bushites CHOOSE to support
the rape and torture of the innocent in God. Knowing the
bushmob STOLE all Iraqi wealth, AND LISTEN, they speak near no
words in defense of ourselves. While, I, as I'm certain any
real family man would also, take GREAT pleasure in killing
bushites. Anyone in George W. bush’s Air Force for example.
They are soulless cowards who drop bombs on innocent families
running for their lives from a Church, or as children, hiding
under our beds praying to God for help. Simply put: A
bushite terrorist is a lifeless enemy of Life, better dead,
than still breathing I tell all children of creation to kill
their very own fathers or brothers if they express any blind
pride whatsoever in these indiscriminate attacks against
freedom. Or just spend stolen loot like from in Blount’s
Third Infantry. (Blount commands the third infantry as a
Saudi Wahhabist, no shit, a BILLIONIARE Saudi commanding
American soldiers to OPENLY thieve and murder from Iraq. If
Saddam only knew, he’d be up in arms over it I'm sure.)

All I personally need to hear, is that bushite cheering from
his bomber at the murdering of innocent screaming women and
children, in Afghanistan, or any of the near thousand tapes
from Iraq, or perhaps, re-reading the comments of the not yet
PROUDLY EXECUTED 3 year old killers of Haditha, who told US
ALL, murdering helpless children not guilty of ANYTHING was
their regular fair all through the criminal command of
Sattler, where as Satanic, they murdered more than two hundred
thousand of OUR innocent family members to die sacrificed for
the demon LIAR ANTICHRIST enemy thieves. Oh god yah, killing
a bushite, is to defend the innocent lives they target to
thieve from themselves as ENEMIES TO EVERYTHING. God yeah, I
know I'm doing Humanity GOOD by ending a first degree
murdering bushite THIEF, who wars Our innocent Humanity to
help escape the TRAITOR bushmob for 911, back in New York
City, where thousands of AMERICANS WERE MURDERED. With George
W. bush’s ‘top secret’ anti-American plan, don’t you know..?
Surely, FOXNews would care for the lives of Americans who
state FOXNews is the best for not making them think they know
nothing as true to dead or dying dumfuk enemies of the Marine

Sean Hannity must be tried for treason for LYING DIRECTLY to
America repeatedly. Why? Becasue nobody can be that stupidly
evil by accident.

I am, seriously, Death to the enemies of Christ, and I hope,
you can find The honor to serve America in the same respect
for soldiers who have fallen Before US, who died TRULY warring
against a bushite’s irrational tyranny. While these Nazi
bushite fucks tell US openly, they lawlessly rape, torture,
and steal from God as ‘defenseless’. Leaves me to ask YOU,
what are you going to do about it?

Live free, or die in chains?

Johnny America "Death to the bushite, death to our enemies."


/ / "the Zionists make a great issue of the Holocaust in order
to further their illegitimate [ungodly as anti-Human]
philosophy and aims," \ \


The Jewish Battle Plan of Christ/Allah - Good against the un-American
bushite demon thieves - The Jewish Battle Plan of Christ/Allah
King Johnny
2009-02-06 00:00:42 UTC
Obama Accused of Blackmail over Terror Trial Evidence

Again, Obama is taking a position to torture innocent
people here as a traitor to Just cause. Just cause to
live in a free society. Toture warrants the death
penalty under American STANDING Law.

Video: Cop Punches Woman In Face Four Times During Arrest For Riding A

Top Cop Johnny Judge rules: Ten years in prison.
Maybe fifteen if the dumfuk grunt, back from the
war against Iraqi children as a traitor to American
values, shows no remorse for his crimes against an
American women either. Absolutely any cop or soldier
who disagrees as true contempt for our freedoms with
punishment against this nazi trash pirating our
police uniform, WILL WARRANT death sentences all
around to ACTUALLY defend liberty in my America.
Any American father who prides in killing innocent
Iraqis for the escape of the neocons for 911 is no
father. And a wife should get the hell away from
a male who enjoys murdering helpless innocent others.
Children in such families should be challenged
by relatives through the Courts to save the lives
of our endangered offspring. Again, without water
or food, Iraqi children are murdered by Neoconner
grunts irrationally everyday with nothing to say,
aka, without reason but as Satanic Bush whores, to
make our God as Humanity suffer further for their
escapes as actually selling freely, lawless zionist

KILLING MORE OF THEM - reporting war crimes to the Police

Again, a bushite has no commitment to defend
America, for it speaks nothing for the arrest of
the neocon traitors. traitors like themselves whom
will murder innocent folks like your Self to steal
our common values. Wouldn't you glory in seeing
these savage grunts who on video, indiscriminately
shoot innocent families, or bomb a city entirely,
executed by Christian Patriot firing squads? or
televised to fry in the electric chair for these
documented war crimes? I sure would. It would make
our world a much safer place to raise a family
secure in knowing, bushite grunts as enemies of
everyone, were hunted to extinction for their
crimes against our Humanity. Hunted by Johnny Law,
the True Spirit of America.

Johnny Law for Coast to Coast radio Host!

yaahhh im a real person! Wow eh? Now,
let US bag some bushite scum for the Gipper.

UK judges accuse Obama Administration of suppressing torture claim

Yeah really. What kinda world does Obama take US
for here? Does he actually believe we hold no
interest in being attacked as ourselves, the
innocent forsaken? A reminder: an American was
executed under Iraqi law without any evidence
brought against the accused, while the grunts
were offered an excuse to seek not the culprits
at the terror scene. The case was lightly reviewed
at democracynow, a year or two ago, and can be
found by searching for a grunt pretending to be
an ambassador to Romania. A case where the Judge's
life was threatened by a "General", where if he
didn't order the death of the innocent American
citizen, the grunt with the General would murder
US all right then and there. The Innocent American
was murdered as forsaken for value shared by
free men.


(pet bed cat trees...)

Hey! this stuff for cats and dogs looks pretty
coool. Check it out if your a pet lover!

Near Impossible to believe!

/ / "similar themes go through all our streams. And it all
comes back as Confucius says, "Do unto others, as you would
have them do unto you." And Christ said that, Hillel said
that, Buddha said that, everybody says that, cause that's all
it is. But bushite, he wants to accuse People of criminal
offenses without any evidence, and indiscriminately slaughter
everybody in countries, for no good reason but to be OUR


AG Holder-- First, Jail All Bush's Lawyers

For actual documented criminal actions against
American interests in defending ourselves from
indiscriminate robberies, tortures, or mass murder.

"Judges Bribed by Private Contractor to Sentence More Kids to Juvie

Christ speaks!! Echem.. This is called a criminal
action to falsely imprison American children for
more stolen money. Will the contractor be arrested,
tried, then executed in America to defend American
children? Unlikely, because it isn't as important
as how fat Oprah is today, or as Alex Jones the
bigot would say, on how daily, the hidden NWO elites
are responsible for every criminal action against
Liberty in America, not war crime dictating LIAR
Bush who told US Saddam wouldn't let the inspectors
in without corporate news correction, Bush, who
closed Police investigations on 911 for Enron, KBR,
and the Kissinger associates. And certainly not
Bremer for personally stealing tens of billions,
no no no, "just puppets" "just puppets" as instead,
the Illuminati in other words not allowed spoken
understood with Alex Jones NWOers. I want a free to
speak arena where 50 percent of what Alex spews is
truly dumber than stupid. Why? because he is controlled
through his personal weakness of bigotry, to actually
believe foolish things as factual. Examples are
truly endless when we discuss Alex Jones'
dumminess, but here is one example. Alex states
911 truthers were attacked in a TV show as NWO mind
control- but, the "truther" he referred to
talked in the drama on there being NO PLANES!
A dis-info bushite stooge if ever was one depicted
with special effects. We suffer with his bullshit
every day, knowing if we tried to phone, would
not be granted a minute because I, in support
of Freedom for America, make all bigots look truly
dumb as fascists lashing out at nothingness to
divide our masses. And apparently, he can't have
America becoming greater for defending ourselves
fairly through Judicial actions.


which side are YOU on? by REBEL DIAZ

The side where a person accused of a criminal
offense without evidence is innocent, and in the
case of capital accusation, the false accuser
deserves severe punishment as an enemy to my



U.S. partner, not Hamas, firing rockets into Israel

/ / The probe found the Islamic Jihad rockets were
actually fired by Fatah. \ \ Whom Israel in response
to the confessed by all to be true facts, murdered
innocent Christian children in Gaza as war criminals.
Actually claimed it was regardless who shot the tin
can rocket that struck no one harmlessly. Again,
Nazi Israeli responded by murdering innocent Christian
children as war criminals with "disproportionate"
force. War criminals who murder Humanity to steal
our shared values.


Dennis Kucinich "Israel is Killing Children With Your American Tax

Israeli openly admitted that they targeted those
innocent Christian children for MURDER - as -
continuing "disproportionate" force in our names
as enemies of God and Humanity. They are not Jews,
but of the evilest group of lawless nazi savages
pirating the government of Israel away from US Jews.
I demand open debate in America, and Americans refuse
me by not likewise demanding international coverage
on the Coast to Coast radio networks. Let's change
this by communicating.

Ceasefires, Israeli-Style

They admit TODAY, as yesterday, and last week, month,
year, decades, that they target completely innocent
people for murder to punish Humanity for believing
in God as Just, or real freedom understood as practiced.
Libertarian couldn't give a shit on a issue such as this,
that they keep everyone ignorant of through hypnosis. Israeli
openly admit to thieving innocent peoples homes, to them
be sent at gun point, to live in a concentration prison
death camp.


/ / ..the Israel Prime Minister’s speech in which he
actually boasted of his power to order the U.S. President
as one would a dog. \ \ and all American men can't for
some god forsaken reasons, can't for their lives, phone
George Norry to be hung down on. George Noory is a "good
guy" for aiming to go ballistic against every American
who refuses criminal orders to destroy themselves.

Americans Are Welcome In Israel

Jesus Christ in Islam


Obama set to allow Bush-era ‘torture flights’

What the fuk eh? Doesn't Obama know this
crime warrants death in America according
to the war crime act? Does he believe America
just will never have a chance to speak for the
interests of US as innocent Human beings he is
planning to torture as an enemy to Life?

Refusing to Defend American Values

Yoo: Bush okayed torture to outwit defense lawyers

This is why it warrants the Death sentence. Remember
corporatist Amerikan citizen, these torture victims
that include children as younger than a hundred, had
not been alleged to have ever committed a crime in
their entire lives. Victims tortured to death for the
pleasures of those Satanic, such as General Geoffry
Miller, who tell US today as confidenced, they do it
because, patsy wasted American soldiers will just refuse
to hunt them down for formal executions. Let's change
this for our Humanity in this future, to look back,
and know, American males were men of the World, who
stood for the principles enshrined within every living
Constitution. A free man shall not be jailed, or
tortured by anyone in our names as Governed, without
the perpetrator tried publicly for execution as our
Love of real Justice. As first degree mass murderers
warranted death sentences under the War Crime Act
ushered by Reagan!, all done in for our protections
of their next innocent victim - ourselves. Or
die a death in corporate tyranny worthy the title,
cowardly traitors to God and Liberty. Blackwater,
CACI, AEGIS, KBR and the like will all be hunted to
extinction for refusing to quit their lawless Rape
and mass murder, murders done for more stolen money
as America's name high-jacked. The Lawless enemies
shall be prosecuted by the honorable Soldiers of
the Good old, Red White, and Blue. Count me at
our words on this, I am,

King Johnny


Ungodly Israeli Nazi LIARS Continue to Murder Children after "Truce"

A truce means nothing to Hamas?, who states
much of no complaints as in support of Israeli
Nazi lies, why? Have you seen where a blimp is
traveling about five miles an hour, fire bombing
thousands, and none have even a pullet gun, never
mind an Iranian rocket launcher to shoot the Satanic
demons down for God as Love? Why doesn't Hamas
at least admit, like an Israeli General has,
to be funded by Zionists for cash gains paid for
by Zionist Amerika? Why? Why is it that Hamas
suffered near no loses, but all the Cops who
voted who knows, died murder victims trying to
defend our family from Texan child rapists?
Along with thousands of others targeted as
innocent Peoples? Targeted. Why? Nazi Israeli
broke the truce!! THINKTHINKTHINK Demand coverage!
Hamas certainly isn't. ..maybe because they're
illiterates on the Cause of God's Will being

Monkey Business


Bushwhoring Enemies of the American Police

What a demon enemy of life these bushwhore enemies
of American Liberty are eh? No concern whatsoever,
for all the teen soldiers conned to die for those
who committed 911 in NYC. The millions of bombing
victims, the tortures, the rapes of American women,
STILL, TO THIS DAY, left undefended by "the law".
Evil enemy of everyone these demon fuks are. How
difficult is it, to understand the facts they feign
complete blindness on? They WANT to con you as the
coward to life they are, willing to kill America to
make their antiChrist lawless enemy Mr. Bush happy.

From years after the fact still demanding Justice now:

Huh? "at last been disarmed..." ? How does he figure?
The equation hasn't changed. Example: The same
unaccounted anthrax, (that was disintegrated into ash),
still is not able to be measured as completely accounted
for, (never could be), but this bushwhoring war crime
apologist, tells US, it was only though the lawless
murder of our good friends and family for countless
generations, that he now attests without reason, or
evidence, to find Iraq in "fact" disarmed of it's still
nowhere to be found, weapons of mass destruction. (An
irrational reason he pronounced previous in corporately
broacasted public support of instigating heinous war
crimes against our humanity under the leadership skills
of the evil lying demon antiChrist, our Mr. bush Jr..)

Ron Paul defeats 5 TV 'experts' in 10 minutes

Ron Paul is a traitor. They stole the cash Ron.
And, the Iraq war is a war crime. But Ron, the
Fascist, doesn't want THESE FACTS uttered. Why?
Because wiser men would prevail, wiser men like
me who understand buying in bulk is cheaper. Those
like Christ who understand, who KNOW, the banker
doesn't cover our loans - so why give them as much
as a taxed red penny?, let alone trillions as
officially unaccounted for? They are stealing the
cash Ron. Ask yourself: Why has Alex Jones
forbidden his bushwhore cult from understanding
Bush doctored the NIE?, or of iron flowing like
water from the towers? Because wiser men would
prevail and he can't have that. He called shooting
innocent men in the back, an act of liberty. I,
an actual god, unlike Alex, lie near never, but
maybe to myself when I'm lonely. Alex yes will
tell you rapists are free to do what they will
in Texas to American children, un-arrested, but
he won't mention it when the police chief is with
him on air, talking about how he'd like to be
exempt from traffic tickets for being so popular.
NO MENTION of the rapists walking away without
arrests made, no mention of Bush's documented
treasons on 911. Where are Alex's priorities?
In selling YOU out so he can be wealthy like a
bankster?, and have special rights over everyone
else that drives drunk, or speeds? a big hero
standing over our dead soldiers yelling, I told
you so, I told you so, I was right, I was right.
Again, understand: It is not by my will to deny
open debate with America, it is Alex, and his
demon buddy George Noory that denies out Humanity
this right. And when people try, like Peggy, or
Black men on Jewry, Alex lies cheats and steals
our wills for further thefts. Ron Paul's family has
millions taken from loyal Alex Jones fans. MILLIONS!
Does Ron do commercials with that money highlighting
the bushmob's plan to invade Afghanistan, dated two
days prior to 911 for Enron? Of course not, wiser men
would prevail to expose him as the charlatan charity
raider he is regarding Health Care, Social Security,
Public Schooling, earmarks.. It is unfair to measure
Ron against corporate nazi zionist whores of MSNBC who
willing, openly, kill American teen soldiers for
criminal neocon gains, as an honorable gentleman's
talk. Half honest People like Ron are extremely ignorant
on the workings of our world. EXTREMELY. I joke here not.
Evil is the deceived disguised - translated - evil
people are always dumb.

Corporate America says no, Charlie Manson was a genius,
but not, that most Americans are prone too easily to
suggestive states where they can be made to believe
anything blindly. Think: what does, "bin Laden did 911"
mean anyway? You should know of what I'm trying
to teach you here. That is how
Alex knowingly or otherwise, steals our rights, by
beating off he knows everything already. And some,
if not most, actually believe him without knowing
squat either. It's sooo easy that way - no study
required!! LIBERTARIAN HELL! Everything is not on
the Internet, where it near should be, but regardless,
a Libertarian can't be bothered to read anyway.
"Free Talk Live" is the best example for this: the
two hosts are unbelievably ignorant on just about
every single subject under the sun, but beat
CONSTANTLY, on how greatly wise they are as drop-outs.
You wouldn't believe any of them when they speak on
Freedom, if you simply understood, an innocent man
does not deserve to be in OUR prisons, or tortured.
Under any circumstances that Obama has excepted for
our excuses. Magna Charta. But in Alex's 'genius' mind,
he doesn't need to actually understand he is a for
sure bigot, (measures another unfairly in a group HE
concocts from blind hate or personal fear - typical
CONSERVATIVE and/or racist) who has no problems with
that at home, or at work. Provable in seconds by
OPEN DEBATE, but Alex ain't gonna take our calls
because, he can't for the lives of every People
person thought of here, admit he could have
something to learn, therefore, the NWO is
unstoppable in his brain washed cult of indifference
to Justice practiced for the benefit of all treated
fairly. Why? He's not wise enough to respect the great
minds of the audience, and I personally believe,
he doesn't even have the good judgment to own
a gun. (I mean, why wouldn't Alex find my stories
of OUR Justice system triumphing by my single hand at least
minimally beneficial to his blind cult followings? to not
hang up on me immediately while spewing lie after lie
on how I'm top secretly a dis-info NWO artist working
for Bush? or whose voice sounds too friendly to trust?
like he has done the last four times I've phoned -
Hey! I can be an asshole if you want - no prob.)
Perhaps it's near because, Alex Jones is blind, and
as such, could actually be found guilty in Texas for
murdering those two innocent black men shot
in the back with his approval to release the murderer
from a RIGHTFUL death sentence prosecution. "law of
Parties". He is a party to the crime, for he worked to
support the release of the FOR SURE, FIRST DEGREE MURDERER.
Sound like an America you could live with? I didn't
think so either. I wanna be Alex's Attorney. Texas is
a State of massive lawless corruption, as dire
incompetence in legal affairs where they OFFICIALLY
plan executions against innocent People not established
to have harboured criminal intent! With Jury Trials!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!FINING THEMSELVES GUILTY!!!!!!!!!!!!
While Alex does express murderous criminal intent,
and the Police chief calls him a good man for no
scary pressures. What the fuck is wrong in Texas
where they mess themselves like this regularly?
Imagine, while Bush with the Neocons escape, and
Zionist Israeli target to murder Christian School
girls OFFICIALLY, Alex doesn't want to have to pay
traffic tickets like the rest of US. What a douche bag
to tell he LEADS our Truth movement I say. Now, I'm
not saying he shouldn't contribute with the truths
WE SHARE, far from it, it's just he can't have our
cut off switch to silence our objections to his exposed
foolishness, and/or blatant criminality. I'll give him
a chance, for starters, to criticize any position I take
while we all publically call on ourselves for
assistance internationally. Like on his "buddy",
George Noory, deserving to be tried Publicly for the
traitor he is, and be formally executed after his day
in Court. Our Courts. Teen soldiers have been conned
to die by George Noory for the escape of the neocon
terrorists who committed 911 with Condi, Runsfeld,
Bush, Myers, Tommy Franks, and General Ahmad. AND
HAPPY GEORGE NOORY KNOWS IT - and cons with lies
naked to the ear of any who can listen or hit record.
A NAKED traitor to the cause of Liberty if we ever knew
one regarding the War Crime facts of Iraq. .And
Ian Punnet is an evil godless enemy Bush whore who
lies too to get YOU killed as the innocent soldier
forsaken so don't forget.. It's YOUR life. It's God's
Gift. Now support our rise for popular international
debates to get these Neoconners behind bars
awaiting Public Trials! "Public"thatsoyu!! Get to
the Phone to call someone to care man.. Johnny
Jesus has arrived! Justice Will Be Done in this,
Our Kingdom to Come.

Justice to the war criminals of
indiscriminate warfare would better serve ourselves
to halt for our safety. The bushmob did 911.

1. The ISI's General, Mahmoud Ahmad funded 911's Atta

2. We have video of iron flowing like water from the towers



Humanity Under Attack by the Zionist Enemy of Life


Not only that but the BBC argued that to show
innocent Human Beings suffering, in CRITICAL
life threatening need of desperate food and
water that Israeli nazi stole, (because they are
unlawful murderous thieves), would have them look
like they were partial to serving Humanity's
interest in compassion for US humans. Over the
Israeli terror Nazi tactics of indiscriminate
slaughter for more Amerikan welfare. Wicked evil
nazi bastards who too, DO NOT THINK IT BEST to
report Peter Powers committed the London bombing.,
Oh yeah, and mercury is neural toxic, anti-psychotics
make us crazy, and sodium fluoride makes us
stoopider while weakening your body for big cash
surgeries - ultimately leading to a profitable
death for dah' winnahs.. So, they, the BBC-NWOers
just needed to avoid the bath or shower,
humidity, Pepsi's purified bottled water product
lines, koolaids, swimming pools, Jacuzzi, Hot Tub,
Sauna, private Whirl Pools, and.. blh blh blh

/ / the FBI says no.. There is not a thread of
fact a zionist offers to form YOUR own mind in
respect for your rights being equal to ours. \ \

Who is the guy who keeps writing such things,, and
shouldn't he be recognized as Promotional to raise
all spirits towards a better future? I'm with him.

The U.S. Is Required To Bring George W Bush & Donald Rumsfeld Before A
Court! U.N. War Crimes

Olbermann | Bush Years: 8 in 8 Minutes

Bush and Cheney are traitors to the cause of
American Liberty. To leave them free, is to leave
America un-guarded from further transgression.

The bushmob doctored
the NIE. Conned Congress, and Soldiers. Did 911,
by closing criminal FBI investigations immediately.
Alex and George don't seem to want US to know
these FACTS that demand arrests of the culprits
responsible for high treason against Johnny's
America. Alex wants your money, and EVIL George,
our enemy, wants your soul stolen for Satan.

Turley: Obama 'accessory' to war crimes if no prosecution

Understand, Alex Jones doesn't want Justice
for Americans because he loses out to better
men that usher a greater life. He doesn't want
the evidence of George W. Bush made public to
defend American teen soldier's lives. The true
fascist Alex Jones, who in silence supports the
escape of Bush for treason, will fail our true
voice for Justice in our times. WE DO NOT rule
the truth we share equally committed to defend
ourselves from lawlessness. And you'll never
rule my right to speak freely over your intent
to sell us all out for monetary swindles, just
like Ron Paul did. Understand: Ron Paul doesn't
even acknowledge 911 was an inside job, or, that
Bush gave zero evidence to form Your opinion.

Alex Jones, the Slave, told US today that
he challenged Bush for eight years - Bushite
lying nazi traitor. Not only that, but he
also ridiculed those who wish to blame Bush
now for anything! Again, he doesn't want
Justice where bad guys can't steal from
ourselves unrepresented. Ron Paul is a
multi-millioniare, made rich by charitable
aid conned from Alex Jones' NWOers! Alex
Jones doesn't have a problem with that, we

King Johnny Guest Caller on Free Mind Radio!
(back-up) http://www.mediafire.com/?ptui9mm15pn


Israel to be Judged - Universal Petition

The demon LIAR zionist Israeli is a godless enemy
of Humanity, much like everyone at Foxnews, CNN,
BBC, and the CBC. Our revolution against the godless
bushite shills, will not allow our revolution
through speaking honestly, (to become of ourselves
something greater), a chance to be televised for
our benefits. Bush closed criminal investigations
immediately after 911. According to the FBI and
Senator Dashle. CNN says you have no power, Foxnews
says you have no power, the BBC says you have no
power, the CBC, the same, like Alex Jones NWOers...
but well, don't believe it. YOU Do have the Power.


/ / International attorneys have filed war crime
charges against 15 Israeli political and military
officials including Ehud Olmert, Tzipi Livni and
Ehud Barak. \ \


We must demand open communications to bring back
values WE ALL would agree to through polite debate.
"Conservatives" don't want this Freedom idea
expressed in general terms because, a "conservative"
is universally, minimally. a bigot. Why? Life isn't
like, their way, - then- all other opinion under
the sun on how things actually get done. (Aka
"socialist" traffic light repair men, or "liberals"
who want to treat The People fairly). Or who we are
as equals to our laws fairly practiced. Pay attention
to what I am saying here. Liberals can be Dicks with
a capital D too of course. But a Hannity couldn't
survive 2 minutes with me speaking on his very real
treasonous behavior in OUR public arenas. Behavior
done to escape the 911 culprits from the long arm of
the Law, with his conscious will of criminal deceit
exposed, we all learn to better defend ourselves.
And Shawn Hannity can't have that for ourselves, he
takes too much money from ourselves as talentless by
keeping US in the dark dying needlessly for traitors
never elected publicly.

Who am I you ask? Johnny Law. at your service. Look
me up with usenet to discover, we live in a world of
idiots everywhere pretending to be somebody by lying.
While I want US all to truly improve our condition by
actually understanding how bad off we are by failing
to respect ourselves for correction. Too many, know
it alls, with not enough to know you need evidence to
form a guilty verdict against an accused man or woman.
Not according to CNN, CBC, MSNBC, Foxnews and the like
however. Let's change this by supporting my challenge
for top billing at the Coast to Coast radio show hosting.
Look for me coming soon!!


Unseen Gaza High Quality: Part 1 of 6

Why is it that numerous visits don't change the
view count? What is this business of a=a+1, the
top secret, I'll go rhythm, that is way beyond
our comprehension in it's scientific complexity?
For Americans, okay, but the Human species just
isn't this dumb.

While Zionists OFFICIALLY target Christian school
girls for mass murder, CNN instead reports that
bushite grunts attacked girls in Afghanistan, posing
as Taliban. I WILL every celeb at CNN to be arrested,
tried and executed for the reporting they have done
today without facts. Remember: the Taliban played no
part on escaping those responsible for 911, and opened
schools for girls, and were brought together on the
single purpose to defend women. Death to CNN reporters
to LIE for killing OUR school girls. I HATE zionist
enemies of Humanity and God I am.

The Torture Ban that Doesn't Ban Torture

/ / Obama's Executive Order bans some -- not all -- US
officials from torturing but it does not ban any
of them, himself included, from sponsoring torture
overseas. \ \

Is America a nation of Law to Live freedom?
Because this SPECIFIC deviant action of Obama warrants
the death sentence under Reagan's "War Crimes Act".
SPECIFICALLY. Or, is it you falsely believe Obama
can do no wrong against innocent people here, where
an illiterate nazi grunt, maybe from South Africa,
will kidnap YOUR children, and torture them to
death for sadistic pleasure, with as they did using
power tools caught in Iraq, according to Iraqi
government official(s), and several soldiers from
Oregon, all because Obama has given an ILLEGAL!
"excuse" to NOT support following the crime scene
leads at our REAL murder scenes? Again, death to the
bushite dumfuk enemy of God, death to the enemies
of a freeing Humanity striving for a just society.
Obama needs to be arrested for this under the Law
as it stands I'm sorry to say my friends. Why?
Torture is illegal in all 50 states, (as Reagan
directly planned), no matter where you ship the
innocent victim to, or from! Read the War Crimes
Act, then demand Justice today, otherwise, it's
YOUR funeral. Obama wants to secretly torture
Peoples here, while lying to US ALL that he doesn't!
A TRAITOR! Who also wants to give bankers 100s of
billions of dollars more to disappear, that WE pay
for, out our door, never to be seen as our own



Don't miss this..


Jack Blood interviews Richard Andrew Grove, an AIG insider and

Alive We Say

And Alex Jones gives us the same guy twice
a week that blames the Illuminati, while
encouraging that YOU TOO! can get money
for nothing like the banksters. Just give
the Alex Jones', NWOers, the "truthers" money
money money money. No time for affording the
explanation that the TREASONOUS bushmob
doctored the NIE. That Saddam wasn't in
violation of 1441. That a NEOCON is
identifiable for it's demonic LIES
against God and Man. Never to tell, the
private bankers don't cover OUR loans,
that Bush PERSONALLY worked to close
Police investigations immediately after
911 (obstruction), or that WE have video
of iron flowing like water that PROVES,
without doubt, bin Laden couldn't have
single handedly placed the explosives
in the buildings, or stole the black boxes.
Because someone surely would have spotted
him dragging his dialysis machine what with
all the professionalism of corporate news
media coverage regarding our horribly
suffering worlds. Alex Jones ignores the
treasons of Bush, as a Bushwhore, and
instead, tells US of how Obama is Bush on
steroids. He only wishes. What about
Justice for Americans Alex? Why for do you
forsake ourselves? For money? What about
the lives lost to mass murder, that you
allege to champion OUR TRUTH without saying
much of anything on real Freedom?, on real
Justice like your deviant election rigger,
Ron Paul? Well, no wonder, Alex told US he's
into shooting innocent American People in
the back as a tyrant of evil, a white Devil
if you will. Kids too if you dare look in
his back yard for a copper. See? Now if Alex
doesn't allow US to speak, more and more will
understand to know why. I am a defender of
all that is right and just in this world,
because I don't need to lie like Alex does on
a huge host of issues. I'm more like Jessie
Ventura, in where I don't need/want to lie.
If I end looking foolish, (of which I like
never truly am), it's a benefit, because that
way, I've learned something. Alex knows
everything already, and 'is always right'.
Like I say Retarded. You weren't right by not
understanding that the banker doesn't cover
the loan. One example of easily hundreds. He's
a typical, he knows it all, know nothing dumduk
American. Hear him on health care speak as
Ron Paul does, and know, I defeat them in under
ten seconds. TEN SECONDS. This is why he hasn't
in years, allowed me to speak more than five
or six words. He's rather all America die, than
admit he does NOT rule our 'Ocean of Truth'.
I want the challenge of opposition through debate
to PROVE my skills beyond reproach. Alex,
every time, just hangs up on anyone who tries
to improve our communications by factually
speaking. Why? Because he IS TRULY deeply
ignorant on what freedom or Justice means. Why
we have law. What a consensus is. Allan Watt is
severely disabled in this regard, another Alex
Jones favorite. And this is why, Allan can't
take calls openly either. He has jerked off
with himself too long to quit now learning
super basic precepts, for like Alex, he "knows"
the inner workings of the 'genius' NWO elites.
Not Law 101, not Bush, not Rumsfeld, Not Condi,
not Torturers, not bank robbers, rapists, or
even petty thieves. Allan Watt isn't a bad guy,
he's just a chauvinist pretending he actually
knows something, when his real disability is
directly related to his absence in understanding
understandings. Doubt is a near foreign concept.
A challenge for Allan: can you get your 'genius
mind' around the fact that Peter Powers did the
London bombings, and not the Illuminati of 1463?
and if not, why are we so dumb to our present
plight that way? Don't get me wrong, Allen has
much to offer, it just isn't the issue right
now on saving our dying futures. Maybe I was
too hard on Allen, he is really actually kinda
cool. Alex Jones too has many incredible
moments of ecstatic clarity increasing in all
they joy of seeking enlightenment. .. Ok -
but this is serious business that requires
little dilly dally with what we'll have as
a side dish in Paradise Lost. We are talking
Human Lives have been destroyed by our inaction
to remedy these failures to communicate
effectively. and.. Jeeze, the weight of my
responsibilities, as just plain John, being
a/the Legos Man - for like the Family and
everythings, get's me never forgetting, all
we got are these words left dormant from the
power they truly possess in the minds of the
wise asses. And.. here I am. I'm a Talker of
Words looking to make a break in the
NewZbiZ. Zzzz... Alive We Say! Alive!

King Johnny, from Earth, has come for talks.


The Zionist enemy, the most evil nazi sons-of-bitches
who openly advocate tyranny and oppression through mass
murder of ourselves as the innocent left targeted
defenseless. Enemies of Jews everywhere, the Zionist
cares not for facts on who's Life it destroys for stolen
gain by lying. That's why they target Jews, for fear the
Light of Truth would expose them as the Nazis they are.

Hamas doesn't have a military though, so,
why not demand the arrests of those who
broke the truce, and murdered innocent people
indiscriminately, on plans more Jews would
die for cash profit? Profit paid for by
zionist amerika? - the false imprisoning
torture and rape center for Neocon

The self-defence defence

/ / This has been a central theme of the war in
Gaza: not that hundreds of innocent people were
killed, not that over 5,000 were horribly injured
and not the sky-high human and monetary cost of
wrecking homes or razing infrastructure. \ \

Court petitioned to arrest Livni upon arrival in Brussels

"We believe there were dozens of IRGC
personnel in the Gaza Strip during the
war," an Israeli source said. "Some were
killed; others went into hiding, and
others escaped."

See? the demon enemy of God speaks no
evidence as a TRAITOR to every Jew. A terrorist
nation that still steals humanitarian aid in
our public realm of left defenselessness. The
false allegation deserves a death sentence
by Jews against the war monger Zionist enemy.
A cause that Iran should champion, if in fact!,
face, unsubstantiated as patently, demonically
false. As typical from any godless Zionist.

Where are the Americans asking for the
formal arrest of Bush for high treason?
Whoring for Alex Jones's contempt for REAL
Justice? The ignorance of all American
talk radio hosts speaks for itself. NO
knowledge on why acts of high treason, are
crimes against every American. The bushmob
doctored the NIE, and Alex doesn't want
Americans to know, because if they did,
they ask, why does Alex do everything he
can to escape those personally responsible
for 911, while then asking for money to
continue his fight against freedom in
America. Again how much money do we have to
pay Ron Paul or Alex Jones before they
will allow the knowledge of the Iraq war
against Human will is criminal? How much?

Obama! feel free to call
on me to help out with a plan for judicial
actions. That offer goes out to everyone in
Palestine, Canada or Britain too. Russia,
let's help out these fools by freely
communicating, what say you? Justice
for all is freedom to be. The Israeli cop
killers must be brought to justice for war
crimes. Those cops, were cops. And I,
am a man.

Alex Jones Rocks!

Now Alex has problems in "my" mind because I am
an ACTUAL genius, and he is generally, an idiot.
Today, he did one of his usual commentaries, however
this time, he was pretty honest with himself, and
his love for Ron Paul. Ron Paul sells incompetence,
and Alex corrected correctly!. that a.. sorry Ron
but these banksters know they're robbing us as
undefended blind men essentially. That's what I'm
talking about!! Look, Ron Paul can be a dumb Ass,
although, he's still not all that bad a guy. A Dumb
guy on things like economics sure, Justice, warfare,
Health Care, Social Security, ect. ect. but still.,
like a child learning of why the sky is funny
blue, isn't all that bad a guy really. He's
certainly not a war criminal, like Bush or
Rumsfeld are. Doing 911 then sanctioning torture.
While Neocons Champion sending illiterate American
teens for death as war criminal. Think about it.
Maybe he is..


“We have all these documents that are now
publicly available that prove that these
methods of interrogation were intentionally
ordered by Rumsfeld,”

Let us understand. These actions "give" a guy
like Willie Brand "the right" to RANDOMLY kidnap
men, women, or children, and torture them to
death for sadistic pleasure with his faggot
Capt, Christopher Beiring. (I think that's
how it's spelt). But anyway, this is the truth.
A bushite is a godless Zionist whore of Nazi
evil, an enemy of America, who wars YOUR Freedom
with criminal "excuses", for refusing to support
the arrest of those responsible for 911. A
TRAITOR, and could be wannabe rapist, robber, or
911 mastermind ringleader. Torture is illegal,
and warrants the death sentence, according to,
Reagan's "War Crimes Act". Some only suggest,
that this was why someone tried to kill him as
honorable. Death to the torturers of our
innocent families, torture they do without
apology as Zionist Military "Judges". Instead
today, where they get salaries paid in the
billions by the zionist giving nation of,
a-mirror-kay, echem, America. Johnny's America.
A nation where Justice will rule for the favors
of all treated equitably with or without you.
Honor me in company my friend. We have no rivals.

"they do not understand, the private banker
never covers the loan. Never does a private
banker reach into it's pocket to borrow US
to begin with - so as a consequence, the
bankers have just pocketed all the 'free'
loot for nothing, TRILLIONS, and are not
saying why should they help anyone else
up with charity?" Then went on to say, it
wasn't any of our business with what they
did with the money. (But for to cover criminal
fraud in the derivatives market, where
the true value of said commodities were
backed by ZERO capital. ZERO DOLLARS. WORTH
NOTHING. So, think about who's truly giving
it always here until Johnny, the man who
came out of nowhere, arrived to explain
everything in five or six minutes.

Support Johnny America for Coast to Coast
Radio Host!


Gaza: 'I watched an Israeli soldier shoot dead my two little girls'

Getting away with murder as 'God's Chosen' chosen
for death by war crimes trial more like. Death to
the criminal zionist enemies of Humanity. Zionists who
falsely accuse without evidence to respect our rights,
like TV corporated Americans who treasonously LIE,
'bin Laden did 911'. Enemies of Freedom for our

[JEWISH!] Arrest warrant: Ehud Barak

/ / For violations of the Rome Statute
& 4th Geneva Convention \ \

They are murdering Cops

2-Bombings target house of Abu Ubaida El Jarah,
Police Director in Sheikh Ridwan area.

3-Airstrike targeting Al Zaytoun police station.

Nazi Israeli are murdering Police Officers,
and the families that live in the areas near
them as once defended from criminals.

It's like saying, every Cop in America deserves
a death sentence by thousand pound radio-active
waste based uranium/plutonium war shells because
Bush stole the election, then committed 911 with
the Neoconned Partners of Public Crimes, Cheney,
Rumsfeld, Condi with General Ahmad and Myers. Now,
I ask all Cops, does that make sense to you as
still remaining silent? You can be a man too, why
don't we all just give it a try. To the Telephone
Robin! Israeli are attacking prisoners held
criminally in their own Death Camps!! GET ALEX
JONES ON THIS! and.... the ADL! er.. JDL.. er..
let US join forces for the common good of all,
as so we will benefit everyone. That means
Justice for all, especially the Taliban for
defending American Freedom by demanding evidence
to form a conclusion of capital accusation,
regarding an unsolved case of mass murder.
Taliban blamed it on concern for life draining,
Music, and news about some, who knows war we are
committed to now die you for, for better or worse,
of mass death and suffering against innocent
Peoples all for glorious Neocon tyranny of inter
national private banker IMF enslavement plans!
in some far off distant places. America! I am
King Johnny.. I am from the Planet Earth, I've
come to share the knowledge of Justice in our
times on behalf of this, Our Future Great
Triumph over Evil. We come in Peace with
a sword for War Mongers, and a choice for
'lawless' grunts of ungodly action against
Life as we live it. Targeting school kids
deserves death sentences, don't you think this
value is what every soldier should hold proud
with Johnny in America? In Israel? In

Chief Israeli Nazi Rabbi "All civilians living in
Gaza are collectively guilty for Kassam attacks"

“In spite of rising the blue flag of UNRWA on
our schools, the Israeli army has been targeting
those schools by missiles and tanks shells.”

U.N. special rapporteur on torture calls on U.S. to prosecute Bush and

[SATANIC ENEMY] Israeli warplanes attack Gaza during Truse

Satanic Enemies of Humanity Kill 8 Yr Old Girl During Fake 'Ceasefire'


/ / Dr. Condi was very smart when she declared
at the outset of the most brutal Israeli war on
Gaza that it was the Palestinian side which
is held responsible for violating the six
-month truce. \ \

She lies, Innocent Christians die.

Nazi argues it's good to get killed Jews by
breaking truces with prison camp.

They shoot Peoples indiscriminately telling US
that's how evil they are to argue it's Your
fault though.

This post was passed to near everyone in our Secret
Service defending Obama. Let US demand Justice for
the Victims of 911, by warranting for the arrest of
every Neocon Nazi Zionist pirate of OUR Jewish faith
for Public trial on LYING for War Crimes against
our dying Humanity. War Crimes against God.


/ / live images of an Israeli helicopter hovering
above the city and dropping its white phosphorous
bombs on the city \ \

Again, the Zionist deserves to die by public trial
today to defend the Jewish faith. Look at usenet.
These demonic enemies go, 'yeah, Hamas broke the
truce', they do it to kill you. To steal the lives
of innocent Peoples to profit off our deaths as

Zionists are Satanic Demon Liars of Satan


/ / Israeli forces demolished the house of the
Sammouni family in Gaza City after ordering
them to remain in it for safety. \ \

Palestinian Children found with bullets lodged in their head

/ / Israeli officials continued to deny on Saturday
that their soldiers had deliberately targeted
civilians, \ \

The Zionist is an
enemy to the God of Love and Justice, of Beauty, and
Children. A zionist LIES with a hatred unmatched in
Satanic hatred for the survival of our species. I
beg you, hunt to bill the zionist war criminal who
charges we will not succeed to see every last war
criminal on this planet hunted down to complete
extinction, by public trial, then Jewish firing
squads. The Zionist has bombed US, The People
indiscriminately with out cause. It was Nazi
Israeli that broke the truce to get killed
Jews for money. They starve Jews in Israel
to attract more charitable aid they can use
elsewhere. They, as Nazis, will continue to
murder Jews for money unless WE DEMAND, their
formal trials and public executions. They have
murdered our families, and they will pay will
their lives for it as the directly responsible,
and in no way, will escape our rages against
them as the enemies of every Human Being
Living for Freedom. Every Human that loves
children. They HAVE ADMITTED to targeting the school
girls for murder with lies they were caught
doing. THEY DON'T GIVE YOU EVIDENCE. And when we
get the facts, it's near always exactly the same
thing: they steal our Homes, they STEAL our
lives. God calls the Zionist Jew Enemy of
the Synagogue to Satan!!

"We also need a massive overhaul in Our news channel
prioritizing, including to add censorship free, open line
public communications. Done to gain value in learning from
the art of conversations. We need still to appreciate the
values of a free society where Justice is above all, the
measure of our success to communicate openly."

The Ungodly Murder of Innocent Men by Israeli Nazis

/ / At noon an Israeli military jeep with four
soldiers entered Tameizi’s land. After 15
minutes the man was thrown, blindfolded and
still handcuffed, into the back of the jeep. \ \

Let us not lose the focus of fact, that these
people of ourselves live in a concentration,
prison death camp, robbed of everything.
in Curfew near anywhere in "peace time". And
still, to this day, do Nazi Israeli CONTINUE
TO THIEVE the Homes of god loving folks in the
region, guilty of no crime but to have been
born into such brutal ungodly oppression
against Civilization. And to see, face no TV
opposition as American tax payers continuing
to fund such war crimes in our absent names,
is a crime on to ourselves if allowed to go
unchallenged. Johnny for Coast to Coast radio
host. Free the Slaves! Free the Slaves!

Binding U.S. law requires prosecutions for those who authorize torture


The ugly secret of Barak and Livni, the truth about the Gaza rockets


See my Jewish friends, these zionist liars
will never escape our love for Truth in this
our new age. Killing Jews for money is as
evil as found, negligently criminal, agreed?

Gaza: lives in ruins

'Ungodly Enemies of Life is the only way
to describe it from here Tom. They again,
are attacking People indiscriminately for
murder as sadistic Satanic enemies of God'

Someone should ask what King Johnny, The
King of the Jews has to say on this subject
of a Zionist's complete absence of morality,
as inhumanly bereft any common decency among
our brothers and sisters. I mean for Christ's
sake Tom, THEY ADMIT to sadistically
targeting our children for MURDER - as some
kinda Satanic demon whore to Pure Evil - aka.
Wanted War Criminals for Public Trial. Just
as the Nazis were for similar outrages. Let's
hope men of America are least half they were
then, but we are suspecting, they will as of
usual, balk as cowardly slaves to the private
banker man ruling their minds, it's a, no
wonder. Where is there that purpose striving
for a greater future living in a just society?
Where is the Christ in their Christianity?
to financially support the arming of such
unlawful Zionist killings in silence against
Innocent Christians?

Free Radio International Broadcasts Alive!

Johnny Justice for Coast to Coast radio host.

BBC argues with Israeli Spokesman over UN School Bombing

Where is the evidence to form any person's
verdict, if none is offered as in respect
for yourself as worthy the title of free
men? I ask as your self? Or are you as
the cowards of most in the American military
who refuse to speak for the arrest of those
who did US wrong on 911.?

King vs Obama on Gaza - Christian vs Zionist


For the Popular Will?

Alex Thomson shuts-up Israeli spokesman!

Wow. The demon LIAR will also say Hammas broke
the truce, and Israeli started this by stealing
innocent peoples homes, then imprisoning
ourselves, the victims, in a death camp for
indiscriminate slaughter. While they continue
to STEAL OUR CHARITY by breaking truces. What
is it that YOU can't picture?

"The view from the other side, that the Qassams
are a retaliation for the siege that starves the
one and a half million inhabitants of the Gaza
Strip, [a prison death camp,] was not mentioned
at all."

Masada legend galvanises Israel

/ / they committed collective suicide - men killing
their own families, afterwards each other, until
one [evil zionist liar] remained to kill himself. \ \

right. They, as documented criminal, lose
every debate personally since before the dawn of
Civilization because their position is clearly
unsound. They are criminals who murder People
in hate for a freed Humanity. They OFFICIALLY
steal Peoples homes in that country didn't you
know they proudly proclaim it so? And steal
humanitarian aid from starving children.
Targeted to murder children specifically as
publicly confessed, 'it is Hamas WE blame',
not them as demonic child murderers. Hideously
evil as ungodly sadistic savages. Enemies of
YOU, enemies of them, and enemies of me, the
King of Jews Christ fellow from beyond the
grave. They are so evil to God and Man,
they tarnish everyone of US to not win justice
sooner by blaming the actual bad guys. Justice
is Freedom.

/ / Those white phosphorus shells used on the
Gazans are made in the USA according to Jane's
Defense. \ \

Again, these peoples are not Jews. Being
Jewish is a religion. These thieves of God
are Satanic in their LIES to betray the
common trust in our words, that bind all
worlds to victory, called freedom universal.
Even tales of the Devil have him keep his word,
with verses specifically condemning the self
to damnation for targeting the innocent for
death. God's the Word. Every word inside a
fool's paradise. Including the periods. Not as
like, I'm playing a word game, but that it in
wonder, is all strangely here. Example: The
Universe as it has existed always, is not
separate from our 'pauses', or faulty drawn
conclusions. The universe, in one sense, was
as good as anytime, created 6000 years ago.
AS TOO 50 billion. You say, impossible, I
say no, study quantum physics, and know, I
live this.. our existence is not scientifically
separate from the timeless nature of
consciousness, proven as not only theoretical,
but actual. That is a first step at developing
a REAL relationship with the living Universe
if you want to as like an artist does - that
TOO! can be just as thought static in it's
orderly constructions for Atheists. (An
Atheist is still mostly a fool here however.)
Overall, for any, it's sorta simple: Life has
left YOU in charge of YOUR fate. Now, do well
to make something of this being as eternal Life
reaching for balance, as your body does, and
good cops do when bringing the bushmobsters to
Justice. By Israeli calling for more murder
against the innocent of your mind as racists
and bigots they are openly, is still shadows
of YOUR mind, YOUR WORLD.. get it, got it? God
is in genius to set Life as this, as like,
nowhere existing, but for as yourself within.
Will you speak out for the Justice denied
Humanity?, or not you? Atheists can be Just
too!, but generally lose it on not
understanding the intelligence of order is
way beyond what they dream up with
assumptions. All anyone has to do is ask
themselves, who do you mean "God"? Atheists
are ridiculous!, but, to each his or her
own, we are on a path here, believe what
you want to believe. This is not a faith
initiative I'm bringing by keeping this real,

A zionist cabal of criminal pirates who murder
Jews around the world for stolen money is
seriously evil as criminal. What do you think?
Let US have a open line discussion on this
indivisible matter of rights to all as equals
before who ever we proclaim, I AM.

I mean you right? Say it with me... "I" "AM"
we are good to go.


George Galloway "The West has DOUBLE STANDARDS when it comes to

“Main actions: Israel targets hospitals, United
Nations premises, Press offices, theaters and densely
populated buildings in west of Gaza. Additionally,
people are being used as human shields”

A Zionist Nazi Being

See? A zionist Nazi argues it's good to get killed
Jews by breaking truces with a prison death camp,
cause look at all the free American Welfare money
we can steal through kicking-back AIPAC members in


Harper complicit in Israeli war crimes

Canadians! Please war with words for open line
calls on the war crime enemy propagandist,
The Chorus Radio Network. CJOB STEALS millions
from Manitoba each year, and refuses all calls
for honesty in governing. They are actual

Canadians Stand Alone

Harper the proven war criminal
who will be going to prison, is the only person
on Earth that has publicly okayed Israeli Nazi
to target murder Christian school girls. Canada,
join me in demanding Harper's Public trial as a
war criminal. Prison for Harper who took a
honorable soldier who stated he refused to commit
war crimes against innocent civilians, and placed
him without trial in prison. Without warrant for
arrest. Harper, the Nazi Appeaser, is a War
Criminal standing against the Queen.

