50cc scooter/moped for sale $375
(too old to reply)
Dave Rasmussen
2006-04-15 03:57:37 UTC
For a picture of a too tall guy on a scooter see:
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2003 Taishan TS50QT-5 2 stroke with seperate oil 50cc scooter
electric start (it's not realiable - I kick start it)
It looks very similar mechanically to a yamaha razz, or I think
that's the model I saw on campus and blinked when I saw it.

Gets 100ish mpg. Would do better for someone who doesn't become a
sail on it as tall as I am.

I have 1000km (600 miles) on it.

Can deliver near milwaukee or near I94 between here and St Paul
if you can wait til the next time I go to visit family.
2006-04-29 01:21:00 UTC
Would you take $200 for the scooter?


Post by Dave Rasmussen
2003 Taishan TS50QT-5 2 stroke with seperate oil 50cc scooter
electric start (it's not realiable - I kick start it)
It looks very similar mechanically to a yamaha razz, or I think
that's the model I saw on campus and blinked when I saw it.
Gets 100ish mpg. Would do better for someone who doesn't become a
sail on it as tall as I am.
I have 1000km (600 miles) on it.
Can deliver near milwaukee or near I94 between here and St Paul
if you can wait til the next time I go to visit family.
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