"Or is this another, popular amerikan past time,
of, who cares for the facts, we are at war with
God and Christ now?" Die bushite die Christ always
says against lawless torturers as mass murdering
thieves of Humanity.

shreveport man gets 15 years for stealing $100.00

Again, Americans need to demand the arrest
of the Judge and prosecutor for being openly
evil demons, as TRUE enemies to freedom in
America. But guess what? Americans will refuse
to even phone Alex Jones, or George Noory
to be hung up on. Just refuse as brain dead
zombies - as known in this circle, McCainiacs.
Did you hear Alex's NWOer yesterday state he
doesn't want anyone to speak as Justice for
Americans because to learn even the most basic
of precepts for Justice, he can't pretend he is
a Freedom Fighter begging US for more money?
Like multi-millionaire Ron Paul, who gave the
fixed election up to take our money and walk
away. How much money in the millions do we have
to pay them at GCN, before they will acknowledge
the Iraq war is a war crime? THEY NEVER WILL,
because the faggot owner has a son who's into
raping American women as lawless enemy of Life.
Americans are indeed, selfish, like all the plane
crash survivors telling US how they couldn't care
less that Israeli nazis are openly targeting our
Christian children for murder with their tax
money, as unimportant, to how long they stood on
a plane wing, now approaching it's third day, of
wall to wall coverage. Telling us again of how
Christ saved your life as a lifeless degenerate.
I, as Christ, am really starting to hate all
Americans in total now. How difficult is it to
pick up their phones? They don't, and I'm beginning
to believe it's because, like GCN, they really
don't care for the future of our Humanity being
left for dead as continuing victims to EVIL liars.

Nazi Israel Broke Ceasefire as Satanic:
The Bush Administration and The New York Times v. Amnesty

UN sites shelled with WPh after GPS coordinates given

Livini was reported to say today that, 'every
innocent person targeted by Israeli, as such
driving in ANY car, or on ANY bike, or walking
down the street as then directly murdered, Hamas
will be blamed for. Heil Hitler' Well, I made
that last part up, but do you have the ears to hear
the screams for mercy given by Humanity?, while
this, the evilest of JEW KILLERS in the known
universe, (targeted, and murdered countless Jews
in Lebanon as one example), believes no man or
woman living can speak directly against her wanting
to MURDER even more as ungodly... 'Until the tin
can rockets stop falling on Jews' standing in their
detention centers, or living at the garbage dump
They will rob and kill US all my INNOCENT friends
as LIAR Satanic if you, YES YOU continue to refuse
to support my/our demands for OPEN COMMUNICATIONS
for Justice ourselves. Johnny Dazzler for Coast
to Coast Radio Host!

'Secretary General outraged at shelling of UN building in Gaza'

"I conveyed my strong protest"

Not good enough. Public War crime charges warranting
Death by Jewish firing squad, is what is demanded of
our Humanity. Death to the zionists liar war criminal
enemies of Humanity, instead of US, who they target
for mass murder.

Google have attacked US again as Evil doers..
They have again destroyed my writing with war
criminal intent to deny these truths as men they
could never face me, because they are not. They
STEAL our voices.

They are jewish criminals, not criminals because they are Jewish.


"End the illegal Human occupation of Jewish land in Gaza!"


These war criminals need to be arrested for Murdering
LIES against the lives of every innocent Christian
and Jew. Godless zionist nazi bastards are as evil
as they are dumb. Get every man who defends freedom
truly to hunt down these satanic demon ENEMIES for
thee True Jewish Cause, to ask it why it lies as an
enemy to HUMANITY, to murder innocent others as
evil doing thief to Freedom. A thief of Jews
everywhere to know truly God as Love and Justice.
Not only will Americans celebrate these neocon criminal's
freedom to call for the murder of innocent Christians,
as he does without arrest, "Americans" too, will as
Satanic refuse to hunt the ungodly enemy of the Jewish
faith down as Nazi hunters. No, Americans, cowardly, are
committed to dying with the Nazi Elite, as such
to escape of the Neocon terrorists who participated
in the mass murder of America for more stolen money
as war criminals.


Israeli soldiers say they have OK to KILL Innocent People

Israelis 'shot at fleeing Gazans'

They'll murder anyone human to steal our homes.


We battle injustice by demanding the public
arrest, and trial for execution of proven
war criminals. Now, who disagrees?

Israeli using Palestinian Kids as Human Shields

Israeli Soldiers using Palestinians as Human Shields

Why do you as an American, refuse to contribute
to Just cause?

These monster enemies of Hillel are inhuman
to their prisoners, prisoners who had their
homes stolen and are denied freedom for being
born to Nazi tyranny. Demand Justice for
yourself as a Human.

Some Serious Evil Jarg in Dishonest Reporting

Forgetting about the truce given to those in
a concentration prison camp? Where they are denied
food and water? In curfew prior to near half the
days of the year, for years? How could they not
to claim such self righteousness? They don't bother
because they'd rather YOU were made innocent victim,
then them, Zionists who would screw you out of a house
called home. Did you know: they openly steal Peoples
homes in that criminal nazi state labeled godly?
Of whom openly thieve? Officially? Yes, and they try
to thieve the title of Jew from the Messiah too,
but I'm not going to a slave prison death camp
for innocent humans, I'm fighting back to demand
open communications to rule true Justice concerned.
Freedom is paramount. 911 perpetrators will be
brought to Justice by King of Jews Johnny Dazzler.


Israeli Murders Officer to make it look better


/ / And we may assume that he was a non-Jewish
member of the IDF, given [...] \ \

Lawless evil doing for neocon lying criminals
really sucks man. Our friends are dying murder
victims. They are robbing our humanity of common

Neocon Enemies of the Jew do not Care for Truth

ElBaradei says Iran’s nuclear program is legal: report

But Neocon enemies of the Jew do not care for Truth.
They lie as enemies to God, on hopes to murder Jews
like they did in Lebanon with millions of land mines.
What kind of "Human" would commit such crimes against
Life? Cheating Liars for Satan Johnny tells YOU.

When Bush asked about his errors in judgement:

/ / you know, could I have done something
differently, like land Air Force One
either in New Orleans or Baton Rouge. \ \

Would have been better PR he means? Likely.
He walks away looking good, your family is
dead, or dying due to criminal neglect for
cash profit. Did I tell you that the private
bankers don't even cover our loans yet?
Trillions given by Americans, now Obama is
asking for more to disappear. THEY DON'T
even tell US what they've done with the
eight trillion already taken. Desperately,
Life Begs, THINK ABOUT THAT. King Johnny
for Coast to Coast radio host.

/ / So what is Ron Paul saying about Ron Paul?
I'd wager, he doesn't know himself, and fears
like FOXNEWS from open debate \ \

Excellent! if I do say so myself.


The Queen Shall side with The Great Nation

You can not hand over a prisoner for the crime
of refusing to commit a war crime. Otherwise,
YOU'D be a war criminal like now Harper is.
A Zionist appeaser. The government of Canada
already decided on this issue, and the vote was
137 Patriot to 110 neoconned bushite dumfuk.
The Iraq War is a war crime. These be demons
that steal our democratic voices, by denying
freedom from a man who's capital offense, is
that he tried to be fair for all parties. See?
War criminals.

The Queen Shall side with The Great Nation of
Canada Vs. S. Harper on this. Ask her.

God Bless the Queen.


/ / destroying Hamas terror infrastructure \ \

As Satanic, they TARGET TO MURDER Christian
School girls, and claim, none on Earth will demand
their public trials for executions as War Crimes
against God, because to the Satanist LIAR, (and
many "American" "Christians") God doesn't exist
within YOU to demand Justice for our Times.
YOU change that.

Evil on Parade

43,000 FoxNews Zionists in America, sign petition
in YOUR INNOCENT BLOOD calling for censorship of
Gaza conflict across all America


Stressing that Israel was "the first to stand
up against pure evil." [See? A zionist Nazi argues
it's good to get killed Jews by breaking truces
with a prison death camp, cause look at all the
free American Welfare money we can steal through
kicking-back AIPAC members in Congress.]

"I demand that the use of images and headlines
that misrepresent current events to the detriment
of the State of Israel be stopped immediately,"
the petition went on. [and the 'judge' judges
anything detrimental misrepresents the constant
LYING nature of the Nazi Zionist thieving pirates
of the Jewish Faith?]

This is detrimental to Zionist war criminals
because it exposes their TRUE EVIL NATURE..

Israeli Forced to Admit in League with Satan

Israeli forced to admitting, it lied as a demon
enemy of Life about tin can rockets falling
into the head of a good Jew, prior to the
Neocon LIAR's ungodly criminal attack for
senseless war against Humanity in the region.
When Jews die, these Zionists really take
everything like bandits., Peace where smarter
People speak freely for Justice? not so good.

The Other Side of the Story!


I Want My Bailout Money by Michael Adams the Health Ranger

Breakdown Dead Ahead


Simple Common Sense for Mankind

/ / Israel has admitted HAMAS kept the cease
fire; and that Israel broke it, then unleashed a
total starvation blockade on Gaza followed by
flaming death from the sky aimed at schools,
hospitals, ambulances, and children, and you
dare call the people opposed to such barbarity
a "mob?" \ \

Zionists are evil people who pretend they
are honest, when lying directly to everyone.
Blitzer reports Hammas broke the truce, he
is lying to continue the murder of innocent
peoples. Understand: Israeli Nazi state they
will continue to murder our innocent Humanity
until the rockets stop falling on Jews. Yet,
they broke the truce, and murder Jews routinely
with reckless abandon. Jews from the Bible as
of "nigger" Ethiopian, are what the Zionist
hate when warring GOD for apartheid, apartheid
that is Humanity in Gaza. A zionist is a war
criminal who speaks not against the neocon,
but against Innocent Humanity as YOUR enemy.

Livni: Gaza truce would give Hamas legitimacy

As they always do because they are dishonorable
murderous nazi thieves of God as Just cause is.
I am, and YOU are, you just maybe don't know it
yet, or if ever. A zionist serves Satan to escape
the neocon terrorists from their ungodly crimes
on 911.


Ron Paul:
US Will Be Rightly Blamed for Israeli Killings

Not the Nazi Israeli?

The guilty party are those who advocate these
mass murderers of innocent peoples with
deliberate lies, like from Blitzer. Blitzer
will be tried, and executed a war criminal
for stating Hamas broke the truce., Where,
only two minutes earlier, he learned, that
it was his Nazi partners. DEATH SENTENCE.
It was on TV. BUT SEE? Ron Paul, the Libertarian,
ain't going to be honest here. He'll lie cheat
and steal Humanity's voice for Justice - like
he did with OUR money. A typical Libertarian
like Alex Jones who wants to blame "socialists",
"Liberals", aka, all of innocent America.
Blitzer is war criminal, who makes his own
discussions. As is Ron. What an enemy to not
mention the truce. THINK: IT IS THE ISSUE. But
Ron plays the dummy to kill more with contempt
for Freedom. Ron Paul, the bigot, asked,
'should we be doing this'? SEE? it's not first
degree mass murders, no, according to Ron Paul,
it's argumentative that indiscriminate mass
killing is a good thing really. Remember,
Ron Paul does not support arresting those
who committed mass murder on 911 either.
Or those who STOLE TRILLIONS. Or lawless Bush,
the ACTUAL AntiChrist enemy of God. Ron Paul
will watch America die for a stolen dollar.
And Alex Jones will refuse all calls to label
him good guy like himself warring order
to our universe for it.

Israel is [NOT?] responsible for these childrens death

Ron Paul "When we pick sides, we make it worse"

He also took our millions donated for freedom
fighting away for his family, but not our own
as dying innocent victims giving. Pick a side.

Remember: Sadistic authoritarian George Noory
is a very real DEMON of Satan, who again,
openly tells US, he wants to murder our
species as the innocent forsaken, and Alex
Jones doesn't hear a problem with that
either. Love the bushite blindly, and
they'll kill US for a dollar sukka.

Alex Jones is like the retarded brother we
can't help but love because we're human. He
is still retarded. And George Noory is still
seriously evil as a traitor to the cause of
Freedom in America. And Ron Paul is still
slamming Ron Paul.

Ron Paul "Israel can not act without
Washington's approval"

So, it is Ron's fault then by not mentioning
the truce?, or as that, innocent People are being
indiscriminately murdered in a death camp that
he figures is argumentative? that innocent
People are dying as targeted for mass genocide?
Or is it the Ron who states YOU are to blame
instead of himself for being there, not saying
anything? HEY RON! Can you hear me now!


Contribute to our rise for the popular will

Alex Thomson shuts-up Israeli spokesman!

Wow. The demon LIAR will also say Hammas broke
the truce, and Israeli started this by stealing
innocent peoples homes, then imprisoning
ourselves, the victims, in a death camp for
indiscriminate slaughter. While they STEAL OUR
CHARITY. What is it that YOU can't picture?

Hi. My name is King Johnny.



/ / The targeting of civilians, whether
by Hamas or Israel, is a war crime. \ \

They are targeted by Obama who suggests
there is an argument to be made here. There
isn't. Nazi Israeli DEMON LIARS broke the
truce to kill Jews for money. They are godless
enemies of Humanity. So it isn't that we are
pro-Palestinian, it is that we are pro-Human.
Zionists DESERVE to die, before US, the innocent,
they target for murder for stolen cash gain.
Like Obama has promised to do for AIPAC. But
what about the rest of US 6 billion plus Obama?
Who is it of US innocent folks do you wish to
MURDER, or torture next as a Zionist war criminal
for Satan Obama? Torturing kids is popular in
Israel, tell US Obama, which American father will
have his children tortured, or murdered
sadistically by yourself as a whore for Nazi
Israeli? tell us, we're not waiting.

The Chosen Bad Example

Zionists Destroy Our Homes as Satanic

When I see the women and her child, left outside
while they sadistically destroy her meager gains,
I grow weary with ourselves for not speaking right.
Nazi Israeli are committed to deny US our God given
rights as Innocent persons to speak freely for Justice
realized. All because they STEAL our Lives for monetary
gain. It is our reality, give it or take it, YOU LOSE.

Then.. Hammurabi founded Civilization.

I go concerned for any hesitations of condemnation by
Obama. It's like, he's talking some jive about
how now he'll NOT let the words of Hamas reach
his ears. Being against war criminals, doesn't make
you pro-Hamas, necessarily, it means your against
war crimes to defend the lives of ourselves respected.
Remember: He told US earlier during the campaign that
he wouldn't fear speaking to anyone, Hamas especially,
because he was confident he could win the discussion on
Liberty, by principles that unite all free men. Now,
he has promised the FBI's Most Wanted AIPAC, he will
pretend to not hear any calls for fairness as all
parties united by common cause. Johnny Who? Where did
you go Obama? You were here, then.. pooof! you
vanished into the loving shackles of convicted/ing
criminals is a mass, "WE ARE TRAITORS TO JUST CAUSE"
organized war crime outfit, dedicated to deceiving the
Public by lying. I am not Lying. I'm not saying I hold
his associations as a measure of himself, I am concerned
with him stating, he will not hear our cries for Justice,
as then AIPAC cheered. I was as freaked out about it as
you maybe yourself now, believing it as possible. Check it
out for yourself, and wonder, just "who" is this person
they tell us they're are going to take for as dying fools?
I mean look at what happened to what's his name, when he
sided similarly the same in error as hugely criminal? Come
on be honest with us son, "Are you on drugs?". Maybe he's
just been stressed with all of everything he is heaped
to follow on, NOT to know by Blitzer, that Israeli broke
the truce to kill more Jews for money, and, also STEAL
innocent Peoples Homes while saying, "they are God's
Chosen". Yeah, chosen for, "The Bad Example", of how
Jews are left undefended by these grave robbing war
criminal nazi forces. As the King of Jews, I call for
Public War Crimes trials of the entire bushmob as
terrorists, and their supporters for lawless tyranny.

People are Coming to Town. Justice for All Coast
to Coast radio broadcasts all, until we have secured
the neocons in a prison cell awaiting the treason trials.

We are Good to Go. Rise Up for innocent Life,
or don't and see where it'll get you in the end.


Nazi Israeli STEAL Peoples Homes without
apology, as a function of their SATANIC
government, while collectively bombing the
INNOCENT victims who die because of it.

Gaza 2009 - Operation Cast Lead

Again, they are Satanic here because
they THREAT to tell you, yeah, Zionists
are casting the leads for the real mass
murder scenes - Justice denied Humanity.
God doesn't exist to defend yourselves
from war criminals for Satan.

War crimes trials with public executions
will commence against ever GUILTY zionist
living to lie that Hamas broke the truce,
that Georgia was attacked without provocation,
(again, CNN are not 'accidentally' conning
US here). And trials for every last living
bushite bomber, rapist, and torturer -
death to the bushite, the true traitors who
war against freedom for America, traitors who
war Innocent Humanity for the escape of the
neocon zionists.


Both parties cheerlead loudly for Israel's war Against Humanity

Death sentences MUST be willed by Christians for war crimes.
Death to the bushite, death to the enemies of God and Man.


For the Great Truths. We Stand United

/ / This option is also regarded
as a non-runner as the US would certainly veto that
suggestion. \ \

No no no no. What you do is investigate who this
the "US" person is as the GUILTY party my friends.
The facts have spoken for ourselves without contention.
And while we're at it, try to figure who that "Army
says.." person is too, we need to know who these
traitors are who hide their names backing war crimes
to continue. The Enemies of Civility, they are
enemies of US all my innocent friends, enemies of US

white phosphorus shells on Gaza

listen to the inflection of voice near the end of this..
the mind of a delinquent 7 or 8 year old.. This phenomenon
is pervasive, and illustrates some cognizant short coming in
Calcium or Zinc somethings. However, IT IS THERE. Normally, as
an Expert on Psychiatry, I dismiss the whole notion of
Psychiatry as I intimately know it as pure bunk wacky,
however the study of something here is needed if we're
ever going to convince ourselves dying indiscriminately
this way sucks. As the innocent for profit we pay for,
with lies sold without Public defense of mass murdering
demon traitors to the cause of US falling victims. God
says their Satanic, I just say they are criminals. War
criminals easily convicted for murdering our loved families.
They have no remorse for all that have been murdered
already.. Livini should be on her knees begging our
forgiveness, but she's not because she couldn't care
less for any Jews, especially those she don't have
imprisoned under threat in Israeli 'society'.

It's a 'bad' thing. nnNo.

Israel bomb attack Gaza Civils Palestinians 27/12/2008 launches
missile attacks on 27 Dec 08

This was what Israeli did as a legitimate murder
scene, committed after the Nazi Israeli Jew HATERS
broke the truce. More dead Jews, more money to be
rich with. and we'll blame it on that God nonsense.
We must demand war crimes trials from Obama, and
everyone else down there who is appalled at this
indiscriminate mass murder continuing in your name.
We need arrests of Zionist infiltrators within
the American military who have been shipping
weapons to nazi Israeli to murder more defenseless
innocent People as targeted. Obama must demand
death sentences against these ungodly Zionist
vermins for treason, warranting execution for the
war crimes of accessory to mass murder, or genocide.
For the Great Truths. We Stand United.


Here on a Mission

/ / after dropping leaflets warning residents it was
about to "escalate" its offensive against Hamas. \ \

SEE! This is AFTER fire bombing the whole community.
Satanic evil enemies of Life. Who admit to targeting
any one who has ever so much as swept our streets,
warranting bombs dropped on their Block(s). SEE! they

Riddle me Dumb

Hamas Workers and/or Troops? Out hiding in the mountains
of Afghanistan you mean right? Satanic enemies of all
Humanity I tell you. The most evil nazi sons-of-bitches
who openly advocate tyranny and oppression through mass
murder of ourselves as the innocent left targeted
defenseless. Enemies of Jews everywhere, the Zionist
cares not for facts on who's Life it destroys for stolen
gain by lying. That's why they target Jews, for fear the
Light of Truth would expose them as the Nazis they are.
It's a prison death camp, brought about by Israeli STEALING
OUR Homes as ungodly thieves. Thieves who leave a Jew
to starve to death in a garbage dump because, it'll
attract more charitable aid The Zionist can use
elsewhere. It's not a Jewish thing, it's a criminal
matter. They STEAL innocent Peoples Homes in that
country. God's Country? God would will such criminal
offense? Which God? Not the God of Abraham, nor by
the teachings of Hillel, Christ, Mohammad, or
Confusion? So which absent God do you speak where WE
can't speak as ourselves openly for Just Cause?
Cat got your tongue? How come your not saying anything?
The Israeli Zionist ENEMY wants US ALL in slave
labor prison death camps silenced away that's why!

Israeli War Crimes

Well, maybe I'm wronger on Ron Paul than I needed to.
Hey, don't you EVER forget, I am a man also. We need
to meet on common grounds, to demand the start of
formal arrests for the bushmob crimes of 911, Iraq,
Afghanistan, South Osettia, and Palestine, as a group
together united by agreement for this one cause, and
then... we can later argue about how your ideas are
better than mine because I actually know of which
your speaking.. Hey! you could call me Daddio if you
wanted! To the telephones we go.


Israeli are attacking prisoners held criminally
in their own Death Camps!! GET ALEX JONES ON THIS!

Hmm... why wouldn't Alex? to support his fictions
over Our Rights to Live Free perhaps? A Hero adapting
to the deaths scene?, or, a Bush whore committed to
enslaving Humanity, all so he can say, he told US so.
Big hero or big hero. Your NOT powerless to his vision
of complete control over information. He refuses 911
info, Iraq war info, Israeli info. All so he doesn't
have to look the fool, while Humanity dies with his
insults against our wills to make something better
of ourselves. Justice is what I will. Masturbate on
your own time Mr. Alex Jones.

If he states again about how he knows everything,
and is always right, and those that criticize
him on ANYTHING are delusional, it's going about to
make everyone further sick with this obscene take on
what life means as Alex takes it. If I truly state
two nickels make a dime, does that mean therefor
they make a quarter also? If I say so like Alex
would? He is an idiot. Truly. George Noory figures
Hamas broke the truce, and that the Mideast solution
is that Jews should be separated with special rights,
as oppressors over the freedom of every Palestinian
Prisoner, and what's Alex Jones gonna say about
his 'truth telling freedom fighter' George to actual
'lame ass evil nazi traitor' George?, to YOU about
how George is just trying to murder millions of
helpless people as an offer for the final solution?
We can expect Alex now to claim, Zionists should
have special rights over Jews, all to maintain
his FICTIONS on Noory being anything but the
monster to Humanity he is. Just because Noory
doesn't growl when talking about murdering all
children in around the age of 15, or against
soldiers who refuse criminal orders, does still
make him a true fascist nazi enemy laughing at
your murderers escaping to live freedom in
our dying forsaken worlds. The bushmob doctored
the NIE. Conned Congress, and Soldiers. Did 911,
by closing criminal FBI investigations immediately.
Alex and George don't seem to want US to know
these FACTS that demands arrests of the culprits
responsible for high treason against Johnny's
America. Now, who's with yourself. I am! I am!
I am!

Alex Jones doesn't know squat of Social Security, but
pretends he does, like Ron Paul does when speaking
of the Federal Reserve, Health Care, IMF, World Bank
blahblahblah.. I mean even the expert of experts
Alex has on near twice a week, EVERY WEEK, to talk
all about how the Illuminati are doing everything,(give
me your money now for whatever), DOESN'T SAY TO KNOW,
it was Chris Cox who changed Investment Banker rules,
to cover instead one tenth of WORLD INCOME loans,
even a fifth of the TRUE trillions dollar fraud story.!)
Now, granted, I wouldn't expect one tenth of one percent
of America to have even a distant clue of which I am
speaking, but importantly, Alex's expert of experts has
never mentioned it. EVER. Why? He don't give a fuck, but
how much money he can get you to give him for investing
in things that are un-important to our struggles, but
for the fact, he states, you'll get free money for
nothing!! OUR ACTUAL PROBLEM. It reminds me of those
Ron Paul dollars... where Ron'll fix everything, cause
we, as a private company, are going to make YOUR money
instead... holy fuk mon.. Talk about the kettle calling
American racists. Thank God the FBI stepped in. (The
answer unfortunately is not nowhere as easy as Alex
would blindly lead you) - again, so I guess it will be,
Americans were just too far gone as illiterate
chauvinists, who cared too little for your freedom as
themselves degenerating. Why? To battle tyranny they
knew not Justice wins the day, and blamed innocent
groups gathered wherever, instead of following the crime
scene leads at the real murder scenes - like was once
done on TV and at the Movies. But even that was too
far above their doped down heads, to raise their finger
to dial a phone number.

How about stating "A lawless bushite enemy wars America
as a traitor, to escape the neocons from the crimes of 911."

Then Alex states the head of GCN is giving out gold
at less than it's value as a special treat, every
second or third week. Below wholesale. Now, really
think this thru. Do you think Alex is trying to con
you here? you bet. That is the Gold Racket. Diamonds
are another thing - where I've personally seen,
about a decade ago, a huge press that makes Diamonds
out of coal. Swear to God it's true. Costs to make
diamonds are pennies to the thousands paid to Zionists
who live in Israel calling for the murder of all
innocent Peoples. Where is the rich Zionist, grave
robbing Jew hater to demand Justice for our times?
Where? Pressing coal into diamonds, while advocating
the murder of our entire Human species. THEY WANT
last known to Life's enemies as Jesus Christ, the
Zionist's end every time. I'll have brought more
Zionists to their rightful dooms, than any other,
of any time, anywhere. I HATE Zionist bushite LIARS
to death, all because I Love Humanity too much, to
watch US die undefended as the innocent forsaken.
They can change their evil ways, but till now, often
not, benefiting off our suffering as war criminals
who simply lie as demons to steal our Human values.
Let's change this for our betterments. I mean the
Halo is a dead give away..

The head of GCN has a son warring God to rape American
women as lawless enemy in Iraq for the Neocon - again
NEVER mentioned as something worth fighting against for
Freedom in America - soldiers are suppose to REFUSE
criminal orders - but not when Alex is at the mike.
He will never mention the Bushmob doctoring the NIE
to con America for death as exampled, because it
doesn't fit his fictions, where all the bad guys
escape because they are geniuses headed by secrets
so powerful, nobody can ever know'em, except Alex.
He tells us near every day, he knows everything
already, and is never wrong, therefore you can't
criticize him. Bullshit. It's like he wants to be
wise like Johnny Gawd is, without doing anything like
studying for a test where the teacher actually does
know the issues. He told US today, the British came
up with concentration camps, from the Indians - who
spent all their lives murdering themselves. The
British 'invented' false imprisonment? The British
came up with the, Jews Killed Jesus? The British
invented Pope Gregory VII? I suppose Alex has never
heard of Ghettos. SEE? he just pulls shit out of
his ass, and calls it like it's truly pure gold you'd
wanna buy. Those, like your typical American have
no clues, so they figure, Life must be sorta so that
History is all one big Alex Jones NWO cartoon. What?
that the NWO did 911, and everything else that use
to instead, require criminal investigations to nab
the actual evil doers? Alex Jones IS the NWO he tells
US all we should be concerned about never stopping,
like it was in the DARK AGES. Justice Alex, why is
that hard for you as a "Conservative" to figure? Is
it because you are cowardly in the face of true
Liberty? Afraid that some People, on some Issues,
ACTUALLY know a great deal better than you could
even imagine presently? Don't like that do you?, where
you don't rule this Universe as a lawless tyrant
desperate to live in an illusion at the expense of
everyone else dying victims to censorship? Does he try
to find wise men or women? rarely. "Ron Paul [MUST]
leads our truth movement" - like, fuck off already
with the Ron Paul, The Truther, Bullshit Alex Jones.
1% is what YOU get on Social Security deposits - 1%.
And.. Bush stole 700 billion. 700. Billion. That's 700
BILLION. It's a "Trust" account. A "Trust" Account. It's
being held in "Trust" Alex. Ron Paul is asleep at the
wheel. As, so are the rest of all you other fools..
I want Justice, and I want it now for all the victims
of 911. Americans be damned, we want Justice, and We
want it Now.

In Texas, child rapists are given the right to
freely move about without fear that Texans will stand
as armed Men in defense of their very own offspring.
And Alex wants this for the rest of America. That some
how to own a gun, means an American would kill a cop
who beat a women near to death for pleasures that
he could never be Publicly arrested for, as a
sadistically evil nazi bushite fuck. Look, if YOU DID
kill that particular DEMON COP after the Chief
refused to arrest him, you couldn't possibly go to
jail in Johnny's America, because the truth would win
out in a fair verdict. And REAL cops would honor you
with great big, thank you. Nothing worse than a
cop (or bushite grunter) who believes the Law doesn't
apply to him while he drives drunk, tazers someone for
nothing, abuses Women, or kids, to sell drugs, or
kills good cops, who are good men. (Like mercs do in
Iraq officially for Rumsfeld's P2OG. Coming to an
American city near you!)

Again, the two Laws of Johnny:

1. No evidence, person innocent.

2. Torture? fuk you and die then

"Rice says it is 'hard' for Israel to spare civilians in Gaza"

We KNOW they are ONLY targeting innocent People,
the ungodly zionist Satanic enemies say so..

"Israel Rejected Hamas Cease-Fire Offer in December"

Livni has declared her country "is not going to show restraint"

"Her" country?

It's like she's admitting here, that they DO NOT
target the IDF's Hamas, but only our innocent lives
as a threat to LIFE and GOD. Remember: the Zionist
LIARS broke the truce.


/ / So, Hamas decides it's time to end the
cease fire and has begun shelling Israel again. \ \

This guy even sounds like the Satanic false
accusing enemy of God he is. Let US, as Humanity,
hunt these real devils down, try them, and have
them executed publicly for the benefit of God and
Man. Understand: this REAL DEMON knows he's lying,
no living man on Earth could spew the vile lies he
does to excuse indiscriminate mass murder, or starvation,
as this Zionist enemy of life sells to STEAL Your
HOME, your Family, YOUR LIFE. An open enemy of God
trying to STEAL the Title of Jew from Christ. EVIL
ENEMY OF LIFE. See, when a bushite dies, you served
Life well in defending their next INNOCENT target.
Zionist FOR THIS TREASONOUS LIE. Why God asks? Because
there isn't any evidence to support that Satanic lie.
According to the FBI. And according to God, Zionists
are not Jews, but of Satan as enemies of every life
form in this Galaxy, Hunt him down, and bill him
today for the love of God. You can 'hear' it in his
voice.. how he lies TO YOU as a DEMON of a Hatred
for Truth and Humanity. Facts, that are easily
available, are not what he works to mislead others,
others he hates, and wishes to murder for as ungodly
sadistic pleasures as YOUR enemy. Bill him under
American law for being pro-torture too while we're
at it. Death to bushite, death to the murdering
enemies of God's Love for Mankind, and enemies of
TRUE Justice for Americans. The fuking demon enemy
lies to you, as a con to STEAL your life, or just
as soon, the life of another innocent other. Now,
what are you going to do about it? Except his lies
as exceptable, as he tries his hardest blatantly
LYING to kill God and Justice in our Worlds? Not
in mine, but perhaps Yours.

' In Civil-Contempt Cases, Jail Time Can
Stretch On for Years for Americans, without Ever
seeing a day in Court. '

Where are the arrests?, then firing squads for
the Judges who 'judged' such criminality against
freedom for US, the Peoples in America?

' Where Did Taxpayer Money Go? Panel Slams Treasury

Where are the arrests?, they stole eight trillion
and counting.. And Congress 'slams' them for
disappearing OUR MONEY. Slams with what?, a,
don't do that again please butt sqeeze? It should
be massive slammer time, with a return of all
STOLEN monies.

' THEREFORE, those pro-Israel politicians in Congress
won their seats in part using stolen money. '

Where are the arrests? Amerikan bushite nazi grunts
are assisting in the mass murder of innocent Christians
in Palestine. War crimes demanding death sentences. It
isn't an argument that can be turned around. Nazi Israeli
STEAL Peoples Homes without apology, as a function of
their SATANIC government, while colectively bombing the
INNOCENT victims who die because of it. It's a prison
camp! they are denied water, food, shelter.. since four
or five truces over that they've broken, every one. These
are Satanic enemies, willing War Crimes against God,
a God NOT loved by zionist American Nazis. And a Son
as powerful as the four winds, ridiculed by Zionists,
and American know nothings, for the continued debasement
of YOUR soul worth here dying.

Israel Attacks Iran News Station

Why does not Iran DEMAND arrests, and death sentences
for these blatant war crimes against Humanity committed
by Amerikan Nazi Israeli Zionists? Along with the
perpetrators of 911? WHYWHYWHYWHY. Russians! Can you
help US out?



Rise up for Justice American Christian, or
die innocent victim the Son of God does say.


Pictures of Alex Jones masturbating
"we were right about it all."

It's the NWO! The Illuminati! Not Bush, Cheney,
Neocons Gone Wild, or any of many other REAL
criminals, for the war criminals are just
puppets to his EVIL fictions. Forget about
Bush escaping.. Socialists who design traffic
lights, and Liberals who will to share fairly are
Alex's enemy, because he's fearful the FACTS
would escape his denouncements against truth
tellers. George Noory, one of the most despicable
individuals on the face of our great Earth
- is exactly the kinda guy he wants returned
to send his wannabe Patriots nowhere but to die.
What about Justice America? The bushmob doctored
the NIE. TREASON. There is video of iron flowing
like water from the towers, seconds prior to
the collapse. Alex ain't there to help US, for
that is where TRUE Patriots fight for real
Justice. When WE phone with indisputable facts,
on Ron Paul the bush whore sell-out for example,
he lies to all (GOD), then hangs up on US. Is
that the kinda freedom you think the Founding
Fathers had in mind to give Your rights to
speak for Alex who blames anyone but the
criminals directly responsible for your
funeral? The private banker never covers our
loans, so why give them trillions without
questions offered without answered as, never
mentioned by the guy who is 'right all along
on everything under the sun', and.. he 'rules
the Ocean of truth' too don't you know YOU have
a steak going all rotten to hell here also?
You'd think Alex would take our call just for
the challenge on where we stand? I'm free!

He is not. And George Noory tells us openly, he's
into killing innocent kids for profit. George's
profit is that apparently, by murdering all
children in around the age of 15, will stop them
from getting a clue at anytime in the future,
to take him out as an ENEMY of EVERYONE for
censoring our cries for Justice. Why is it that
Alex would invite obstructionist, Steve Quail,
or Alan Watt, on to lead you nowhere while they
jerk off, but where we gotta go to actually defend
ourselves? Steve has been on with Noory more
than a hundred times, and, we'd figure, Alex will
soon be delving into the Alien questions also.
Answerable by me in seconds, but ahhh.. like Noory,
doesn't want the truth of such a subject uttered,
just endless streams of illiterate bushite dumfuk
losers sucking on each other. While they wrest
from US the wonder; just why we can't stop
criminals from robbing ourselves, while murdering
our families? Alex wants to blame the unstoppable
NWO, while I, want to blame those actually
responsible, like Bush and the proven treasonous,
Neocon terorist liars who are pro-torture.
With arrest warrants. All of them. I'll do it for
Reagan's, War Crimes Act, as an act of respect
for my Great America, that's isn't always been
dying dead wrong under the leaderships of

Israel hits Gaza after UN truce resolution

/ / AP Israel and Hamas responded to a UN peace
demand by hammering away at each other with bombs \ \

The IDF's Hamas is hammering away with what at who?
Is the AP referring to the tin can rockets that
travel usually several miles, but in one case,
22 miles? To kill a Jew standing outside in his
yard, thinking on how he would defeat true evil in
his time? Tin can rockets that contain no explosive
charge? Have no mistake, if it hits you in the head,
your dead, but really, what do you think the odds
are on that? E=mc². Or is this another, amerikan
past time, of, who cares for the facts, we are at
war with God and Christ now? Joe is an American Zionist
"Plumber", who has amassed a multi-million dollar
fortune in the competitive industry by shit eating.
Every bushite death is a mercy given to God in defense
of all that is right and Just in this Universe. A
lawless bushite enemy wars America as a traitor to
escape the neocons from the crimes of 911.

1. The ISI's General, Mahmoud Ahmad funded 911's Atta

2. We have video of iron flowing like water from the towers

Now or Never - One Peoples Rise to Power

J. Wizard "The fact that Bush gave you zero evidence can not be

Bushite Enemies of Liberty in America Continue With War Crimes Against Humanity
2009-06-09 20:23:17 UTC
/ / I hate bushite nazi grunters who desecrate the
American flag with their tortures and raping, their
indiscriminate bombings and thieving from our great
Human species. \ \

Dumfuk Grunt "Duh, why are we here to kill
good people needlessly so the bushmob back home can
further rob our undefended families bro? Bro?"

1. The ISI's General, Mahmoud Ahmad funded 911's Atta

2. We have video of iron flowing like water from the towers

Understand: Iraq played no part in 911, yet, American
nazi grunts have indiscriminately bombed easily more
than a million innocent souls, while cheering "whore
yeah", for the demons of CNN who only smile over such
ungodly treachery. To torture, to rape, to thieve
from America, left undefended for further corporate

Demand I be allowed to speak freely for open debate
in America on the Coast to Coast radio networks.

Bushite liars are the true enemies of God and Man

Bush "International law? I better call my lawyer."


When a bushite is halted, the innocent of Humanity
cry a relief for the saved lives of their next
targeted victims. A bushite is a thief who remains
silent over American Women raped by KBR, or Afghan
Women by the collocated lawless dope dealing forces
of demonic tyranny they support with "American"
firepower. An Ungodly bushite is a first degree
child murderer who supports THOUGHTLESSLY dropping
5000 pound bombs on our populated cities to enrich
the pro-torture Zionist neocon mastermind criminals
responsible directly for the escape of those who
committed 911 in New York City - a place where
Americans were mass murdered as the forsaken
for stolen profits, all in praise for the antichrist enemy
of History, Our Mr. bush Jr. and Co.. (Bush closed
911 investigations immediately after the crimes
occurred according to the FBI.)

Senior Military Sources Confirm Rape and Sodomy At Abu Ghraib

Obama Openly Protecting Child Raping Torturers

/ / [Obama] ..says that stories regarding the
contents of the photographs are false. \ \ But,
they DO show war criminals who plan with the
Neocon and Obama to escape their rightful death
sentences under the fair Laws of President
Reagan. We mean, why do you want to torture
with rape an innocent man women or child to
death, as 'lawless' bushite enemies proudly
claim, of FoxNews fans for instance? Why? But
for to threaten Humanity with child killer
O'Really and the Cheney family for the
unlawful escape of the Neocons who actually,
on purposes widely published, did America
wrong with deliberate lies regarding the
crimes of 911 - Bush and Cheney immediately
closed 911 investigations according to the
FBI and Senator Daschle - documented ungodly
traitors to Humanity. My Humanity, Your Humanity,
Our Humanity.


/ / There can no longer be any doubt that the
Cheney / Bush administration not only lied to the
American people about WMD's and Torture but lied
to and obstructed the 9/11 commission during its
investigation of 9/11. \ \


Leading Democrats: Congress, Senate Owned And Run By Bankers

Private bankers DO NOT cover our loans. Demand
I be respected for my simple wisdom, by asking
the Coast to coast radio demons liars allow me to
challenge anyone on Earth who could mistakenly
disagree with me; because the Internet does tell,
I am without challenge. Without challenge but for
censorship by the NWOers, like AJ, who insist anyone
but those directly responsible for criminal actions
should be targeted. Builderburg? How about Bush
closing 911 investigations. CFR? Condi sent 7 million
land mines that were dropped on innocent Jews for
mass murder in Lebanon. Liberals? Repugger right
wing nazi fascists are evil to God and Humanity
almost exclusively, for, General Ahmad funded Atta.
And.. as a point of documented fact: Ron Paul is
not qualified as a con and a thief. Nor is Alex
'shoot innocent Americans in the back and call
it Liberty' Jones. A half honest newsman, but clearly
does not have the just leadership skills not to
divide US, the innocent masses against ourselves
for NWOer tyranny. AJ is the NWO he says WE must
fear blinded. He hears NO ONE be allotted as
known: Ron Paul won the Republican leadership
convention. AJ does what FoxNews does in fear
of wiser people speaking when they 'forbid'
America to know also: Bush never won an election,
and closed 911 investigations to sacrifice innocent
Americans for stolen profit. Alex is still, by far,
a greater man than 99% of the rest in pains USA.
At least his blunders are far an few between,
like us all, we can seem as idiots defending
ridiculousness in a hypno stupor, however, this
communications business of open communications
with the Universal constants of Freedom through
Just causes is something we have the answers for.
It's just some, for what ever absent of the facts
reasons, refuse Justice calling. Well, .. and
that's where I fit in: King Johnny. Actually for
real. Boo! I CAN EXPLAIN EVERYTHING!!! Hate me do you
because you can’t find a single word of mine you
could ever possibly disagree with? haeh this would
have made for a great comedy if it wasn't for all
the senseless tragedy. Censorship is the tool of
ungodly tyranny. I, as the Son to God willingly
destroy the popular tyrannies practiced by bushite,
to allow YOU to publicly critique my genius you have
near no hope of ever conceiving. Bankers DO NOT cover
our loans for example, where Americans react with
little more than a ‘so’?.

(Reminder for all you NWOers: Alex Jones was on
FoxNews and refused to say, 'Bush closed 911
investigations, so, do we want to get the bad
guys or no?')

24,000 Architects at SF AIA Convention Come Face to Face With 9/11

Obama Tortures Our Wills to Believe Him


/ / Obama administration is continuing to use a
notorious military police unit at Guantanamo that
regularly brutalizes unarmed prisoners, including
gang-beating them, breaking their bones, gouging
their eyes and dousing them with chemicals. \ \

Who's freedom are the lawless bushite winning to
sacrifice ourselves further as the innocent for?
Don't look for bad guys cause? cause?? FCkME!?
..me, .. This is just a repeat broadcast of our
similar glorious Loves: Bush closed 911
investigations immediately according to the FBI
and Senator Daschle. Why? Because WE learned that
the MASS MURDER of Americans was funded in "secret"
by the bushmobster, General Ahmad. The EVIL
Neocons are making their escape! America is
ACTUALLY dying all because "American" men are
nothing of the sort. Cowards is what they are,
straight across the board, cowards who refuse to
demand Justice in our names. Likely crime minded
over the hopes that they too! can profit off the
loss of stolen homes and pensions, dreams an wisdom.

No evidence? Person innocent. No? fuk you an die
then Life spade. I did too. I hate bushite nazi
grunters who desecrate the American flag with their
tortures and raping, their indiscriminate bombings
and thieving from our great Human species. All
done to cowardly sacrifice themselves for the
escape of those who truly did Johnny wrong on 911:
the guilty of treason, "lawless" bushmob shysters
of evil incarnate. Enemies of every real Jew
standing, including too, the Man of men as Son
to God.

I never lie if I can help it, for why does a half
honest man really need to? Enuf to say, 'we know
things', if you catch my meanings. Read on to be
truly amazed, or fluff this John off as a reject
to a greatness once in your presence, but way
beyond your immediate grasping as literal
to save yourself in time. Cons lie because they're
dumb or evil, just like near ever single talentless
Republican extortionist - the corporate fasci
socialist sell-out of the public for private bankster
lootings, playing along with the "opposition"
the phony mute Libertarians, with several Democrats
too waiting to cash in with the full pensions, plus
garnered fringe benefits - are - as all that is
holding Back America from truly defending herself!
Demand "JUSTICE FOR AMERICA", so spoke, Johnny Love.

Invite me up to California, and we'll talk about
getting back the billions in stolen revenues
taken by Enron criminally as one possibly among
bankers and banking, bailouts and lootings.
isn't that special...
ahhoakey - Later.

"[Patriotic American] Army deserter deported from Canada, now in U.S.

This is a for real war crime. Why? there was/is
no cause for the Iraq war. Truly. Example: why
bomb if you can go anywhere without delay? To
only murder innocent People INCLUDING SOLDIERS,
done as thieves do from ourselves in praise of
enriching lawless war criminals in tyranny, is
what any rational person comes to understand
if they survive the godless demonic tirades of
bushite in American bombers indiscriminately
bombing millions of defenseless innocent people
in praise of Christ. See? There is only so much
bullshit God can take, before he has to send a
Johnny Wizard down here to settle some scores.

KBR/Haliburton [AMERICAN] Worker Raped, Locked in Shipping Container

Lavena Johnson Was Raped and Murdered: Then the [BUSHITE ENEMY] Army
Covered It Up


'And God Doth spoke to the Angels and Thus Said,
"Do not make me look evil and dumb to my one
great Love." We Am Better Than This I Say!
..to willingly Treat another so unfairly?
in the presence of the great almighty Johnny?
Holding innocent prisoners without charge,
is the crime of kidnapping. Never forget the
torture. Severe punishments are already
firmly established on the books for these well
documented crimes that continue to deny
ourselves the freedom we deserve.. achem,
im just sayin' that's all..

When we, God and Humanity destroy bushite grunts
with the Law of evidence being the pre-requisite, we
win against bushites who willingly war God for rape,
torture, and enslavement of our species. To defeat
the 'lawless' bushite, you save the innocent lives
of their next targeted victims. Our innocent selves.
Bushites are cowardly as they are Evil. Just like a
McCainiac, but slower.

The Real Meaning of Allowing Guilty Pleas and Death Penalty Without
Trial for Alleged 9/11 Plotters


/ / But tell US Marc, how is it better to bomb Iraq people to rid
ourselves of WMD, than it is currently to go anywhere unfettered? How
is it possible to improve a scenario that is as open as possible
already? How will American soldiers eating bullets improve the search
and disarm technique? What ever happened to evidence being a
requirement to convince US who is evil? Oh yeah, bush as the American
cop killing antiChrist doesn't like American principles. \ \

These words from the greatest Patriot that will
ever live.. Why? Because these are timeless reasons
of freedom to form an actual conclusion. Corporate America
is conning American teens for death by criminal sacrifice,
and American GIs are TRUE cowards for not speaking freely
for a just cause. Nope. They are told not to read from
the internet freely, and they jump to salute the enemy,
with a, "Yes sir." Cowardly enemies of American liberty
who refuse to demand the arrests of those responsible for 911.

Cheney's Chief Assassin Is Now Obama's Commander in Afghanistan

/ / The bizarre thing about making this a "he said/she said"
issue is that we already know for a fact that the CIA lied to
Pelosi about the torture.

Marcy Wheeler points out that (as she's been reporting for
weeks,) we already have documentary evidence that "when the
CIA briefed Pelosi and Goss on September 4, 2002, it told
them that waterboarding was not being employed."

Yet this was in fact a lie. Because we also know from Lawrence
Wilkerson that the CIA had been engaging in waterboarding
since at least February of that same year. As Marcy observes:

While we can't be sure of the date when Cheney started
ordering people to be waterboarded even after they were
compliant, we know this order had to have occurred before
February 22, 2002--because that's when al-Libi first
reported on ties between Iraq and al Qaeda. \ \

This is incredible beyond current comprehension on how
wicked evil these bushmob traitors are as still 'escaping'.
We need Johnny for Coast to Coast Radio Hosting, as open
communications on the needs of Justice winning for
everybody. Bush and Cheney closed 911 investigations
designed since the dawn of time to nab the actual bad guys.
Bushites are evil people who lie to steal our rights
to Justice practiced as freedom willed. Let's change that.

"Obama Joins the Cover-Up."

"Obama Trades Our Principles For Cheneyism."

Media Ignores Real Controversy Behind Torture Photos; They Show Prison
Guards Raping Children

U.S.: Afghan militants using white phosphorus

Is the bushite torturing rapist, the nazi fascist
enemy, suggesting that to criminally act with such lawless
murders, should warrant death by American firing squads?
Christ says YES! For, the FALSE ACCUSING bushite within
the Air Forces, who routinely drop radio-active laced bombs
or landmines in the millions indiscriminately from our god
forsaken skies, are called American Heroes 'earning' a
welfare pension in the corporate news lexicon as do gooders.
Escaping the traitor neocon by flying above a third world
country, on the brink of starvation, dropping bombs on
anyone seen near a building, that of which were near all
targeted. They dropped a massive MOAB on Kabal if you
remember after "secretly" flying out the Taliban to a
safe location, or killing them off for supporting REAL
Justice in America by demanding evidence to form a
conclusion. Christ hates the bushite lying nazi grunting
enemy of true Liberty in a free to speak Universe of
wonder most spectacular... but right, we don't care,

Bank of America accuses JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs of cheating on
stress test

This is big news asked the King of the
Universe to himself - as robbed the respect
he so rightly deserved in the land of the
damned by criminal greed.

Our Humanity is under attack.

"1300 Girls Harmed by HPV Vaccines; Paralysis and Epilepsy"

And remember this total is no where near what
the total actually is with continuing such
attacks against our better judgements. Done with
corporate propaganda steared to mislead all US
viewers of these 'unknown' regions. (You and me
as the seriously concerned going without real
scientific representation). I have only near
a fog of understanding what I am listening on
TV broadcasts as important to not fight for
explaining Bankers DON'T EVEN COVER OUR LOANS!
Or, Bush closing 911 investigations near immediately
according to the FBI and Senator Dacshle. Why?
Because WE had found out that the mass murder
of Americans was financed by the bushmobster
General Ahmad. The General who was there with
the bushmob two days prior to 911 finalizing
their invasion of Afghanistan plan for Enron.

/ / Read of the bushite in my America who call this work
of Satanic enemies, a good thing they support to
war terrorism for the sadistically evil liars of the
neocon. Then KNOW my friends, a bushite is the enemy
of every living soul on this planet. Have no love for
those in the Air Force, the enemies of Man who bomb
our families without excuse, but to know, they hate
US as Christ to speak free for Humanity. That DEMON
George Noory was so happy last night about all the
good the bankers AND CHENEY are doing for their hatred
they spoke of for all Russians. SEE? not to protect
America, but to kill you with their true commitment
to the demonization of innocent people, all to escape
the neocon terrorists. \ \


Americans Torture to Intentionally Extract False Confessions


/ / al-Libi just "committed suicide" in Libya.
Interestingly, several U.S. lawyers working
with tortured detainees were attempting to get
the Libyan government to allow them to
interview al-Libi....

[...] the Bush Administration used torture to
intentionally extract false confessions
linking Al Qaeda (and 9/11) to Iraq, to give
Bush a false "casus belli" to invade Iraq. \ \

Reminder: These actions against our innocent
Humanity, perpetrated on order by the Bushmob
false accusers are highly criminal, as ungodly
being really evil. And as a consequence, the
bad guys are still trying to make their escape.
Bushite torturers do not support following the
crime scene leads at the real murder scenes
because they are godless nazi enemies of America,
sadists who deserve to die by public jury, before
another innocent victim is made to confess of a
crime left 'offically' truly un-prosecuted.

Done to escape the neocon zionist enemies of
God and Man responsible for the crimes of 911.
Bush closed 911 investigations according to the
FBI and Senator Daschle who spoke on the issue
with the late Tim Russert on MSNBC's Meet the
Press. Hi! My name is Johnny! Vying for NEW!
Host of the Coast to Coast Radio Networks. Vote
Early and Vote Often!!

G. W. Bush "Money trumps peace.."

Bushite ENEMY Dismisses Karzai Demand to Halt Indiscriminate Bombing



Bushite Enemies of Liberty in America Continue
With War Crimes Against God and Humanity

U.S. Used White Phosphorous in Afghanistan

Afghan girl's burns show horror of chemical strike

Gates Balks at Demand to End Indiscriminate Afghan Airstrikes



Oprah Winfrey exposes Satanic Jewish practices

/ / Oprah Winfrey recorded a shocking interview
of a 29 year old Jewish woman who stated that
her family, and many other Jewish families
throughout the USA, routinely practiced Satanic
rituals in which incest, human sacrifice and
cannibalism occur. \ \

King Johnny's "Nazi Israel"
(note: History has changed since then)

Gaza 2009 - Operation Cast Lead

Again, they are Satanic here because
they THREAT to tell you, yeah, Zionists
are casting the leads for the real mass
murder scenes - Justice denied Humanity.
God doesn't exist to defend yourselves
from war criminals for Satan.

God will fuck you up!

WTC 911 Secret Bush-Clinton-Federal Reserve Accounts Revealed

/ / the massive New York state financial derivative
Ponzi Scheme, but is now centered on money laundry,
and possible funding of alleged terrorists in Pakistan. \ \


Military to Run State Schools


/ / The Armed Forces will be drafted in to
run state schools under plans to drive up
discipline and respect in classrooms. \ \

This is un-acceptable. Lawless bushite vermin
who cowardly remain silent over 911, are traitors
to the cause every soldier has ever died for.
Thieves and rapists walk freely among their
ranks without mankind present to support
the arrest of who actually did US wrong,
refusing US to follow the criminal leads at the
real mass murder scenes. Bush and Cheney closed
criminal investigations immediately upon we
learning, the money man for 911 was bushmobster,
General Ahmad. And frankly, bin Laden has
nothing to do with most our TV news celebs
being evil assholes. Johnny Law for NEW! Coast
to Coast Host! Vote early, and vote often!!


/ / US Defence Secretary Robert Gates yesterday in Kabul,
that the Taliban might have killed people with grenades
because they did not pay an opium tax is not supported \ \

For this, American men will try and execute with
joy, Robert Gates, and his terrorists in the Air Forces.
Gates, in our world can not state such lies in the
face of the fact that the DEA confirms, Gates and his
bushite crews are dealing heroin into America today,
while refusing to hunt bushite rapists of American
Women down for rights defended. KBR. While the Taliban,
as religious fundamentalists, believe selling heroin
to enslave American children is ungodly. The Taliban
also made the crime of rape, a serious offense
warranting as much as death. "Lawless" bushite grunters
are the enemy of Humanity, who war God for the escape of
the neocons for 911. remember: Bush closed 911
investigations near immediately according to the FBI
and Senator Dacshle. Why? Because WE had found out that
the mass murder of Americans was financed by the
bushmobster General Ahmad. The General who was there
with the bushmob two days prior to 911 finalizing
their invasion of Afghanistan plan for Enron.

/ / Colonel Greg Julian, a spokesman for US forces in
Afghanistan, said that the Taliban had used civilian
positions as cover for attacks on US and coalition troops. \ \

Death to Colonel Greg Julian for conning teen grunts
without a sliver of evidence to form our free thinking
minds. Countless videos are on youtube documenting the
first degree murders of countless Peoples, well in the
millions, bombed indiscriminately with radio-active toxic
waste. Completely innocent human beings. Bill the traitor
Gates for refusing to support Justice for America, or don't
and die more ungodly American sons and daughters to the
cowardice that they express in refusing to honorably
defend. Justice for all. Die bushite die.

the zionist bushite enemy forces

/ / After it was revealed by the Plaid Cymru MP Adam Price
that British trained policemen had tortured prisoners to death
with drills, we discovered, through the New York Times (!!),
that American intelligence officers had been working alongside
them at the Jamiyat police station \ \

Death to the bushite,
death to the sworn 'lawless' Zionist enemies of
Man who target our 'defenseless' innocent children
for murder, or torture, or rape. Death to the
bushites of KBR who 'escape' raping American Women,
and charge grunts more than $100.00 per small bag
of laundry. Death to the bushites of the Air
Force that routinely bomb our families
indiscriminately with radio-active toxic
waste for the neocon lying thieves to Life. Bill
a bushite nazi grunting robber, for Justice is God.



"The Devil" Peres to America: No choice but to compare Iran to Nazis

/ / "World has no choice?" Sounds like Israel is
making threats here!

How is Iran like Nazi Germany?

Iran isn't invading other countries (the way Israel
keeps doing), indeed Iran hasn't invaded anyone for
200 years.

Does Iran have an ethnic minority forced to starve
in a giant open air modern day "Warsaw Ghetto",
like Israel does? \ \

And Israeli are openly into actually targeting JEWS
for murder to profit themselves for, as they did by
breaking the truce, and by bombing Jewish centers
in Lebanon - God's Truth. Satanic as Ungodly enemies
of everybody according to the Holy Bible as a matter
of fact. (Hi! My name is Johnny.)


CODEPINK Interrupts Israeli President at AIPAC Conference

/ / AIPAC's policies lobbied to Congress that include unconditional
support and financing for Israel's militaristic policies including the
recent devastating invasion of Gaza, building of illegal settlements
in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, the separation wall, refusal to
negotiate with the Palestinians' democratically elected
representatives, and threats to attack Iran. \ \

How is this not treasonous to play America's
part for sacrifice - is as to, obey without
question? In who's vetoed authority? 'Hands
Up!' What about championing equal rights for
all in our name we proclaim naturally? Where
evidence is the prerequisite on whether or
not we believe in something or another as a
cause worth dying for. AIPAC directors are
accessories to mass murder of ourselves as
the innocent targeted, they do for stolen
profits. Zionist leeches of the great
Jewish Faiths. Ungodly as is criminal so Doth
proclaim, The LORD, in the scriptures about
Satan's minions, and Johnny by whenning here:
LOOK : Nazi Israeli admit to breaking the truce
they put their word to. They false accuse the
innocent routinely, while stealing our homes
from ourselves at gun point, claiming God's
will not our own. Unfairly. Ourselves as the
left undefended victims paying extortions to
war criminals. Let US win one for everybody
by putting the war mongering enemies of God
and Man in their proper place. In a prison cell
awaiting public trial plastered wall to wall
as a good thing to shoot for as really
truly happening starting here and now, for the
betterments of all, what are we waiting for?.
the sky to fall again? Whaduyahsaie?

Torture Was Used to Try to Link Saddam with 9/11

Death is what these crimes warrant under standing American law.



/ / Yes! AIPAC is Sellebrating May Day at its
annual Traitors Conference that opens this Sunday
under the theme of “Selling Out America is Fun
for the Whole Tribe!” \ \

These be murderous traitors of demonic order, enemies
of Justice, enemies of Life.



/ / The grisly [BUSHITE RAPIST] crime was
initially blamed on insurgents -- "This is
what happens when you harbor terrorists," \ \

Enemies of every female, and do American "men"
have the manhood to defend their own
Women from bushite rapists by simply lifting
their phones to demand open dialog for Justice?
They refuse as lifeless nazi scums. Bush closed 911
investigations and what does Americans really
care for? KBR are raping American women, and
the "men" of America only can chorus how greatly
fantastic Ron Paul and George Noory the demon
liar are, providing cover with censorship for the
godless cowards who refuse Justice to win the
freedoms of themselves.

Johnny for NEW! Coast to Coast radio host!

Truth commission to proceed despite Obama’s wishes

"We need to be able to read the page before we turn the page."

We is Me and Keemosabbi

A Johnny Wizard Free for ALL



It Will Be No Defense To Say, I Was Just Following Orders Says Bush

Lawless bushite nazi scum will be brought down
by the fullest extent of our laws. Prosecutions
to the bushite torturers and KBR rapists, the
indiscriminate Air Force bombers of school
districts, the enemies of America who war
Humanity for the escape of the neocon zionists
responsible for mass murder in God's country.

Johnny Law for NEW! Coast to Coast radio Host!
Vote early, and vote often!

"Rebuilding America's Defenses"

"advanced forms of biological warfare that can
target specific genotypes may transform biological
warfare from the realm of terror to a politically
useful tool"

Profit from mass murdering Humanity as the most
sinister of Satanic war criminals in History.

Do Not Take A Swine Flu Vaccine!

[..given by a treasonously blind McCainiac bush
whore of evilness. An un-American corporate snoozer,
a LIAR, protected by censorship of Humanity's call
for Science as Justice Supreme. A godless liar
worthy a life term prison sentence in our courts
of Thee - done before Ourselves, the innocent
they con for more 'profitable' deaths to escape
the likes of a zionist neocon betrayer to Life]

Vaccines contain poisons on purposes to hurt you.
The PROVEN fact here is that, without DOUBT,
Mercury causes brain damage one hundred percent
of the time.

Support our rise to popular acclaim to defend
ourselves from the criminally insane.

Deadly 1957 Strain of Flu Is Found in Lab-Test Kits

/ / The rush action, recommended by the World Health
Organization of the United Nations, was prompted by
a slim risk that the samples could start a global
flu epidemic. \ \

These demons know full well they are directly
responsible. The science is well understood
that these godless savage enemies of Creation
promote next year's Influenza strain, of which
they are 100 percent correct every year on the
random mutations that they profit financially
from. Every year but for the one year where the
vaccines were destroyed by fire before they
could target for murder countless thousands as
someone like Yourself.


9/11 “Mastermind” Falsely Confessed to Crimes He Didn’t Commit

/ / If one of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s major
confessions (Pearl murder) was false, why
should we believe his confession about 9/11? \ \

Yeah like, where is the evidence these
traitors refuse to provide US in mutual
respect for ourselves actually defended?

Example: how did KSM get the military
explosives in without anyone seeing?, while
the place was a wash with bushite scum
retro-fitting for sumtin 'secretly' special?
"Secretly" = they told US they destroyed
the official records as conduct good enough
for a conviction on conspiracy to escape
mass murdering in, Hood Inc. America (ns).

No honor among thieves who feed off the
cowardice of the American citizens refusing
to stand for the cause of Man. Justice for
911. bush closed police investigations.
treason. Live with Justice demanded, for
many were murdered unjustly - For stolen,
ill gotten gains representing true losses
of innocent Life. Your life. Die bushite die.

Justice for All.

Former Chief Accountant for the SEC: Bernanke and Paulson Broke the
Law and Should be Prosecuted


Port Authority: Records For WTC Renovation Work Destroyed On 9/11

High Treason, hohum.


US rejects an Israeli demand

"Israel expects the Palestinians to first
recognise Israel as a Jewish state before
talking about two states for two peoples,"

We refuse to believe a real Jewish state, is a
state that is inherently, a godless nation
of war criminals without an ounce of Love
for Justice as G-D's true will for Humanity.

Nazi Israeli admit breaking the truce.


SEE? Zionists are TRUE Satanic enemies of God
and Man, as so written in the Holy bible.


Obama "... nothing will be gained by spending
our time and energy laying blame for the past."

No Justice whatsoever?

What about American women raped by KBR? Oh yeah,
right. Women’s Rights are of no concern of bushite
nazi grunts who instead, have murdered more than
700 innocent people with the predator drone
strikes as exampled, with a total of 17 "Al-Qeada"
kills. According to YOUTUBE "Al-Qeada" = men who
look like they might have been carrying a gun.

(Maybe they, as the Taliban, were defending women
from rapists, a task that no TV politico as
"American" expresses for urgent concern, regarding
the American Womens victimized by unarrested KBR
rapists/employees of 'The NWO Freedom Force'. An
American worker paid for, private military campaign
that bombs Our Humanity indiscriminately, routinely
as FOR SURE sadistically evil Satanic war criminals,
the enemy of each and every one. Robbing US blind with
as BOASTED!, a belligerent ignorance on the simplest
precepts of Justice; such as evidence to actually
convince ourselves of something. McCainiacs are evil
stupid people of History's worst example for false
accusations. To near never apply our skills of
communicating to seek greater understandings, but
to divide our/itself as a bigot false accuser not
qualified to hold such a position in complete
disregard for the worth of it's 'viewer ship'. US,
the Audience. "News Professionals" are $tealing
our center stages selling a contemptible self
censorship on OUR Reality, FACTS readily reachable
to make present as considering, but systematically,
fully ignored as Legitimate. Like We don't count
for anything. A contempt for YOUR LIFE that could
never naturally stand without minimally, constant
ridicule, if the truth were ever known far wised,
instead of blind sided. Our Media, OUR media must
demand actual evidence to convince ourselves who
is who here. False capital accusers, particularly
in the American and Israeli military, must be
challenged publicly for facts on still, blindly
targeting our beloved families for capital murder.
Done all to better our circumstances against these
bad guy war criminals who as such, like the McCainiac,
refuse to target KBR rapists and/or, the torturers
in CACI, 'Al-Qeada' as AEGIS, SAS as Cop killers,
or Blackwater for mass murder of absolutely anyone.
"It's a turkey shoot!" Death to the bushite scumbags
who refuse US evidence to form our guilty verdicts,
death to the 'lawless' Zionist enemies of God and
America who falsely believe they will escape our
wrath against themselves as the sworn enemy.

That is why these monsters of mass murder and banker
mayhem refuse our open calls for Justice as willing.
A smart man or women might make some sense of this
dire predicament to remind ourselves of why Justice
wins for the betterments of all.

O'Reilly: "Torture, My Ass"

Bill O'Really and his brew deny the self respect
we deserve of equal privilege standing. His excuses
for being so ignorant, is his selling point!, and
that's why he is so honored in America with a multi-
million dollar salary. ? You decide; is that fair?
(Reminder for all you NWOers: Alex Jones was on
FoxNews and refused to say, 'Bush closed 911
investigations, so, do we want to get the bad guys or

"John McCain says 9-11 terrorists came from Canada"

I HATE McCainiac enemies of Life, that lie cheat
and steal from our Humanity to escape the neocon
traitors responsible for the crimes of mass murder
in america on 911.

Imagine these nazi grunts 'policing' cities in
America to escape the neocon for 911.. oh yeah..
they are. A nation of cowards too cowardly to even

raise their phones, never mind their voices
against national demon broadcaster George Noory.

Fed Shrouding $2 Trillion in Bank Loans in ‘Secrecy,’ Suit Says

Who's money is it secretly hiding from? Demand
justice. The crime of Extortion, along with
massive frauds in 'secretly' doling the TARP
funds, CRIMINAL frauds that demand real
leadership publicly open to committing
ourselves to fairness for all victims.

Johnny Law for NEW! Coast to Coast Radio Host!
Vote early, and vote often!


Unnatural Acts: No Place for Mercy from Happy TV News Celebs

/ / Having stopped the torture, the Oregon
soldiers asked for further orders: what should
they do now? The request was relayed up far up
the chain of command, and the answer came back
from on high: Go away – and give the prisoners
[including young children and women] back to
the [sadist, pro "lawless" McCainiac BUSHITE
grunting demon dumfuk] men who were torturing
them. \ \



bright light on where our TARP bailout money is going

Media damning Americans. This is a CRIMINAL fraud,
A THEFT OF BILLIONS. They fraudulently (MEANS
ILLEGAL] misrepresented the American Public,
aka 'God' to steal our money. "Officially",
"Democratically" left undefended for further
plunders. Nothing on YouTube, CrooksandLiars,
a Prison Planet?, you decide. Your Humanity
too dumb to care for supporting Johnny for NEW!
Coast to Coast radio host? Don't appreciate
the brilliantly wise as Just do you really?

Why do we still refuse to support this call
for freedom? Justice.

What is doubt? who cares to love God with all
of everything you are? Is to love America, to
watch it fall undefended for plunder? God's
will is to be Just for the benefit of all,
support this call for demanding open national
debate over the bushite liars who war to escape
those TRULY responsible for mass murder in my

King Johnny


9 scientists prove traces of explosives in dust from World Trade

This is the point.


Just We Rule

Niels Harrit, on nano-thermite in the WTC dust

On TV: Nano-thermite Behind Collapse of WTC Buildings on 9/11, Not

Obama DOJ Ignoring Evidence of Thermite from WTC

/ / Just how deep is America’s reserve of
dismissal and denial? \ \

They'll sacrifice their own teen sons and
daughters to escape the 911 terrorist
traitors, before demanding wiser men or
women being allowed to speak openly on
Justice for all Coast to Coast. How difficult
is it for "Americans" to raise their phones?
To post a concern, or to send an email?
..and to think: they call themselves Human
with Fox News hosts, hosting our Innocent
Humanity for more capital murders all to
further their stolen bounties in happiness?

Make YOUSELF known.


King Johnny Calls In to Talk Radio in America


These calls are just a small random grouping
of call-ins I've done in these last two
weeks in America. They don't include some
of the many longer, in-depth interviews,
that I have greatly appreciated doing, that
I may distribute some time later, if the will
exists in our forsaken, who cares? dying


Stop Spending Our Future - The Crisis


King Johnny for NEW! Coast to Coast radio host.
Vote early and vote often !!!

/ / When does this stop?

When you, America, are tired of being ripped off
and demand that it stop. \ \

They are committing
the criminal act of extortion, and frauds
aplenty costing our ransom payments that include
many stolen homes. THEN - double whammy - The
TARP funds too! have been taken through fraud as
reported on MSNBC: 60 cents for every dollar
spent on buying a "dollar's worth" of toxic
debt. Easily convictable, (plus, we'd be able
to recover our loses) if we could only find the
common will to lift our telephone receivers, to
speak up for communicating: Real freedom is found
within Justice for ourselves. Who am I? No my
friend, who are you


"Now, if you listen to Hannity's show, if you
listen to Savage; you listen to Limbaugh, it's
almost like Alex Jones is hosting the show."

See? No justice as advocated with evidence
to form an allegation, makes Alex, and his
NWOers, look the same as the Hannity repugger
traitors daily. Bermas actually claimed a few
days ago that Ron Paul's dishonestly on 911,
Iraq, Russia, banking, and so on is actually
"cunning" to sell out America that way.. I would
ask him and his fellow NWOer cultists, is it
because, Mr. Ron "what Constitution?" Paul,
can con more money from the dying American
suckers that way?

AJ 'Lou Dobbs is legitimate"

What about the MURDER VICTIMS
of 911? Afghanistan? Iraq? Palestine? Haiti?
Somalia? South Ossetia~!!1!!

The bushmob doctored
the NIE. Conned Congress, and Soldiers. Did 911,
by closing criminal FBI investigations immediately.
Alex and George don't seem to want US to know
these FACTS that demand arrests of the culprits
responsible for high treason against Johnny's
America. Alex wants your money, and EVIL George,
our enemy, wants your soul stolen for Satan.

Ron Paul the THIEF "We Need More Earmarks!"

Alex Jones "We got the truth on our side"


HOUSE OF CARDS Causes of Economic Crises

So many crimes, so little time...

don't forget though..
the banksters do not cover our loans.
So why are many, who do near nothing for
anyone, actual trillioniare pirates? Because
YOUR an idiot for refusing to support
these calls for open debate to save ourselves.
DEMAND Coast to Coast demonic hosts who LIE
to con teen grunts for death through fraud,
support open dialog for real Justice in
America, or don't and further suffer the
consequences,.. of near complete inaction.
Leastly, pick up your lucky phone nazi
Americans to air some concern for the lives
forsaken due your personal re-action. Mr.
Bush closed 911 investigations!, designed
since the dawn of time, to nab the actual
bad guys.


Magic Thermite and the 9/11 Fairytale.




It Is Here! The Banned SNL Skit Cannot Hide From Louie

Hey, no prob. Obama needs only say, "it was
all perfectly legal". And pro-war crime magic TV
smilers say oh happy days. Like demon enemy
George Noory.

WE are greater in every way as true freedom fighters
to expose the evidence of probable causes for high
crimes of ungodly treason. Circumstantials are near
as far as he ever goes, and when near never mentioning
video of iron flowing like water, or as never
has, Condi's "TOP SECRET" 911 plan to invade
Afghanistan for Enron, it is only in passing as
just insignificant not worth discussing as real
empowerment to the People. He doesn't want that,
because a mankind like me or you committed to
equality under the Law might be allotted a space to
speak freely for Justice. Real Justice. Grant US
five minutes on Coast to Coast over those lying
demon enemies of Life why don't you just try?

Israeli T-Shirts Mock Gaza Killing of Innocent Children

Again, they are ungodly thieving enemies of LIFE.
Not lovers of God, but Satanic as most certainly
deserve to be gassed as war criminals, after a
fair public trial of our peers. They broke the truce,
then targeted innocent children for mass murder.
They are enemies of every single innocent Human
being breathing. They publicly hold contempt for
Hillel, the Founder of Judaism. Being an actual
Jew, the zionist Israeli despise as sadistic mass
murdering thieves of Creation. They openly STEAL
Peoples homes there don't you know.

Where, or how does
a bankster "Lose" trillions?, when they covet
every last quarter penny? JPMorgan has currently
more than a trillion dollars in capital, so why pay
out as a tax payer 9.9 trillion on hopes to bolster
loans? They trade worthless derivitives, (CNBC's
"House of Cards") then pay themselves in YOUR
pension money as commissions. A sub-prime scam where
they trick a family into re-finance on the promise
of lowering payments, then bamb! double YOUR
payments to steal the house they put ZERO down for,
is a criminal fraud. But, whores of Obama hear him
state, "it is all perfectly legal", and that's all
they need to placate our screams for real Justice.
Our America is dying for the false accusing
demon LIAR, Trillioniare Zionist Banksters.

King Johnny for open line Coast to Coast
radio Host - Vote early, and vote often!


Christ the Jew=Elite Globalist

Alex Jones is confronted with a mirror false accuser

/ / AJ is not into connecting.

He is making money by spreading fear and
paralyzing people \ \

Alex, my friend, don't lose the cool.

Why do we need to rely on anything
but a fair sounded argument? Look at me: my
word's would suffice in dialog with US, the
Public, if America would demand we speak
openly on Coast to Coast with the facts of
criminality present in tyranny - all with only
needs to drop threats of fists-in-cuffs
against war criminals for public trial. I've
never threatened charm against anyone but
zionist torturers, mercenaries, and those
"Christian" soldiers who kidnapped young
barefooted Iraqi children and hurt them as
the innocent on video tape as sexual deviant
fascist nazis who 'believe' they are lawlessly
un-accountable to God and Man. You have to
be one serious un-arrested SOB before I'll
talk of cage.. well.. there you go. It really
doesn't help OUR cause to be a tough guy
against another wanting open dialog for
Justice. ? right? All for open national
debate in America, raise you voices! Or
don't and fall the consequences of further
ignoring my freedom call for liberation.

King Johnny

The "9/11 Missing Links" trap..

/ / The "Jews" started the 9/11 Truth
Movement....(?) Oh, that's rich! \ \

Look, blaming "Jews" would include innocent
persons, oh like.. Christ. A Zionist though,
states openly the will to TARGET for robbery,
or first degree mass murder, innocent
children, as corporately acceptable being
Satanic enemies of God and man. Remember:
Israeli ACTUALLY targeted Jews in northern
Lebanon with 7,000,000 land-mines. And Condi..
is near the biggest, documented war criminal
of history, and she's a .. .well.. a war
criminal who pre-planned 911 with her "TOP
SECRET" plan to invade Afghanistan for Enron.
If she was "Jewish" or otherwise, she'd still
be found a war criminal who pre-planned.. blablah


/ / Dr. Condi was very smart when she declared
at the outset of the most brutal Israeli war on
Gaza that it was the Palestinian side which
is held responsible for violating the six
-month truce. \ \

She lies, Innocent Christians die.


Geithner's Toxic Debt Plan So Good,
Citi and BofA Can't Wait to Get Started

/ / We're paying enormous amounts to free them
from their toxic assets, and they buy more? \ \

Raise your hands: who's in for continuing this
way without themselves present as accounted for?

Did you know: this latest bailout of AIG, is
the FIFTH given from the public as still not
accounted for either? Once, their idiots, twice,
your the idiot, three, We, the Idiot. Five times?
is to be somewhere past what was once factored
as purely theoretical.

(fOo|x)*5 - the irrational expression on how dumb
the public can succumb, before dreaming something
even dumber, is beyond the possible.

Holy man.

King Johnny for open line Coast to Coast
radio Host - Vote early, and vote often!


Nader: Seven Steps the Obama Admin is NOT Taking to Fix the Banking
Crash, Why Not?



Notice 12 versions - which one is right God
asks the religious in slanged broken English?


UN: Israel broke six-month truce in Gaza


Again, understand, Israeli NAZIS murdered 239
Police Officers who were just trying to defend
our families. The NAZIS also specifically targeted
innocent women and children for mass murder as
CHILDREN - then stated it was pro-zionist Hamas'
fault. Please, allow the godly men and women of
Humanity to speak freely in America, as open
speech dedicated to a freedom currently dying
as enslaved at the hands of the neoconner
corporate whores.

U.S. partner, not Hamas, firing rockets into Israel



Your buying "TOXIC ASSETS" wake the kucf up

I DEMAND yourselves open lines for remedy through
understanding, or don't and listen further for the
demon to openly lie cheat and steal from your life.
The bankers, who are ready to accept another trillion
dollars plus from giving Americans don't cover our
loans - they don't. Before the bailouts started, 99
percent of everybody stated it was dumb to bailout
bankers who's only job is to take our cash for free
as it was. George Noory, the demon who states Laden
did 911, and openly champions murdering innocent Peoples
with war crimes for stolen cash profit doesn't believe he
has a problem with staying happy with America's demise,.
American! You had better speak louder than the Coast to
Coast radio hosts who refuse real Justice to prevail, for
it is now YOUR lives on the line, not just US innocent
Iraqis or Afghans, or the made illiterate nazi teen
grunts of the Air Force who bomb Our Humanity
indiscriminately routinely without apology as the ungodly.

I want Justice, and I want it now for all the victims
of 911. Americans be damned, we want Justice, and We
want it Now.

Barack Obama Pimps the Bailouts on Jay Leno | 2 of 3 | 3-19-2009

'It was all perfectly legal."

No it wasn't. and besides, the private bankers
don't cover our loans. We need to work for
open communications Coast to Coast to remedy
a workable solution through factually based
dialog. Rush Limbaugh need not apply, but he
can if he wills to garner ourselves some
cheating splats streaking repeatedly as cheap
slap stick Johnny style. Rush said yesterday
that stealing trillions from suckered America
is free market capitalism as a prime example.
Again We defeat Limbaugh's COMMI lies in
SECONDS. The entertainment would be
illuminatingly useful while the actual intelligent
men and women of Humanity fairly work our
way though this to a better world. Justice
for all.

Ben Stein on Larry King, said something
near this in reference to bailing out
these trillion dollar frauds: 'it's called
extortion, and somebody out there needs
to insist on understanding that that means,
it's hugely illegal, but Congress has
forgotten you have some dying rights here,
but, they can still call in our forces for
Justice, if America wills it.'

Guess what? We might might be the only
peoples on Earth to realize the
significance of Mr. Stein's factually
based stance on this issue of yours.


/ / Indeed, emails show that the rating service
employees knew they were acting fraudulently \ \

Did we forget that fraud is not only costly, but
illegal as well? I don't believe so for me,
what say you any Peoples, with an ounce of
integrity to publicly insist on Justice winning?
These trillioniares have negligently managed
to dereviate us into holding empty money bags that
contained our once great wealths. Now, after
stating they "LOST" our money, somehow thereby
that means we 'grant' them to lose Trillions MORE!
into their own private pockets, from the Public
as unaccounted for further, (CNN, CBC,
FoxNews BBC, New York Times, and the rest of
the news professionals SUCK) leaving "us" claiming
we now owe them even bigger than ever. We're not
joking about having a serious communications, hot
button issue going un-addressed for questioning
their/OUR continuing failures. Johnny's Quest to
Host the Coast to Coast Radio Networks is Coming
Soon! Go on the Ready.. Justice We Will!

A.I.G. Sues U.S. for Return of $306 Million in Tax
Payments, Some Involving Tax Deals in Offshore Havens
- Uses Taxpayer Money to Pursue the Lawsuit



Torture Revealed Yet Again

How can America continue to remain silent
on these murderous treasons of God and Man?
I don't think we can.


Cheney: Don't blame Bush team for economic woes

NWOer Jones: Don't blame Bush the decider

blame the CFR, IMF, Builderburg, Trilaterals,
the Masons, gays, liberals, socialists, wiser
women, wiser men, all without evidence to form
an actual warrant for arrest to defend ourselves?

How can Alex state Bush ain't worth American accountability
because Obama is oh so much worse? If Bush can do
911 and torture without Alex getting his panties in a bunch,
how is it that Obama can enrage him for dare increasing
the non-existent tax on those who "earn" 250,000 or
more in the lawless 'free market', as a stupid evil
ignorant dweeb of a man fearful that America will awaken
without his restrictions on our measurements? A Patriot?.
Can you believe Norris states a problem with a capital
gains tax? Do you People have any idea on how truly
wicked evil that is? ANY? Hedgers have cleared as
much as a trillion dollars personally screwing with
our businesses by nickel and dooming everything, and
with BUSH, have paid zero income taxes on such insane
cash withdrawals. While you as an American worker, who
actually works for a living, have paid your 'necessary'
taxes, and will continue to be forced to comply
further laboring, all to pay for the likes of Presidente
Chuck Norris, and his deeply proud ignorances on Economics,
Justice, Maths, and Religion. Like fellow multi
(b?)millionaire Ron Paul, who claims no call for Constitutional
protections available for demanding the arrest of Bush
and Cheney for high treasons, including the documented
actions of mass murder in America on 911. Never mind the
millions of INNOCENT bombing victims by the bushite nazi
savages of the amerikan air forces Ron states died as
an American police action. HEY! Bush wasn't even elected
and Norris with Alex Jones cares what for defending
American Liberty? Alex WILL continue to sell America out
with George Noory for more money. How much money does
America need pay Alex before he will allow the knowledge
of Bush closing police investigations on 911? How many
to die at the hands of censor Alex, who claims George Noory
is anything but the demon enemy he boasts daily with
his continuing lies to con the teen grunts further for
deaths? How much to allow Americans know the Iraq war has
no cause to still die America for we ask??????????????????

/ / Obama: US Can Detain Americans Indefinitely
Without Charge \ \

Err.. no we can't, for that would be criminal.

Bonus & Retention Payments for AIG Crooks

/ / has been paid out to trading partners such as
banks and municipalities in the U.S. and abroad."

Think about that: billions in US taxpayer money
was transferred to foreign banks! No one even
asks how shipping cash outside of the country
will help the US credit market or the economy.
And isn't that what the bail out was all about? \ \

Wow. We are too dumb to continue without shame
for our failures to demand some inter-national
accountability. How to? George Noory doesn't have the
right to play us further for death in tyranny, with
his continuing refusal to allow US speak
freely on the evidence that directly implicates
Bush and Cheney for high treasons. For bankers
that do not cover our loans. (So why pay them for
nothing but a blind hope they'll lend some back at
high interest?) Water? Food? "Who agrees on sodium
fluoride in our drinking water - let's talk"?
I WOULD ask as the NEW! Coast to Coast Radio Host.

/ / Goldman Sachs, which paid out a company record
$11B in pay and bonuses after grabbing $10B
from taxpayers. \ \



Iraq dossier emails ‘devastating’

They knew they were CONNING us for murder.


"450 MILLION in AIG Bonuses to be paid,
not the reported 150 million"

Groups Request Special Prosecutor for Bush, Cheney, et alia

Ratings Agencies "Sold Their Soul"
Joining Wall Street and the Government


Bush Whores of Evil are Enemies of American Freedom


/ / 'No one is above the law, except the Bush
administration. Oh, and dissent is patriotic --
unless I disagree with you. \ \

Chuck Norris “Ron Paul was Right”

On pot okay, but on what else? 911? the Iraq war crimes
of liar Bush? Banking? Social Security? Health Care?
Freedom? Trade? Rights? The Republic? We don't think so,
and Norris ain't talking honorably to defend our rights,
because we know, he's a total sell out dysfunctional
illiterate loser to the military complex beyond his
reconin'. He'll kill any American teen with an
un-constitutional con to make the ungodly lawless
zionist enemy traitors richer as unholy thieves, just
as long as we don't make him out to be the COWARD he
is, still warring for the French to oppress The innocent
Peoples of Vietnam. I mean really, where is his
apology on targeting millions of innocent women
and children for mass murder as a Satanic LIAR? WHERE?

Headzup: Glenn Beck's "We Surround Them" Cult

Chuck Norris, The Illiterate Baffoon, 2009:

/ / "Texas has yet to learn submission to any
oppression, come from what source it may."

That's actually not true. They drink Dr Pepper here.
Dhimmi Peppers, I call 'em. Dang, now I'm on President
Chuck's enemies list. \ \

Texas? The State that openly rapes children without
arrests? Texas? The State that released a first
degree murderer without charge, while executing men
not guilty of anything, AS ALLEGED? blahblahblah.

What does Norris know of American freedom?, of
liberty? Squat, for he is widely recognized as a
dysfunctional illiterate who's made that claim
proudly for decades. Again, Alex is 'hiding' his
refusal to stand for American freedom with the facts
he has apparently completely forgotten of, facts
against the Neocon bushite lying nazi traitors of
CRIMINALITY. Condi's plan for Afghanistan is the
probable cause for the crimes of 911 going
un-addressed as officially planned. Bush closed 911
investigations immediately then claimed if we tried
to form our own conclusions, we would all be the
terrorists for it. (Bush gave zero basis to form
his therefore FALSE allegation as the for real evil
incarnate Antichrist enemy of Man) Alex doesn't want
American families to know this INDISPUTABLE godly
truth from the actual Son of Man. For YOU to consider
freely for open discussion to win every challenge we
will for the defense of real liberty. Alex can't have
this for US because, he'll look as weak and dumb as
he TRULY is to freedom's actual call, a place where
our evidence speaks for itself, as the Public
empowered with Justice Willed in All.

(I called NWOer Jason and told him he should learn of the
fact that the Bushmob doctored the NIE on Iraq as an
act of treason to con teen grunts for death, and he
instead of thinking as a free man would, hung up on me
calling US all just jealous of his success! over the
needless deaths of American soldiers!! - 'besides Bush
is just a puppet'. A victim of Alex's very real 'mind
control' to not be a free minded Patriot, but blindly
a whore for the escape of the Neocon traitors of Satan.
Reminder: I along with several other real patriots had
this case sewn up Dec 2001 - a time where Jason was
rooted lawlessly for killing innocent Afghans. However,
at least he's almost trying.. THINK: The loosechange
crews have never, that I know of, never been even
invited on Coast to Coast for a fast ten minutes to be
quickly discarded as the most popular truthers on the
face of this planet. Alex Jones has no problem with that,
in FACT, he'll as he alway has, spew endless praise for
the demon continuing as he always has a godless traitor.
Truthers! don't let this go to your head, for it can make
you no greater, with risks that you will cull yourself
further away as Alex has, (or Venom) that you know better
than everybody else on all things, for, YOUR A BIGOT, and
the billions of People here are all "Liberals" fighting
to be treated fairly, or "Socialists" who know traffic
lights prevent congestion, and save Peoples lives.)

Laden is innocent of setting the Thermate in the towers,
and George Noory the cheat, our enemy, the censor, is a
demon lying traitor, who on purpose, tries to mislead
EVERY listener with his betrayal to the cause of any
soldier who has ever served for a cause worth mentioning.
As dying for. So many people have been murdered and the
demon can only express his happiness for our continuing
downfalls left undefended by freedom practiced. Look out!
here comes Bigfoot for the 52,000th time. Who is it this
"American" who claims George Noory the traitor is anything
else but? SEE? I want open dialog, Alex, the repug coward,
the bigot, wants the tyranny of censorship to escape Bush
and the Neocons for the provable crimes of 911 in New York
City where thousands of Americans were murdered. MURDERED.
Bush closed investigations. WHAT IS IT THAT YOU CAN'T
FIGURE HERE? Demand open communications above the NWOer
shills of GCN rolling in millions donated by the dying,
who bark against REAL Patriots, 'Bush and Cheney are just
puppets' for directly being criminally complicit for mass
murder in MY America. Who am I to speak such truths? The
one and only, King Johnny.

Canadian Activists and Lawyers United for Justice:

Canada must bar or prosecute Bush for torture,
and mass murder. For he is a war criminal who
lied that Saddam wouldn't let our inspectors in.
And, with Cheney, closed 911 FBI investigations
before we were finished nabbing the actual
suspects for mass murder - that's a no-no where
we're from. See? I'm a strict Constitutionalist.

Canada must bar or prosecute Bush for torture

/ / The law says foreign nationals who have committed
war crimes or crimes against humanity, including
torture, are “inadmissible” to Canada. \ \

We are being spoon-fed stupid again...

/ / Moreover, defying President Obama's ruling
putting a halt on all Gitmo military commissions,
the judge on the case not only accepted this filing,
but also released it to the public. \ \

Cofer Black admits to torturing KSM for years,
to get him to confess to near 50 terror events
spanning 20 plus years, TERRORIST CRIMES, that
Cofer has highlighted for US as still incomplete.

Obama Doesn't Have The Right - Just Like Bush Didn't Either


March 12 - 2009
Alex Jones "Liberals think Obama is God."

A younger, wiser
Alex Jones 'we gotta get beyond the left wing
right wing dichotomy'

Again, he constantly works to DIVIDE the
innocent masses, to escape the Neocon
bushmobsters for mass murder on 911.

CNN says Ron Paul charged with earmarking for his district

Read the comments, and then know: Libertarians
have like near zero understanding of their own
mindlessness evil doings. How difficult is it
to spend ten minutes reading what an earmark/rider
is? It is a criminal theft is what it is. Ron
states the system is corrupt, so he's just doing
what corrupted politicians do. Thousands of
earmarks totaling billions and billions will go
completely unaccounted for, that you as a Libertarian
sucker NWOer pays for blindly. Nobody in America
is allowed to know where the money is going, unless,
you PERSONALLY go down to some hidden office in D.C.,
without recording equipment blahblahblah..
CNN has lightly covered this issue a year or
two ago. But see? Libertarians can't be bothered
to read..

The scariest thing about it, is that nobody even
cares enough at GCN to phone in and call them
qwackers! No, like OPENLY fascist ENEMY George
Noory, near an endless stream on how bright to
fellow anarchists they pronounce to be, as being,
corporate nazi whores, whores silent to war crime
offenses committed in America's stolen name.

FBI Believed that Bombs Used on 9/11

/ / Indeed, the FBI told a reporter for
USA Today that FBI agents believed there
were bombs in the Twin Towers. \ \

Awesome. Where is CNN and CBC here? Is
this an issue of life and death or no?
Who are they to judge OUR lives unworthy
of defense? I am King Johnny. Support my
demands for open communications above the
NWO shills who bark Bush and the Neocons
must be allowed to escape our Public

A caller asked Alex what's up with
his non-existent call for Justice,
and Alex responded that Ron Paul NOW
supports the arrest of Bernake. Boy,
we'll all have to look out for that,
considering Ron thinks teen grunts are
dying in Iraq as a police action, not
to rob and kill America for war crimes,
escaping the Neocon. AND, Ron of course
does not support arresting Bush for
treason as a liar that Saddam wouldn't
let the inspectors in.. Ooops, that's
forbidden the mind control 'experts'
of the NWOers.

Michael-Hudson.com - A REAL Economist

kucinich.us - A REAL Politician

Look, anyone in government who doesn't support
Kucinich's bill where the FR has to be accountable
to the American Public, is a treasonous scoundrel
who wants to sell out American interests for more
Criminal sacrifices. THINK: they took the bailout
money for THEMSELVES!

SuperNews! - A Night with Ann Coulter

Ann is like these NWOers some what eh?
Anything to escape Bush and the Neocons for
the mass murder of Americans. Ann actually sounds
near identical to Alex's excuses for attacking
Liberals, Socialists, gays, do gooders, anybody
he'll demonize to divide our voices for Justice
against the guilty parties of 911. (he's even
recently said some derogatory words against
the equality of Women's rights if you can believe
it!) Condi however, he has near never even
metioned but for to quickly pass! The 911 witch
who ordered not only the killing of Americans
for the criminal Neocon plan of plunder through
the mindless grunts of the military, who
lied daily about Iraq's wmds, but also, was
the sole person responsible for ordering seven
million land mines to be dropped on Jews in
Lebanon. 1441. When has Alex in his entire carreer
expressed interest in defending Palestinians
from indiscriminate slaughter supported by
Repuggers and Dems alike as Proxies for Satanic
godless war crimer Israeli? Is it because it
isn't popular to defend an innocent other in
Guns for brains Texas where rapists walk free
and innocent men are put to death without a
whisper of concern from the Chuck Norris' of
that world? Alex actually stated that the sound
of the bullets going into the backs of those
two innocent Americans was 'the sound of
Liberty'. Or, in other words, has Alex
supported arresting all AIPAC members as
accsessories to mass murder and blatant
treasons against the good old red white and
blue? Of course not, but demands he is US
fairly.. how so bro?

Mossad linked to 9/11 attacks: Report

Justice we will.

Four largest TARP recipients spent billions

/ / The Goldman Sachs Group, which received $10
billion in TARP funds at the end of October, saw
fit to spend $2 billion earlier in the year on the
repurchase of company stock, which resulted in
an increase in company share price. \ \

Now, are YOU still going to refuse to demand the
Coast to Coast radio network stop working to
kill Americans for evil stupidity through the tyranny of
censorship, and instead, allow open communications
where John can host for dialog? Again, GCNLive will,
as largely bigots, will mimic daily what ALL "liberals",
or "Socialists", 'think' as fascist Commies - blindly
being derogatory to divide our innocent masses, OUR
WILLS, to start arrests with the traitors Bush and
Cheney - for PROVABLE crimes such as MASS MURDER on
911 by simply closing outstanding investigations.
The NWOers are the 'unstoppable' NWO, who they claim,
we can not bring formal warrants against ourselves.
The Iraq war is a needless war crime of dead
people that has no need to be, (why bomb
where you can go anywhere without delay)
a crime that all GCN hosts currently will forbid
communicating such knowledge to defend the
lives of sacrificing teen grunts. Why does not
America demand Coast to Coast allow the evidence
of 911 being ACTUALLY orchestrated from Condi's
office with her pre-invasion of Afghanistan plan for
Enron, (as so reported by MSNBC.) be openly aired
for grievance? Who's freedom does the NWOers defend
by blaming without needs for forming probable cause?
People who blame other INNOCENT people with labels
concocted from the broken minds of bigots? Again,
the bartender from the "CFR", isn't guilty like Condi
from the "CFR".

Wake up people, we are under attack by those
who refuse US Justice to win Freedom for anyone.

Johnny for NEW! Coast to Coast radio Host!



Fed to Taxpayers: Up Yours! -- Insists on Hiding Bailout Data

Who cares in America? All the bushwhores like
Alex Jones love George Noory for forbidding open
communications in America, while championing wars
against US as innocent folks all to further escape
the TRAITOR neocon LIAR war mongers for the crimes
of mass murder on 911. George Noory HATES America
to have Justice where a man like me could explain
the errors of a bushite's lawless ways in seconds,
and America can not be granted such wisdom to be
freely expressed where the good guys win. Sadist
Ron Paul wants to gut social programs blindly as
a corporate fascist, while claiming 911 was
committed by bin Laden - and, shockingly, (when
you consider the evidence available) that the
Iraq war crimes of rape, torture and mass murder,
are actually an American police action to defend
God's world - and Alex has ZERO problems with those
demon lies, and won't let ANYONE express the facts
on such History. To think that Alex insists he and
Ron Paul leads our "freedom" movement! Alex wants
to gun down innocent men in America as boasted,
afford this continuing deliberate ignorance of
Alex Jones and the bushwhores, still asking for
our dwindling money to fight for anything but
Justice? Who? How much will it cost America to
donate to Alex Jones to afford US the public
knowledge that the Iraq war is a war crime? Or
that we have video of iron flowing like water
from the towers? How much?

Bushwhoring Enemies of the American Police

What a demon enemy of life these bushwhore enemies
of American Liberty are eh? No concern whatsoever,
for all the teen soldiers conned to die for those
who committed 911 in NYC. The millions of bombing
victims, the tortures, the rapes of American women,
STILL, TO THIS DAY, left undefended by "the law".
Evil enemy of everyone these demon fuks are. How
difficult is it, to understand the facts they feign
complete blindness on? They WANT to con you as the
coward to life they are, willing to kill America to
make their antiChrist lawless enemy Mr. Bush happy.


'9/11 Conspiracy Theories Ridiculous' - Al Qaeda


Thom Hartmann - Swiftboating Social Security & Health Care Reform

The problem with America is they don't
realize how many great ideas come from
the one and only Thom Hartmann and Co..

Banks Use Your Bailout Funds As "MOB" Tax Havens

This is unreal to see America victimized to
die this way. They just refuse to raise their
phones to demand open communications on the
Coast to Coast radio networks to save
themselves. Justice will be done.


Emmylou Harris - LIVE - Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival

Doing "Get Up John" ~!


A Jew Speaks Out! - "All the answers are here."

'Israeli Military Attacks the Civilian Police Force'

Zionist Nazis CHOSEN for Public war crimes trials.
War crimes warranting death by Jewish firing squads.
Only Black Jews will be asked to pull the triggers
on the war criminals Convicted of mass murder. The
Zionist NAZIS confess to have broken the truce, to have
then targeted Christian School girls for deliberate
satanic mass murder against God ourselves, the Innocent.
Trying to have ourselves blame all Jews, instead of
the demonic zionist threat against Humanity. These be
not Jews who steal anothers home, but of that which
The LORD preaches. The Bible "I know the blasphemy of
them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the
synagogue of Satan."

REVEALED: 'There was no Cabinet debate in run-up to war,'

/ / The Government is refusing to release minutes
of Cabinet meetings before the Iraq War because
they would reveal there was no discussion on
the issue. \ \ Couldn't even be bothered with
pretending when the cameras were off? Lazy
nazi war criminals laughing at Humanity's
demise for sacrificing to the ungodly Zionist
LIAR gains of demonic origins..

Reminder: Peter Power did the 7/7 bombings


911 WTC7 CBS Breakthrough

Amazing News on Fox - 9/11 was an inside job told to troops

9/11: Impossible Speed & Impact -- Busted! Updated

Wizards of Money

The derivatives recordings sound fascinating.
I know the banksters don't cover our loans, fraud
from the get go, but these available estimates
going as high as into the tens of quadrillions
are a mathematical impossibility. But for the
the 'value' of something speculated with
OUR assets as truly worthless to be an "investment
vehicle" for our futures. (Like Hedge Funders.) The
"toxic assets" are the crime scene evidence of
monster fraud, where for the sales of paper
arbitrarily determined to be worth zillions,
they took the real deposits as commissions in
the trillions, just like a bookie does but
usually far more fairer. At least that is how
I see it with my limited knowledge on this one
particular scam of the Capitalist Free Market
System of Lawless Corruption Due a Failure in
Real Leadership. - worthless pieces of paper
America has paid trillions already as dahh..
LuCkY WinNaaAhhs. Do you People even know what
a Hedge Fund is? They hedge US out of the Markets
by nickel and dooming everything to undermine the
Market in it's entirety. And, some of these
people have "earned" as much as a trillion
dollars personally in the span of a short few
years under repuglicon misrule. Geniuses? Hardly.
What every Bookie does as a felony warranting
unjustly Life probably. They trade bets,
and take their cuts, paying themselves with the
money the private Investment banks hold, leaving
derivatives as balanced collateral, BUT, a
derivative can have no actual value. It can be
just the rules on how the cash will be divvied on
this next go-around with the suckered. As according
too, to a 60 Minutes spot on this very specific
issue. Now, the bushmob with Obama, CNN, FoxNews
and some of MSNBC have been issuing the blind
acceptance, that buying these "toxic assets" was
a better investment, than publicly challenging
ourselves on where all the actual money went? and
for wHaT?? Manufacturing has been purposefully
outsourced by the Bushmob as treasonous SABOTAGE,
while now, to make up for a small percentage of
the massive job losses, they, to FOOL YOU, include
those who flip burgers as the new Manufacturing Jobs
created to make the numBerts look not so bad - but
for Christ's sake, who even cares enough to demand
CNN to count our Lives as worthy an Ernie or Bert?
..besides, the Private Investment Fraudsters told
US already. Bonuses paid by Public Welfare in
the trillions to actual billionaires, with one CEO
bragging all he needed to do was fudge his books,
and he then immediately qualified himself for 272
million! IS FOR REAL. It was in the Washington
Post. No, nobody was arrested, yet, in fact, I
wouldn't doubt he's going to try for a second
Public Cash infusion to bolster his 'credit' that
you can't/don't/won't know: the magical Banksters
never even cover our loans YOU left for robbed
dead victims - So, needless to say, these new
Inter-National Trillioniares, that expect Ourselves
to pay them back for minimum fifty summed generations,
have been going on one hell of a shindig binge
of excessive excesses, but what about the continuing
"CRISIS" of PUBLIC Banking left undefended by
looting? Giving the banksters any public money is
totally crazy when we think aloud, but more?? is a
recognized crime in progress. Giving public money
to banksters to do what THEY will with our
investment is nuts okay? - even if they lent it
back, of which they have formally refused, but even
if they did, it would still be nuts because where
is the public's interest being defended where they
pocket privately by defrauding near all at 99
percent there also? It's like you EARNING a thousand
dollars, to then be told by the banker, he's
going to charge you a thousand dollars plus interest
for cashing YOUR check at the only bank available
for fifty miles. (Your car has been repo'ed.) Answers:
The depositor should be recognized as the shareholder
- and there should be no private interests existing
to take in between our exchanges for goods and
services. Banks need to be separate from the Casino
frauds which comprise much of what the Market is
today., and a tax for every buy and sell needs to
be re-introduced. Obama, and the Repugs want US to
religiously accept the broke Banker Buildings rule
our Reality by giving of ourselves blindly in huge
error. We can work it out. Ego must be chucked
- facts are facts - and Justice is measured as
Freedom is cherished. In other words: No evidence?
Person innocent. I rulez.

Trillionaires, whatyahfingureeh?

Johnny America for Coast to Coast Radio Host.


Fans Get Even With Riot Police


Autism & Vaccines: U.S. Court of Claims

The PROVEN fact here is that, without DOUBT,
Mercury causes brain damage one hundred percent
of the time.


Bird and Fortune - Subprime Crisis


Bobby Jindal Gives A Pathetic Speech

The 'lawless' Bush
administration DOCTORED the NIE on Iraq, while Bush
LIED repeatedly that, "Saddam wouldn't let the inspectors
in." Assisting in the escaping the TRAITORS responsible
for the crimes of 911. Bush closed FBI investigations.

/ / btw jindal was horrible...came across so
phony...but if that's how he really is...yikes! \ \

US repeating old Iran lies at UN



the banker does NOT cover our loans

/ / Alex Jones on Coast to Coast tonight to speak Bush the mass
murderer, is just a 'puppet' for lying that Saddam wouldn't let
the inspectors in WITHOUT CORRECTION \ \

He's a bushwhore. A soul who refuses others to actually
understand their own conclusions. It's all about Alex, and
not about Justice. Bush closed 911 investigations. He'll
go on and on about the new bank of banks their selling
against "all" as a diversion to understand, the
international private bankers have stolen trillions as
of late, and believe Alex and George ain't gonna let
Americans know: The banker does NOT cover our loans, and
even if they did, WHICH THEY DON"T, why give them our
own money to only hope that they will lend a small
back to ourselves at high interest? The derivatives are
crucial in understanding what is going on here, and Alex
is stuck in his bullshit, nwo crap, blinding him from
understanding how the scams went down. A derivative has
no real value, unlike ARGUABLY, everything else comprised
of 'free market' highjinx. It's like me selling you a
piece of paper with nothing special written on it, for
ten billion dollars. NOW; why would you do that? Because
the American suckers are on the hook for the loses because
Alex doesn't want smart people to speak. Steve Quail is
as real a demon enemy of God and man than anyone. "He talks
directly to God", and 'knows' consciousness can be
imprisoned into Military Intel. Comps., but doesn't know
Laden as falsely accused - delusional enemy of rational
thought denying, like Alex Jones, Justice and Truth.

Justice in The Gun State of Texas

Texas Prepares to Execute Man for Driving a Car Near Scene of Murder


Bushite Alex Jones "Obama is so much worst than Bush was"

So, don't arrest him for treason that murdered Americans?
Remember, Alex in eight years did everything he could to
not allow any to discuss BUSH'S crimes spree. Doctoring
the NIE?, prior plan from Condi? Or stealing 50 billion?
I could easily go on for paragraphs on DOCUMENTED CRIMINAL
ACTS - acts that Alex would not allow YOU to know need
defense to save the lives of innocent Americans.

60 Minutes: CIA Official Reveals Bush, Cheney, Rice Were Told Iraq Had

Patriotic American Navy Vet is tortured by bushite nazi grunts

Again, Reagan warrants death to all who torture, and
a deep hatred for all ungodly in America who support it.
Why? Because the vast American public (especially FoxNews
treasonous LYING enemies of The People) DO NOT have the
intellectual skill to understand what freedom is.
Justice. Look at me! they can't seem to talk for
Christ's interests, that smart ass know it all, where he
thinks he's so ingenious where no one on Earth can find
fault with his indisputable simple logic we share EQUALLY.
(Bankers don't cover our loans for example) Kill my kids,
my spouse, myself, before allowing John to speak openly
in the public on Coast to Coast for open debate, all of
Americans say in silence censored. Why does America continue
to die this way? Because bushites are truly as they claim,
stupidly ignorant as treasonous cowards, or as
prosecutable criminals, evil people who only want in this
world to rob or murder People indiscriminately as enemies
to Justice, enemies to GOD, a Criminal. NOT A JEW you fuks!
George Noory will tell you freely all about his hatred for
our Humanity, he does it near everyday, though People don't
have the ears to hear, or the care. Too scummy. That
remember! get American GIs murdered by the score with NO
REASON AS FOR. Example: why bomb more than a million
innocent souls indiscriminately in Iraq, if you have
complete unrestricted access to go where ever you will?
And, that Bush, Cheney, Condi and such, knew from day one,
Saddam had all the WMD destroyed as documented fully, as
did I. Documents that BUSH personally stole if you recall
not listening to Alex Jones, Foxnews, CNN, or the CBC.
err. maybe it was Bolton - s-t-o-l-e-n -.
Likely, as a likewise deeply ignorant person, you know
little of Life as principled for individual freedom, and
couldn't care less what this boundless Universe offers
all in reflection, instead, it all about what's in it
for you as a lying cheating thief to this mystery right?
Wanna be a lawless mercenary to murder innocent people
dreaming of becoming a private investment banker, who
never earns a dollar in their entire careers, taking
trillions undefended from Humanity just to see US
suffer to deaths for our continued silence. All you have
to do is raise your phone to demand justice in our times.
All Neocons must be arrested for public trial, along
with near every last member of the Bush Administration.
PUBLIC TRIAL. And Soldiers must learn quick a commander
who doesn't support getting those responsible by following
the crimes scene leads, is a commander deserving of an
immediate firing. Otherwise, what use is the grunt
good for eh?

Again, Ron Paul like near all Libertarians, does not
acknowledge the wanting of Justice for the high crimes
of Banker fraud, Iraq, or 911! He took the "Truther"
money, but refused to support the arrest of Bush for
treasons times 50. Social Security he wants to gut
like Health Care as a sadist who knows near nothing
on how such systems currently operate. Again, he
does not speak of recouping the STOLEN 1000s of
billions from America, or the lives. STOLEN. What
is it that you can't figure here? Fuk ego, FACTS.
We are all effected by suggestion, this is why,
since the dawn of time, evidence has been the
prerequisite to convince ourselves of anything.
Alex's cartoon storyboard, is truly, as measured,
Alex masturbating with our precious times. Think:
Alex doesn't ask Americans why they don't support
the arrest of Bush for high treason because a world
where all are treated equitably is beyond his
understanding as a bigot. He could change, but he
is 'light years ahead of the Public'.. but of what?
All you need do, is every time Alex says "they",
ask yourself, WHO? - then know: the bartender at
"Bilderberg", isn't as FOR SURE guilty of crimes as
Condi from "Builderberg" is. The 911 plan came from
her very desk according to MSNBC, never mentioned by
Alex Jones. Why? You have to be near genius like
me to explain it COMPLETELY without even seeing it.
NOT MAGIC, more like meditation through understanding
our universe is ruled by good ideas. Alex is a man,
a Good man mostly, with some fears countered with
an irrational aggression (not thought through) that
found him blindly supporting the murder of two
innocent men. Not freedom. while I, am of God. An
actual god. The Son of Man as a matter of fact.
I want to tell you how great Life could be, but i
see so very little of words present to survive the
lawless corporate state. I AGAIN, will ask YOU to
forward this post to two People, but will YOU??
Torture is outlawed by warranting Death under Reagan,
and.. it's like the best way to resolve a FoxNews
'excuse' given to illiterate nazi grunts to abuse
ourselves as innocent others. Tell me I'm wrong.
. . KBR rapes American women, or murders them,
and needs to be hunted down by All American military
forces for it, as trialled to death. Including all
commanders of the Air Forces responsible for bombing
our families without causes. And lastly, any that
discourage our grunts from not supporting the arrests
of those that actually did US wrong. Get to it.


9/11 - strange facts

Alex Jones on Coast To Coast AM with George Noory P2

"I'm light-years ahead of the general Public in knowledge"

/ / Yet, doesn't know a thing about Education,
Health Care, Social Security, Banking, or evidence
to form our guilty or innocent verdicts on which
war to fight for. And.. can't figure Bush guilty for
treason? Apparently yes, that dumb. \ \

A Den of Thieves - why give to private bankers
who don't cover loans you godless nazi savages?


/ / the firm for which the spouse of the
House Republican whip works has scarfed
up a couple of hundred million bucks in
the banking bailout. \ \

Private Banking Made Simple


Israeli Bombs inflict more pain on Gaza hospital


/ / Late last week, a federal court ruled that
there was no link between childhood vaccines
and Autism. But the legal conclusion is not
enough to erase many parents' concerns and
the debate continues. \ \ Mercury causes brain
damage as a neural-toxic heavy metal.

Alex Jones, "Liberals don't like Bush."for
mass murdering Humanity as never elected
demon enemy of God he means?

He tries to divide the freedom movement
away from Justice for ourselves.

Question for Alex Jones NWOers, wouldn't
God, if we existed, wouldn't God, push for
a one world government where all are treated
fairly through Justice practiced? Yes or no?

America! I am King Johnny.. I am from the Planet
Earth, I've come to share the knowledge of Justice
in our times on behalf of this, Our Future Great
Triumph over Evil.

/ / At 8:51, the flight [175] deviated from its
assigned altitude [31,000 feet - therefore cell
phones impossible], and a minute later New York
air traffic controllers began repeatedly and
unsuccessfully trying to contact it."

And one minute later at 8.52, Lee Hanson
receives a call from his son Peter. \ \

Couldn't have happened, as is why, these phony
"FBI" bushmobsters stole the recordings and
don't want the still dying victims to know
the truth of the Neocon traitors to God and
Justice. Cell phones are not capable of
paralaxing above likely a couple thousand.
Someone on Earth would likely know the near
exact scientifically measured distance as nothing
greater than a couple thousand, for why the
need to put towers all over our fair cities
then? 31,000 feet is a distance of miles!
Hint: 5,280 feet in a mile. 5.871212 miles
in fact. Drive out 5 miles from your nearest
cell phone tower, oh yeah, and don't forget
to bring a elevator like aluminum box to stand
in, moving 500 miles an hour, then ask yourself,
how dumb does a Repuglicon or Obamanaut take US
for as silenced to the tyranny of mass murder
in my America?


/ / Ted supposedly told CNN that she called him
collect. However; once a credit card is swiped,
you can begin using the phone to make calls.
So, no collect call would have been made. \ \
The allegation also has been debunked by
reported to be, Airline officials who stated
no public phones were even available on 177.
That seems near too far fetched, BUT!, GTE
Airphone reports DO SAY - zero call assists
were made on flight 177. ZERO. So, how then
does she make a collect call then, and why
if as claimed, Ted and Barbara were madly
in love, would she not know her hubby's
personal number?

Remember, Ted was the coke pusher's lawyer in
the Contra case, of which Ted, was also
assistant secretary to the Solicitor under
Reagan. The Contra group if you recall were/are
pushing crack cocaine into major cities for
plans to undermine the American government for
illegal wars against peaceful civilized life
as stolen profit. YOURS.


The Olson story would make for good horror
if it just wasn't so horrific. EVEN I'M
SPOOKED. Olson tells of a elaborate drama
where he learns, she without her pursed
cell-phone, has to call through the phone
records of the Justice Department. How did
he forget that fact when first pronouncing
of how she had phoned him from a cell-phone,
or, then from an airliner that didn't have
phones in the cheap seats, nor tear-gassed
upper-classes? The trouble here is that
a small cadre of bushmobsters keep hiding
the evidence on CNN, FoxNews and George Noory
implicating themselves at the crime scene,
as illegitimate "intelligent officers" -
we WANT to know our media voices the voices
of those who support defending ourselves from
the 911 war mongering terrorist enemies.
Evidence is the prerequisite.

Stephen Harper copies John Howard WORD FOR WORD

Widespread Suffering and Death

[CNN pulled this A. Cooper report off youtube - accessory]

Notice no one shoots at the blimp fire bombing the
entire neighborhoods. And if it's phosphorous, that
smoke is already deadly toxic. That is why it warrants
the Death Sentence under International Law when used
against OUR Humanity, as the most evil of Nazi War
Crimes ever.


Eyewitness to Shanksville Crash - It Was Not a 757

Fake 9/11 Call From Flight 93 Exposed!

responsible for releasing millions of American made land mine
cluster duds that will murder as TERRORISTS do,
indiscriminately for decades. Perez, the DEVIL, along with
corporate news zionists, hold those crimes deserve immediate
executions with targeted strikes against the purveyors of true
EVILNESS. Please I beg, give G-D mercy.


/ / According to U.S. intelligence sources, at the end of
June 2001, the FBI intercepted two phone calls from Grossman
in which he told the called parties to "stay away from
Brewster Jennings . [Plame's TP SCRT Cover to nab REAL
terrorist WMD proliferators by using GOOD policing freedom
skills - with logical arguments, warrants, and everything!] .
. they're the government . . . they're nothing but a
cover." One of the calls was to a Pakistani Inter Services
Intelligence (ISI) top agent in Washington. \ \

So, the ISI was warned by the White House clandestinely, in
June 2001, 'some do gooder cops are on the prowl defending our
interests, looking for REAL terrorists who jeopardize
Freedom's cause, so, you'd better watch out for America's will
power, US might get US, and boy, then we'd be in for one big
hell of a surprise!,. eh?. Are you still with me? Hello?
Is someone else on this line? ... Yyyou'll never catch me.'

Marc "Johnny America" Grossman "Any country that doesn't go
along with US will be paying a very heavy price."

CNN Admits 9-11 Inside Job

Patriot of Great Britain arrested for sending
"7/7 Ripple Effect" to judge and jury members

/ / Anthony John Hill, originally from Sheffield,
was arrested on Carrig Street in Kells this morning
on foot of a warrant issued by the authorities in

It is alleged he sent DVDs entitled "7/7 Ripple
Effect" to the jury, the judge and members of the
victims' families. \ \

All of Great Britain joins US in demanding
the "Judge" to face trial for death sentence.
Peter Power "did" the 7/7 bombings. Ask
Netanyahoo, he knows.


Report Of “People Planting Bombs” on 9/11

Why isn't Happy George Norry, Our Enemy, covering
this everyday as an important subject to defend
American life he holds truly in contempt?
Again, Alex Jones leaves every American to die
victim to his NWO, before he will acknowledge
TRUE evil in our world. George Noory, the evilest
ACTUAL Enemy of History, Alex claims is a good
guy for never allowing open discussion on 911,
Afghanistan, Iraq, and so on, without selling
his Zionist hate for our Humanity.
allowing the notion that he, and
his likewise cult, might just have something to
learn about evidence being a REQUIREMENT to prove
someone's guilt or innocence. His godless commitment
is to escape Bush, and his zionist media controllers
with excuses that don't hold water in any Court of
Thee. Alex refuses to allow Americans to know why
the Constitutional protections are there to defend
yourself, because if you did, you'd demand the
arrest of Bush for treason, and call Ron Paul a
sell out loser who pocketed the millions conned for
being Alex's loyal fans. Alex doesn't like this Truth
because he's gotta be leading Earth's "Truthers"
at the pinnacle of his spear as a liar, where all
of History, is one badly drawn Alex Jones cartoon.

I must be on crazy pills

/ / Well, why haven't the banks just returned
the money?... \ \

People who know they defeat all "Conservatives"
in seconds with indisputable simple logic, will
eventually rule the Universe, if CNN, CBC, and
Alex Jones allow open communications on what is
understood by all as high acts of treason openly
committed without a defense of smart people
explaining why/how we are being rooked as idiots
on purpose. Crazy man, crazy.

Oh, logic like, "Buying in bulk is cheaper."

"Army deserter deported from Canada, now in U.S. jail"

This is a for real war crime. Why? there was/is
no cause for the Iraq war. Truly. Example: why
bomb if you can go anywhere without delay? To
only murder innocent People INCLUDING SOLDIERS
to thieve from ourselves as war criminals is what
any rational person comes to understand. When you
destroy bushite grunts who war God for rape, torture,
and enslavement of our species, you save the
innocent lives of their next victims. To hunt
the godless bushite enemy, is to love Justice
as our glorious Humanity winning over the lawless
nazi grunts of the Third Infantry - who'll shoot
anybody, blindly as cowards, led by a Saudi, Buford
Blount. Their "leader" who left Iraqi's largest
weapons depot undefended for looting. Qaqaa. Killed
many a bushite nazi grunting lawless coward by his own
treasonous brand. And mumbling bushite nazi grunts have
what to say about American teens made valueless
victims for Neocon bounties? "whore yay" That's
about it..

Private Banking Made Simple

9/11: Total Proof That Bombs Were Planted In The Buildings!

VIEWS: 10,100,000

Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11



LETTERS NOW RELEASED PROVE-Bush Intervened-To Suppress Torture

This is called ungodly nazi war crimes against
innocent Human beings.

Obama Gets Tough to Shield Bush Torturers

Who does Obama think we are as 'United' together
on pro lawless torture against innocent 'others'?
Wake up people, we are under attack by those
who refuse US Justice to win Freedom for
anyone. "Conservative" retards are completely
lost here, because they do not have the
intellectual skills necessary to understand:
a person accused of a criminal offense without
any evidence is innocent. Or, how about, No one
deserves to be tortured for confessions on
crimes left then unresolved for actual
retribution. [Aegis OPENLY murders innocent
families for more American paying for zionist
monies - P2OG - YOUR Spouse, YOUR Child, YOUR

Following the crime scene leads of 911 to nab
the actual evil doers is beyond the will of the
deaf, dumb and blind? with lawlessness gaining
for monetary loses due America as corporate
cheaters. We are Brilliant, of that much I am
certain. Conservatives are minimally, idiots.


Israelis forced mother to choose which of her children would die

/ / the soldiers told her she had to choose five of
her children to “give as a gift to Israel.” As
she screamed in horror they repeated the demand
and told her she could choose or they would choose
for her. Then these soldiers murdered five of her
children in front of her. \ \

Funded by the American tax payers as a gift to
God as our stolen Humanity. Equal rights for all,
especially the Taliban's position in defense of
America, demanding evidence to form our guilty


Obama Accused of Blackmail over Terror Trial Evidence

Again, Obama is taking a position to torture innocent
people here as a traitor to Just cause. Just cause to
live in a free society. Torture warrants the death
penalty under American STANDING Law.

Video: Cop Punches Woman In Face Four Times During Arrest For Riding A

Top Cop Johnny Judge rules: Five years in prison.
Maybe fifteen if the dumfuk grunt, back from the
war against Iraqi children as a traitor to American
values, shows no remorse for his crimes against an
American women either. Absolutely any cop or soldier
who disagrees as true contempt for our freedoms with
punishment against this nazi trash pirating our
police uniform, WILL WARRANT death sentences all
around to ACTUALLY defend liberty in my America.
Any American father who prides in killing innocent
Iraqis for the escape of the neocons for 911 is no
father. And a wife should get the hell away from
a male who enjoys murdering helpless innocent others.
Children in such families should be challenged
by relatives through the Courts to save the lives
of our endangered offspring. Again, without water
or food, Iraqi children are murdered by Neoconner
grunts irrationally everyday with nothing to say,
aka, without reason but as Satanic Bush whores, to
make our God as Humanity suffer further for their
escapes as actually selling freely, lawless zionist

KILLING MORE OF THEM - reporting war crimes to the Police

Again, a bushite has no commitment to defend
America, for it speaks nothing for the arrest of
the neocon traitors. traitors like themselves whom
will murder innocent folks like your Self to steal
our common values. Wouldn't you glory in seeing
these savage grunts who on video, indiscriminately
shoot innocent families, or bomb a city entirely,
executed by Christian Patriot firing squads? or
televised to fry in the electric chair for these
documented war crimes? I sure would. It would make
our world a much safer place to raise a family
secure in knowing, bushite grunts as enemies of
everyone, were hunted to extinction for their
crimes against our Humanity. Hunted by Johnny Law,
the True Spirit of America.

Johnny Law for Coast to Coast radio Host!

yaahhh im a real person! Wow eh? Now,
let US bag some bushite scum for the Gipper.

UK judges accuse Obama Administration of suppressing torture claim

Yeah really. What kinda world does Obama take US
for here? Does he actually believe we hold no
interest in being attacked as ourselves, the
innocent forsaken? A reminder: an American was
executed under Iraqi law without any evidence
brought against the accused, while the grunts
were offered an excuse to seek not the culprits
at the terror scene. The case was lightly reviewed
at democracynow, a year or two ago, and can be
found by searching for a grunt pretending to be
an ambassador to Romania. A case where the Judge's
life was threatened by a "General", where if he
didn't order the death of the innocent American
citizen, the grunt with the General would murder
US all right then and there. The Innocent American
was murdered as forsaken for value shared by
free men. dying.



Hey! this stuff for cats and dogs looks pretty
coool. Check it out if your a pet lover!

Near Impossible to believe!

/ / "similar themes go through all our streams. And it all
comes back as Confucius says, "Do unto others, as you would
have them do unto you." And Christ said that, Hillel said
that, Buddha said that, everybody says that, cause that's all
it is. But bushite, he wants to accuse People of criminal
offenses without any evidence, and indiscriminately slaughter
everybody in countries, for no good reason but to be OUR


AG Holder-- First, Jail All Bush's Lawyers

For actual documented criminal actions against
American interests in defending ourselves from
indiscriminate robberies, tortures, or mass murder.

Israeli openly admitted that they targeted those
innocent Christian children for MURDER - as -
continuing "disproportionate" force in our names
as enemies of God and Humanity. They are not Jews,
but of the evilest group of lawless nazi savages
pirating the government of Israel away from US Jews.

Ceasefires, Israeli-Style

They admit TODAY, as yesterday, and last week, month,
year, decades, that they target completely innocent
people for murder to punish Humanity for believing
in God as Just, or real freedom understood as practiced.
Libertarian couldn't give a shit on a issue such as this,
that they keep everyone ignorant of through hypnosis. Israeli
openly admit to thieving innocent peoples homes, to them
be sent at gun point, to live in a concentration prison
death camp.

Americans Are Welcome In Israel

Jesus Christ in Islam


Yoo: Bush okayed torture to outwit defense lawyers

This is why it warrants the Death sentence. Remember
corporatist Amerikan citizen, these torture victims
that include children as younger than a hundred, had
not been alleged to have ever committed a crime in
their entire lives. Victims tortured to death for the
pleasures of those Satanic, such as General Geoffry
Miller, who tell US today as confidenced, they do it
because, patsy wasted American soldiers will just refuse
to hunt them down for formal executions. Let's change
this for our Humanity in this future, to look back,
and know, American males were men of the World, who
stood for the principles enshrined within every living
Constitution. A free man shall not be jailed, or
tortured by anyone in our names as Governed, without
the perpetrator tried publicly for execution as our
Love of real Justice. As first degree mass murderers
warranted death sentences under the War Crime Act
ushered by Reagan!, all done in for our protections
of their next innocent victim - ourselves. Or
die a death in corporate tyranny worthy the title,
cowardly traitors to God and Liberty. Blackwater,
CACI, AEGIS, KBR and the like will all be hunted to
extinction for refusing to quit their lawless Rape
and mass murder, murders done for more stolen money
as America's name high-jacked. The Lawless enemies
shall be prosecuted by the honorable Soldiers of
the Good old, Red White, and Blue. Count me at
our words on this, I am,

King Johnny


Ungodly Israeli Nazi LIARS Continue to Murder Children after "Truce"

Monkey Business


From years after the fact still demanding Justice now:

Huh? "at last been disarmed..." ? How does he figure?
The equation hasn't changed. Example: The same
unaccounted anthrax, (that was disintegrated into ash),
still is not able to be measured as completely accounted
for, (never could be), but this bushwhoring war crime
apologist, tells US, it was only though the lawless
murder of our good friends and family for countless
generations, that he now attests without reason, or
evidence, to find Iraq in "fact" disarmed of it's still
nowhere to be found, weapons of mass destruction. (An
irrational reason he pronounced previous in corporately
broacasted public support of instigating heinous war
crimes against our humanity under the leadership skills
of the evil lying demon antiChrist, our Mr. bush Jr..)

Ron Paul defeats 5 TV 'experts' in 10 minutes

Ron Paul is a traitor. They stole the cash Ron.
And, the Iraq war is a war crime. But Ron, the
Fascist, doesn't want THESE FACTS uttered. Why?
Because wiser men would prevail, wiser men like
me who understand buying in bulk is cheaper. Those
like Christ who understand, who KNOW, the banker
doesn't cover our loans - so why give them as much
as a taxed red penny?, let alone trillions as
officially unaccounted for? They are stealing the
cash Ron. Ask yourself: Why has Alex Jones
forbidden his bushwhore cult from understanding
Bush doctored the NIE?, or of iron flowing like
water from the towers? Because wiser men would
prevail and he can't have that. He called shooting
innocent men in the back, an act of liberty. I,
an actual god, unlike Alex, lie near never, but
maybe to myself when I'm lonely. Alex yes will
tell you rapists are free to do what they will
in Texas to American children, un-arrested, but
he won't mention it when the police chief is with
him on air, talking about how he'd like to be
exempt from traffic tickets for being so popular.
NO MENTION of the rapists walking away without
arrests made, no mention of Bush's documented
treasons on 911. Where are Alex's priorities?
In selling YOU out so he can be wealthy like a
bankster?, and have special rights over everyone
else that drives drunk, or speeds? a big hero
standing over our dead soldiers yelling, I told
you so, I told you so, I was right, I was right.
Again, understand: It is not by my will to deny
open debate with America, it is Alex, and his
demon buddy George Noory that denies out Humanity
this right. And when people try, like Peggy, or
Black men on Jewry, Alex lies cheats and steals
our wills for further thefts. Ron Paul's family has
millions taken from loyal Alex Jones fans. MILLIONS!
Does Ron do commercials with that money highlighting
the bushmob's plan to invade Afghanistan, dated two
days prior to 911 for Enron? Of course not, wiser men
would prevail to expose him as the charlatan charity
raider he is regarding Health Care, Social Security,
Public Schooling, earmarks.. It is unfair to measure
Ron against corporate nazi zionist whores of MSNBC who
willing, openly, kill American teen soldiers for
criminal neocon gains, as an honorable gentleman's
talk. Half honest People like Ron are extremely ignorant
on the workings of our world. EXTREMELY. I joke here not.
Evil is the deceived disguised - translated - evil
people are always dumb.

Corporate America says no, Charlie Manson was a genius,
but not, that most Americans are prone too easily to
suggestive states where they can be made to believe
anything blindly. Think: what does, "bin Laden did 911"
mean anyway? You should know of what I'm trying
to teach you here. That is how
Alex knowingly or otherwise, steals our rights, by
beating off he knows everything already. And some,
if not most, actually believe him without knowing
squat either. It's sooo easy that way - no study
required!! LIBERTARIAN HELL! Everything is not on
the Internet, where it near should be, but regardless,
a Libertarian can't be bothered to read anyway.

Justice to the war criminals of
indiscriminate warfare would better serve ourselves
to halt for our safety. The bushmob did 911.

1. The ISI's General, Mahmoud Ahmad funded 911's Atta

2. We have video of iron flowing like water from the towers

Humanity Under Attack by the Zionist Enemy of Life


Not only that but the BBC argued that to show
innocent Human Beings suffering, in CRITICAL
life threatening need of desperate food and
water that Israeli nazi stole, (because they are
unlawful murderous thieves), would have them look
like they were partial to serving Humanity's
interest in compassion for US humans. Over the
Israeli terror Nazi tactics of indiscriminate
slaughter for more Amerikan welfare. Wicked evil
nazi bastards who too, DO NOT THINK IT BEST to
report Peter Power committed the London bombing.,
Oh yeah, and mercury is neural toxic, anti-psychotics
make us crazy, and sodium fluoride makes us
stoopider while weakening your body for big cash

Olbermann | Bush Years: 8 in 8 Minutes

Bush and Cheney are traitors to the cause of
American Liberty. To leave them free, is to leave
America un-guarded from further transgression.

King Johnny Guest Caller on Free Mind Radio!
(back-up) http://www.mediafire.com/?ptui9mm15pn


Unseen Gaza High Quality: Part 1 of 6

While Zionists OFFICIALLY target Christian school
girls for mass murder, CNN instead reports that
bushite grunts attacked girls in Afghanistan, posing
as Taliban.

The Torture Ban that Doesn't Ban Torture

/ / Obama's Executive Order bans some -- not all -- US
officials from torturing but it does not ban any
of them, himself included, from sponsoring torture
overseas. \ \

Is America a nation of Law to Live freedom?
Because this SPECIFIC deviant action of Obama warrants
the death sentence under Reagan's "War Crimes Act".
SPECIFICALLY. Or, is it you falsely believe Obama
can do no wrong against innocent people here, where
an illiterate nazi grunt, maybe from South Africa,
will kidnap YOUR children, and torture them to
death for sadistic pleasure, with as they did using
power tools caught in Iraq, according to Iraqi
government official(s), and several soldiers from
Oregon, all because Obama has given an ILLEGAL!
"excuse" to NOT support following the crime scene
leads at our REAL murder scenes? Again, death to the
bushite dumfuk enemy of God, death to the enemies
of a freeing Humanity striving for a just society.
Obama needs to be arrested for this under the Law
as it stands I'm sorry to say my friends. Why?
Torture is illegal in all 50 states, (as Reagan
directly planned), no matter where you ship the
innocent victim to, or from! Read the War Crimes
Act, then demand Justice today, otherwise, it's
YOUR funeral. Obama wants to secretly torture
Peoples here, while lying to US ALL that he doesn't!
A TRAITOR! Who also wants to give bankers 100s of
billions of dollars more to disappear, that WE pay
for, out our door, never to be seen as our own

Jack Blood interviews Richard Andrew Grove, an AIG insider and


Bush PERSONALLY worked to close
Police investigations immediately after
911 (obstruction), or that WE have video
of iron flowing like water that PROVES,
without doubt, bin Laden couldn't have
single handedly placed the explosives
in the buildings, or stole the black boxes.
Because someone surely would have spotted
him dragging his dialysis machine what with
all the professionalism of corporate news
media coverage regarding our horribly
suffering worlds. Alex Jones ignores the
treasons of Bush, as a Bushwhore, and
instead, tells US of how Obama is Bush on
steroids. He only wishes. What about
Justice for Americans Alex? Why for do you
forsake ourselves? For money? What about
the lives lost to mass murder, that you
allege to champion OUR TRUTH without saying
much of anything on real Freedom?, on real

King Johnny, from Earth, has come for talks.


The Zionist enemy, the most evil nazi sons-of-bitches
who openly advocate tyranny and oppression through mass
murder of ourselves as the innocent left targeted
defenseless. Enemies of Jews everywhere, the Zionist
cares not for facts on who's Life it destroys for stolen
gain by lying. That's why they target Jews, for fear the
Light of Truth would expose them as the Nazis they are.

The self-defence defence

Court petitioned to arrest Livni upon arrival in Brussels

"We believe there were dozens of IRGC
personnel in the Gaza Strip during the
war," an Israeli source said. "Some were
killed; others went into hiding, and
others escaped."

See? the demon enemy of God speaks no
evidence as a TRAITOR to every Jew. A terrorist
nation that still steals humanitarian aid in
our public realm of left defenselessness. The
false allegation deserves a death sentence
by Jews against the war monger Zionist enemy.
A cause that Iran should champion, if in fact!,
face, unsubstantiated as patently, demonically
false. As typical from any godless Zionist.

Gaza: 'I watched an Israeli soldier shoot dead my two little girls'

Getting away with murder as 'God's Chosen' chosen
for death by war crimes trial more like.

They are murdering Cops

2-Bombings target house of Abu Ubaida El Jarah,
Police Director in Sheikh Ridwan area.

3-Airstrike targeting Al Zaytoun police station.

Nazi Israeli are murdering Police Officers,
and the families that live in the areas near
them as once defended from criminals.

It's like saying, every Cop in America deserves
a death sentence by thousand pound radio-active
waste based uranium/plutonium war shells because

Bush stole the election, then committed 911 with
the Neoconned Partners of Public Crimes, Cheney,
Rumsfeld, Condi with General Ahmad and Myers. Now,
I ask all Cops, does that make sense to you as
still remaining silent? You can be a man too, why
don't we all just give it a try. To the Telephone
Robin! Israeli are attacking prisoners held
criminally in their own Death Camps!! GET ALEX
JONES ON THIS! and.... the ADL! er.. JDL.. er..
let US join forces for the common good of all,
as so we will benefit everyone. That means
Justice for all, especially the Taliban for
defending American Freedom by demanding evidence
to form a conclusion of capital accusation,
regarding an unsolved case of mass murder.
Taliban blamed it on concern for life draining,
Music, and news about some, who knows war we are
committed to now die you for, for better or worse,
of mass death and suffering against innocent
Peoples all for glorious Neocon tyranny of inter
national private banker IMF enslavement plans!
in some far off distant places. America! I am
King Johnny.. I am from the Planet Earth, I've
come to share the knowledge of Justice in our
times on behalf of this, Our Future Great
Triumph over Evil. We come in Peace with
a sword for War Mongers, and a choice for
'lawless' grunts of ungodly action against
Life as we live it. Targeting school kids
deserves death sentences, don't you think this
value is what every soldier should hold proud
with Johnny in America? In Israel? In

Chief Israeli Nazi Rabbi "All civilians living in
Gaza are collectively guilty for Kassam attacks"

“In spite of rising the blue flag of UNRWA on
our schools, the Israeli army has been targeting
those schools by missiles and tanks shells.”

U.N. special rapporteur on torture calls on U.S. to prosecute Bush and

[SATANIC ENEMY] Israeli warplanes attack Gaza during Truse

Satanic Enemies of Humanity Kill 8 Yr Old Girl During Fake 'Ceasefire'

Nazi argues it's good to get killed Jews by
breaking truces with prison camp.

They shoot Peoples indiscriminately telling US
that's how evil they are to argue it's Your
fault though.


/ / Israeli forces demolished the house of the
Sammouni family in Gaza City after ordering
them to remain in it for safety. \ \

The Zionist is an
enemy to the God of Love and Justice, of Beauty, and
Children. A zionist LIES with a hatred unmatched in
Satanic hatred for the survival of our species. I
beg you, hunt to bill the zionist war criminal who
charges we will not succeed to see every last war
criminal on this planet hunted down to complete
extinction, by public trial, then Jewish firing
squads. The Zionist has bombed US, The People
indiscriminately with out cause. It was Nazi
Israeli that broke the truce to get killed
Jews for money. They starve Jews in Israel
to attract more charitable aid they can use
elsewhere. They, as Nazis, will continue to
murder Jews for money unless WE DEMAND, their
formal trials and public executions. They have
murdered our families, and they will pay will
their lives for it as the directly responsible,
and in no way, will escape our rages against
them as the enemies of every Human Being
Living for Freedom. Every Human that loves
children. They HAVE ADMITTED to targeting the school
girls for murder with lies they were caught
doing. THEY DON'T GIVE YOU EVIDENCE. And when we
get the facts, it's near always exactly the same
thing: they steal our Homes, they STEAL our
lives. God calls the Zionist Jew Enemy of
the Synagogue to Satan!!

The Ungodly Murder of Innocent Men by Israeli Nazis

/ / At noon an Israeli military jeep with four
soldiers entered Tameizi’s land. After 15
minutes the man was thrown, blindfolded and
still handcuffed, into the back of the jeep. \ \

Let us not lose the focus of fact, that these
people of ourselves live in a concentration,
prison death camp, robbed of everything.
in Curfew near anywhere in "peace time". And
still, to this day, do Nazi Israeli CONTINUE
TO THIEVE the Homes of god loving folks in the
region, guilty of no crime but to have been
born into such brutal ungodly oppression
against Civilization. And to see, face no TV
opposition as American tax payers continuing
to fund such war crimes in our absent names,
is a crime on to ourselves if allowed to go
unchallenged. Johnny for Coast to Coast radio
host. Free the Slaves! Free the Slaves!

Binding U.S. law requires prosecutions for those who authorize torture


The ugly secret of Barak and Livni, the truth about the Gaza rockets


See my Jewish friends, these zionist liars
will never escape our love for Truth in this
our new age. Killing Jews for money is as
evil as found, negligently criminal, agreed?

Gaza: lives in ruins

'Ungodly Enemies of Life is the only way
to describe it from here Tom. They again,
are attacking People indiscriminately for
murder as sadistic Satanic enemies of God'

Someone should ask what King Johnny, The
King of the Jews has to say on this subject
of a Zionist's complete absence of morality,
as inhumanly bereft any common decency among
our brothers and sisters. I mean for Christ's
sake Tom, THEY ADMIT to sadistically
targeting our children for MURDER - as some
kinda Satanic demon whore to Pure Evil - aka.
Wanted War Criminals for Public Trial. Just
as the Nazis were for similar outrages. Let's
hope men of America are least half they were
then, but we are suspecting, they will as of
usual, balk as cowardly slaves to the private
banker man ruling their minds, it's a, no
wonder. Where is there that purpose striving
for a greater future living in a just society?
Where is the Christ in their Christianity?
to financially support the arming of such
unlawful Zionist killings in silence against
Innocent Christians?


For the Popular Will?

Alex Thomson shuts-up Israeli spokesman!

They are criminals who murder People
in hate for a freed Humanity. They OFFICIALLY
steal Peoples homes in that country didn't you
know they proudly proclaim it so? And steal
humanitarian aid from starving children.
Targeted to murder children specifically as
publicly confessed, 'it is Hamas WE blame',
not them as demonic child murderers.

/ / Those white phosphorus shells used on the
Gazans are made in the USA according to Jane's
Defense. \ \

Again, these peoples are not Jews. Being
Jewish is a religion. These thieves of God
are Satanic in their LIES to betray the
common trust in our words, that bind all
worlds to victory, called freedom universal.
Even tales of the Devil have him keep his word,
with verses specifically condemning the self
to damnation for targeting the innocent for
death. God's the Word.

A zionist cabal of criminal pirates who murder
Jews around the world for stolen money is
seriously evil as criminal. What do you think?
Let US have a open line discussion on this
indivisible matter of rights to all as equals
before who ever we proclaim, I AM.

I mean you right? Say it with me... "I" "AM"
we are good to go.


George Galloway "The West has DOUBLE STANDARDS when it comes to

A Zionist Nazi Being

See? A zionist Nazi argues it's good to get killed
Jews by breaking truces with a prison death camp,
cause look at all the free American Welfare money
we can steal through kicking-back AIPAC members in


Harper complicit in Israeli war crimes

Canadians Stand Alone

Harper the proven war criminal
who will be going to prison, is the only person
on Earth that has publicly okayed Israeli Nazi
to target murder Christian school girls. Canada,
join me in demanding Harper's Public trial as a
war criminal. Prison for Harper who took a
honorable soldier who stated he refused to commit

war crimes against innocent civilians, and placed
him without trial in prison. Without warrant for
arrest. Harper, the Nazi Appeaser, is a War
Criminal standing against the Queen.

Nazi Israel Broke Ceasefire as Satanic:
The Bush Administration and The New York Times v. Amnesty

UN sites shelled with WPh after GPS coordinates given

Livini was reported to say today that, 'every
innocent person targeted by Israeli, as such
driving in ANY car, or on ANY bike, or walking
down the street as then directly murdered, Hamas
will be blamed for. Heil Hitler' Well, I made
that last part up, but do you have the ears to hear
the screams for mercy given by Humanity?, while
this, the evilest of JEW KILLERS in the known
universe, (targeted, and murdered countless Jews
in Lebanon as one example), believes no man or
woman living can speak directly against her wanting
to MURDER even more as ungodly... 'Until the tin
can rockets stop falling on Jews' standing in their
detention centers, or living at the garbage dump
They will rob and kill US all my INNOCENT friends
as LIAR Satanic if you, YES YOU continue to refuse
to support my/our demands for OPEN COMMUNICATIONS
for Justice ourselves. Johnny Dazzler for Coast
to Coast Radio Host!

'Secretary General outraged at shelling of UN building in Gaza'

"I conveyed my strong protest"

Not good enough. Public War crime charges warranting
Death by Jewish firing squad, is what is demanded of
our Humanity. Death to the zionists liar war criminal
enemies of Humanity, instead of US, who they target
for mass murder.

They are jewish criminals, not criminals because they are Jewish.


"End the illegal Human occupation of Jewish land in Gaza!"


These war criminals need to be arrested for Murdering
LIES against the lives of every innocent Christian
and Jew. Godless zionist nazi bastards are as evil
as they are dumb. Get every man who defends freedom
truly to hunt down these satanic demon ENEMIES for
thee True Jewish Cause, to ask it why it lies as an
enemy to HUMANITY, to murder innocent others as
evil doing thief to Freedom. A thief of Jews
everywhere to know truly God as Love and Justice.
Not only will Americans celebrate these neocon criminal's
freedom to call for the murder of innocent Christians,
as he does without arrest, "Americans" too, will as
Satanic refuse to hunt the ungodly enemy of the Jewish
faith down as Nazi hunters. No, Americans, cowardly, are
committed to dying with the Nazi Elite, as such
to escape of the Neocon terrorists who participated
in the mass murder of America for more stolen money
as war criminals.


Israeli soldiers say they have OK to KILL Innocent People

Israelis 'shot at fleeing Gazans'

They'll murder anyone human to steal our homes.


We battle injustice by demanding the public
arrest, and trial for execution of proven
war criminals. Now, who disagrees?

Israeli using Palestinian Kids as Human Shields

Israeli Soldiers using Palestinians as Human Shields

Why do you as an American, refuse to contribute
to Just cause?

These monster enemies of Hillel are inhuman
to their prisoners, prisoners who had their
homes stolen and are denied freedom for being
born to Nazi tyranny. Demand Justice for
yourself as a Human.

Some Serious Evil Jarg in Dishonest Reporting

Forgetting about the truce given to those in
a concentration prison camp? Where they are denied
food and water? In curfew prior to near half the
days of the year, for years? How could they not
to claim such self righteousness? They don't bother
because they'd rather YOU were made innocent victim,
then them, Zionists who would screw you out of a house
called home. Did you know: they openly steal Peoples
homes in that criminal nazi state labeled godly?
Of whom openly thieve? Officially? Yes, and they try
to thieve the title of Jew from the Messiah too,
but I'm not going to a slave prison death camp
for innocent humans, I'm fighting back to demand
open communications to rule true Justice concerned.
Freedom is paramount. 911 perpetrators will be
brought to Justice by King of Jews Johnny Dazzler.


Israeli Murders Officer to make it look better


/ / And we may assume that he was a non-Jewish
member of the IDF, given [...] \ \

Lawless evil doing for neocon lying criminals
really sucks man. Our friends are dying murder
victims. They are robbing our humanity of common

Neocon Enemies of the Jew do not Care for Truth

ElBaradei says Iran’s nuclear program is legal: report

But Neocon enemies of the Jew do not care for Truth.
They lie as enemies to God, on hopes to murder Jews

like they did in Lebanon with millions of land mines.
What kind of "Human" would commit such crimes against
Life? Cheating Liars for Satan Johnny tells YOU.

When Bush asked about his errors in judgement:

/ / you know, could I have done something
differently, like land Air Force One
either in New Orleans or Baton Rouge. \ \

Would have been better PR he means? Likely.
He walks away looking good, your family is
dead, or dying due to criminal neglect for
cash profit. Did I tell you that the private
bankers don't even cover our loans yet?
Trillions given by Americans, now Obama is
asking for more to disappear. THEY DON'T
even tell US what they've done with the
eight trillion already taken. Desperately,
Life Begs, THINK ABOUT THAT. King Johnny
for Coast to Coast radio host.

/ / So what is Ron Paul saying about Ron Paul?
I'd wager, he doesn't know himself, and fears
like FOXNEWS from open debate \ \

Excellent! if I do say so myself.


The Queen Shall side with The Great Nation

You can not hand over a prisoner for the crime
of refusing to commit a war crime. Otherwise,
YOU'D be a war criminal like now Harper is.
A Zionist appeaser. The government of Canada
already decided on this issue, and the vote was
137 Patriot to 110 neoconned bushite dumfuk.
The Iraq War is a war crime. These be demons
that steal our democratic voices, by denying
freedom from a man who's capital offense, is
that he tried to be fair for all parties. See?
War criminals.

The Queen Shall side with The Great Nation of
Canada Vs. S. Harper on this. Ask her.

God Bless the Queen.


/ / destroying Hamas terror infrastructure \ \

As Satanic, they TARGET TO MURDER Christian
School girls, and claim, none on Earth will demand
their public trials for executions as War Crimes
against God, because to the Satanist LIAR, (and
many "American" "Christians") God doesn't exist
within YOU to demand Justice for our Times.
YOU change that.

Evil on Parade

43,000 FoxNews Zionists in America, sign petition
in YOUR INNOCENT BLOOD calling for censorship of
Gaza conflict across all America


Stressing that Israel was "the first to stand
up against pure evil." [See? A zionist Nazi argues
it's good to get killed Jews by breaking truces
with a prison death camp, cause look at all the
free American Welfare money we can steal through
kicking-back AIPAC members in Congress.]

"I demand that the use of images and headlines
that misrepresent current events to the detriment
of the State of Israel be stopped immediately,"
the petition went on. [and the 'judge' judges
anything detrimental misrepresents the constant
LYING nature of the Nazi Zionist thieving pirates
of the Jewish Faith?]

This is detrimental to Zionist war criminals
because it exposes their TRUE EVIL NATURE..

Israeli Forced to Admit in League with Satan

Israeli forced to admitting, it lied as a demon
enemy of Life about tin can rockets falling
into the head of a good Jew, prior to the
Neocon LIAR's ungodly criminal attack for
senseless war against Humanity in the region.
When Jews die, these Zionists really take
everything like bandits., Peace where smarter
People speak freely for Justice? not so good.

The Other Side of the Story!

Blitzer reports Hammas broke the truce, he
is lying to continue the murder of innocent
peoples. Understand: Israeli Nazi state they

will continue to murder our innocent Humanity
until the rockets stop falling on Jews. Yet,
they broke the truce, and murder Jews routinely
with reckless abandon. Jews from the Bible as
of "nigger" Ethiopian, are what the Zionist
hate when warring GOD for apartheid, apartheid
that is Humanity in Gaza. A zionist is a war
criminal who speaks not against the neocon,
but against Innocent Humanity as YOUR enemy.

Livni: Gaza truce would give Hamas legitimacy

As they always do because they are dishonorable
murderous nazi thieves of God as Just cause is.
I am, and YOU are, you just maybe don't know it
yet, or if ever. A zionist serves Satan to escape
the neocon terrorists from their ungodly crimes
on 911.


Ron Paul:
US Will Be Rightly Blamed for Israeli Killings

Not the Nazi Israeli?

The guilty party are those who advocate these
mass murderers of innocent peoples with
deliberate lies, like from Blitzer. Blitzer
will be tried, and executed a war criminal
for stating Hamas broke the truce., Where,
only two minutes earlier, he learned, that
it was his Nazi partners. DEATH SENTENCE.
It was on TV. BUT SEE? Ron Paul, the Libertarian,
ain't going to be honest here. He'll lie cheat
and steal Humanity's voice for Justice - like
he did with OUR money. A typical Libertarian
like Alex Jones who wants to blame "socialists",
"Liberals", aka, all of innocent America.
Blitzer is war criminal, who makes his own
discussions. As is Ron. What an enemy to not
mention the truce. THINK: IT IS THE ISSUE. But
Ron plays the dummy to kill more with contempt
for Freedom. Ron Paul, the bigot, asked,
'should we be doing this'? SEE? it's not first
degree mass murders, no, according to Ron Paul,
it's argumentative that indiscriminate mass
killing is a good thing really. Remember,
Ron Paul does not support arresting those
who committed mass murder on 911 either.
Or those who STOLE TRILLIONS. Or lawless Bush,
the ACTUAL AntiChrist enemy of God. Ron Paul
will watch America die for a stolen dollar.
And Alex Jones will refuse all calls to label
him good guy like himself warring order
to our universe for it.

Israel is [NOT?] responsible for these childrens death

Ron Paul "When we pick sides, we make it worse"

He also took our millions donated for freedom
fighting away for his family, but not our own
as dying innocent victims giving. Pick a side.


Contribute to our rise for the popular will

Alex Thomson shuts-up Israeli spokesman!

Wow. The demon LIAR will also say Hammas broke
the truce, and Israeli started this by stealing
innocent peoples homes, then imprisoning
ourselves, the victims, in a death camp for
indiscriminate slaughter. While they STEAL OUR
CHARITY. What is it that YOU can't picture?

Hi. My name is King Johnny.



/ / The targeting of civilians, whether
by Hamas or Israel, is a war crime. \ \

They are targeted by Obama who suggests
there is an argument to be made here. There
isn't. Nazi Israeli DEMON LIARS broke the
truce to kill Jews for money. They are godless
enemies of Humanity. So it isn't that we are
pro-Palestinian, it is that we are pro-Human.
Zionists DESERVE to die, before US, the innocent,
they target for murder for stolen cash gain.
Like Obama has promised to do for AIPAC. But
what about the rest of US 6 billion plus Obama?
Who is it of US innocent folks do you wish to
MURDER, or torture next as a Zionist war criminal
for Satan Obama? Torturing kids is popular in
Israel, tell US Obama, which American father will
have his children tortured, or murdered
sadistically by yourself as a whore for Nazi
Israeli? tell us, we're not waiting.

The Chosen Bad Example

Zionists Destroy Our Homes as Satanic

When I see the women and her child, left outside
while they sadistically destroy her meager gains,
I grow weary with ourselves for not speaking right.
Nazi Israeli are committed to deny US our God given
rights as Innocent persons to speak freely for Justice
realized. All because they STEAL our Lives for monetary
gain. It is our reality, give it or take it, YOU LOSE.

Then.. Hammurabi founded Civilization.

I go concerned for any hesitations of condemnation by
Obama. It's like, he's talking some jive about
how now he'll NOT let the words of Hamas reach
his ears. Being against war criminals, doesn't make
you pro-Hamas, necessarily, it means your against
war crimes to defend the lives of ourselves respected.

We are Good to Go. Rise Up for innocent Life,
or don't and see where it'll get you in the end.


Nazi Israeli STEAL Peoples Homes without
apology, as a function of their SATANIC
government, while collectively bombing the
INNOCENT victims who die because of it.


For the Great Truths. We Stand United

/ / This option is also regarded
as a non-runner as the US would certainly veto that
suggestion. \ \

No no no no. What you do is investigate who this
the "US" person is as the GUILTY party my friends.
The facts have spoken for ourselves without contention.
And while we're at it, try to figure who that "Army
says.." person is too, we need to know who these
traitors are who hide their names backing war crimes
to continue. The Enemies of Civility, they are
enemies of US all my innocent friends, enemies of US


Here on a Mission

/ / after dropping leaflets warning residents it was
about to "escalate" its offensive against Hamas. \ \

SEE! This is AFTER fire bombing the whole community.
Satanic evil enemies of Life. Who admit to targeting
any one who has ever so much as swept our streets,
warranting bombs dropped on their Block(s). SEE! they

It's a prison death camp, brought about by Israeli STEALING
OUR Homes as ungodly thieves. Thieves who leave a Jew
to starve to death in a garbage dump because, it'll
attract more charitable aid The Zionist can use
elsewhere. It's not a Jewish thing, it's a criminal
matter. They STEAL innocent Peoples Homes in that
country. God's Country? God would will such criminal
offense? Which God? Not the God of Abraham, nor by
the teachings of Hillel, Christ, Mohammad, or
Confusion? So which absent God do you speak where WE
can't speak as ourselves openly for Just Cause?
Cat got your tongue? How come your not saying anything?
The Israeli Zionist ENEMY wants US ALL in slave
labor prison death camps silenced away that's why!

If I truly state
two nickels make a dime, does that mean therefor
they make a quarter also? If I say so like Alex
would? He is an idiot. Truly. George Noory figures
Hamas broke the truce, and that the Mideast solution
is that Jews should be separated with special rights,
as oppressors over the freedom of every Palestinian
Prisoner, and what's Alex Jones gonna say about
his 'truth telling freedom fighter' George to actual
'lame ass evil nazi traitor' George?, to YOU about
how George is just trying to murder millions of
helpless people as an offer for the final solution?
We can expect Alex now to claim, Zionists should
have special rights over Jews, all to maintain
his FICTIONS on Noory being anything but the
monster to Humanity he is. Just because Noory
doesn't growl when talking about murdering all
children in around the age of 15, or against
soldiers who refuse criminal orders, does still
make him a true fascist nazi enemy laughing at
your murderers escaping to live freedom in
our dying forsaken worlds. The bushmob doctored
the NIE. Conned Congress, and Soldiers. Did 911,
by closing criminal FBI investigations immediately.
Alex and George don't seem to want US to know
these FACTS that demands arrests of the culprits
responsible for high treason against Johnny's
America. Now, who's with yourself. I am! I am!
I am!

Alex Jones doesn't know squat of Social Security, but
pretends he does, like Ron Paul does when speaking
of the Federal Reserve, Health Care, IMF, World Bank
blahblahblah.. I mean even the expert of experts
Alex has on near twice a week, EVERY WEEK, to talk
all about how the Illuminati are doing everything,(give
me your money now for whatever), DOESN'T SAY TO KNOW,
it was Chris Cox who changed Investment Banker rules,
to cover instead one tenth of WORLD INCOME loans,
even a fifth of the TRUE trillions dollar fraud story.!)
Now, granted, I wouldn't expect one tenth of one percent
of America to have even a distant clue of which I am
speaking, but importantly, Alex's expert of experts has
never mentioned it. EVER. Why? He don't give a fuck, but
how much money he can get you to give him for investing
in things that are un-important to our struggles, but
for the fact, he states, you'll get free money for
nothing!! OUR ACTUAL PROBLEM. It reminds me of those
Ron Paul dollars... where Ron'll fix everything, cause
we, as a private company, are going to make YOUR money
instead... holy fuk mon.. Talk about the kettle calling
American racists. Thank God the FBI stepped in. (The
answer unfortunately is not nowhere as easy as Alex
would blindly lead you) - again, so I guess it will be,
Americans were just too far gone as illiterate
chauvinists, who cared too little for your freedom as
themselves degenerating. Why? To battle tyranny they
knew not Justice wins the day, and blamed innocent
groups gathered wherever, instead of following the crime
scene leads at the real murder scenes - like was once
done on TV and at the Movies. But even that was too
far above their doped down heads, to raise their finger
to dial a phone number.

The head of GCN has a son warring God to rape American
women as lawless enemy in Iraq for the Neocon - again
NEVER mentioned as something worth fighting against for
Freedom in America - soldiers are suppose to REFUSE
criminal orders - but not when Alex is at the mike.
He will never mention the Bushmob doctoring the NIE
to con America for death as exampled, because it
doesn't fit his fictions, where all the bad guys
escape because they are geniuses headed by secrets
so powerful, nobody can ever know'em, except Alex.
He tells us near every day, he knows everything
already, and is never wrong, therefore you can't
criticize him. Bullshit. It's like he wants to be
wise like Johnny Gawd is, without doing anything like
studying for a test where the teacher actually does
know the issues. He told US today, the British came
up with concentration camps, from the Indians - who
spent all their lives murdering themselves. The
British 'invented' false imprisonment? The British
came up with the, Jews Killed Jesus? The British
invented Pope Gregory VII? I suppose Alex has never
heard of Ghettos. SEE? he just pulls shit out of
his ass, and calls it like it's truly pure gold you'd
wanna buy. Those, like your typical American have
no clues, so they figure, Life must be sorta so that
History is all one big Alex Jones NWO cartoon. What?
that the NWO did 911, and everything else that use
to instead, require criminal investigations to nab
the actual evil doers? Alex Jones IS the NWO he tells
US all we should be concerned about never stopping,
like it was in the DARK AGES. Justice Alex, why is
that hard for you as a "Conservative" to figure? Is
it because you are cowardly in the face of true
Liberty? Afraid that some People, on some Issues,
ACTUALLY know a great deal better than you could
even imagine presently? Don't like that do you?, where
you don't rule this Universe as a lawless tyrant
desperate to live in an illusion at the expense of
everyone else dying victims to censorship? Does he try
to find wise men or women? rarely. "Ron Paul [MUST]
leads our truth movement" - like, fuck off already
with the Ron Paul, The Truther, Bullshit Alex Jones.
1% is what YOU get on Social Security deposits - 1%.
And.. Bush stole 700 billion. 700. Billion. That's 700
BILLION. It's a "Trust" account. A "Trust" Account. It's
being held in "Trust" Alex. Ron Paul is asleep at the

wheel. As, so are the rest of all you other fools..
I want Justice, and I want it now for all the victims
of 911. Americans be damned, we want Justice, and We
want it Now.

Again, the two Laws of Johnny:

1. No evidence, person innocent.

2. Torture? fuk you and die then

"Rice says it is 'hard' for Israel to spare civilians in Gaza"

We KNOW they are ONLY targeting innocent People,
the ungodly zionist Satanic enemies say so..

"Israel Rejected Hamas Cease-Fire Offer in December"

Livni has declared her country "is not going to show restraint"

"Her" country?

It's like she's admitting here, that they DO NOT
target the IDF's Hamas, but only our innocent lives
as a threat to LIFE and GOD. Remember: the Zionist
LIARS broke the truce.

' In Civil-Contempt Cases, Jail Time Can
Stretch On for Years for Americans, without Ever
seeing a day in Court. '

Where are the arrests?, then firing squads for
the Judges who 'judged' such criminality against
freedom for US, the Peoples in America?

' Where Did Taxpayer Money Go? Panel Slams Treasury

Where are the arrests?, they stole eight trillion
and counting.. And Congress 'slams' them for
disappearing OUR MONEY. Slams with what?, a,
don't do that again please butt sqeeze? It should
be massive slammer time, with a return of all
STOLEN monies.

' THEREFORE, those pro-Israel politicians in Congress
won their seats in part using stolen money. '

Where are the arrests? Amerikan bushite nazi grunts
are assisting in the mass murder of innocent Christians
in Palestine. War crimes demanding death sentences. It
isn't an argument that can be turned around. Nazi Israeli
STEAL Peoples Homes without apology, as a function of
their SATANIC government, while colectively bombing the
INNOCENT victims who die because of it. It's a prison
camp! they are denied water, food, shelter.. since four
or five truces over that they've broken, every one. These
are Satanic enemies, willing War Crimes against God,
a God NOT loved by zionist American Nazis. And a Son
as powerful as the four winds, ridiculed by Zionists,
and American know nothings, for the continued debasement
of YOUR soul worth here dying.

Israel Attacks Iran News Station

Why does not Iran DEMAND arrests, and death sentences
for these blatant war crimes against Humanity committed
by Amerikan Nazi Israeli Zionists? Along with the
perpetrators of 911? WHYWHYWHYWHY. Russians! Can you
help US out?



Rise up for Justice American Christian, or
die innocent victim the Son of God does say.


UN: Israel Admits Claims About Attacked School Baseless

US military re-supplying Israel with ammunition through Greece

/ / UN Call for investigation into shelling of
Civilian shelter \ \

Investigate that evil does exist in the thieving
LIAR name of godless Zionism? The enemies of God
and Jews everywhere?


Freedom Granted by Americans for Neocon Liberators

"Americans are having their heads velcroed to chairs
and forced to take in nutritional supplements by a
tube forcibly inserted through their noses by US guards."

These are People not charged with any criminal
offense don't forget. Die bushite die you know is
what I recommend, as does Reagan. A dead bushite
means you've saved the life of their next victim,
an Innocent Human Being guilty of no crimes. The
war criminal enemy is the bushite, the Zionist,
the LIAR neocon traitor to Life as this Universe,
along with every dumfuk grunt who serves tyranny
for the bushmob at Guantanamo, Iraq, or Afghanistan.
It is a soldier's oath to obey lawful orders only,
but Cheney they don't take out with American Law -
how come? cowardly fascist nazi whores for Zionism's
evil as the ungodly that's why. Cowards dying for
the escape of the Neocons from the 911 scene as
reported publicly. - Vs. US. That's we whoever
you are.

Widespread Suffering and Death

Notice no one shoots at the blimp fire bombing the
entire neighborhoods. And if it's phosphorous, that
smoke is already deadly toxic. That is why it warrants
the Death Sentence under International Law when used
against OUR Humanity, as the most evil of Nazi War
Crimes ever. The neoCON LIARS are the LIARS conning
you here on our TVs and Radio dramas, in where, they
don't want to openly take our public calls for real
Justice. Bush and Cheney are traitors to the cause of
American Liberty. To leave them free, is to leave
America un-guarded from further transgression. So,
them being "puppets" is even all the reason more to
insist in their capture for trial by Jury. A Public
Jury of our Peers. Now, who's in with You? You can
count me in. and I bet willed to action, we will find
others to be something of ourselves too.. Justice
and Liberty for All. Equal rights given is what true
freedom is as measured. Translated from the 'Alien'
dialectic to Amereeze jank vibe; where is the fucking
evidence here Neocon traitors who false accuse to lead
us off the straight and narrow? It leads to Bush,
Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Condi that's why I figure, you
figure, they figure, we figure, so... what are WE
going to do about this sacrificing for godless tyranny
further then as unrepresented?

If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing! VIDEO WAS CENSORED!

Views: 1,212,890

Israel Facts the Media Isn't Telling You

Views: 358,960

Maybe we know it, but we just don't know it yet?


Israel Attacks Jews,
Silence from Mainstream about Violation of Law

They kill Jews for money. They bombed Jews in Lebanon
for money. They want to bomb the HUGE sacred Jewish
communities in Iran.. wonder why? Zionists are not
Jews, for Jews don't steal in God's good name. Nor
target innocent beings for stolen gains. A zionist is
a thief to life, and as such, needs to be formally
charged for their criminal offenses, given lawyers,
and upon a successful prosecution, rot in a prison
cell and/or pay restitutions. YES. why? so not another
innocent person must fall in their place as next
victim to a zionist's public commitment to lawless
tyranny for evil intentions.

Johnny for Coast to Coast Radio Host


Israel Phones 'Terrorists' Before they Bomb Homes

Didn't the Nazis say something like, they weren't
there to take out Hamas directly? Well, after all,
it was founded by the Zionist IDF, so I guess that
must be why they target our children instead..

UN: "Israel knew they were bombing a school"

/ / The hospital, and other smaller hospitals and
clinics were previously shelled by the Israeli
warplanes and tanks, stressed Hassanein. He
also denied Israeli claims that medicine and
medical supplies had arrived to Gaza hospitals. \ \

The Zionist is a thief of Life as our enemy.

IDF VLOG UPDATE: IDF Hits Dozens of Hamas Terrorists
- Capt. Benjamin Rutland - 4 Jan. 2009

Zionist enemy of God


The Appropriate Response To Islamic Terror

/ / an Orthodox Jewish Russian immigrant \ \

Let US never forget, the Zionists also would bomb
some locations, then later, drop the warnings
for the Jews to run for their lives. Didn't warn
them though if they get into a car or truck they would
be destroyed instantly by the Zionist flying the
America paid for Apache. I did a big show of shows
through that continued as, more 'un-resolved' crime
scenes perpetrated by the treasonous, neocon Zionist
terror merchants. It's like they think some dying
fools are going to keep going to save'em in the end
from ourselves as still suffering in Justice denied
as enslaving into ungodly tyranny eh? These Zionists
are not only the bad guys, but they're bad guys to
even the bad guys as there is no found honor among
murderous thieves. A Zionist will kill a Zionist for
a stolen nickel, as do bushites today. Hey! it's only
Your Life in the balance. Or are you one of those
who goes in America, it's okay, we're only murdering
innocent folks who don't live in Israel.

Doing what's right and just, or evil as dumb is
Your riddle. Get back to US on that.

We need People are Equals Power!

President and CEO of Shareware Earth Co.
King Johnny Wizard at your service me Lord.


/ / It is just unacceptable to apply two standards of
morality, one for Jews and another for non-Jews.
For if what Israel is doing in Gaza is right, as
Israel and her supporters maintain, then what the
Nazis did in Europe several decades ago must have
been right as well. And vice versa. \ \

The ungodly zionist enemies, are enemies of
God and Man. Don't think the NAZI Zionist like
Bolton doesn't know this, with his friends at
FoxNews.They WANT to rape, murder, and pillage
America all her freedoms for the bounties of
private banker frauds. The banker does not
ever cover our loans, we do. So, why give them
trillions of American worker waged dollars for
nothing?. THEY DON'T COVER LOANS. See? that is
what this war against God is all about. People
of Humanity just seem to truly hate a guy like
US as wise and Just. See, people hate US, because
they can't for their lives disagree with Facts.
Why won't YOU support these same rights and
champion our demands for open communications.
Johnny for Coast to Coast radio host.

US Again Stops UN Call for Gaza Truce

Who is this the "US" person?, and let's

put him to death with Bolton and Kalilazad
for the most serious of war crimes against
OUR Humanity. Remember, Bolton was NEVER
confirmed because, the Zionist could find
no man or woman to say a single kind thing
about him. FACT.

CNN: The Nazis Broke The Ceasefire!

Protest pictures from around the world (not on CNN)

Remember Israeli nazis to this day, insist as
DEMONIC LIARS, Hamas broke the truce - as Hamas
is responsible when they target school girls for
slaughter. They said the UN were secretly attacking
Jews, clearly a LIE as impossible to prove because
it didn't happen. But facts are the furthest thing
away from the godless false accuser Zionist con man
or demon witch LIAR like Livini. FoxNews calls the
demon witch a Jew! ANTISEMITES.

We can witness, Americans do not have the intellect
to understand what this means. See, LIAR Nazi Israeli
broke the truce to get killed Jews for money. A
regular fair for Nazi Israeli. Now, they state they
will continue to indiscriminately murder humanity
until the tin can rockets that travel miles stop
killing Jews who hate Zionists. But importantly,
it is Israel that wants Jews to die, so they can
make off as Satanic with our stolen values. Just
like the Bush family did with Hitler, that the
Nazi Nation has no probs working gun in hand to
wipe out Jews everywhere still to this day. Again,
Nazi Israeli MURDERED JEWS in Lebanon as targeted.
And leave Jews to starve to Death in Israel for
more charitable aid they can use elsewhere. Public
knowledge not disputed by any living soul on this
planet because, the Zionist government admits freely
to this. Israeli think being Satanic is worth it,
for all the money and lives they can steal as enemies
to Christ, Hillel, Mohammad, YOU, blahblahblah.


Loading Image...

Read of the bushite in my America who call this work
of Satanic enemies, a good thing they support to
war terrorism for the sadistically evil liars of the
neocon. Then KNOW my friends, a bushite is the enemy
of every living soul on this planet. Have no love for
those in the Air Force, the enemies of Man who bomb
our families without excuse, but to know, they hate
US as Christ to speak free for Humanity. That DEMON
George Noory was so happy last night about all the
good the bankers AND CHENEY are doing for their hatred
they spoke of for all Russians. SEE? not to protect
America, but to kill you with their true commitment
to the demonization of innocent people, all to escape
the neocon terrorists. I HATE George Noory more than
anyone alive in America. He is so openly evil to ourselves,
that only those who wished to lie to you, (like Alex
Jones does about Ron Paul), would say otherwise as
bushite dumfuk enemies. Cowards committed to escaping
Bush and Cheney for treason against Freedom. They
doctored the NIE on Iraq, highest of war criminality.

Israeli PM says to end offensive if Gaza ends rocket attacks

Sarkozy urges Syria to press Hamas for Gaza truce

How does the ungodly get away with this obscenity?
Nobody can deny Nazi Israeli broke the truce, as
they always have done as Satanic for the last 60
years. Killing Jews for money is popular with the
Zionist Nazis don't you know us by now? FoxNews CONNED
Americans for DEATH with the unmentioned, TREASONOUS
doctoring of the NIE. To kill Americans for more
neocon gains, which Alex Jones never mentions either.
Do Americans even care enough to raise Humanity's
call? Do they demand public executions of sadistic
godless Zionist torturers? as the Standing Law of
America - The War Crimes Act - brought to be
by Reagan - DEMANDS by the Law of America? It is the
Law after all, yet, CNN, CBC, and FoxNews calls the
perpetrators of the most heinous evil against Mankind,
heroes. America is
a nation of godless cowards willing to die murdering
innocent Christians in Israel, all for the profits
of the 'magical' zionistic private bankers. Bushite
grunts are now supporting the indiscriminate carnage,
serving as police services forbidding any of the
prisoners in Gaza from fleeing the indiscriminate
slaughter. Again, as Satanic, they don't arrest the
"Suspects", for what could they truly charge them
with?, no instead demand we die helpless murder
victims by forbidding escape, as they did in Fallujah
murdering more than three hundred thousand innocent

souls. Die bushite die screams to all men on Earth
from the Son of God. Will you stand for YOUR life
as truly worth something here? Like lawless enemies
Policing your reality will bring you more happiness
and prosperity with the great truth teller HAPPY
George Noory? The demon who openly confesses the
will to want to murder all children in around the
age of 15? Too crazy for you to face such an enemy
of huge demonic origin, so, go the cowardly way
like Alex Jones as sell out slave instead, to cover
the demon with endless praise on his treachery to
not have our fight on everyday with open calls for
understanding Justice is freedom. Instead of a
constant stream of bushite dumfuk enemies of Living.
This isn't complicated. Or it doesn't have to be.

Israeli nazis state they will murder humanity
indiscriminately until rockets stop falling on
their country. Yet, they broke the truce.

Alex Jones told US as a deceiver, he's been
on Coast to Coast a hundred times. Not in these
last eight years he hasn't. I demand Alex prove
this, or be known by all far and wide a treasonous
liar, trying to take US off the tracking of
criminal action of his buddy, the demonic enemy
LIAR George Noory. bin Laden didn't do 911,
despite the facts that WE KNOW George Noory
knows better of but LIES to con the American
teen further for death at the profits of the
un-elected bushmob. See Alex wants you to blame
anyone but those directly involved in the crimes
of 911, or Iraq, or those responsible for it's
cover-up by Zionist propaganda. George Noory will
have as invited guests whos only function there
is to spread dis info as supporting more
indiscriminate warfare for the escape of the
neocon terrorists responsible for starting the
illegal wars to begin US at. Or those whom often
support torture, a war crime that only exists as
irrationally held by those who's minds have only
a blind hate for the indivisible rights of
another innocent other. And often truly hate men
and women for being Just as wise. The McCainiac
Zombie video is a perfect example. When the Zombie
is asked about the rights of Women, the McCainiac
Zombie cried out for raping more Women. The
position of authoritarian power, was only found
with the bushite as oppressor, rapist, torturer,
or Air Force Bomber, not liberation by freedom.
The bushite McCainiac KNOWS it can't compete
openly to defend it's criminal treasonous
actions! Remember, Alex "the Conservative"
thought McCain was the choice if you had to make
one, earlier on, then changed his position,
sort of, later by calling them all puppets not
worth the effort, but .. Obama's idea's matter
not, it's that his Birth Certificate is, no war
too be fawned. Palin? who's she? McCain
firebombed Vietnam as "war hero" for France?
The Banker doesn't cover our loans? Matters

Israel deliberately targeting civilians in Gaza

It was almost acknowledged on CBC radio that
nazi Israelis, use the argument that a tin can
rocket traveled miles, to kill some innocent
Jew as a direct hit (likely a person who hated
godless NEOCON), all because that nazi state
has OPENLY, as PUBLIC policy, stolen water and
food including baby formula, along with a huge
list of other atrocities, to punish God and
Humanity since way back before three of four
truces. AGAIN, Nazi Israeli always, as ungodly,
break their truces. Why? Because YOU, or Christ
as any Jew's life means nothing, to all the
'free' billions they'll get from given American
worker wages. Look, Americans refuse to call
for the arrest of Bush on their national,
"truth telling" Coast to Coast radio program.
Why? Because, for one, George Noory, (Alex
Jones' best buds), has told US he's into
killing innocent kids as powerful, and that
'bin Laden did it', Is good enough for US.
You don't get a say here however how you will
live or die. George Noory calls all grunts
heroes, and those who refuse criminal orders,
those he wishes to go ballistic on. Yes, it's
true, George Noory is still alive and happy
as ever.

Rise Up for innocent Life, or don't and see
where it'll get you in the end.

Fallujah by the Sea: Aping America, Israel Unleashes Chemical Weapons
in Gaza

They are godless enemies of Life who wish
to steal the Title of Jew from Christ.


/ / In doing so, this makes Israel guilty of using
its own people as ‘victims’ for political purposes. \ \


What Israel Does Not want God or Humanity to See

Look at the comments from bushite grunts glorifing
in this indiscriminate slaughter of Innocent Human
Beings. Evil enemies of God do breath our air.
Die bushite die.

Israeli broke the truce knowing such action woud get
killed Jews in Israel, a cash bonus!

LEAKED: graphic, uncensored video shows carnage in Gaza

FBI E-Mail Says Bush Authorized Abuse of Iraqi Detainees



Israel or Hamas who broke the truce


Israeli plan to topple Hamas, re-instate Abbas

/ / Breaking the truce Nov. 4, then, was Israel's
way of getting the gears rolling for this whole
sick game: the toppling of Hamas, and the
re-instating of the impotent Abbas into Gaza
so the "peace process" can remain forever in
formaldehyde, to quote wiseass, er., Weisglass. \ \

Nov 4th! - perfect!. We are dealing with Nazi war
criminals who refuse US, as a Species, Justice
for everyone. Especially The Jew's Jew, Johnny
America. Hint: they call us Love just to hide our
complete agreement with this Living Universe to
will Justice for God as every last bushite zionist
freely moving. Once all the neocon zionists are
rotting in a prison cell, or formally executed as
godless war criminals, we all will have one joyous
welcome in a heavenly future.. Until then, demand
Justice for US. That's YOU too. Angels included.
Who? I don't see no Johnny Wizard here anywhere,
We are Good to Go. Rise Up for innocent Life,
or don't and see where it'll get you in the end.
The bushmob are traitors for closing official FBI
investigations into 911, immediately after the mass
murder of Americans occurred. Treason, of a, trust
WE don't have it in US to stand for our common
values as the Revolution will not be televised,
Johnny Who. Man, are we or no? Be Somebody, then
get on your phone to call in for Justice willed.
Alive I Say! - this must be where you'd raise the
dead and dying.. if you only could raise your finger
to dial the phone numbers - well guess what? - I Command
You Can! - snapoutofit - Speak for pursuing Justice
on 911, and show serious concern for publicly paying
private banker men trillions in worker wages for
nothing. This is seriously disturbing, yes, but
seriously important to address openly in our spaces
to remedy with a Johnny Wizard World Wide Work of
Wonder, Super CNN Special of Specials, with Your
Host, the One and Only, President and CEO of
Shareware Earth Co. John Himself. Hey everybody!
Wow eh? So a.. when is the good guys showing up?
Now. Justice. I want US to Host Coast to Coast for
open Public communications, where things get
solved because we know whats we're learning about.
We of god, this way comes, then men and women with
calculators to know: giving money to private bankers
on hopes they'll lend a small fraction some back
to ourselves at high interest is dumber than rocks.

Arab American rally in Dearborn for Gaza

Israel Drops White Phosphorus Bombs, Littlest Victims Suffer

My friends, demonic evil forces do exist to STEAL
the living rights from anyone of us, especially
including the Jews. Remember, it is the zionist who
steals God's good name through lies left unchallenged
by private corporate interests tied to the CON of
private banking in total. Christ is a Jew too.
Israeli broke the truce knowing such action woud get
killed Jews in Israel, a cash bonus! Like starving
Jews do attest on a infomercial that ran for near
18 months across Canada. Then covered by the Israeli
press, that the Zionist officials there actually
enjoy the prospect of suffering Jews because it,
OUR SUFFERING, will attract more charitable aid the
ungodly criminal enemy can use elesewheres! Hitler
revisited. I am the Son to God and I wouldn't lie
to you about an issue as hughly Satanic as this.

White Phosphorous: Israel fires artillery shells into Gaza

/ / My relative's neighbors- 3 young children- were
all killed today \ \


Israel Nazi State

Israeli nazis state they will murder humanity
indiscriminately until rockets stop falling on
their country. Yet, they broke the truce. They
always break their truces. Understand these
Satanic enemies of God, dropped seven million
land mines on Lebanon when learning the conflict
was over. They will kill Jews for money, THEY are
the Nazis. Nazi Mark Regev is clearly insane.
'It wasn't israel that started this' He could
not stand with any man without instantly being
exposed to All of Humanity as a war criminal in
need of immediate public trial for death sentence.
These are only innocent people being bombed. In
a concentration refugee camp. Look, it's a prison
camp. And if YOU
were a prisoner there, and Texan child rapists are
something you'd wish to defend your community
from, you'd maybe join the Gazan police force, run
by Hamas, a political group democratically elected.
All police officers in Gaza, Nazi israeli claims
warrant 1000 lb bombs, not warrants for arrest for
a criminal offense. Remember, it was Israel that
broke the truce, as so is spoken by Palestinian
government officials speaking internationally -
using the example from November. But understand,
as Satanic fraudsters, they always fuck over Our
Innocent Humanity this way.

What kind of "Human" would commit such crimes
against Life? Cheating Liars for Satan God tells

The Bible "I know the blasphemy of them which say
they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of

Look, these enemies of Life steal INNOCENT PEOPLES
HOMES as thieves of The King of Jew's simple philosophy.


Gray Ghost

/ / Funny thing noone ever shows pictures of
the scumbag Hamas rockets falling on Israeli
civilians, but the nooz is full of Palies
suffering. Fuck you all I hope Israel
exterminates the vermin. \ \ He can advocate
the MURDER of innocent people for the neocon
liars, and Google doesn't destroy his account?

Remember Zionist Nazi Israeli started all their
murder rampages against Innocent Peoples for
'free' welfare money, as broke the truce with,
IDF funded Hamas on Nov. 4th. They have been
indiscriminately bombing People with excuses
that never do add up. Example: Nazi Israeli
stated they were in the right to murder ANYONE
in a car or truck in the entire nation of
Lebanon, (especially in the Jewish communities)
because like enemy "Gray Ghost" would say, all
those innocent Peoples deserve TO DIE AS MURDER
VICTIMS for his sadistic ungodly pleasures.
Remember, Nazi Israeli didn't mention this until
thousands has already been murdered, then even
still, without radio, TV, or newspapers, telephones,
or sky writing how were ONLY THE INNOCENT JEWS
as officially targeted to know? Then the seven
million land mines to kill innocent kids for
generations. To the enemy of Life, Gray Ghost
it matters not that Israeli started the conflict
by sacrificing nazi vermined trashed as Satanic
dumfuk enemy soldiers sent across the border,
to Grey Ghost, all it knows, is Justice must not
be allowed to win this game for our human race,
for he would be truly seen as a sadistic enemy
of Freedom, powerless, or rightly dead for
his proud treasons against life in this universe.


Please John begs all People's of Humanity,
Americans do not have the courage to even speak
concerns for their dying as evil state of godless
private banker ruled blind tyranny. 'Duh, yeah
give billionaires trillions, trillions, TRILLIONS
to help the poor homeless mothers poisoned by
FoxNews CRIMINALLY.' Gawly je, I dunt no y dat
detnt work-ed' - o wel, cary ohn my wayward Son.

Livni: Gaza truce would give Hamas legitimacy

See? this is why NAZI I$raeli thinks they have
an excuse for bombing people indiscriminately
to break a truce they signed on to. This isn't
a one time, maybe two time occurrence, but every
time in the last 60 plus years the zionists
aligned with Hitler have. Satanic enemies
of Humanity.

ANTI-SEMITE is FoxNews every time they assault God
with "Israel, the Jewish State" to torture, steal,
and murder.?. ANTI-SEMITE!

The Ungodly Zionist - a report from the front

/ / The most recent victim of Israeli airstrikes
was 10-year-old Ismail Hamdan \ \

To the Satanic enemies of Man, the Ungodly Zionist,
an innocent murder victim's life can not be allowed
a defense such as the charge of first degree murder
against Netanyaho because, he states no Justice to
any who believe in the Jewish cause, as Hillel, of
freedom as Liberty for all. If Jews ran Israel,
Netanyaho would be chastised publicly by the Humans,
for sanctioning the criminal acts of first degree
murder. The nation of Nazi Israel STEALS Peoples
HOMES. What other nation on this Earth commits
such willful crimes against innocent Human beings
OFFICIALLY? Steals homes from god loving innocent
folks and labels it our 'Justice system'? Who? Neocon
Amerika, the nation that gave trillions to bankers
recently on only prayers that their gods will maybe
lend some of their own money back to them at high
interest. But alas, evil is the deceived disguised,
as in their deep ignorance of money and virtue, they
do not understand, the private banker never covers
the loan. Never does a private banker reach into
it's pocket to borrow US to begin with - so as a
consequence, the bankers have just pocketed all the
'free' loot for nothing, TRILLIONS, and are not
saying why should they help anyone else with charity?
it's the amerikan way. Instead, hate the wise socialist
who designed a working good traffic signal system,
where lives are saved and congestion is eased, or
hate the white man, the black man, different People.
But never Mr. Bush, Mr. Cheney, or Rumsfeld, the
neocon traitors who closed criminal investigations
immediately after the crimes of 911 occurred, who
doctored the NIE to con America into death, and
never slight the trillioniare private banker gods,
who have stolen/taken our public authority through
war criminals in Congress. Taken from all others
to bring us a much poorer world suffering due to
our speakings of contempt for Justice as christians
in America - who claim in silence only indignation
for real Christian families robbed or murdered
Officially by the zionist state of ungodly Israeli,
paid for by dying America. Americans refuse to raise
their phones for the arrest of the bushmob for capital
mass murder, so, what's private trillioniare bankers
walking away with the entire economy in free fall
going to do for them, when they are already to
death for the glorious Zionist Neocon thieves of
Civilization? Proudly in hatred for Innocent
Humanity. Again, Hamas was founded by Zionists
in the IDF, to kill Jews for money - public record.
Jews starve near death in Garbage dumps of Israel,
all because the Nazi Zionist UNGODLY government
states it is beneficial to starve Jews, for, they
will receive more humanitarian aid THEY can use
elsewhere. Public knowledge. Zionist liars murder
innocent Jews for money, like they did in Lebanon,
and like the zionists did on 911 by forbidding the
pursuit of the terrorists by following the crimes
scene leads at the real murder scene. Unjust
enemies of Man.

To arrest those responsible for 911, we are going
to need to form a public warrant for a person or
persons. Bush and Cheney are guilty of closing
investigations on 911, treason, called obstruction.

UnHoly Nazi Israeli Racists are Greater
than the censored words of Messiah!

IDF's YouTube Gaza channel to Correct Ourselves

/ / it will disseminate footage of precision
bombing operations \ \

Precision? They dropped seven million land
mines in Lebanon, after having seeked out where
the Jews lived, (Northern Lebanon), and murdered
them firstly! JEWS. They, as enemies of God,
like those of FoxNews, will refuse these type
of FACTS on their hatred for Love and Justice.
Their hatred for Jews, real Jews, like me.
Understand: American baby formula has been
contaminated with poisons, and FoxNews doesn't
think it's important to their corporate
responsibilities to kill ourselves further for
profit. The Zionist will murder anyone just to
steal your belief in God as Love. They HATE me
for being wise and Just. Hate. For, why wouldn't
America support my demands for open radio
communications on the Coast to Coast radio
network? Americans would rather murder Humanity
before Justice succeeds beyond their illusions
of grandeur through the mass murdering of
ourselves for stolen gains. The banker does not
cover our loans! Giving them trillions for free
unquestioningly is dumber than rocks. Enough.

Fake Rocket Attack

Remember however, the Zionist has no qualms
about killing Innocent Jews too if it means
Americans will get it more free welfare to
murder ourselves. They openly STEAL Peoples
homes in that nation run as thieves don't
You know? Or as it is just open public
knowledge that the Zionist excepts that
911 was actually a good thing for them as
war criminals reaping the cash rewards for
continuing capital murders?

/ / Ehud Barak promised that the war would
continue “to the bitter end.” \ \

That is you there Barak promises to end
bitterly as the innocent the demon targets
for ungodly murder. How could ANY REAL MAN
steal food from a Christian baby? How do they
do it?, as the inhuman. (Like bushite do in
Iraq, while on CNN in interview tell US, they
are there war criming for neocon traitors to
steal everything as "helping the Iraqi
children". They offer no clean water, no food,
just indiscriminate bombing campaigns of evil
incarnate. True fascist nazi enemies of true
freedom in America who advance censorship to
anyone like myself. Why? They lose. They are
not men but Satanic enemies of the King to
Jews, the Messiah. I Am. Thieves to the
scriptures of Hillel, and of Moses. Thieves
to the intent of every true religious person,
for God is everywhere. God is the Word, and
the Word is Holy. So, fuck you and die bushite
nazi traitors to American Justice, those of
them who refuse US open free words to resolve
their war criminal behaviors as is done in
godless Israel today against INNOCENT
Christians. Done before another innocent other
has our homes stolen, or is murdered by the
lawless grunting bushite dumfuk enemies of
Jesus Christ. I am King already, always have
been, always will be. Live with it. The Koran
is filled with great understandings on this
relationship. Christ is mentioned more than
Mohammad - and Mary can be understood as the
mother of all being before we are. a virgin.)

Lawless Police to Defend Who Again?

They Call it Terrorism

"Israeli nazi enemies call bombing people,
like they do without apology, terrorism.
What can't you figure?"


/ / Stand down 'Christian' nation. It's
not your babies. Ethnic cleansing is not
a 'sin' as long as the 'chosen ones' of
Israel do it. \ \

Israel, the nazi enemies of God nation broke
the ceasefire on November 4th. Now, as demon
liars claim they want to honor a ceasefire
again to further steal ourselves from the
Love of Justice. Why do the godless Zionist do
this always as first degree murderers? Because
they can't win an open debate on their treasons
against God and Man. The private bankers DO
NOT cover our loans. Again, these SATANIC
ENEMIES OF GOD dropped seven million land
mines on Lebanon while target killing JEWS.
INNOCENT JEWS. Targeted. Northern Lebanon,
look it up. Israeli MURDERED Jews. Innocent
Jews as targeted for more stolen charity. I
again, beg you to support my call for war
crime trials against the bushmob, including
CNN demons who report a total contempt for
YOUR life dying. Your call loser.

ISRAEL: No civilian casualties in Gaza!

Satanic enemies of God as anyone included.
Think: who buys these demon lies to steal
further from our innocent Humanity? Zionists
do at CBC and CNN, who will murder America
by openly lying to destroy freedom. Example:
CNN reports Georgian nazis who targeted
children schools, churches and threw grenades
into our homes to murder as minions for Satan
are called freedom fighters. Just like the
Third Infantry, the new lawless police officers
of California, who can't be charged with rape
for example, because ONLY Rumsfeld can okay
such prosecutions. Hey who cares for Iraqi Rights
right?, for TV America's CNN with FoxNews and
George Norry doesn't, for it's only American
women and children now right nazi enemies? And
WE ALL KNOW, cowardly America refuses to even raise
their phones for these dying concerns. How can
George Norry continue to live happily dying
America for the neocons? How? they let them.
Alex Jones thinks George Norry is just
fantastic, so no, don't encourage the NWOers
to demand free communications, because if we
did, Alex Jones and the like, would factually
look like the idiots he is. (better to die
America than face this foolishness?) The
banker doesn't cover our loans, we do Alex.
So giving them trillions in American worker
wages is a bank robbery in progress. Simple.
NOT a diabolical ingenious plan, we, the simple
folk can't figure without the Alex Jonesers
geniuses of thought control developed by the
CFR, builderberg, the Boners and NASA.

Exit strategy: Outlaw lawlessness. Murder, rape, and the
thieving of billions from America as STILL wrong.
2009-06-09 21:46:11 UTC
LMAO, i guess your ranting (the size of the post is to much to read),
cause you sir have no FUCKING clue to whats going on in the mid east.

Did you serve over there, you seen the shit what those people have done
to each other let alone another country stepping in to help settle things.

Ya sure some of the military sections/battalions/regiments/legions that
went there to protect the life of the innocent there did see and do some
horrific shit the general public will NEVER see, i ask you one thing..

Why post such endless rants when it's just going to go unheard.
I have the feeling you weren't there, your listening to to much radio/TV

Now FUCK OFF with your whining, Kiddo, get over it.

PS: Ya, your also posting in a for sale group Fucktard.
The True Patriot
2010-06-18 23:45:20 UTC
No evidence against an accused is US being truly abused

Wikileaks Soldier Reveals Orders for "360 Rotational Fire" Against
Civilians in Iraq

Why not support me in demands to arrest those
who as traitors, war America to escape who
ordered such Nazi war crimes to happen. Death
to the bushite, death to the enemies of God
and Man.

Answers to Everything

Question: someone tell US why Hayward was not
asked by Congress, for the name or names of those
who sabotaged the well? Safety fluid removed
causing the explosion for example. Crimes. BP
knew everywhere but in Repuglicon Demonrat bought
off America, their actions (no relief well,
acoustic switch absent, broken blow out
preventor, toxic corexit) were highly criminal,
and just because Cheney removed the laws, doesn't
make them any less negligent. A failure to
acknowledge Justice is wanting everywhere, but by
Congressmen on the take for war criminals attempting
escape like Israeli Nazi, doesn't mean we all must
lose everything for their personal contempt for

Look, we know they were drilling an extremely
deep well, and on purpose, refusing the simplest,
more common of safety precautions - this isn't
incompetence by the near largest most profitable oil
company out here, it is un-precedented malice for
Humanity expressed by a private corporation.
we need Justice ruling for a better future -
let's do this.. who's with who but ourselves out
on our owns, uniquely like everyone else is united
by natural law? (see Plato here.. and others..)

A moratorium must be placed on all new wells,
until we know what the hell is going on here.

Did you know that BP wasn't even paying royalties
on enough free oil to provide America for more
than a century?

Can You Believe This?

“One oil rig goes down and we’re going to be
rolling in dough,” Mr. Tourre wrote in one
email. “Suck it, fishies and birdies!”

BP Aware Of Cracks In Oil Well Two Months Before Explosion

Prisonplanet at their Best making good sense - oh Wow..

Justice is a must for US to hold bragging rights
on living in the home of the brave, as land of
the free. We are so close but for a minimal
communications failure on how we might be better
improving our circumstances. I figure once we
start rounding up the 911 conspirators, I will
offer my legal expertise to be the council for
the New World Order. No evidence, person
innocent. Builderburg is guilty of nothing, for
what can we say the bartender is responsible for?
A bad Martini? hardly worth our time,
considering specific traitors Mr. Bush and Mr.
Cheney are personally responsible for so much
more as proven traitors. Obstruction of Justice
is what we initially arrest them on, with the
further unraveling of criminals arriving to by an
old school, police man good cop bad cop trick
called, "following probable cause', along with
recognizing the bail-outs were the crimes of
extortion. We do this to preserve our rights by
arresting the bad guys guilty of mass murder in
my beloved New York City. Look, what ever I
said, I didn't mean it. I just want you back for
good. I love yeh you big duffus! - anyway, how
this probable cause works see, is real criminals
are caught that way, and we make best back for
our losses stolen through the process. Or would
you best see these turn coat con artists make off
with trillions and trillions, while the Nation
follows the lead of the NWO's imf... who's that
you ask? The guys who claim Goldman Sachs has
committed no frauds. - the same fools who
rooked America of trillions too! trillions I said,
TRILLIONS. Extortionist criminals revealed in
all our gloriously disturbing wonder, of why we
suffer so unfairly until.. the truth is revealed.
Our time is wasting for lack of better planning,
is what I think it is as Doctor to this World,
along with a loss of vision of what we could be,
if we, the People, just believed in ourselves to
demand equal rights under the protection of law
as we stand. Respect. No more TV con men denying
evidence to form our natural conclusions as "fact"
for reasons all well understood as fair to balanced.
We have video of iron flowing from the towers like
water, and Atta was funded by General Ahmad,
worklng for the Bush and the Neocons. who
resigned in embarassment. we need some
representing. Signing in King Johnny?

Core Of Corruption Volume 1 - In The Shadows

[this frame puts all to shame as amazing)

Truth Squad:
9-11 COMMISSIONER Bob Kerrey confesses 9-11 Commission could not do

Justice must rule for freedom's demand., as being
evidence to form a conclusion for guilt as
innocence is where we stand united by common
bond. Bush and Cheney halted Official 9/11
Police Investigations. PD 51, W199i, and so on..
911 was financed by General Ahmad, who in all
likelihood, is being lawlessly defended by
pimping child rape Blackwater.

Meet the 19-Year-Old American Killed in the Flotilla Attack

Israel killed more than 9, threw wounded into sea, witnesses say

Reporters Without Borders: 15 journalists still missing

Furkan Dogan Was Shot Five Times, Including Four Times in Head

Israel Bombs Gaza School Intentionally

/ / Israel’s deputy ambassador to the United
Nations, Daniel Carmon, "Israel enforced a
maritime blockade, which is a measure that is
totally legal in international law \ \ To break
the truce, murder Police officers, and
intentionally fire bomb defenseless innocent
children, suffering in a concentration death
camp. So, in other words, Hitler was right?

Satanic evil enemies of Life that intentionally
attacked helpless children. Satanic enemies of
LIFE. Not Jews, war criminals.

CONFIRMED: Destruction of 9-11 Options Trading Documents

TERRORIST TREASON, but who cares in TV AmerKa
right? Justice we must demand my friends,
justice we must demand

on Obama's speech..

/ / left unsaid is that there were already
ample safety regulations and a government
oversight agency in place, but the Obama
administration handed out exemptions and
waivers to the oil companies like party
favors! \ \

"Treasury Department Working To Defeat Derivatives Reform. Why?"

Because the Banksters, they be traitors
attempting escape with our stolen value


It's like actions of sabotage

..to escape Bush and Cheney for 911, and the
trillionaire bankster extortionists to me..

Short URL a godsend

"Time after time, it appears that BP made
decisions that increased the risk of a blowout"
[no joke - everywhere you look in fact]

Information from Gulf Area Residents and Organizations:

BP is criminal. Who's in charge? BP? Did you
know, they paid themselves 10 billion dollars in
bonuses last week thereabouts? And the big wigs
dumped their stock just prior? And the company
has "LOST" 10s of billions more these last few
weeks? Nothing is "lost", we just don't know
yet, into who's pocket the costs fell (Americans)
after Goldman Sachs and Hayward had their way
with us as escaping criminals. Well established
criminals. Banksters don't cover our loans for
example, we do as hijacked. And the EPA ordered
BP stop poisoning the Oceans with these massive
plumes, BP refused. Call the Cops American, call
the Cops.

bailing out banksters is the crime called extortion

acoustic switch, cashed blow out preventer,
safety fluid removed, relief well = minimally
criminal negligence

If or when they get us corralled, they have to
ensure we blame welfare mothers, or those that
want their fair share they've contributed to
social security, or those with big fat "lost"
pensions also. Don't let them steal Justice
from ourselves.

King Johnny I am

"The U.S. wins the right to abduct innocent people with impunity"

/ / In Marbury v. Madison, the US Supreme
Court affirmed the Constitution as the
supreme law of the land \ \


This is Antichrist bushite tyranny now.
Americans will die forsaken all because
they refused to speak for fairness. I'll
beg readers to forward this, I'll beg
Peoples to challenge the DEMON enemy
George Noory, and Americans, on the
whole, will refuse truth, will refuse
Justice, will refuse God. And like the
NWOer tea baggers, they'll blame the do
gooders, immigrants, liberals, the
elderly who deserve their fair share
of Social Security. Never to blame the
GUILTY war criminals Bush and Cheney, the
KBR rapists, the pimping child rapist
Blackwater torturers, the extortionist
banksters, the terrorist Zionist bombers
of the Air Force headed by Israeli
Satanists that get off on killing millions
indiscriminately for stolen gains. Fuck
you too America, fuck you too.

BP Death Clouds Already Onshore!
Benzene-3400ppb & Hyrdrogen Sulfide-1200ppb TOXIC AIR ALERT

Science as reason, is what a Conservative
Republican Libertarian nazi hates the Public
to understand, and corporate TV America will
never bare allowing a wise man or woman to
speak freely. America is a nation of evil
bigots without an ounce of concern for
defending real freedom, so what do you
figure will happen if they continue to
remain silent on Justice being the only
fair answer to tyranny?? They hate US not
because we are bad, but because we are good.
And as hateful of GOD, Zionist war criminal
American bigots who sacrifice their kids for
Bush and Cheney's escape for 911, just don't
care. America can't except the right to
defend themselves honorably. That is that.
Here's a big FUCK YOU to Nazi Amerika. I
hope you choke on it and die rightly, before
more innocent victims fall to your ungodly
lawlesness. Now, before you rightly die from
self contempt, go spend big to sit at Nascar
an pay an aditional six dollars for watered
down draft as daft. Charlie Daniels will be
there playing his Johnny song! Love him
to death, love him to death. Not Johnny,
no Charlie Daniels, who'll encourge you
kill your own kids for more stolen gains.
Fuck you too America, fuck you too.

"Gaza: 95% of factories are closed, 93% of water is polluted"

Nazi Israel

Fuck you too America, fuck you too.


Eat up dumfuk lying Mr. Bush bitches, eat up.

"BP counts its costs. Who cares about yours."

BP, "who cares"

This is not responsible. America doesn't need
more lies to hide from their painful reality they
criminally inflict against our world. BP knew
what they were doing would jeopardize America and
wrote, "who cares". And really, who does? The
evidence is overwhelming, and still, nobody in TV
America is calling for their formal arrests.
'Who cares' as BP says. Did you know that BP
wasn't even paying royalties on enough free oil
to provide America for a century? American land,
no royalties. It's like BP finding trillions of
gallons of oil in your back yard as saying,
yippee, $80 a barrel please. Do you care dying
American victims? Why not support my demand for
open free Communications on Coast to Coast radio,
Where now, the demon traitor to America resides
Denying life and Liberty? You call.

BP, "who cares"

AIPAC is paid by blindedly with American taxes,
to lie as demon evil for more war crimes that
they have become extremely wealthly because of.

My dear friends, we have a serious issue here
that needs leadership that doesn't divide like an
American bigot does.

I thought the Tea Party wanted Justice?

Violent Assault on Tea Party

/ / To Lefties they see it as black people
white people. They can't look beyond race. \ \

The black guy needed not to throw punch, however.

TV America is a nation of evil bigots. Besides,
without even watching but the first two seconds,
why does the guy who turns to move his camera,
throw the first push, then hidden he puts his
fist up to the black man that blocks it, then
runs BEHIND! his wife, yet, no one can see any
of that? As like, where's HIS vid then? You
peoples all are retards being divided by the
NWOers for escape of Bush and Cheney for 9/11.
Read the comments about how they as some, want to
shoot each other, before a punch is thrown by any
unknown stranger, (ANTICHRIST BUSH TACTIC) before
allowing a wiser man or women to speak truth as
power. Bailing out banksters in the crime of
extortion that America refuses to repeat, for
fear Johnny may look as wise as he truly is, and
they, a nation of racists and bigots, evil doers
like Ted Nugent, Charlie Daniels, Hank Williams
Jr. and shit for brains liar, UFC's heavy weight
Champion can't have that for themselves. They'd
rather die victims to their own self contempt.
Life on Earth isn't just Amerika's two party camp
of automatons, the illiterate NWOers who all
puppet "puppet, puppet, puppet" like it actually
means something important to escape a first
degree mass murderer, an un-elected dictator, as
a group who play pretends they champion something
on the radio by not supporting following probable
cause, and their "lefties". That don't actually
exist under a label that has no established rules
to measure. Example: Canada, Castro, Greece,
Stalin, Sweden, Mao, traffic lights and so on...
Dumfuks, a nation of goose stepping think all
alike bigot Conservative Libertarian Republican
dumb scums, who truly hate a wise man or woman
like me who states facts they can't in the light
of day, compete against as therefore LIARS EXPOSED.
(Example: Ron 'I always failing' Paul WON! the
Republican National Convention.) We demand the
arrest of those that committed the terrorist
crimes of 9/11, starting with Bush and Cheney,
Condi and Rumsfeld for obstruction, plus for
other things. And Obama and company for
extortion. Especially those too, who are rigging
these bogus elections. We will have our way.

okay I've watched several more secs..

The black guy needed not to throw punch, however.

See the Tea Party pirate doesn't care about Bush
including dead teen grunters ect.. HE appears to
LIE about the black man pushing his wife, IT'S
ALL RIGHT THERE! (he speaks as in that moment)
Holy fuk, you people are retarded. He made the
first move with a lie then an attempt with his
faggot punch, a LIE that the "Obamatron" had
pushed his wife, where CLEARLY, he hadn't from
what is proved. lying and lying and lying and
lying doesn't just make something true eventually
THINK! That kind of lie would have had me
laughing mad about the typical tea bagger liar, a
far better move at that stage against those who
advance war crimes for stolen values, like demon
whore of Satan, Sarah 'the retard' Palin. What
the fuk is wrong with all you people? BLIND TO

NWOer Americans are too stupid. But listen: how
is it that this guy who spoke against lawless
Bush is therefore auto "Obamatron"? And really,
really, what does that loosely mean? We all know
what a Bushite soulless whore for evil is, but
what is an Obamatron? A person who thinks
something is wrong with the Bushmob or Health
care?, and now sees Obama is not addressing the
issue honestly for the Nation's benefit?, as
doing just like a conservative who always tries
to divide the masses unfairly would, to escape
the for sure guilty party? Obama is an extreme
right wing facist, largely because he doesn't
have the skills to call on our help as an equal
to the body politic.

King I am, howdy.

from prisonplanet.com page right on the button.



/ / What I find totally unacceptable is the fact
that he let the guy push his wife THREE times \ \
ahhh.. pulling a pro Rand Paul, as 'we can't
compete honestly, so let's lie to everyone who
can't know either way ploy., we'll show them!'
Evil is naked.

Remember: AJ states America's health care is the
best in the world, and nobody yet, has been
capable of corecting him simply with our reality,
that he would likely, deny. Despite the
mathimatical facts, and rampant curuption, as PR
poisons. Canada by the way is ranked near the
very bottom of Nations for Health Care on Earth
(something near 40), of Nations that are smart
enough to know as the Publicly governed; a
private insurance company that pockets 70 percent
to pay off an Alex Jones for favorable press,
makes little of no sense but to the bad guys who
would rather see you die. Still, as near dead
last, Canada pays half as much as Americans per
capita, and gets universal coverage, while
Americans are expected to go out and purchase
private insurnace then. Why? Simply for the
fact, we don't have a middle man taking our
investments, then bribing Congress. Alex Jones,
is strangely stupid often like this, where
instead of defending freedom for everyone, he
thinks he's playing football. Where the team
isn't Freedom from Tyranny, but HIS
"Conservativism" is better than all the
"Liberals" who think exactly as he says they
does. His issues are generally our top notch,
but his conclusions are easiliy 85% false. A
cult it is almost, where you must except Pope AJ
blindly is infallible without questioning.
Weirdly stupid when he states that, (and he has
many times) but, well, whatever. We all have
issues. I want Justice. Carry on..


Treason Warranting Death

/ / Congressmen Brad Sherman call for Americans on
the flotilla to be arrested for helping “terrorists.” \ \

Treason warranting death. Why do Americans have
laws at all, if we as Humanity let this demon
monster freely breathe our air, advancing as a
"Law Man" ungodly evil war criminal TYRANNY
unchallenged by the corporate snooze elites? We
want him publicly arrested, publicly tried, and
publicly executed without delay all Americans
say. Israeli Nazis broke the truce. They target
helpless innocent children with white phosphorous
for stolen profit as Zionist. They steal candy
from babies. Do not let Brad Sherman profit off
these Satanic mass murders at the loss of further
innocent victims. Death to the bushite war
criminals. It is good to be we.


"Hoax: Video Showing Heavy Weapons Discovered on Mavi Marmara is a
"Italian flotilla journalist: My credit card was used after IDF
confiscated it"
"videos showing Israeli commanders obviously not under any threat
shooting point blank at passengers who are down."
ect. ect. ect.

What is consistent? They are demon liars who
cheat us the respect we have for innocent life.
Again, Satanic enemies of God and Man are the
Zionist betrayers to truth, to Justice. Thieves
as God speaks in the Bible about these Satanic
demon enemies of the Jew's Messiah.

/ / The Obama Administration has formally abandoned
its public calls for an international probe of the
Israeli attack on a Gaza-bound aid ship \ \

Only because we know the guilty parties need to
be arrested, tried, and executed without delay.
An American was murdered by a Zionist who was
given a shiny gold medal for shooting innocent NO
THREAT Humanitarian workers in the back. Sound
like 'Liberty'? Johnny for NEW! Coast to Caost
radio Host! Vote early and vote often!

"Mexico condemns Border Patrol shooting of teen"
Demand death to the bushite who shot the child.


'Obama secretly deploys US special forces to 75
countries across world against al-Qaeda' but not
to kill KBR for raping Americans?

War crimes. Kill a bushite and be blessed by
God. Bushites are demon enemy thieves of
Freedom, who war to torture, who war to mass
murder, who war to rape American women as
escaping Bush and Cheney for treason. Kill a
bushite for the love of our Humanity. Kill a
bushite liar and be blessed by all. Thank you.


This of course is fantastic. Good work makes
for a better life.



Chuck Schumer On Gaza: 'Strangle' Them Economically, 'They Don't
Believe In The Torah'

"You know, my name [Chuck Schumer] ..
comes from the word shomer, guardian,
watcher. My ancestors were guardians
of the ghetto wall in Chortkov."



Whell Shoom, it certainly would have been
advantages of you to speak against these war
crime forces of evil to God Loving Jews as
Pirated then. right? "The Torah". Shoom knows,
that the first strike targets in Lebanon were the
Jewish communities, and that Nazi Israeli broke
the truce to get Jews killed for more charity
that they will of course, use elsewhere while
mocking their innocent victims with, 'A Jew Did
This', calling card. Where is our vigilant words
when the bodies count Shoom? Like as, why would
any God loving Jew, steal from others as a sin to
Moses? A sin to Nature? They wouldn't. But a
Zionist Pirate of the Jewish Messiah would, (it's
in the Koran also for jiminy crickets folks),
the, Holy Christ is the King of the Jew's
Messianic Faith figure from scriptures all over,
as pure Red, White and Blue also - an equal
rights for all kind of a guy.. For Shoom to say
quietly, a defense of Israel is to watch silently
as innocent Jews are sacrificed for the greater
criminal Zionist gains, should be seen by just
about every single last one of us, something
horribly evil in our worlds suffering for a
blindly sold ignorance of being treated unjustly,
as the absence of shame for the Zionist war
mongering cold hearted evil sum of Satan's LIAR
minions. Hey! a just world where our rights are
tuly honored as respected, could be a much better
place than what we are stuck with currently.
Shoom how could you do that to your fellow Human?
How could anyone truly? Especially if CNN and
CBC and FOXNEWS had been ridiculing you all for
it.. fat chance. Fat chance now anyway..

Holy FuK,
I am who I am

Your Servant
King Johnny

"He died four years before the [BP] plan was published"


P.S. we need better plans with more money on
this oil in the gulf region issue. All available
tankers world wide must be commissioned at double
pay weeks ago already. BP is criminally
negligent to defending our public image.

/ / how libertarian "principle" all too often,
and all too consistently, essentially gives
unbridled permission to behavior and actions that
are toxic to our communities and their well-being \ \

I am not alone..


Torture Of Palestinian Child Prisoners
"Widespread And Institutionalised"

Don't you too, hate those Satanic with
everything you are?

/ / The oil company has told workers not to
wear respirators because it's bad for public
relations, according to one human rights group. \ \


Fight Back. We need BP assets seized, and the
formal arrest of management for crimes against
Life. They KNEW the rig was going to blow, and
did nothing to stop the carnage from happening,
just as, they are doing minimally today. Stop
with the TOXIC dispersants, and get with the
available tankers world wide to pick up the oil
then conveniently on the surface.

BP's violations of American law, dwarfs every
other oil company on the planet. Well, except
maybe Dutch Shell with a longer term view,
regardless, BP has had near 800 SERIOUS life
threatening violations compared to the second
worse violator at a sum of 8ish. This is not
incompetence, this is definitely criminal
malfeasances in cahoots with Goldman Sachs and
Cheney of all players. It's a good thing I was
here. Les getter dun for US out there who
believe in a greater America where freedom
reigns. Please. Thanks.

Rand Paul: Obama's criticism of BP 'un-American'

Forbidden NWOer knowledge:
Saddam wasn't in violation of 1441.

Remember: Ron Paul calls these war crimes of
millions indiscriminately mass murdered, all for
the TREASONOUS LIES of the grandson to Hitler's
banker, simply, "a Police Action"

'all liberals think this, and that's why my
judgment of them is bad' American goose stepping
"Conservatives" think retardedly

"76 US Senators Sign on to Israel Letter"

FIGHTBACK. Demand these Zionist TRAITORS be
exposed publicly as war criminals who fund the
willful mass murder of innocent, INNOCENT
Christians for their stolen kick back riches.


"Baltimore Homes Confiscated Over Bills Of Less Than $1000"

Sound just? For whom?

"Video Shows Israeli Commando Executing American"

You'd think, if corporate News America, was as
concerned for American freedoms, as they claim,
"taking our calls", "treading our e-mails" this
would be a public interest story worth demanding
a public trial for death sentence against the
Nazi Israeli war party, guilty of pre-meditated
first degree murder(s)? Why give the murderer a
cash prize from dying American tax payers, all to
celebrate Satanic victory of lawlessly cheating
US over God's will to be just towards ourselves
freely as mankind. ? I don't think so.

Get real. Christ we are something, who knew?

Anyway, Intelligence is not separate from
existence ourselves. Why they don't care, many
great philosophers tell ourselves as is for,
lacking a Humanity, when we do not act to express
care here where we suffer as unjustly
unrepresented. This battle is won a great long
time ago with ideas of Law that stand strong for
good reason. Would God's Will Be Just, or no as
is described Satanic in Scriptures about a
criminal cabal hiding out in a place called
Israel, a Peoples pirated by those stealing the
title of "Jews" from Jews, to commit the most
egregious war crimes ever known of. Craving the
Zionist is, for the blaming of all "Jews" by
bigots and racists who's minds are too weak to
see their real world divisions every one else
lives in as fairer accordance with the respect
for the Rights of Man. Johnny says "It is not
Jewish to 'escape' from God as heinous war
criminals, who routinely target civilian
populations to profit off the mass murders." Not
Jewish. Example. U.N. Girls School, breaking
truces, and the attempted Genocide of all the
Semitic groupings. Crimes only the hoodwinked
German Nazis too, could take pride in without
international satellite television dying Germany
in darkness near all in for the big picture
there, where demon Antichrist Bush's Bankster
grandfather escaped with his family line left in
high Republican pro gang raping regard. We need
King Johnny, and here I am. Pass me along to
sing this song of liberation to the folks who use
the internet for something other than this. Like
99.9% or so it seems. Keep up the good work folks,
you know we loved you, and I hope we'll get
through this together to a better future, side by
side we ride with the suffering world in need of
real leadership that just doesn't forget how
incredible we could be with honesty as policy.
With our stolen trillions returned to the proper
owners. With Justice as Victory over war
criminals escaping for slavery in tyranny. The
choice is simple in this regard, are you with
yourself to believe as much, or will you decide
to live in lies to profit the bad guys? You

King for good reason that I am for everyone
listening, of a great story of heroic deeds where
our lives were not further jeopardized. Where
for Justice we would not refuse any climb, as
freedom is to be defended, to our last dying
breathes against the unlawful tyrants.. Then God
shows up as his crazy one son, an equal among all
with answers for everything as trying to save a
day for something special. Who comes up with
this stuff eh? oh yeah, we do. Man, could I
tell you people some stories you'd never believe,
if just people could find an interest in
defending our species under attack by 'lawless'
minions of the evil demon enemy Antichrist,
escaping the 9/11 conspirators as traitors. Send
this post to a friend who cared enough to say,
thanks man, this post is incredible. Why do I
know that? Because I am me see? King Johnny!
Hi everyone! Boo!


BBC - Israel Mossad did 911 and Iran does not want Nukes

Senior BBC Mideast Correspondent Alan Hart!!!

Let's nominate the fellow for something
really big..

Remember though, Bush and Cheney closed Official
911 Police Investigations. When asking bushite,
they'll likely tell dying for their evil demon
lies, "I don't care." How about you? Do you care
as an American, no one can be ever arrested for
mass murder in New York City on 911 until the
Police are brought back to following probable
cause to nab the FOR SURE war criminals
responsible? Starting with Bush and
Cheney for Obstruction. This is
not a rocket.

bosses knew Gulf oil rig disaster was 'gonna happen': report

Fight Back for Christ Sake God Damn You

The Truth

Let US unite on arresting Joe Lieberman and
McCain for treason. It is without reason that
America wills to imprison themselves as innocent
persons indefinitely to prosper the zionist
peenacker neocon CRIMINALS. Old school Humans
use to call that crime kidnapping. It is still
on the books however as un-American. Who are
ever going to believe in American, if not
Americans? This McCainiac move is patently dumb,
as it is way down low tyrannically evil, and very
very very much illegal. To everyone.


Should Israel Allow Humanitarian Aid To Be Delivery To Palestinians?

Survey Results Yes 72% No 28%

Why must we pain to explain why this is as evil
as it gets? Nazi Israel states, "No cookies for
good children". You can't get any more mean and
ungodly evil than that but for when they
diliberately burn them alive with white
phosphorous. TV Americans who fund this couldn't
care, for they are denied our Humanity. Why must
you, my reader, continue to refuse to forward my
calls? Why must you forsake me also on all this
brings by offering no support to this freedom
cause? Do you hate me for my wisodm more than
you'll hate the bushite grunter lawlessly raping
your family? Remember, for then, it will be too
late for ayone to care. KBR are gang raping
American women today, and what does the American
male have to say in writing, on talk radio, or
their magic TVs? Not enough.

IDF denies disciplining top officers over
phosphorous used against children targeted

Israel caught STEALING 80% of all charity given!!

This is an issue that will refuse to go away.
They thieve, they torture, they mass murder as
Satanic enemies of God and Humanity. They ADMIT
to breaking the truce, and then fire bombing
children on purpose. Not an accident, THEIR
STORY. Then, murdering more than 239 Police
Officers, while spewing, 'Jews are anti-Semites
to have a concern for the innocent Semitic
Peoples of Palestine'. Look, these Satanic
Zionists that truly hate Jews are Caucasian!
Not SEMITIC, war crimminals.

"Israeli Court: Firing On Unarmed Peace Activists Is OK"

Do you really need the Bible, and the Messiah to
come down here to tell you how Satanic as evil a
Zionist enemy of the Jew really is? They murder
our spouses, they murder our children, not
accidentally, but on purpose, to steal our lands,
to steal our money, then tell us all, it wasn't
their fault as the truce breaker (dying Jews),
but our own for trusting they were honorable.

The Zionist Enemies of GOD and Man


/ / They [the Zionist LIAR enemies of God] had
a rightful claim to the land because thousands
of years earlier they once had lived there. \ \

Who once lived where?

/ / If I stole your diamond ring and said that
G-d told my grandfather that the diamond ring
was his, so therefore it is now mine. I think
we would have ourselves a conflict. [..]
Your Honor, that diamond-ring is mine.\ \ "STOLE"!

No, the Zionist should be in prison as a thief,
or publicly executed an ungodly murdering evil
demon NAZI fuck. Hellen Thomas resigned because
of this thing's high moral standards as the Nazi
Israel of today, and America says what to happy
George "The traitor" Norry, who lies, cheats, who
steals to kill more teen grunts for Bush and
Cheney's escaping?


/ / This is the online version of the article,
"The 13th Tribe" which details the Khazar
heritage of the Ashkenazi. Because the fact that
the Ashkenazi are the descendants of people who
converted to Judaism in 800AD and NOT the direct
descendants of the biblical Hebrews contradicts
official Israeli claims to "own" Palestine, the
megaphones have gone out and used WOT to smear
any sites that discuss the matter. \ \

No plumes? They are releasing the dispersants
right at the well head. Arrest them for crimes
against God and Humanity.

Vapour from oil 'not toxic'

It freakishly seems, some of the NWOers are
suggesting oil, because it is natural, is not
something any should be too worried about for the
next thousand years. I feel ashamed at our
standards to not be more informed that volcanos
like earthquakes or comets are natural also like
zillions of natural poisons that can destroy
systems easily. But, toxic Oil will
harm Americans who can't be bothered to speak
factually today for their own defense, never mind
a hazyier huffing tomorrow. And not blaming Dick
Cheney for removing the Laws is just crazy man
crazy. But Mr. Bush is America's deity they die
their innocent children for willingly, to torture
and or rape, to push heroin for life term prison
stints, robbing everyone, so what can we expect
further without freedom speaking nationally for
open polite debate on the facts that matter most?


soldiers killing American! And Obama does nothing

Video of the killing, and remember, the Zionist
murderer got a shiny medal paid for by all dying
American taxing payers.

"Israeli request for more arms from US"



"Intelligence Chief"


/ / Obama’s pick for intelligence chief thought
Bush was right about WMDs in Iraq \ \

How is this not sabotage? A mind that for
criminal gains, or being dumb to the facts of
reality, is going to now, head up as,
"Intelligence Chief" of these entire United
States of America? Do you think as I, that
President Obama needs a friend like us to better
judge our options here? Justice is what we will
to defend our freedoms understood. (WMDs was a
con, a con naked, a con treasonous. The bushmob
doctored the NIE for example) Not to war denying
others a right to liberty with false accusations,
false arrests, torture, bankster extortions and
so on far into realms a repuglicon demonrat
refuses as fathomable. Anyway, I'm King Johnny.
I am neither one without another even fancier
label system as a dynamically alive individual, I
am not left at the exception of being measured
correct, or right when I say, blind loyalty for
bribe money as stolen gain with fuzzy facts not
corrected as unstable in corporate America is
boulder dash. It's the groupings of celebrated
truly blind Ideologues, who insist their narrow
limited view like a bigot or racist does, could
stand as long as those who know better,
mathematically or as such logically, are not
allowed polite speech through open public debate
in defense of the innocent left victimized.
Starting firstly with, the deeply illiterate,
(fan of demon whore of Satan Palin for example)
on the issues that are highly important to
everyone. Peace. Debates on our political
stages to garner the minimal facts for action,
could be a great windfall if we put our minds
together fairly for actual freedom for any
individual. Not flailing madly through the
maelstrom of hell laughing at the passing of gas
plumes. I stand on my own sides. I'm old school
human. Multi dimensionally. No evidence person
innocent. A free man shall not be imprisoned..
While torturers are the serious bad guys with
Bush and Cheney we must bag as the law Publicly
demands. Do not except their broked excuses to
our public without shallow meditations on who you
really are here left without the rights that life
freely grants you among the stars in Heaven.
Treat yourselves better to know, we need to Start
effectively addressing the oil spill on actions
to commission a massive world wide effort to try
mitigating the further poisoning of our Oceans,
while simultaneously working with all Police
world wide on Justice for 9/11 starting with Bush
and Cheney, Condi and Rumsfeld. During this
time, we will have daily international debates on
the fact that these private trillioniare
banksters do not even cover our loans, so what
the hell is anyone paying them back for, but our
stolen rights to objectively complain, cause you
need be at least a god like genius apparently to
explain it so simply. Don't forsake your worth,
as the effort to defend as the innocent now.
Soldiers who serve to kidnap innoncet persons for
torture are demonic traitors to God and Man.
Who truly serve to die before anyone else. That's
a fact. Kill a bushite and be blessed.

"A New World Order Based Upon Collective Action"
is not as the blind ideologue claim, always must
be a failure to conclude what they can not
comprehend where they fear. Ergo, Alex Jones has
a huge list of forbidden subjects that he
believes shouldn't be heard, denied all to defend
his quacky nonsenses. Like Ron Paul winning the
Republican convention. Or, about Bush's personal
criminal actions that stole America's freedom to
be. The State is God, good or bad. You choose.

Unbound as forever,

Johnny Justice


Waveland, Mississippi is ankle-deep in dead fish

you can't investigate Enron - John Loftus

Obama hasn't talked to Tony Hayward

No plumes?

"if laws are insufficient, they'll be changed."

790 violations - no death sentences

blow out preventer broken, no relief well,
acoustic swtich removed by Cheney, safety fluid

"Safety fluid was removed before oil rig exploded in Gulf"



Stop with the dispersants, get all the tankers
world wide to pick up the oil then conveniently
on the surface. Arrest BP for giving out 10
billion dollars in bonuses this last week, and by
refusing to stop dumping their toxic poisons as
ordered by the EPA. No plumes? They are
releasing the poison right at the well head. Oil
is poison too if American Nascar junkies didn't
know nothing cause theys brain deaders. Love the
make believe TV Crp. fantasy to death they do.

British Petroleum in Colombia:
Colombian Army Attacks Striking BP Workers

'Federal Complaint Seeking Investigation of
Torturing innocent Peoples to death by bushite
for pleasure' ex. Cory E. Jones, or Willie
Brand as unarrested torturers, walking free with
TV Hero status still torturing, still raping,
still the enemy deserving of death as Reagan
Commands, done so more of our loved ones don't
fall victim. Kill a bushite and be blessed by
American said God.



/ / Israel executed wounded, abused corpses and
emptied automatic weapons into bodies at point
blank range. These were the acts of brutal
animals, not humans. \ \ Bushite in Fallujah
were responsible for bombing bodies of innocent
women and children to pieces to make it look good
to the demon enemies over at TV America that
steals our would be, true concern over these
bushite grunters walking free anywhere. When a
bushite dies, all of Human kind benefits.
Understand, they stole the Iraqi Development Fund
while propping a military dictatorship, where the
dictator admits to blowing up Iraq school kids
and ordering grunts to target doctors and nurses,
in Fallujah and Sammara he ran cover for the most
heinous of war crimes in History, and, Allawi is
the monster who sold/stole all of Iraq's future,
to the 'privatize always' IMF (Banksters with
Goldman Sachs). Why would only the worst of war
criminals play US for innocent victims? Because
the bushite FOXNEWS FAN knows, men in America are
too weak to express a true concern for their own
criminal downfalls. Bush and Cheney closed
official 911 Police Investigations, and "men" in
TV America can't raise the phone to demand truths
be spoken for the benefits of all. Justice is


"Heroic" U.S. pilot seen firing on [innocent] people in Iraq

'Listen to the laughter and hatred'

Understand, these bush bitches are called heroic
brave warriors in America's movies and news

WMD LIES - Bush Cheney Rumsfeld etc. - THE ULTIMATE CLIP

"Obama's Budget Calls for Billions in New Spending for Drones"

After we all learning these weapons are used
exclusively to indiscriminately murder us peoples
at random with what the heroin pushers term a
"suspect"? learned only to be so by anonymous
sources they brag as demon evil of Satanic
threat. These are ungodly war crimes perpetrated
by bushite nazi zionist grunters through NATO and
the Blackwater of "CIA", who war America's
Freedom as rapists for the escape of the neocon
peenackers responsible for 911. AS REPORTED
WORLDWIDE: Bush and Cheney closed 911 Police
investigations once it was revealed, to have been
orchestrated as funded by General Ahmad. The
General who was formally reported to be at hand
on Sept. 9th, over at the white house visiting
friends, where of that same day as reported by
MSNBC, Condi was putting the finishing touches
with her signature on the 'Top Secret
Presidential War Directive' DOCUMENTED WAR CRIME
PLAN designed to invade Afghanistan for pension
thievers Enron scammers. Premised on not giving
evidence against any accused as responsible,
would secure occupation for a desperately needed
liquefied natural gas pine line for a power plant
in India. Escaping those truly responsible for a
crime that hadn't even happened yet when penned!
All for a power plant owned by Enron. The Dubal
Working Group was run by Cheney in the lead up,
as to having grunts, the evil nazi fuks who
mumble nothing but contempt for Freedom,
stationed just outside Afghanistan readying to
war, waiting for the mass murder of America
strike to blitz, so they could go in and murder
anyone too. To torture, to thieve, to hate Life,
to hate Love, to hate God. See, Enron, who was
facing imminent arrests and possible life
sentences for STEALING SO MUCH of every American
family conned to die, (were even publicly
desperate.), being Mr. Bush's biggest financial
contributors, they were worried Americans might
be smart enough to catch on.. You remember?,
Pension thievers Enron who AS CRIMINALS,
quadrupled the cost for electricity in California
to all become billionaires? who ended up
escaping for near everything - didn't even have
to give back the stolen pensions to America, nor
even go bankrupt for Christ sake fuck you.
(banksters cashed in however) Anyway, the General
was the guy who went over to Afghanistan in
person, to let the Taliban know, no evidence
would ever be brought against the accused, and
that they were Muslims. When questioned, General
Ahmad resigned in embarrassment over getting
caught red handed.. Like when a Ron Paul or TV
pro says, 'yeh, they, sorry people, they lost the
money, golly shucks. go away now I'm a loser
like all of everyone else can be ever cause
Government is bad', not individual criminals,
never with a Libertarian, no, it's big bad
government. Fraud due to waste? no no no, it's
just big - can't fathom it so - only one precept
away to the know nothings of anarchy rulze,
'we're cool', suits them good too. While the
TRUE PATRIOTS who appose lawless indiscriminate
warfare against the INNOCENT of Humanity are
called, "Anti-War Left-Wing Traitors" by the
tough guys, who will to rape your child, who will
to rape your wife. To torture to thieve from
America. (just to be clear, I don't really
allege Ron Paul is like an, all out bad guy here
- it's too bad he doesn't speak for Justice to
preserve a free society, but that's pretty much
what America is portrayed as trained - and you
need to be near a free thinkin god i guess to be
able to conceive these histories off the beating
trails of TV passivity. i guess, or all you
people are just idiots to take these war
criminals lying down.. God is good man, god is

Core Of Corruption Volume 1 - In The Shadows

Okay, you may have heard me hype stuff before,
but this is so beyond the scopes of the entire
Patriot NWOer Community including myself, I
thought, we'd be amiss to not see this. I.. my
'universe' like, went wow, now I know near much
more than I did before times three or four. This
info is like a treasure of horrific self
discovery that we have a one cause job to get to
the bottom of this without delay to lock the bad
guys away for mass murder on 9/11 and 7/7. Once
we arrest the principle suspects, and try them
for their murderous treasons, we should then,
consider teaching this struggle in classrooms all
over the world. I haven't even finished watching
this yet, but I felt a need to say this here and
now. Exceptional. It's all in what you make of
life, that can lead us to a better world.
Justice for you is justice for me, as free to be
we in this universe of great suffering, left
absent wonder in the possibilities of it all
without our sad poor King fretting as he does
near all day long about our bleaker futures.
Freedom is Justice is Victory is Wow!, back to
work my friends, back to work. Let's save the
world!, no, seriously. Before it is too late.
Freedom to speak the facts is where we is at.
How about You? everybody loves us truly
somewhere I'm sure. After all, we are who we are
by being incredible.


Rand Paul Compares Himself To Martin Luther King Jr.

The Iraq war is a war crime, does he care? Nope.
Just says, he'd vote against it. WAR CRIMES.

911? Nope.

Bankster Extortions? Nope.

Torture? Nope.

Vaccines? Nope.

"I cheer Lerone Bennet when he argues that the
right of habeas corpus guaranteed in the
Constitution" Cheer for the torture victims
granted a day for Justice then you two face.

Raping women, and hating blacks or Jews is
something he claims he wouldn't support himself,
but American Nazis, the KKK, and like-wise, go at
er he won't complain. he's your ticket. Ergo,
he is funded by hate groups that he has no
problem backing as illiterate savages who play
right in on the Zionist agenda. (evil is the
deceived disguised)


"Should a small business in a two-story building
have to put in a costly elevator," So, don't let
black men, or Jews eat anywhere we the public
afford ourselves?

What an asshole. Again ZERO commitment to defend
America judicially, just wants millions donated
like his father to fight the NWO by backing the
murder of anyone and everyone for ungodly
Zionism. Why does Alex whore his NWOer cult for
this pro-racist Nazi monster? Everybody agrees,
the guy doesn't care for the plight of the Black
man, the Jew, the Christian, 911 victims, while
assisting as a TRAITOR to rob Social Security
TODAY. !!!!! Pro torture is an act of high
treason warranting death by President Reagan,
so.. what's he doing there in all the fixed
polls of fixed elections that he has no words for
either? Bush and Cheney closed 911 Police
Investigations, and he don't care as TV America
sells to the dying NWO suckers also. So, why oh
why, would Alex Jones and the NWOers back this
asshole who holds nothing about defending America
from war criminals? From Banksters who have
extorted trillions? Give me a break.

"At BP’s Texas City refinery, more than 400 pounds a day of benzene"

They appear to be trying to kill US. Do you
care? We asked a bushite if he cared that Bush
and Cheney were escaping for the treason of 9/11,
and you know what he said, to the bright light of
all who were listening? "I don't care." Fight
back by demanding open communications absent
censorship on Justice securing our Freedoms. I
love Texas on a good day. Men, we have a job to

RETARD ALERT : Alex Jones, "Liberals don't like Bush." for mass
murdering Humanity as never elected demon enemy of God he means?

Obama's Scheme to Kill Public Housing and Give the Land to Banks

Again, Obama the extortionist is a 'lefty'?

'Another KBR employee says she was raped'

Obama a 'lefty' by refusing to order grunts to
kill all still remaining at KBR for this? I
would tell, quit, for in two days, we'll as the
world's men, be hunting them down to the ends of
Earth for these rapes they FALSELY believe they
are 'magically' never to be held account for,
just because those 30 Republicans ruled so as war
criming traitors to the flag, and on all we stand
United. ? Paleeze.

'Reid defends Israel, blames activists for their deaths'

"Israel’s Crude Forgery of Tape Backfires"

Holy fuk, no wonder G-D calls these
unlawful demon enemies of all Satanic.. eh?

SHOCK: Israel Taps Every Single Phone In America

IDF Admits It [demonically] Doctored the Audio Tapes

Israel accused of fabricating flotilla video [as ungodly evil doers]

These youtube totals are bullshit.

*EXCLUSIVE* israeli Commandos OWNED, CAPTURED and Crying like COWARDS
aboard Mavi Marmara.

A real, honest to Life HERO!

I'd nominate him an award, but he's already
earned it. What a man. All is possible. The
American Elected President should throw him a
five million dollar bonus just for being there
for US. If I had the money, you'd know, we'd be
calling up Everyone about this on the World Wide
Work of Wonder by Justice for Freedom is the
Answer, International radio Jam, with your side
kick, Johnny America - The True Patriot - coming
through - to you - LIVE! taking Your calls on
what happens next when freedom from tyranny
rings. What do we know?, could happen.

*EXCLUSIVE* israeli Commandos OWNED, CAPTURED and Crying like COWARDS
aboard Mavi Marmara.

A real, honest to Life HERO!


“Suck it fishes and birdies” – BP decisions making Goldman’s
“prophesy” our WTF reality

“One oil rig goes down and we’re going to be
rolling in dough,” Mr. Tourre wrote in one
email. “Suck it, fishies and birdies!”

We will not stop until we see Justice done
for US. God, and everyone else.

Justice is Victory.


Advisors received kickbacks from H1N1 vaccine manufacturers

I wish Humanity could understand how serious
these crimes are. 1 in 5 children of America
were reported to have received these shots
containing mercury. Not a liberal socialist
theory, but a scientific certainty that it did
nothing to prevent the "flu", but caused for
sure, massive brian damage. More recruits of the
bushite minions we can only presume. It is still
a crime against Humanity despite the fact that
CNN, CBC, FOXNEWS and others will deny our
humanity the science on any subject as truly
concerned. Especially maths. 2% on S.S. for
example. A trust fund. 2%. Fight back for the
truth to will out over the nazi grunting
illiterate liars who can't compete, so call
themselves "Conservatives", or "Republicans" or
"Libertarians", all tuned to hold the American
Constitution in contempt. Bush and Cheney closed
9/11 Police Investigations. 1441. The Banksters
don't cover our loans. Free debates must be
demanded for freedom to rule fairly in our
benefits. Bigots and racists are weaker minded
fools, that don't want Justice ruling, where they
are exposed for the cons they truly are to
themselves. Have no fear. I am a pro.
This is old school Human: Justice is Victory.

'There are 17 passengers and crew from the flotilla still unaccounted

Presumed MURDERED.

Flotilla Choir presents: We Con the World

Ah yes, but did you know: That in ungodly
Satanic Israel, if you as a child, think stealing
from others is unholy, they put you in prison for
refusing to steal from others, or to bomb our
Humanity without justified reason as a bone to
pick? Nazi Israeli openly confess to breaking
the truce by fire bombing our loved children.
Seven million land mines they dropped on Lebanon,
in more than 140 towns and cities. Israeli Nazi
prisons are filled with Jews who believe in
Scripture, who are honest, who are God loving,
who are INNOCENT. First strike targets in
Lebanon? Jews. Satanic just as is explained in
the Bible. NOT JEWS, war criminals.

We exist. Life could be something greater.

AIPAC and PNAC are who America must demand
Justice be taken against naked traitors, that
will innocent peoples be murdered, so they can
profit off the kick backs. Let's defend
everybody on this issue, by demanding their
formal public arrests, public trials, and public
convictions. Easier than pie.

Cornyn defends Israel's right to kill innocent Americans

Remember, this demon enemy also supports gang
raping American women with FOX. And American men
don't care enough to murmer a concern, let alone
demand his head for treason. Again, all American
women, you need to find a real man like me who
will stand in defense of all that is right, as
all that is beautiful. Bushites deserve to die
for their treasonous crimes of mass murder and
torture against the targeted innocent done to
escape TRAITOR Bush and Cheney for 9/11. Bushite
are enemies of our Humanity, and God.

Cheney, told American Police agencies, that if
they dared looking into Enron, they would be all

What Congress Does Not Know about Enron and 9/11
see kids? Cheney is a bad man.

Look. Bush [Powell handled the money] gave the
Taliban 47 million dollars in August 2001. This
after learning from Tenet in JULY, al-qeada in
Afghanistan with ol' bin Laden, were in the final
states of an imminent terror strike! as he
reported dutifully on that 60 minutes interview.
Then according to federal prosecutor John Loftus,
Cheney, told Americans, that if they dared
looking into Enron, they would all be arrested.
I knew about W199I, sure, but I wasn't aware that
that included Enron. IT'S A GOOD THING WE'RE
HERE. If I had spoke on Coast to Coast once a
week for five hours since 2001, someone most
certainly would have told me about this Mr.
Loftus character, and we wouldn't be lost in a
decade of indiscriminate lawless warfare against
God and Humanity by Amerikan Zombie Inc.

War Crimes against Innocent Children by Bushite Nazi Grunt
"it's their fault for bringing their kids into a battle"

/ / Why would the Taliban (a word which means
students) attack school children, knowing that
this would destroy local public support for them?
This is like George Washington and Thomas
Jefferson opening fire on an American school in
the war against Britain. Does it make any sense? \ \

The Taliban had opened schools for girls, had
women allowed to be doctors or nurses, and had
women working at the Kabal newspaper where they
didn't have to wear the Burka - DESPITE NAZI
American tea Bagger LIARS who LIE to murder the
innocent in attempt to escape Bush and Cheney for
911. The Taliban would kill rightly a bushite
nazi rapist - unlike the grunts, who war
Afghanistan to rape women and children without
complaint to steal all our charitable aids - all
the while, pushing heroin to life imprison
American teens for simple possession.

U.S. Intelligence Analyst Arrested in Wikileaks Video Probe

Real American soldiers will war for his release
from the clutches of the lawless war criminal
Obamanoids. The drone flyers striked the guy who
threw his shoe at Bush. Murder charges that will
warrant the hunting for death of every last bush
bitch demon whore responsible in the Air Force,
hunted for their contempt for Man, and our flag.
These are crimes against Humanity. These were
war crimes against innocent children, innocent
women, innocent men. They killed dogs for fun.
They chased down one child from a church service
with no less than $500,000 worth of bombs. A
CHILD. Die bushite die, America is coming for
you demon fuks, die bushite die.


Clarifying [pro-racist but not a racist himself] Rand's Position on

/ / Should we release KSM because he was tortured? \ \

What is he guilty of demon fuk, and shouldn't we
try Rand for treason to suggest any other such
thing? He was tortured, as Rand wills against
innocent Americans to officially suffer his
criminal consequences. Libertarians are an evil
fuk, who as cowards, only suggest the escape of
those that truly do America wrong. The NWOers
are a bit of a fukhead on this also. That is
what a facist nazism is all about. Don't fight
to defend the rights of innocent victims by
demanding the arrest of Bush and Cheney,

[UN-CONSTITUTIONAL - where's Ron Paul and the
"Constitutionalists" here?]

no, torture innocent peoples to Death with
private mecenary Cofer Black while pimping child
rape. Just keep it hidden from US, the Public
like they do regarding banking, vaccines, and the
notorious VLT. Ergo, Palin and her crew go, 'no
public option! no public option!' and the self
labeled Libertarians, the Conservatives, the
Republcans, with the Tea Bagger racists and
bigots, rapists and Satanists all chiming in
unison - no fair share. No to the Public having
a fair say in these matters of your survival.
Still don't care to get involved in forwarding
these concerns as Your own? You'd better. I'm
just saying is all.

Signed, Johnny America - The True Patriot


IDF Released Several Faked Photos – How Can They Be Trusted in ANY

UK Jewish MP: Israel acting like Nazis in Gaza

On March 7th, 2003, the UN reported WE had
complete 100 percent access to go where ever we
please through out Iraq, without delay, including
Saddam's more than complete co-operation,
including the offer of televising the demon
antichrist false accusers across the entire
nation, but the ungodly enemy liar of All Free
Peoples refused. Demon Bush simply LIED that
Saddam wouldn’t let our UN inspectors in. Saddam
was never found in violation of UN resolution
1441. Saddam did everything that was asked of
him, plus more. so bombing the country
indiscriminately only LOWERED the ability to set
out what the bushite traitors say is the reason
for liberating/thieving there. Anyway, we know
now the bushmob KNEW FOR SURE Saddam was no
threat, so lied Americans away from 911's Ahmad,
by doctoring the NIE (National Intelligence
Estimate), to die cowardly for the media praised
neocon betrayers. The ungodly enemies of all
Humanity. The demon liars who refuse to
acknowledge 911 was financed by General Ahmad,
and that we have video of iron flowing like water
from the towers. Who, as TRAITORS, refuse our
humanity the Rights to hunt down who did US wrong
on 911 by Public trial, then hangings. Who
instead publicly promote with Palin the wanting
to deny the falsely imprisoned, rights to speak
legally against the bushites 'global' tyranny.

Again, CBC, CNN, and FOX REFUSE to simply correct
these demon witches who LIE with impunity to
murder our families.


5 of 9 people killed on gaza flotilla were shot in the back

Update: AIPAC lobbies lawmakers, links flotilla to Qaeda

Satanic evil enemies of both Man and God. Do
Americans care for the lies they suffer for, by
remaining silent in the demands to have every
last AIPAC member arrested, tried, and executed
as WAR CRIMINALS? They broke the truce, and fire
bombed children as planned, and Jews, while
warning Zionist Hamas when they would strike near
their homes. AIPAC is paid by blindedly with
American taxes, to lie as demon evil for more war
crimes that they have become extremely wealthly
because of. American taxes paying for the fire
bombings of innocent families. To starve Jews in
garbage dumps. Fight back for Christ sake God
damn you.


Stop with the dispersants, get all the tankers
world wide to pick up the oil then conveniently
on the surface. Arrest BP for giving out 10
billion dollars in bonuses this last week, and by
refusing to stop dumping their toxic poisons as
ordered by the EPA. Why is BP not qualified?
They tell us there isn't any under water plumes,
while they are dumping 100s of 1000s of gallons
of toxic poison to do just that AT THE SITE
have a working blow out preventer, an acoustic
switch, or a relief well as required every where
else in the developed world, but for the fact
that they bribed Tea Bagger type Republicans to
remove those "Socialist" regulations THEY KNEW
were there to prevent this tragedy of horrific
proportions. Don’t allow them to give themselves
bonuses. Please.

You know God, I'm not liking these Americans much
for refusing to forward these wise words.. it's
like they suffer themselves for self contempt.
They'd rather die victims, then defend the
innocent. Bush and Cheney closed Official 911
police investigations. -

NY Times confirms Israel started hostilities on flotilla!

Flotilla activists 'shot 30 times'


/ / Israel violated international law. It did
not even wait to see if the ships would enter its
so-called "military exclusion zone" before

According to reports from freed Kuwaiti
parliamentarians and activists, the ships were
going to negotiate their entry with Israel. \ \

Innocent Gaza activists were shot in head at close range

First degree mass murder. Americans target AIPAC
and PNAC for war crimes charges warranting death
by Public War Crimes Trial.



/ / According to testimony of the passengers,
individuals who surrendered were killed, while a
white flag was flying. Because some activists in
critical condition were refused aid by the
Israelis, they also died. \ \

Israelis subdued captain by pointing gun at a child

America's Netanyahu "Holocaust teaches that
murderers must be stopped before they act"

Ah ha. Evil IS the deceived disguised. The
trick here is your suppose to go in your mind,
'but that doesn't apply to Netanyahu because he
said it, naah naahnahnaah naah.' EVIL. Netanyahu
must be tried the war criminal he for sure is,
and executed without delay, as the Holocaust did
teach US Jews against a Nazi demon like mass
murderer Netanyahu, who KNOWS he broke the truce,
and ordered the indiscriminate murder of our
Humanity to financially gain off the suffering
and DEATHS of Jews. Dead men do tell tales.


King Johnny Blues

Even if you refuse to believe in Justice as
Freedom - Bush and Cheney halted 911 Police
Conclusions for PUBLIC CONVICTIONS on who did
truly US wrong partners. Criminal (no cause)
Wars (not necessary) of tyranny by torture for
slavery are actual, for real war crimes. Why?
Innocent victim KSM has nothing to do with the
crime of 911's ample leads right back to the
charge of Obstruction by Bush and Cheney - on,
free to go General Ahmad who funded Atta, as sent
he was by the Bushmob, to go telling the Taliban
as highjacked America, that, 'no evidence would
be forthcoming to support the true arrest of
anyone' - as we's be shuttin' everything down
right here and now.'. We're not as shouldn't be,
all trapped in blinded confusion here. We need
to know who was responsible for these serious
mass murder crimes against America, not go
blindly in faith that anyone can possibly know..
Read that last sentence again. 9/11 Police
Investigations were STOPPED from official
conclusion. We must have an understanding of
just what the hell is going on here as ourselves
being cheated a better life, a better promise, a
better future where we truly respect ourselves.
Justice for the 911 victims, victims who could
have just as soon, being any of you, must be
demanded against the irrational bushite nazi
grunters who instead, lawlessly bomb our
countries to thieve from all as murderous enemies
of Life in America, as on all she gloriously
stands big time for Liberty. Freedom is Justice
for all. Bushite are losers to themselves who we
all know can't fairly compete criminally. To
commit henious war crimes against Nature and God,
is where they are blinded, led in leadership that
doesn't direct the WILL, to demand the arrest of
Bush and Cheney for obstruction on 911. They
should decide that schooling is the answer when
they tell instead, 'facts are for the stupid
people'. Justice Is, as insuring, that serious
capital offense criminals, don't happen to
attempt their get-aways, while we can't say
officially for sure nothing either way. Hear
where seeking probable cause on 911 was
officially stopped. Wrong move cheats, we won.
Justice is victory over war crime tyranny.
Tyranny that just will never do. Justice for
murder is a must all would naturally call for, if
we had a voice to say so fairly as US all riding
with the King.



/ / We don't need an investigation. There are
four US taxpayer paid for bullets inside the head
of a 19 year old man born in New York, from US
taxpayer paid for guns in the hands of Israelis
who hijacked a US flagged ship in international
waters and kidnapped 12 Americans in the process.

This attack by Israel was an act of war not only
against the US, Greece and Turkey but against all
of NATO. \ \

American Citizen Killed by Israeli Navy

/ / If you are not upset by this, your tea is
weak, man. Weak. \ \


www.washingtonpost.com - OBAMA KNEW IN ADVANCE ?


/ / So, the Obama administration KNEW IN ADVANCE
that Israel was going to attack the aid fleet,
and chose not to protect a US flagged ship and 12
Americans in international waters.

The whole reason to have a military, a Pentagon,
and a Commander in Chief is to PROTECT AMERICAN


Top Al-Qaeda leader killed.... For the third time

See? A bushite LIAR, lies to mass murder
innocent defenseless families. Our families.
Never to speak of Bush and Cheney's escape for
halting our Police Services to complete our tasks
of victory over the terrorists of 911 at hand.
Take it from me, bushite dope pushers are
un-American evil. Recruited from third world
military dictatorships in who knows how many
cases as wearing our great flag, while picking
off Peoples randomly. Plus, KBR gang rapists
can't look good on any resume for a real man's
job to free ourselves of tyranny through Justice
supreme, but what do we know right?

U.N. Chief Says Israel Is Blocking Most Gaza Aid

last I heard, was that
they will only allow 1/4 the ammount to sustain
life there.

'Blackstone, Apollo and Goldman Sachs to acquire Ondeo NALCO' (COREXIT

Israel: "We Control America"

Israelis celebrating attack on Turkish Aid Ship

And who is going to tell God, this isn't the
actions of those truly Satanic? What EVIL this
is, from Nazi vermin who do not deserve to live
as murderous thieves.

Israelis are holding nine Americans kidnapped

/ / a document which shows that a death list had
been prepared in advance by the Israelis, showing
names and pictures of people on board of the
ships to be murdered, who, according to Israel,
were “involved in the International humanitarian
aid for Gaza”. \ \ To feed those made to starve
to death by THIEVES Nazi Israel, who randomly
murders innocent others near daily while when
targeting, loyal Police officers. Done by
blaming all others without a voice found as just
Cause on Amerikan corporate snewze TV, that
openly aligns it self to the criminal escape of
Bush and Cheney for 911.

IDF opened fire on the flotilla even before boarding it.

Don't let these Satanic
enemies of God and Man escape our authority to
see the proper Zionist culprits tried and
executed for this. We will not stop until we see
Justice done for US. God, and everyone else.
Death to the war criminal ungodly Zionist enemies
of Christ. Christ, we is Jewish. AIPAC AND PNAC
Zionists must be all arrested without bail, and
tried for high treason as mass murdering Satanic
enemies of everyone and everything, once easily
convicted, executed gloriously in a true act of
Love for Humanity, as this, our dying breaths.

"6000 Veterans Committed Suicide Last Year"

No no no no. We have ending far more bushite
than that.. THINK: who wouldn't kill a bushite?

"International activists cause their own deaths by
attacking nonconfrontational Israeli commandos"

The murder victims were a threat to life of the
lying demon evil Pirates of Religion? Where a
belief in God, is but only a false hope for those
who suffer foolishly as cowards in tyranny? Not
me. I will not live in tyranny for Satanic
Zionism, my worth is too great to not Liberate.
Bushite who murder our loved ones, are not
strong, but weak pathetic nazi grunters who in
the Octagon, a child of six would rip limb from
limb, but let me do it. I want a death match
with these UFC "warriors" who war to sell,
bushite grunters don't deserve immediate deaths
sentences as the enemy of God and Country.
Deserving of death for the crimes they continue
in our stolen names with. Christians in America?

Why is America such a evil dying place? Because
People refuse to stand up for People. Justice is
what must be willed now. We don't need the
NWOers causing divisions among innocent Mexicans,
Blacks, Gays, Potheads, Atheists, wiser women and
men, Liberals, Socialists, (anything but a goose
stepping faggot Amnerikan "Conservative") and so
on. We need Justice where all peoples deserve
the self respect we have for one another to be as
we will. Free from tyranny. Example: how is it
possible that Alex Jones now supports a police
state to deprive freedom from innocent others?
He figures it's just some innocent Mexican kid
poisoned at home by corporate America, but the
"Cop" could be a third world military
dictatorship thug, back from raping women and
children in Afghanistan and Iraq, then what are
you going to do, when the bushite "Hero" asks,
"Where's your papers family?" You say, "Right
here." Bushite Nazi Grunter with erection says,
"Where are your papers?" We have Republican
rapists in Congress who believe TV'ed America
will not see them tried as such immediately. Get
on it. There are thirty of these Republicans who
Publicly support the gang raping of American
Women, and several hundred million of US. It
really is a shame AJ can't see this.., however,
we can. A Police State of war criminals who rape
and torture is a bad State Rights policy if you
asked me, but what do I know.. I'm just the guy
who Life has super naturally brought to be, to
hunt bushite for as far as we can see.

The NWOers will let all America die, before Bush,
their cash cow deity is brought up on charges for
the war crimes he is for sure guilty of. Freedom
is what I bring, how about You?

Facebook Members Rally around Tortured American Soldier

He claimed Canadian Health Care is like it is in
the Third World, the Third World of Puerto Rico
he claimed! See? Bushite dumfuk enemies of Man,
are enemies of everything Americana - in the
nation that didn't correct the evil enemy fuk.
Where was the UFC "Warriors" to call the dog shit
out? It's only suffering American lives he
attacks with his evil lies. And the TRUTH was
that American health pros misdiagnosed his
ailment of eatin' too much buck shot, where in
Canada, they told him, he's sorely full of shit,
and should get that looked at by a real Doctor.
So what did he do? Blamed Canada! For the small
town he was hiding out in, did not have a
colonoscope sized to fit his colossal asshole!
learn of real terror, watch and learn. The Devil
can't hold a candle to me, when I get angry.
Bushites killed by their mothers, or maybe in was
their fathers, or brother, sisters, cousins, or
old high school chums back from the 80's. I want
a UFC death match with these marine "Warriors" of
the UFC, televised world wide. I want them dead
for celebrating their war crimes against my
suffering world of tyranny though censorship of
MY great strength. Welcome to the show. We've
tried being the communications guy, and all
American Internet bush whores do, is nothing but
beat off to war porn, or hail the new Alex Jones
who is in full blind support of a Police State
now - anything to escape Antichrist Bush and
Cheney they will as cowardly evil doers. Well,
maybe this will get their priorities in proper
prospective. Hunting Bushite is what all
Christians were born to do. Justice for 911
means a Heaven on Earth, as with the death of
bushites, every one wins see? The Iraq war has
NO CAUSE. Answer: there is NO liar's excuse
we're willing to buy for a stolen nickel. Life
is too valuable to waste our breath, but to bring
death to evil war criminals who truly deserve to
die before their next innocent victim falls. I
am never mocked for MY truly Heroic deeds. They
mass murdered under the criminal orders of
Sattler, more than 300,000 INNOCENT PEOPLE in
Fallujah without cause. They bombed Samara
without cause. They bombed Iraq without cause.
Mattis targeted a wedding party, then ordered
grunts to double tap infants and old ladies.
They torture, they rape, they thieve, they bomb
our Humanity as godless demon enemies of everyone
hanging on for our dear precious Life they still
intent to torture to death as the innocent
forsaken. Kill a bushite and be blessed. Die
bushite die.

Col Gregory Gonzalez, project manager for Unmanned Aircraft Systems



"BP Refuses EPA Order To Stop Toxic Oil Dispersant"

Crimes against Humanity. Crimes against Life.



/ / WE DEMAND an immediate public apology to
Israel from the organizations involved in the
incident and the governments that supported them. \ \

God does tell that Satanic enemies of Life do
exist, to rape steal and mass murder in the
stolen name of Jew. When You war to defend all
that are innocent, by joyously having arrested
American Zionists for a rightful execution, you
defend their next targeted innocent murder
victims. Such as Jews. Jews were the first
strike targets in Lebanon, and Jews are left to
starve in the garbage dumps of Israel, all to
attract more Amerikan charitable aid they, the
Nazis can use elsewhere to steal even further.
Salvation Army for example, is a multi billion
dollar charity that charges big money for the
homeless to eat the food that was donated. No
money?, you die during a Canadian winter, while
Salvation Army reps live in the largest mansions
on our planet in some likelihood, like American
Church leaders do. Why or how do they as Satanic
get away with it? People refuse to support
Justice, or a wise man or women speaking.
Billions of dollars they have stole from each and
everyone of us during the giving spirit of
Christmas. Still don't believe in God cause it's
too difficult, and with Satanic evil Zionists,
you can pretend your human to remain silent over
the truth, that NAZI ISRAEL admits to breaking
the truce with Gaza, by burning alive, Christian
children they specifically targeted for stolen
cash profits. NOT JEWS, war criminals.
Murderous enemies of our entire species. Evil
ungodly Zionist Nazis are the enemies of YOU.
Even if you refuse to believe in Justice as
Freedom, or God from Scripture.

Nazi Israel attacks Emergency Aid - Murders Aid Workers

/ / The Israeli military denied that its forces
attacked the boats but said they would enforce
the decision to keep them away from [INNOCENT]
Gaza. [SUFFERING] \ \ While defending Hamas from
their indiscriminate shootings..

For that would be a capital crime of mass murder.
Perhaps, they like Conservative TV America, will
blindly blame al-qeada, or immigrants, or the
Blacks before an ungodly Zionist war criminal?

The Zionist's Message to the Son of God's Peace Activist

/ / Let this be a message to any "peace
activists" who try to aid and abet the enemies of
the Jewish people and Israel. \ \ Kill a Zionist
demon liar, and be blessed by GOD and a Humanity

These are the crimes of Satan. Anyone world wide
who, as like a bushite grunting enemy, argues for
their escape on these mass murder charges, should
be executed too, no? You decide. They attacked
life saving emergency aid destined to assist our
innocent Humanity in the suffering for America's
AIPAC PNAC evil enemy forces of GOD. Why should
all of our Humanity suffer further for Florida's
continuing belligerence, with Corporate News
America, insisting these war actions against good
Peoples don't deserve public trials for death
sentences meted out against every last ungodly
AIPAC PNAC Zionist living the high life in
Florida as cop killers and torturers? Who could
possibly disagree but your typical, 'who cares
for anyone' American conservatives who murder for
stolen money in cash bribes? I am angry at
George Noory's soon to be even greater happiness,
I am angry at evil Rush Limbaugh, I am angry at
an America who refuses to complain for care of
anyone with Justice as our sides we do proclaim,
freedom for all.

Look TV America, you demon fuckers, Israel, who
is funded to survive as war criminals by US
taxing payers, commits crimes against our species
on a daily basis, and Americans must be as
demanding, Justice rule our ways for better
outlooks. Freedom. Why must Nazi Israel get
away from US on this, knowing we all know of
their ungodly evil crimes, yet, the magic TV with
George Noory and the bunch don't think it worthy
your Life to defend. Innocent Peoples assaulted
by Nazis, who war to see our Humanity suffer the
loss of our rights OFFICIALLY - as our homes, our
food and water, our lives. They are NOT JEWS,
but AIPAC PNAC thieves labeled Zionists, is the
answer from up on high it is said here and now.
Forever. So, who are you going to believe?
Justice we must demand for Jews against the
criminal actions of the ungodly as evil Zionists.

"Netanyahu vows never to let Israelis be tried for war crimes"

So he WANTS a godless nation run by war criminals
who torture and murder innocent others for stolen
money? Vile demon enemy of God and Humanity the
Zionist OPENLY is. Don't take my words for it,
or of God in the Old Testament, Just honestly
hear it. Satanic Israeli ADMIT to breaking the
truce with Gaza, to have die, innocent Jews for
stolen money. They warned Hamas when they would
strike near their homes, while murdering,
ADMITTINGLY, at least, 239 Police Officers.

Nazi Israel


"Zionists believe Israel should not be defended
from war criminals who bomb Jewish communities
indiscriminately to murder children with millions
of landmines."

P.S. First strike war crime targets in Lebanon
were the Jewish communities. Take it from God in
the Bible, or as the fully documented History,
these ungodly Zionist demon enemies of everyone
are truly Satanic. NOT JEWS. Justice is

Obama: I will never waver from supporting Israel

To give money to target for murder the innocent
peoples with, does not support Israel, but to
bring the death of Jews to profit the Zionist
ungodly liars of Satan. In fact, it makes Obama
a WAR CRIMINAL for funding such as the willful
theft of innocent Christian Homes to please a
Zionist enemy of Life. Who the fuk does he think
he's lying to here? Just Johnny? The King of
the Jews is True Red White and Blue

"A Tea Party greets Obama in San Francisco
and the left is not happy about it"

Divide the masses who want Justice by claiming
Obama is a leftist? How so? It's ego before
facts, it's ego before Country. Rather see
America die, before a retard Conservative tea
bagging Libertarian is confronted directly for
their contempt for the Constitution, for the
flag, and on all we stand United. Justice for
911. Tea Bagging Retard "Bush is just a puppet,
and Obama is.. is... wahhh! I want my mommy!"

"Racist, Sexist, Anti-Gay, Tea Party Go Away!"

Note : the Tea Party was started in Boston to
redirect America to demand Justice for 911.
Then, multi-millioniare Ron Paul with Alex Jones
took it to be, no bad guys exist in American
politics while illiterate teen soldiers die for
nothing but evil as blinded in tyranny, then
Palin, demon whore of Satan stated, tea baggers
were about denying Justice for terrorists - and
the crowd of 666 televised world wide chanted,
whore yeah, whore yeah!


"Safety fluid was removed before oil rig exploded in Gulf"

"Obama administration blocked efforts to stop BP oil drilling before

would such a decision be made without concern for
why we have any rule of law? No justice for
terrorists to let the war criminals in government
escape, you thence live as such, dying in self

Bush and Cheney closed 911 police
investigations. That is where we should make our
claim to shame. Then, acknowledging the Iraq war
is a crime because, Saddam is not in violation of
1441. He is doing ALL THAT IS ASKED of himself,
getting things done without delay. To mass
murder Iraqis indiscriminately massively LOWERS
an ability to do anything the FALSE ACCUSING WAR
CRIMINALS argue with censorship to suggest there
is any reason whatsoever, for these crimes
against God and Humanity. Wars of torture, wars
of thieves, wars of the enemy. Kill a
dishonorable Bushite Nazi grunting enemy of
Freedom and be truly Blessed by God in Christ.
Die bushite die.

/ / a ship captain with 15 years of drilling
experience told the joint investigative panel
that he doesn't know why a rig would displace the
protective column of heavy mud with light
seawater before closing off a well. \ \

Interior Department Exempted BP Drilling From Environmental Review

/ / exclusions are only to be used when a project will have
"minimal or nonexistent" environmental impacts.

MMS issued its one-page approval letter to BP on April 6, 2009. \ \


/ / Acoustic Preventers, mandated in every other
oil-producing nation, are optional in the [nazi
evil we hate Johnny GOD and Nature] US \ \

"AIR UNSAFE Gulf Oil Spill Warning"

We know the bushite grunts are going to say, 'no
body cares'. As we full knowing they do when
dropping bombs from our sky onto Humanity
indiscriminately, to die US for evil as the
godless minions of the enemy Antichrist, so what
can we, as forsaken Humanity expect here on this
issue? The air quality down South needs to be
tested for toxicity, and if so, we could have a
incredibly dangerous situation that will require
minimally respirators for those charged to
attempt mitigating this onslaught from the front
lines, The Gulf Coast's once great Habitat for
wild life. BP has dumped an estimated 700,000+
cans of toxic deadly poison onto our Ocean's
surface for the windfalls of a Goldman Sachs
contract, instead of sucking up the oil spill
with huge tankers designed specifically to do so,
available world wide. To know that this is what
they for sure didn't do should take us all aback
somewhat. Who's in charge here?

Why is this happening?

Banksters are walking away with defrauded
TRILLIONS. Understand, Republicans don't have a
TV problem with gang rapists of American women
walking free in our America (as bribers KBR)
either, so counting on a Republican for honorable
commentary regarding this serious Life issue on
where they wish to further steal ourselves away
from a just rule, should be aptly considered when
we start taking calls on what all needs being
done intelligently to save our planet from these
lawless scoundrels, these liars, who pirate our
air spaces from free communications ruling. Let
Justice be our defense of Freedom.

Rush Limbaugh "It's natural. It's as natural as
the ocean water is."

Note to the World: Rush Limbaugh, is America's
most popular national radio host. America pays
him millions and millions each year, to tale how
Justice doesn't matter, to blame the innocent and
poor with robbery and torture, all to let the 911
Neocon Peenackers walk right out our doors for
mass murder in New York City with himself
included, so, no wonder in a nation of illiterate
ingrates they find no fault in allowing him to
freely continue in their silenced names. Freely
continue denying Freedom for all their days they
say without words spoken in opposition. Let's go
with, Justice for 911, like now, immediately
we're saying.. Who would say no to Freedom
ruling? Trillioniare banksters who don't cover
our loans, okay, granted, and who else?
Censorship is the tool of tyranny to silence our
mutual agreement against indentured slavery.

US Indentured Slavery

/ / Oil is semi-volatile, which means that it can
evaporate into the air and create a heavy vapor
that stays near the ground -- in the human
breathing zone. \ \

/ / A thick, 22-mile plume of oil discovered by
researchers off the BP spill site \ \ that
poisons everything in it's path.

Ten Things You Need (But Don't Want) To Know About the BP Oil Spill

Toxic poison to kill whales, sharks, birds worms
and Humans - while Americans say what about
thousands of tons of radio-active toxic waste
they willingly have dumped on Iraq and
Afghanistan in the name of evil bushite Nazis as
NATO. They refuse to raise their phones for
Justice, never mind to forward a post of
interesting facts. Unless it's by a Libertarian
NWOer who wants US to hate immigrants who are not
guilty of anything but being born. Or hate
traffic lights because they were designed by
brighter men. All to escape a guilty Bush and
Cheney for high treason on 911. To escape the
crime scene of America's Social Security. The
Bankster extortions, the culprits responsible for
vaccines. The un-Constitutional war crimes of
torture, rape and enslavement of our species to
the ungodly evil AIPAC PNAC Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin, the witch, stole the bridge to
nowhere money. Fuck you Usenet America for
remaining quiet in this time of war crime
criminal actions headed by traitors who will to
see US die as the innocent forsaken.

All you need do is as a man from any nation, is
look at these web sites that nazi grunts have
that celebrate their indiscriminate mass
murderings, and know, when you kill a bushite,
Humanity loves you. A bushite does nothing to
defend America by targeting the innocent, but to
war for slavery, to war for torture, to war for
Satan. Die bushite die.

Unique like everyone else is,
General Johnny - Five Star

We all know who a Republicans generally is, and
what box they fit neatly in as ungodly evil doing
liars on FOX, but who are we the rest of
everything else entirely as un-classified?
without form in the minds of the bigots and
racists? (in that context) The left wing right
wing thing reported by TV is a con by those who
don't have the strength or will, to stand US on
our ownsies. Have no fear, I'm a pro. Here you
go. Justice is Victory. Hi, my name is John.
I'm old school Human.

We are having a communications problem
about freedom here. Peace sells.

I think we need desperately to look at Bush and
Cheney still attempting their get-a-ways with
Humanity in tow by Clinton and Obama just now..



Rise up for innocent life American, or don't and
see where you'll get yourself in the end,. Do
US a favor, and Forward this post on. Your
King has spoken.

Honorable American soldiers do not obey criminal
orders to escape the Peenackers for 911 as
ENEMIES of the LORD and Life.

Matt Simmons: "Theres another leak, much bigger, 5 to 6 miles away

Justice is Freedom. These crimes are near beyond
understanding, yet they are still crimes. We
need not get lost completely in speculating on
motives, before demanding the TV fact that this
could have been stopped two days in, if it wasn't
for all this criminal negligence. BP taking
billions in profits each month from federal land
without question, but don't want to follow simple
international standards. In Canada, it is lawed
that a relief well is made at the same time as
the initial drilling gets conducted, why would
you do it any other way? But to take a paltry
few more thousand pounds of flesh? They clear
billions and billions and billions and billions,
and so, who are we to tell them to respect our
lives by spending a few thousand more dollars to
prevent a disaster? A disaster for us sure, but
not for them also? Did you hear? It was told
that they had a blow out preventer, but didn't
use it when they knew they were suppose to.
Again, criminal negligence, or perhaps murder by
Halliburton against BP Execs? How is it that
this of them throwing caution to the wind, in
established protocols of international standards,
ignoring dire warnings by an alarmed Crew, as
when, the BP Execs are all on top gathered for a
big meeting? Where was Dick Cheney?

The REAL REASON Behind the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico - 2010



A Man Named Fester Announces,

The New World Order is Here

/ / The Georgian [Peoples] opposition
accused President Mikhail Saakashvili \ \

What the.. I thought the great Georgian Peoples
rose and rightly had this demon executed by
Public Trial for ordering troops to attack
schools and churches without cause, murdering
countless innocent children as his pleasing of
Cheney and Palin for billions given by the
Amerikan dying victims? What was it? All just a
lie to escape himself from our wrath for his
heinous crimes against Humanity? I ask all
Peoples of Earth: why isn't President Mikhail
Saakashvili tried war criminal dead as the self
confessed for sure war criminal that he is? They
attacked every hospital in the country, murdering
countless hospitalized. Just because he
allegedly had a fling with demon whore of Satan
Palin, doesn’t mean he has some 'magical' deal
with the Devil now to escape proper accounting to
this world, as she has so far 'escaped' with
brain drain FOX snooze Amerika. Sarah Palin,
yes, Sarah Palin, stole the bridge to nowhere
money. It has never ever scared me one iota
to discover that disturbing reality. It's easy
to talk fixing this as me and Rand do, it's
another for ourselves to have an honest media,
that allows us to face the facts on who actually
is it that is cashing these blank checks for
themselves even today, and what does it take to
educate, that that is still, a crime in progress?
So, it's a communications problem in my mind,
that as a political machine, we hasn't been all
that great at measuring for Just causes, such as
why we seem at some loss flailing in the dark
with a New World Order. Burmas' "Invisible
Empire" is an interesting highdark to these fears
of the Light.. of which at a later post I may
comment about the Koran being really cool here,
where you can learn, that you play a part in your
own perceptions, and everything, absolutely
everything, is inter-connected. You half cool
Americans, when you have a little spare time,
should check it out if you haven't already, it
can be everything for you to know as a wonder of
life originating, keeping in mind, as Moe
somewhere teaches, All true will is to be just as
fair, are you fair, come with no distance space
time clearance. Which of course is yourself not
separate from as the manifestor, or man named
Fester - The New World Order is here.. how you
doing family? John's long gone, it's just you as
this rendering for as far as you can see now..
Freedom man, that's what this is all about. So,
the NWO Principle of Rules Subject to Change Are:
political wrangling is done as governments with
what are referred to as intelligent polite
debates. Something that Americans haven't seen
broadcasted on their magic boxes, but for during
re-electioneering. That's not how it's suppose
to work, but Republicans and Demonrats don't want
that because they know they would mostly lose as
fools, and then the cream would rise in the Party
of People, who would be naturally inclined to
challenge each others motives, so then the one
party held without boundary would represent the
interests of whoever it was that personally won
the seat by paper ballot in that happenstance.
Party team vs. Party team sports guy politics,
with 1900 page Bills that remind me of 1900 page
Derivatives, while the nation becomes undone as
run apon is bullshit my friends who play into this
without considering for other options. Alex
Jones and all the NWOers I think is great in this
respect for what they do, as truly helping
everyone along seeking better footing around
facts and conclusions, surrounded by nonsensical
illusions sometimes bares ever further greater
understandings I'm sure for some that can see
that car. There are rare a man such as I who
could legitimately criticize the NWOers. And
honestly, you wont believe it as near a life time
away from understanding, fine, but I am actually
a god. While Alex Jones almost seems like a
younger brother to me, of which makes him not so
happy I'd imagine being the big man cutely in
charge of father truth and such - but he's not
half bad - just .. well.. whatever. Justice is
what we will by priority is the answer. Public
officials are suppose to make their arguments
politely, pro or con for something, get ribbed or
proclaimed, and then, the body is suppose to
vote, okay or no. America says: Bailing out
private banks is quackery, and the Politico
reporters should have without thinking, been
reporting that from day one of this criminal
action of extortion against big big big America,
who has no voice of understanding worth
mentioning, yet, over, and over, and over, and
over, and over, and over again until someone who
knows what going on.. comes to the floor. Why
am I here alone in a world few know? So, perhaps
it is an ego problem of sorts, that effects us
all, that for fear of uncertainty of the whole
ball of wax, we can't speak on a stage that has
no place, but a home where we is forever and
boundless. I wrote about this or I've been
flying all around upside down while the sun
circles my thumb since I was about 17 years old,
a very long time ago. It's not a disability, to
face the universe, and say hey!, can I lend a
hand you incredible love machine? And just like
that, the Universe is born. Least that's how we
can play it out in our limitless imaginations. I
know stuff. And this is just the beginning! You
am Real. Is this worth a ten spot for little John
who's going hungry or no? Why doesn't the
governments of our world, just extend a great big
thank you, by holding a dinner in everybody’s
honor? Could happen.

Justice is a must for war criminals who target
innocent children like Mikhail Saakashvili did.
Without provocation, and without apology.
Countless innocent murder victims, and our
species is suppose to just stand here quietly
without a King saying nothing? Fuck you
President Mikhail Saakashvili, fuck you. Your
life like any Zionist, isn't worth a single child
you personally ordered the murder of for more
money stolen from my America. The Land of the
Soon to be Freed, and Home of the Brave that
will grow strong in Justice to know who we
truly are. This will be our day.

Top Priority

Top priority. Justice for 911 Victims. Paper
ballots for fair elections on fixing to vote for
a public education on 'banking scams'. Us, and
them who hide and pretend who's all paying for
this there is something not publicly defined.
Because they are taking us for Rooked! Banksters
don't cover our loans. Checkmate.

get out of jail free card

Bush and Cheney closed official 911 police
investigations. What do Conservatives do? Look
to blame an entitlement society of homeless
people charged big money to eat at the Salvation
Army. Or immigrants that look just like you or
me to the bushite grunting thieves who war as the
bad guys mass murdering the innocent, to rape
American women, to rape Afghanistan and Iraqi
children, all the while dying to steal everyone's
money for the magical bankster. How can Alex
Jones of the NWOers get behind such madness in
AZ? Considering all the movies he's made? HOW
HOW HOW? I don't know entirely, but to
speculate, it's his fear that otherwise, wise men
and women might be allotted a space to speak
freely against the demon enemy George Noory about
war criminals Bush and Cheney, and then his,
ridiculous! greater than everyone else of
History's ego would be bruised. So, I guess Alex
is prepared to support military dictatorship and
the death of freedom in America to make him look
strong against the wiser folks who are truly
committed to freedom as Justice for all. AJ's
Liberals, = everybody but a blind and stupid
"Conservative". American Conservatives think
Rand isn't treasonously working to deny the crime
scene evidence over at, Social Security, of
trillions stolen, of which he is stupidly. Never
mentioned ever by Alex Jones I'm pretty sure, at
least for sure, it's not something he'll mention
as important that the elderly and poor of America
that have been directly robbed as defrauded today
and for tomorrow as something to care for. Name
ANY American Conservative, and I'll show you a
person who claims at BEST! war criminal Bush who
lied to kill America is no worse than an AJ
puppet, leave him alone, he's on our team, the
dumfuks who know near nothing of economics, law,
and so on.. It's a true Nazi cowardice, it's a
refusal to understand, millions have been
murdered already by the Amerikan Nazi Zionist Air
Force who bombs US, The Peoples at random.
Cities bombed containing Peoples, with what they
term "Guess work" all on the excuse, that Bush is
their lawless Antichrist enemy of Humanity and
God, as a get out of jail free card. Every last
Bushite will be hunted, tried, and executed for
their war crimes of indiscriminate mass murder
done for the benefits of wealthy Neocon Zionist
TV LIARS, who in league with Satan, believe all
men will not survive to get to them as guilty
criminal SATANISTS eventually. Remember: Tenant
told US on 60 minutes, that Bush and Condi KNEW
in July 2001, that plans were underway to start a
war for Enron in Afghanistan, premised on a
imminent terror strike to the heart of America,
as we learned, that was financed by Bush's
business partner, General Ahmad. Who did the
Bushmob warn? A couple a Banksters who made a
killing in the market with Buzzy, and a select
few others, that in turn made no attempt to save
America from terrorist attack. Made NO ATTEMPT.
For, corporate America's refusal to stand as any
real man would to have such knowledge of good and
evil, and not share it for the benefit of Man,
would as is, be a shame on us all. And the world
I'm from as a true self made man, a real man,
doesn't leave that as acceptable to remain silent
on, no matter how many times a Conservative says,
'puppet puppet puppet, no calls for Justice, no
calls for Justice'. Kill a bushite and be


AJ "Liberals don't like Bush"
AJ "Obama is worse than Bush"
AJ "Bush is just a puppet"
AJ "I am light years ahead"

Rand Paul "we allow people to be un-civilized"
No we don't, if we can help it.

Judge for Yourself

/ / Maddow: Do you think that a private business has the right
to say, "We don't serve black people"?

Paul: Yes. I'm not in favor of any discrimination of any form...

If you go to the video however, Rand obviously never said
the word "yes". Here it is, cued up to the exact moment:

\ \
youtube comt. "The video doesn't have the "Yes". MSNBC
fraudulently inserted the word."

But he did say yeah! Come on, don't deny as a
Libertarian kookoo what is clearly recorded!, as
though maybe quoted by others out of context.
(Libertarian 'no no no it didn't happen! it's
beyond my intelligence to defend! it didn't
happen, it didn't happen!') Granted sure, he
ain't gonna come right out and say he
'personally' hates all Blacks, Jews or Mexicans
IF he was a weak minded Nazi racist serving the
Zionist cause to the teeth, (AJ the divider last
week "The country of Mexico hates America" Cacti
think what?) but he will as does say "freedom"
magically, is allowing others to hate innocent
Americans as a racist bigot nazi grunter does,
licensed to serve the public selectively as they
choose. (Your welcome Mr. Paul) While traitors
Bush and Cheney, or the trillion dollar crime
scene of Social Security he and Maddow stays mum
about. Just robbed for more dead Innocent
Americans.. "freedom". Anyway, ideologues like
Rand Paul are genuinely not so bright people,
for, why then not be allowed to not sell what is
advertised if the public is nothing to hold any
respect for as being treated unfairly? Like has
happened with auto-withdrawals for billions
against American Peoples for giving out credit
card nums to companies who advertise to the
faithful on magic TV? Politics as is Law isn't
as easy as a Conservative sells to abuse or steal
from innocent others, be it by Paul fan proxy or
otherwise stupidly, when truly considering the
fair rights of all in a civilized society. Thus
is why the Civil Rights Law was needed. For
racists like in all the southern states,
(remember near all measured dysfunctioning
illiterates who hate everyone like Florida is
today, Charlie Daniels or Ted Nugent) were needed
to by force, be taken out by the military. It'd
be like hunting bushites today, who claim as
false accusers (who Hammurabi would have
immediately executed in defense of Peoples
everywhere by the way) "bin Laden did 9/11", of
which is not only false, but impossible. For
many many reasons I'll hold back for brevity,
minus this: For someone would have spotted him
going up and down the WTC elevators to set the
thermate, what with his dialysis machine, and
Arabic attire, he wouldn't have been missed by
someone there. Leastly the security camera
footage that was stolen from everyone everywhere,
might have had him scurrying about, but Rumsfeld
stole it all to hide something else, for if bin
Laden was present there rigging the buildings to
cut supporting iron beams at 45 degree angles
simultaneously, you'd figure Rumsfeld would give
it up, to sell murdering millions of innocent
Peoples in Afghanistan for pension thieves Enron.
(I know I know, who cares in TV Amerika..) AND
remember, the terrorist act of 9/11 was
pre-meditated mass murder of Americans, a capital
offense, of which Bush and Cheney forbade
American Police officers from completing the
investigation to form in the minds of anyone, an
actual guilty verdict. Funded by General Ahmad
it was, who is still a free male, likely provided
security by those who pimp child rape, Amerika's
Blackwater. Thus is why the Military should hunt
the lawless Bushite mercenary at every chance
they get, despite the absent corporate media's
support for such wise noble action of true
Liberation in our dying Worlds against Nazi
aggression. Bushites deserve to die, before
their next innocent victim falls, as victims they
claim were working for Peace in our world.
Bushites are the enemy, the enemy to you, the
enemy to me, the enemy to everyone. For,

What is the crime of Arab Students aka Taliban?
We should formally ask every American who is a
Republican or demonrat, then when they can't say
anything factual, we condemn them firstly, before
their hatred for God and Justice steals another
innocent Life to escape ungodly Zionist traitors
to Country like evil Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney.

"CNN: BP won't change dispersant used in oil spill"

Crimes against God.

CFG spokeswoman Ann Marie Calhoun missing after video leak

Please, let's defend this couragous woman
by demanding those responsble for 7/7 be
immediately arrested for public trial.
Peter Powers and Ian Blair. Look, they
openly murdered Dr. David Kelly, and they
murdered millions of innocent Iraqis.
We must fight back or condemn ourselves
further for evil ungodly Zionist liars
of Satan, who OPENLY, steal and mass
murder at our losses for refusing to
war the likes of a George Noory, the
happy happy joy joy monster. Fight
back for Life.


Retard Alert

/ / In the ideal world of the liberal,
there would be no private businesses \ \


/ / The articles, which concerned the minimum wage, a
longtime favorite government program among liberals \ \

Do you realize, that when Ron Paul was on Alex
Jones tons of times begging for our money, it
wouldn't be used to see Bush and Cheney fry in
the chair for 911, but to pay illiterate bigots
of racist principles, who again, have Internet
access, to express their open public hatred for
all free men and women? THEY CAN'T COMPETE!
Again, he's a bigot, and why do all bigots, like
the Amerikan brand of Conservatives? Such as,
the 30 Republican's supporting role in gang
raping American women by lawless grunters granted
'magical' immunity? Because Conservative America
is broken down stupidly like a racist does.
[Alex Jones when speaking here goes too
retarded]. 'I call nasty Obama a Socialism, and
all they can come up with is, ah ha! I'm a
racist - crazy' No heard self respect for those
he would know, do not believe social equality has
anything to do, with trillion dollar extortions,
war crimes, or paying billions of dollars to a
private insurance company for Health care that
would rather see you die. A most wasteful system
consumed by massive fraud AJ proudly claims as a
commie romantic, is the best in the world God
damn yourselves. By bigotly claiming a socialism
always fails as bad forever, is near just the
same broken mind of those who say Blacks and Jews
don't deserve to be treated fairly because they
all smell bad. Socialism is traffic lights
designed about fairness in theory, just as
Libertarianism, Rastafarianism, Buddhism, and
waiting in a line at the Bankster's office is.
Again, the NWOer's comic book fictions, don't
mesh with our reality. They refuse to respect
others of more than 40 nations who MORE
INTELIGENTLY manage their health costs, or to
humble themselves, and wallah, they's taking us
no where by causing divisions among the innocent
masses who know better, while more and more fall
crime victims as the innocent forsaken. 'all
liberals think this, and that's why my judgment
of them is bad' American goose stepping
Conservatives think retardedly, as everyone else
under the Sun is labeled a Liberal. Hence, they
don't want free to speak forums when the truth
exposes their will to escape Bush and Cheney for
closing official 911 Police Investigations. Or
by calling Obama a right wing Nazi fascist much
like themselves who with Lieberman, Lindsey, and
McCain want to imprison American citizens
indefinitely without trial, Officially. While
sanctioning in America's name, rape, torture,
more trillion dollar thefts, and mass murder by
war crime. Libertarian multi-millionaires don't
say nothing here on Justice being a cause worth
fighting for, nor do Republicans, and near no tea
baggers.. Just root for a police state that
wills that good honest people will have even more
of a chance as appearing as an illegal, to a
dumfuk grunt back from looting Iraqis, or as
rapists of American women. Libertarians have
millions donated by Soldiers who thought Ron Paul
was going to actually stand up for their legal
interests of being conned into dying, into, being
conned into still dying for war criminals. 1441.
While Bush and Cheney are still making their
get-a-way for mass murder on 9/11 in New York
City where America was attacked without Police
protecting. Bush and Cheney closed official 911
police investigations. What do Conservatives do?
Look to blame an entitlement society of homeless
people charged big money to eat at the Salvation
Army's soup kitchens, or innocent Mexicans who
were robbed their livelihoods by corporate
Amerika. Not, that cops aren't doing their jobs
correctly, or that it is the private no-nation
companies that hire these workers below minimum
wages that with back room deals with ICE, face no
slaps on the wrists, but likely even more in
public subsidies from dastard Republicans again.
Rockfeller and the Peso immediately comes to
mind, but the list is quite extensive, that we
all know, an illiterate tea bagger has no clue
of, or care for. Being factual is for the stupid
people as they would say, as to censor our Public
insuring that wisdom does not prevail. The truth
speaks for ourselves.

/ / This means Wall Street's culture is all about
treating clients as suckers, because adults are
supposed to know what they're doing. But some of
these adults are local government treasurers, or
managers of corporate, pension and insurance funds \ \

We are Freedom - Justice is Victory



\ \ The investment bankers magnified risk by
re-securitizing toxic mortgages securities into
collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), sold
them, and then used credit default swaps (CDS)
and index trading to hedge their own risks. In
emails among themselves, the traders flaunted the
fact that their products were crap. Thank you,
Wall Street, for such honesty after the fact. We
Asians bought some of that crap, thinking you
were selling safe products. \ \

Can you just believe.


'to cut Afghan opium by up to 70%'

They want the addicts facing life term prison
sentences to pay more than ever before, as the
simple enemy to every last one of US. DBD. Oh,
why you ask? Because they own the market as it's
defenders. No joke here. I tried to tell
everyone before, Mr. Bush is the actual
Antichrist with these death casts of serious
serious criminallity, but people
couldn't/wouldn't believe. Thank God that is
nearing over. ..

Bushite Nazi Grunting War Criminal Who Wills to
Kill Innocent Kids said, "it's their fault for
bringing their kids into a battle" An innocent
husband and wife, along with near hundreds others
too picked off at random don't forget. Can't you
just hear him then singing, "nah nah nah nah nah
nah"? Or, as was recorded elsewhere, put his
tounge to his nose and giggled, "it's all above
my head" when asked why he was murdering helpless
innocent people in Iraq as they did upon entry,
and in his words recorded then were, "I'm getting
them back for 9/11" Bushite 'excuses' are sold
for a dozen innocent lives with less than a dime.
And refuse, as enemy nazi cowards, to support
just actions to capture the true bad guys. While
they attack innocent Peoples to steal Justice
from ourselves. We are Freedom, if and when we
ever get our acts together. Justice is Victory.


/ / the same US Government that worked so hard to
justify allowing the opium to grow to now justify
spending US tax dollars to cure the plant
disease. \ \ Bushite are women hating dope
pushers of tyranny is what they are as cowardly
refusing to defend America from Bush and Cheney
for closing outstanding 911 Police
Investigations. Pushing their dope into America
as an illegal narcotic. Not in Johnny's America
this wouldn't be happening I can assure you if
you'd listen to reason as supporting our popular
rise against ungodly evil bushite Zombieism

They deny us as the enemy real resolution for
hard copy indictments against actual terrorism.
The facts forge our freedoms. bushite are liars
who cheat ourselves a free world by bombing
defenseless innocent Peoples, who torture, who
rape, who steal. And that's a fact Mac. Let US
bring America back to where the Peoples's rights
are defended, and nazi war criminals bare our
vengeance instead of ourselves left forsaken.
Or, do you just want to silently fall down as
innocent victim to third world military
dictatorship, fallen due your refusal to defend
yourself now, today. Justice is freedom, we're
arresting for public trial the criminals
responsible for 911. We are America, and we are
no greater than any other to proclaim, this is
our right, this is our destiny.

Johnny America - The True Patriot

"Two-year-old toddlers being dosed up with antipsychotic drugs"

As King, I would make this a criminal offense
earning the "doctors" ten year prison stints.

Tea Baggers to protest "high taxes and big government".

98% of working families received a tax cut. Every
state's average tax cut was similar. So tell me
again: What is it they're protesting?

Not the war crimes, not the banksters, not the
tortures, not the vaccines. Not AIPAC, not the
demon whore of Satan, Sarah 'the retard' Palin,
and not FOXSNEWS. Tea Baggers are Zombie dumfuk
Republican nazi whores who war America to escape
Bush and Cheney, and those at KBR who gang rape
America women left undefended. They champion
paying private insurance companies billions of
tax dollars irrationally as Ron Paul would
stupidly advise, because they hate, truly HATE a
wise man or woman being allowed to speak freely.
NWOers would rather see all of America die,
before allowing the truth be plainly told. It's
all about escaping Bush and Cheney for the
treasonous crime of Obstruction. A crime that
OFFICIALLY, escapes those responsble for mass
murder in New York City on 911. Americans don't
care for the innocent lives they steal for cash
profit, but, do you? Do you?? Then forward
these concerns, both pro or con. I demand open
communications to speak the facts, while You as
an American, would rather die for treasonous
liars who kill Americans for stolen gain? Your
call losering. We all could be Heroes.

Media ignores Goldman Sachs' ties to Corexit dispersant

My Normal: No evidence, person
innocent. Hammurabi, [TBN: The founder of
Civilization] first lauded, that the capital
false accuser should be executed because they are
just as soon, the actual criminals too, who are
playing a part in escaping the for sure culprits!
HAMMURABI. Civilization's First Law. We are
suffering a loss of vision to what we all dreamed
America could be. Magna Charta isn't quaint.
Torture IS illegal, don't fuck with us and Reagan
on this. And the banksters do not cover our
loans, so what the.. hellooo, what are we doing
here Peoples? We need to get back on track to
Justice as important to everyone. All Idiot
Conservatives, and Pansy Liberals Included.
Let's get this 9/11 international war crimes
trial underway. We'll put an international team
of news hounds with lawyers this world will ever
see with the power of the internets in charge..
First step.. You. You? Yes You. You need to
forward this post to everyone everywhere, and
let'em know, Justice has a name, and that name is

US Has Told BP "It Can Do Whatever It Wants and Won’t Be Held

Toxicologist Riki Ott said the chemicals used by BP can wreak havoc on
a person's body and even lead to death.

Poison To Our World

/ / questions why BP is using the toxic
dispersant Corexit to clean up the oil when
twelve other dispersants proved more
effective in EPA testing.

Nowhere in the article does it mention that
Goldman Sachs \ \

Something this toxic, doesn't clean it up, but
kill more needlessly. Why would they do such a
crime against all life in our Oceans?

I care about America, but do Americans?


Who murdered UK weapons inspector Dr David Kelly?


Why can't AJ go with the better ideas? Like an
Ideologue of which he is, he thinks he's playing
football here. He's on the Conservative team,
the true Conservative team, his team where you'll
get robbed by puppets because you're falling to
look at this as Alex's big story board. All
these war crimes of high treason, pay little of
no attention, it's that they want to institute
something up ahead where wise men and women will
truly prevail because the bigots will be properly
exposed as, the weaker thans. Tea Baggers do not
have an ability to conceive a fair to speak forum
where the truth trumps all evil. To an
ILLITERATE Tea Bagger, other Human beings can't
be judged fairly in any context, because..
because... they just can't do it. Retards.
They as tyranny's whores, idiots, they hide from
the facts they knows others can speak fluently of
as Just causes. With everybody else that doesn't
follow blindly like themselves in error, is known
to a conservative as Liberal. While Canadians
know this as complete hogwash. Liberals in
Canada are a right wing group that advances
soldiers who refuse criminals orders should, and
have, go to prison. I allege it’s truly the
other way actually, (honorable soldiers need
defending, and our Governments have excepted ZERO
evidence from bushites to make false claims that
do not stand to reason.) but what do I know about
war with the bad guys who rape, torture, thieve
and mass murder for Bush Co. right?

Where censorship isn't practiced, the bigots lose
to the facts they doesn't own. Like our world.

Would you rather die innocent victim than have
Justice win by polite open debate denied this God
forsaken world?

We need to organize the enforcement of our laws
by priority. War of false imprisonment to
enslave the innocent, is a strategy, I contend,
nobody here in this arrangement adheres to. We
The Peoples are paying for going without good
enough attention to who is who here being left
forsaken to die on a cross somewhere. Dying
victims to the corporate news pros denying rights
to be defended as equals. War criminals who
pirate America's uniform to rape and pillage with
an official policy of denying an accused as
anyone any rights as defending ourselves are the
actions of the enemy traitors. All falling
victims for the cowardly bushite war criminal
sacrificers, warring for the escapes of the
neocon peenacker party of guilty 911 Nazi Zionist
conspirators - those who truly done did do
America wrong, as still wrong is it always will
for always be as. The Zombie Commies refusing
the FACTS that get in the way of attempting
further escape of Bush, Cheney, Condi and
Rumsfeld for the high treason called Obstruction.
As they did, when closing official American
Police investigations, as the "police actions" of
the dishonorable. Played by corporate control in
a self defeating no facts for US criminal
strategy, rooted as remaining us silented
internationally on furthering these crimes the
bushite "Judges" are guilty for at Guantanamo for
starters. Crimes that should be seen as clearly
in, warranting our outrages of un-acceptable
lawless standards to the cause of Our Great
Humanity. Now Rising. oh.. never mind, as you

War criminals should be our priority.

KOPPEL: My question to you, though, was somewhat
simpler. My question was do you believe that the
State of Israel, in any form, whether in reduced
size, or otherwise, has the right to exist?

Not at any expense of the rights of innocent
others they target for theft, torture, and mass
murder. Those are the actions of the ungodly
criminal Zionist, NOT A JEW. like Christ is.
Besides, how could any Human on magic TV remain
silent over the direct deliberate targeting of
innocent children for murder to steal further
charitable aid from undefended "I DON'T CARE." TV
America? Not Christ like if you asked Christ
we're sure. Like, don't be evil man as the demon
whore of Satan, Sarah 'the retard' Palin is when
she can't care for anyone just now while she's
war witching for evil doers still.

Ian Blair and Peter Powers for 7/7.

And Allawi for Iraq. Nuts i tell you, it's nuts..

Let's get on this.

Our Time Has Come

Because instead of siding to lock yourselves up
in prison as innocent persons denied a fair
trial, we could decide as a nation, to arrest the
kidnappers, and give them 9 to life behind bars
instead. Sound balanced fair?

/ / the first official police state in the
country for immigrants. \ \

No, it's the third worlder military police, who
war to escape gang rapists of American women


Criminal Negligence: Despite Knowing It Had a Damaged Blowout
Preventer, BP STILL Cut Corners By Removing the Single Most Important
Safety Measure

A crime. whatchagonnado? Support
Johnny's rise to popular acclaim
is what I would advise if I were
you, but what do I know?



Grunter: We don't need a reason to suspect you!!

Tourist: We are not all Mexicans from Arizona.

Grunter: you could be though.. I have no reason.

Tourist: will you torture us to get a confession?

Grunter: we catch three terrorists a day that way!

Tourist: do I get a day in court?

Grunter: not if I figure you a terrorist. If
your a terrorist, I get to rape you, your wife
and children, steal your money and laptop, and
maybe just murder the lot of you as NATO Bushite
Nazi grunts do daily to as confessed to
me a hero to the soon to be dead chickens. Shit,
I live in a mansion covered in gold with all I've
stole, but that's neither here nor there. I'm a
bushite who plays as cop on youtube, not a real
cop like you guys have as Canadian. American
TVed heroes openly push heroin, rape peoples, and
steals pensions to escape Justice obstructers
[REAL TERRORISTS] Bush and Cheney. Yeah, that's
why I'm a bushite NAZI enemy of all life in this
universe, I like to cheat on the near helpless or
starving American, the destitute and alone and so
on, cause truly, deep inside, I'm an evil good
for nothing Nazi bastard who believes freedom
doesn't apply fairly in my mind to others, for I
am a practical retard like our beloved demon
witch [LIAR] Sarah Palin! Papers. that i assure
you will mean nothing to me, I'm a un-arrested
war criminal back from Iraq, who gets off
shooting innocent Peoples at random to steal
their stuff. What's in the bag?


"Intelligence gleaned from these interrogations
has often led to some of the military's highest
profile captures."

Kill a bushite and be Blessed. A bushite is a
cheating liar, who wills to torture innocent
persons to escape Bush and Cheney for high
treason. Kill a bushite for Christ, kill a
bushite for America.

Tea Bagger Exposed as Obama Operative!


Admits to working to deny the facts from being
spoken to Kill innocent Americans for Obama's
bankster stolen profits!! Wow man, Tea Bagging
LIARS are as evil as they are dumb like Sarah
'the retard' Palin. Lies lies lies lies.
Kucinich covered the LIES spewn by these Tea
Baggers as LIES in Congress. Canadians pay half
as much as Americans already do, where Canadians
get full coverage, and Americans are expected to
then go out and buy private insurance. "Waiting
lines" claimed by bushite zionist dumfuk enemies
ARE LIES - except for certain treatments, of
which Americans who pay far more than twice for,
wait longer, and die sooner. Kucinich, a wise
man disliked by Repuggers because they know he is
greatly wise as truthful, and they simply can't
compete, as is why the Tea Baggers champion
censorship as tyranny to kill sick and dying
America for the glories of Obama and the drama
unfolding of bankster gangster hustles. Getting
taken to pay back money to whom didn't give the
credit, but took it to be giving in our names as
left cheated still soring. Extortion is against
the Law in America. Millions of American homes
left family less, trillions of defrauded assets
like what has happened in Iraq and Afghanistan
for Neocon war mongering LIAR cheats of good will
and respect for the simple Laws of a great
Humanity, like torture being highly illegal as
naked treason against everybody. .big story, big
break, big gig, what a day.

The King Johnny America Show

This is The King Johnny America Show, with your
Host, King Johnny America. coming out from
everywhere to bid all a great, hello...

Your calls...

This found understanding, where everyone can
understand without counter argument, that we
really do have some as our government trying to
silently escape as found war criminals, robbing
our banks with proven frauds too, is a real
problem. We have suffered due our inabilities
thus far, to warrant Justice to truly defend
ourselves. On this matter of respecting our
rights, such as truly establishing a person's
innocence or guilt. Without Justice demanded as
freedom defended, the war criminals wager our
lives for criminal gains. To support the denial
of rights for the accused "suspect" to a terror
offense, is to allow the escape of those that
truly did us wrong. So, we need a helpful change
in the way corporate America internationally
dismiss ourselves without debate on what Justice
brings, as legitimately concerning. They deny us
real resolution for hard copy indictments against
actual terrorism. The facts forge our freedoms.
As the 911 war criminals are still 'escaping'
from America, is our current suffering media
tyranny. This is the Public challenge we should
naturally expect discussed as important in our
media. On CNN, CBC, The Simpsons, and at
survival classes - if we all willed our,
indifferent to war international media
controllers like George Noory, to allow the facts
freely to communicate our dire concerns. George
Noory and the Neocons would rather all America
die victim, before we are brought to be for this
contempt for denying ourselves the right still I
believe. He's known all along the times he takes
calls from those who falsely believe bin Laden
committed the unspeakable 911, or question the
legitimacy for the Iraq war which he sold, and we
hear him con all on for sacrifice to traitor
criminals, with "his", 'impartiality' on what
Justice truly defends against sadist mass
murderers who don't know what about false
imprisonment or torture in our 'Land of Freedom'
brings?. George Noory had once uttered something
like, he wasn't going to tell Americans whether
the vaccines were good or bad, and let the
listener decide.. selling, 'no fight go quiet'..
who cares really if he doesn't? Mercury is a
heavy metal neural toxin. The political
"science" that corporate pill popper America
sells is completed nonsense often, compared to
Canadian high school Biology classes, and many
years of the developed world's study regarding
the hazards of addiction. Addictions created by
chemical interdependencies. Americans are nearer
junkies, with conditions that didn't start, until
they began medically treating for moods,
attention spans, and more complete quackery to
undefended young children made ill because of it.
And as a consequence of us all left drugged out
on TV Meds into 'magic' corporate TV values of
passivity, of, who cares for anything really
going on., The WHO as others is let run all on
their owns privately, as a flock of out where
fringe lunatics, dangling in the dark dungeons of
their true selfish overt indulgences, suffering a
mental imbalance named adroitly, "Absurdum".
[~frm 'dahmaes'] Example: World Health
Organization's Mr. Repocholli said, "you can eat
depleted uranium by the pound full", or as
corporate national news media's all "yeah,
bailing out private banks makes total sense to
the pros, never you mind continuing losers, your
not invited to question here.", "..and and of
course WTC7 fell naturally. don't be silly" ,
"Go now." While I am just an ordinary guy in the
world I'm from, wearing a few hats, as one of
most importance, near high school Scientist. To
understand how we are failed at communicating
these measurable matters of consequences due to
radio-active heavy metals, due now to the untold
decades of suffering our entire endangered
species will burden. As we will attempt to
endure this lasting assault against all of
creation. America's continuing curse of
following ignorance instead of the science well
known must not go on if we want to survive
further. Respected enough to not willfully plan,
to keep all our heads buried in the radio-active
toxic sands. Depleted uranium is measured
radio-active, and oxidizes to particles as small
as a tenth of a micron. Contains plutonium. All
is not lost to the indifference of American's
dying from ignorance championed. WHO Scientist:
Swine Flu Pandemic Was “Completely Exaggerated”.,
causing massive irreparable damage to our species
with injected toxics. To I believe it was
counted, one in five of America. There needs to
be a public moratorium on attempts at further
genocide, with an international public campaign
of sharing the known IMPORTANT science of these
fields remaining completely undefended, to know,
we have been wronged, seriously wronged here.


"Greece Considering Legal Action Against U.S. Bank"

On behalf of everyone here, YES GOD YES!!!


"'Al-Qaida terrorists may pose as Ethiopians to sneak into Israel'"

A satanic evil group of Nazi savages pretending to
be Jews while they murder our innocent loved
children.. Who would have though eh?


92% of Conservatives Believe Obama is a Socialist or a Marxist

SEE! ILLITERATES! Dumfuk enemies of Life who
can't be bothered to consult ever for facts, but
to only spew what they as Zombie Commies have
been trained to re-gurgitations. Floundering
further America into irrational lawlessness as
Hitler's Banker family minions. Freedom is
Justice. And a Bushite McCainiac just hates
that. They can't compete when free
communications are allotted for legitimate


/ / Four Icelandic Bankers Arrested, Warrant
Issued For Chairman; $2B Lawsuit Brought \ \


Cheerleaders! Cheerleaders! Cheerleaders!


Our Time Has Come

Because instead of siding to lock yourselves up
in prison as innocent persons denied a fair
trial, we could decide as a nation, to arrest the
kidnappers, and give them 9 to life behind bars
instead. Sound balanced fair? Of course it
does. What Law man would allow such a demon
whore to steal everyone's right to Liberty,
instead of demanding the arrest of those who are
currently enforcing such naked tyranny, because,
that's just not my America, I'm sorry, I just
won't let my America, my baby, my ride, to go
down that road any father, I've got an image to
protect. I'm a Human. I am just a Human. It's
a species you'd naturally be more familir with,
if clean water and a balanced diet was your
minding body concerned as I am about the toxins
put into ourselves by total quackery sold as top
TV products to the kids and elderly.

Generation.RX.2008.DVDRip - "Will we surrender,
or will we fight these medical dictates?, will we
embrace the truth, or succumb to the lies?"

I wanna hear from you.
nothing is imoveably set in stone here..

Cause life is good, and God is loved so awesomely
that you can't even barely imagine right Johnny,
but give this time. Time in your day to forward
this to another person as freely considering the
outcomes of Intelligence by design, our own.
Justice we prevail. Let's do this. Ladies, your
my goddesses, if you want we can capitalize,
Goddesses, which ever you so desire, throw the
notion out entirely if you prefer, you rule, and
men,. we're mostly acting like something we're
not. I'll start. I really can't like, fly fly.
Not like, actually take off like a bird or a
plane, least not yet, but everything, in a way,
is possible I do within reason believe. like, 1
plus 1 can equal 1 in a spirited discussion up
here among the stars when less is risking from
lack of understanding. And maybe the beer is a
little too, free flowing. That's like from
Johnny's graduating Master Class, near highest of
difficulty to comprehend as holding, but
freakishly absurd our imagination can conjour
when left to these devices of Plato. Plus, i
know some other wild and crazy stuff about not
being, of your self pondering as never separate
from existing timelessly as a conscious 'aspect'
to reality, that is of everything you've
ever\never been. (it's all private stuff from
then on out so, but yeah, anyway, anyone want to
sign up for a class about nothing? It is a
little pricey right now, cause I am in desperate
need of financing for our continuing survival, so
maybe later when all things are going better,
I'll be able to lower the price.. but anyway.
On second thought, maybe we could sue the entire
nation of Washington (Inc.) on behalf of Humanity
here? these have been extremely well documented war
crimes committed against The Peoples. God, and
everything, perhaps a lawyer or two could advise
US on effective winning strategies..?) Your go.

Let's work this out.
We have the tech you know.

/ / 300 billion euros of debt - what was that
money spent on? Certainly not, they say, on
public services or roads. The protestors have
the impression that politicians robbed the
country blind. \ \

AShh but, RBN and so on is blaming the poor
people though, because theys want a socialist
entitlement society where us Peoples are treated
fairly - so... who's right? Welfare mother to
blame, or trillioniare bankster gangster hustle?

Child RAPE Condoned by "Sexy" Rotten Rumsfeld
[enemy grunts don't kill him before anyone else]

Republicans for Rape [no, seriously]
[no, seriously]

See in America, they have no gripes about
bushites raping children, or gang raping American
women, or torturing innocent peoples to death.
Let's as Humanity give life terms to those who
walk free in America that gang rape American
Women from KBR along with those 30 Republicans,
or those that rape/torture children as CNN's
"Heroes", the bushite nazi grunters of the demon
evil antiChrist how about?

Bush and Cheney closed 911 police investigations.

Strange Days

O'Reilly and Dobbs agree: Arizona law is dandy

You know, Alex Jones has made all these "Police
State" is gonna get you and there is nothing you
can do about it movies, and yet, his position on
denying rights of born and bred innocent
Americans in a real lawless police state is..
ah.. never mind..

Justice is what I truly will, how about you? Too
complicated to care for the rights of any other
is your excuse? To whom? Again, Your country,
Your call, my voice, this world.

Fallujah Birth Defects Raise Specter Of
U.S. Chemical-Weapons Use In Iraq (VIDEO)

[depleted uranium is MEASURED radio-active]

Crimes against GOD, crimes against Life.


Don't want the facts?

The Republican TRAITORS all on the magic tv
telling American dimwits not to support wise
Justice for pirated America, should then earn
them life term prison sentences for naked
sedition escaping the Peenacker, what say You?

Justice to the war criminals of indiscriminate
warfare would better serve ourselves to halt for
our safety. The bushmob did 911.

1. The ISI's General, Mahmoud Ahmad funded 911's Atta

2. We have video of iron flowing like water from the towers

U.S. Resigns over Afghan War

"I have lost understanding of and confidence in
the strategic purposes of the United States'
presence in Afghanistan"

It's to rob America with pushing dope, raping
women, and dying as evil for a pipeline to
benefit Enron - all the while escaping the Neocon
Peenackers for high treason on 911. America is a
nation of Cowards.

"Al-Qaida calls on US Muslims to attack America"

But not to with glee, kill the bushite
nazi grunts for Christ? But not to stand
as men to demand the trial and execution
of Bush and Cheney for 911?

/ / Sens. John McCain and Joseph Lieberman on
Thursday [..] allow the U.S. military to detain
U.S. citizens without trial indefinitely in the
U.S. based on suspected activity. \ \

And remember, as many or more than 40 percent of
"American soldiers" are recruited from third
world military dictatorships. Mr. Bush's, most
closest, and bestest of friends. They torture,
they rape. They thieve, they bomb the innocent
as enemies of God and Man. Enemies of Freedom,
enemies of Justice. No evidence, person
innocent, but to a Tea Bagger, or Ron Paul, who
cares right?.

Massachusetts State Police Issue Death Sentence For Smoking Pot

/ / although ruled a homicide -- will not
be treated as a crime. \ \ Homicide is a crime.

As King, I would request that warrants for the
arrest of these bushite grunting "cops" for
murder be made, along with DA Jonathan Blodgett
as accessory, and upon likely quick easy
convictions, have them all publicly executed on
international television. Oh yeah. Death to the
bushite, death to the sworn enemies of both God
and freedom to live American. Justice for all.

The 72 Virgins Myth

Video: Israel Bans the Basics of Life for Everyone

Israeli Settlers Step Up Attacks on Churches


Clinton: Pakistan Officials ‘Harboring’ Bin Laden
Treason. but who cares for FACTS TV Amerika right?

"Ron Paul Explain Patriotism"

Don't demand Justice to defend your freedoms?
And you too can become a multi-millioniare like
Ron "I always failing" Paul. As long as you go
along quietly about rigging elections, stealing
pensions, conning teen soldiers to die without
causes but to rape and pillage.. yeah, you too
can go far by letting those who commit mass
murder in NYC escape un-punished like Ron Paul
OFFICIALLY does. What a crackpot he is, to not
support the arrest of Bush and Cheney for
officially closing 911 Police Investigations.
For not demanding the arrest of those that rigged
the election of which he won! 1441 ..but I guess
the American illiterate "Patriots", don't care
for those truths either.. (forbidden knowledge
on Alex Jones by the way..) mass murdering
millions without a complaint against lawlessness
is the NWOers claim to fame, as, 'no theys trying
a new way to communicate for accounting -
governing always bad!'. Where war criminals like
those who torture are tried judicailly, and
executed rightly in the interests of all parties
including the lovers of President Reagan, and
where banksters are made to give back the
TRILLIONS of dollars they have willfully
de-frauded ourselves, including Police man
pensions. Can't have that in the minds of these
NWOers, because it's apparently beyond their
comprehensions as evil doers treating ourselves
unfairly, so Ron Paul can co-op the Tea Parties
away from their initial goals of demanding
Justice for 911, into buying into his and Alex's
nonsenses about doing nothing productive with
Standing Law to save ourselves from further
plunders. Spreading division and hate against
poor welfare mothers, poor Mexicans, poor
homeowners, poor soldiers, and those who want
real leadership in honor of all that makes poor
America greater. Patriotism?


"6000 Veterans Commited Suicide Last Year"

No no no no. We have ending far more bushite
than that.. THINK: who wouldn't kill a bushite
to defend the next innocent child, or woman it
targets for gang rape or murder, all to celebrate
Bush and Cheney escaping America for 911 as
enriching the ungodly evil Zionist enemy forces
responsible for mass murder in NYC? Every
"lawless" bushite death is a gift to God, a gift
to America, a gift to all who love freedom by
Justice ruling Supreme. Truly.

Fox's Coulter: Liberals "always" root for Nazis.

Mr. Bush's grandfather was Hitler's banker, and
the bushite nazi grunts murdered millions,
MILLIONS! of innocent defenseless Peoples they
shot, or bombed at random with, "guess work" -
sadistic ungodly demon fuks who rape, torture,
steal from AMERICA to push more Heroin for life
term prison sentences meeted out against not the
bushite nazi culprits responsible

Back to the Front - The King of Earth Speaks Out

Brig.-Gen. J.C. Collin, commander of Land Force
Central Area, that they were being told "not to
interfere in incidents in which Afghan forces
were having sex with children." Bushite grunts
raping kids, and what does the American man have
to say? too cowardly to speak for the interests
of innocent victims? No to Women's Rights is
what these bushites war unjustly our Humanity to
rape as thieves further, pushing for life term
third strike felony ("felony" in the American Tea
Bagger Zombie Commie State means as little as
shoplifting, or being a paraplegic suffering in
chronic pain) prison sentences to American teens
who buy their heroin, LIFE TERM PRISON SENTENCES,
so, no wonder.. Bushite truly serve to deserve
death before they are allowed to murder again
another innocent person loved by God as Human
defended to the death by the True American
Patriot Warriors. Take it from me, Christ would
rip these bushites limb from limb to defend their
next targeted innocent child victims, but the
good folks wouldn't understand it as being a true
act of love for Life and God. DBD. The less
fearful President Reagan warrants Death for
torture in his War Crimes Act, and we as
Humanity, will go with that. It is the standing
Law of America after all, and reason rules
supremely greater, than the bushite amicakan nazi
fukhed that doesn't champion the arrest, trial
and executions of the private mercenary firms
Blackwater and Aegis (along naturally 911's Bush
and Cheney). They mass murder innocent people
for stolen money if you didn't already know
anything of military history. Always for ever
the bad guys, who war Life not for a just cause,
but as war mongering war criminals who openly
support lawless military dictatorships presently
in near every so named dictatorship of slavery.
Example: Blackwater pimps child rape, and, Eric
Prince, war criminal deserving of Death, admitted
to tape that he supports the dictatorship of
Royal Dutch Shell over all the Peoples of
Nigeria, and wars those innocent Peoples for
stolen revenues today he openly claimed. Do you
care? Why do Americans own guns? He admits that
the bushite nazi grunts in Evil Florida, allow
him to call in Nazi air strikes against anyone he
wishes, then went on to tell, how he and his gay
faggot friend murdered that chap who had thrown
his shoe at war criminal Bush. That is called
murder in these here parts, and it is for that
crime alone, I ask all men who carry guns to
demand his formal arrest with torturer Cofer
Black as war criminals taking us all out for a
hangin', now, before he measures another Soul
with just as much distain he does to the millions
and millions of INNOCENT Nigerians.. Apaprently
he with Aegis doesn't like us Niggers, and would
rather see them all enslaved or just made dead if
he has anything to say about who he wills to
murder next as disciple of the demon Antichrist.
TYRANNY. Bushite Nazi Grunts Said, "I DON'T
CARE.", and now, not surprising, they is dead
without sound principle as was dying cowardly to
'lawlessly' escape Bush and Cheney for the naked
treasons of 9/11 as it was. Still don’t care for
anyone corporate TV American? Your call, your
country, my voice, this world.

you care to remain silent still?

Dying for Lies is the Silence of a Coward

The Birth of the Tea Parties


/ / On the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party -
Saturday December 16th, there will be a mock
shredding of the 9/11 Commission Report in
Lafayette Park in Washington, DC from 11am-12pm. \ \

The People's Tea Party - THE REAL DEAL


"Tea Party Woodstock Slated for 9/11 Anniversary"

Grayson: You Own [only the liabilities of] The Red Roof Inn

KBR [un-arrested gang rapists of American women] to Get No-Bid Army

"fertilizer and fireworks coupled to two alarm clocks"

They were not coupled, and besides, why does this
story never change? Because it was a drill
designed to MASS MURDER AMERICANS in Time Square,
(like 7/7) but a Patriot existed, and swapped the
real bomb with this enemy bushite are as dumb as
they are evil TV terra pro nonsense.

"US Threatens Pakistan Over Times Square Bomb"


/ / International Monetary Fund had just pledged
120 billion Euros to avoid a debt default in Greece. \ \

Okay, so but why would Greece decide to go
massively FURTHER into debt?

Rollingstone.com - Wall Street's Bailout Hustle

/ / Goldman Sachs and other big banks aren't just
pocketing the trillions we gave them to rescue
the economy - they're re-creating the conditions
for another crash \ \

Just a reminder to all the cops out there that
care: these actions of Goldman Sachs et al. are
highly criminal. in likely more than fifty ways.
We have a situation, that Americans refuse to
humble themselves to wise men or women speaking,
because we make them out to be what they truly
are. Moronic imbeciles. So, they'd rather kill
themselves with poisons granted by their silences
in food and vaccines, sending their sons and
daughters to DIE for the escape of Bush and
Cheney, attacking all our innocent Humanity to
thieve further from, before accepting to allow a
man or woman like Johnny to speak for open
debate, Coast to Coast to remedy this problem to
the best of our abilities. No, we suffer for
retard demon witch LIAR Palin, we suffer for
demon enemy traitor Neoconner George Noory. We
suffer for seriously delusional Alex Jones, and
extreme right wingers like Ron 'I'm a failure
always' Paul who doesn't witness crimes anywhere
here as a mutli millionaire. Not 911, not Iraq,
not banking, not earmarking.

Ten Ways Christians Tend to Fail at Being Christian

Tea Baggers VS The Patriots


For Those Who Don't Believe

"Lieberman to Propose Citizenship-Stripping Law"

Jesus man, what does any one, absolutely anyone
have to do, to insure this monster of pure demon
evil is publicly charged with blatant sedition?

Treason by Members of the United States Congress

Remember American in your continuing silence
against the Neocon. A Zionist will murder
innocent Americans like they do to Christians in
Palestine for more charitable aid from yourself.
Do you care for yet another innocent victim due
your cowardly evil Nazi silence on this issue?
Support my call to have Publicly arrested every
member of AIPAC for high treason, along with Bush
and Cheney for Obstruction on 9/11. It is a
charge that will stick. Nazi Israeli broke the
truce to get innocent Jews murdered for money.
They freely admit to targeting helpless innocent
Christian children for mass murder with white
phosphorus - FREELY. Satanic enemies of GOD and
Man. And in Lebanon, they attacked the Jewish
communities as first strike targets. They
murtder innocent Jews deliberately for money as
ungodly evil Nazis. Support our rise to popular

The IMF is a criminal
body of terrorists threatening the livelihood of
every single last one of US. Shouldn't they be
arrested for something like that, and who is
going to be doing the arresting? Justice is what
we will - no evidence person innocent - bushite
are scumbags who lie cheat and steal ourselves
from a better deal.. THEY CAN'T COMPETE! Johnny
for NEW! Coast to Coast International radio
host, vote early, and vote often..

Eight Health Care Lobbyists
For Each Member Of Congress

A little more. 4,525. Now, each is making near
a $200,000.00 salary to bribe Republicans and a
few of them Dems. So, 4,525 times 200,000.00
equals: $905,000,000. Now each con, is paying
out at least [..]


they’ve been trailing him for SIX YEARS!!!!!!! (NY Times)

'The suspect has a Masters Degree, but can't tie his shoe laces?'

RE: “Times Square Eyewitness: Bomb Scare Looked Like Drill”

/ / Despite the fact that people were being told to
leave McDonalds, police did not stop anyone from entering
the theatre next door. In addition, the staff at McDonalds
were not told to leave and remained in the restaurant. \ \


Mitt Romney Calls Emergency Rooms "Entirely Free Care"

Now..see? Corporate Amerika refuses to correct
ourselves. Like they don't for Sarah demon witch
liar Palin. This is a LIE sold by Ron Paul also,
and remember, cultists of Alex Jones, are trained
not to question anything Ron Paul has ever said
since before early childhood, because that way
you wouldn't be a Patriot. For anyone that does
criticize Ron, or the fact that the Tea Party has
no stand but to lower taxes for banksters, and
torture the innocent to death to escape Bush and
Cheney for closing 911 Police Investigations
means we're cointelpro.

Mr. Bush the War Criminal Antichrist
"we don't need any evidence"

The Peoples
"yeah, we do."

Americans refuse to humble themselves to
wise men or women speaking, because we make
them out to be what they truly are. Moronic

failed car bombing -
Neocon Zionists attempted Mass Murder in America

/ / Given that Revolution Muslim is a hoax website pretending to be
Muslim extremists but actually created and run by Joseph Cohen, and
given that the now discredited claim of a Pakistan Taliban group
taking credit for the bombing attempt came from another Israeli
propaganda operation run by the daughter of an executed Israeli spy, I
think we can safely guess who staged this fizzled bombing attempt, and
more to the point, who was supposed to be framed for it. \ \

Zionists Target the Poor of Gaza by Attacking Their Charities

War criminal actions of those truly Satanic.
Enemies of Jews, enemies of Christ, enemies
of God. Do you care as ungodly American TV

Obama is doing
exactly what the Tea Baggers want as programmed
Zombies. Getting the government out of heath care,
and handing it over to the private insurance
companies.. that always know best without thought
to the Zombie Commies. Like their magic man, big
wig wall street Bankers - as - America's will
sacrificed criminally to cocky crookery.

U.S. still needs to apologize [for mass murder]

No, the bushite nazi grunts need to be executed
for their war crimes against God, their crimes
against our Humanity.

[Interesting FACTOID: During WWII, any grunt
found looting, would be formally charged for
execution, as that was the rules of engagement
with the enemy forces. Bushite Third Infantry
Commander, Bushite Saudi Wahbbi Buford Blount,
was caught having thieving expeditions under his
watch go un-punished, while letting Qaqaa, Iraq's
largest weapons depot, get looted too for the
insurance of lawlessness to continue against the
dying as American Patriot. Why? Because the
nazis who torture, rape and pillage are the bad
guys here always, that's why.]

/ / The Obama administration said Tuesday it
would provide more information to Congress about
the Fort Hood shootings but continued to defy a
subpoena request for witness statements and other
documents. \ \ Is this not treason? Why would
one not wish the truth in such matters muted as
spoken in front of the cowardly dying bushite
nazi grunts giving their teen lives for the
escape of those who committed 911?

Without Justice demanded as freedom defended, the
war criminals wager our lives for criminal gains.


America's continuing curse of following ignorance
instead of the science well known must not go on
if we want to survive further.



Trading the G Man's gateway Ritalin, shoplifting
meth products, or stealing a bread stick, smoking
weed to be gleed, or being a paraplegic seeking
pain remedy, can get the any average American,
ten to twenty five in the big house, while
Mueller's "FBI" including Rush Limbaugh and
FOXSNEWS forbids ourselves to publicly commit a
pursuit by probable cause as on, who is shipping
the heroin to imprison any or all Americans
further without questioning? The Oscar winning
bushite grunters. Grunters of which some are
recruited from popular bushmobbster third world
dictatorships to become lawless Amerikan "cops"
who agree bombing Iraqis indiscriminately to mass
murder WITHOUT CAUSE as war criminals makes them
FOX "Heroes" to the Sheep and or Chickens.

The Financial Crisis: A look behind the wizard’s curtain


Evil Angry Tea Party Conservative assaults interviewer
because he's wiser than himself as a blind demon enemy

/ / If you want no taxes, control over womens
wombs, you will have to move to China. \ \

Obama Lied: Taliban Did Not Refuse to Hand Over Bin Laden

We are dealing with some serious liars here,
who'll lie to America to get killed teen soldiers
for more stolen money.

WTC 7 "about to blow up"

/ / General McChrystal’s command have finally
admitted that Special Operations units killed
three innocent Afghan women, two of them
pregnant, \ \

Kill a bushite for Christ, kill a bushite for
America - just kill a bushite and save the lives
of innocent folks they target as Satanic enemies
of Life. Die bushite die.

Failure to Communicate

/ / the first official police state in the
country for immigrants. \ \

No, it's the third worlder military police, who
war to escape gang rapists of American women
along with Karl Rove and the Peenackers, who as
EVIL "cops" in Arizona that can barely speak
english, can now ask ANY American for their
proper papers, and if not complete in THEIR
minds, and on hand, they'll escape executions for
taking you in without probable cause for no
crime, and maybe torture You or your loved ones
to death, "legally".

Failure to Communicate

Extortion is against the Law in America. Let's
start there.. back on Sept. 18th 2008. Either
we pay them without question, or come Monday
morning, they would run the country into the
ground. Bailed JP Morgan had more than a
trillion dollars in capital, through out the
entire so labeled "Crisis". Surprising to most
however, is that banksters do not actually cover
our loans, we do. As Extortionists, they
illegally took all our trillions of dollars for
'free' as private individuals. Stupidly. Crazy
man crazy. It's a good thing we're here.

The Golden Rule - A Man Takes a Stand


'Derivatives Reform: More Than 1,500 [CRIMINAL]
Lobbyist And Bankers Swarm Agriculture Committee'



/ / Pentagon is out to destroy the site after a
series of exposés, notably the US rules of
engagement for Iraq \ \

I order all to kill a bushite to save the
innocent lives they intentionally target as Nazi
Zioonist murderers, murderers who have no concern
for the downfall of Freedom in America, or of the
MILLIONS of innocent Peoples they have already
murdered. Grunts who speak nothing for the
trillions stolen by the banksters from America as
left undefended. Death to the bushite, death to
the enemies of God and Man. Bushite grunts are
ordered by the Generals to murder any innocent
victims they want as Satanic liars, for CNN, CBC,
and FOXNEWS with George Noory, the enemies, will
not ever allow the "rules" to be spoken, if they
can help it. Example: Bushite nazi grunts are
told, they can shoot dead any innocent child, as
long as they claim the child was running from
gunfire or a bomb placed by the bushite nazi
grunter. Life will insure every last bushite
breathing is put to death for their crimes
against You, their crimes against God. I can not
live any other way. I can not live knowing these
nazi grunts who would atract children with candy,
then blow them up with explosives, will walk dead
American streets called Heroes for DEMON LIAR
Sean Hannity, Heroes for TRAITOR Glenn Beck,
Heroes on the UFC, heroes on the movie screens.
"Hurt Locker" won an oscar for the grunts who
murdered millions of innocent defenseless
innocent folks - a Satanic EVIL movie that
doesn't even acknowledge the NEEDLESS war has no
cause - but for to capitalize on the evil nation
trying to escape bush and cheney for 911.
Sattler ordered the nazi grunts to murder 300,000
un-armed innocent peoples in Fallujah, and the
grunts refused to rightly kill Sattler on sight
as any real man would. Now, hunt for the bushite
for this who offers his liar's "excuse" and shoot
him dead for Christ. You do that, to defend the
war criminal grunts next innocent victim. You
kill the bushite for your love of family. You
kill the bushite for your love of Liberty. You
kill the bushite because it's an ENEMY with only
a hate for Justice, a hatred for God and
Humanity, our God and Humanity who truly wills
the public trials and executions of the traitor
Neocon Zionist Peenackers responsible for 9/11,
7/7, and so on..

Donkey, Horse and Cat in Israeli Jail

/ / where the mentally ill zionists reign supreme. \ \


/ / An Israeli journalist who went into hiding
after writing a series of reports showing
lawbreaking approved by Israeli army commanders
faces a lengthy jail term for espionage if caught \ \

Alcohol ban after BUSHITE MCCAINIAC staff were
'too hungover' to explain airstrike that murdered
many many innocent God Loved Peoples

"Germany has insisted the killings were appropriate"

"Germany" said no such thing, but death to the NAZI
who has PIRATED the German Peoples to spew such lies.

Gaza villages Wiped off the map by Truce
Breaker Amerikan TeaBagging Zionist Nazis

/ / The? Gazans are the original Jews. The
Israelis are mainly converts from places like
Georgia. \ \ remember: Nazi Israel targeted
children diliberately, along with 239 Police
Officers they allege were innocent Peoples loved
by God.

Palin: Obama Will Win Again If He Backs Israel and Bombs Iran

Palin is a demon whore of Satan.

Mossad threatens death against all reporters for telling truth

“The very notion of presenting information to
the Israeli public alone is taken as an intention
to hurt [criminal] national security.”

TV America - Where The People Don't Count

TV America, the nation who pays more for
less to die as silent crime victim to the commie
con men absent logic - trillions and millions of
homes sacrificed to call the bushite nazi grunts
escaping the neocon labeled, "Heroes"


/ / Members of Congress and their families are
blessed with their very own gold-plated,
taxpayer-financed, Washington-run health care
system. \ \

Oh for Pete's sake.. Republicans give themselves
"Socialized" Canadian like, "Socialist" Health
care, but not for the suckers who pay more for
less to die as losers to the commie con men
absent my logic. If this system is good enough
for Obama and the Repuglicons and Ron Paul, why
isn't it good enough for blinded as lost in
indifference American dumfuks? Good question.

Veterans say Bushite have been covering up widespread civilian
killings in Iraq

Remember: under Sattler, bushite nazi grunts murdered
more than 300,000 innocent persons in Fallujah. Propagandists
aside. Bushite deserve to die before allowed to harm again,
our Brothers in Arms. It is the bushite who wars for rape
in Afghanistan, and in Iraq by not gunning for child rapist
Blackwater and Co.. It is the bushite who bombs our cities
indiscriminately, for the only objective to get killed
illiterate Amerikan teens sent in later to "war" for lost
stability. They bomb people with "guess work" if you didn't
know, as sexually dysfunctional sadomasochists. Bushites
actually proudly sing a song about killing innocent kids,
then falsely blaming the Father for the ungodly offense -
"Haji Girl". No reason the bushite offered for bombing Samara
either, but later a LIE from Allawi. Allawi, who then ordered,
for the record, no shit, that American grunts would kill any
doctor or nurse that tried to save the life of a baby, or old
lady who might have survived, the house, to every house mass
killings of EVERY family from Fallujah. Nazis deserve to die,
and they deserve to die today. Die bushite die. Death to the
cowardly bushite liars who'll say anything dishonorably in lie
to deny this fact: that Bush and Cheney immediately closed
outstanding police investigations, designed since the dawn
of man, to nab the TRUE guilty parties. Death to the bushite
murderous traitors to the good old, red, white, and blue.


/ / What's the big deal? \ \

Obama can MURDER innocent Amnericans willfully in
my/your/our names?, and demon whore of Satan, Sarah
'the retard' Palin can't speak on innocent Americans
being murdered by her 'who cares for the facts'
tyranical enemy state? No she likes that as demon
whore, like when she gets excited about grunts
murdering helpless little children as targeted in
South Ossetia to make her look rich on cable TV.
"no provocation" Demon Evil.
While Obama, is a foolish little dweeb as sinister
war criminal, if he thinks no Patriots exist anywhere
in this Universe, to go silent like dumfuker Tea
Baggers on this issue of his attempting first
degree murders in our presence.

/ / Sens. John McCain and Joseph Lieberman on Thursday
[..] allow the U.S. military to detain U.S. citizens
without trial indefinitely in the U.S. based on
suspected activity. \ \

Don't Get Excited

/ / Sen. John Cornyn wants everyone to calm down
about a Supreme Court decision that would allow
corporation to pour an unlimited amount of cash
into campaign advertisements \ \

This demon, who SUPPORTS gang raping American
women, is hypnoing Amerika here. Understand FOX
news does not campaign for his formal execution
as Nazi traitor, instead, to tell, hey don't get
excited. It just your neighbor's wife, your
neighbor's daughter, and who cares for them then
if you can make a killing like Repuglicon and
Demonrats on FOX do too?

U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker “A citizen may
not gain standing by claiming a right to have the
government follow the law,

But then, that would be a citizen in government
being a for sure criminal. Un-American. So, a
standing among whom? Criminal Judges? The Law
is the Law. America is America. Obama "No one
is above the Law." It's a criminal in government
pretending he's a man of Law, denying the
protections we've officially granted ourselves.
Then, on top of everything else, the case is
about 'law enforcement' not following probable
cause! Why is it so many Judges in America, like
in the American Supreme Court, know so very
little of what Justice is for? What Freedom is
as defended? As Liberty protected? Judge Vaughn
Walker needs be fired as minimally incompetent,
or, further, an accessory to REAL CRIMES after
the fact. Or, do cowardly Americans in silence,
just want to be robbed and left for dead now, as
their Womens gang raped by 'richer' non-citizen
bribed Republicans? Officially left undefended
by American Law? Believe my friend, this is some
serious words to go unchallenged by everyone
familiar with being cheated. Your dimes, your
call. Or is it just your neighbor?, and who
cares for them then if you can make a killing
like Repuglicon and Demonrats on FOX do too?

Children tortured before parents, raped, all covered up

Every Bushite death is a mercy on our souls so
says the Son to God as Man of Men.

Millions of anti-terror cash spent on luxury London flats for police

Bush 'we don't need any evidence, we know he's guilty'

Does that sound American?

The bushite do not war our worlds to defend
freedom, but to kill all that is good, all that
is just, and all that is loved.

Do you really need the Bible, and the Messiah to
come down here to tell you how Satanic as evil a
Zionist enemy of the Jew really is? They murder
our spouses, they murder our children, not
accidentally, but on purpose, to steal our lands,
to steal our money, then tell us all, it wasn't
their fault as the truce breaker (dying Jews),
but our own for trusting they were honorable.

THE STATE IS GOD (Die Evil Bushite Nazi Fuk Die)

George W. Bush 'knew Guantánamo prisoners were innocent'

BlackWater mercenaries slaughtering unarmed civilians

AEGIS is who this is, and the guy pulling the
trigger is an actual convicted war criminal from
South Africa who was left off a rightful death
sentence. Nic at CNN reported that not only was he
not fired (doing work for Rumssfeld's P2OG), but
he got a bonus! Imagine, these first degree mass
murderers are paid more than a thousand dollars a
day by taxed Americans led by Republican Tea Bagging
Demonrats to desecrate Elvis, who forbid Justice
from ruling where gang rapist FOXSNEWS Americans
guilty of torture and mass murder, are hunted in
the streets for glorious Public execution by the Law
of these here Lands, fair and square. No, instead,
AEGIS, these "Heroic" "Brave" "American Patriot
Warriors" of lawless EVIL can continue to kill
innocent Peoples for Amerikan values. DYC?

CHILD KIDNAPPERS Dynacorp is "policing" for CPS

Die bushite die the Son to God will for always say
rightly in defense of Liberty as Justice for all.

"Confirmed: Obama authorizes assassination of U.S. citizen"

This warrants death.


Timothy Geithner is a Sniveling Scamster


Gaza 2009 - We Will Never Forget

Any American tax payer who would support these
targeted mass murders of innocent Christian
children, deserves to die to defend our innocent

Ron Paul Warns of Social Unrest and Martial Law

"Ron Paul: Chaos in The Streets and Poverty Coming To the USA"

"police" work isn't inherently bad. To believe
Ron Paul is to believe no one has ever been
rightly put in prison for a crime they were
for sure guilty of.

Jeeze Ron, what about Justice winning? Never
heard such a concept expressed down there in
Washington? Crimes Ron, massive cons of fraud,
rape, mass murder through contempt for
constitutional freedom. People who faith in
everything whoever is, understand: 911 police
investigations were closed by Bush and Cheney,
two guys that Ron formally doesn't support the
arrest of for treason on that unanswered question
either. Is he still a good man opening the door
for ladies, well sure. So maybe you say, Bush is
the archetype antichrist, and Ron's just too
fearful of evil personified.. okay, but then how
about Sachs for selling frauds?, then gambling on
that Securities fraud with yet other Shorts
fraud, then through the FIVE bailouts of AIG, be
paid off again again and again for like frauds of
the TARP funds. EXTORTION - banksters don't cover
our loans! we do.. Goldman Sachs didn't even do
commercial banking!, until the bailouts were
announced I read.. This isn't suppose to be
funny anymore.

"US says it may kill Americans abroad"

That would be murder, and no you may not.

Ghouliannie "You can't describe something as a
terrorist attack, if it hasn't been investigated."


Signatories to Hoyer-Cantor Letter Reaffirming the U.S.-Israel

These TRAITOR war criminals need all arresting

Ghouliannie "You can't describe something as a
terrorist attack, if it hasn't been investigated."

Senator Graham on Humanity's Pre-911 Mentality

"These trials should not occur in New York, or
any other American city, to do so, is to ignore
we are at war"

Yeah, at war with the naked traitor Senator
Lindsey. Bush and Cheney stopped 911 Police
investigations. How can anyone like Senator
Lindsey determine someone's guilt or innocence,
if evidence is no longer required under the evil
enemy bushite's irrational arguments that make
zero sense, but to the ACTUAL TERRORISTS theys is
attempting to for sure escape?

Let US all know, being Satanic in of itself is
not a crime, it is in the denial of the rights of
others, when legal challenges come into play to
equitably defend ourselves rightly in God's name
all would proclaim - fairly. Atheists included.

Now nightmarishly, torturers are
called heroes in a Bush Bitch FOXSNEWS ungodly
nation of 'whore yeh' grunters. Bush whores who
bomb defenseless innocent families at church
services for pushing dope to plunder America,
Heroes at the UFC, all done to sacrifice America
for the Neocon Peenacker Zionists without
broadcasted objection. Without objection. A
FOXSNEWS falling nation that has, still on the
books in the War Crimes Act ushered by The GREAT
Reagan; a warrant of death.. for such atrocities
- to the NAZI grunts responsible (Blackwater's
Cofer Black for instance) for their demonic
sadistic lies in error to victimize the innocent
in our stolen as forsaken good names escaping
further, the for sure ungodly evil doers. We
can't be defeated on this, nor can anyone else
who has the skill to simply speak such truths as
Power - of which the illiterate bushite detests
as less than human, for they as the typical
corporate American, hold the wise man or woman in
distain. For example, look at what a guy like
Alex Jones says about super wise man as plain
speaker of truths Kuccinich, almost worthy Grayson,
or about Socialists, or what is not said about
webofdebt.com by Ellen Brown, or the most read
historian Noam on Media really mattering, or Nazi
Israeli, or ENEMY of LIFE Liar Limbaugh? Is
Limbaugh here proudly defending the rights of the
innocent no matter where they call home? as your
distant blood brothers and sisters he would see
robbed to die crime victims as unworthy a concern
to our big struggle? For escape of the 911
culprits? Despite corporate America's refusal to
attempt any belief of such wonder in our 'shared'
actuality - our real relationship to the unbound
Universe of imaginations by wording the facts on
where we are being taken, and how far we are
willing to sacrifice for Amerikan war criminals
to get there is not spoken as we would. See, a
war criminal is when as Sarah demon whore of
Satan imposes her demon lying to MASS MURDER more
with the "no opinion" TV Pros., who near NEVER
correct a bushite nazi grunter intentionally
lying to kill off more innocent Americans to
escape the Zionist Neocon Peenackers for 911
(Mitt 'Saddam wouldn't let the inspectors in',
Bush 'bin Laden did 911', Sean Hannity 'Iran says
the holocaust never happened', fluoride, mercury,
VLTs, and the near difficult for everyone to
understand simplicity, of unjust private banking
without Johnny Justice - because it is truly so
shockingly simple - and NWOers like doubtable
controversy as a hidden factor of evil genius, a
genius only they can truly phathom as shadowy
groups of shadowy people without anything but
claimed suspision without evidence for a crime to
be found accounting for, with, "Bush, he's just a
puppet". Frankly, it's truly dumb I'm sorry to
offend, but you guys are mostly a bunch of evil
dumb asses you are, you just are. So is the Why
of Whys: Americans don't want to look dumb,
(like newspapers don't on Fluoride) so to hell
with poisoned to pay dying America - for they's
got to look great by not seeming anything but.
Understand, when Antichrist George Walker Bush
told US, 'we don't need any evidence', it wasn't
because he was lost without cause, it was because
he knew, KNEW! with his and Condi's made "TOP
SECRET" Presidential war crime plan to invade
Afghanistan, it was required of himself to not
seek himself, as responsible for closing police
investigations to escape the death sentence for
high treason as 911, with Cheney and company.
George Walker Bush is retarded yes, but a smart
retarded.,. who still believes he will escape my
America with the NWOers in tow for mass murder on
911 with Condi, Cheney, and Rumsfeld with Myers.
I think so buddy what.

Stories Of Those Who Died Because They Didn't Have Health Insurance


'More than 250 Congress members declare commitment
to 'unbreakable' U.S.-Israel bond'

NAZI Israel broke the truce on Nov 4th to kill
inocent Jews for money.

The King of the Jews is True Red White and Blue

The King Has Risen In Comic Book Fictions

Vets, families, states’ law enforcement: Prosecute US govt. for murder
in unlawful, lying US wars

Full El Al flight took off on 9/11 from JFK to Tel Aviv

Remember, without any Police services allowed to
pursue the bad guys, they will continue to
escape. I ask loyal Americans to support my
demands for the arrest, trial and execution for
treason, Bush, Cheney, and George Noory. Noory
knows this minimally, yet, will broadcast to Alex
Jones' face, that bin Laden did 911, without any
complaint. An enemy who propagandizes for the
Bush regime on Afghanistan, Iraq, and so on to
KILL any as all Americans for the neocon's
continuing escape. (Loose Change has never been
ever allowed on for challenge, while Bigfoot is
sold as something the audience is only interested
in, as dying our precious times). A. Jones
religiously supports the sales of political
Parties as THE ONLY solution, instead of the much
more powerful position of principles, and doesn't
support this open public knowledge as critical to
defend all our mutual interests. Too fearful of
wiser men and women he is to defend his hyper
inflated ego 'above' everyone else is, as, to
hell with America. He's got to look good at all
costs as infallible. One Example of many:
McCain never won the rigged election he directly
forbids ALL the important knowledge of as
principle. He'll let all Americans die, before
the truth be told. Peggy. (Me, I'm an asshole -
sometimes - and when found in error, am pleased
for the new insight on my true greatness) Alex is
not a champion of freedom, who dismisses Bush a
puppet who personally told US, "we don't need any
evidence". I call dummy Bush the Antichrist for
good reason completely absent to form ANY
conclusions whatsoever on guilt, while proceeding
to murder as America has done, millions and
millions of completely innocent Human beings with
naked, blatant war crimes of rape and torture
with private mercenaries, in nations to this day,
being robbed of everything for furthering the
Bushite Grunter's lawless tyranny of ungodliness.
Obstruction. Plus, Alex Jones claims I am
completely unworthy cointelpro as a true defender
of the faith. 1+1=2 (the consequences of his
blanket bigotry). You decide whether you are
worthy the rights to be respected as the innocent
until proven otherwise. Demand true just actions
be taken to defend ourselves as falling innocent
victims. Not to blame the NWO for our criminal
loses, but the highly suspect actual criminals.

"FBI seized FAA records concerning the events of 9/11"

Mueller did. The true enemy of Liberty in America.


unusual position?

"The effort to win over Afghans on former Taliban
turf in Marja has put American and NATO
commanders in the unusual position of arguing
against opium eradication."

/ / Opium is the main livelihood of 60 to 70
percent of the farmers in Marja, which was seized
from Taliban rebels in a major offensive last
month. American Marines occupying the area are
under orders to leave the farmers’ fields alone. \ \

The Taliban are religious fundamentalists. These
demon bushite enemy lies, are lies to push more
heroin onto American streets, to attack American
children. To life imprison addicts for the glory
of the bushite nazi grunts who hate God, truth,
and freedom. DFBD. See? The Taliban don't as
never could sell heroin, for that would be in
opposition to Allah's will. And the Taliban
stand as a groups of Patriotic armed men together
committed to kill rightly for Christ the bushite
nazi grunter illiterates who hate wise words
spoken against their ungodly dumfukker tyranny of
indiscriminate deaths and suffering.

The tyranny of censorship is what stops our free
words that speak for Justice securing our dying
freedoms. Send this as your concern also why
don't you fight back to defend?



Interview With Radical
Activist 'Splitting The Sky'

Man, does that newspaper look incredible or what?
I'd buy that, and likely support it's sponsors I
tell you that right now. .. Maybe I should give
up on my dreams to become a big time radio host,
and shoot for writing?

Hey. As to this selection of a jury. All needs
done for Justice winning, is to ask, who did 911?
Anything else but the facts, makes them wrong.
We are power, we are win.

(example: to say, 'bin Laden did it', is not to
form opinion based on substantiated fact, but a
blind hatred for Law, a blind hatred for Just
cause as freedom, a blind hatred for wisdom, a
blind hatred for GOD and Humanity. General Ahmad
funded Atta, ENEMY Bush IS GUILTY of obstruction.
Ergo, not quailfied to judge. Typical dying as
ungodly Amerikan alined with the TRUE demon
Antichrist enemy of this Universe. When the
bushite Nazi Amerikan Zombie dies, we all win by
saving freedom as the lives of the Innocent.)


Afghanistan Enacts Law That Gives War Criminals Blanket Immunity

This is not the action of a Muslim country, but
of those Satanic

/ / The Knesset voted yesterday in favor of
Israel Beitenu’s "Nakba Bill", which authorizes
the finance minister to hold funds from
institutions or groups who question the nature of
Israel as a Jewish state \ \

SEE? Demon enemies of God and man, who can only
lie to cheat for stealing in darkness as the true
enemy to every living soul here.

60 Minutes: CIA Official Reveals Bush, Cheney, Rice Were Told Iraq Had

"Jewish Chronicle editor says extra-judicial murder is kosher"

This is why GOD calls the free to be Zionist

Iraq inquiry hears defiant Blair say: I'd do it again

What? Have millions of innocent peoples mass
murdered for no good reason? Millions without
regret is not a conclusion we should ever forget.
The Iraq war had no cause. You Mr. Tony Blair
are a war criminal - you get the Great British
People killed to serve your criminal intent.
Intent to rob, to rape, to murder. Bad news. A
war criminal who knew what he was doing was
wrong, and went ahead, and did it anyway. Can't
catch him for 7/7 with Peter Power either? We
need leadership in the direction of getting our
own world wide live broadcast systems of views
that defend the innocent from plunder by war
mongers. It's US against those guilty of leaving
the innocent forsaken if it means more stolen
gains for Satan. Let the Truth prevail as
Justice for all sides. Atheists included.

From years after the fact still demanding Justice now:

Huh? "at last been disarmed..." ? How does he figure?
The equation hasn't changed. Example: The same
unaccounted anthrax, (that was disintegrated into ash),
still is not able to be measured as completely accounted
for, (never could be), but this bushwhoring war crime
apologist, tells US, it was only though the lawless
murder of our good friends and family for countless
generations, that he now attests without reason, or
evidence, to find Iraq in "fact" disarmed of it's still
nowhere to be found, weapons of mass destruction. (An
irrational reason he pronounced previous in corporately
broacasted public support of instigating heinous war
crimes against our humanity under the leadership skills
of the evil lying Mr. Bush Jr..)



Sanders Speech Before Bernanke Confirmation Vote

Trillions. Trillions of dollars.


"Moody's Tells U.S: Cut Spending Or Pay Higher Interest"

/ / Would that be Moody's, the same rating agency
that certified big steaming piles of mortgage
manure as Triple AAA-rated securities and
collapsed the international economy? \ \




Ghouliannie, Just a Crazy Dumb Evil Bastard


"You can't describe something as a terrorist
attack, if it hasn't been investigated."

People were warned to step back from WTC7,
because the pre-planted explosives were going to
be taking it down momentarily. Then, it happened
just as they planned it. Remarkable? So much
so, that international news networks reported it
falling just before it starting falling. Who on
Earth could possibly dispute such? but a bushite
liar on Fox News, a zionist thief on CNN, an
ungodly war mongering enemy to Life laughing
it up with George Noory, warring YOU for the
further escape of the neocon peenacker highjackers.

Ghouliannie is Great in His Crazy Dumb Evil
Bastard Way though eh?

We bailed out criminals who have walked
away with trillions, who have still left us
with empty vaults. No credit given

the search for what happened on 9/11 isn't over

"Once you get to the science, it's indisputable."

Israeli Nazis Broke Truce to kill Innocent Jews for Money

/ / Operation Double Challenge on Nov. 4. Double Challenge
was an IDF incursion into Gaza that left six Palestinians
dead, ending months of calm; because the operation came
only a day of the U.S. presidential elections, it
vanished without a trace in the U.S. media. Paul
Woodward explains that the ceasefire was, in fact,
functioning quite well until the Israelis broke it
on Nov. 4; only after the IDF raid did the number of
rocket attacks increase. \ \


1/3rd of Women in US Military Raped


Johnny's World Wide Works of Wonder


"House Rejects Bid to End Afghan War"

/ / rejecting a measure that would have compelled
U.S. armed forces to leave the country within 30
days. \ \

/ / But 356 congress members, including 189 Democrats
and 167 Republicans voted to keep the war going. \ \

Real traitors.


"Republican Makes Deal With Dodd To Protect Predatory Payday Lenders"

It is a crime to steal untold billions from

Donald Rumsfeld Faces Suit Over Torturing Whistle Blowers

Surprising some,
this too is a crime in America under standing strong
law, ushered by Reagan, among many others.


Book: Cheney pushed for armed conflict with Russian in 2008

This explains the demon whore of Satan retard
Sarah Palin LYING to America, in support of
murdering those countless innocent families in
South Ossetia by Saakasvilli's war crime actions.

Bushite Nazi Grunter Excusing the Murder of Children

Bushite Nazi Grunter “There’s no doubt that there were insurgents
there, and there may well have been an insurgent leader in the house,
but that doesn’t justify executing eight children who were all
enrolled in local schools,”

No doubt what? That the Term Taliban means
Student in Arabic? And that a leader of 10 year
old Taliban are called school teachers in the
western world? Again, it was bushite who figured
they had an excuse to murder some innocent
children. Someone over there should look into
it, for these enemies of Life, are Satanic
enemies of Christ. They'll gang rape American
women, and Americans will "vote" for more of it,
without near anyone phoning George Noory, the
demon enemy, and complaining about his lack of
care, or respect for Americans falling further
victims with his laughter and chuckles. Bush and
Cheney closed 911 Police investigations. He
doesn't care, but, do you?

What Are Banks Doing with Their Depositors' Money?